The Signal, 1930-12-11, Page 16BRIEFS INA-Tiipmeihty, 1)eewler 11, 1030 THE SIGNAL 1'111711"11":"Z"111'114'1774'1' Goderich Thrived Christmas Suggestions Have you seen our Christmas display of gifts? We in- vite you to come in before you decide on your gifts. Onr prises ars vera moderate. Bouts in the latest Fiction,- Books, Bibles, Hymn Books for all the churches, children's Books, Games and Dolls, Stationery, genuine leather handbags, English China, Dinnef Seta, Glassware, Brass Goods, Christmas Cards. Tags and Seals. 14 SEE OUR SPECIAL GIFT LINE, NEATLY BOXED 117 INEXPENSIVE AND APPROPRIATE ,#pp •rel 'S BOOK STORE fit COLE . . . . . . } • y 7i ®Qt ri Qi cal R I si 4i A fi i V 6i V s•( Q1 ! "r Let Us&iggest Something _Used riatk__ ,„._ Buster Brown Coasting - Sreig s Hockey Sticks I: w;1.00 Pucka lOc and 25o Gillette and Auto Strops free when buying Blades.: Ever Ready Flashlights at all Electric Toasters 82.00 up. Pocket Knives 25c to $2.00 StainTess Steel Carving Sets $4.00 and $7.00. - Electric Irons $2:76 to $S.50 Hockey Boats with C. C. M. Skates riveted tn - . proper this year.-_ All. ',sizes.. Prices $6.00 r to $9.150. C. C. M. Skates from $1.00 to $6.00 C. C..M Tria cies froth $b•O0 Y71 rezware ever ' popular. $1.26 to $2.150. Japanese Art Vases $1.25 .Japanese Metalware. Flower Vases, Candlesticks, Trays and Stande:•titlem 50c to 5150, special values. lh would lib to thew Toa our well assorted aka. JAS. C. CARRIE East Side _of Square "Phone -3or- A IVav Back s n 1.856', Old Copy of Signal Found at Court House Reflects Activ- ities of Early Days t -a r. •t iter- yesterday, imeartmil a .4cWPnty- " ;lug Ott The S1ge*L fins•-y(egr tAd-•.+lia(•+~ ' Various county officiate were looking it over and oma• just naturally point, to the grocery and provision atone ad- vertisements. all of which featured the arrival of large quantities of 1 wines and liquors. "elte•up for CA SIC for Christmas and Nes fear',. One Merchant. Christopher Crabb., sold in barrel lido only. ills advertie-rweitt road : "Sttperhrr 12-1no 1110' old whla- k wilt crib commission. by lar - i rel ' hits just rts- - GODERICH, ONT. DO YOU NEED KIIIPL0155130171 CAN YOU GIVE Ei PLOYI[EUT? P=RHAPS THE SIGNAL CAN 1111.P YOU - TREE SERVICE FOR UNEII PLOYX111'I' E t-IET Ar a contribution to the relief of the unemployment situation, The Signal *ill publish Ir.. of .barge. W its e•lrwlfled advertisement columns, advertise - tsarina of p coos wishing employment and ut theme willing to employ 'ser- vants, laborers and other help. rm1►loy{aeut and anyone who wisher to tow'sett► a„ cwwleyer ince invited to make uee of at free service. 4 I Business Brisk get lu The *nasal '1,elcal)on Army concert will be held e.. 11 lay evening. De- cember 15th. ' (leo. Price A Son, uuuune*. that thele. grocery store t. ill ii) open In the even- ed.. (11r lugs until Clot -teas. only. Terex. rash. The .ultra tiler 'the cellular :meeting of the W.C.T.U. Net 1111 consignment f► will be held in 111u•Kay H•11 on Thnn- benefit - of Nims'.. old Rye Magnolia 1ay. even' ng. I...ender Mit. at 7.110 l whiskey .of extra strength. warranted 0.,,hs•h. 12 mantilla •111. Those in want of a The atatutI'l tussling of the town first-rate article bad better apply council will I. held 1144 Monday evert- soon. vemhwaw. 1' 4'ral.b. e;..lerich. December h,g, 1►eevember 1:111. When the financial 1st. leu;." I et agement will he presented. 4'hr►xnhas ruI•rtahuu.