The Signal, 1930-10-9, Page 6S-• I k toper 9, MOO
_ r t makes a pre dicatal about the child hr ' s
holds in hie artIt Khali lea bless- I Robbers at Gorrie
to the world and a blessing to the
()berth "A Light to lighten the Gen-
-3- tiles, and the Glory of Thy people
and at roxeter OTTAWA, Orttber u.-lt would
By ISABEL HAMILTON Israel•.. Christ caner to be the Light of a(r'm from a rt reeely d here that
the world nota caudle in the Jew•Imh 7 k
lloderich, ( ,1 t k, Elk Into Two Swaps
to preach rite f g"'J eoNlotall nations, He GoMral line*-Qt11 yAweJ Ile laternited la_burien of motor can tiside •cun auction I. of pure -
Sunday Afternoon s. '►
the da of 11td motor ears L
1 ea eel • but the Suq of rlghG
ttesus- and part. Man o, out all over the
nes,. When Quiet ordered lila apoQt*
apostles country voice the otaniou that the pub- QA -C. CaBale
Bade Tlimml • fe 7ightle'thei ___•-- d- a ars-46111114° ellwee iv lb" hues, bell :aattk, sheep radass _ .at
�.-R7irt are tits ++ heart
pars 1ort' • Gentile : and when Ile abdwl, begin midi no *ek "'lb"es, 141416 -141416 -mad dark A C w Iias
OF Interest to the Busy Farmer
Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agriculture
lo1 be held Tb
-Pur they
6hMinn.Mill gee our Gad
Th ret a the Lord la thein ale • nine at Jerurn, Ilede Himself
ma m -� -
Simeon tea trued from the cbQa tlat(trviry +tighFdd awdly aaaday Mune
b rents wo ar they lisle
The secret
Robbers visited'Wroxeter and Oorsle greet'.
gird lo3(r' seer event her aitrllys
- Ttefr soul is Ca
Owlet's bode. ILC story °;- 41-a- people I.nrl Each
. � to rP Its ossa attreeted wWerpread interest minae
std to hag hod, ransacking three places Meal -l- rh�LT
stats+. Fy,w, lu blfarther cattle breeders and Carmen generally
and the daa!!a ihlldt•" are favored ; and r seer ellen"ante again this
Routh Americas twilit, to the brighter ytar is exiec•ted.
shades in ear colorist-. while in Eur-
ope the darker too.* lire more in de -
(Still to the lowly soul
He doth Himself impart,
And for His dwelling and Hie throne
(-hoosrth the pure in heart.
-John KebM.
We flank Thee, our Father, for the
faith we have: and we beseech Thee to
glue us grace to be continually looking
unto Him who is the author Of our
faith. into Hiss be all the glory uuw
and evermore. Ames.
to t t• iia In money, tins and merchandise to
the words that fell from His lips.. star- g
veiled. Hon
Ile !droned thew who bad the! su eiteut as yr[ undetermined. They
1 f teeing entrusted with the cant 11ravell.d be automobile.
Of the child. They had rean to re- I 1•.dgnr s garage at Wroxeter was
joke. for the chikewas destined to he I broken into and $4.40 in money and
not only ■ comfort and haver to them eleven automobile line stolen. At Bol -
but a public Missing. Ile 1s set for the totes garage. Gorge, 23.40 and two
rising again of man)' In Israel, for the tines were taken and Granger'. geueral
eoutverston of many to God. that are
dead and buried in sin. and for the
consolation of many in Gown• that are
sunk end lust in sorrow and despair. was overloo,k..I at this store, but the
('hrist and His gospel are to many a (Rock was ransacked and it, is difficult
Saviour 4,1 life Gua. lite. but it is alar 1 to determine what ie missing. Boots
S. 8, I.RtIBON FOR /N'T, 19th. 1936 true that they are a Sacior "f death i and ..hose saute
thought to be among the
Laws Tspie Si rat and Tana. . unto death to mans' others Iia had wissiug mrn•ha'ldise, as the stes•k was
store in the "outown was entered
and $,..10 and some rner•handise car-
rted- away. Cash to the amount of $75
atoc euwlltiou. with empty
r -Luke 2:25-39. ninny eyes upon Mint. many tongues 'in tupsy•turvy
LAMM !samei home', lying around.
t17g1iew'll'ext-Natthew 5:8.
