The Signal, 1930-10-9, Page 10is
10 -Thursday, Ottebeet 9, 130
A talfbe range of 1931
filial IS now on ale!
Lovely Patterns
l0c per roll
I. 0. D. E. to Stage
Prize Competition
Christina' Oard Delon and Short
Story Oontesta Have Been
"Christmas Card Competition." and
should be eau to the National Educe-
tkwal tereretary. Imperial' Order
Daughters of the Empire. '-oo Moor
Rtreet Eaet, Toronto 5. Ontario, on or
before Nuvemler 1. 1980. butch design I ten oft only oft' side of the paper and
submitted should fin.- marked with an shall be esse fiat. not folded or roiled;
arsuuwd name. and should be 1111.41.1.111-I tlw Winkle. Hulk de plume. but not
ponied by • 'waled envelope containing bla or Wee sal mune. shall be on the
both the real and the assumed mune-01100e pasermod a -.sled envelope, with
both aa : a wed Manua tear
1 mads h printed ic.••nlpany the
_ R._._AtrR11[P►1 _:git.._.. cwt K. .
A prize of one hundred dollen is tits imperial l►nirr Dau[htrrat of the 1 YThe Exeeuturs of the Estate of
t mt+irr to if,v.- (l.e eluants wlnaa4lg flee Oasdlf itis! ____ Jetties Elliott. dwelled, will eel by
offered t.y the Imperial Order Dough- I first prize pulJisherl and sold as n A prise of one hundred dollars
ten of the Empire for • Christmas Christmas curd. public auction. on Tuesday. October
card design. A s.+nal prize of fifty 18100.0p) gees by Feeble Macintosh, 7th, rem commetweig at 2 o'clock, on
dollars and a third prize of twenty-five 7. The prizes will not necessarily EttV(t{+0. of Mistreat, and known as the premises:
be awaniwl it. to the estimation of the the Blasede macintosh Prise, in of-, Part of Lot 13, Concession 4, West
dollars are also offered. The c(1nt(a( no entry merits. the award. faredimperial Order Daughters' Wawanorb, conatstin
el November 1. 1930. The follow- j by toe Isp [ of good farm
lig vondltlon. govern the competition: 8No mitt,'will be returued unless of the Empire ler a one -act play. A land. buildings, etc.
1. This competition 1s open to all it Is at'eompanied by a stamped and ad• second prise of fifty dollars ($50.00) L A1eu the following household ef-
Brttbsh subjects resident in Canada, dressedenvelope suitable for the re -offered by the Princess IAoulse Chapter, feels: Two good cloves, extension
ketch, Halifax, lett.f•Jtowing conditions table, 1 table, 4 cords hardwood, 1
whether professional ..r amateur. The turn of the
sane prise will not be awanle! twice SHOUT STORY govern the e,uuprtitifm, which closes bedroom sults, etc.
to the same prrs,n. - TO March 31, tow TERMS. -20% of the purchase price
2. The design submitted shad be an 1. The Om Alai' be a onset play, of the land at the time of the sale and
original sketch -in colors (slaw risen A Prize of two hundred dollars lite preseatatieu of which on the stage the balance in thirty days. Household
'sc., x 12141, li2(a1.tsi) given by Mn. Norman Wil -
should occupy nee let's than twenty gouda and effects, cash at time of
3. The subject for this year's come laud. Montreal. and by the Chamber- minutes and u,,r more than forty nail- sale.
petition Is a Canadian outdoor mishit ialu (Twiner, Toronto. is offered by utas.For further particulars apply to
auwne. the Iw{stied Order Daughters of the 2. The pia, .!,. 1 neither have been HAYS aHAYS,
4. A cnwpatltehr may submit more Empire tor. a short story. .k areoe►d' published nor L..• Iwrn presented on Goderlch, Onterite
prize of nue huwlrel d,llars Ieite)001 the stage Defier Ming aumitted to this or to THOS Gt'NDRY R 130\
Daughters et for F:wplre, 238 Bluer
Htleat Raaf, 'format) 5. Ontario, not
later tbas penuary 1, 1981. The re-
suit■ win b4 aimouti''''d early iu April.