•ut of yr 11khti •rhe annual 4'Itrisimns tree and con - days was stmWwltat diffident_ truni_that -Lieof for 14443.4444 Sutlday aehod !offt•r.•e1 today. Instead of the ttilkinalwill la• 44(4.4 in the Sunttay school picture -.Shakespearian reudIlIgI. were room Frl.i..t •••eu1115. 1)rcrmber .yiviu III ihr usse•mhly rata of the lint- I19th. Parents' , •I friends of tlw chtl- ish l:xchuugr Lh .itel. Readings em dr•n are writ.•4 4_ fol' When "Merry Christmas" WiII Do Lots of Good to snow Ilukes c,lIesnrd the hem1-11 house of Garth Masan and 11s - :crest ut the window sills -a frame for 11111 iwreulbs. Inside ere'ry one but :..Rb chartered Happily. Ile stared .hrourb a window toward a distant talo. "Kut he ought to make the Ant r:cee." t;arth mattered stubbornly. 1'11)elly. Impelled by solowtnIng strnng- rr than will. (. h )t•r4M net os baa at ,n l strode tortll' In the doorway of his "hard" nNgb- .or Garth paused *.11•cv,ua.'wady. "-Jn..t brought -4'brislm:u talk :ye kra.ttr-R Uule (h1e•ta*-" he ask_. 'rsrdly /extended w --Jess pone **ply wrpp!yr1. `wapeultd_ 40. *:tr. •stem, c'e rl-wws-' " Barth . stripped. - rte Makin eyed •-Hamu iel. 1te+aw-14114JiWiL-S!Wr.0 y std Om Friday •i. .' Detvieber..''.(llh.. 'ny ew' had oily partially down from Richard 111 were given by lir' l the Canadian Leei.nl ell' bold a euchre V- eTits -Jour ?Ta'rr use sift' Marlton. an English actor. .01eneraand dance ht 1 b (kldfellowa' Hall. .44144 the 11x1) nttke.t .I.ehn had sten admission was is :4d. ('u rd playing will rumfWneo at S.15 nasal, 4... by Uw n'A tnlsunder tow(• a{dealhl literature was offe, o'clock.[awl*Dancing. Tickets: :anding for sale in the advertimenwets• Couple, 73 IttMds. extra lady, 25 *alts. "lilt Vont-11 1 could only see you , Signal Office (took Store listed W4 Mr. John 'Ber)'b' ham opened up ■ .'d gel ari1.- be faltered Already be star's dictionaries. Waverley novels, i meat market al the corner of Victoriab.okr•d unpresed. -- - ----- ... _ _ 11 he -- . lt5- ami Wolfe street* is ready nefore wurl's, Mrs. H. it. Shrives works 1 business today.Mr. Royle has had Eurus' and lftan•e s .)aeras and Denny : w.we experieta" lu this Ilue *4141 Ila ,,tie cheery "there. Edward. Sr' u, w444 !Aryl. a '.holt wU1 be w..euiunl for an import- ri,orw with lcs.k and statlunrry More. els. *Over- out srNwh of •1 -17. -.to 11. sided. -(•matt Steel 'it ..most pr•teritiods-larking list I A etuhre asci dance will be held to P. of harks. Seventyrfltfie years ago The Signal Novas published by Thomas Nichols and' George Cox-Thomas MacQueen was-. editor. The sMum•ription and advertis- ing rates were much higher than they are today. The railway was just being ..'ompletssi and there waaJl t_«'tivify the advertis•wt•uts Kf . T1W indus- tries len-luded lhnc foundries. steam engilw work.. threshing machine fac tory. curling mill, two breweries. tar Hap. works. saddleries. wagon factory. 1.EERl'RN, dao. un. -Miss Allow 1 ate Freeman spent t4 r Werk -end with her The ancient newspaper further re-paeeMhe 1* .taping for H month tents that John lionises, Esq.... was with Ms. Echlin at Nue. Warden of the united counties oto !u ..pile of bn119allls a Road } n n. and }trace. lir (lame from (led, regat)on turned out to hear Rev. Dr.l erfelt township, as did his deputy, I g Mortimore, of Auburn, who preached z soma t"]ltrwPrtrr J. ee.tatiroa tpDrtsl to Leebu1n cis*7r I 0ialerleh team were J. V. Petior and dress was giv. n for .the W. M. dl. William Wallace.Jr:,ffrom Ashfield John thanksgiving venire and wens beard Hawkins, jr:, frunibcnlI irnr Benjamin with deep Interest The donation wail Miller. Other members of` the county liberal- ! council of that year were 4'. GIrvin, e+rals Evewiag.