The Signal, 1930-10-9, Page 10is 10 -Thursday, Ottebeet 9, 130 } 1. 11 WALLPAPER A talfbe range of 1931 filial IS now on ale! PlEY Lovely Patterns f at l0c per roll COLE'S BOOK STORE I. 0. D. E. to Stage Prize Competition Christina' Oard Delon and Short Story Oontesta Have Been THE SIGNAL ' - GODERICH, ONT. "Christmas Card Competition." and should be eau to the National Educe- tkwal tereretary. Imperial' Order Daughters of the Empire. '-oo Moor Rtreet Eaet, Toronto 5. Ontario, on or before Nuvemler 1. 1980. butch design I ten oft only oft' side of the paper and submitted should fin.- marked with an shall be esse fiat. not folded or roiled; arsuuwd name. and should be 1111.41.1.111-I tlw Winkle. Hulk de plume. but not ponied by • 'waled envelope containing bla or Wee sal mune. shall be on the both the real and the assumed mune-01100e pasermod a -.sled envelope, with both aa : a wed Manua tear 1 mads h printed ic.••nlpany the _ R._._AtrR11[P►1 _:git.._.. cwt K. . A prize of one hundred dollen is tits imperial l►nirr Dau[htrrat of the 1 YThe Exeeuturs of the Estate of t mt+irr to if,v.- (l.e eluants wlnaa4lg flee Oasdlf itis! ____ Jetties Elliott. dwelled, will eel by offered t.y the Imperial Order Dough- I first prize pulJisherl and sold as n A prise of one hundred dollars ten of the Empire for • Christmas Christmas curd. public auction. on Tuesday. October card design. A s.+nal prize of fifty 18100.0p) gees by Feeble Macintosh, 7th, rem commetweig at 2 o'clock, on dollars and a third prize of twenty-five 7. The prizes will not necessarily EttV(t{+0. of Mistreat, and known as the premises: be awaniwl it. to the estimation of the the Blasede macintosh Prise, in of-, Part of Lot 13, Concession 4, West dollars are also offered. The c(1nt(a( no entry merits. the award. faredimperial Order Daughters' Wawanorb, conatstin el November 1. 1930. The follow- j by toe Isp [ of good farm lig vondltlon. govern the competition: 8No mitt,'will be returued unless of the Empire ler a one -act play. A land. buildings, etc. 1. This competition 1s open to all it Is at'eompanied by a stamped and ad• second prise of fifty dollars ($50.00) L A1eu the following household ef- Brttbsh subjects resident in Canada, dressedenvelope suitable for the re -offered by the Princess IAoulse Chapter, feels: Two good cloves, extension ketch, Halifax, lett.f•Jtowing conditions table, 1 table, 4 cords hardwood, 1 whether professional ..r amateur. The turn of the sane prise will not be awanle! twice SHOUT STORY govern the e,uuprtitifm, which closes bedroom sults, etc. to the same prrs,n. - TO March 31, tow TERMS. -20% of the purchase price Play 2. The design submitted shad be an 1. The Om Alai' be a onset play, of the land at the time of the sale and original sketch -in colors (slaw risen A Prize of two hundred dollars lite preseatatieu of which on the stage the balance in thirty days. Household 'sc., x 12141, li2(a1.tsi) given by Mn. Norman Wil - should occupy nee let's than twenty gouda and effects, cash at time of 3. The subject for this year's come laud. Montreal. and by the Chamber- minutes and u,,r more than forty nail- sale. petition Is a Canadian outdoor mishit ialu (Twiner, Toronto. is offered by utas.For further particulars apply to auwne. the Iw{stied Order Daughters of the 2. The pia, .!,. 