The Signal, 1931-7-2, Page 4fr
4Thursdar, Jsly 1114.
s 1•o
F •
i1w'• ,r: " �. Irl ': � 1 ~il �� .s Lit
t .e•
■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■.■■.risrit
II We are well supplied with Sport Shirts, Flannel i
A Trousers, miin'g Suits, Golf Knickers and Hoer
■ Sweat �i. e=-..".a.rr..'"."'..,.r+�..�..
Sport Suits made by Fashion Craft at
■ 20 per cent. discount. ■
Men's and Boys' Wear ■
IN 4 Telephone 57 Goderich a
1111■•■■■■■■■■■■■wIII■M■ INIIIn■■■
Crick's Restaurant
Ice Cream
-•-Ice Cold Drinks
West Side of Square, Goderich
e Ribs
3 lbs. 25c
Parkhill's Meat
olevhsui Gil r Cwdmrki
Ashfield Presbyterian church will
hold anniversary services on Sunday,
July 12th. Rev. Kenneth McLean, of
Wtngbam, will be the special preacher
for the day. Services at 11 a.m. and
7.30 p.m.
PORTER'S HILL, July 2. -The
large bank barn, property of Howard
Williams, on the Cut line about one -
halt mile west of Porter's Hill, was
destroyed by fire shortly after mid-
night this morning. The cause of the
fire Is unknown. No person was living l
on the farm. A considerable quantity
M grain, some straw and hay and a
binder were destroyed.
CREWE. " Jun, 341. --Mr. and Mrs.
(:rant Jon s and little daughter, of
Toronto. visited Iaat west with one
and Mb: Stahel Reid
The ('rra'e Sunday .1(11001 held their
pk•nte at Kintail un Saturday. The
day [wing Witt, a good crowd enjoyed
tnewselvglli the lake
Mra. Linfield Audcreon at,d Allan
hate returned to their home In Detroit
after speeding- some time vin[ -leg her
•;-Ser. and Mrs. J. Meltaef:
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell and a
children, of Detroit, are spending their a
holidays with )Ir. and Mrs. J. Menary.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Comfort and Emile,
of St. Catharines. and Mies Alma
Blake, of Toronto, spent the week -end
with their mother and brothers here.
Mr. J. Menary has returned home
after spending a wee[[ with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kilpatrick attd
Miss Ruby Kilpatrick and friend are
away on a motor trip to North Bay.
Mr. and Yrs. 3. Swan end roily
JsM A.
eaakatelIgmeaj` ibm
�paroled be
Iltclfafinrl, and (4w
tef4,. Ing the
gait& trop teak
mobikb h � i
etwaMt with��
Mrs. --Joists Grs
Me. amid -:eta' "rim Yowls .'t
with Strathr'.y Meads ter a feeq:.illjs
the first of -tbe-irest. and‘t.ok Jia: the
c•elebrstlon there ori DOnitplpn Dal;
The strawberry imams ipso add,
crop la excellent •
Rev. W J. Patton will eortdset the'
service in the United church ou Sun-
Rev. 1'. D. McCullough of Kincar-
dine conducted the r•ry ce hi the ball
on Sunday and preached u very lu-
sptring and helpful sermon, tektite oda
text from EeeI. 12:1. A full house
greeted Mr. Met'ullough on this his
first visit to Carlow.
Mr. R. M. loung Is not improving
as his many friends would like to
see him.
Miss Margaret Mitchell has gone In
to Ooderlch hospital to train for a
aids at S
sera. Uflaa
ed the
and pink
Tlgert left by
oeymooA'f a Detroit,
h.. and other $gee..
bride won as en -
blue crepe with white
vtresrerka. Gtaeissa
welding were*: SAF
mother, of Anile ,
h. the brides 5J1 .
