The Signal, 1930-10-9, Page 4•
Drs THE MAIM Orr Olin CBGel AHD VAIN! -nit MAStt1Oa satafT LAIR.
Wit. on
able to
as can be
ST. Al'lil-SPINE, October 7. - Mr. 1 Mr. W.
and Mal. C. 81141181141111111a11aand family and „caller at *inutility.
Mr. aid Mr*. C. Smith and family. of vttAl)! l,rielully attended
(Tinton, were the geese of Mr. and trocar
Mrs. J. W. Moyle on Sunday. the anniversary eetd,e. at Blyth on
Mr. and Mrs. G. ahi'Ilmchee mild Sgay.
Thr W. M. K- kit, wing their an-
nual chicken pts scow on Saturla7
night. 4k -tuber lama supper will be
MILO& (,',.w gdsI Talent from
rrlo will glee -pis pr' in.
ere pleased to be
1, 40114as well
4 0( Toronto. was
r ofMr. and Mrs.
family, of East Wawatmeh. were the
emote of Mr. nod Mrs. J. 1'. Rubinson
eat Sunday.
the -_-_guest of Miss J. 1. M `-
over the week- o,i `.._f - M7- and i(eE" r,"IM° 'a' 1-
MIs* Maly Greave. is Use guest of chlldreu fi,th tl, mud Mra.
Mrs. Ib•„ley. of G,*Ierk•h, this week. Stanley ri.( luyth. um San -
Miss 4 onteletta Itoyle is on the sick flay.
Friends. and wentls•rs of GODERICH I TOSNSIIIY
the St. .\uK„•ri„'' \\'oWru'4 Institute '-,
filet at the I • of Mr. cud Mrs. H. GODFRICH TQR OILII ', tktulaer 14.
Finnigan, 4Th Thursday
Wellt of het
nosh on Thurwhlr scans!; of last -The Young People'+li's'iety of l'nln
Week find tendered their daughter, chan•h met last rr,d+S ,evening. Mies
\Drs. Melville t'nha•rt, recently married. Lena Colwell took rbc'wr•t.ltig. Plane
a mis ellammade eon: shower. were to' hee. a delete for the
next meeting un prtdir.. ,Y:dolner 17.
Born - to Mr- nnll erg Gordon Orr.
on \\'.rhxl*d$J• Ikt• I••r MI
ri.'Il. a mu".1'ongratulat1Mla. -
DONNYBROOK, Octgbeir 7. -Misses Mr. and Mrs. T%o• .tnlr. i f Burford.
1.aura and Mary Johnston spent the Inderal here aat4 en' %kiting with
week -end at their home lu G.alerlch. friends and relative-.
Miss, Margaret 4' iltgton at -compete Mr. mini Mrs. Alex ,;,'r,'urd. of Cali -
IM thew. fornia. motored , Iwr• and. rerwwed
The first regular meeting of the former argnaintanie \Ir. Gerrard
l'uul"g l'eople's Society was held 1n formerly lived heti.
'the I*.w'weat of the church on Fella" Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Johnston aM
lulls ansa MM,plmt Jefferson had d and Mrd_ ! John.len 0114
charge of the tat •e Tag• 11r. Morley Ini• t:wt. Falepsr wt,t
JohustuI rend the lesson and Mies liana on Sunda,. aid dined with -rela-
Verna l'hpwney gar* a well-prepared thew there- Mrs., Thew. Johnston Ifs•
an(t tntere*ting talk.- Kenneth Camp matnert fora visit.
bell' and Rev. W. J. Mortimore gave Anutversary *ervhwwlll be held is
readings and Willie Craig a recitation. ililon ehureh on Sunday. Or•tober 19.
After devotional service games were Reserve Maclay teenin4. October 13.
played and provel very amusing. The for the fowl supper owl eoutert to be
meeting next Friday will ire in charge deer 111 Grave t'nit„I d,urch. Porter's
of Elaine Rumford. HUI.
- 'Mere will be no school next Thera- Dr. and Mrs. 1' Packwood. of
day stud Friday, as MINS Johnston 1* !grown City. Mach., Jnr end Mrs. L
,)joint to the teachers' ernvention being Tomllnaou of \Vo.ala,,i, and MIs*
in Goderich.