1 neither have been HAYS aHAYS, 4. A cnwpatltehr may submit more Empire tor. a short story. .k areoe►d' published nor L..• Iwrn presented on Goderlch, Onterite prize of nue huwlrel d,llars Ieite)001 the stage Defier Ming aumitted to this or to THOS Gt'NDRY R 130\ .y` Daughters et for F:wplre, 238 Bluer Htleat Raaf, 'format) 5. Ontario, not later tbas penuary 1, 1981. The re- sults suit■ win b4 aimouti''''d early iu April. 11. Manestrip(• shall be typewrtt- ROOMS TO RENT DOOMS TO RI6NT.-l('RNI811ED, aMt Square. Apply SIGNAL OFFICE. nxisc TOK$' BALE KECI'ToIIM• SALE OF FARM le LAND AND HOt'MEHOtt) EF- Aussunnsil- "max./tax Ras TO R1lT1T MOSTG.GE $ALE OF VAl'ABLE rRENT.-ON MAITLAND ROAD. FARM PROPERTY. I r five -room cottage. Apply to JOS- - EMI MARTIN. t'ndier andIa bya virtuecrrtaoftn on 8t titsaortgagqueene, 1 fes► HENT.--( oMPORTABLE HUU814 contained Patrice's street t rear of will,* will be prudueed at the time of • skating rink. M. W. $DWELL. tele, there wUl be offered for sale by pnbik ■uetlue, subjrserved Price or bid, un Katurdayect,to tLea 18theday II AD -et (irenbee, 1980, et 9 wee,- ee else{ properly offered for sale. by °eer'ie 1G- (Il]►L1F IFFTIt pA M` Ilett, auctioneer, that valuable Fara I J.atyh, property e',ntaluing 154 acres, more or lees, couslating of the south ball of Lot Number Twenty-five in the Second Cew(•tarlon, and the west half of the north halt of Lot Number Twenty-five In the First Conceaslcw, in the Town• 1l4 of West Wawanosh, in the l'uuuty of Huron. said to be first-class clay loam, about three acres of second - The Administrator of the Estate of the late Alexander MvMurvhy will sell by public auction on Friday, Oc- tober 24th, at 2 o'clock In the After- noon, at Nell Mel h,naId's General Store. Klntall Out.: The Routh Half of Lot 30, Lake Range t'onceaalonn, North of the Town growth hardwood bush, and the bel- Plot. in the Township of Ashfield, ante gpod workable land upon which containing 102te acres of land. at* said to be situated a Dew one•and- 'rhe property consists of a good a -half -story cement house, about 7.8 frame house and barn, good farm land feet square, with a new kitchen and and well improved. woodshed 15 feet by 24 fret, a barn 70 TERus.-1o"c of the pun•hase price feet square on stone foundation, a at the dile of the sale, and the balance straw -shed s0 feet by 30 fret on stone t„ two paid within 30 days from the foundation. a driving -shed 411 feet by dote of salt. 20 fret. a cement silo and a drilled For further particulars apply to limn one dcsilltn. but setts-Yvdry should wrlI. HA1'Ft & flees, be sent ill srlfaratrly. is offered by the Janet ('arna•han competttton, an,l 11 shall, not be sub- Auctioneers, Goderieb, Ontario. This is eald to be an excellent farm. f; 5. Entries should be marked chapter. Toronto. The following condi- meted Nsenee.e. until the result of oderkh, Ontario, tions govern the competition. which I this c i rs situated on a good gravel road, riots to Solklton for the Admlutstrater, ,q.. .•. F!• rusty 1. 