Big Plawiag Match
maps', WWespread intermit la being evinced
The old, dada of piloting a ear with in the International plowing match
a brush and • yelled of paint are part and farm machinery demonstration
and uow taanataaturers employ a staff which will he held October 14, 15, 16
of artists wbcae Fa -lass it 1s to give and 17. on King's highway No. 7,
their entire atteatlt4 to color schemes near the city of Stratford. This
and designs. Oa tIlc 1s reported year's match promisee to set a new
as employing a trowel slot is au inter- record fur number of entries, contests
for do orato, to experiment with the I and enthusiasm.
various eider, Olen
rale. of upholster- _`
Ing in under M o to III II, 1111.4 ptlea*ing
Pttr is fu IatRlprs
against Hlw daring His public miplm-
)•. He was seat tura sign "that the '�' robbers used a "jimmy., to oANAnA's glAgLST
_ _ when Jc,acph and Mary broughtI thoughts of many hearts war he re- force doors cud windows, There Is so
settled met, \\'(11 Ic• judgedsl b\' the g,
far no else to their ident 8 IAN WAi
Jenna to Jerusalem to present Him to
ity. FU L
r(11at the road E_
1 t et 1 .e of rsoldted
=- Whole Wheal hooda
___-flod.there were two wh,_,eyetler the di- tt woshis_ t their hearts. their thoughts An early r
- rection - of-- the Holy IrlMtr, .vreee 4irte'oni•erning l' slat : are they for film or , front 4 -ii. urITii garages noticed a- deer -
into the temple at that'pttrtmitartirart are they rot TMs advefsirIes? Simeon *Vette(' salt U441(ied the metier. who
--- to dartin. honor t gtrm rndl Auna,;4x... . :of ,,,,nang t„ 3..ry, saur.,vl the of-ssoot,e soot, were there to beer wit• 1 ingYe*
, ••. a swore' shall pierce through I•
'less to Him lu whom both mfgn and i ti .c own tend *tarn'Ile would is- it '. PROPHET AND iNV'ENTOR
t Canada is fii..ut,e one &Towing
rket within h. r hien
Western wheat su p, la revealed
wow, rr are iucltrth IwIlerr thutihey
,tufferlug•Jeur and His mother would Alexander Graham lien Was a by statistka comp Irl over the past I value of well over two wllliou dollars.
may he saved. suffer with Him in sympathy because prophet ex well as an Inventor. The / few years and rel..owl b)• the Cana- Michigan reports m beau yield of
Koine .•s b ter e o her ■ ec i `( t C Ltd
The Bean l field
Repurte trulu the tette-growing
rectiuus of Outeri° give the actual
bean yields as somewhat higher than
was first rot4uate•d. Allont 67,1100
acres of beaus wertegrowu In Ontario
this year, an decrease of thirty per
*Pet:- over 1998, Stehle, however.
have been severely out I.v the long
Is of dry hot weather mud the total
for a period of two years. The first
year one lamb must be returned to
the Ontario Livestock Brauch and dur-
lag eadi. dI *11e liext sueeeed4it
-tree 'veto. twe Bassos, oath a tots'
of eeveu lambs have been returned.
E.eb member must care for his flock
In acaordeuce with regulations laid
down by the Livestock Branch and
oust dip his flock for externs' pan-
rltt•a at leant once a year. A cun-
midenble number of clubs are al-
ready lu operation and other appli-
cations are twine received fruw
time to time.
yyeliT iv1ll tial le_Ta�r than M {
The Ontario bean crop has a yearly
1 rid men who have I.ectl t 1 strength f 1 affection for u1N10 dally lung distant. calls in dao • breoldtd WI,..i. Company.