Mr. And Sta. Altair
t of the *ride, ot
t).Uoway, rum,
L Melntee, sister of
Cleveland. On their
iMr Tigert will re-
DUNGAIUJ July 2.-Jtifa. JI mop,
with two c Jea •silly, of
Moltke hek• In, Mr.
and Mn,
AhShiftsV Thee. So
We regret report tltpr Mr.•
111 et present. Nurse
ria plat.
was viellient her -
kir, Heber r, las
home In Mftl
Mr. and D. T. McNair, ro3'
Windsor, rot 'Mrs Jaa. McNaln, of
Amberley, vi WI rt the trams of Mr.
Eon PSun and I1tile
d Detroit, are yWt.
mute, Mr, *ad Mrs,'
Alma Ftee
bra. Ledy,
scree. and Mra. Freed
Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers of Tomato Yr. and
are guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allen daughter
Wilson ■red other relatives herr fora R. the lR. A. McKlieured e
week, ls
Yr. and ore. Bowne and Ur. andMn. J. W. . of 1Tstrolt, a
visiting tie of Mr. std Mrs.
Mn. Freely of Rob Roy spent Sun- Fred Floe. es that k.
day with Mr. and Jirm. Stoll. ]ere. Mn. R. A. was in Wtag-
Bowne Is a sister of Mrs. Stoll.ham for a fWe week visit -
Rev. W. Moore of Brussels will Ing her shitegt n J.,orattlson, who
preach in the hall ou Sunday next. Is 111.
The regula •.ibly [sleeting of the
PORT ALBERTWaaaen's I , • : e was .bell at the
__--b . Of hi* .siert Davidson on
Thursday last,
Tlg -Root--Cbrist church, I? iiThe ins ot meeting
Albert, was the scene of a pretty wed- tented the
ding on Saturday morning. June 27, of the tact
when 11a Leona, daughter of Mrs. adopted. Mrs.
Merle Root and the late Mr. Root, of i
Albion, Mich., became the bride of Wal-
of the
aasJ{olaa gert.-o[••l_4hlrlWeh.
Bert of Port Albert. The ceremo
performed by Rev. William Hall,
of the Dungannon Pert Albert yt ish aasisted by Bev .1 \ g.
rector of St. George's church. Coder
k•h. The bride. who was given in mar -
•TI saes --
'Jtr. Sohn Tfgert out !petite Mr* Tf-
ny was
,art 'par.
ery. bits11Ks.J.L.d{tti.
The next m
of M rs. Russ.
Garden P
haeti very su
FI of a rClt mil
Mg. Supper
ridge by her mother, wore a becoming chock, aver
gown of white ehUfoo with lace trim- gram was g1
ming and yell s iuightrap fial, with Miss- II'ergui
orange blossuntt. She earrbd a shower duets by Mr'.
bouquet of American Beauty roses and ,, , ut_
tern- Her aleter, Mrs. Church,--M_Scar .
seam Mich., was bridesmaid. wearing -pie by
dregsof flowered georgette In rose (sines
music by
bade, and a picture hat in sand ahacie,
She carried a bouquet of American acrompaatsts
Beauty roses. The bridegroom was as-
sisted by Mr. Sidney Palmer, of God-
erich. Mr. G. B. Davies, organist of
St. George's church. Goderich, presided
at the organ, and played the welding
starch as the bridal party entered
the church and took their places be,
Death an arch of orange blottaoma. Dur-
ing the signing of the register, Misa
Wartele. of Goderleh, mag "O Petted
Lore." The umber. were
ton, Miss I
Fowler anti
stuck are occupying their cottage for Tey are sseterla8 via W .*ilio aril
' ,.....- the summer. $suit Ste. Itaria
Silly 1. -Yr. and ides. Hteki of Muntre�l 14 spendlug Mra. Jaa. MaeMIIRn sad tattght<r,
who.were married the summer at Milk W. U. Talbot's. Mra. T. A. liegsade, and babe, of
Let .week are visiting Mr. mud Mrs. M. [Tennent and Mie Lewsloa, aro ooeupy(og their cottage
4y lt4nde koro. Betty Clement. of IOtehefler, and lire.Yra. r. A ildwatde'rettlroed borne
Ai eye of Hamtltou, and 1.1%Iugstoue and family, of Waterloo, vp ttaturda,y atter iTendtag• * few
Miser Marie-Hopo, who spent the past are sumteering hi layette Greve. days at Walarieo.