1931: 'ompltlliu'n i.anncrunced. schools and churches, about tWo miles [3 The sinning aye shall be AVC"1ION SALEor to THOMAS Gl'NURY & SUN, t ,y prise g Il==- a Anbnrn. within a radion of ttze (raw patdhlhet -"I'it o, sabjert to the - mss from Carlow. ti0mmetlrftl}•Tarwr .. e ,LIth ,.. s vu rnenarndwords '"' ro OE are the only visible sigik of your standing. Just a few dollars more and-,No(r'get "CUSTOM- MADE." They're worth it We are showing -t e- new Fall Hats. WE DO ALTERING AND REPAIRING FRANK H. MARTIN TAILOR AND HATTER ------- Phone four nine • DYKE •LOCAL BOARD OF HEAL.rTH tom-- its'.tui. .Si• there are at this time in Western.' Onteriq some Mee ofPo omyelitlet anti e-Pargr- advised to watch children closely and consult their • Ilfly with ' s and of or O: H. clan ifchild appears -ill. The symptoms- would be: Fever, headache, stiffness in neck and bac , elk ;;r titre at andvomiting. Earl diagn treatment offers the best result for "the preve paralysis. in these eeees. thou "or 1e. then n I approval et nye I,at,uunl executive con I CTiO\ YALE O it FARM • AND re, IAendeslaro 1►ungaum,R and, _ h ul hot more filen six thousand. i DAME*: foe fruitier publication and PRE STOCK. , tit-:. _.tt60ut tw•a yr from Gakric•b -CHARTERED .HC I ^MiT I r .tier su . 'Ts ar'e lint «e- I Production gag., loll shall be obtained and about fourteen from Clinton. Iwrresl. -toric* dealing with l'auadias from the Imperial 'triter Daughters of We are instructed by 1'EitMi : Tru per cent. of the par• QItANK 1'. G1RBEt, CHARTERED life are preferred. T1fls dee* out mean; the Empire MR. JOHN FF.A(:AN elect nunc•y.to (or {aid d,.wu ut time Accountant. I1_` Ontario street, I mere {ertimetory reference to a ('an- 1 4. The Mlle- ,li the plays which re- 10 sell by public auction at the prom- of sale and Mulanee sin 30 days. I - Stratford. Those 1580. Rea 1890J. 1. ndiotu tackgrnund. Ibe IiartIenlar uwlve hemeeft,le nention, with name. Wes, half -mile east of N11e. on boundary' For further particular.. and a ohil' ('auadiau setrhlg mh,*.a•n wast he vital of the authors. -!I'll la publlshel to line time on tions of salt apply to to the trentment of the sublet. Prefer- I the June lame o; ' I:cboes." SATURDAY, (K'TOBER 11 HOWITT & 11oWITT, ce.• Is given 10 the wh,de•s ane treat- I 5- Manuerripr' •(Hall be rent by erg- commencing at 1.30 o'clock: 20 Ixwglas street, Guelph, Canaria. nein and sublet matter. Literary iederwi poet n,'1:e National! Fduce- Herteew-(►ne deicing horsy. a years $..lk-itur• for vendor. . 1t. ROTHWELL. ,,oi'lt will h• ,•.xhsidrnd as well as rc•- tlonxl 8ecc•retar' Imperial Order old:1 grey horse. rising 4 years: 1 hay _ ......IR Organist of Knox Church, Oudretch lion. and Interest. Ilaughtrrs og it,. Empire. 238 Bloor nests. siring 4 press; b a Competitors tinct lap Lrrttfrh rut•Tenet'stile►t'-swld -'- Music Master Stratford -Normal &hoot dew {Street k:rrt, :.. Ontario, -not in. 3 yearn : 1 enarte-4-terls-eltil--A -- AL - ' Teacher d IJwas resident iu Canada. IJatss-iian Manan I. 1113L The results - - - 4. Tiers will be threw judge**. tw•oiattrel ma PIANO, RINCIN(T -GROAN will be ■uturuts • 1 •rely kn A 11 CaWa-Tw'u Holstein cows, just. AUCTI(IN SALE OF FARM STOCK: Preparation for all examinations of the . hos+.-n from the Canadian Author. (•malItlon, a t' 4. (:. M. of the freshened ; 311 gaol grade (lows. lnclud• IMPLEMENTS AND GRAIN. Toronto Consecratory of Music A>T"•tatiteinusLep)' trent the Ju{perfa -td►nwt .