The Signal, 1930-10-9, Page 3- .•
The Signal's Clubbing List
will save you time and money. We
can give you a price on almost any
publication issued on the continent.
.;:2.1I6KAL LIMATED; Fublbherb.
Aggressive Advertising
is the key to success in merchandising.
As a medium for reaching the people
of Goderich and district The Signal is
oNTARio, THITRSntv, r'TUBLIt 9, 1930Eicarrt until
M .Lapn
Mlthetl; beadier,School Nurse Is•Ilrcr the pr.gsrsal (eplt)d he (arrild
1.111 )U�l „„w.
The Armstrong Real Este An Irbil. fireman, rescuing a woman
and Insurance Agency
Holmes and Lot. in Goderich and
for Sale
Large number listed to choose from.
Good Cottage, lights, toilet, 2 Iota,
small barn, near Square, $1400.
Good house and lot, 51(ltk1.
House with lights and water
lot, $300.
Fine I% -story house, fine condition.
Bath room and lights, furnace, garage,
small barn and lot, $1700.
Flue red brick 1',4 -story house. 2
. iota, modern equipped, $2200.
Fine 1% -story red brick cottage.
ssesom -see4
I[anr *therm.' Ask to tee them,
Many farms at very low prices with
all nscsssary buildings, etc.
100 wrath$2200 ; 100 acres, $2/400:
22 demi , -=t .
200 acres, One farm, ellwlo. kited.
wltb timber, '$5800.
Many others.
Dox M - Goderkk
ata blaze. lust his hold near the bot-
tom of the ladder, and lauded heav-
ily with the woman un top of him.
A doctor, hastily summoned, pro-
nounced him stuud, though badly
"You are a brace gentleman,"
raid the- doctor.
"Brave, maybe, but no gentleman,"
replied the _ Irishman, rubbing his
Injuries, "or 1'd hate let the lady go
McMillan Cup
Will Winter Here
The tramp knocked hopefully at
the door of the cottage on Christmas
"('lease, ma'am," ,Ire said to the
lady who opened it, 'I'm a sick man,
The doctor gave me this medicine.,
but eintAtet----selhiae---4o take it,
A sympathetic light came into her
eyes, for was it not the eeawtu of
g.sol with
"Poor fellow:" she : murmured.._ "1
supmo's• run want a spoon and a glass
of water?"
The tramp shook his bead. •
f •N(IIT. ma'am," .be replied. '1 wbuld-
rive trouble you 'for that. But the
medicine 'as tel h. took after`meala_
1 was wuuderttt' it you'd got one of
1ht•w 'a tidy '•"
Bewa .of "Easy Profits"!
Local Collegians Defend Trophy
for Third Time at Big
Meet at Exeter
For the third successive tear Gcider-
kh C. 1. on Friday list suctw.sfully
defended the McMillan ('up. emblem -
elle of tnter•eollrgiate athletic honors
In that section of the county south of
the Huron road and including Mit-
chell, in Perth county. The brat
atudeuta captured the honors with a
derisive lead over Exeter High School,
which finished second and won the
cup d...,..t th1 y e•a r _by W. 1i..MetI4
M.l'.P. The Goderlch s hood prodded
senior boys' and junior girls' champ -
ins in Ian McKay and Eileen O'Brien.
wLu" relieeted- Zoete vtl tortetr--of -tart
year. The former captured every sen-
ior nm except the 22/1 yards. and 1n
this.he wear batten by Vktor Elliott. a
fellow -pupil. McKay has •t.lerllliwtt
at h -tie romper island- of him.- particu-
larly at tis• longer distances. Eileen
O'Brien hail three firsts in four events
And was the outstanding junior girl
performer by a wide margin. She in a
reel u11tlt bee ..
But - lee_ the malt tHHatandL4g
leellid r iie� 'itre�
*suit of Bob SNoktsrt. who cleaned
the liar at 12 feet 11 inches. This Is a
toot higher than the WWYY record and
ai.x inches higher than herb jumped at
the British Empire game( at Hamli-
ion in August. Bob 'has vaulted this
Aright before. lett UI exhibition only
and it was with considerable satst9e.-
Moil that be wueeeded at a school
meet. Victor Elliott was second in the
to vault and with lewriprmldable
ion would 'lave captured/ the event
tither out stataling performers were
W. Joynt of Exeter. who captured
immediate honors with four flntae
and R. Itrock of Heiman: a remarkable
xilthtte e, m_pet ing fur the first
time. Olive Lawson Is the mentor
cbamptt.n.'The41st-ef events and win.
nee( follows;
HAVE nothing to do with "get -rich
quick" salesmen -they will tli'y to hussy -
you into a decision t -
A sound investment is never in a hurry.
e.nwbile, ties Simko Deplanstnt:
tm.. O'Brien, God -
5U yard drrh- Mrs. An beheld diw•n*wv uuorgaa-
Blas, ('liuum ; ized districts. She said the urge for
rrich, 8 S b seconds I ray organization should come from
May Sims, Exeter. for Three Towns.
or -
'truant jump -
Uel- ,I within. When a need wan felt the erlch, 13 feet 654 be.: 1t. Rows, God-
-.._ iodization usually followed. Mont
Clinton: I. I'arrott, Wien DlitriCt Home and School Club, inl teachers felt 11M treed of a home and
_taiyard relay -1, Qliuoa .I whorl club but fwu,.l difnculty In
(-rich; s, Mitchell.