eronve•rs:ut. with tie Jewb'b writers twelve per cent. below' Inst year in
Ilim. When He was abused it was "p 'Irnterio ern' ljtitlws area remark- The flgvrtw, whkh :eo in the nature spite of a twenty per cent. Inertias*
find that there was at this time one sword in Iter hones" and when she, able fulfillment of what he foresaw of it market rers[rh. art• a widespread in acreage The crop for the United
Siw..a1. a ten of great nor in Jere. stood -s- the crone she was trot to the fifty years ago. 11e realised that dim- survey of the use of s ttete wlwat focwL Stairs is now estimate(' to be slight-
!" srH of fill r os. wuu!d tohe
Irl whuw he mite- no
iwrrirr it the tele- in l'anadian homes suit +bow' an enor-
aka, tit heart. Thus the prophesy of Simeon tan ly below that of last )ear, and
eeri.•d as prendetit of the college was fulfilled to the letter phone tnously increased popularity for whets* yield will probably h• the am
-which he toweled and also president
The child is trkeuna.tice of crit this - •- -- - _ eit greetartivl gf diet illotr1rtr1 %vita five
• Tb ,
' of the greet Seuh.lriw. f accasirnt ate° toy Anna. a prophetree, HIS MAJESTY THE BOY years h Is IN panxularly true of
..,..•.- .o*. - _ __
The *mould given to blur try -Like Im' I'erham no more Is Meant t v this thad'- Arnett the King wan+ In Yorkshire otrtpreparrd whale whrnt iswlr. Since (in
that he wax just toward wen eud,de Chet she wu*s unr who Ind uuderstaad• our occasion he promised to review a the cane at the 1':,u. ILau Shredded That xgrlrulhtre se a prof
vete towsnl (.awl: that he bolded for Ing ill the - Scriptures above other Luys' brigade. At the Ian minute. tow- Wheat l'ompany's prtelm1 at least the is appealing more and more to
Prepare for 1932 Show
Tbr (intern, Deportment le taking
time, by the forelock es it were, In
so far as. waking preparations for th.-
World's Grain Exhibition and ('ou
fereui•r of 1= Ia concerned. Farmers.,
are being urged by the Department
to keep this )'ear's acrd in the event'
of the crop 01 next year Hot being
up to the high standard of former
years. Fall fair judges have been In-
structed to be on the watch for extra
floe quality grain end teed at this
yea r a fait Tates endosac -send -sampler
to the field husbandry bn,teh at
Guelph for rxamlttation. Officals
of thio dew-R.-went-repKort hint at1fadyI
there has been witch Wien -at *viewed
by growers, tunny of whuw have
amouut•t1 their intention of pr•par-
hug for the 19.1. exbibitlou.
apples ham reduced arrivals from
that country by over fifty per cent.
compared with a year ago. This
reetrlctiou against the United State*
reesaiur 1a force until November 15.
Mr. Fulton points out that really
high values ttaunot be expected, owing
to the low spending power of the
public in Great Britstu. However.
if the apples •re packed well and
every precaution is taken to have
them arila to rood enadttion, On
Sado apples- -uhseki flue. a seedy
a the British market • in the next
few ssonthe
Will Incestilate Markets
\1'. It. S, •r et of Iturlinurtuu hies'
sliest' Iwen sineen11Y1 by Hot1. T. 1.. (SetteNly.
Milliliter of Agriculture. to deter twos1
life t}uestluu of-titarCPting tntlts a
Pale People
Are in Peri
Some Form of Nervous Break-
down Always Threatens
Pale people are alwcit always u.•rt
"uK. Paleness drunter lick of 1,1,.•.1
slid too little Mesal usually results in
jaded nerve's. eleeplessurss,-beedaehes
or neuralglr.
1Ir. tVilliuutt l'iuk fills are differ -
Plat fruw most other ns. dieinea-It is
tmpaslble to lake them and not feel
better. Their whole mission la to cake_
rieb, rd Nod. 4'hit neer Mood atrengtb-- .
era the nerve's and ghee vitality to the --_---
whole body. Concerning Clem Mrs. G.
-(halo--fltoor-.treed- Toronto -`city-: -
"Two y*�••aars 'ago 1 used 1►r. Wtttama'
l'iuC"Yllle fur a nervous breakdown
with the result that I have been well
aid strung ever Khite.•'
You tun get these Pills frim any
dealer in medicine or by mail s1 S(►
orutM a box from The 1►r. Williams'
Medicine ('o.. Itns•kt•ille, (rat.
rwlon� vegetables from the fartnt'r's Kta,ul.,
t' the point, r work that was start -d by
' Hoa Mr. Ketwtdy. "We are endeav-
niro oring to find new market.. for On-
as. tarter' fruit and vegetable." said Mr._
lardy. Ire are crilfring
on Winn' and Montreal." Mr.