11. Manestrip(• shall be typewrtt-
aMt Square. Apply SIGNAL
nxisc TOK$' BALE
"max./tax Ras
FARM PROPERTY. I r five -room cottage. Apply to JOS-
t'ndier andIa bya virtuecrrtaoftn
on 8t titsaortgagqueene, 1 fes► HENT.--( oMPORTABLE HUU814
contained Patrice's street t rear of
will,* will be prudueed at the time of •
skating rink. M. W. $DWELL.
tele, there wUl be offered for sale by
pnbik ■uetlue, subjrserved
Price or bid, un Katurdayect,to tLea 18theday II AD
-et (irenbee, 1980, et 9 wee,- ee else{
properly offered for sale. by °eer'ie 1G- (Il]►L1F IFFTIt pA M`
Ilett, auctioneer, that valuable Fara I J.atyh,
property e',ntaluing 154 acres, more or
lees, couslating of the south ball of Lot
Number Twenty-five in the Second
Cew(•tarlon, and the west half of the
north halt of Lot Number Twenty-five
In the First Conceaslcw, in the Town•
1l4 of West Wawanosh, in the l'uuuty
of Huron. said to be first-class clay
loam, about three acres of second -
The Administrator of the Estate of
the late Alexander MvMurvhy will
sell by public auction on Friday, Oc-
tober 24th, at 2 o'clock In the After-
noon, at Nell Mel h,naId's General
Store. Klntall Out.:
The Routh Half of Lot 30, Lake
Range t'onceaalonn, North of the Town
growth hardwood bush, and the bel- Plot. in the Township of Ashfield,
ante gpod workable land upon which containing 102te acres of land.
at* said to be situated a Dew one•and- 'rhe property consists of a good
a -half -story cement house, about 7.8 frame house and barn, good farm land
feet square, with a new kitchen and and well improved.
woodshed 15 feet by 24 fret, a barn 70 TERus.-1o"c of the pun•hase price
feet square on stone foundation, a at the dile of the sale, and the balance
straw -shed s0 feet by 30 fret on stone t„ two paid within 30 days from the
foundation. a driving -shed 411 feet by dote of salt.
20 fret. a cement silo and a drilled For further particulars apply to
limn one dcsilltn. but setts-Yvdry should wrlI. HA1'Ft & flees,
be sent ill srlfaratrly. is offered by the Janet ('arna•han competttton, an,l 11 shall, not be sub- Auctioneers, Goderieb, Ontario. This is eald to be an excellent farm. f;
5. Entries should be marked chapter. Toronto. The following condi- meted Nsenee.e. until the result of oderkh, Ontario,
tions govern the competition. which I this c i rs situated on a good gravel road, riots to Solklton for the Admlutstrater,
,q.. .•. F!• rusty 1. 1931: 'ompltlliu'n i.anncrunced. schools and churches, about tWo miles
[3 The sinning aye shall be AVC"1ION SALEor to THOMAS Gl'NURY & SUN,
t ,y prise g Il==- a Anbnrn. within a radion of ttze (raw
patdhlhet -"I'it o, sabjert to the - mss from Carlow. ti0mmetlrftl}•Tarwr .. e ,LIth ,..
s vu rnenarndwords '"'
ro OE
are the only visible sigik of your standing.
Just a few dollars more and-,No(r'get "CUSTOM-
They're worth it
We are showing -t e- new Fall Hats.
Phone four nine
tom-- its'.tui.
there are at this time in Western.' Onteriq some
Mee ofPo omyelitlet anti e-Pargr-
advised to watch children closely and consult their •
with '
s and
of or
O: H.
clan ifchild appears -ill. The symptoms- would
be: Fever, headache, stiffness in neck and bac
, elk ;;r titre at andvomiting. Earl diagn
treatment offers the best result for "the preve
paralysis. in these eeees.
thou "or 1e. then n I approval et nye I,at,uunl executive con I CTiO\ YALE O
it FARM • AND re, IAendeslaro 1►ungaum,R and, _
h ul hot more filen six thousand. i DAME*: foe fruitier publication and PRE STOCK. , tit-:. _.tt60ut tw•a yr from Gakric•b -CHARTERED .HC I ^MiT
I r .tier su . 'Ts ar'e lint «e- I Production gag., loll shall be obtained
and about fourteen from Clinton.