-A large number of 1 Waw anosh - N. Woods and Thotna Sim{s.ou. Stanley : Alex. Me.'abb. San- -Wen: -'tames Dickson, Tuckersmith ; William Hittite!, Arran; Malcolm 3Rd tine fields stretched Sim in peen -bit 441111. Above 11 61a of els bene a star unwaver,.g calm North As:r'' t!nc.. the (Mdfellows' hall on It even- ing, December 19th. under the aus- pices of the Geilerich baud. Cards at A.15 o'clock. Lt m-T_w111. be served and the musk for 4am° lug wtU be furnished by the Driver orche'atra. Tickets 75 tents a.coupJle; extra lady 2'S cents. Yonne tut-arai..J4o et t1u- ttae.l Christmas Flames That • Brought Reconciliation NAT • party I 1.W Durr, 'tee UII i.( l'hrlst tree and culled out the estate Ikon the prisi-n!s Runts nan.ted (1 a Hine.; 14..0 11111; llnagle Snyder." What tmepy children! What • fat Santa! 111.nt a glorious Christmas - If only Jlu1- h was • shame to gtarrel at Christmas time, but Jim eau -ens so stuterrpt Fie brushed beck the flowing volt ILA dralad her head. "Mary CarrT' There was Jim -fol 1115"iu)..er_ els needn't speak. then! 'Barbara thrr.' lie snub) certainly ap•dogise before she wood speak. "Etta Sanders.- Ile .uustu"t catch her marina at n141,- 1.041 1Io.rr whirled. her veil waved out behind tier, and caught no the tree. In seennd the Ingo 'toff was aAnlne. 'through tau lo.tant pante came J'..a. Ile snuffed out t4.e rare, and- e:',retarding tee Iut.rest he was cre lninr-took -fee le his armies -":.M*. ieenises#Ier -r she O..t4!* "Let's OR MIM 1aa-- ether nem. lm. 4Na gids(, •aim ---some . - lesseir- - misttwos ' .uidelvte4. WANTED DRES611AKlNG AN I) GENERAL e knit MRS. L. RAKER, cotter at the ostof f ice Tratalpe attest and Cambria road, .11.1811111.111114 Christmas Seaton L Reflected is the Sale of Stamps and Money Orden Evidence ut the approach etas kr amine tsltat tlM days. The people el 4e4erieb vicinity so far W December base spent an avenge of . over '=00 Y 'Ally- td>r postage .tamp. and 3600 a day for money orders. These Interesting fig- ures were given The Slgual by Post- master John (;alt today. The post- master said that the average would in- crease during the next week or ten' days. The number of money order cur - tonere is over forty a {lay mud on one specific day, picked at random, the avenge amount of each order was 314. Mr. Galt Just mulled when asked how much of the money went to mall order houses. The reporter was asked poilte- ly to use his Imagination. However, It war stated that wall order business was not falling off in (lutlerich. This is reflected also ha the number of C. O. 1). parcels rowing lulu the {eedt- otflce thecae day(. At for fneeming Christmas mail and parol., the "rush" has not yet com- meneed. 1t Is a little early es yet. Overseas mall this year war Just nor- mal. If anything (herr was a slight IM•reane In the number of Christmas t5ff4, rent overseas. Asked if he had anything to tell the 1,411.11c on ihr eve of Christmas the postmaster mail: "Just tell them ware more to mall their panels early and do what (bey can to 1e14.11 (114 iiwvlt• able congestion " Hrur)'slilelers, recently sentenced at Guderk'h to three years in penitentiary for theft, breathy{ and cutrrlrht.was FRANK P. GIBBS, (,'HARTERY0 taken to Kingston Monday lir Sheriff FRANK 1 C Ontario street Mll4letuu ..tut County High Constable Stratford. !'bone 