Somerw•t, who IK ell expert on adver-
tising sad market Ing conditions,
and waitsd for the coming of the Mrs- women. and that she wade it her busi• ever, His Majesty was. forced to cancel
slab. is whole alma' 11 *,__nation lit
w•.1Itlu.iaatrtu3 tltx�uuitg r AVWra Jt,_llte enittYrnrrnt,_r,nil a last nutabllity
Israel. that was new miserably the things of Gird. She was a constant was hastily substituted :-but the man -
harassed cud oppressed. would find attendant at divine scions,. She was agers of the affair thought it only
eemo.latsell; midi that he had wkhlu never weary of well doing. in fasting right to -not . the ticket purchasers
JWi.r sure and certain -hope that the awl prayers.- and at length she was that royalty would not Iw present.
sole court -e of supply f•N'esteru whole women of Ontario emery year
whet grain, the consrnptfum of crop
surpluses In this form tine been -
",n round figures sora can take it
that nearly two mitten families are
dewed by the .fact that there are
stria enrolled 1st the freshmen
at the 11.1.1. t111s year.
This Barnyard Is Chess
---fie ors at hand The nliarit--die"eie i - i,l.nn,frnttr"-reetnopenesst_ • for her at- • 1"rt w•ntty a small boy who woe to take today 'minding whole wheal foals is •-- pa a farm near oat" -4Yeet ea a will make r, -e. wmr,detiow, uu the
him to lite t.•utpie and his eyes *1441 temdanle sr many yearn in the temple. 1 part ip the parade rams along with a tblr daily diet." said (J official of the barnyard that is always -coma. The situation, suppleweutary to timer al -
that for sb.Kh be had Icwu 1!U lung pre- -And slw..comiug in that instant, gave request for two tickets for his prents. Shredded Wheat Cersany in an inter- whale of the yard is paved with con- ready made by Hon. Mr. Kennedy.
parl•g• than that bt_Ji*d _thr-,thanks Iikrwkte state 4ittelered."-thew. Het
e -w.. told 44 the disappriutaosnt in:Tlew, Our res.rot
research*. while Of .vr�scraper , A raper drawn • 1y_ horses, The Department he co-operatiud
Yewoah iter his anus, holding Hint dime she atywhited nihil'.' w'jii, 110._499d
Millis Inas, which was now f1Ted�ifi+news that the Messiah had come: y
He immediately uttered prises to
„ivy, Others with her and Simeon had been i the King that fatter. and mother are thousawle of these home. are using blab 14ate a• etii a a well-drainedhthe parr Ste problem of cecrew cheapeatt o
God Having ret-eivwl mud welcomed looking for His birth Andtheyrejoiced • ••ew1ug to sew- -It's inc :"-An.wer+.' i today at least our .•nue,• more of pre
site M' which to V the concrete. feed uuw ill ti. farwrrs' hauls. ewer
('brbst lie era4i'bKnee death. u . - pared whole wheat 111 the shape of
at t31`e cutajaE• . _ la meal tit
afore fur them. -oh," said the lad, , course covering ever home in Can- nam ehauing easy. Tbose w with agricultural authorities fruw all
"they'll not ler disappotntrd' It's nof'adar tend to show nkat iutulrrIs of lm(kdodo. Kush irciag: se that the part of the Province in an effort
M ' wove a to are making an effort to find rotor way
t nd*rihe dirt. tion of the Spirit
--+$hredde d Wheat biMtit Per brad of the the yard. ! t'f a os Me" of its ri■t the farmer to keeping cheap
1 the family, than was the case five mentioned shove says that it is ai Rain for feeding." declares Hon. Mr.
