The Signal, 1930-11-13, Page 4e
4 Thursday. November 13, 1930
0400 €241048+16e4 000'0
Where can you equal the value in
at $27.50?
Come in and inspect the samples, see their
splendid tailoring. See the Blue Serge, Blue Stripe
'and Fancy Worsted. See the wide selection. We
know you will find them the greatest value for the
price you have seen; in fact, you will agree that
such quality is usually found in Suits at a much
Ihigher price.
i -E Pridham & Son
"The Store with the Stock Telephone 57
Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario
01 OVi1148
__111tog month tor --
-\S1IFIELI), NOV. 11. -Thr hdlow-
? lug were home for Thanksgiving: Mrs.
]. B. Rhodes of Exeter, Mimes Anna
and Lola M4'Keuzi• of Toronto. Miss
' Lottie M.Ktagie of HawiltO11. Nitta
yap 4aAtstondolE -its•._. t •ttnrMa_
131aet1rey(or 1.1 Kitchener.
1 Miss ..\. Duckett. it.N., lett at the
w, ek.eud for L1111111111
Mies Marion a(iddlraou spent
1 Thanksgiving with friends in lialerich.
1 The ,p1ay. "''nruintc the • Trick.'.
1 which was 'Riven in the Kitng$I.rkIgc
tallish hall all Mulahev night. war
1 wue11 *'ej,yisl.
Sirs. Charles Boyd 1141. r.rwiveil the
sad news of the death 111 her sister,
' Mee, Tennant. of ltuffailo.
I Mr. Frank Johnston. of hates. Is-
uuder the ei•M•toes core_ and 1. very 111•
• i)45NNh11111N1K, Nov. 11.- The regu-
f bit farting of the Y. P. S. of 1)011147-
• basement
was held in t
1 brook o h'
of the church ori Friday eveuin.. Rey.
Dr, Mlo• hal, charge of
111w first part of the pro-
f gram. The sweat al pu,rt Was lu charge
of Willie Craig. Mr. Bamford nud a
l}girl /„ • of Itilly Sundays w•rtuoun
wl.k'h was very for'eIIIT fiiil-'v1('tllu en -
hived pry ail. Miss brew Jefferson' read
• the report of the Y. 1'. 14. o1111ventlon
I which was I,eId at Detersive teo weeks
ngu. During the service Mrs. It. H.
Thompson and --Mies Jean Itul,iuwon
gang delightful motes. Width added a
W1) November 11. -Mr.
\Cw. ..II spent timidity with
Mr. aal/'Maa. Bert Carter of Ethel.
A ft ,,,t t-aW thlr vicinity took In
the t r snit roarer st Landes -
Mc. - b'eek-
eud witk_» 1-i t. Wee Mary Ellis,
of Toroals
Mr. god I Stuuclunae and
�I,- i
ale 1)aaisl!o' , •sl,•rioh, spent Thanks-
giving Day a ih, home of the lady's
sister, 'lira.
Mr. and a1 - 1 H. Hoover, os
Blyth. .pont 'I -giving at the home
of Mr. alta ala- \v r. t'awplell.
Mr. aid id, .1 1,. McDowell and
children and Ili-- \linute Snell were
her nth, Benjamin J. Crawford parred
away at his home In Dungannon. after
a.loag Mutes- The deceased was •
( lifelong resident of Dungannon and
for maty years was very prominent to
fit f h nity, being widely
In West Wawanosb. this afternoon. The
farm was not sold, but the live stock
and other goods were dbipoo d of at
good prices.
Meows. J. J. Robertson. Thus. Wil -
the e o the
cvlmwu 54111, 1:rutMt Mitchell and Nelson Mc -
known a• a successful general err- 'arty were at Parkhill 011 Turad+Y
chant. Bonn hi Dungauuou severity- ulght fraternising with' the Maroon of
tour years ago, the truly mon of Mr anti that phew Irl the nras1ou of the dolt
5trft tfltttgm t"rawfbrd, h• resided Meer of lllkulIi "Be.