Mrs. Jefferson. Cameron and Irene
Jefferson spent Sunday with John
areae!. ut Munro.
Mr. J. G. Chamne7-int ha ng Ire
from Mr. Murphy's to be used fot
*-!stern- _
Many of our resident* are plana
to take in the last two fairs of the
aeawai, '(Vinghaw and lemon uwon. •
Eavestroughs are I*•lug put on the
ehurrt this week.
PORT ALBERT, Octotoer 7: Tile
(amens are hoping for rale, as the
land te too dry for plowing.
Quite a number from here attended
the Teeawater fair, among them being
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mahe. Albert Mc -
Glee. Mr. and Mew Chao. (`migrant. Al-
bert and Harvey !latae. Mr. and Urn.
Thos. Dickson, Will Dkkaew, M, and
Yrs. Nevin Graham, Mian (.aura UJra-
k:4wer Graham, Miss Mary enn-
ui ant others• Aft impart
the exhibits deg erg,
4n4 extra Mend.
ML Il B.chaaaa has been on the .ick
the. .\11 are glad to hear she its im-
proving. Mary hedaor In shying with
her et present,
Rev. F. Hays: of Durham, preached
very aeep tabl7 In Christ churrh both
morning and evening on Sunday. It be-
ing the 1411/111141 harvest home 'services.
Rev. E. 11. Gable, rector of Christ
Osumi'. will give a leeture In the church
all Tuesday evening next on the lives
and habits of the Eskimo, among whom
he spent some years. He will Illustrate
hie Ie•tnre *lttl lantern *Indra,
The wetter"' division of the W. M. S.
of the forte! /church will hold
its set:b nee irnitlig in 81. Andrew**
church on Wednesday, 4letolwr 15th.
Met -Gusts w111 be held both morning and
afteruoti. A g,o*l attendants- is asked.
MimeFlorence McKenzie ave 0
party- to a numlwr of her friend&- oil
Thursla7fate In honor of her
The Holy Sacramaat was administered
at the service.
'Rete will be no swe,k-re at St. James
chuh, Middleton, nor •1 Trinity
Cheat, Hayfield, most Sundae, (LcW-
ber 19th, whoa tit. Julia's amid
Varna. 4* holding let reopening 'ser-
vices, the chervil having been redecor-
ated. Rev. J. N. H. Mills. rectos of St.
Oeorge'* ehureh. Iloderkb> and Arch
deaeou Jone lettewan will tendert thesk'
ereea. morning and evening The
combine! choir+ of the three 1 hurdles
will take pert lu the musk.
Asa >tisaaelay. Debi ar .1
}nary services are being hold
United church, Porter'* H111,
Erie Anderson. of Itlyth, • former
pastor. will preach. On the next even-
ing there will Int n fowl supper and
tin play. "The Tiger Earl." wiU be
given by wemis•ts of the A.Y.P.A. of
the Anglican churches, Middleton, Bal- ,
field and Varna.
Miss Mary Gray and her uncle. Mr.
John Mitchell. of lwwdln, Intent Sun-
day with the letter's cousin. Mr. F. A.
Mrs. J. l'ald.•rwtsld, of Ottawa, mid
Mrs. D. Vernon', of Goderich, visited
their brother, Mr. Geo. Klug. over the
week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. •4. Sturgeon. of London,
end epee the week ewith the ILtter's
'terries. Mr. Hod Mrs. S. Kiefer. Mr.
Lee Kiefer. who had been visiting with
Ida sister in Loudon for the past
returnedmenet, turnel here with them.
Mr. and Mrs Harold K. Rim _141t+rNa Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. 1.. B: -
friend. Miss Ruby Dickson. who left and little filen. of In'he}Ig! Pur
on Friday [CRUM a position at- e- with their ghastlier. Mrs.
Q. R. C.. Guelph. All wished her sur- ker. over tate weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McPherson 'aid
John Williams ant Mrs- Vittur the letter** mother. !Mrs. Hecker, called
Omen. of Detroit. -are visiting at the on friends In the village oa-T1 Y''
home of the tortures brother, Sir.' Mr. McPherson is a native of ,hay
George Rlehaninon. field, sun of the late Mr. *fid Mrs.