Fears ago. Thus ranadu is finding a good luvestment, because it means' Kennedy, "no that we will have the
aaarket for about 2.t el.11t0 pounds cleaner wows, *leaner stables. manure' !.serer gelling cattle text poles."
mon. Canadian wheat w..•Rh from this primed) conserved and more personal --
source alone." c
comfort ud satisfaction. a.'4I AMarket
arket- she
We attribute Ile ¢rowing popu- ! Oehl O' soviets ills' she
ty of whole wheee-prepeo a -foods Andrew Fulton, the Department s
7Nut wetly people know of the s•r
s cke which Jo rendered to the patient!.f from i ▪ rat,
of the Muskoka Sanitarium by the �l
chaplain. Rec. Grover Livingstone, and
Extract Power ,
The T -R -C's, --Get safe -speedy -a oted- e-_Hr._I.ry
, .•. while in tel'
t pain and IAfrump.'lI was not abk blest , living perp' Scientists Busy n8
Cleaning - Prw.ingi
Expert service till $'
sial ma's dol
Satisfaction Guaranteed
,lea growing interest in dietetics on i Time Old ms - I
frust reyreaentittvo In 1Trftain writes
' the part of Canadian innlsewhea, Both 1 hid you ever wonder what he• that early shipments of attractive. f�
rtae_medkal fraternur_amt_the whole comes of all the old steam tract well-olore� apples will t1a• its demand Rowers
IthedibenpktotesRheumaticamain. good cheer tothes ow } P lthst food tsaaufrutnrers have for rngl►e* eters trey Sir'' if ttwy'na{s. fair ,�,r•Fibti until tpe taiddtm of
work `.,.. � ~ L ._ December Such varietfrm at Wealthy. -
When I f • tw•mga cla•ngb. stun, err, ng, two, w
rum darkness, having last his t as •
to set saythtn to help tie," writes Mr. crd. s. ha the of lila hope end of Sides in the Italian
Wm. 7T uhf, Dennis, Ont., • tit 1 had 'rd luso u[ jle Alps
years been urging the potential food gowwl, •the)' gu t.. Norfolk rmnty. and
pstlents of thkt institution. JIM
tel I start Kit Ifs KI S Baldwin. ,1 �, „ p varied in Its natureP eon I 1s. value and the economy of wheat 1n stand outside tobacco !etc, tiwald sell IQtlmfretorlly. The
would !e latter to let his rt Kort tell For over two years Crow. three Cos there they for every occasion
T -R -C's are equally good for Neuralgia, linental physicists have bees laboring articlert of diet. Tk, oomhinewt prop• kilns and pump In item to cure the
I up own Ktot f►tlrtng the ear tour aur encouragttg /muook fir Ilntarlo GEt�. STEWART
Netvitii, d3olatica, Lumbago. y ' to hermits. lightni . write* Ptotem
panda is beginning W take titfect and bright leaf. Many have loeeu teen 1/4 on
No harm-
pentons united with OIs. Chu on poo 'reek -t . c wheat at work during the pit mpnth dtdsf{ r�ols/w.i British M .n.h.l..n FLORIST
- tui 50eand51at ourdealer•s.leo Yawl Kirklwrger.In-Peartiotf . _- as result Canada' ttrpits +f.
dr� ' fr.�inn of faith. Tlx•rv• user Ion adnit .. gigantic task indeed. b being nduo•tttl rt
Threptleptes baptisms. There were Peit teen cos- •
Nevertheless". it does. not seem au Goa le badly noonno
When reline -A1 juet *him thing and proving concha- 1 1 sleety that there la always some way ,
agisiteit the over grades. Of American Broom Street P110041 101 Gadorkh
DeLaval Cream Separa-
tors and Milkers
Quebec Rangers and
Fleury Walking
Riding Plows
Wagons, Sleighs, Wind-
mills, Water Tanks,
Litter Carriers and
Wire Fencing.
Heat -
lf your Cream Seim: Mot needs
repairing bring it in ind we will
impoesible today as it must 'lave
, are held Ala in now; Apse a--01110114V-Alait-M-bnig--16°, w
nice. fierlill_tbe__IMIll-aetterefftlr out -
is a poowdble pr
'vaned- produced ,
or ward doors, open all th.. wily along
and r with i the .Pennklin tient up hW kite sirricultesial -Implement.
