The Signal, 1931-9-3, Page 7Am nigio e M all Meas, Shy or thigh PBONEB : Store 120 Res, 21T ' OODtRICM ; J. R. wheeler Irsasral �Vm aid All calla promptly attended to day or night AMBCLANCR BR*VICE PHONES Blain 33D Deenlde,ee 366w Hamilton Street, ()Worlds eIp lad Choice Mock of Out Flowers always on land, ready for any atemele Wedding Flowers,FloralWork, etc. —All on short motive-- GEO. S1'EWART FLORIST Televiseee 106 Ilea« Serest . __s r- HLRN S SHOE STORE ORE The season's newest in Running Shoes Sport Shoes hite kid and linen Li6T US SUPPLY YOU W. Hern Plume 43w Coal and Wood Genuine Hard Stove Coal Chestnut Coal Pea Coal Coke Pocahontas (2 by 4 ANI) I (1.solpw 011[ want• in any of tail a tfidl. Prompt service and reasonable prices. RI ... - Tailrilolss Wet OWerieh Water Rates Water services in arrears will be CUT OFF without further notice unites arrears are pWeoo or before GODERICH WATER AND LIGHT - COMMISSION Span's FOR Choice Qiality Groceries, Fruits, Vei*etaMes, Lark - `4" Batter, Eggs, Meat, Flour, Shortening, etc. THE R1. --T OF it FRYTHING, SPECIAL PRICES We invite yon to Cali in and in- s -sect our clean wholesome stack Frigidaire-equipped for y(tur protection Silverwood's Ice Cream PHONE 146 — Sparr s GROCERY ---�a•Atrtu�t .d�ilgtipij" I1sath« 8t.e-4oderich WE fQJV[1l M TOWN • THE SIGNAL leafy and Distric!j • $Ma* & Ildhatyse. of Brussels', has'_ Beall • ttiriishead priscllpnt of Thamesford esatlaation school. WWlsw McMichael her been ap- pointed bullla at Wingham, filling the vacewy crested by the resignation of George Pblppea. John C. Kelly. wlw was receatiy ap- ;rented postmaster at Windaoe,.II • 1eutortb old boy, the einem len- Mrs. it. Kelly of that town. --- • The (Leath of Mrs. Thomas Flynn. of Exeter, occurred Aetsut 2111t, In ter seventy-third year. Besides her hus- band. three sons and three daughters survive. Charles Howey, who has beets organ- ist In Northside United church. Sea - forth. the last six years. is taking a position as organist In Calvary Bap- tist chtrch. Brantford. The only change in the Lucknow school staff this term Is tbat Miss R. Amy Yourex. B.A., of Dundalk, fills the vacancy caused by the resienatloa 01.111 los McNeadrtes- Che-ken thieves are operating In the aostbern part of the county. A few nights ago 1:10 young chickens were retried oft trees the farm of Garnet Jacobi. Parr Ilse. neer Zurich. • Col. R. R. Hays. Miss Miry Hays. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cluff and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duncan ot Sestorth re- turned last wank from a two months' trip to Britain and the Continent. Jean Alberta. a fourteen -year-old girl of St. Marys. was seriously in- jured by diving into shallow water at Grand Band. Both arms and the right leg are paralysed am a result of spinal injury. Oniopgaowers In the Hensel' district ■re harvesting the heaviest crop grown In the district for a number of year Although the price is low this year the crop 1* no great that the growers wUl !fare handsome atom* The marriage took place at Toronto on Augnat 13th. of Mary Helen. young- est daughter of T. C. Rogerson and the tate airs. Rogerson of Blyth. to Ilsiirerfi Mortimer, second son of F. A. Stiff and the late Mex. Stiff of Toronto. An old resident of Turnt. rrr town - Alsip. Mra. Andrea • Mitchell- ps -_ away on Sunday in her eights-. seventi rear. She was horn in Scotland. hat had lived In Turnherry for seventy eight years. Four MOS and four dangle. Two Clinton Collegiate student., bare won scholarships avvegeed by the 1'n- trer.fly of Western Ontario. Miss DorotlbX for won the tuition eehotAr- shlp. which Is woetb IM a year for two veers. and Mina Margaret I.lum- steel won a aeholarship In English. A reunion of the Carter familr. wendants of Thomas Carter. who came 9, Canada from F.ngland -..vents-fir rears nen. was hell In Queen's Park. Stratford, recently. Members gather- ed from Clinton. lieaforth. Londesboro. Relgrare and Holm/ovine. thlrL,v-eight partnership with the [ate W. W. Par - ran. He was the firat etas Is' Clintm. and probably the first In Huron county, to owu au automobile. Unhook, with Firm A large barn, a driving rhea) and a poultry house, the property of Alfred Marian, ridding one „mI1e oortZ til Blyth, were deaatrsyed by ire on Feb der. Threshers were at work at the farm during the atteitioai and the men bad beau In to supper for only a few minutes when