-halon apply also to , iM some t'oltetl Angus (tredrr :tit anis _ 8tudlo-Corner West and Wellington Oyler Daughters of the Empire. the-ose•art plx> •m{etitkou. tweed to be W calf. Some s rl u 1 MR. DANIEL 14. PITBLADO - 5. N„ story submitted in this e,m p g' ' petition shall have hero published puret.re yearling black bull. 3 steer., will sell by public auction at lot it, V Di T rfetug r cents old ; 4 steers. rising 1 concession 3. WO. ani o/rne, on prrti.ously, our shall It be rubmitt.d . j[aylJ Sl ` year old; 5 heiferik.rlels[ 2 Stare vld' _ _TUESDAY. ESDA_Y. (M'Tt1RE1I 14th • .•teeewhwty to t -H the rrsnk of title aim i 1 steer, 1 year old; 1 heifer, 1 year old • comweneing at 1.30 ,, cloeli shin): ptitiou Is aunounee(i. 18 choice calves, some fit fur baby Hersew-one black hors. f' years THOMAS OUNDRT, OODERICH, d. Thr• first prize shall out he I } MR$. 1 (', BI,AIR beet. old ; 1 buy horse. 1t years old ; 1 black l LIV1 groat AND GKQe1)rft.0 ewarde(L twice to the cams perscm. our Mrs. F. C. I'l.ir. +►S "!lSatat ktrret, 1' A(iCTiO 1EER tIsR-Fizht(e pigs, aloont _mouths care. 10 carr fid. et1Vp11eerd to br la /uT; T driving mare, I?'rets std: _ r .__. Cieltir.-(tne Hereford cow. 6 years Tatepo .nne No. 119. . TERMS: Farm vrill tie otferei for old. due to fresh. -n in February: 1 •ttaaded to an ids and eteQ stale subject to reserve bid. (In chattels Durham cow. 4 years old. due to Irenie rsr made to glee attishctifta. all mime of 810 and under. cash. over en in November : 1 black vow, 4 years dormers' sale sense dlacountefL -tbaP-amount twelve months' creditaid- due le freshen to Mareb: 1 sed.( KS _. 18HER. will tie given on furnlrhlhg approved heifer. :t years old. due to freshen In bankable paper. A dfaeount of, 5•'. al- a larch : 1 white heifer. 3 years old. due •uetlotteer. lowed for cash on credit amounts. J to frohen in ApNI : 1 black'vow. 4 will coated •lea anywhere. My JOHN FEAOAN, T. GI'NDRY t RON, ye•ra old. due to freshen in April : 1 • era reasonable and i w11: es- PropHetor. ' Au Hensen. 'black cow-. 4 years old. due to freshen dearer to glee Mtlaf•ct1on. Ph/1De R.R. 3. AuAurn. fn May ; 1 black row, 10 years old, due Carlow 11114, or addrake a. R 4. G,ab I to freshet' iw xprtl : 1 H(aateln heifer, wield..'--" • MORTGAGE BALs 1.1 yea/j old. dile tQ i ►en in March; IL' _ 1 bine, cow 5 years old. due to-fresh-7ELL'IOTP'l[17 LICE. - MUS IC All(TIONEEKINo shalt a prize for rise rr.y surs sir,■. tjttawa, for nae, 7 tlrvotwd a rirae fur the inns act p(iy Ire awarded aemler of C •are Baptist church ' 2 brood ansa, to farrow November -f ' to •tile same person in any One year. in the capital ,Tixl etcSeptember 25011. 1 The prizes will not -seees 'rile be efr more ty.e. 0iiely years a reel - awarded if no entry reaches a sof• ( dent of Ottawa, airs. Blair had ea- ch -Wail/ Mali rtaudard_in the eetJmW-_tatat.hed far, 40.,.4.14 • wide circle of Oen of the judges. - elope friends. Ettore her marriage , 7. The Merles awarded the flrat ' she was Helm, NIury Lamb. Beatdes and second prises shall be published inher husband. 1 1'. !Clair. she is aur• "Echoes" ind permission shall be ob- ( ylved by two bother-. James Dewar tamed from the Imperial Order I►augh• Lamb. of Miniu' j.li•. Minn.. and Got- ten of the Empire before they are don Lincoln I.ad,. of Colborne town- rpublieh d in any other form, . ship near God. ri. Ir. Two other bre 8. No manuseriwte win be returned,' users, William ..ud John. died within bet the writer. may_ retain tbeTfirlat_ tbe.laat two sew', Mrs. Bleir viii--- and in-and beet typewritten copy for hie or 1 menaely inter.•to d in the social aetfv- ber own oar and submit a earben ts?py,-titles of bps rhtr+. 