1580. Rea1330) Thea.. Gundry._ Uoderlcb. LOST, STRAYED OR SToLLN F THE PERSON WHO TOOK A BI- SoYCLE nut his own from in treat of the sigual _ ulttluq sensate amen Illy 1* wM save himself trouble, anis- no miminrnu -will be asked. P. WDO E. LOST. - BLACK LEATHER CLUB bag (empty) on Wednesday, Decem- ber 3, uu roadway between hrltannle rued and top of Harbor HIU. WUl finder please return to GORDON JOHNSTON, East street. FOR SALE • RAl)10 FOR SALE. - COMPLETE with batteries, loud speaker and tube... 215.00. Apply at SIGNAL. L I1R SALE.- TWO DRESSERS, 1 l buffet, 1 eliding conch, 1 small table. 1 walnut Ierx•h, 1 pair counter stales, suitable for grocer or butcher: 1 Moffat electric range, ■11 in good condition. MRS. O'GRADY, Newgate street, drat cottage east of Cambria rad. L'ARM FOR BALE. -TWENTY -FIVE - ACRE arm, clay Ism, part 0( lot one-half mile south of Dungannon on main highway. Buildings consist of frame tarn. 341 it 54, hen -homes, garage and modern brick dwelling. (food well. For particulan apply to MRS. J. P. 4'AMPBELL,,Dungannon. Oat, 'Phots 24r4. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT HORN ----_ MUSIC BRADLEY. -On TC•slnee.I*y• Dream- B. SOTI3WLR.4 . her 10th, 1900, t.. Mr. and Mrs. Ar tbur Edward itradley. Ite•utie•tt of Knox Church, Oodeetsbs' sloe Stratford Ne IMMO )i)ARD.-On Wevine,.da". Nnveea ; Teatime PIANO, SINGING, 013GAIf ber 28, 19.911, to Mr. and Mr... Robert ' e. Goddard. East street. a son Preparation for all examinations of ihr (David Charlet*Ellesvectrtbl. Toronto Conservatory of Music 8tudlo--Corner West and WeUfagtoo MARA= streets. Phone 1138. young people from the threw appoint- ments, Nile, I'••rt Albert and Lee - barn, gathered at Leeburn church On l,"i,nin. Huron; John Purvis, Kintner'.Frklay evening .r the tint of a ser - D. McKendrick, N. McIntyre, Kinear- lees of s'er'ials to he held during the dine; John Gillies, Elderslie ; S. H. winter months. The Nile young people Ram•.•. Mullett: George Cromer*. Green- ock : ' Alexander McKln*oa, - Unice; John Kekford and John Findlay, Brant ; Richard Sboalm.--.McGillivray : lunch fiercer] lee the l.eebstn young George Strong Newick.; Samuel Black, IP This irrenrht ton close • vert, Tnrnherrp ; P. Macl'lcar, Carrfck Den- eateebMlae e $ nf ,ataltM eveotng. ' k x:1eri""fls.a+:° = - .__ _. ". ms's• w _ .. =ave n short, appropriate program; then the young_ i.- .p1P of Port Albert took charge of grove -and a gay time was spenL folie* ed by coffee and ,ria, mum: , . Thomas Redden, Stephen: P. Mellon. old, Grey; M. Johnston, Ilay, and Mr. General OI15S Brown. Cutraes. " - At the Royal Mewling alleys a tourna- ment of Scotch doubles was held on • Monday evening, the prise -winners be- ing as follows: Flrstt, R. L_,Llaydl and Threll-alyil osis Are Added to Robert Johnston: 2nd, Charles Reid Criminal Hugh McGuire. In the tournament held last week Fred Hunt and H. Wil aaet Wil- liams were first with a score of 1434 for three games. A. Taylor and II. Me - Nee won second prizes, score 1399. Ther Jury and four mon Jury ac - Man iu-the noblest week- of Cod- Uona are stmt dovAi for hearing at the Atter a long illness Albert J. l,,ad- dolt nobody ever tlitki ftp but man. Word was received In Ooderirb- on (lensral w•R.inrr. whleh shell ai 1411 Blatt. of the 14th eoncc.sl .n of Hallett. y Sunday of the death in Stratford that court house next Townley Iwiore Judge died Wednesday of last week. at the , day of Mims ('hrlsde Ewart, a former Killoran sot Stratford. This 