The Signal, 1930-10-9, Page 5THE SIGNAL
Newest in Toilet Articles
Just Received
Armsind's New Symphonic Face Powder, same pow-
der for blondes and brunnettes. Introductory
offer, Powder and Cream 50c
Facial Crean, 25c>Rst'6
25c for both
"Evening w Paris" Face Powder and 50c Trial
Perfume . both for $1.00
-- --see Ow N!West at d autpbell's Drug Store
Campbell's Drug Store
, servk'es ala es/Yi&U afteraooa were
conducted by bet easier, Bev (Iohlon
Butt, of VI u shed church.
awlsted by 0 'Qr. Rev. H. D.
Moyer, of P on. ' "poke eery
highiy of the Itte of it.. &parted as
being use of sacrifice_rot ethers and
also of her Cbrlatlan till' la the Thurcj '
std to tbo botlst. M. huff sang the
besutllwl hymn Mart Me Ther,• \Vhon and (sitcom will to held.
the pitoruI$ of Lite Aro (i'rr." I kreaaet
was to her dxtytitillth seat• and - DUNGANNON
would have been rift/ %cors married
rt ('hristmaa flue oft her Is•reuvef
husband. She mss the lout l,tt•r of
George ('urry and Ln. ilii SlcCau
**tad tar mermen icy MI spout rags, lJee+Ro of C..b:sdlt• Bei....1uLa_ 7tt
of BatUW4)F , Md.. sad ore elnughter,
Mrs. J. ii. Cee, of iiamllnwt 111so four
two blot Mrs c'ure
Hlxel dousing. t a m 1 awes F'enRan
{" Ryan, Goderkia :
Adm melon 75c a couple, MrsJohn iteaptb 1 ddrr11r tomo•
The Maple Ltref Chapter, I. O. D. R., ip• Miss Minnie refry. of !'orouto;
Extra epeeist -Introducing Fatten
toilet pep, regular 10 cents. Sale price
a for 31 lents. CAMP$ET.L'M D11170
Tlw Haute and School &tub of Vic-
toria school will hold Its regular meet-
ing on Thurdey, October 10,, at 8 elm.
The Nurei '.lumnae .A,uodatton
will bold a Kale of baking on Saturday
noon, October !lith, in ('. M. Rob-
Rlseeve-Prhh1, . for a
donee is Oddfellowts' Hall, under aus-
ph•ew of Schram -Farris)* orchestra. ,.Istrrq andbite ll Iii i 1
1 1 t lillght J
With a growth of beard which
wunld du justive to • patriarch John
Walton, aged thirty-two. appeared in
Monday morning's police wart on a
charge Of vagrancy. He was committed
to the care of Jailer Reynolds for a
week with the recommendation that he
might qualify ter a phew on the House
of David baseball team. He already
has the whiskers and a pair of run-
ning shoeS.._.Walton is a bit queer. -He
says he centre from tial where he
has a brother mud mister, and was In
search of farm work whets Constable
Ferguson plclewl lieu up walking the
railway trades at Blyth. He said he
had been living on bread and cheese
and was stony broke. His rrtatIves
are toeing notified.
SCUM v 6000 pKA3tu '
1I OLD memo ter
I:F:LF.\ST, 4hlolwr 1; Anniversary
services will 1e held at Hackett's
(ihur•h non S*1t1lay. October 19th The
preacher will le. iter. T. 1' WIIIJn'un
of Mt. Helens. Servi e,. will he held at
2.:11 *nil 7 p.m.
The W. M. S. Thanksgiving Nervier
air the =-Ashftebt eirwslt use held at
Anniversary servkx■ will be held at
Beutu9ler l'nitef church on Sunday.
tictobwr 21111. Rev. E. !'twitter. of
Vacua. a former pastor, will be the
prwti'er. ou the following Tuesday
evening, October 2)4111. a (owl super and Min. James McBride of ('arlow. showers of confetti for a trip to ('d
He tires an honest,- conerlrullous and liugwoed, t;raveuhurst and North Bay.