Session Here, Recommends getting the eon -operation of others.'
_J_ Miss Sharman suggested the taking
- This Action of a home and school (•lull meeting to
HERE'S A TOWS OP -- towns or a munitlear whore there w1.
O�SZLESS JOY The 11oan• 11 lid SI•htud ('ouoctl of ' no rush organization. In this ermne(e-
thin district bald an interesting meet- tion en extension coluulilllx: N'ma ap-
ing in ('.-ureal school. Goderich, on' pointed, i(Ittnlsting of the president
Black{sod. Ulaelkpt►e'l lull 3_, vtur Thursday evening. The CeWucil 1s sup- and vice-presidents of ClinUne Hour
lity which Is etre. W"ower,--.luerre,rdative. rats) Ski -tool o+l Club.
posed to consist of fear re•prw•t �.-
politics and rterytMlhi; rt.i•. %%',bile from rush Huns' and School flub. the t The New Officers
other resorts areeZlax t'Is'ut the president, vier -president. Se•tretary, a', 111i,....4,,'iiuu of uttl(r•rs followed
difficulty of ultra tisib•rs. Rlatik•• 'wither and a teacher.
Seatorth,''lin ' Mrs. T. <'Is�W'r; of $'triton. Naw eta
l00►1 parr triuwpluat!)' $rum rer•otrli tion. Victoria school aril Ceotralnet. 1. ert.'d yn•sleleut slid. Stirs• l)x,etier, of
to rtvrd. Galerk•h, had their full 4f04*I Of rep- ('lint444. secretary-tre�rttr'r. The ra1Ma7 ruttdIt' arc setduw: resentativea_ The'•prt',klett, Mha 1. E.. These itetere>iting:dtart►weiun. were'
quid, Ha!- and furt3 Irrltlwj .t wgjl, jS;a� j rbec1wl of l'eutral-i.,t..rsir•rs.+l sflI .gturic. % piuuu solo...,:,_
arrived (s1 ■ resat aatsnla> tvlth an j w•head. prratdewt. vvri(wming tfic rl,df- 1
us pheyerl bu Mete a'endort. of t"Brr= ""-
average capa(resit)...
ity tit oxMl to '."i gerslI hIg wew►rrrs uud iutrslwrd the sole tun. rattled "The Br(o1k." .This was''.
each. _.T yre err nrort. 14lude have 1 jtct of Providing wetlkal 'Solan"° made mune 'fitrresting br Mrs. \%esti-
almost no trains oa l v .iTa�', hurt and-...etItxt'rnrrewfnr the w'hnnttr-oe, do i•x aniitiirn oTfi et!igi -tt-]thin
Blackpool has wore that. fifty. :this district. -- of the• s•hr-tIuu. Mrs. honer and Mr.
Thuusxllds (tt tna'.tee.m-lees aril( Principal George Jefferson. of 4'Uu• , 1►•rttghns 4 -implicit played a plana duet I,
private cars bring ma many 1•j road as (Ula. who s11Gke Ilei t. said a so 1 body 1.1n lhrir usual excellent style and Mime.
(Orme iv rail. The heartise•. ,incl j(4l- teas ne.•osary for else development of Margaret Wilson de•Iighttd everyone
ity which Lancashire :and fork+hire' au alw-t WIU*L A wt•II-organized s•hved Iwhh her y'nllwtheth. rendering of "My
hitt., gtceii to Hlsckjro„I ..• u. t,, have, fuutsl tne•tIh t hespw-litm 5 nevi -wary . Aha Folk "
Wilde it a a*tton;d w.titntjtm. fort .1 its "ntauiai%tiota-The physiti�eas,� iivltlnn- refreshments Weer street
Huuryu,o,u rut 1.11..1'.. .1 of l'liutun had given .mr11ca1 iuspec•- I witite•Ueo.c pre•w'ut eeujuce-d u woe's(
Mlle after w the hr.n.•; prawru tion to elle $had: of Clinton the of '4 -hoar before they dispersed to their
toles are crow with l'•„pec,_ tUflcharin•, but this lacked the tollow•up home• -
r r' fwtrow the Black air .11d Ili,. ttlatk- work of -a school nurse
pool sunshine rl.otyh 411 them.; . Mrs. Arehilold, tit Scaturth, spoke Jheli%iu • wilt load itn preshieutlal
sel►r•s. of 111.• salary of a school 'nurse. The;e•hs•Ib,u. carr. -Til Januarys
The. Iwthing 1! start, for.ww.mtuiluwu .alar' ate- *12419'. 11 a nurse 1
demons. and M pourer i..,to• 4,t-tllw•• wen. e•ugaged 0"-"nting to the regular ' .%-• {wno•Wtte R•hlch -autuwlcx11y
finest in hung luta u►.4'e"1r '•' lions or Ihtl_epartmeut of Health. the rgrsu_ iwcif, iLnir pre -hiding ionsible
t,ovrrnmrm ♦rr,utd Ts) ftf<T ( +Yet• i trouble cansed`14' throe Ti(w, d try the
bathers and its bulimial. of dents• of this.