the blase was diseovered. Tbla tire was the third Mr. Machan has had In the last three years. He form- eril !raided In Hull(tt township, and two barna were burped on his farm there before be moved to for Blyth district about a year ago. G A pretty wedding took ace at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Job King, 10th cuneewiou of Grey toweabip, on Ifat- urday, August 151h, wbea their daugh- ter, Edytbe Luella. was united la mar- riage to Williams John Howard Grain- ger, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Grainger, list concession of Grey. The eeressone was performed by Rev. C. E. Taylor of Ethel. After a motor trip to Ottawa, Montreal *ad Three Rivera, returning by way of Kingston and the Thousand Islands, the young couple will make their home in Detroit. A L'd.tse Family The Taylor brothers, formerly of Clinton, are a remarkable septette in that they wake an unbroken family whore ager aggregate 490 years. Their wives also are all living. The -brothers are Jyseph and Jacob of Toronto, Wil- liam of Chicago, Israel and S. L of s London, John of Hamilton and Stepben of Mluue•dosa, Man. Recently they all ' met at the house of S. L. Taylor In London and the following day came to ..+•Otintea to peee. 444 suquatat.n. and to gather at the graveside of their patents, Mr. and Mra, William Taylor, who died thirty years ago- • 7tnK1t tfiw �+.ak 01. Elliott of Brurarls uarruwl)- es- ranks and five horses. taped death MI Thurslal• night When Malty changes have taken place In large gravel truek which he was twenty' years. Training reached Its vT Nlifip(r1-i1lrw me ditch, tore peak-Tn-w.g:tlmt at 1,nnttem. Rivet-etrq, through a wire truce. snapping off toukr arras of e•ouowy. even t'arlings several parts. and finally overturned iu Heights is deserted except by the per - field on the farm of Me-ot'I . The insistent militia. Ha17 [Lr anywhere o. mishap occurred on the Lucknow-Wing- the cennmlttee Whose names appear nus haw road on the sharp cneve at.tbe et- the banquet folder of 1911 have passed trainee 1.' %%Ingham. Mt' *Mott was on to soother vamping -ground. Itudud- thrown headlong from truth Mayor M. G. Cameron is but (creeped with laminar bruises Hes - of Northumbeprland. ('ot cote. The gasoline In the truck ignited t[e land the machine. which belonged to R. I (afterward lieueral i Hodgle.. died in Brewer of Ftltel. was practicallg�•ik (lttnwa a few months ago. A genera - , The lord Ir entered try IIT'iatlou has arisen at district H. V whist e sagtele, probably knows little about the Huron 1 -nk-Whigham Car's Wild Career o'aml'slte, and, haled. has no oe.sslon harry Tlwwpwn of Winghaw, who at present to consider It. Rut with an - with his wife and family has been other turn of the wheel. the hustle may summering at fort Elgin, cranked his e'er to the tore again. The area eau i GODERICH, ONT. Rte: t i, Chip of 1911 Writer R.00aate ♦dvabtagas of (ieibriott eta for Military IlhYOittsTss The following article from a recent Issue of The Woodstock Sentinel -Re- view is undoubtedly trelIFlHl-r-pee ot gin chin,-iv',bief, MrElliott formerly 01' tioderlcb, who reruns a interesting event of twenty years ago The Perth Regiment --or a pa thereof—concludes this evening three-day camp on the shore of Lak Huron, south of Goderich, almitar >a its arrangements to that of the Ox ford Rifles at Port Dover, with a pro- gram of drill, sports and servke oa Sunday. The event brings to mind that a tract of land aloug the lake across the River Maitland from God- erieb, was treed In at least one year for the annual training camp of this military district, and the town had strong bopes of persuading the militia department to make the site perma- nent. In June, 1911, probably it was that London district militia unite eamprd on the Aminproperty. At any rate, on June 27 of that year a banquet was tendered by Gederkh citizens' to Lieut. - Col. W. E. Bodging and staff and of- te•eri commanding the units In camp. A copy of the mesa'-ee 3eresie - has come to the surface at the moment. The rover presented the statement that "(:oderlch excels ereo Petawawa in the great natural advantages it possesses for military training." Another page contained a map of the ares, :100 acre*, with "unsurpassed facilities for caval- ry, artillery and Infantry manoeuvres, and a site for rifle ranges and artillery pr etice .