week at the latter'. hour, Mr. Philip Mr. Fred }Irani of Stratford spent The opening meek** Of Knox Prete
llngan'4 returned to Hamilton Tues-
day. the week raid wllh lith. Sniffier, Mr*. byt�rti t chump will 4e held on 8ua-
W. Hrrrd. day. July 12th. M the 11 o'clock ase
; sad Mn, l;. Martis., Mersin. Miss Alnue McKay. who spent the 'dee Rev. Win. Macintosh, IAD.. of
d Bsrt, Miss Moak. MartW, peat week at her home, returnel to Hamilton mad chords, London. will be
Mrs. Pilin Hogan and dam
lit. t1M etre. W J Hugxo, Mr. Toronto os Sunday. the special preacher. At the evening
rltrw tr- 1mw+sr its. d JIc. Lpnre urs ,.tit.
Laudon nervkce Iter. Wm. AarCial.,,:LL..
ad sweet Misses clod, egad s mitt for tear c a, w y veti•ra- Central church, HawUteww, win. W. ." -
Oat ksrtate, attended the wedding rect•p>tixr`1tltra_�1tt01t`I><"'lblpnto it speaker. Special monk .t both ear -
tion at airs Wadei's, Teerwater, leaf spending the summer with her aunt, vlter, The dedication ear -vice will be
µ'tdy. Mrs. M Fraser held ou Mday. July 19th. and will he
Mra. Moe. of West Lorne, spent a Mr. James Cameron of Toronto spent conducted by the adulates of the Purr
tew del. ?}.plug lost daughter, Mra. the week -end with his brother. Mr. bytery. 8peetal music will be tendered
J. C. recently. J. l'awcrott on this occasion also.
M� ra[[[re Wbltely, of Godertcb, la Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lay and Mia[ SeMd
vbJtlasifer ('susin, Ylw Precis Dal. R.psrt-IPolbwlas 1s the pro--.
ton.Jean Dny, who spout ten days at their motion list of RryfiNd nubile school
Mir. Hannah Hope la thQ fins.[ of Cottage. renamed to Detroit Monday. Jr. iV. to Sr. IV. -Tea Castle. Doris •
her sister, Mrs. 8. Martin, this week. Mrs. M. McTaggart and daughter of Featherston. Hugh McLeod, Ohne
Mr. and Mn. Ed. Wallace and Mr Clinton are occupying the cottage for Parker, Clan Parker. Dila Smith,
and Mn. Symons, of Chicago, are vis- three weeks. James Sturgeon. Richard Weston
Hors at Ke. J. M. Bowler's this ween. Misses Hva and Anne Dewar mud Jr. III. to Sr. 111. -Vers Mild. Eve -
Sts. Hetes Bowler returned hums David Dewar, of Toronto, are spend- Lyn (leeelnhardt, Kenneth Castle, Har
Monday for her holidays. Ing their vacation at their home. Mr. ry Rnndon. Charlie Bnndcre.