Iwrresl. -toric* dealing with l'auadias from the Imperial 'triter Daughters of We are instructed by 1'EitMi : Tru per cent. of the par• QItANK 1'. G1RBEt, CHARTERED
life are preferred. T1fls dee* out mean; the Empire MR. JOHN FF.A(:AN elect nunc• (or {aid d,.wu ut time Accountant. I1_` Ontario street,
I mere {ertimetory reference to a ('an- 1 4. The Mlle- ,li the plays which re- 10 sell by public auction at the prom- of sale and Mulanee sin 30 days. I - Stratford. Those 1580. Rea 1890J.
1. ndiotu tackgrnund. Ibe IiartIenlar uwlve hemeeft,le nention, with name. Wes, half -mile east of N11e. on boundary' For further particular.. and a ohil'
('auadiau setrhlg mh,*.a•n wast he vital of the authors. -!I'll la publlshel to line time on tions of salt apply to
to the trentment of the sublet. Prefer- I the June lame o; ' I:cboes." SATURDAY, (K'TOBER 11 HOWITT & 11oWITT,
ce.• Is given 10 the wh,de•s ane treat- I 5- Manuerripr' •(Hall be rent by erg- commencing at 1.30 o'clock: 20 Ixwglas street, Guelph, Canaria.
nein and sublet matter. Literary iederwi poet n,'1:e National! Fduce- Herteew-(►ne deicing horsy. a years $• for vendor. . 1t. ROTHWELL.
,,oi'lt will h• ,•.xhsidrnd as well as rc•- tlonxl 8ecc•retar' Imperial Order old:1 grey horse. rising 4 years: 1 hay _ ......IR Organist of Knox Church, Oudretch
lion. and Interest. Ilaughtrrs og it,. Empire. 238 Bloor nests. siring 4 press; b
a Competitors tinct lap Lrrttfrh rut•Tenet'stile►t'-swld -'- Music Master Stratford -Normal &hoot
dew {Street k:rrt, :.. Ontario, -not in. 3 yearn : 1 enarte-4-terls-eltil--A -- AL - ' Teacher d
IJwas resident iu Canada. IJatss-iian Manan I. 1113L The results - - -
4. Tiers will be threw judge**. tw•oiattrel ma PIANO, RINCIN(T -GROAN
will be ■uturuts • 1 •rely kn A 11 CaWa-Tw'u Holstein cows, just. AUCTI(IN SALE OF FARM STOCK: Preparation for all examinations of the
. hos+.-n from the Canadian Author. (•malItlon, a t' 4. (:. M. of the freshened ; 311 gaol grade (lows. lnclud• IMPLEMENTS AND GRAIN. Toronto Consecratory of Music
A>T"•tatiteinusLep)' trent the Ju{perfa -td►nwt .-halon apply also to , iM some t'oltetl Angus (tredrr :tit anis _ 8tudlo-Corner West and Wellington
Oyler Daughters of the Empire. the-ose•art plx> •m{etitkou. tweed to be W calf. Some s rl u 1 MR. DANIEL 14. PITBLADO -
5. N„ story submitted in this e,m p g'
' petition shall have hero published yearling black bull. 3 steer., will sell by public auction at lot it,
V Di T rfetug r cents old ; 4 steers. rising 1 concession 3. WO. ani o/rne, on
prrti.ously, our shall It be rubmitt.d . j[aylJ Sl ` year old; 5 heiferik.rlels[ 2 Stare vld' _ _TUESDAY. ESDA_Y. (M'Tt1RE1I 14th •
.•teeewhwty to t -H the rrsnk of title aim i 1 steer, 1 year old; 1 heifer, 1 year old • comweneing at 1.30 ,, cloeli shin):
ptitiou Is aunounee(i. 18 choice calves, some fit fur baby Hersew-one black hors. f' years THOMAS OUNDRT, OODERICH,
d. Thr• first prize shall out he I } MR$. 1 (', BI,AIR beet. old ; 1 buy horse. 1t years old ; 1 black l LIV1 groat AND GKQe1)rft.0
ewarde(L twice to the cams perscm. our Mrs. F. C. I' +►S "!lSatat ktrret, 1' A(iCTiO 1EER
tIsR-Fizht(e pigs, aloont _mouths care. 10 carr fid. et1Vp11eerd to br la
/uT; T driving mare, I?'rets std: _
r .__. Cieltir.-(tne Hereford cow. 6 years
Tatepo .nne No. 119. .