eminently worthy cItl*en. always The bride's travelling dress was of green
identified with movements fur the up- isebble crepe with coat of beige broad
lift of hutw11lity and the benefit of cloth, end Iwlge hat of kltteu's ear
felt. also shoes. purse and "cloves t0
tualek. Illi their return the happy
(simple will reside at t4 Iteresford
v... 'Toronto. where tlwy will be at
Sarah Pentland. who 1urvlves him,
with two children, Roy. on the home-
stead, and Altus (lira. Melville Reed 1,
of Baekatnon, Mask. Deceased was the
last to survive ut. fb*thistly of five of
the late ter. mud Mit ('banes Girvlu,
the others being Hugh and Charles
Girvin, Mn. *Joseph Bell 'of AKMteld
T1kurwlay, October 9, 1> tI
Toronto. The bridal Maple received
many Woeful a d beautiful gifts. The
grouw'o gift to the bride was a lovely
fox fur, to the brhiesmaid a white
gold dress pin. to the pianist a string
of pearls and to the groomsman white
gold cuff Hoke. After a buffet lunch
the happy couple left by motor sushi
will hold a rummage sale in the vac-
ant store on the north side of West
street on Friday and Saturday. Octo-
ber 17th end 1Rth. The sale will be held
from 1 to 0 p.w. uu Friday and from
10 a.m. to 10 p.m. uu Saturday.
Isaac Currey, of Nile Mud Gesnget
'7 awdof Toronto. apt *111 ill• Ifnnrrpl.
The pallbearers were six nephews:
George, William and .laves Feagan,
George Ryan. Robert *Milian, and t:.
There has been u change in Prov(n- Fregan.
-Wl traffic officers in this seetlon, Of-
ficer Foxton. of Dreaden, replacing Ot-
fher LeGranl. The change took place
tot Oetotoer 3rd. Mr. i.eGrald going to
ilrewlen. The Dew officer will make his
headquarters In .Mitchell and patrols
from that town to Goderich,
and Exeter, also Clinton to Wingham.
The float ease of Infantile paralysis
Goderich has been reported to Dr.
A. C. Hunter. M.O.H.. a twelve -year-
old boy being stricken. Serum was
rushed hero trout Stratford and Dr.
Hatekett's attire!' on Sunday. October S. Lorne Rcllertsorl of that city was called
be -
Thr epeeist 'speaker was Mies Gertrude I Into aonenitatlns. It la.conftd
(`int. a tatwe-fuuiry- from /Corea. j Herat teat :ter woman Rea
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sherwood vis- feted in time to forestall merlons poral
i1w1 with their daughter, Mem. Adam 17115. .
A horticultural freak was plucked
from hla garden by Mr. Geo. Holman,
county clerk, toot Saturday. it con-
sisted of two dahlias from the same
humor after attending a few weeks with stem. one mingle. evidently the pro-
duct of • seedling. pink In color, and
her slater. Mrs. Thomas Glazier. of the other ■ double reuse Imrn, sitmon-
ltrttarela colored. Cactus -formed. After visiting
]re"1int Mrs. Redwrt Sic. of and I the Signal office Mr. Holman set out
Mr. and Mrs. daya• reel my It Trim- to show the freak to flower -lovers and
ureter "pont r re(otly herr with to inquire how it came about.
felwwls. ryes Horses hits
Mims Ena Phillip, ut London, TMlbs' Starting orsesagainst twelve pacers at
with oar Inithr. on Sunday. Caledonia last Friday, Bedford Todd,
i.,, Dun. JI 1211.14 Agar visited a trotter owned by Wen. Litt, won sea
friend, lit ' Me on Rundar• and money. capturing the last hest
Mom. Jamey' afore i( and Marjory handily. This big. young horse L com-
vlsild- fah the fortaar'K parents out along tart and shows much prum-
`t"rser l Ditt jar. At Ancaster Lair Silent Grattan,
lanes !UI dI.1
ford tatting bra/ tnsttaNt. also of the mas masa, despite his ass,
sletrnt loturtrrera sassily was the class,
lflwl' rare. -- --- -
w ardnn Barker 1s In
Jo1111stou, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alton attended
the fuuersl of the late it, Mary
JIhtliton at Exeter.
Mien Ethel \k•hohwol has recur
JohDDJ ia' 1
but tbay deadbuitly hold to softie
fashioned trate'. They wart extra
hours -a+d without overtime_
stay to at night and never go oss.
They are honest toilers who w
without being watch'f Trp' -
whole-souled little helpers who only
atop when the Job la done. 11 you
`-grant to hlre some modal employees.
you can't uo better than
iX t eitXt
OW a caw of the W.M.B. and Lad-
ies' Aldiitleille will he hold lathe church
nil Monday evening. (kat r'Al. An a
p•tiving napper will be served, fol-
lowed by an Interrtttng program of
readings and tnstrumental musk•. also
vocal aumblrs by a mule quartette,
Meseta, l..oe4e I0', fans Jame* tend the read crommleslo►' meeting on
Sutherland. Alto,' Pentium and Lorne u( next week.
