The Signal, 1931-9-10, Page 2AMIMRIMInmismnin
GODialeal C
Nisaler 04a0Ali Weekil New,-
papers ansociation
Published every Thursday morn
price $2.00 =Mt per nag dvonce.
-if Early Days
Istaresersi law, of Vowels
0411. John Illoo-
11Mbsclida of arOtieria
. e Tel orae 33 : Goderieb. Ont.' • Following le Wither Interesting er-
owatessesisolossw., w w . setter anni-lilemaget Melo whit* amMarad in a recent issue
'"'""""eterW sjItie Toronto 'Peters= glens, route
Thursday, September , Ittory of the vessels sailed by the late
- ------ Cope slobs Maelgosald et auderkih.
ova scounsm
Lest anyone should Obis this column, ANNIE AGNES -
let U8 explain that the editor is away EXPLORER
this we on the first holiday he has FLORENCE
taken in over seven years. With good JOHN G. KOLFAGE
luck, he will be on the job again next AZOV
week. • • •
These are the Mx sailers. lame and
U. S. TARIFF SENTIMENT sinalt, of which Capt John Macdon-
(New York Times) aid, of Goderich, was master.
Tell it not to Washington, whisper The list commerical with the yacht
it sot to Seamier Smoot, but the high Alarm uitkuown to Toronto yachta-
tariff in the United States has never men of thta century, but remembered
been more unpopular with Americana by those of last. She was once owned
than it Is today. Many are blaming by Mears. Hagerty and Graaett-who
it, no doubt unfairly, as the sole and 1 were *too shareholders in many Toron-
sufficient cause of our business to tradino whooners lo the brave days
troubles, but no impartial Verson is of old.
beard re gay a good word for it. Th. 1 The Alarm was built at Goderkch
thousand or more ecosonests who in JAZ for the tete M. P. Hare*. Bea -
warned president Hoover in advance forth lumber merchant and ship
that the Hawley -Smoot tariff would owner. Johu leacdosald, sailor
prove to be a gametic blunder have Hayes lumber carriers, was alsosail-
eeeseseeelem'ellow only- ler Debit -to Mreenter- neollsanterin"Mr."Mlw.ees!"71tetil"' 17110=
show that they were true prophets. erich still remembers how he fitted
Creduloum Republicans wbo thought the her out and took her to Detroit, with
tariff would work In a magical way a crew of °Week+ isisys-oll old men
wards owned by Wright and Wallace'1"•'4'i"s-
af 1414041jet tt:11111r. 41111FY Farmer
of Port Hope, and salted by Capt.
Charles Wakety, sr.
The Annexation- was a thorough ,
Crabb, before emitrebgeng came late
er." llk.ia Iteee for C O„ 1 TUrtliekhed by the Ontario Department of Agriculture
IMMO ItAle MI the tiellot !skeet. SW
weer one a the tail "etilading keelere"
tiederich yar, 4_ ask town for
sailors: a yet. hills for a
landfall. A snug port at their feet.
The town quare laid out like a com-
pass rope. with the courthouse in
the centre, howered in trees', smart
diet. on eat% of the eight sarr000ld-
log sides anti--eleps; rodiatina dint
ways to the• roue cardinels and four
half cardbaalro.aorth. south. sant
west: north-eamr. mouth -west. south-
east, north-west. The Intersections
Make trisected'. demanding good navt
!ration if homeward bound after
teeming hours. Goderieh rune to the
°flagon and multiplesu of eight. Only
last week the oetagetuirlans of God-
erieh had a celebration: and lively
lads they were too. those eighty -year
yonag MOB.
It Is a big shipping port yet for
grain and salt. It ham huge eoncrete
elevators. topped by the high hill -
sib's. The sail trade is all done now.
nave for • few able little fishing boats
with auxiliary power. Them" tame figh-
boats commemorate John Maedonald.
They are built and sailed by his .on.
to restore pnwperity -are angrily ask -
tog where Mono beakits are with+ they
were .promieed. Public sentiment in
this country may ehange later, hut at
the moment it is fully as much op-
posed to high tariffs, and as ready to
see them 111Wered or itholished. am it 1.