TERMS: Farm vrill tie otferei for old. due to fresh. -n in February: 1 •ttaaded to an ids and eteQ
stale subject to reserve bid. (In chattels Durham cow. 4 years old. due to Irenie rsr made to glee attishctifta.
all mime of 810 and under. cash. over en in November : 1 black vow, 4 years
dormers' sale sense dlacountefL
-tbaP-amount twelve months' creditaid- due le freshen to Mareb: 1 sed.( KS _. 18HER.
will tie given on furnlrhlhg approved heifer. :t years old. due to freshen In
bankable paper. A dfaeount of, 5•'. al- a larch : 1 white heifer. 3 years old. due
lowed for cash on credit amounts. J to frohen in ApNI : 1 black'vow. 4 will coated •lea anywhere. My
JOHN FEAOAN, T. GI'NDRY t RON, ye•ra old. due to freshen in April : 1 • era reasonable and i w11: es-
PropHetor. ' Au Hensen. 'black cow-. 4 years old. due to freshen dearer to glee Mtlaf•ct1on. Ph/1De
R.R. 3. AuAurn. fn May ; 1 black row, 10 years old, due Carlow 11114, or addrake a. R 4. G,ab
I to freshet' iw xprtl : 1 H(aateln heifer, wield..'--" •
MORTGAGE BALs 1.1 yea/j old. dile tQ i ►en in March; IL'
_ 1 bine, cow 5 years old. due to-fresh-7ELL'IOTP'l[17 LICE. -
shalt a prize for rise rr.y surs sir,■. tjttawa, for nae, 7 tlrvotwd
a rirae fur the inns act p(iy Ire awarded aemler of C •are Baptist church ' 2 brood ansa, to farrow November -f
' to •tile same person in any One year. in the capital ,Tixl etcSeptember 25011.
1 The prizes will not -seees 'rile be efr more ty.e. 0iiely years a reel -
awarded if no entry reaches a sof• ( dent of Ottawa, airs. Blair had ea-
ch -Wail/ Mali rtaudard_in the eetJmW-_tatat.hed far, 40.,.4.14 • wide circle of
Oen of the judges. - elope friends. Ettore her marriage
, 7. The Merles awarded the flrat ' she was Helm, NIury Lamb. Beatdes
and second prises shall be published inher husband. 1 1'. !Clair. she is aur•
"Echoes" ind permission shall be ob- ( ylved by two bother-. James Dewar
tamed from the Imperial Order I►augh• Lamb. of Miniu'•. Minn.. and Got-
ten of the Empire before they are don Lincoln,. of Colborne town-
rpublieh d in any other form, . ship near God. ri. Ir. Two other bre
8. No manuseriwte win be returned,' users, William ..ud John. died within
bet the writer. may_ retain tbeTfirlat_ tbe.laat two sew', Mrs. Bleir viii---
in-and beet typewritten copy for hie or 1 menaely inter.•to d in the social aetfv-
ber own oar and submit a earben ts?py,-titles of bps rhtr+. 1.. 4.. jug
„ . provided it it legible. the Ladies' Mis,.onars ie.--iety and the
A. The titles of the etoriia Til WFre- Ladies' Bible Auxifiery she Will bad
trive honorable mention, with names In Carmel. (h1•
of the authors. shall be published in
-+•4he dune issue- of "Echoes," and -these
stories may be printed in latest knees
of "echoes 1f the wetter/risk
"Echoes" committee me deater, _
10. Manuscrfpta, whierrility be in
English or Freud]. ellen be cent by Mt-
. apart -4a the National Educa-
OF' FAgld- pROPF.RTY __ i en Ma •ch 2nd ; 1 red cow. 5 years old. AattllaMr
to freshen Morel 19th-:- 1. Ayr • r PbaN- -.l aakao w
shire vow, 0 yeah old, due to freshen Bales conducted anywhere. Wide ex-
- -TAIHPr and. by virtue of the powers Feebniary 23(11: 1 purebred Hereford ' pertence. My very best efforts pat
eoatalned In a certain mortgage, which bull, 4 yearling stews. el spring calve.. forth in emelt and every eels.