Pentland. Fuller tartirl aro next To may inGoderkh
week. AAasl,akw•a0r enc ' Sir. George Haxter, who recently se -
NILE. October `J. -Miss Ante Talb ! 4.9g d a position with the (;ray Music
Story. London. r subsidiary of the T,
Eaton ('o.. to not leaving Goderich, an
Inference which might be taken from
an Item which appeared In last week's
Signal. Mr. Baxter has left the emptor
of the Se f rt&Y Malasttaesestslg C.
*mote' hin.(0121re thole le
radios and plasma and will contithe nue
1111• e'„ It,,,,u1,'iIs Ile was a u.rel/er of
141'N1;.\N\c1N, 0-tob.r 7. -Mr. and 111..1 111tw1 ,bw'1.11 and ul1ays r splen -
Mt,, dl,l worker In the chun•h ,a ..n1d its or-
il4k kv4!1l.JYMi ne t1Na1. l.ailk.iiilk%'►rtlasii. '
Icrw+hlev Ir he was a. prominent
ttB' ''%tldlwlltf. Ilu• '1(e Ioiugregiitioif.-rfort ven17-
Iles. 11. Horton, of Exeter, is visiting seven year* he ,war a director -of .the
her sister, Mee alelteach, this week. Went SVnwnuuih was
tnnnran•e Cisme
Mr. LaVerue Pentland. of Detroit, pray. lir will be greatly and sorrow-
iprut the work rod at the hoax of his fully tutees! by his old friends and the
pwrentn. Mr. and urs. A. R. Yrntlnwl' wrwwuuily in grimiest. The fuurral will
Mrs. R. E. Wallis and daughter Slims take place 011Suldry afternoon at 2
o'clock from the. residence" Ya Inintia't-
nou. being deferred owing 'to the ex-
petxtlou of the arrival of Mrs. Reed
from Saskatoon.
Hughes-Errfsgten.-111e hour ... of
Mr. mei Mrs. David S. Errington. -fin
(ow(wms1uu Weld W11%11noh, ens the
Beth visited the.forwer's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 11. J. Crawford. Mims Beth
Willis returned to Detroit on Sunday
but Mrs. Willis is rrtualulug fur a
Mr. 41111 Mile Delos Di+her, of talar"
- • ton. spent the week -end at the home of
the former'. pweents. Mr. ant Sirs. A. I aCP111• of a very pretty event on \'wt-
tteo4ny. klulwr 3th, 10411, when thele
youngest daughter, Cora Jane,HOSPITAL IMPEOVEMENTI1 P. 1isher.
whMoroaWbee.Hn .•Mener
neroft,ofli(kveato Alegi• 6rMlwrs.11
11 eSrrls. cllruiltcli ug1'tr1eutlefuurdm-raf, 1wo1"d
was given In marriage by her father to
anion howptud. tot wit* rui►frrred mother. Mrs. Ihivid l;irrin' Yr. Stanley l►rrllIe Hu=hes, of Toros
e•On' Ithr of the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rena awl SIr. to. second youngest eon of Aire. Mary
with the property end Sirs. Robe, Davidson attrudwl the
hospital board and discussed- further ■unhrrm11ry at the Yrembytrrla4) Hughes and the late \S'11I1ana !Digitise
Improvements to the hospital bovartl church, Auburn. last Sunday. alms of Tnwrtlto. The cwrl•ntu') was
which she is pr,pared to make i1 sub- The regular monthly rueetiuR of the performed by Roc. 1'. C. Kahle, paastor i
etantW donation under Leman condi. \Vumen's Missionary Society of the , of the C,'ite1 church, Dungannon. Thre
1 ae was prettily decorated In anima•
reit shades. the brute ruck groom stand-
et-evurgeomei- furl
carnations.- Thr bridal enemy entered
af(.tr.. ?.1►r
from a1Q.T:
a1 on ./
(know, li vile; Mta4lss,.-Turuutn...l'ul►ingw(xrd, KR -
lab Lu -
tions. A sun root* or Mlarlum. was tldtwl church met in the w•laool roue'
discussed. also as aiMitkm fit the oI_Lllt J'1{qlt Iq w1111 11u attendanceof
mouth cud of the } eighteen. The preslIi cut, J ss_ . e
yet ala Iltol his oat 1I1a1I1 con 1'rutl11nd, opened the wtvtlnR. its+.