• unit Diad in the Province of Ontario." Elsewhere the venous establishments were listed. The =tad at Regiment. ylth four enna nlee, was nineteen (Akers. VII other n rt a e Thursday, September 31d. Ilii ---V mgirrzas lw osr MG= THAN XVZS The directors or the Western Fair London, this year promise the greatest exhibition In the history of the Fair. The grounds and buildings have been brought to a state of perfection ls recent years that make the preemie - Goo of the exhibits all that can he desired. Special inducements have beeu put out to exhibitors from all parts of Canada and many States of the t'nlon that • aAaure record entries fa ail departments. Over 11511, be paid out 1a Petac aviary and--t'e-ee-- cure attractions for the Fair this year. The famous Model Shows of Amer- ica will make up the midway and this earalval organisation is world-famous. it some. to London direct from Tor- onto Exhibition with all Its high-class shows, educational as well as amusing, and 1tx many and varied thrilling rides and will be on hand on• the morn - lug of opening day and until the last minute on closing night. The grandstand performance will even surpass the effort of last year. Although many had to be turned away Mat year. It Is hoped the additional armmmodatlon provided this year will allure every visitor an opportunity of viewing this splendid outdoor program of supervaudevtlle, pageantry and mns- Ical comely. The dates of the We fern Fair this year are September 14th he 1916. BELFAST BELFAST, Sept. 1.—Mr. Ralph FiY gin-eetiaraea Ttdatr freer torte hospital, Loudon. much improved after his recent operation. School reopened Tuesday with Mr. Davis again In charge. . Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson, of Kin - lough. visited at Mr. Ralph Nixon's re- cently. Mrs. Jas. Hackett, lt.-a Lena and Mr. Wilfred Hackett motored to Strat- ford one day last week. -MewIi44bere fiat- and Alirs Ewe_ oleo Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hackett visiting' at the home of her deugbter, Mrs. H. AJlta. IJe. and Mrs. Z. B. Ralfoar have returned home from Grand Bend. Mous Mary Lou Bean of Toronto, who has beau visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. T. Atiostrosig. has returned hoose. Mrs P'tue Nagler and xou Jack, of Toronto, who spent the summer at the home of Mr. sod lire it. H. Thomp- son. have returned home. Donald and Arthur Smith spent last week with friends at Bruce Beach. Mrs. W. J. Todd le visiting at the !some of her daughter, Mrs. D. M. John- WOn. Ingersoll. Mr. end Mrs.-Maleelau Armstreai- of Port Arthur, who spent the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MUrdie. hare returned home. Mr. George Crosier, of the Bank of Outliner** staff, spent the weekend with his parents to Walkerton. Miss Helen Thompson has gone to Hanover, where she will teach room i11 In the public school. Mr. and Mrs. Carrick Douglas ■ad family of New York visited last ween at the home of Mr and Mrs G. H. Douglas. Mr. A. Traptaln has moved to the residence on Willoughby street recent- ly vacated by Frank Cole. Iglus Marfan McNaughton ot Orange- ville visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mm. T. THE COCISHUTT minor SIIOP Aire Faocisg Cream Sogaratsis Repairs for Cockshutt. Frost & Wood Farm im- plements and Machinery. Telephone 598 Emotes Street Wiwi& J. J. MOSER CONTRACTOR r Cement Work, moving and jacking up buildings. Freeh Cement and Lime always on hand. Carload just arrived. We deliver in town and country. Prices reason- able. Give us a call. Tokenism's 303. Herihon Serest. Gedsrieb, Oaearis. CLEVELAND'S BAKERY I West Street —TRY OUR -- Milk-made Brew.__ ELECTRIC SHOP You WILL BE — ViiicTitri`LE't DELIGHTED WITH IT STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of all All orders given our prompt kinds _and courteovaattention Eattmatea given ea application U. CLEVELAND Tel.p6em. 114 West Street PIES, CAIES and PASTRY —1•1 E DELIS ER— sprat the week -red in Kitchener. LUCKNOW LI'CKNOW, Aug. 51. --Mr. and Mrs. Wee. Burnell and daughter Jane are__ rlidting relatives las Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hill- and Mi. Mrs- Cawerun_ 3lacDueald .'pent Sunday with friends in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. F. Stanley of Chesley spent Sunday at the home of Mr. mid , Mrls E. Hollyaaau. MIeKFW.- and Samltthave eeturued home from a. weeks visit with relatives in Tornio.