lte.e$r-Rix Oxford ewes, 8 Oxford
ewe tanlbt _.
r-Tw t y. pear s /sea.Iu a Droll Mlpl'ihr to -
somber;_ 1 Weed Wm. Wei
4 young sei►a; GeriT iootllts
+ -- I will be produeed at the time of sale.
Gt'NDRY'S ' %LE REGISTER there will Is offered for sale by public
etnaaay, ,, . `•_ eR far! { ascites es . teatueday. the 18th der et
ny at ! min 11
to the town- O. -toner. A. 1). 00. at the hour of two
of \' Wpraww,re\ ]Dew•rtpttfro nein,* lD thea fternoon at the pfem•
prop,b glvrn
fillip i bee in tie Township of West Wawa 5 week,
of ea this .air .by auctioneer, the following prop R ^t•
-M - erty, namely the Easterly part of Lot
'Twenty-six (26 n to the Fifth ha
ConeraaLon of the said Township of (•„..a
West Wawanoah. partk•elarly de- eta h beefier, 1 Mateey-Harrla mower
t unal ' S601411117. Imperial Order
sale a•; ptYope+
First Opening
estate 4 0,. c,te Alexander McMurchy,
Ashfield t•_e 11 -hip. Maya A Hari, folk -
1...0.. -1 a« follows:. ('eon scaring at the
J ftore for rh.• adtttllstntor.e- mate 'T •14arris touring -spreader•
noutheaat angle of rail Lot : thence f hw slwvrnlet car. 1 Adams , DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER
Westerly along the Houtherly boundary sloop etrlgha sad platform : clan 2(M►
thereof forty rods: thrum Northerly bushels barley and other articles t'HIROPRACTOB AND DRUGLESS
parallel with the Easterly boundary of TERMS: All sumo of $10 and under. THERAPIST
said Lot twenty rods: thence Westerly cash; veal that 'mount a2 month.'
Goderkh, Phone 341
parallel with the f(outherly boundary ,.relit will bre given on furnishing ■p-' Eq 1pped with electromagnetic
ten roil.: t7fert(w `ftrrthrrt7 1►arrliei proiete -um- tigbTF piper. A straight dna- baths. L4eetronle electric treatments
with the Laeterly boundary. tour rods: i sent of 6.1. alitmee for cash on credit and chiropractic. Chronic organic and
then,' Easterly pmrallrl with the amcwnte. nervous diseases. Lady In attendance.
Southerly boundary ten rolls: thence D. H. PITBLAW), T. GINDRY A SON Once hours 2 to 5. and 7 to 9 p.m.,
Northerly parallel with the Easter- I {'rcoprletor. Auctioneers. excepting Monday and Thursday and
iv Iw,nndar) t„ low water mark R. R. 4, Gerber&k. by appointment.
--Telephone 22 ow 04. undrotrie-ort.
Auetloa sties eatlaeted anew Igo ,
Nov too Targe, nose too •mall. f always
.. 100 11,s. • 7 pigs, S5 11w. work in the very beet Interest of times
1 2- - ble j who hpve ms em eyed, (Mase. very
i _.rbc c_.-3ii:.fGlae'iv.;"T-
ntt riding plow. 1 Massey -liar. anteed.