1 Het friends are eared to learn
thnNlgkont his lir•et Unna.
frotu business five years ago. selling that Mrs. George fowati. *1:e lctz been
his store M Mr. Charles Alun+. lie UI, IN improving.
wan aIw.ya knuwat as a wan of the Auburn Masltla will attettd the an-
strtetest integrity x1111 p,a54•a54.•d the IDW11 at'ltowe (Af Morning Star Lodge
etifkieuee of tow people of Dungannon at ('arlow• on Friday night of this
and the entire district to a remarkable we4.11. utmrods were here from Knell-
it balmg truly said of him that ever on Monday nud with ■ number word N'aM /1141{001.1qN IIiN bond.-
He w•ap a member of the Methodist of the boys from the village enjoyed
Duet' United! church. in polities a a hunt Iu 111*' uetghlwring t'Vunt ry
staunch liberal, and a friewl of every ging a ixer of jackrabbits and cot -
movement for the advencwmeut of the tOutaU1.
f.oudrrtk, o t...1• • on Sunday. I community. He in survived by hon wife Mr. A. M. Rice, manager of the Au -
Mr. sad airs. John Campbell and (formerly Elisabeth Wilson 1. nue sou, burn braille!) of the flank of 4'uwwrree.
children, of Aohu••r, spent the holiday William, of \'Ictoria, 11 ('., *4141 one sports a new 4'hry'ler 75.
at the *mpg ,111hr lady's glister. Mrs.
Albert Wald' ,*n,I' other friends.
Mr. Meld Mr- Jack Buchanan ,and
children neve w'imghattm visitors on
51 is., 3iar)I,rir 1'itrwon•, f 1.1st-
daughter, Mrs. R. E. Willis (Olive), of
Detroit, Mich. Mrs. J. R. McNab of
Lueknow iri a sister. The funeral' put on the degree work
which was private, DWI held oil Sunday nud P
afternoon. service twing conducted at Mr. and Men. Bordon Taylor and
the home by Rev. C. C. Kalne, pastor Mb's Beta Hamilton were at Detroit
A aeon• or more of wewlwr. of
Morning Star 1.udge visited the Exe-
ter Musick. Lodge last Friday night
owrl, spent .. 'r the week -end with of Iluugan)4ou'lilted church, asakstel for the ww'krnl
by liar. 1'. 11. Gibbs, the Anglican' re- Mr Vls. ]uhustou and the Mlsa.4
her friend, DI,+� -Marc vlorgar. tor. both of show paid feeling tribute Ellen rut Laura I'ItillIpa moturef to
.‚Jr. and Mi. Ite'rt Tayhr and chile to the life anti worth of the departed Ihtrolt for the work end.
dr•u vldtosd .m 11)ls(tris at the him!Mr. 111111 airs. J0.1/11 carter ■rid Mr.
nue. Ihnrling the merrier r *do, "3/y
ut the former.. brother. Rev, F:Inner $11\lour rind lid All," was sting by and Mrs ,tack 1'uderwood. of Port El -
Tat tor, of IC, , - Miss Margaret Pentland {harttlhnl gin, weer- guests of Mr. and Mei Nelms_
Niles Dorothy Vincent. of Bethnal's floral tributes were went fr many 11111 for the holiday
outside p 1 points. Including \'i•U.rir and
Vain -oilier. R('.. Letldlrklgr. Alta..
De. troll. Mich., Hawilton, (ytderich
visited bet ('111011. Mrs, W. keit', as Mr. and Mn+. George I'ater4 11 and
Plumley. _.
Mr. and Mr. W111 Graham, 01 Stoat•
ford, visped atth Mr. end Mw. .i. --Tr,.