1.. 4.. jug „ . provided it it legible. the Ladies' Mis,.onars ie.--iety and the A. The titles of the etoriia Til WFre- Ladies' Bible Auxifiery she Will bad trive honorable mention, with names In Carmel. (h1• of the authors. shall be published in -+•4he dune issue- of "Echoes," and -these stories may be printed in latest knees of "echoes 1f the wetter/risk "Echoes" committee me deater, _ 10. Manuscrfpta, whierrility be in English or Freud]. ellen be cent by Mt- . apart -4a the National Educa- OF' FAgld- pROPF.RTY __ i en Ma •ch 2nd ; 1 red cow. 5 years old. AattllaMr to freshen Morel 19th-:- 1. Ayr • r PbaN- -.l aakao w shire vow, 0 yeah old, due to freshen Bales conducted anywhere. Wide ex- - -TAIHPr and. by virtue of the powers Feebniary 23(11: 1 purebred Hereford ' pertence. My very best efforts pat eoatalned In a certain mortgage, which bull, 4 yearling stews. el spring calve.. forth in emelt and every eels. lte.e$r-Rix Oxford ewes, 8 Oxford ewe tanlbt _. r-Tw t y. pear s /sea.Iu a Droll Mlpl'ihr to - somber;_ 1 Weed Wm. Wei 4 young sei►a; GeriT iootllts + -- I will be produeed at the time of sale. Gt'NDRY'S ' %LE REGISTER there will Is offered for sale by public etnaaay, ,, . `•_ eR far! { ascites es . teatueday. the 18th der et ny at ! min 11 to the town- O. -toner. A. 1). 00. at the hour of two of \' Wpraww,re\ ]Dew•rtpttfro nein,* lD thea fternoon at the pfem• r'ew prop,b glvrn elecwb.re fillip i bee in tie Township of West Wawa 5 week, of ea this .air .by auctioneer, the following prop R ^t• -M - erty, namely the Easterly part of Lot 'Twenty-six (26 n to the Fifth ha ConeraaLon of the said Township of (•„..a West Wawanoah. partk•elarly de- eta h beefier, 1 Mateey-Harrla mower t unal ' S601411117. Imperial Order sale a•; ptYope+ First Opening estate 4 0,. c,te Alexander McMurchy, Ashfield t•_e 11 -hip. Maya A Hari, folk - 1...0.. -1 a« follows:. ('eon scaring at the J ftore for rh.• adtttllstntor.e- mate 'T •14arris touring -spreader• noutheaat angle of rail Lot : thence f hw slwvrnlet car. 1 Adams , DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER Westerly along the Houtherly boundary sloop etrlgha sad platform : clan 2(M► thereof forty rods: thrum Northerly bushels barley and other articles t'HIROPRACTOB AND DRUGLESS parallel with the Easterly boundary of TERMS: All sumo of $10 and under. THERAPIST said Lot twenty rods: thence Westerly cash; veal that 'mount a2 month.' Goderkh, Phone 341 parallel with the f(outherly boundary ,.relit will bre given on furnishing ■p-' Eq 1pped with electromagnetic ten roil.: t7fert(w `ftrrthrrt7 1►arrliei proiete -um- tigbTF piper. A straight dna- baths. L4eetronle electric treatments with the Laeterly boundary. tour rods: i sent of 6.1. alitmee for cash on credit and chiropractic. Chronic organic and then,' Easterly pmrallrl with the amcwnte. nervous diseases. Lady In attendance. Southerly boundary ten rolls: thence D. H. PITBLAW), T. GINDRY A SON Once hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m., Northerly parallel with the Easter- I {'rcoprletor. Auctioneers. excepting Monday and Thursday and iv Iw,nndar) t„ low water mark R. R. 4, Gerber&k. by appointment. AT. GAYNOR.. Auctioneer --Telephone 22 ow 04. undrotrie-ort. Auetloa sties eatlaeted anew Igo , Nov too Targe, nose too •mall. f always .. 