fr, a the drawing re%xu to the aurins of the
Vfte.townahlp auxlilinew "kjorns from tt0lengrht ptaTed'
voted Aowtlons toward the rrwtlnh of•It decided lel to hull a wt+slou•
by Miss Story Kreuter. of Toronto.
ug. 441m e.• n The bride booked very charmbag in a
■ sun coop• nn c banquet_ on 1k•ttdwr :ukh. Tea was gown of while salla with overdress of
4 served at the (11141• of ale touting. silk georgette afro with
withover rry•rtol
HARVEST It1j,EprlPA1. NF;RViCidS I A W. Si. S. we" tluual wmtrreuw• will 1wads. "bile
kid Ames and knee to
Choosing tills test from the Iunl'a to he•Id in the ('ort Albert 1'nited mantel'. me" bridal veil, which wan 1
Prayer: "Give U. This Day our Daily. I rhumb uu 1k•t olwr 1:iib. 1 betided With
!'ranch {marls. was our -
Bread," Rev: T. G. Wallace. M.A.. ter-) Mr. cud Mrs. Melville Glenn. of I►r, ululttoed wilIt a to 't of orange Idem -
tor of 81. James' church. Loudon. at- , trail. stout a few 4111341 at fire-lwwr of I
the former's sister, Mrs. J..1. Myatt. 1 onus. She e-arried a shower 1%nu1111d of
came el Kmost hof t and greed as the Sweetheart role and Illy -of -the -valley
cameo of most of tit; iMli of the peel-+ lir- Abri. 1;uaad, a(_l,uc►mlw, 44 itad with -maidenhair fern. Mrs. Bert Itnd- world. is• 10r tel --sense -at his brother, Mr. Fred linos. this week. w s.L+tear of the bride, was brides -
Mt. 4k'orgl'e ehdwb Mnw1u} morning. The home o44t,e1 ani . ries s ld bly 1 uwid, ""Iring a mauve guar ette dress
brides -
the lute Mr. Jas- Elliott 44*N sold by I R
Thy epradteatly wrong
r sold that*' hos len w l lel I trimutet w oh %fiver, with sliver shorn
the 1larisrinn worts suction o11 Ttlewlry. the pinhaNer Io •1111 mauve xtoekings. also transparent
with urerpruductioa _1114( Mr. Jam- 1 gen. of lino ith Mauve hal_ UI hatch._ 1'l1H'...eurri rl i
i there were thous. ewssiou. Went 1Cawa*1esih. - - - -_---_.l bouquet of Auwrlcwu beauty
roes with
The ,,rasion was Ihtngrrstsft Fair This Ned(.-Tlroro• 1 maidenhair fern. The brideylno to was
sethe day 111141 Friday of this week are thin attrudwl by Air. ('harle s Eamon'.Of\ bt¢ crowd it
worthy. DuugwuWn null vicinity.
"As causes for wan or insurances of
peace, politics and statecraft are tar
leu important than economics." -Ed-
ward -A.
TI'r meeting of the (mintylead Mss`
mesion. echo -doled for today. hie been
postponed owing to the Masse M
of today When.
In almost everytl
ands I6 abject 11
the annual harve Salmon fall fair dr)s. .
church Whig must appropriately decor- R
*Ord for tlw occasion l'hem wee el (•npectr.l in the-vlllageJlaatkt*J-that
lamp c.f4rrgattoe. Iter, lir. walla,* Is. If the weather mus twrus a mulling
tree (1)1,1 way.
■awl Rev. e N. H. Mills rector of Rt. A Sudden Csil.-This (Immunity Inas
evening exehoir a pulpits._ norchestra
Monday 10th "110 1.t -Iter iw•M-luwewn mid -
of 141 qt the (hula and string ,.Stria-
Of St. Paul's Anglican rhmela. Stria- lltddy esteemed reskients by the and.
ford. delighted,* largo audience with[ (hen 1m1 utwxp•(tel death u( James
their pretwntatlol If ale emitata `The 4;ircim, which oceurrel at Ills home
e Slxutda'he 1 here early Wednesday illumine of this
Warden Barker. of Brussels. Mr. Bite- Song of Thaaksetvleu' w. ) (Arvin had been I. 1111 Wt -
slew,' 111 fortto le weeks with The choir 1s one of 1!e" 1i0Wei-hea1d1 ward a r. Arvin fir 1,een t.