Fllla_.ald other friends ever the
great deal to the pleasure of the meet- •L'haukildvlah�ul.ii1 ys
Mg. Miss Elaine i Monfort! Mi'. War- Mr, att4d 11 r. \\'m. l'rrallr,J01
i Rmi•
rGorl ,ua
trlhtrtedn instrttnren- slalta.l�••• atuu,nev b
tal.Ihtet which was bi•a7111r"Pn1011,d• Miter's pat•tt Sir. and Mrs. W. H
T1ea drecreation divhdou of
tampb!!"'-r��// t MAtibrey Teott, of lrmlurue, visited Friary eieninCs meeting will INheld Xc. Il.-ar. and ids. era .
oter the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. B. at the usual hour. 111 charge of Miss
}tnIigau Elaut Bamford.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred'Treleaven - 1\.. M. S. 54111 ilii their regular
-- f imilf. of Toronto. spent the week -end ',Mea ie Ori Thursday of t -1i s1 'Week at
with Mr. and Mrs. B. Treleaven. the home of Mrs. (:en. Nryhir.
lion at their beat Mies Ruby Kilpatrick, of Rockwood, Mr. and Mrs. J. l'. Itobiu"w spent
L apeudhtga !Wades with_her brother Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Kilpatrick. Geo. Naylor.
Mrs. f'hamney, OrTronnyhn*ok. is cis- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jefferson, of ('lin-
filing her daughter, Mrs. It. Finnigan. ten. visited Mr. and Mrs: C. It. Jeffer-
rs, J. Stenary i' visiting friends le nest on Sunday -
Hamilton. Rev. 1' C. Wilkiusou. of St. Helens.
Miss Alma Make. of Toronto. was occupied the pulpit -of- I)uuyhroolc
borne over Use holiday. church o11 Sunday.
-air. and Mra-.2.. 19Wn11 and family -1 convention -inn the interests of Sun-
apent Thaniciglsing with the hatters A' s*4w'oI work .wail be -had iii
, parents",'Mr. and Yrs. Englund. i,1)4•k- Helens on Thnrwlny of this week. MT.
new •Gordon Naylor is the I)wnuybrnik (tele=
alira.ieaa Fuller. of Tur oto. "petit Rate. but all are invitwl to :Melia.
ttw w.�4 with ser - lrle, -Sibs - - -
' Anita Mae Treleaven. ..
R1*ta Sawa n w Bile' Esdadiab -
uron orA fe
from 12 to 3 pm , 60c
I Business M.n's Lunch
daily at 60c
Fred Wong
InMn (ramp Won iNgMss 112.
- - - = Mrs. Geo. •tw1rew.
__Messrs_ I'. M. and Donald °rest, t4
The Misses Edna and Bette
lend' Mrgl. A. Stewart visited their
• ousios•at 'rrehwvtrs'g-se mender. NILE. NOV 11. -Mr. sled Mrs. Jaime
3fcTKtyre a1111 5.111 Russel if-itel oa
LLTCKNOW Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Elliott Har-
rison f Porter's It'll
Mr and Mrs Frank. Kershaw and
family, of .Gsslerich, stent Sunday
with the lady - father. Mr. Robt.
McDowell -
Mr. aad-�t,'Maitland Heorc lift
Goderich visitor- on Friday.
slew °lady- \i Ihnwell, of Lerburn,
spent over tJe'holiday at her` home
- Mr. and lyre. .4. Howard l'ampbell A. It(IL1.INS(IN. POSTMASTER. iS
awl hobo cud Mr. Douglas' Campbell for The Signal at Aulwrn atsl Flre Dies psmage•-What might
will melee Nabtr•rlptions. New stnb-
11{ent 1' iday at the home of their have proceed r serious fire ars fortum-
nt. Yrs. R. �t. eIiousr, of (:lNlrrlrh scrtterw 11sJInR fire I9il *111 neeeicrI alrlc checked In time on Saturday
This rietnllr ars .halted by a t1w 'nowt for the remainder ut loan lte•morning prat, wheat Mr. lief. Beadle's
haus*' caught fire. Mr. Beadle had just
burned out the (-Winery and had gone
le the field to plow when Ida wife
aotited shooEe eo0lsg from tlw roof.