1. three age of sixty-one yearn. Deceased Wa" ' interest in -the radfq fa mo great In *lewd teacher who had friends herr, more 1111thi *ere entered when The Sig - born in England, but had lived in Can- the Netherlands that one equipment she having been a visitor In .Goderlch nal was pnbli.he.l hot week. Present in - ad* the last twenty Sean. Ile to sur- [artery recently added 500 workers and only butt summer. The late Miss iywart idications ago that some of the comes Iiv.od by his wile and iwn".pnn• ('a•H ; h. A ..1411..1 1. 1e statim ou a on dbly } was xudd•enly stricken_whie.-attenslln.. eUl bs a .dslt..t b.dore coming to trial. I _ I Start on Tuesday MIDI►LETON-BEIA'HRR. - Al st. , tieorge'1 church,WalkermUk. a•! Al CTIONEERING November 27th, by Ret.31.- . PaviK Beatrie•e M., only daegbter of Ifs.T iIOMAH GUNDRY, GODERICH, and Mee. Richard Dieltiler of Wind- 1,1Va *TOCK AND avow(A. -tor to Georgy 4' Middtetee et F+pus- A t'CTiONtOR bus. Ohio. sem of Sheriff 4'. O and i Mrs. 1/1(idlPtnn.-l'llntcm, Telephone No. 119 halms attended to -anywhere and every -- DIED effort made to give at sfactloa. --- HOW 94IN.-At Auburn. on Tw•aday,• Farman' sale Dotes ddslcnDDtod December 9th, Charles A. Howaea, in his 72nd year. WESLZY W. FISHER. ♦tutionar. will conduct sales anywhere. MS terms aro reasonable and I will ell- deaver to give slisfacttss. Pkeea Carlow lsla eft address R. S. 4, 0a4- ar11a1L ---_- - itE('K.-At Toronto,, on Saturday, Dm camber 44th, Major Joseph. Beek, formerly. of Godericb. INRIAM BEDFORD -Di loving memo Oatberine McIntosh. wife Bedford, who departed tats 1 „feather IOWR. 1028, a wunderenl wife amt' tallier think of yea • There wasn't • thing too big or too small That else wouldn't try to do for all., - Sweet memories will linger forever, it' Time can't change them, s true. Yeas that may come cannot sever (kir loving remembrance of you. --Fondly remembered by HI'SIIAND AND FAMILY. Six Hundred Pain of Feet in Christmas Shoes GIVE the honors to the Christmas season. 14 has cense to M s -. ra--d *ural foe-vttir4ng Influence of unmeasured power. A western bosl- tnan gave ids -hundred urchins of the Street a Chrhlmns present of els -h ndred pain s. of sloe Who (in mes'ure the effect of put gn - tla.s.x hundred pairs of feet Into al: ••' lar pairs of shows and Christmas ;ray lain the empty thee of Ns ban • dn-,I stru,:tin: I.•''? 1t glade Christ mal the lids',' -t (pa In all their 1 )ams. ,11 lir•.^scht the t Ial..n of hope nil nye • nobler conception of the wort . t turned sir 'hundred {titre of -fear. for lime at least. Into the paths that lead toward 'access. Shull..y. c1 them *411 reach the aun4. wlla••sests--4- .- -re of hops. poorly laorn, away fromrt e'.Ireer of crllrre and girl 10 the sDd , AIliett. both at hdtno•. shills,. _• t/rtC a funeral the day of her death. Otto JUhai111 .d Wroxeter Is ailing PrerisfiroasSalkof RAD1OS -$50 ALLOW ANeE DURING TI11$ SPECIAL SALE WE WILL, ALLOW UP TO FIFTY DOLLARS . _. -FOB ANY -PIANO, RADIO OR 1'ITONOGRAPiI ON THE UR.Ci1A$CO1! ANY CONSOLE MODEL RADIO AT STANDARD PRICM,S: - w OVER FiFTY MODELS Td C110OSE' FROM_ INCLUDING SUCH WEI>Irit- Jf)W ;_ Kt -AS 'MAJESTIC, -VICTOR, DEFOREST CROSLEY, ATWATER --a --- KENT, PHIQO,_BOSCH, STROMBERG-CARLSOM MARCONI, DADA, KING, SILVER, TE1 PL*u, SAD/OLA, WESTINGHOUSE, ROGERS. • ALL INSTRUMENTS' CARRY THE T. -EATON CO., 'LIMITED GUARANTEE OF 8A1'ISFACFION_ OR MONEY REFUNDED • DEFERRED PAYINENTS MAY DE ARRANGED. YOUR OWN INSTRUMENT -TAKEN AR FiRf4T . , . PAYMENTS, THE BALANCE PLUS AN EQUJTABLI. CARRYING IN TEN EQUAL PAYMENTS. SPECULL - .. 