Mrs. aIn1. of lirncef4eld, Is visit- I Peter McPherson, and Left dere when e
lug at the home of her *dater. Mrs. youngsg lad with his mother to live in
Angus Gordon. I Alpena, Mich. .\t present lie is super.*
Mns. Percy Graham attended the i Iuteudent of the Fletcher Paper Co..
funeral of her erusln, ler. Mary Johns- j laving ti* unusual distinction of hav-
Exeter. ' lug earuel his first looney when t
The Princess Pat is the
last Wont its stove making. •
Don't buy until you see
Furniture Exchange
-aa a. leaNlq el wines
ndon. were gdems
From $29.50`
W. C. PidhamtTSOD
Men'said Boys' Wear - Goderich, Ott.
Tweuty-(our private pilots in Great
Britain own tee Plar: +dims..:
While visiting at Lossiemouth.
Scotland,' recently-, Premier MacDon-
ald of -England- revised- totters .•
a basket of peaches by dr mail from
t taemk
will be rendered ha ale ,hoer. assisted
• ar aper Min
'•"' s
Rata Tomllnsoa, of 1'lumesturd, were Mho, Ethel McKenzie. Ernest anti ,mere toy fit the Fletcher her [ ap
vlaltora on Sunday at rM• hone of Mr. Filna t'rawford• Quaid. Jean and has worked for the same firm ever
\\'m. Jennings. L* -door. l'arabelle 1 son and Kath- shier
Mr. and Mrs. Eel Harrison. Miss !ern CrawfonL of the, O. l', 1., a4*nt
Lillian Harrison auf Mr. Lawrence
Herrlsn's of 1(altfhnt. vt*it.ri at the
home of Mr. Wm, Jvstings. Bayfield
fwd. on Sunday.
Anniversary et Gran ('hureh.-Next
Sunday. lk•toher 12,h.anniventary ner-
viest will be bell It Grace United
church. Porter's HIr There will be
ser-Icws at 11 a.m. mil 7 p.m.. con-
ducted by Rev. Frig .' nderattn. of
4117th. a former peter Kp *4*l
WESTFiF1,I]:October 7. -Mr. temp- in tate morning by a nil\.+1 'blurb
sseeIrl,'vlsIt4n4 at itw.lowe fit. Mr,'(Vus. from North ;inept 1'm1,.1 rtii.'rb Clod-
Mcloswell. • " erlch. and in the e,eumg by the Lobb
Vis(tors at the hone Of Mr. and \lase Quartette. Otis dielI nday even -
Mn. J. LT m*'en
pb*Fl - rfly hug following a -taut metier ¶ill be
were Mrs Victor Johnston and chll- served from 8 to and after-
drru and Mr. and Mme. Hu%well, of wards the play _ 711* Tiger Earl"
the week -end under the parental roofs.
Vernon Willie. of the steamer Frans.
railed ern tin home folk resit!!.
Mr. ant Mee. John McKenaie at-
tended the funeral of the late J. LIgin
To to Goderich on Sunday.
highest' quality
-AND- boil. aid Vegetables
Telephone your next
order to
Geo. Price & Son
Telephone 248
(corner of `quare and North `greet
Armand's Week -end Package
ASH VIEli' TOWNSHIP, (M-1tJMr It.; -______On SATURDAY, OCTOBER llth, we will give away
-The reenter monthly meeting of taw FREE to the first SO ladies tasking a pesetas,hehKimbell Women's Institute was held at 1--6Qt1-or-.avel9NE ARMAND WEEK -END PACKAGE,
the home of M. Then. Dtennen, 11th _-
concession of Ashfield, with the prest- consisting of Cream, Face 'Powder and Perfume.
dent, Mrs. A. Beckett. in the chair. 'J'he
meeting opened with the in*tltwfP Otte.:
The roll call was auswerrd with the'
name of a place one would like to OAR
)[re. Wells, of Hallett. sprint a few Will be presented by the Itayfleid or travel to. Atter the reading of the'.
days last week with her daughter, A Y.P.A. Admitted"' to .upcon-iwr and con- minutes and approvalawmo-
of w. a m -
Mrs. Harry Armstrong. ,ort : Adults, nd:(.•nta: children 30 tion was laurel ami *P.00ded that a
cents• masquerade hell he held In Kintall
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Campbell visited
on Monday w'ith.the dormer's sister. Hall on October 31st. Papwrs
Rod. Mc -
Mrs. .1. H. Hoover, of With.