In Europe.
• • •
After some years in the Florenee,
with sturdy boys getting to the age
whirrs* they eould pull on • rope. and
little daughters becoming useful at
home. John Maedonald invested all giving grape, was proved popular every -
his savings in a schooner of his own. where it was seut. The growers have
tItet8e zn*-.lohn-re-..Kollago-hulttexteuded frLnXAtFAnt_ th
In Amherettsurg in IWO: email and seamen the crop is ample to meet aH
not newhut feet. She was ellpppy. demands. Only the lin.”.t grapes silt
bowed and two -masted: seventy-eleht be exported from the Peninsula and
feet on deck. twenty feet beam. and govertnnent-superviaed packing will as-
sure the purchaeer of • high qual-
ity product. lo addition to wine- tadded greatly to farm wealth.
making. grapes are used for delle-' -The g4.1111111 seetion with the title
outs jelly and for making grape juice. 'Timm Is Wealth*KA forth the idea
a Very popular drink. that though money may be ecarce.
A nation-wide adverti•itag campaign the farmer still has ae lunch time as
to niove this bumper ••rop le !wing ever. and shows how time tuay he util-
gponsored by the Ontario Growers' Inell to the hest advantage by the use
Market Condeil. the Department of of labor.eaving devieen.
Trade mml Commeree. and the 1 *AMA& The third eretimi under the title
(Toronto Star Weekly) chimps! her to Yawl TheY 1.O TIWY Ile to be good sailormen: fian Horticultural Council. "E‘ery 'Beauty Is Wealth' pereents the fart
An Then- Of" news in the English lengthened her: sod velftled-her-imand-- von .wt11 not find better flehers -tes,theehet- wf grew...shipped ovit*ble ut. hat while-Ittrat folk* null MIT, 40Bae
government of the good thhica of city Life. they
ream NhOUld not be allowed to escape mmhelY throughout. tween COrt` Island and the River Province will be subject to
The light hooey crop in smtarlo
has Dually turoed out to be touch Less
then wita estimated and it is doubt-
ful now whether tbe total crop will
reach two-thirds of the normal figure.
Seed Prestige% Keeelleed
The pewee% Ovet.* steal Med year
la very good. A 'tan crOp Of WWI;
IllUte than sufficient to meet a heavy of lautern elides which may be se -
home demand, 6-1ooliiarfar; there WM cured by agetellIterll and nortIrtn-
he aufficleot 'sweet clover aud euough tura! orsanisations, schools, woruen'y
algae to supply the domestic demaud itustitutes. churchu. ete. without rental
though little left over for export; some
timothy and probably a big crop of
domestic red clover. Second growth
delta, from which the bulk of the
shape, unueuallY clean end blooming
seed crop la taken, are in excellent
abut/daintily. With a bigger duty on ail
clover and alfalfa this year, farzuers
are taking more interest in saving seed.
Freak Gramme en Market
The largest grape crop in Niagara
Peninsula history, estimated to be
worth 111,730,000, is nom ready for har- farmers to make uauch money, still
resting. For several years the winer- there is real wealth in the farms of
ies have required the bulk of the Outariu.
grape crop fur wine -making purposes, The exhibit cenobite of three sec -
but recently the prodneers have catered none, whit+ are wetted under the
to a Freeing market to different part* title Farm Wealth. The drat section
of Canada, and the appetising health- entitled 'Food Is Wealth.' illustrates
the fact that much of the food used
by the farmer's family is obtained
reon-tbe term._ seasLeven-bane
tinges cannot affeet the, euppli. I
11110 cells attenion to the fart that the
College has produced anti has given
to the farmers of the Province mane
high produciug varieties of crops which
be replaeed ; the brokeu lateh, the de-
tached hinge and broken door shoule
be looked aftbr. While them are *mall
things their neglect for a year or two
narked a slipobud stable and this
is the Mark of the carries* dairyman.