Showing and Sale of timer -11)111 Line e[ the . 00.1114
SPARLINI; it Red Craw Hospital,
DurhamNew INSTANT -LIGHT arm Mrs ,alt.. (m (ktolin .rd. sea. Mr.
____.-i...t y,. why M. Sperling. a eta...
Call at thin store for entry blank into this simple contest
which any man or woman, hay or girl may eater. Be sure W
ask for a demonstration sn that you may be better qualified
I., win. There's no entry fee or obligation incurred -just a few
minute. of your spare time spent in filling out the bink may
bong you this beautiful Aladdin Talk lamp. selling at $15 5O,
afwnlutely without one.eent of expense. Don't want -dome in
today, secure your entry blank and
Ask for Fall Partiallass
Autit,rized Aladdin
extend a most cordial
invitation to everyone to
-'..,.y S t, our store and inspect
this new 1931 line of Aladdin
lamps. Never before has such a
beautiful and completely mod-
ernized line of kerosene lamps
been available to the homeowner.
GIRVIN. At Dungannon. on Wed-
-iwssd iy. Ia•t.erer Mrs. James Girvin.
in hi. 7:;r4 year. .
VODDeN In Colborne, hip, . °O, on the northerly or left hank of the
Friday. , a i.-ber 3rd, Isabella Hutch -1 Maitland River ; then,' following the FARING Al'(t• N BALE 0
Moon. widow Of the late John VOd- wjn,nugr_andturninsr4of said law wataLl .-f +.-__-R. )
yeor,---_-_.- e r
. mark on maid left hank in a genera! I MENTs
iN a:a m north-easterly direction to where It ie I
4-Est.('(iM *E -s , fond stub lelrpg intersected Ay the Fasteriy limit. y •noon
cq e, raid I of Twenty -aux ; thence southerlyw111 sell by public auc'tlun et cumra-
if along the maid .aNterly twntndary to tit! alon 2. lot 24. West Wawanf..h, 21hj
f a4(1t act 3'0, 1 N. "r"t7ff}}Frrtte'rltrw!'e!'
Wu oftP(h 'Link .4 flays gone.11Z..,
whet, o. vete an together;
shades. o'i_pur lives la cast;
Our lot .al'nne gone forever,-
Tonight -tie -tans are glee ming
_t'pon . lonely grave;
,ere'th *Shout dreaming
• Residence and office -Corner of
tit street and Britannia road.
mr•,a.n} »t HIM late John New
The Aladdin kerosene mantle lamp
is not only modern in design and
finish but it supplies a modern white
light which is the nearest approach
to sunlight of all. Its light is brilliant '
yet soft and mellow -just the right
intensity for use in the home. Eco- .--:
nomical too, actually pays for itself
in til oil it saves_ n.aif?ew months.
Burns -68 hours on a single gallon.
_ -Omniin at ycilir earliest oppoii i-
Wily and see this new light demon-
strated. See how extremely simple
it is; how noiseless, smokeless and
odorless; how plentiful and pleasing its
light. Absolutely safe - no danger.
Priced within the rangeof every purse.
10 Outstanding Features
Burns Kerosene (coal oil)-Abeolutel Safe
-No Smoke - Lights Instantly - oak
10 Ordinary Lampe - No Trouble -
nominal --No Odor -No Noise -Nat Gea-
erating•-Nn Waiting.
All Papalar Styles with Beautiful Deeereled
Shades is Glass atad Parchment
This wonderful Aladdin available in table,
vast. hanging, bracket and ficox lamp styles
with handsomely decorated shades in parch-
ment and glass. The light will glorify and
the shades beautify any home.