MIM Iden Griffin made a flying ('has. Storey of Toronto Is a guest. Sr. II. to Jr. Ill. -Bobby McLeod,
vf,tt among her friends here Saturday. J. D. Munro Fisher of Waterloo came Betty StrNtng, Kenneth Brandon. Billy
hilt. #err. Perry, of Detroit, via-
t - on Mondry to visit with his stmt, Mn. Westlake, Stuart Sturgeon, rt, Pearl Lind-
Ited'.I, .. T. J. Ener', on Sunday F. A: P.dwrrda, - say. Attest uartOsmond. goon,WilliamP t).mea�
and toot their mother.. Mrs. Sank
listmu with them to aygnd a few dales Ven Halst, teacher at S. 8: Sr. Primary to (tam 1. ---Elsie Ms-
weelui by the lake No. 3. is spending the vantioa at her Lest. James Dewar, Dorls Ormond
idecFlrnatpa, Yrs A. O'Leary firms at Winthrop. Jr. Primary -Ven 'Pease, Peg* ..
three sea.,
of ueday a, were Mr. and Mra. H. J. Pefr and family Boyd, Patty Atkinson. Audrey Bran -
Mrs. Alice Dalton Sunday and were of Ntrntfonl arearnLwhtg their tat• don, Helen Sturgeon. Norman Bran-
accomp.nled on thele rettuo by Mlaa tags for the summer. don. Mac McLeod. John Pearson, Keith
Celestine O'Leary, who had bent with biasses Barbara Pollock and Ruble Sterling. Kenneth Sterling, Uoy4•
her aunt, Mrs. Dalton, for the past M. Fisher of Kitchener .pent the week• Westlake.
The Slaters have closed the convent sod with the Lotter'. dour. Mrs. F, First ('l.aci to Jr, jj,---(,Tatem -. tl
here for the holidays and returned to A. Fdaards. June Rrandun, Betty Wanda* Nei •`'
London on Tuesday. Maes will be conducted In the Ray. Parker, John McLeod, Lorna Westtaher
Mr. and Mn. Shaw and family, from field Roman Catholic church on Sun- ! ugenc Castle,
Laurler,,peet Sunday at Yr. Hsi. Fol- 'int• Jsll,h, at l0 a.m., and on the
ey's• "a - fuAowin�gg'$undata at. S a.nL
- Mrs. J. Stewart, who tlkt_elebt aloe,_
'gam•s'--[ foo week*. wrth ber mother. Mrs.
J.- Pollock, returned ter Hamilton on
' Mrs. buff and Mrs. Casey of Tor-
onto are summering in .h.wett'a Grove.
Alga Jessie Me
ha good attendance. j Mr. �Pl� Beninger, who teaches
M1ta the slims- � ep nmlr-MITt11ti*y`. vRlted-af J. Gv
after wbkb ail re Daltun't fora day os. two before 1 -
Prayer. The minutes I turning to his home la Dublin tar the
fig were read and I holidays. -
. ltr•eewu gave a re- Mr. and Stn. John Myers spent ary-
1 weetlag. The hus- eral days last week visiting among
1Pra.a]nlvwd.. MT,-. Row- $4utb- [LeisMr frsad TarnW d Miln►,Mwe.. Pr. k..Urfa.Gama • ."'trw
"--dare - fit her hotw; tent -qtr--Tairal
will be at the home daughter Rita are spending a w day for Drtrlt. !dire Yrbalf sane■taeeg their Ashfield friends. I from New York cu Friday to *wadi
The tIted church A very large awl appreciative crowd the summer in Nurway and Sweden.
[St(ley Dame an Rp-Uhred at the KiugrbrWgr ltd}[ on ou Tuesday revu4tg. Jcnw 33: Chef
ednesday even- otslmy night In honor of the newly- yc'wrtg people of .St. .\u,Jr,-w's T nited
anal from 8 to 8 web, Mr. and Mrs. Hogan- A preen-
rhumb held a oscines suer[ ou them
d o„ splendid pro- tattoo was made arab the best of good' beach behind W. Wallis' property. Be-.