•Tbe rarap
'ItIWI, -1111 BOW" a number' Or sets
charge. The subjects illustrated are:
Howe Beautification, New Varieties of
Cereals, Selection of Live Stock. Poul-
try Husbandry, and Field Huobandry.
Thee. slider are proving very popular
wherever used and spleudld attend -
*wee are reported.
An Interesting Exhibit
The 1) A. C. extilbit •1 the C. N. E.
prevents lu a graphic way the ides
that, although the ',cement worldwide
depression renders It ImpoesIbile for
now. If .-allm=anti cleaned up the aeven feet deep in the hold- regatered
American ebassPilse• Joh& Used"- eighte-fmir • tone measurement. hut
ald went with lb. Alarm when she cored earry over 200: white bulwarks
migrated to lake Ontario. and hlark below: so quick In 'stays it
It was LL -Col. H. J. Grasett, BMW' was hard tn get her hevoldieetn pinned
tat7 of the Royal Caoadian Yacht down In time.
Club and later Chief Constabie of tvith the Kolfsge he 111,1 well.
Toronto, who.. with Meows. Anderson carrying 5relin and salt and lumber.
with Itlx bor. to help hlm Rod -
/11111 -Nix,- and "Alter- end "Berth,:
and FLAW. Whitt the. Alarm. She
AN ITEM OF NEWS •! had been -.schemer rigged. They
Criclis Restaurant
IceCrcom •
West Sale of Square, Gedirido
Excelled Comsat Forms aad
Geed Gravel Gradiig Mackin
wriio Telephone ur alisa Ua
Tskplieses: GesledzialR!13;
Gatos MOM •
R. R. No. I, Geduld'.
Resideace at Porter's Hill
e note of certain newspapers and Heeled to a certain angle. In smooth se 1111
thnn those boys working
persons in Canada who contend that 1 water the Alarm would develop gild- out of Goderich today. with their
nobody in tills eeentry- miteold-;e41 den burstt which amazed beholder'. rupwr.hnwed power wits. Th. nu
_ gereeeins sragoa_magAssr. imsthing-i She created 8 gelblat* Oann toy lead- schooner Intinenee Is minified in broad.
inspection to insure grade and quality miry. by a little effort and with almost
and tbe whole mom ern Is- marketed no expenditure of cash. have beautiful I
through a meleeted Iler of Ailment Limiters, xurromindings that would t* The
Martin's Clothes
They're here -the new fall Battings sad Overcastings in
the new shades and exclusive patterns. '
-SPECIAL CEDES manna *ON $24.00 TO MAS -
. and Overcoats dry-Aga:lad and prom& tar
We do altering sad repairing •
Frank H. Martin -
Phonelbusoitine Th, TAILOR and HATTER
brokers and agent+. throng!, whom the ve of illy people. •
from wk. whfrir linOlan 'seeder Tor hill the whet° neer 10 .5 ernrerrig rite!
-are grapee
ten million dollars worth of agricuto Niagara. when all
l- tlw betting hid" and fienreheadscrowning the knee of soreirTse 'the Market Connell. will he
tural implements could have been, been on ii„ witch mei, ...met be tie- the atem---11 girl'a head and a Pair a plowed before the public.- says t'harles
booked in Canada -two thirds of the ibind thenet-haat boat In. lishem. tirade and mternm are mine W. Bauer. secretary:. Erery haeltet of
pay to be In gold in the bank Kiel thee painted. !schooner fashion. One boat le wept% going through this channel
• tr__ • :
other third in the form of anthracite' The Alarm was not long lived. She, the Margaret Miredonsitt. The prher: will Ivatain special insole and buyers -1
-'-'-ios-whieh We do net predttee In raw-i-Wita, add.. and- broken up In. the 'SOO._ lbo_Marea.. of Goderich, named eftyi will be aireept thew* as eertl-
ada-there waft outcry against it. So 1M
Maleolas - Redfora-imad--Maleoho ae- i &Wel' a reutilte or Mi.: ere7olx
lint long before that John Siliao
the ten million dollar order Was I fuel left her. Saving hi* tuoney and &meld sod their brothel% are known to I hired for wile.
booked in the United Statue. Those! watching his chance he returned to jevery water toter on Like -Boron. I
people in Ss t. Thomawho aaw a 11•Igieriell. 1,1111diug t le s_ .