A ern art
Um al
far 6W 21=rds
• ONTARIO r .:
-'.c .^v--. .." •Af firs- Mollis !!9[t f`H91e A!' -.. . -
TERMR Ten per cent of the par- TIH'RSDAY, OCTOBER 1f1 Late Home Surgeon New York Opb-
gtupey to down rt - the t 1 aclock sharp the following: i tbalmlc And Aural Hospital. aasistent
time of sale, balprur folie jai Hirt H rftay g• Iding. 8 yeah old sat Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden
thirty slays• hay tteldtn1. noon year. old: Idack mare, lipoate TbroatHostpltaL London,
For iwriher parole lar* -Asti condi- eco years old : ag•cl driver : r,rlt, rising U4 Waterloo 81. 8.. Stratford. TN -
lions of sale aptly to 2 posts, iephnne 2117.
HAYS HAYS, ('attlttrRlxck .uu. ]u tears old I At Hotel Redford, Godertch, on the
Grderich. Ontario. * to freshen In I Nc•ender : roan i keening of third Monday of each
OM' we loved het could nnt•save.
Dated sir G A.D.19 , title Feb day *11 c'ow. 10 years (1141. aupp.aoed to freshen month Ilii the following day Tuesday,
(a toles, .D. 1930. In, Ilec.'tub'r ; Holstein cow. 4 years
•t 1 I41iNAg streams of Life pray OD, - _ old, due :o fre.hea at time of male F•
innt-stiff rhe vacant chair BALE ihtrhxm cow, 0 y rs old, mllkintt: te0 i
reNV.s- sage, the love, the voice ' .ow, 5 yearn old. Milking, mup{,wa.w1 to LEGAL
()f ene--whe eta••• mat there. MR BALE. -A NVF:NTIN(iHOI'HF, freshen in March. rd row. years
WIFE AND FAMILY. r old. die to freshen in January ; red
- afx-tints electric ra,lrb', nearly. "
year. row. 4 old, milking. uppoaed to
Apply to MRH. J. W. SMITH. Brock y
freshen in March: 7 yearling intern
and heifers, 3 spring Calve*., 1 young
calf. -Ten breeding ewes, 5 ewe
Ie,-Young sow. sirppoaet to far-
row December 20th: 7 afore hoge,
abiout INT )fin: each.
Peukry. - Eighty While Leghorn
hens, OOP and two jeer,. oniidls : R0 spring
eblekens, white. And itarred Racks.
liupkesenla, e4e.-Deering binder, 6 -
foot eat : F'ne.t & Wood mower, 5 -font
cut; Freest & Waol hay rake. 10 -foot :
Manmej•-Harris hay loader : Frost &
« Wood cultivator, McCormick -Deer-
ing 14 -plate dine (hew) : 3-rertlon iron
harrowp, I►eering 13 -filar fertilizing
drill. steel roller, Oliver riling plow.
nearly new ; Drury walking plow, near-
ly new ; ('a•kahntt walking plow, 2
wag,ma, wagon box, gravel box, line
rack. Net of elelgha, 2 w•ufflers, turnip
mower, rubber -tired top buggy, Port-
land cutter, nearly new ; set of Ren-
frew .cake, 2000th. capacity, nearly
new ; fanning mill, root pulp -r, pig
crate, wheelbarrow. Buckeye brooder.
1000-ehlek .apaelty ; ('hatham incu-
bator, 120 -egg .wpaclty; Peerless Incu-
bator, 240Mgg capacity ; ice King cream
ertpe etor (new); Maley churn, Pan -
range. box beater, table and other
toehold efteecM: 20 carts elm wood,
Y. sere turnip. is the field, new (cop.
ony bonne. 10 x 10; molat..ea barrel,
21i 'rein hags. set of mingle hareems.
set of ,bonnie harne.., ..•1 of plow
harnewa, forka, chisels and nsmernne
wNea fat Nt er a = -- -
TERMS: all soma of gltla+d amMrt
moat; tmount 12 months
tttPi(Hf '*.+ ap
peeved leant mem-vs a diaemn,t of 4%
allowed for mal on credit amcwtnte.
Positively no reserve. al proprietor
rted 01. fain.
J. W. U(x)1), O
rt net.