100 11,s. • 7 pigs, S5 11w. work in the very beet Interest of times 1 2- - ble j who hpve ms em eyed, (Mase. very i _.rbc c_.-3ii:.fGlae'iv.;"T- ntt riding plow. 1 Massey -liar. anteed. Showing and Sale of timer -11)111 Line e[ the . 00.1114 SPARLINI; it Red Craw Hospital, DurhamNew INSTANT -LIGHT arm Mrs ,alt.. (m (ktolin .rd. sea. Mr. ____.-i...t y,. why M. Sperling. a eta... -a KEROSENE (.tet • i MANTLE LAMP 4 Call at thin store for entry blank into this simple contest which any man or woman, hay or girl may eater. Be sure W ask for a demonstration sn that you may be better qualified I., win. There's no entry fee or obligation incurred -just a few minute. of your spare time spent in filling out the bink may bong you this beautiful Aladdin Talk lamp. selling at $15 5O, afwnlutely without one.eent of expense. Don't want -dome in today, secure your entry blank and Ask for Fall Partiallass ALF. TEBBUTT Autit,rized Aladdin GODERICH extend a most cordial invitation to everyone to -'..,.y S t, our store and inspect this new 1931 line of Aladdin lamps. Never before has such a beautiful and completely mod- ernized line of kerosene lamps been available to the homeowner. DiED GIRVIN. At Dungannon. on Wed- -iwssd iy. Ia•t.erer Mrs. James Girvin. in hi. 7:;r4 year. . VODDeN In Colborne, hip, . °O, on the northerly or left hank of the Friday. , a i.-ber 3rd, Isabella Hutch -1 Maitland River ; then,' following the FARING Al'(t• N BALE 0 Moon. widow Of the late John VOd- wjn,nugr_andturninsr4of said law wataLl .-f +.-__-R. ) yeor,---_-_.- e r . mark on maid left hank in a genera! I MENTs iN a:a m north-easterly direction to where It ie I 4-Est.('(iM *E -s , fond stub lelrpg intersected Ay the Fasteriy limit. y •noon cq e, raid I of Twenty -aux ; thence southerlyw111 sell by public auc'tlun et cumra- if along the maid .aNterly twntndary to tit! alon 2. lot 24. West Wawanf..h, 21hj f a4(1t act 3'0, 1 N. "r"t7ff}}Frrtte'rltrw!'e!' Wu oftP(h 'Link .4 flays gone.11Z.., whet, o. vete an together; shades. o'i_pur lives la cast; Our lot .al'nne gone forever,- Tonight-0o orever, Tonight -tie -tans are glee ming _t'pon . lonely grave; ,ere rle.pa'th *Shout dreaming A. N. ATKiNSON • Residence and office -Corner of tit street and Britannia road. mr•,a.n} »t HIM late John New The Aladdin kerosene mantle lamp is not only modern in design and finish but it supplies a modern white light which is the nearest approach to sunlight of all. Its light is brilliant ' yet soft and mellow -just the right intensity for use in the home. Eco- .--: nomical too, actually pays for itself in til oil it saves_ n.aif?ew months. Burns -68 hours on a single gallon. _ -Omniin at ycilir earliest oppoii i- Wily and see this new light demon- strated. See how extremely simple it is; how noiseless, smokeless and odorless; how plentiful and pleasing its light. Absolutely safe - no danger. Priced within the rangeof every purse. 10 Outstanding Features Burns Kerosene (coal oil)-Abeolutel Safe -No Smoke - Lights Instantly - oak 10 Ordinary Lampe - No Trouble - nominal --No Odor -No Noise -Nat Gea- erating•-Nn Waiting. All Papalar Styles with Beautiful Deeereled Shades is Glass atad Parchment This wonderful Aladdin available in table, vast. hanging, bracket and ficox lamp styles with handsomely decorated shades in parch- ment and glass. The light will glorify and the shades beautify any home. A ern art Um al far 6W 21=rds • ONTARIO r .: MEDICAL R. F. J. R. FORSTER, -'.c .