. • • • I Beitl.h 1.1ve Stork Market .
long trainload of farm implements; Annie Agnes. tNIP Of the old-time .
Tiehn Maislensidei big name. came ' Tlie British market ha. been a
going through that city from the 1 mackinaws, and naming her lifter hi* when the aellooner Amor. long a pro- ...turf... of considerable strength. to
l'nited Steel, l'' R""ala Tanked after -I -wife. .k little thing. pod .weet---- and ,fitabie carrier on Lake Ontario. name the Canadian live rattle Inilliptry (tw-
it somewhat wistfully. -- - own. Seeond in the granite scroll' on. the market. There will he more ; Ing the preeent year and every effert
officially declarNi thrum! to trade with From the open ltd boat he stepped , ahould be made to follow the good ad -
Canada 1. almost alone in her *Imre ma gre"' 111 ""derieh nc'w• Omni- the Azov next week.
Rusin,. Britain. me t!sired atates, to the quarterdeck of the hundred
ton schooner Exptorer. at the thus,
when be WILK owned by the late
Judge Lewis. of Goderich. She killed
-tire ethers;-oue off Tobermory and one
omr-the-Orowiteek Shoals. Stokes RAM
Her story Is luridly tangled with su-
spicions of scuttling. switched esrgoes.
and drowned men.
It le hard to get it straight. at.thia
gistauce, ftfty years afterwards. 0114.
tate le the she was reported lost on
Shingle Shoalm by her master, but
wag afterwards found on the Green-
Odt Wel with spars above water
and her cilw frown Is the rigging.
She was wipponed to have n valuable
cargo of whiskey; but when Harry
Jex, the Port Huron diver, bought the
wreck two years later and went te
salvage it be was said to have found.,
nothing but railroad iron -and what
looked like augur holes In her bottOut.
That is one version. Another ia
that when she capeized off the Tuba
of Tobermory and drowned her crew
her then owner -who wag not, of
course, the late Judge Lewis -was
-iinsPeetied-Of -having had her raided
with a false cargo and to have
senttied her for the insurance. But
(10poor man was found drowned
himself -ticeordlne to one *tont. In ging run German. Gertnan teen"-
her cithin, aceording to another %
in ,,B
1 antle flyer. landed at Ha
t Port rrl.
the lake --/40 that ahonitt (40111.1.biM. son. after 'Malting the finillown trip
All the legentle cannot be true. from Germany. Both the German and
for they are self-contradietory. If
anyone ean give the "tnie mw
It would he very welcome.
Germany. France are mill carrying on
a profitable trade with that eountrY,
although withholding. as a rule. COM.
political recognition of the Sortrt
government. But carrying on trade
quite another matter and melting 10Russia that which abe can par_ foe
right on the nail ls, moat partienierly,
another matter.
1-sleel4f:h1-41=t=.4.40.1111aSSaime of aur
newmpaperm .04 people ought to he
called in to the effect that Fla Royal
- Highnees the Prinee Wales 1*
ported ta_hare sold two thorough
Shorthorn bulls to the Bonet govern-
ment of Rtumela. Thee* bulls premum -
ably were sold from one of the Prince's
English estates and not from his ranch
near High River In Alberta. Jumt
witotoemplieationa would -arise if POMP
pedigreed stork from that ranch were
aold to ono Stalin of MOacow7
DONNYBROOK, Sept. 13.---Iblettet-
Wry services of Donnybrook United
church will be held on Sunday. Sep-
tember 20. at 2.30 and' 7.30 o'dock.
key. P. Banes, a former pastor, will
be the minister for the day.
Mr. and Mr*. 411,4ff Dow, Mr. and
Mrs. John Jefferwon and family. of
Munro, visited friends here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Moran. of -De-
troit. vatted the tatter's parente, Mr.
and Mrs'. M. Murphy, over the week-
hire rhritrtens Jefferson npent the
week -end at buterhIlron.