tors. Laneashir girls .trot ire errotaIt jmup.•r. has been hn'e'etwt 111 4'unada.
years h1 have hee.�e fila swimmers Tl�' Coun..f the -u eiIIg 4 nu the ad- '
anpl Olivers; and as lhec swum iikei♦ bllhc tit engaging to ours who A BURDEN LIFTED
shoals tit gra; tf>Il titrou II Tra i - would undue*►r the core .1 flue fogs
6 schools, represented. A rrs.luticm *Hsi Mor w'eelEM Sara. !brown had felt the
latest seaterutes err w u - -.lino.M• 1HesseAnl ak•Lw4,baarth•i of the letter she knew sir
walks. shfoto clotB
s „rflctcytak+i►aaei
y thhe ilei -all in their Lalwer to lave to sbn.uld write. She alsays said x het
hathlr r y.s11 seemed thy trey brae -
aonr• for the tarots of.Sea girth. (`tin- ,Ier mus ie full day's work (lir Ler. Tlto•u
quarter' et hold**' enjoyment. (% gra( Golcrich." } sir thought of "Ioag dfstanee I" In Ira•
. The piers, the concerts. the picture. Sas. Bright. pres(dell ;tttb4' Sea- than two minutes sloe was talking 1..
dens. anti
theatres. the Tower, tk (%inter Bar-4-fettb club. was app.inalr► to :,..wrlIN1 . Mm. htox What to relief 11 mss
-- ------ - - - partleulars -regarding the employment "Thank e".s111esP, 1 II ght of the teic
are all uadt+t wt *AA.- got oho/taut 41 tits salary- "r ,t xchwl : phone. - said. The Willie') of letter
ends,• as though It rte the busiest nurse. " . - • i writing pr.P1'e0 her no mo .
the "eewan. Manual Training
Real Estate sad Insurance
lasers Your Aateambil. with
Jute ..„n,w••. R, vs( Rua*
Geo. Williams
l/raler to
tlolttN1O`(. PROvtNetAL.
Fire, Accident. Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
Office, nett to (tank of lommerce
Phone 53 Nolderich
place fpr your money.
• ]nate, tit/ aa. -
,Jho' -yard dasslmit� Kay,
10 4.5 oeconls : C. Elliott, Godet'teb : B.
Mlddietim. Clinton.
. Hop. step and jowl►-Ryektnan, Exe-
ter. 39 feet: V. 4:Ittott, Goderich; G.
Skinner. Exeter.
1e41 yards --I. 'McKay; "t1odq rti, 2
The Royal Bank
of Canada
Goderich Branch - L D. Eastman, Manager
minutes and 14 2 5 seonda; J. ylor
Ualerlch: H. l'srke. Seaforth. '
limed jump -C Elliott, °oder
feet 5541 Welke iIt{. lituddart, ° de
lirdimmtd5'.-IellleetZ 0oderich:
-.111451134.s:nderk li
45sreouda.: J._ z _-.•
Middleton. Clinton- _
- Shot put.. 12 pounds -R. Fisher, God-
erleh, Set feet 9% !wheal: K. A
rich rte. -/Rech -
High jump -B. Stoddart,] i derich ;
R. Middleton, Clinton: O. Skinner,
Principal Crawford. .1 etehfortTi I
Y DaVSechuul. nitr.Iuceil t11e . Pinky'(_ of 11
i manual training instructor in thew -
:schools. Ile udmltte'd this sus ser•ond
• • ary in important* to the question of at
ieet>tn! school nurse. The expenme involved in
providing equipment would 11r a diffi
eulty, but this work began in the 1.111
eferprTrn_and was nt great %lathe t..
the pupils. While 11e could not ser' any
paralbillty of having a maum,1 train
ing Instructor. lie thought much might
119 the regales chow
Mr. rawford weld ht' foot d- I.
eyed an auxiliary .4asit of greater im- ,
l: ler ich-weals•e
very interest{ •
flail on Thursday of
ing "Grandmothers' 14
x 'granulite- ;.r
an appropriate hboork'■
I trier It •w'
' Proves In -
nstltute held a
meet e- pot
,Lxeter. the randmuti r...„f t are__
44(1 "yanla .J--Yt1+aF J o•ich.:+a ingl•�differe•nt (roue Arose M' yewterfcaL
4-5 seconds; N. harrow, °oder1'h t Today they motor and `'Hagan. Seaforth.