^v--. .." •Af firs- Mollis !!9[t f`H91e A!' -.. . - TERMR Ten per cent of the par- TIH'RSDAY, OCTOBER 1f1 Late Home Surgeon New York Opb- gtupey to down rt - the t 1 aclock sharp the following: i tbalmlc And Aural Hospital. aasistent time of sale, balprur folie jai tUw.li Hirt H rftay g• Iding. 8 yeah old sat Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden thirty slays• hay tteldtn1. noon year. old: Idack mare, lipoate TbroatHostpltaL London, For iwriher parole lar* -Asti condi- eco years old : ag•cl driver : r,rlt, rising U4 Waterloo 81. 8.. Stratford. TN - lions of sale aptly to 2 posts, iephnne 2117. HAYS HAYS, ('attlttrRlxck .uu. ]u tears old I At Hotel Redford, Godertch, on the Grderich. Ontario. *upprr.sl to freshen In I Nc•ender : roan i keening of third Monday of each OM' we loved het could nnt•save. Dated sir G A.D.19 , title Feb day *11 c'ow. 10 years (1141. aupp.aoed to freshen month Ilii the following day Tuesday, (a toles, .D. 1930. In, Ilec.'tub'r ; Holstein cow. 4 years •t 1 p.m.it I41iNAg streams of Life pray OD, - _ old, due :o fre.hea at time of male F• innt-stiff rhe vacant chair BALE ihtrhxm cow, 0 y rs old, mllkintt: te0 i reNV.s- sage, the love, the voice ' .ow, 5 yearn old. Milking, mup{,wa.w1 to LEGAL R K ()f ene--whe eta••• mat there. MR BALE. -A NVF:NTIN(iHOI'HF, freshen in March. rd row. years WIFE AND FAMILY. r old. die to freshen in January ; red - afx-tints electric ra,lrb', nearly. " year. row. 4 old, milking. uppoaed to Apply to MRH. J. W. SMITH. Brock y freshen in March: 7 yearling intern and heifers, 3 spring Calve*., 1 young calf. -Ten breeding ewes, 5 ewe La Ie,-Young sow. sirppoaet to far- row December 20th: 7 afore hoge, abiout INT )fin: each. Peukry. - Eighty While Leghorn hens, OOP and two jeer,. oniidls : R0 spring eblekens, white. And itarred Racks. liupkesenla, e4e.-Deering binder, 6 - foot eat : F'ne.t & Wood mower, 5 -font cut; Freest & Waol hay rake. 10 -foot : Manmej•-Harris hay loader : Frost & « Wood cultivator, McCormick -Deer- ing 14 -plate dine (hew) : 3-rertlon iron harrowp, I►eering 13 -filar fertilizing drill. steel roller, Oliver riling plow. nearly new ; Drury walking plow, near- ly new ; ('a•kahntt walking plow, 2 wag,ma, wagon box, gravel box, line rack. Net of elelgha, 2 w•ufflers, turnip mower, rubber -tired top buggy, Port- land cutter, nearly new ; set of Ren- frew .cake, 2000th. capacity, nearly new ; fanning mill, root pulp -r, pig crate, wheelbarrow. Buckeye brooder. 1000-ehlek .apaelty ; ('hatham incu- bator, 120 -egg .wpaclty; Peerless Incu- bator, 240Mgg capacity ; ice King cream ertpe etor (new); Maley churn, Pan - range. box beater, table and other toehold efteecM: 20 carts elm wood, Y. sere turnip. is the field, new (cop. ony bonne. 10 x 10; molat..ea barrel, 21i 'rein hags. set of mingle hareems. set of ,bonnie harne.., ..•1 of plow harnewa, forka, chisels and nsmernne wNea fat Nt er a = -- - TERMS: all soma of gltla+d amMrt moat; tmount 12 months tttPi(Hf '*.+ ap peeved leant mem-vs a diaemn,t of 4% allowed for mal on credit amcwtnte. Positively no reserve. al proprietor baarfopAaler. rted 01. fain. J. W. U(x)1), O es rt net. WANTED I'TO ` FOR SALE.