The Y. P. R. Intend holding a weiner
roast next Friday evening in Mr. Geo.
Wallaef001 ETOOP.
Mr. and Mrs. Jame% Craig visited 111
Toronto at the week -end:
The ladle's of the 'United elmnreb-imeld-
a scrubbing bee at the Mirth -en
Thurniay of last -week.
MI= AND 0014.1CNON
Detroit Flyers TeIFO-Ithello right te
•ice contained In the followinx mem-
age from the Agricultural Produets
Repreeentative for Canada to Great
Britain: "Cottle market,' weaker; our
beet hope le strict selection for type
or quality ot all weights; eithar-fata
Treaiiite Sop
Indian hand -hooked
Rare, Pictures,
Pillow and
The re-openinsu f the Goderich
Planing -Mill on Cambria-Ro
We have purchased the mill formerly known at
Buchanan's and will conduct a Retail Lumber
Yard. Mr. George Westbr)ok, who is well
known in Goderich. will be general manager. A
large stock of Lumber. Doors. Interior Finish.
Lime, Gyproc and Cement always on hand. Let
us quote you on your requirements.
11100.1LS-vapeloSo $ for 31.410
_ or storea....LASetbing else_ efile_11141*.
Sudbury-. ept. 4.-raie has again erentlY. Lower prleve likely?' Pp
intervened to • frustrnie efforts to blaze to the pre•ent time the type and
an alr-mall route stripes the top of quality o the eattle shipped to Oreat
the world, and Edwin I.. Preston,
pilot, and Hobert L. Collignon. radio
oPenterliek*OPM ,X•ifklave1384,
bury today' on their return trip to
Detroit. They were forced to relin-
quish, temporarily. their trans-ArctIc
hop, due to unfavorable weither con-
ditions. After waiting five dope at
Port Harrison. on the east *here of
Hudsion Bay. for a dense fog to lift.
they received radio orders to return
home. They expect to reonme their
effort. to ,fty tram Detroit to CODA-
hagen in January. The refueled here
today, and will take off for Detroit
tomorrow morning.
Dreary days- were xpent In the
Barron Lando waiting for the fog to
lift. For ...three dap' they were with- of produce or forfeit a penalty
sent unppll.iw. except black tea and equal to 50 tents a barrel. The Ai-
blowelitx. end ehlil Arctie nights added anelation will i8eUe WO share,' of MO
to their diseomliture A break in the each. The Oxford County Fruit Co -
monotony wax when Captain Wolf- operative Co. Ltd. is now ready for
Mathew' with headquarter,' at Wand-
otork. The Company Premix to handle
12.000 harfOle of applee tltla 'einem.
The Government ha. ateitured the Com
nv a grant of $7150 to (natal! tbe
plant and get' -Thettnsiness
Cleanup Thar
With harvemtIng And threehing lin•
imbed. It 1. not too early to 'tart pro-
paration for the winter If the atsble
Is not given its annual cleanup now.
It may he neglected altogether. The
minimtim attention 'should include
"weeping the ceilings and wails. wrap -
Mg the floors and mangers" and then
thoroeghly white -washing everything
in might. Lime is a great eleaneing
agent. *nd at It. beet when !WOW
hot with a "praying maehine. There
are alwAre mid john thet slobild be
altAnded to before the, mar,' nre sitebled
for the winter. The panem that lace
heon broken teem the windows glinted
Britain ve made an exeellent repo- M
tation and have been more in line I.
%Ardis/Lettish requirements' than at any .7,
other time in the Itiatory of our export II
- NOM Central Marketers
-A-Central packing and grad(
elation has been organised by apple
producers' in Elgin county The Pro- .
vineisi Government will AMMO* the Sli
venture to the extent or I1730, provid•
ing that ten groweve video combined mi
acreage of 200 screp Au be sectored. gm
Aecording to the tenni' of the bylaw,' itg
the AseociatIon will take the growers' is
entire crop and diepose of ft. The
grower intuit hind hinixelf to disprwe
G. Westbrook, Fred. C. Kalbfleisch,
- Manager • Proprietor
Phone 388
• • • • II NMI IN WON XII MEI • IN 11111 WWII • 111,111WIMI • • • SW •
• • •
It 444.111P1 tO be extablished, how-
ever, that the Explorer drowned two
crows, one perishing on board of her.
when she rolled over. the other dying
of exposure In her rigging when ghe
stranded In an autumn gale.