-._- -- - ., Miss Martha Maclellan is visiting triton's to To to ` Miss Mslwl Mct'lure, who spdent the summer with her father, Mr. B. Mc- Clure. has returned to Toronto. Mies Lorraine Rralwon has gone to Windsor to live. Messrs. Campbell, Bobby anal Harold Thompson spent liundil ,With friends 1n Guelph. Mr. Willis Smythe la holidaying at Ills home In Hamilton, -111f—1 eeuuer sunnier ot BIM spat the .week -sad with 1,1.Nl to Mrs 11 M. Gordon of Doge"- lig In all !wing present. Harry McMaau*, who for a number of years was 1s' the employ of Garnet Case, Hensall, as taker, died In the Stratford hospital after an operetta, Inc appendicitis. He was thirty-four years of age and leaves a Ileus dangle ter. Ala wife haring predeee•aaed term. The funeral took place at Mitchell, bis fortser home. Fishermen at St. Joseph have dis- covered what they believe are the re- mains of a ..rhonner that went agMttet about two miles south of RL Joseph about sixty years ago. Part of the an- chor chain has been taken up. and it Ie thowgTlf the relit of the hest is the bottom of the lake at the acme point. The water Ie not deep and fur- ther discoveries are expected. Clinton has loot a highly respected citizen by the death of William J. Miller. which rswrred on Thwreday let. Mr. Miller was In his seventy- third year std was a native of Ffultett township. After many . years of sac- eeesful farming he moved Into Clinton In 19115 and purchased the coal business of him hrotber. R. J. Miller, which he motioned until his death. He IR sur- vived by hie wife and one son, William J°47 'i''l'Itntnn. Exeter T1mes-Advo ate: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston have returned hmne after visiting for a few weeks at Grand Bend.. While at thef end they were vlslted by their son Free- bOr.n write. 4due►lfe j we coil ren �'a of Waaliinitsogsdi if.0eft (6 visit at Rochester and also with the former'. brother, Dr. Cecil Johnston, of Kerhonkaon. N.Y. Rtate. before re- naming to their home et Washington. One interesting feature ahatt this fam- ily i. that Mr. John.ton was born in Canada : his wife was barn In New Zeeland: theft daughter Mary In Wash- ington And Thigh In West Anetralta. Mr. Albert Johnston. of Toronto. MAO rlslted with his parents at the Rend. P. T. O. Hodgman Reinstated Provincial Traffic °Acer Marshall Ftoxlg.on of ri'elkerton. who WAR RnR- pendrd from duty after his recent enforced ride wlth two bandits, hes been rein.tetel Ile has Men eery 111 «Ince hl. .ensntionnl experience. het Wkl resnrne his duals AA srtnn fie he recovers Owned Fled Aute la Rehm J. P. Ti'tahe, of Toronto. visited Clinton. his old home town. last week. Mr. Tisdale formerly carried on . priv• ate banking hnslness In Clinton In Fwuex sedan while it was In reverae gear and started a tong train of rather expensive eonsequencen. Backing into another car, an Oakland sedan, It dented the rear fender and ripped elf the bumpetette of the other car. and continuing Its backward flight aide - .wiped a Hudson coupe. crumpling a trout fender and bending the bumper. Several children were narrowly missed before the car mounted the sidewalk and landed agatnst a eeriest ledge in frzleit'ref a .tore. The window frame of the store was .opted (rock abort three Inches. tint the glass was pot broken, and the Eewx came to rent. MISS d * fetus's Licca, a forager reddest of Seaforth, died August 23rd at his home to Vletorla. R.C.. at the age of eighty- four years. For many roars he was ops of Reaforth's moat prominent business@ men. Wifh Mx brother. the Tate Arch - their! Rentt. he conducted a piano and mnsk•al Instrument bulneM, and Scott Brox. also operated the first electric light plant In Senforth. He had ex- twafve holding* of farm lands in tie Western Provincee and shout twenty- fire wentyfire years sen removed to F.dmonton and repent the winters at Victoria. fie is snrrived by his *eond wife. a1• mo be two sow* and ono dawghter : Roy Scott. of Peeve Rivet: Clarence Peobt and Mrs. Walter Pickard. of Van - ~tame The rename were brandhl,to, Reaforth for interment. ., Jaatsi 14isutee Pldnla..at Bayfield '- iM ynnuie r Isernwrs, their *Intern; aweetheearis and frlenda gathered at Rayfield Wednesday afternoon of last week to the number of about three hundred. for their annual plenle. A ?nil program of sports was nun off. race* of r.rione kinds and a merles' of 'softball games. Exeter and Sea - forth. Rlyth and Brnseela played soft- ball. Blyth winning