...,. Lui kixow, beakless those Prow Dun-
a1 attact of tonsillitis'.
friends. The interment was 111
Dungannon o•rusetery, the pallbearer's I An outbreak of scarlet fever last
wveuk Mrd Air prompt attention of Dr.
Weir. The threw seers were quaHs-
daughter, of Toronto, were guests of
1)r. and Mrs. Weir un the holiday
Mr. Maitland Allen hi laid up with
being J. R. MtNah. George Anderson
ti Welter Hamlitee. of 1.tx'ktwes,
Rot- F Inner -at 1'Re[rott stn t'raws-
Prntlanl, of lhmgannon. The Ps"rloR i further spread of the tntrinle.
Neighbors being notified and the mei
In the village called for the aid of the
fire extinguisher, the fire w.. put out,
but not until a'uprtderahlr damage hal
been done to the roof.
Address �tieyad.-An address on
"Binds of Ontario" was given by Mr.
W. E. Saunders of 1.011410)4 ■1 Kuoz
United rlitn•h oft Tuesday night The
speaker is a student of bird Ilse end his
address contained cowrie iuforinetlua of
Interest and value. Other items on the
program were Orgau selections by Mrs.
Mortltnore, sales by Mier Margaret
Ferguson ■rid Mrs. Nomas Murray,
WO Master Charlie Mltlta, repeated
1115 school fair address ou the cowpera
I've merits of country and city life us
the building of character. The affair
was under the nominees of the Sunday
Now on at
weer side of Square
_ERE! O A 1 L
-tined. anti nu Dealt castes. tIR
font. of l'ort Albert. rind Alex. H. ported It la hoped there wilt' he >b,
(It J Crawford rewtr.e. • of the 1 31r. Harry Dodd ham returned from
landmarks of this pert of the moray, Jtnlssels, where h. was employed in a
1,111 his Ilauw w111 long be remembered Farago during the summer.
o n 11kd
pydu_gilwmualq•, Mr. W. R. PattrrNc n • •oan{lr
Mr. and Mr's. F. E. HIIthcrt of Glider-
k•h on a motor trip to Grlt on Thanks-
' giving Day.
Rev. J' McIntosh. of Toronto. con•
ducted the servlete in the Baptist
chun•h on Sunday.
hot "'vett. Carters ands cae„ wen l without extra charge. Every paid -in -
sal,* ril.*'r for 1931 w•111 re-
-both running
twice one of tow handsome Signal cal -
beery fall of -11mw and stormy weather
Mims Ann, 11 )rrislm ban
1-isiting bar 11 • • - Mrs.- John i41ebar•
enders. The Signe! and any one of the
Toronto or !muslin' 1111111!0 for one year
*41 nod Mrs. F' I .1. Coot. end 1• all tor ''�� ,
present 1411.1(1 ; 1 Delp -are winter.
going to Hew for the winter. At'111'RN. Nov. 1L -Alli Magi+
Institute will meet 1a the Foresters'
DU\( tNNON 11.11 on Tuesday. November loth. at
.1:. ei clot k. Sulrjre f-F.rrrr nwwler
briij a sugtmsHun fur Lnmemnde
\ \ov. I'. --Jur. aid
Christmas gifts. Roll call -Household
3IrN Huber F h 1 [ 11 ill M hints. also fruit for the Shelter. 110s-
rOrea> es
>M%toltf- qaa�?tf_
Frits asi Vegetables
Telephone your next
order__ .ft
Geo. Pok
Corner of Sq Telsieses Nu h Street
bio r w y a r.
tru a .
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Guru and two Ernest Kwebl,•[ spend Thankngtt-ing teases -airs. F:. Itplertson. airs. Itis,
children. Jean and 1101/116•. motored with friends at \lillta,k. Mrs. Stoltz.