A nn itera.rr services wilLhe i144d in I
the Westfield fatted church on Sun-
day. October 12th. Rev. Gordon Butt,
e!! Goderk'h. will have charge of the
aen-kes at 2.30 o'clock In the after-
nouu and 7.30 o'clock In the evening.
Special music will be given (o the Bel-
sa engtr.
ntuabJr frogs Mb vldnlp attended
Ttteaw•ter fair on Wedueedgy '
Ronald Baird, Infant son of Mr. and
ilger.Boltt. Baird. is undergoing speciai
,i lab 'At•J grin' delete 4eifet[derwe
pital at Toronto. •
alaster Bobble (lower, yuingewt son
of Mr. and Mr*. Apert Gower, under -
g ' g 1411 operation in -tile Alexandra
Marine and General hospital at (:oder-
Tho jraleratcd Malaya : tate* • gar-
ment wttt -open w short•$150,100$150,100e
radio station at Kuala 1 1mpur.
A fund of $150h Is beT1hg--rallied
to- sive . the -land---aw:raeieg the
churchyard of Stoke Po . Bock!,
England, scree of Gra, s• Elegy."
sore xxx oa sooc ooe aoaoae
are busy as bees with Beits,
Buckles - bions__
a a;. d - t= t inter Coat in_ -cn
green, bottle green, Manilla brown, winterblu and bla►c c. -
were read by Mrs.
Kenzie. Mrs. Robert MacDonald and
lttnlr 'ilrettmt Ducie(, - foUows **lnr.
THF. DRAMATIC CLI'L' 1',IMMIT- eommuulty s►n41ng. A solo 411144
TEE annoueteA masgnernle dance by Mrs. [teleran McIntyre was
In Klaabrtdga Parisi, Ha11, on lertday• folloarird by an Instrumental on
October 17. • I.y Arthur's Radio the piano by Mem. Wm. Johnston. Jr.
Orcbeatra. Wl b
Ktery wet -Msang rs. Joe Courtney g a solo. a,-mow-
aA% tag Mara- M. Hogan ma the piano.
t 1 aSI1Ri r e s, • ., r a =1tPv. eve was also a ae(et4n Cc the
rather'n el'.iftla'It*I phonograph entitled "tire Sldewaitz of
trout Port a. vetted their New York." followed by a context for
brother sad oboes re Cast week. -- _ oatmeal cake- Mlle Thelma
- it,.. VICarll-. Linwood. is rLU- McIntyre won first prize ant Mrs. A.
ins b*r)son. R.'rlh'
A. SlcCar. Wash .,•...'. meeting eting chmed
'Mr. and Mn .Dias Myers, Mr. and -with the Netie al Anthem and after -
Mrs. Morgan halms* and Mr. filly t wards Ittac•h. was served by the bootee
Myers - of*Itwl T, - frI.n em it( ,and- -71 e.aat>•esl („kelt -!hat r made for
around Mtldnuy a Hanover Sunday (he eont.'st w-er' rtlJoyed Dry rill
ant) Monday ,f thoow k. lunch time.
Mr. Norma,, el, oI smor ha* returned The 1'. F. \V. O. will hold a' meeting
from lis trip thnmgh the Writ. having Lin 14811a1s11 Flail on 4kioher
motor as far as the Pease River Mrs. Wilmot of the 1-.F'.W.O. w
Diet Het. dress the meeting. Everybody welcome.
Sir. Gerald Garvey iwtwrnllll -f os Mme. Rome. et' Sault lits -Mari
Toronto last w.s•4,. 1 visiting( her many friend'. 1
Miss Annie laltnu. Mr. and Mrs. field and other parse.
l'op a and daurhterw. of Kitchener, air. Robert Simpson. of White
spent the week -.•s„ Ila Kingsbridge. accompanied by Mr*. Ftatman and Arta,
Miss tome al.-t'arthy. who has spent visited at the home of ile. and Mew,'
the last two e' .•ks with her parents. Simpson at the week -end.