ur new Stoves are m
the, corridor. Trace( pie- red and eeveral yards In length.-- ,s • . 'west SidiliFellirilrlibeep Raising 0 •
?lane crash Marked entrees ie a trending the I
printed hy mimeograph are irculated. 011 Monte Generoro. near Llegani
ing literature in their owl] to
twain peak to another. smart °ma nif efw enmettineveut of -rweleteluben- --if
• (mho, otervicee are µµ441., gi, rind_ in the Italian Alps, the three WNW , lk-pertment'm effort 10 ottaanlete
-*written Street Goderieli
Clubbing List
The Signal and The Toronto
Globe 16.50
The Signal and The Toronto
Daily Star 6.130
The Signal end The Lennon
Advertiser . 6.50
The Signal '-
Free Press 610
Th. Signal and The Torojpkt
Moil and Empire 11.50
The Signal and The Fammors'
Sass 3.28
The Signal end The Family
Harald and Weekly Star 3.00
The Signal and Saturday
The Signal and tlesee(Msw
Outlook 3.90
The Sigma! and Camadiaa
Homes and Gardens 4.65
The Signal and The Gam&
Tiff &goal sad MaLima's
Magattisie 3.71
Signal and Montreal Wit -
nem esobleal 3.118
now 3.60
rowan' 4.26
Ties Simnel
The Signal Tenth's
Companion 3 80
The Signal and The Toronto
Star Weekly 8 75
The Signal and *ad sad
no Norm' sarlin. Cooadiem
Corror.r. tag
Cluldong Rates With Odes, Peri -
wheals Mae Bo Ithol oar'
tor 'have apitimed-a- iatrri rope la greater interese in sheep -raising
many new Canadians of fore. leech. une
end papers in Finninh, tare lawny feet nbove the earth. a huipe
Known in Oode- A member -
rich, and Wife Have Thrill. 'ship of ten ix mitered before apple
big Experience .cation ran he made to Mart a eheep
club. The meMbers mute be under
thirty years of age and reside on
To figurTirsa airplane crash while fa rim, where ',beep are not nnor kept
yerlener of Ernest R. Gauley. grand- eneeminfully raking Rheep natio-
11.0n of Mrs. Gauley and factory. leach member will be aup-
nephew a Mrs. MeGiattan. Angleeea plied with five ewe lambs. by the De-
etreet, Goderich Mr. (Maley has been
friends Isere „eta., sill be Interested to
rend of his thriiting experience end of a a cmg•••■•••••■••111111••INNINNINININNIIIN•NINNININININI
For tide Scripture pintoes mcored the middle of this rope. where it is IY• t roushout the rot. use..
tartan and other languag There is 1- vitt net has 'wen fixed, with the
tett btitTIP-StaliTT ttit. taardwip. mellow." Tba_rhiel .diffieulty with this net
of those whs. lite.- on. Many ...inverse- has 'been tn haw/late -it
Gott. with groups mid persons onn,ifin. j and enwelelly to prevent tbe current
ally Mrs. 1,1vingsto.... is eierer,, ,„. Tee ,, from travelling along the steel ropes.
timet extwet. a great help. Jmo itow • Cm one side of tlw net there are.
She goes from -ward to wark on a lators. which ran withstand many
Item -bine to read anti write English. 4,
week evenintr,Atere teaching a ItussIan. 1 millions 14 volts.
tle•re two or three Frenelitsinis. at nti , (In the other eide. tabulation was
Two Million Volta
there again. a Chinaman. Thim is isle ' 11144 neeetsmi rY, as t 41" lile 1/$ "ell for apprtedatol- it Is really sin- , coliductIng the current.. Bet never-
' k'SKi119111/11......leselegiete4tfwee...Int= a device 119. been inotalltel to
bit ,it ttet1.1.1ri.tian service which Mi. , il
li I Mrs. 1.ivingstene . renders thee...". tiliteltarger witleh--.--belvietvight dote,
oettple se the tine, of the greatest tolisli : the earth wit litn mini rk lite diebetlee.
in their ex... end through it all moveei whki. were not at- gij
the spirit of Hint e le. maid. "1 watt slat was Tior
Exact nuitsurentertt tit Ow esirrent and belninn"I:
possible at • first. The filched to their e.•rsoas..