I,1'('KX11\\', Nov. 11. -Mr. An- T1s' Wonwn's MIsai.anary S..uiety- 0?
' drew, of Toronto, spent the week -end from Pelee island last week anti spent Mr. fl ant Savage. of for titrattord the United church will weer x hOt
I at the hum*' of Ida parents, Mr, and i s*'reral days at the home of the form- Normal Raised. spelt tis rill at
the home K his lattzaM: Mir- std Yea supper on Feld{ cNovember '1cth, In
the lasrta rat 4, 'lite church. The Miss -
John Saville don hand will hold /heir bazaar on
Mr. ■rid Mr- u.•rt Wlgglay_ot Brant-/111111
same date aea
in the baent.
ford. 'epee Ilia,,,,h=eid--Y-T-tpM me of The next tttlt--i- -•t710 B.Y.P.F.-
the foriasr's 1..r lair and Mrs. obi be held h►aM insole ehOreb o0
Tido,. W t'Rgtaq Sunday evening, itteeembler • plats. at
Mr. aoi�"ritar � Jonas. �i� 7.39. Everybody is wereonw.
ily moto 1* on Sa>'atNt� sc It'♦' NTIt t, November 14. -Mr. and
.pe. -the day at the beim- of Mr. and I Mre. (bad. of Toronto. spent Thanks-
Mt�"Jar MOM. Riving with Mr'. ('oad'. father. Mr. A.
Mr. and Nies. Fred Treleave4 ant- M(•Kenzle. and other ridaticem.
gamily, of Tomato. muton' rap and Mr. Eldon Stoltz. of 0. .t. (:-• Guelph.
pent the ,vr#.eatt at the home of the and Miss E,ffle Stoltz with a friend
former', lowlier, Sirs. Rult Treleaven. from Chatham dIMtrket were holiday
Hotel `Bedford
Thursday, November 20
J. 8. Knight
Will di pla,v c cMillibtr line-
d undies' and gents'
.-_,, Leel tiling Patent Structure .
Advice's' all Sc dp Ailstwts atoll
the us• of 1YCia-
llaor,e Hotel for .-Ippoi,th,+rat
'..;;J:he"W.-T: PeltlberSt�llsttd.
12!{ 1•onge St , Toronto Ont
Toronto, called on Luc know_frient oa
rf Raturday.
Miss at. McNaughton spent the hol-
iday at her heave 11 Orangeville.
)Zr. Jaek Macintosh r,Jl r�r;f of Annan, spent
ants at Believing. over } tt}1. sPoasca. Finnigan.
Miss Frances Thomptrin'pent a few 1 the week -end and holiday at the home
clays last week with her sister. Mrs. of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Trice Naylor. of Toronto. Finnigan.
Re -opening services were held in the Born -to 11r. and Mrs. Roll. Echlin
Presbyterian church on Sunday after at Alexandra hoapltal. tioderteb. on
Novrmlwr 7th, a trot. Congratulations.
ter',+ mother, Mrs. F. filen.
Guest.yy over the week -end at the
pomp or Mr. and' Mrs. Telford Nixon
311,54 ltauaa xtwell and Mr. and
Mrs. Jaek Daniel and two children.
Florence and Gordon, 01'Toronto.
Miss (3rai Finaliaw-a4.i engsft, and
the redw•urnting of tow Miller. *11414.
Krniwth Niacin -an, of Wingham. gave a Minn Dorothy Jones spent the tteek-
I MpleiMlid sermon at the morning ser- rte' with her sister. Mrs. Douglas cilia- Mr. 1\ tt'o111dge, of Toronto, b. tinhorn at the home of their parents,
sieudn11R a 6•w days at the home .d his Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Stoltz.
1 vice. At the evening service Rev. R. W. ming,. of I1*'".. 1 Mr. and Mr'- R. McT're and Mr. and
1-irraw• of the la•al 1'nlred church spoke. • Mr. and Mira, D. etllib. of Brantford. daughter. Ura. (1. M. McKenzie. Mrs. Harvey McGeeattnrdrd the Ih at -
f wax prepared by the i w-rre weekend R wets at the home of Mr. aioi3lts, Rani Swan and family , .
spent Sunday and Monday with fricndsi tie -Welsh welding at Reld's Corners.