bAltsding solos by wisher extended to the young congas 1 [ween forty and fifty members w.re4
Auburn, duets Ir,fur, mimes.nd happiness through present. The evening was sent iii
Stotts �-ro.t�o-Auburn, life---w.hkh rete hope W.111„ mare. slowing _auti- mourn„•. .a[ap
1 ssnd-igrw Robert- I be a long one. A imams; lively [best bna. )firs Eva Sturgeon wax ap•
realings by burs. was enjoyed by $U,.. _ _ ----- - 1 et�gann�, mono { pointed to represent the swelter al
er And accordion
un.The '
Hedge. 9rd Iron, Thr
Mire ( Dee New-
• rtsoa, bit D. LEEBURN,- June 39. -Mea. It Lock
') Klett (nee Flora Horton), of Toronto, re-
nt the prettiest , turned home on Sunday atter spend-
, took peace lu Ing a week with her parents here. Mr.
) eoorn,ng laid, !Lock motored up Friday evening for
l:telyn, eldest his wife and both returned eta Sunday.
and the late Mr. A. II. Clutton and son, Hampton,
Anhfeld. wit. ! motored to Toronto early Meade,
Joseph pd.. morning. They returned on Tuestal_
ifrr I accompanied by Mr. and Mrs i.
any, con- 1 Mason and two sons, who will apand
TY* holidays .. -.
Dress Special
Washable flat crepe ensemble Suits
in plain colors. Smart SPOIt Dresses of
fine celanese. Regular values up to
$j 6.00. Special for_this week at •
$9.95 _
_ • Summer straw Hats in light and dark shades. Regular
== values up to $5.00. Special for this week at . . $1.98
BATHING- 43"*. idkv"taithittt StsitL-sizes 28 to 32 $1 .25
Ladies' wool Bathing Suits.. =
E KEEP COOL Amberley Bathing Suits for ladies ..
Eff. at
Ladies' Beach Pajamas
in- figured broadcloth.. --Special •
"Shop where you aro invited;
Ladies' and Men's Wear
and let um allow you moose won-
derful Old ('ountry Prints, that
hate just come in --also lovely
EugUol end French F..trhlega
They make the 0ndcrsf gifta
for welding,' or any ncre'lnu
The gift that [mats a lifetime
is a good Picture.
We bare them sit alar. and
Emit Street Phase 193
the Gcalerlch rummer 'edited. During,
' the evening. O. Kalbflefw h, the preml
dent for the past two years, wan this.
rented with a set of book -ends. The
presentation was made by Mi.% Marts)
Grainger and Albert Woods read the,
lir. and Mra, D. S. Cluff awl Miss'
Ittetyn ('lust of Toronto and Mrs. Mr-
BrWe of Hamilton are at Sum R Inn
for the month of July.
Dr. and Mfrs. J. R. Jowett left on
eatsnday for ('Ile ton. Iowa, hating
spent ten date at the .meaner home
11 lbs homer's uncle. Dr. C. Brows.'
Vire Feaciag Cream Separators
Repairs for Cockshutt,
Frost & Wood Farm Im-
plements and Machinery.
Telephone 598
of, rich
lee ltiea ['Sits ct Jnird
the drains tit the Bridal
motored as tram WaLRset eafwart:
Sunday In oar burg-
. An enjoyable picnic was held fiat-
eirday afternoon on Mr. Myers' grounds
at Port Albert, this being the third an -
of the three United Church
K :e.>ds'i.ia Sole Went. This year
the AugNcan congregation of Port Al-
bert joined In the picnic, and the gath-
ering was quite a large one. The young
folks enjoyed themselves with ga»
and races, while others strolled do
to the lake and others enjoyed quiet
conversatloas with one another. There
was a hall game between Port • Albert
awl Nile and afterwards luucb and
lemonade were served.
Presentation t. Departing Towhee.