Capt. Macdonald WRP the Explorer's
master In between her two tregedles.
He had good luck with her. So much
so (hitt he was given command of the
Florence. a full eanal-shied "brig"
thrtgantinei 'with double topeall and
NILE ' topmillanteali. She had been built in nothing greeted the eye but barn
- - ---- Kinmeton or Peel Buwl Burwell. a-waii. ..0.0„.....ther required a _twig;
. emote' by M. P. flayex, who hail owned
and were unable to locate one. No
NILE, Sept. 9. -The Girls' Guild So- the Alarm. Ile was twelve years in
birds, • treen. animals . or bumble -bees
clety of Nile United church will hold the Florence altogether. wen. visible" Collie/ion remarked
their Septemiwr meeting at thir;11011M John NInedonald nailed the Plot--
ilhthltlY• Neither one appeared to be
_ of Silso Ethel Tabb. on Tweeds!. BA- 0414•010 the grain and lumber trede, l'
a-reeked' hy the northern--tsip ar -thefr
telpher ritii. when the wharves of Goderich would
Visitors at the hln
oe.of Mr. and Mrh• LOP lined with "for-'n'tre
ifte.e ,.reree. hardellipe
It, Wile an interenting eight." h
---geifeed s -oh 404.0`44.7W-Bek4214 Wetre' 'n' "barques," ant, "lift " "
_ ulkt "iu twe-the HeAseu--1.44
American planet' refueled when tfm
lIndson "Bay ateamer T wove arrived
In the small port. The German plane
had only enough gesoltne for five
minutes' flying when it landed, with-
out even circling the pert.
In their efforts to 'secure photo-
graphs of the North, Preston aud
Collignon hopped out over the Hudson
Bay, and OD one of three tries were
forced down. Their plane wag almost
wrecked in the rough mess. but they
finally managed to bring the machine
tOwafety. The weather was eold, and
coated the poutoons with ice. It was
truly the Barren Londe, they mild, for
Wes Emma Snell and Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Daniel and two'children, Florehee
and Gordon, a Toronto,
The Y. P. S. held their meeting en litinle•r hookera. and (indent+ wag It-
- -.' Wednesday evening of last week In the great pint. The "barque' Maitland wee
, . Cburch nemement. The Vits-preeideht. built there And the E. IlV. Rathbun
-Harvey Mi•I'llee, had charge of the ; Wag iplit there on the breakwater.
wonting. Interesting pepers were....teen I- lier Inoteranetoharl run mit at noon (lint
by Kathleen W1Illam4 and Staniey-Me- day, She WWI leaf at night.
Grattan. Mr. Harold Squire wmi) ' There was the Lilly Taney. owned
elected prAldent to succeed Mkt 1ext,a ley...Disney end Marlton. hnilt by Dent'?
Table. Who ts attending the ColleelatelMailton.• In 1e541, who hunt the Sten- Vreether was tenfavorabir for northern
lrare mboth korer to e-
l Inxtitute at Goderieh. ley and the Tecumseh Ind other God-
cartoad from this circuit attended ' pftpt rissevete. stir; no„,,,,i otter tempt the hop emiln svhen the whe
. '
A ethalt:, They
- flee l'reeleptorp-ameting held. at Ethel je w441--kaawn sittp-ostowr's daughter. f...__ . _.-
on 'Ilieriday of this week. The mpeaker Marlton Milit the Stanley two years
was Dr. Oliver, modorritor of the I earIb-r, and- the TeetseMant in. 1802.. Thirine tlte Mining of a etelkle"
romiely. the director wlmtuvl to get the
effect of water being poured out of a
pand Mot wasn't 11. And they tried dropt
The anend teehniclan wn. ronsillted
T . '
hey tried dried pea. on oiled aper.1
barrel on to mome hoards.
ping drevermakerre pin. on a taut *mare
of milk, and that warn't it.