Rt Stratford. ' {truer enmity. on Saturday last.
Mr. It. {lewd. of Goderich. ant Miss air. and Mra. Kruse ■rad sem Itlllfe
F,vel'a Ih-sl, of Toronto, spat Tlanks. of ':alt. visited Mr.. Kruse s aster,
ay at the 1 globus at -tote home of Mr. end Mrs. Mrs. E. Lawson. over the holiday.
N14'81111.Robs. i41 j,la0p. The fine weather Is enabling the
Miss 1:14141711 sad Mr. Edward Shaw lir 1.:•ierae Pentland 01 Urtrott. farmer' to Rot their fall plowing Aorta.
and air. and Mrs. Ms54m end dnnghter• spent w (AV days at the home of his The ladies' Ald of Knox Presbyter-
Toronto. were week -end ¢nests at the pareste M,.. and Mrs. A. It. i'entlsad. Ian chinch Intend holding a supper anrdl
parsonage. Mr. Lorca McKenzie and Ur. and hamar about November '29th.
air- gated Sirs. .lei: ('otuurll and.
Mrs. Rohr \feKenzie spent Smxlay and Urs. J. D. Howatt, of Tuekersmlth.l
daughter Jean, of-i:eir-vlsltel over siobda, a ith friends at London.•has been the meet of Mr. awl Slee. /'rep.
Sunday end the holldny xt the 1 of air. Ito .% Willis nisi daughter. Mlles' ilowatt for a few day)..
Sirs. John Taylor. 11•rl. of Nt. ('athar- MIL_ 111 Ictrolt. attended the funeral { tnRliss h niw..eY. ofMr'' sVingIirrgrnu. 1.. vidt-
Miss Allow Shep{of •the Ira.• It J. ('ran ford on Sunday.
;pas, ancp..kcuther, Edgar, of Hamilton. Lea -Tenoned to Detroit 1(unday'ver_ I a1 r. Jas. laidlaw, of ISlytb, cnllcsl on
pucut the holklaT with their moque,
hut...lirs_ 1PB11s, who WW1 Isere for • friemis In Aubnnn on T)ieeday last.
_ - , ttjrik 1n{fs;re her father's death, !x re- I Mr. and Mrs .1 (i. Odeon ,54,11. of
' mainleg frith her neither for a while. 1 iAmdu11, spent 11). work enol kiting
Mr. and airs. Mrlall, Glenn, 0t Doe with their parent» herc.
rP„ It. ill, , biting the former'. sister,
\1141eas lata .l uucs an.1.l nnle Ml'IAMMI.
\Ir- .1 .1 11.ya1. I of Toronto. spent Thanks/ED lug with
\I, - met, -in I,_In Reel ant daughter Dora their parents here,
ys•n1 16,- week -end with friends in 1 Mr. Clayton Mnrtln. of 1:ngletiart,
r,.mb rich spent Sunday with Mr. HMI Mrs. W. J.
The 11'„men's Institute is putting on 1 Thompson.
a pin. entitled "Sonny Jane," to be en.,I Mr. and Mrs. It. 11. Manan and family
earned by the young people of Blyth in , spew the week+•nl with friends at
Spr•i11I music r {
choir. including 54dae by Mins Myra Mr. and Urs. Harvey SIIIIb.
3lacDounld nud by Mr. Doherty. Miss Jessie McCann, nurse -in -train -
Miss Jean Stewart. of Toronto, swat Ing at the Goderieh hospital. and Ran
the work -end at the home of her par. Wry l t'n of
o foto Ito, -spent
PHIS. Mr. and 3Irs, A. P. Stewart. it
Mrs. Milan Harris, of Chicago, is
tting at the Irina. tit her sister.