-Although the %tattier wt.r eloudr
sad rainy ou Friday morning last. it
brightened up [a the afteru000 schen
the public achool pupils held their pic-
nic st Meneaetung i'ark. All Joined in
playing various game+. until the en
trance pupils arrived from irriting on
their examluattuua. and theu the races
were run off. Just before, lunch was
served an address was read to fix
teacher, Miss Anne MacDonald, and
the gift -ef--1 china ret was preae*ted •
to her, the address betas read by Phil- :
lin Horton and the presentation math ,
by Fir-. be • addrein semewm l -o
beim•.a.:I t•titis`oaTd.=Wn..ala/t
this afternoon for the last'- time as.
saejraiiked with
=_Asepeuded a lar Her path-
= Way sae stre vita late petals. The
= bride was us. spias and carried a
fern. She look
lag lo her gown
and bouffant d lace In the same
shade am the During the sign-
ing of the regi. Misr Edna Park sang
= sweetly, "My tr." After tile eere-
= ruony, the con le, numbering about
= twenty, all in. Bate relatives of the
= contracting pi .0, repaired to the
t= was 'eerred. 7' decorations were in
pink and whit lek tome** decorating
the tattle, whi sem centred with the
wieldiug cake. have this was sus-
. vended a large abite wedding bell,
= around. whirr' pia anti white stream-
_siL.t.RrbeRs ling& were festooned.
='TS'iliride was le reelpient of many
11.7 -.1 -beautiful gifts:1m bridegroom's gift
E-2. to thelirlde was %Aware In Coossoun-
=4-14-44•44-4n. afternoon Mr. &MI
, Mrs. }turnip 1 toy motor for a short
= honeymoon trip to include Guelph,
Et:71.0/U, Niagara hils and other placer.. l
= For travelling th.3 bride wore a navy'
a blue georgette with lace tries-
= flange. her elalt. list. purse, gloves and .
Aurae being 1.1.4 with touches of
white. Mr aiel qrs. Murray will re-
s... side on the le,.iegriemi's Cell-
a A. West teseranosh.
== r,,I1111Rep. ori -The following are
linnet uniform pro-
= motion anti re, exaniinetions in the
Eedy Os, Willie Mad 412. Melville Cul-
= sednations loss. •
= 111. to Jr es -Leis Treleaven SI
W. per rent; Dotial
Reed 70. Viols
kiln 87 per eon. )ta4rlitie csesar‘
1 Violet Erringtor .60, Alberta Cie
finite (Wearer *vier Hate reale
Alton 70, Alai. os,McKenele Mt, Air-
' ray Campbell 4;‘, Doris Swan 64,
, lar bones SiltrAmirot
mgy 31. 193.4
Tota tor, Ged 11- Me- IiCuornnli ;on
72 225 1700 4045
n now
Select !teem 411 50 804 1073
2 24 01
101 132 um 22e1
28 XS 161 40B
bur -177
forihe last- time -will'
ya s Jumbo Shmgles
Telephone 132, Goderich
and have our representative call and give you an
estimate of your requirements. Ask him about our
Written guarantee.
Hyatt Jumbo Roofing Co., Ltd.
Box -468 West Street -
owl Ellsallut toy of Tor
-,10E-Tnitrithrlti" lb in ell T.ortat
MI% and Mrs.-- Irtank Denton anti
eon of Toned., mr•-eperidtef their 'nu
ninon Jowett's Genre.
May. Of Sr. Mary*, are oeenpying theft.
Mr.. • And sire. Melveteilil of
dieh, eire.oreopyIng on.. or the Heard
2.-.17-46110PrinIr WO,
*temp breTtel
Nets Playing --Jeanette MaeDonald and Joe E. Brews In
"The Leiter) Bride"
An Important Meaaage to all our patron -
;au lava /Akar, le see and hear the thrill -pocked story end
inspired ni-todies that made 1 irtor Herbert'. name immortal. don't
he beautiful mouser
s$ 7:Again''
in .10„ MA. Latain/..' ..T_IsEC:::"...ICOrmi0.12: I
Howard Might/0 thrillinc multi milikm dollar appetarie ef the air.
There 1* nothing Mae like it! •