In Gederteh In a loot time. the solo 11
bark[ trouble and surto wl •slight set' its of the (mutate Icing ►arttenlarly, but Iw•fore retiring on Taw:sil) eventing
baht a few days x,e while Il gameeorer Pa be complained of not teeth= Mille well. ,
to a world's series Iasrlall over well taken ( He passed away
the radio. He expecte to be able to at -
Office --Flick's Coal House
Flick & Matheson
PHONE 178j
J{uron Taft
from 12 to 3 p. m., 60 cents
Special Business Ken 's
dais at e0 oasts.
Hugh Wong
artet Ensues Woos NNW. 112
W visiting rrtrtlees la Toros
Vont 111 -
MV ,. C dweel'V sale 1
1t was quite a $U4 '11. -pi'
!wing tenoned fer•neest re"
was dater.-
Id pries
in the lab-
. t. 1*t
eating program was ca
welt ids and Mr retlde In I;oderkh.
at the Mrs (Rev.) W. T. Runt. wife of the
motor of the Baptist rimytt. waa
Mr. and Men. lame% Mclutyre aud bootee" to a number of young ladies 0f
won, Rommel. vfaltel recentie at the the congregation heat Friday evening at
Ieom,• of -Sir- lual_Jdl,. at M ewtls. dinner. after which the Gleaners of
% - the Voting Wonneu's Missionary Spele-
If Luck now, •teal tv were reorganized for the tRa'tom
and Mra. 'iia. Paler. et .issrnurt. Camatea . -_
. w
.1nnlvernarp neve res iu the with ■ tuemlwrshlp of eighteen. Theci'nn h herr w 111 lw 1,,,e1a' Sunelay' 1 following offieers were appointed:
(k•tdwr 111th, morning and evenlni• I'rl•sldrnt, Ms-
rs. W. Sillier: ciepreol-
Tler preacher for the dao will be a I V f wdent. Mrs. Wright : .-retnry. Silas
• Ito o
fornw•r pastor, ger. 1.. (. \ h Etlwl R'hifrwkle: treasurer. Sties i,nlu
- colt-- 1- nmvltle. -
p {reyv■r stip-filling Yr the met of the day In !Croft : pianist. Sala" Jean Prier: (min-
1 `
warm.' til- ririnite Tltrs•hifg Is Myatt fin rlllor. Mrs. Hunt
• Wins Sweepstake Prise
FApns 11R - Ciodarith Isbell for this year. ,.. Moe. , Carter, of Soaforth, a
_ __ _ heavy exhibitor at the Goderich fair
- this year. has leen adjudged winner or
j the Frank E. HIldwrt prate of 65.00
'worth of merehsndl,e for the greatest
somber of pointa attained M any one
exhibitor. Mrs. carter had 11ki .pints.
W. 1. Miller. of St. Helens. 0'2; Noble
Voting. (iexlerich. 75. and Mrs. J. M
How•rle. Goderich. 70. The Agricultural
Society le Jwokling. a uw eting Saturday
thireugvrM t4"-wtld.,sp.Jbe,
faint of this year's fair. after which
byMn.. Arthur Deathe
(noprunol, Mrs. Byron Ni. holw'n con-
traltol, Mr. William ('oilier*. (tenor)
and Mr. F. 1'. Polley Ibx--o,.•'I`lla In-
xtrumrntaltats were Mr Pn11tt haw the o1,1 humrste od in West \Vawaucmh, ,
(find violist, Mr. test \ValsIl Owe- about aboltt • mile north of Nile, on No -1
and viollnb sad_ Mr S. Hingston I weather moth. -144.7. Here lie lived ou .
(ee41o). Thewegula sad string lnetru-_.the beautiful farm 1111w ow1od by his
mente blended rest harmoniously. The I -toy. *111(11 ltt• ttuccrlt loiter ttn"411
(choir and ' - "r• a eiotinet I lage of, Tlunganoon two years agu.
credit to the . • o, Sir. Frank B.1 Forty-four yearo ago last June Mr.