344.1 Murdoch.
Ur. +111.1 Mrs. Bean, of ,Toroat0. are
tinting sit Mr. and' Mr*, Fred Arm=
- - of roug'':--
�- Misses Mary -Hamilton and Kathe
Ilre S1cKeuzle, Stratford Normal
Brlumrl. spent the week-erld at their
homes Iwr.•. •
Mini+ Mary Douglas. of Kitelirnerxy
6.Ite1 her prcuts, Mr. atul Mrs. (.. H.
Douglas. over the holiday. alr'. L Shcpperi.
Special Free Offering for
A lovely Velvet or Felt flat given
with -every Coat sold during these three days Ig ped
THESE HATS ARE VALUED AT $2.95 AND $4.50 ---COATS REGULAR 525 X Nl..ionnq Bar.
thi• duoi-1, kali on Friday evening, No-
veu,IN•r 21st.
\Ir. Anil Mrsi. J.1 M. Mt•Natt. of Am-
I.erley -15.nt Tnrwlny Rt t1w home of
X Mr..amt flea. Fret R.N.N
31r. is-. Edwards Is having a nate of
his hoe -hold effects and property on
S.tur4:.c. November 1511,.
Mr: .i. Dialler end MI.Ot Margaret
0,111 10 \Orton yesterday to clMIt the
r.�(em•r;- sip, Mr. 1)rlost Dlsher.
X91.' -ars CRlvin McIntyre and Harry
ott�are at Golden 1 alley 011 a
iti Itlou. '
uet.-c in 'flint/witty
r"'11t11: knit One of n series of mtr-
tut -inner hatagnets i4 the Presbytery
fid ,.1 11,u'.n refs held In- Dungannon
Coat and Hat -for
t --dresses
Sport Dresses of Covert Cloth
becomingly trimmed with Satin Collar
and Cuffs, pleated and flared skirts.
Reg• 512.
Misses' and Women's sizes.
Special during these three days
• getortlg
Miss Cove's
Millinery and Gift Shop
To the People of Goderich and Vicinity
1 hare purchased the Millinery and (1111Shop hastile's tussles
M. N. Making on the North tilde d the Square, and I take flits
tient opportunity ot•annouae to tis ititaplirOotbseich and eons
inanity t1wt the Oars nos0 wall Ve tense'Jr monlipsont °` sad afLer
Saturday. November 16th. -
I tni.t i w111 have the privilege of earring MM Matins' former
customer*, as well as many new alts.
Mime McKinnon. who was aaslstaut to MI's Mukha, w111 still be
a Peoria tett with tlw huatmwu.
3f,ssr'. i•:1i. Ilrlwlg nod Rainer
Dawson mutorsl 14, IN•trplt:•ovlr the
Werk -(cod.
Kltkr.otriek. of \ranclmrer.
B,('., inn clsitin( his slater, air,. Boit.
Mr. aswl Mrs. Nin. Motel' and (soli -
i ply, of Clinton, were guests of Sime.
' John Arthur at the 4.•rk-end.
Mr. and Sirs. S. 1t. 4'1e111e0t +11m1 fata-
lly. of Toronto. vi5lteil at the I of
Mr. and MFR. ''has. Asquith.
Auburn Preabyterlans are wnkit
ahIpnent of fruit' nal vegetable. to
Toronto this week as n contribution fp
a church mission In the city.
There *sum n tot crowd sit the auc-
tion -a& at Slee. `j'o'in G: ('amplan'a,
_ x I 1111•••I •' 'Merit. Supper was served to
(/Jyl nl).nr -. ceut7 five. and the after -pro-
gram • ,s given In the Rudtlori um rat
Roc lhnr-an \leTavish of
A Special on
Men's Overcoats
Here's your chance to get your
Reg. $25 value 'for
"Shop where you ,are invited to shop
ove 418
I In- , 4,,, ,,A,
444.4•.. 91111181111 lug. The principal
-peal, were Ret. 1). .1 i)acldaol,
11111s+.lon1r. 10 India. and RM,
\1 11 Pike of Northern Alberta.