74- ONE ('RATA- UPRIGHT *LIGHTLY USED PiANO WORTH $:)o0-". W. WILL SELL FOR $125. DEF RHED PAYMENTS TO SUIT.. GRAY MUSIC STORE CONTROLLED BY ?T. EATON C9,.. GEC) BAXTER --: - LOCAL RI. PRESENtAfIVE Pim 464 ALBER'T-STREET P. 0, Bei 468 Sh17•idalill lriu•ney. provision mer- chants of Windsor, for $500 damages fubrelicln ..oet. loss of turnips' ramolitifi 1rMR - > -- feet $$1lNI, RMI costs. The defence is that the Instils aero not aR reprela•ntel 11111 were.lntsil ..Mte. tfaya A Hays f plaintiff; Raid. Wigle. Whltcalde k Jassrwou IWiedrl for defendants. in the cast o1 Thomas Cleve Joynt, merchant of Heimll, ea. Emerson tr. Knits•. merehaul et Kincardine, plaln-tiff claims 3 4t;11J, the unpaid WaI4e on n nwd atmoblle, with accrued intertest. D fu.lat claims misreprelwentntion and also that he had the nuts on trial only. Tills fs a non-jurcea. (lrelman k Stnbury (Exeterer jde4ntiffr it R. Holmes for de- fendani.•-The ccsf Samuel William Sims of Exter ct. Ilmer Rgshaw of the name address Is a die{rpto betweeen a tranl- port drkvrthe lelaltlff, anda trans-}p09t age1t, th• d fendant, Rims' em-L01QT(L_ 41:,intif[ stains wags in ar-TelertKeith inns.'alleged to have 41.018 1.sl. totglling 5.4944. Thi. 1s said o hsoe Ines tin ammtnt owing when plaintiff was lil off on January 2.1. 141(54. Thi d•f,lett denies all know -Ind of a Isom: to his statement of Pn nil h:s entered a (-mnter- (Salm r 111.,19 for rpairs to 1 tnu•k all• cel to baVP teen hron through plaintiffs negllgenee. ('arling k Morley tI:e-er) for plaintiff ; I). E. NoIm0a fur defeldant. mon. Tt.1' nnsel1Rlt unladen prompl- ed by t;.e e.Ju•tstma• spirit have never the large to Indolence we (Atm&- William 1.. Glisten ' Tlleea lire 4w.; criminal canes on the doe et, lath -perjury dmrgea' milling Lott of the bill °seises. A depulttion et radio dealer.. wait"d (10 the water nu.l IMht rommlamion to- day taking the . ornmissinn'n eoope1i tires iteidilhihntinq Interference in (led- erkcl (hie particular mune of Com. plkint. an electric"' maasagtng POMP - Ment, was singled out. T ,i commin- don promised t.. nivetttfgate and w Is thanked by the delegation f..r amnia- tancs already skis. - A egceanut ea. Jia broken if 4•- -sem' r tie "phllo- wealth" the "leisure." • CHRISTMAS FORESIGHT Rhe -I suppose you're looking for ward to Christmas? ' fie -Ain 1? I'm looking away be• vend It -that'; when the bills fall due. `erelag the Ys1e tag T14* realm,. of burning the Tule Mg 11u ('hrlstmns ace Is not prevalent In England. The .n1UN1 Is NPI fol- lowed In some of the rural section+. 11 Is more precnlcnt ID tit grand' ,nylon countries. (ajar's, Christmas When one 1a very young and when n(4 one any *otos (Ions. -Md1I: Tangs 144A1 art Alwer wt Owned pasta prambeletee or a bars► chair. IROPRAC'YOR AND DRl'ODM'S ., y p star.... Equipped with electro-Magnetie baths. Electronic electric ITSM NS end chiropractic. Cbronte organicdiseases. nervous diseases. Lady In attendant&a eine. boon 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 DAL* Mooney and Thursday a by appointment. A. N. ATKiN8ON Residence and once --Cos r ef 33ou( attest sad BNtaaals road. TO RENT gOR RENT EIGHT -ROOMED I house om Krays street, with furnace I hatb, also garage. Apply to MiPS M. E. SALKELI4. !'hone 800r2. L 'OR RENT. -FRESHLY DECOR - I' ATE!) warm brick house o0 8t. Patrick's street. Two -minute walk from office. Three-piece