Bride il'art Nervous; III
At the fine experiments It Wail
. 1.01011 that Ili'. NMI' W PM nervofis : im
.,11.w.,a-,.. m3. ia...iiit.h. v... Ian, di.... u etitlent •tliat they had dealt with at .
unte Mc.- • • .least two million vett... For half gni ._ ..,
luau neVer !Will ill the ale before. but , IN
spark a second. The 'scientists. at -
she took her sent iti a tiny cabin be- ..,
ST. HELENS served and counttel the lightning from ,_, ,
mud Ine Pile'. Itehisd were two men in
. miry servieetr will be held hi the rutted user of ltr_1. were rich isi reeultm. '''''
For idiom thirty minute. the plane 1
i'hur'1'. St • 11"iens. neat .1431/"IPY. "C".., Till' highest nrtifically-preductsi cur -
flew along seedier OVPT heautifttl „a,
tober 12(11.' Morning Wyk" lif il . rent up to new i. as high as t110144. re- %elands. Suddenly the engine faltered. . •
llogg„-of Clinttni. will he the thinly. At so illitillit• Of five hundred feet the on
sp.-vial ninety ,itits- Feen -.prepared:, or keleine Is yet 'willful( 10 pay. ere n
WOW trapeformers, for which no mile *lot test . ear the water on
the paasenger
the day. Mr. Gauley
-f.„„ -toil --tr, zit-47-illftWirrilllruil 01,1' Illioll the. fent ef_herheeettet the ilgut- "she's on fire. petip!" The lady in the IR.
v ethit the wooer -Om pilot sloes (shouted • ,,.
. Monday. when itev. Mr Bowen ;Cave idol; ATP not insuperable_ even though rpHr ,,,,„t
Mr. Gonion Attrityre. aticat tie. to five neilliou volt... plumed into the water and .
n talk illl ble work. - • ' the estrnett mav quite ...II
Pest-..ily go op began to swim. A man behind sh.,ved a.
week•end Rt hie home In Paisley. :: his elbow, threseri. the emergency win . le
Itut what tem ntankitel do with ettch
Mr. ledworti McPherson, who WH. . v4,10,0011 power? Its !minden' must dow, illOPPTIPti-illo iaieb and climbiel II
operate(' OTI last week for appendteitie !POPO! to lie very wide-apread. But out head -first. gceitnt his feet on 011P ,.,
.TTPIIIIIIT HMI ebort, of the ionideoreseqr. and Mrs( Gattley MI
In Winglinni bonded, is. improving. sterms are very 1
Mire. Mcrisereen 1st staying in Witigliant . and the cost Of turning 'the tamer tO 'smite .their eest, By tilde dine the on
dill likPVTIW. 011,11141 the window op- 1
Anderwin are it Galt today attebdttur fore would. be for .scientific ressearch !peke(' out: A• 1,110. Of it'll/thing 1101101 mi
-anal* were' ....ming Molter 'and the lw
Mr. .loe. Anderson and Mr.'Doorge The i
11114111 IllliaillIlliing IIPP there- Wilier Was nen, where eaeullue had II
the funeral of their mister, h(rnirraner•txwittat.etell kith the artiftelel exploding nenrhy Menet., rhe danger and rowed W
viattOrs. at thc holm' of their. idatcr. ' a core, and or a niunfier of eSectrons Intlinother- - and then rescued the
to the Irene. One of the
Kleteetshly. •ef tepees. Ricidasn, ATP' we knew that (melt atom conninte of boata picked iip the lady who was.
Shit ilt:Iratit - flattish reenter wrumwt tt. -tunr -iirteidiot "Atli. hont took on Mr. and R
Mt. SIM lira. John Miller en/ famllY !HP A rule imposteible to destrol.
i McKenzie at TeeRwater on Thsirsday. a,, far ta.,,, adder,' only
once- by shore. *Nutt H qmortier of a mile awa7. II
1 Mra• Genies and the two male pea- ao
I attended 'Ma funeral of Mrs.. Alexatailer I .,
trefieial explaining of the ateseltan woofers. .1.1st ii., the boons reached the lul
. Sympathy in extended to Mo*. Miller .