Walker A. HMS a C. M. Olreln 44x8 united In marrtaga t0
at 2 ,i.lek 1.ui. De-
rs-asd 44118 • ebe-of the late Sir. and -
Mrs. ('Iwries Girvin and was lore on
Yen's Cotton Socks...... ...
teen's All'b'O61 Socks'.. 4 :• • • • •-
Bine and White Stripe Ovsrall>6,",v.t- -. -
Large Flannelette Blankets .. . .
White Bedspreads
Rayon Bedspreads, 80 x 100
Wool Batts .
Ladie3' Silk Hose. R.SY1at.86C . • , .
Ws .s .,
.. 3 pairs ftrr'2S•
.Pair $1.98
•'lack $1.69
Each $1.79
Special Announcement
Fur CoatDisplay
We desire to announce that commencing on
Monday, October 13th, 1930,
for three days. there will be on display in our store a
number of FUR COATS, manufactured by the
for whom we are egeMo4os Goderich and vicinityY,
A representative will
offer suggestions andtto take orders fromheattendance in
nyone who
may be interested.
Here is a wonderful opportunity to purchase Coals direct
from the manufacturer and your inspection
is cordially invite'(
Makins' - Hat and Gift Shop
Phone 424w
Nutt Side of Square. Geaaich
ha paiti ,,;;- •-
The Pavilion, Gr
October 4, 11, 18, 25
MEN! WOMrN!..--- : ®1 i •
We must clear out the balance of a bankrupt stock, which consists of ladies' fall and winter Coats and
Dresses and children's Hosiery.'
We have no room for this stock and must clear it out at less than the Cost of. the goods. Here is a
chance to save money. _ _
Frida October 10th
Sale StartsY
11.\1tRl' IIARLOW
Air. \Vllliah, Barlow was In Toronto
on Tuesday studding the funeral of
his brother Harry. whea.P death took
plate in Christie street hospital the
precious Sunday. Many 1n Goderich
will remetntwr dewesel. he having vls-
Iteal here on oecamlms at his brother's
and emus to umpire an Important
_4 baw•bnll game. Before fife w•1r he was
it plater of note lm Womiidoek. Toron-
to end other p1o'ws 11111 w`*N well known
In the liners 1'ity 111 a baseball]
imblyer 111141 ,'na1dr•. Ile enlisted In the
3rd itnttnliou. went overeean and re-
eetv4,1 wounds fr whish he never
fully feeuns1r1.-To the last he was an
ardent *{sorts elivthus1ll$t. never being-'
Interest. He ,was fifty-three years of
age The funernl took place front the
hielmeaf Ills enter. Mrs. J. M. Stanley, .
77 Northcote 11ve1114e. Toronto. 111 New*-
narket ,•watery, where his father anti
mother nee hurled. hie watt • native of
1►raylou. Joteeith and Austin Barlow, of
Toronto. also d'rx' bedtime. A ellloping
f The Signal recalls that when de-
censed umpired here on .duly 1. 1919,
he stated he hod played with the Ion -
Son orioles against (loderk•h at Agri-
cultural Park twenty -foot year,. prev-
-- '
ions to the i1ty.
The tubers' of Snesnna Corry, be-
-JIM -ell Wife I4 .\•w• Mullen. whoop
death occurred 111 It,.n111ton on fl010-
ler 1st. t111k {11m1e from the rsmlly
reeklenur• in Goderich on Saturday,
(October Ilh, 11111 w -ns very largely at-
tended Interment was made In Col-
borne oemetery 11Mettwel had [Ron In
filling health for Name months. and at
the time of her death was vtdting her
11aa¢hter. Mr. J. B. Cox. of Westdale,
Hamilton. In the bops that the change
1 wetted he Iwnefh•Ial She. however, sod -
1 denly became worse and •Ithant 11 she
rKTivod the tendered manse eed the
hest medical idol available she 'tank
1....'esp4dly. a victim u1 the dread drosses
tsar. The IoodT was ,hoot ur10 1104-
erit h hat Thursday at1d the
• ' -LOT 3
which sold as high. al $15.011. l' ut
$2.95 and $4.95
LOT 4-.-.-
Children's Bloomers
I•'I'•-.r-INtett, in pink -toe' 1,1,,••
VINO -Bog it
.oil sizes,
Art .teles ane) culot•1 in silks 11noi • s.cliliz4.
1'h•ar` _ 1.t Irss filar the sof mak'', • '
$3.95 to $9.45
One lot of
Clearing at
19c, 29c and 39c
Phone 384
South Side of Square