bathroom, gr - age and garden. I'o.session at once. M. W. HOWELL. MEDICAL R. F. J. R. FOR/TER. EYR, OAR. NOSE, THROAT. Lite House 8nrgeos New York Opb- tbalmic and Aural Hospital. aasietaat at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital. London. Eng. 53 Wateriee SL 5.. Stratford. Tel- ephone 287. At Hotel Bedford, Oodericb, con Ilia evening of third Monday of mei month till the following day Tuesday. -_ JLLJiJas. _ _ -ISSORS, KNIVES, ETC.. QUICKLY LEGAL repaired at W. G. ',FURY'S GARAGE. DUDLEY E. HOWIE:. Hamilton street. Barrister. Etc: iIAViNG TAKEN 011T AUCTION- I Once -Hamilton street, GodurlcL Phnne 2'7. F.F.R'S llcenee for Bruce and Huron counties', the Undersigned in prepared to conduct all kind; of auction males. ktpny years' experience of dealing in farm stork. 'Phrase 117, Ford Garage, I.ucknow. WELLINGTON HENI)ER- SON. and nroperlT• *h*. paned end (runs Saltford Som4ay sehnnl will hold ea annual Chrlatilase entertainment on Tnseday. Dsarar 711. NOTICE TO CREDITORS WYPI4114-TO CREDITORS. Notice 1* hereby given to all persons having • claim; against the estate of (:harlet. J. Rpence, late of the Torten of (o11erleh, in the County of Huron, who died on or *Tarot the 20th day of No- vember, A.D. 1930, to "tend such claims duly proven to the undenlgned on or before the 20th of December, A.D. 19140, ■e on and after that date the E{cot- ton of the saki estate will proceed to make distribution thereofhaving re- gard only to the claim, of whleb they then shall have had notice. DATED at (oderieh this 2nd day d December, A.D. 1980. HAYS k HAYS. Goderk•h, Ontario. Solicitors for the ElIetvtora herein. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby elven to all per- sons having claims *gaimtt the .tate of William Phalen, tate of the Town of Goderfch, in the County of Hlaroe, railway foreman, who died on or about the 29th day of Ocober. A.D. 19:30, to send RAMP, duly proven. he hnderslgned on nr before the 19th day of December. A.D. 19.10, as on and after that date the P:rectitor of the mold estate will proceed to me distribution tieverd, having regard o the A1tneeM wMch he then shalt have had Indica. DATED AT GOTferie f -ifliif ;h Asp of Dteember,NA . -. A. Goderieb, Ontario. Solicitors, for the Eteeu Dr bereis. DOUGLAS )it. NAiRN, Barrister and Roilcttor. Office --North street, Oodericb. Telephone 512. F. R. DARROW, BARRISTER,.' 1110. tlure(etsor to J. (.. Klllona Phone 9?. - (ifftrr-- '1 he Rouare. (ioderlcb. VRNERT M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor - Son Life Rullrling. Adelaide - sill Victoria street;. Toronto 2., • Telephone Elgin 5801. *tape R IHaps BARRIRTIM, R.C.HAYS-R.O:ttAYS .a Hamilton St., (Jodener IN4t1RANCE, LOANS. ETC. cEILLOP Mi1TiIAL rime Fil- m BURANCB 00. -Farm and Iso- lated owIated town property tttanrM. OMenr--Jas. Connolly, Pre., (God- .r11•b P.O.: Jae. Evans, Vlee'Prea., Beachwood P.O.; D. P'. McGiegor. Ree. -Trema., RMaforth P.O. Directors -,A. Rroadfon4 R.R. No. S. seaforth; Jam. •Rholdlce, Wanner: Wm. RInn, R.R. Nu. 2, Seefor'h; Rob- en oben Ferris, Harloek; John 13ennew.4a, Rr04 hagen ; Gen. McCartney, R.R. Nn. 3, Re.fnrth; John Pepper, Rrue't1•M. dgapti- W. j. Yeo, R.R. No. 8, Clin- ton; linton; James Watt, Rlytb; E. Rfneb- ley, serfvrb; John Mnrray, Reafnrth. Pn11Py lreiMevw ea. IMAM aN payments Slid got them earls ?endured at R. 1 Morrish'. Clothing Store. Cilntae: (bteld'L`Itfl Groeer•r, WtrlJeten @trent, Godertch, or J. H Reid'* General Store, Hayfield *