the final mateh, while South Huron won from North Tinton girl.. in a plek-np softball game which was shout the beet game of the day. There w'AA A contest for the Jiinlnr Ferment' shield. Awarded to MP team winning the grente•t nnm- her of points- and 1111. was cerrled off by Seafnrth for the third time In snrresnlon. The girls hrnnght the ms• tercels for supper. which was served At (t n'efock. Some of the roving peaonto mitred -jOlf- rap tamer Ar the Psrfltnm its-tire•-*eleti,IF — - The Caediat at Clinton The three-day carnival pat on by the member of Rt. Joseph'. church. ('lin• ton. last week meas attended hr large minders. not only from the town hof from the .nrronnding town. and town - aides. The Affair. which nems nnder the active direction M ger, Father Sui- liren. was for the pllrpnse of raising Money to pip for the renovation of the church 1,11110Ing and the In/it/illation of A modern heating +system. Music MIR fnrntehred on the vmrtnns evening4 by the Blyth band. the ('Tinton Kiltie hand Allot Itla TTensa1t (sense -16i. `ire Hen- ry Krng of Kitchener. Welter Dalton of Detroit And Mrc. Hieglns of Stratford contrlhnterl solos and ('harts. Mesklns of Goderlelt entertained In song and story. Fred alnlllna And ,loam Gene ('anon meth aR accompanists. The rertone prises were won as foliows: Ague: ('hrletopher, London. radln; .Tack Pertw4F, i ention. eleetrle elm*: Re.. Fetter Mt -reedits, Kingmhridge. solfi-.B:ajob; .Tm 1)o{soy. Retforth, ftlf 71- Watson, ittratterd, It t•. iO11 F•nrri: TFft+110/t r9"Ti' EdiR7i`iu.Wrii f,onber Ponos. Ahth. eeemforte.r : ei 3..1. McClnithey. Clinton. By forming new, rich blood Dr. Chase's Nerve Food re- stores the exhauaead nerves and removes rhe cause of Simplon - nags, Irritability Headaches Names Naas Ind gestlen. Dr, Chases NERVE FOOD and Is a good site. with exceptional smartens for headquarter* staff, large stables for the horses, abundant spring water and natural drainage. Of course, itlesot centrally located to the dis- trlct, hut that la no longer of conse- quence. The electric . railway an- noawced twenty years ago as under conatructlon never actually operated, ■fid its tracks have long been torn up, but Gederirh has both the Canadian 1 t' Mttlteofeettooal, the former running alongside the camp- ground. Pending a return to what have bees regarded as normal training renditions. regiments arranging abort camps for themselves might get together as to date and site and thereby increase the Interest and valne of such outing*. MAKING RV= Willson was on his way home from the 'station. When he wax about three mile* from the village and about a mile from his house he maw a man approaching from the opposite direc- tion. "Excuse me, sir," meld the stranger, when they met. "1)n you happen to have seen a policeman aayerbere about''. I'm afraid 1 haven't= assn ON ter over two miles," retuned' WILMS_ suapectingly. t his tone of voice. 61/1,1nd ve see- yearbefafck tlli a a: then." AM a maternity nurse. In my 42nd year I used to have a sick spell every two weeks, "A woman always seems so have some derangemeets et Chaage of Life. "The Vegetable, Compound helped me so meth that i recom- mend it to mothers and young girls as well as older women." Mrs. Eugene St. Germain, 1604 Glad- stone Ase., Cote St. Paul, Montreal, Quebec. If you have any weakness or pain, try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comptetnd. It has benefited 98 out of every 100 who have aged it. AFTER THE SHOW' or MOTOR TRIP —VISIT Crick's Restaurant ice Cream Ice Cold Drinks Confectionery Lunches TELEPHONE 148 West Side .i Spare, Ciedsrich FRANK McARTHUR Telephone 92 Goderich The Leading Men's Store --Everything that's 1t.: in Men's Wear --- — . Hand Tailoring and Spacial Order to Your Measure • • • Chas. Black `Phone 219 Goderich 4' Walk on tliey� LEFT o/ country roads • • • Fame the Traffic rale is important at all times, but especially so at dusk and et misfit. At such times, no matter how careful the driver of a car is, he may not see you until he is very near to you and it may be impos- sible for him to stop in time to avoid inflicting serious injury. Should he swerve to avoid hitting you, though you may escape injury others may be hurt. Of the 524 fatalities on the highways of Ontario last year a large number were caused by persons walking u'itb rather than against *mac. May still 11 *fiance? w • ONTARIQ.._DEPARTMENT of HIGIIWAYS