-,, lee herford. who explode(' one atom the finite,. rcv, ii,,f the gas tank of the hi
in the •desth of her aleter-in-law.
which wet. in the act of exploding.
another. 'oboe., i I o • et pc otioo 'shoot Ina frog- ''''
with the flying fragments. of
! Motor busses are hetng timed on ' The newt important reesitt obtainetri • ' A (lose lilhowe
new rotates In .Turkey. Ily Gila great physicist was thiat the The 1$111,11111: t1.,, Illede On a besteh iw
4oIlf114 PERTH BYPHLINWTIoN Vi'iotiPti MOTP energy then It took t sliont twentt inc... from Seattle. The 11R
P/(11101.14.1111/./ it'• oedy three minutes! III
1;.eirge Keith et •Roey. of litanaliard !edit 11. sifter the ...• . wets had been res. aa
; rrovoirdp --and former •Warden of The".114001 moo to altioll-lasiv-ttarnevantsned some boo.- who *ere in rberito •
I Perth comity luta been (gloom as the ing of the lightning Is nrlh to he put. of a nearby girl. eamp took rare of
ta 4110 aplItSiler f4 the-- atom. -the Mos. Genie: anti tot 'her tyr-hetv-hia,
Sex' Intiterfiliir-OW -therefore, is (*toad Mrs. Gude,- test everithina but
Will IIP PIMP in emery the Mies. (-torrent.
rieetalve prottreast In this runs -tine
has been made, arid oms mweite with
fegerneee Nether news of the expert-
MPTtfli Work on hil cat ft, Genereee,
you need anew Quebec Steve -
or arything in new Furniture
"On the Broadway of Goderich"
the Itortilliat....- At, of hinteelf and hie wt
itary Age. 3...r.ti,.. a trade paper de- a SUPERIOR STORES :
1131 .
Ma it tholit-tt v. j
,m%er. by a,;r of kettle, the BAC ' Grit' Nies at Reduced P- riceahirs-jriday;Situiday,-Oct:9, 10, 1 1 •
*greedy, piertisailn rth toe Me -
1 ittl Until(' 191tatellf $41110g 1 And tere
tether -.20th., The Ceoservitt I% l' mind'.
date Is cl»irleit I.: **benison of Rt.
idarTm The vacancy was ereaterl hy Ow
death. of David itarda, the favorer
Fry's Breakfast Cocoa
"Drink for Health's Sake"
lb. tin 19c
Gillitt's Lye "Eats Dirt" each 15c
Hillcrest Shortening, 1's 2 lbs. 35c
Beehive Corn Syrup, 2's each 17c
Beehive Corn Syrup, 5's each 35c
Rowntree's Chocolate Bars, (York Milk,
York Nut Milk) . 6 bars 25c
Lily Chicks!! . per tin 23c
Mistletoe Clunsids, lies. : . .per pkg. 15c
Mistletoe &animas, 11 os. .. 2 pkgs. 25c
' /Clymer Strawberries, 2's, squat per tin 29c
"Works Like Magic"
large pkg. 21c
Kraft Tasty Relish Spread. large bottle
Libby's Corned Beef .. per tin
Purity Quick Oats, with coupon, large
Red Rosa-Toc.Xlidinson Label,
Orange Pekoe, .41's ..per plqr. 43c
Swansdown Cake Flour Per Pkg.
Ellmar Vanilla and Leese Extract
3 bottles 25c
Surprise Soap
"A Pure, Hard Soap
10 bars 49c
New Pack Blueberries, 2's.. ..per tin 20c
Bulk Fine Soap Chips. . lbs 25c
Babbitt's Cleanser. .. . .per tin 9c
Madam Crab Meat. . . per tin 39c
Kara Coffee "The Secret Ble. nd" .1/2's
Choice Peas, 4, 0012T, 2's, Tomatoes,
Bulk Seedless Raisins
2 lbs. 19c
Zebra Liquid Stove Polish . per bottle 15c
Interlake Toilet Paper . 3 rolls 25c
Shirriff's 0. range Marmalade
--lihirriff's Pineapple Marmalade ..
Lux Toilet Soap
"For a Smooth Skin
3 cakes 21c
not it nlee OM. hit they an, grateful ▪ J. J. McEwen, GAerich, .1. Calvin Cutt, Goderich
they esearesi ily se they did. • PHONE 116-
rnill"sPrer"""itlir:light" PHONE 46
ver hy Seat