WANTED. --LIVE POULTRY. HIGH- A BU , Meister 8tx, 5 -passenger
EST m;:rket prices paid. PHONE coach,
AI4IIE 'with four Sew
f a(b•r ids load. Into sanitary mat-
tresses. oessemst is now in Godericb.
Dro1r ircnl to BOX NO. 747, Godertch
Ii.Y .Iesire to extend thank. to
friends for kindliest ,hewn dnring the
illnesv „f Nr., Mt111an and for expre.-
.lons nf,.c,uiwtolenee and for floral trtb)
utas a their time of b•reaveinent
They Nature all that these kindnesses
will not vee', be forgotten.
NOTf1'I: 1 IBIf GiVEN fiat
a held, psrumant to the
(►nlariu \..r ' Lista Act, by ib
Honor tit.• .li of the dowsty Caart
WL. nth.' Ai,,
ship llatl.
kith day ..i
4Mther Ash*nhnnh
rs Now ,.q -
honw for
Da reed the
11: iR,
the Municipality.
oa ]%Ionda -. taxa
1960 at 2 pm.; to
e(tlsunMn Yui
In flee VIlbetorlisel
of the Township 4
dor of Bsptembpr,
r heater with men. Base burner. In
gored condition. Cheap. Apply to MKS:
HOWEi.I.. Trafalgar street. Tel el ane
lt•,(r. -
A rel brick hams on (iloneeeter 'ter-
race, with Nun porch and balcony: in
first -clam rendition. Apply to M. .1.
BOWLEit, Anglrsoa Street.
F apples and 'invert rider. Also Ford.
Pon tractor In gaol condition and Me-
Cormtck-fk•ering "Little• Wonder" plow.
F. J III'DIE, R.R. No. 2, Bayfield.
Telephone 60032, Clinton eentnl.
frame hone In village of Auburn,
de,lrublc Iteration. gn*I well, redern,
Jlydrn, good farm stable. large garden
with a number of frnit trees. Alsoiea
male: Nine minis 15 -inch split hard-
wood. maple Band tech. Apply to
MARSH. R. R. No. 1, Auburn.
suitable larger faun property.-
ropert7-Thirty-acre, Lard' of good clay loam on
1ABTi31 intr-F v eteetr-vtr_a______ k
horror with two-ran/1r femme kitehert .t-
r1at O by 444684 has
snit &les 'ab.el
Situated on minty r„ed thrve-qliartvrw
of a aIle from Auburn and .nw-quarter
of a mile from ('. T It station find
chemise mill Rural mall and tele -
.A4 It MARSH,` R.,•R, No.
s,> t- .. .
Barrister and Solicitor
Son life Building. Adelaide and
Victoria streets, Toronto 2 -
Telephone Elgin 5801.
Barrister, Efe.
Office -Hamilton street. Godertcb.
Phone 21.
la /ueruaor to J. I.. Killoran.
Phone 97.
Office -The Sous re. (iodertch.
*Taps & Flaps
Hamilton Rt.,'(iodericn
al CO.•. -Paris and iso-
lated tows property leisured.
Officerw-Jas. Connolly, Press Gol-
f erkh P.O.; Jas. Evans. Vice -Pres..
Beerirwewwi P.O.: D. F. McGregor.
Sec.-Treas.. Se9forth P.O.
Directors --,A. Rroadfoot, R.R. No. 3,
Reafnrth: Jame-Hholdlce, Walton;
Wm. Risen, R.R.INn. 2, 3eeforh; Rob-
obert Ferris, Harjock ; John nennewe{a,
BroAhagen ; Gen. Mo('.artnsy, R.R. No.
Reafort11 ; John .pepper, BruceftMtd.-
Agents -W. J. Yeo. R.R. No. S. Clin-
ton; Jame•s-Watt. Ri}Rt : R. Hlncb-
1sy, atesLar_b: John 1(lnttap..8eatortr
1'nitry-holder* can make an payments
and get their cases ra'elpted at R. J.
Morel.h's Clothing More. Clinton ;
Cabin (tr►'t'a Grocery, Kingston tenet,
Opprieb, or .1. 11 Held'. General