Sir. and airs, %vire m a1,4'arth7, re- Miss Florene Mefkmald. of Toronto.
turned to Bete rr Si Is with Mr. vas "'monied by allss M. McKenzie, of
and Mrs. J tr'\L,1My and bribe. who, Toronto, visited at the home of her
spent Iasi weei,..•,a1 at Mr. Mei'arthy's'. aunt. Mrs_ Duncan McLennan, also at
Messrs. .rim •u*1• Tom Garrey. Mr. the home of airs. Jno- McRae,
B. aiarth,. tl .+ew HHIIIIuII Hogan, .. air. Jun. Matheson. of-hetrnit. is
Monies Storm and Marie Fingal" at-
-tended the 'f +••water fair la+t Werinps•
ther•_"-.... _ -- ass--......-- -
Ttw Kiutail I,ranrb f the Women's,
Itute 1"44. Th - to r meeting
at the home of -Mfg flak . Ih,rennen.• family
• »,
for Three_Days, there will
Special R ' tative to ' take_
- you 'Measure for
Made -to -Measure
III •d•
In Ade
Mai'. ng
$22.50 $30.00 $40.00
Illustrated in the semi -fitted silhouette, insatin, which
admirably shows the lights and lustre of this
charming material.
Buttons -l--- Buttons ! Have_yourglove_ enough buttons ?
2 or 4 for sports, 4 or'6 for town. -Trefousse.. washable
kid Gloves. Queen Quality 'Chamo-Suede Gloves.
Eaton Order Office, Goderich
visiting his many frletels In the Kin
tail neighle,rhes*I this week. Gl see him regarding-youi I s[t Suit or Overcoat
Des.Atsl ev,tdr ut si, o,t.te 14. ,Je+,., -- 8e.ior' an
r'isitthg his another ,,.•sr hA*•halsh-
5lr_ *111 Mrs. George CoUhtsou *114 _ ,
nib visited' ,it the wPekeled-wiHa - -_ ._ -
where a glee, newfllg was held with a their ,oII. Harold. In Brantford. g PIITIO
large nttenilair,• and a pleasant time Tae Nero -lees In the Ashfield Presby
spent. t.•rian church 1,11 Sunday were con- _ .
ducted by the minister. Rev 1' \I
Culquhoun. The day being fine. there
i was a large 'attendance anti two exeel-
• Tent sermons were given.
The c•rnps ■r. exrs•pttcrnally 4.4484 to Wro >
this lorallty and the threshing Is shout
WELDREST "DULL" HOS[ is a permanent dull -
The new smart dull finish in Weldrest Hosiery lasts as long as the stocking..
itself. Multi -twist varn shows infinitely longer wear and freedom from one of life's
-minor tragedies. runs and ladders.
Don't Forget we carry a full range of men's wear of all kinds.
"Shop where you are invited to shop"
pie of Sgsare
,tt;;/ 11 e //nn, /t /l X mrrnhr:• will
lirlitrilr i1rt cA se r ci a rw
Pine 418
AI'RI'It . ' o. ether 7 Mr. and Stns.
J. D. How: ,ft of Tockersmith, end
Mr:. and JI,- High e'Is•Iney attended
the miniver- +ereb er In Knox Prea-
hyterlan ten:.
Mks FIN. , Ira, who tenches school
near Chath:nu, !pest the week -end at RAVEIVIA), IA'tritter ti. -=!Err -and
Thr.• mmt,••r-ary tprvhes of Kilo,: Mrs Clayton GnP*L of Malar Ste.
1'r•slot.•rinn hnrch were well at- Marie. spent Monday w'Ith fhb letter's
fended on -nii.lay last. when Rev. T. mister, Mrs. Malcolm Tom*.
11. M.4 iuIhaigl, of Kincardine. con- Rev. and Mrs. R. M. (hale ail Mien
dta•te4 the-,vn--hip. Slladys 04,1m
returned hoe on Thee.