Finally a onet fellow. who was 1
"viltiria OsikatF•i" wlailhirAfiiii16-61 ghtitle. fliWitiffiedini"ja'Watftr'41OWtid-Wpt a itit5prelt
7.....shat o danteanlmilt •
intone/Jot Boiderow
' Fratre, pend the rad Annex:Hine, it
loading eqinire timber nr boa Of
shingles. tanlbark and stave*: Lake
Huron NA. a great highway for the
come In *Ph I year's malt and Ap-
ollo.' almard." j
• "F,verynne flocked to the boat. It
wax 'a remelnr holltInV We were in.,
BO glad ai the native. to nee It. too,
for we weer ,alt of Niel."
They loft 'toper, Ilimae this morn -'
Ing nt 7.45; and landed twee abont
11.10. They cotild tint give an, reason
for their recall. exeept that tho
Ili United ehoreh 1 Tbe letter wa.i one of -his riot work!.
M. Mr. owl Mrs. Wm. Snell, of booties- in swhonner of 245 eine regleter III
$1 -boro, rialted Mr. WIMP% brother, Mr. ; fort, on. leek,* 20 feet 4 Melee,' hoes,
4 Tames Snell, On Tueaday of this week. nnd In feet deem In the hold. She Wa
* litr. and tint (*hooter Stevens and OW, Mg to poi, bhp W,11„,1 e,,,I, 1"
JNOM Whet Steven.. of London, and her des.: too wide for the lock*. tit,
Mr. and Mrs. John Steven', of Winni- thourel titer will BM* take A OPORei
peg, visited.on Monday at'the home of of eighty foot Anti Vanevery anti
_Mir cousin. Mr. t'. $tewart. _
- _J.-teem-1mm- ; Romhall owned her an+, several other
ROW Dalt your wife leerier] , 10
eiresse.volf~e..--: .
What keeps her so fresh! -
WRIGLEY'S. She knows that if
you keep your mouth fresh. Oou
feel fresh. The pure, cool Aavor
of WRIGLEY'S Chewing Gum
refreehee the mouth
Woe can.
Great Showing of New Fall Millinery and
__Sweaters at_Great Savw
Smart models in the new tilted mode. All designs in favored tricornea, bowlers X
and brim styles. Four hundred Hats to choose from in small, medium and large ,1
head sizes. Black, brown and green colors. Priced to 7
sell at ,. . I
4156411"4"6'7774 Ectra Vvmrse
▪ l 172"64-'
Bee dozen Lichee' quajity_Feki!„ AR designs in the mo_detn mode and $1.29 •
finished with feather trims. PrkM for week -end selling at •
---S'ee Our Display of Sweaters •
With cooler weather at hand you will want a Sweater. Here you will find a III
great range a Sweaters offerad,acprices-vaiithi:.----
Men's all -wool Sweater coats. "The working man's ; r
3U X
Mer;o4sew neck alL.wOOlpulleier Sweaters with crest. Sizes 34, 36,. $1.39 111
38 and
Boys' crew neck all -wool pullover Sweaters. Sizes 26, 28 and 30....
$1.00 II
. Boys' Jacquard all -wool "V" neck -Sweaters.
-, Sizes 26 .28 Ond 32.... t
,1' . ,....,--.-:••-•,• . • • V A .Z9 a
Ladies' all -wool Sweaters. ;Fancy patterns. Sizes 28 to 36......:.,„ .
t .
$1 19 :
. . Of Interest to the Ladies. a
Have -you met Empress Eugenie ? t Meel her at :
_.-.=Sieersot; • &today_-z±mi .•..2.-._ : ___
• • -maw,- Ai-sosissiiiirsciaTirccortotairrmatror-ver.-:n,..:,N110,M14.1
eat isiattelts'