.tdregaes An Vilrlous phaeea
nkiset of missloms were hearts
diet' interest. Voeiul aele,tltma
.otrlbnted by n male quartette
,., ;derleh. (irwlerlrh. Adl.urn.
11., Se, llebenN Rd ('cows, ■• W- 4 ,,- .noon. were represented In the
Tal1.•n la Early Life. -T11.• home of
Richard Flnlgan, of
1 '1',•-I 11' 10011. hers imam herea.el by
the d, Alt of their third daughter.
torr "rAfh.erc•urred on Topsider nigh'
iat•4ta,of alsteen yearn. Mine
LV -1011Z/1 11 t- (recipe (recipes. 4'0ll.' •4*r•
Institute a rear fief had Iwen et
:tr.p s tintssuses 4 tlur't 0f heart
I,. wb1M was the tines of her
dent,' Sam la mourned by her parents
end In *roe ''.ter, and PIN brothers.
this het the first hrr*k In n fan1117.
M ten Tlie fmwral takes plate nn Fri
day ntte*sonn to hnnrsnnalw cemetery
Meati 01 11. J. ('vtlwf•rd.-Shortly
114Rirp {Aright wo Thnrobiy. Note*,
•7 "'
ALF. TEBBUTT & SO West SiSiHardware
.led¢er Isere Means. n/ oldR. Lewd R ehosse
Taw Fray wo written by
2h/iss Margaret Groves, R. R: No. 1, Goderich
"The Aladdin Lamp increases health. wealth and
snappiness: health, because it is mutable. for the eyes, ordorl,'-,.
noiseless, 4mokelwss and sanitary: wealth, twosome its ittiti.J.
and fuel costs are reasonable: happiness, Mrauswltadependahl••,
instantaneous light and its attractivebese 1*notify the tome. It
1. the Ideal Lamp for the Home."
`624V•oD Lvere�!
New Playbill "Swing High" and it's a circus
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Joe E. Brown 'Hsi. &maks Claire tops any comedy you ve ev••
Countless remedies are advertised
for constipation. Many relieve for
the moment but they are habit form-
ing and must be continlxd. Others
contain calomel and dangerous min-
eral drugs, which remain in the sys-
tem, settle in theoints and cause
aches and pains Some are Erse
purgatives which cramp
and leave, s depressed,.after effect
ectAvoid Lubricating oils which only
grease the intestines antf"en(nurage
mantel' m..dS sty to became lazy.
A purely versatile laxative such
as C.erir''w,Lttle Liver POW .geptlY
touches 11,e liver, bile starts M flow,
the bowels move gently, the Intestines
are thornughly cleaned and constips
tion poisons pass away. The stomach,
liver and bowels are 0054 active and
the 11•rtenl enjoys a real toile effect -
All druggists 25c and 7Sc red pigs.
Thursday and Friday
Special Attraction •
presented on the stage by Dough,. Campbell and trained chorus assisted
by a Ideal cast A singing .o.n.dr romance of life .•seas the gypsies.
__.�11 an'd.lrl cater•.
Cyril Maud in "GRUMPY"
ii. wars fa4r•os comedy success Special price. will proud' both nights
Saturday afternoon and night
with • special programme of sausical fowterettes will afford your Inst
tbaec. to one tb. e.labrabsi C'IU Maud ie his liking plftfe
wawa mu ' rzATpstlaris-- « - -ppl[EDIES
Evenin Prices Will t'f*t*ft ■t HoIk1a7,It1 1a/
• gb111� . night at Tia tad !,!!. Matilde INVIIIMINIky
+`•tel• p"�.'�,....•.-,a
Bender: AduuIt* adv: CkUaeet Matbieaa: alit a !1rr4
Ctalsi Sent-«WNG Ar MY HEART" with Jahn Ilgesslits