-McLAi'GHLIN WANTED. --LIVE POULTRY. HIGH- A BU , Meister 8tx, 5 -passenger EST m;:rket prices paid. PHONE coach, good AI4IIE 'with four Sew • .1'1 BLIC NOTWE FEAT IIF:it8. - HAVE YOUR f a(b•r ids load. Into sanitary mat- tresses. oessemst is now in Godericb. Dro1r ircnl to BOX NO. 747, Godertch I iKD OF 411ANRS IR. ANI'ItL:W M1L1.iAN AND YAM- Ii.Y .Iesire to extend thank. to friends for kindliest ,hewn dnring the illnesv „f Nr., Mt111an and for expre.- .lons nf,.c,uiwtolenee and for floral trtb) utas a their time of b•reaveinent They Nature all that these kindnesses will not vee', be forgotten. COURT OF REVISION NOTIt I'..tl (`OI'RT 0P REVISiON pF COLBORNE NOTf1'I: 1 IBIf GiVEN fiat a held, psrumant to the (►nlariu \..r ' Lista Act, by ib Honor tit.• .li of the dowsty Caart WL. nth.' Ai,, ship llatl. kith day ..i 4Mther Ash*nhnnh rs Now ,.q - f honw for Da reed the 1930. 11: iR, the Municipality. oa ]%Ionda -. taxa 1960 at 2 pm.; to e(tlsunMn Yui In flee VIlbetorlisel of the Township 4 dor of Bsptembpr, L•r)R •RALR.--HECOND-HAND VOAi. r heater with men. Base burner. In gored condition. Cheap. Apply to MKS: HOWEi.I.. Trafalgar street. Tel el ane lt•,(r. - UOU0E I9OR HALE.-TWO-RTORT A rel brick hams on (iloneeeter 'ter- race, with Nun porch and balcony: in first -clam rendition. Apply to M. .1. BOWLEit, Anglrsoa Street. COR HALE. - CHOICE WINTER F apples and 'invert rider. Also Ford. Pon tractor In gaol condition and Me- Cormtck-fk•ering "Little• Wonder" plow. F. J III'DIE, R.R. No. 2, Bayfield. Telephone 60032, Clinton eentnl. LVOIt HAUS.'"- Ii(;HT-R04)MEA frame hone In village of Auburn, de,lrublc Iteration. gn*I well, redern, Jlydrn, good farm stable. large garden with a number of frnit trees. Alsoiea male: Nine minis 15 -inch split hard- wood. maple Band tech. Apply to MARSH. R. R. No. 1, Auburn. COR HALO OR EX('IiANGE FOR suitable larger faun property.- Thirty-acre ropert7-Thirty-acre, Lard' of good clay loam on 1ABTi31 intr-F v eteetr-vtr_a______ k horror with two-ran/1r femme kitehert .t- r1at O by 444684 has snit &les 'ab.el Situated on minty r„ed thrve-qliartvrw of a aIle from Auburn and .nw-quarter of a mile from ('. T It station find chemise mill Rural mall and tele - .A4 t7.to It MARSH,` R.,•R, No. Auburn s,> t- .. . ERNE8T M. LEE. Barrister and Solicitor Son life Building. Adelaide and Victoria streets, Toronto 2 - Telephone Elgin 5801. DUDLEY E. HOLME7, Barrister, Efe. Office -Hamilton street. Godertcb. Phone 21. (,', R. DARROW, BARRISTER. ETC. la /ueruaor to J. I.. Killoran. Phone 97. Office -The Sous re. (iodertch. *Taps & Flaps BaRaltrrRlae,• R.C.HAYS-RC.HAYR /R.. H.A Hamilton Rt.,'(iodericn a: iN"I'iRANCE, LOANS. ETC. ,xii.I.OP MUTUAL FiRE M- al CO.•. -Paris and iso- lated tows property leisured. Officerw-Jas. Connolly, Press Gol- f erkh P.O.; Jas. Evans. Vice -Pres.. Beerirwewwi P.O.: D. F. McGregor. Sec.-Treas.. Se9forth P.O. Directors --,A. Rroadfoot, R.R. No. 3, Reafnrth: Jame-Hholdlce, Walton; Wm. Risen, R.R.INn. 2, 3eeforh; Rob- ert obert Ferris, Harjock ; John nennewe{a, BroAhagen ; Gen. Mo('.artnsy, R.R. No. Reafort11 ; John .pepper, BruceftMtd.- Agents -W. J. Yeo. R.R. No. S. Clin- ton; Jame•s-Watt. Ri}Rt : R. Hlncb- 1sy, atesLar_b: John 1(lnttap..8eatortr 1'nitry-holder* can make an payments and get their cases ra'elpted at R. J. Morel.h's Clothing More. Clinton ; Cabin (tr►'t'a Grocery, Kingston tenet, Opprieb, or .1. 11 Held'. General Bay OWE g:i tab...'