Mr. and Mrs F. Rnss and air. and day after spending the '(Faitrlibottfh
Sirs. It 11„rid-„n, of ieingennon, were Honwywo**1. Dort Perry ani Wat.rtl5
r',ent gue.t- the 11011Ie of \ir J. Miss Jean M. Wootl4 returned to To-
Me111. ._ Tonto on Friday to reettuie her rtnttew
flu alipl:w n Thursd,y last gnr-e al the Toronto (General hospital.
mune rearm thr.e people * Jnlo,t ttpl Mks Ann 4tr*ln. Miss Fiti(/ralM
In the bine shin•• at army a trip Every- and niece *1111 Vim* Morley. of 1Mtr•,ar-
"hhe seemingly •'aioyett the exp'riene. spent tlw weekend In the village.
Miss Mfiinir Spnhl "IAA the guest of ' Mr. *t*1 Mrs. Alkenhead. Mee olive
)flim Jh•If4w, Nsi list neck-r,L lerrlsou, of itrn•efteld. And s
Mr. Jt
fir. + rwa,r siiter' and en*in. of of Detroit. Were guests nn Nnnlny.. its
Strnthr,y, ,.pled him over ti'.• w,rek- Mrs. F. 'W. linker.
end Mrs Peter Clark Ind wm Gen[ge and
The regor I:,weekly sleeting of the I Mr. W. Hall. who l with spent
a week
V- P. S. dr'KnMt milted chnr'h Mee home on Saturday. Mr. !lett r' 1'Inrk
held Tuesday` brit tinder .the leadP o to iurda . nn Sunday.
1'shlp of tis• fir+f vlea.prpaWpnt Mr-
Marsh. TIw ., mu*lical fcatnre of Mr. *fid Mrs. Roy- I'mrth, fit Toronto„
the evening 11-11 91a 1040 hT Urs..1. j Mme 1*ad Wk1h444t11j ro 11111 the lat-
R,d.crt,*.\ veq'y Int* *Mng *dth•P*s ter * PArentm. Mr*. 1',.t11 underwent an -
0n •"(A•omwth" rvdg 41ve'n by Mr- APo. crplenntinn In ('lintel" he s ,1t*il on afore
Relthl.y. who presented .*omP excellent (ley for the remorse, of per tonsils ant
thoughts. air• ferry Yonnghlett will is re•up•retkig at the home of her per.
a.hfrete the• reeeling next Tnesday ents, Mr. Mrs- W. R. .Towler
The Hsrv*extPs( Thank*Eiring sprvli'F
wan held In Trintty church on Nnnd*
morning laid. The rester. ileo- F. 1 .
1'*nil. tor* his (Pict from I;ene'*la g 12 -
"While the earth remein.eth setelt111x
and harvest an1 mold and hent ,and
1hmtusr and winter and 'lav and night
shall not eMPIP," *trwlitng the fluty of
all M OVA, thank* for (kW. t*twmthil
fondness, and tier veil, dependence nn
Kim TIh. **lurch wis tastefully de,'or
*tel with fruits of the orebart and
fWd. The .•bolr ,'ff.r-tl„•ly rpndurei
the Anthem. "0 Inner' lkndfold
Rev. R. al Gatti. of Hayfield. *111
speak at the rennin *prvlre of
Knox Unite! , hatch on Bonder twit.
while Rer. W .1. lirwtlmoty Is M MkP
the *'refer In Owen *trop, ehut44L,
The •- asPrrlc+w -,R Ox
Vatted rhitrrb siallkba held (Mt.
(Irin+,er 4nth. time warn of mel
Int 11 a.m. A ai`.N air *Pr.- W -A•
MIIIer. a for slater Is thin cem-
the appoose oT- bath
Now Playing - "The Way of All Men
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
(Fre of the greatest laugh and mimic riots ever produced.
Nee Sorts paid $3.511 to *ee 14M (utopia)
Thursday, Friday and Saturday _
;;fir: - in the ever popular musical drama
A picture yoll w111 want to see mere than seep:
Camp n4 "ANIMA1. ('RIICKr.RS" wish HIP Fowler Mare Rrndhera•
Tyre ahawa wash night
*Ari riza :
Livening Priem
al 7J1 sad 9.3e. MatMPPs Wedns*day mad
Saturday at 3 L ma.
WUT P'PEttil at Holiday M1ti1[eett ' ' ---