(011 In place
Half -tulle relay - L (Iolcrich: 2, Sea-
ex- knitting slid ,isieLcting. This fact will
forth. humorously brought 70 the attention of
Intermediate It0')c the gathering 11•v Vrs. A. P. Ma -1.01111.1 who ghat gave a reading,
Yds-zanlLa,H_-Pickett.-._f.:llutun.. $ A.barereeks, .liming twenty -rix
feet -.23t- inches: IL_Yr/de..Exeter;_,1.' candled. one f��t,�l� '•doh grandmother. _
(handler, Clinton. 1 adorned) the,- fell•.''• and the grand -
MO yards -Quinn. Exeter. 2 minutes
and 2134 seomds ; Roos. Clinton; S.
Wan'er. °otrritry,__
lily, step and Juan --J. Sutherland,
(;uderb4b --- seat'' iL AIs•rhart. Sea -
forth ; T Ross Clinton: -
junip-J. Gaudier, Clinton, �b
f..•4 1•v inches; h3, Holmes, Clinton: L
Smith, Exeter, 1 J. T. Salkeld gave 11 sketc>ji of some of
1011 -yard daab-V, ..Ioynt, Exeter, 11 tike early (hays of '..alerk•h,-$rem-0tsi
ne•ous: Stirling. Clinton; (a rdna. Iii 0' thirties and e'::riv turtles rip ho,
Seaforth. -ttih.-ttmc of ini'nrpor-'ti.0 as a "t'irsn In
Broad jump -W. Joynt, Exeter. IS 1.4541. l0 1{,311. it 1s ,-••larded, the Upper
ith eriand; epader'irh. - .awe tawny pntnll to d(Ifray the
week, it be-
' Tt,.'re'- was a
stllw' 11�
There win
tinge to the
ed out that
(Big Enough
to Inspire
• Cori de
-but still 'seeking through day to
day performance to retain the faith
and respect of the public.
Each branch of this 'Bank is
managed by a representative chosen
because he is actively concerned with
the welfare fellow -men. Each
branch It. "Community bank",
linked to tent 1 organization that
places every a tomer in contact
with a service tional and inter-
national in sco
This Bank is strong in resources,
experience and facilities, but it will
never be too large to serve every cus-
tomer as as individual, worthy of all
we can accomplish for him.
Severn o
an this subject F:eel. adinilurl the
RaIW nt.mantnelIra t' .i Lal .IiJ '-.-1 •--
Stocks, Bonds, insurance
and Real Estate ,
Car, Life and Fire iseaeteee-
,,•I&til -treett 6oderieh
Phone l'i't .P. 0. Box 438
Sul Life Assurance Co. of Canada
lE College Policy of .the Sun Life Assurance Company of Cana-
+ da provides, the solution of a problem which -h■■ perplexed many
Jat'tab, by making oertaln that the child b15M1tiIIv -that mrntnt -
and ph•elcal training *bleb is more and more ,hemming a condition
of somas In lite. Pull information In regard to the simple formali-
ties ♦ to this admirable coat><act will to gladl7
1'Nri'Pt& . Orrice 118
------ Wr•�tur .S$1i
District Agent
mothers were called upon 14. step for -
word and In turn I.,(w out it caudle.'.
The cake was ret and ser•irl tet
refreshment time. The president. Mrs.
(iordou ittasel, pn•-Mrd, Har roll call
being suss -ens' will "pet proverbs."
•in the absence of 'Int Mel'hall..onn
senor of the hist -orb t committee- Mr.
2211 yxirlw- W. Joynt. Exeter ; Stiri- expense_ of a court latae and. js11. le-.-----
°oktrk•h. ,lodge Arnett Acklam) meter)
not jtistt'e and whir he was moved to I
Chatham John Lo.:worth and .Ismer 1
Watson meted as magistrates. Hotels
doing business th',. were Fisher'-'
4'Ihd(m : T. HOOP, Clinton.
Shot put-R.-Alwrhart, Seaforth; J.
Sutherland. Goderich: G. Holmes. Clin-
ton. .
4441 yards- W. Joynt. Exeter, 1 min-
ute and 2 4-5 usual((!• ; E. Quinn. Exec
'T. Rum, 4'1114ea
111.1f -mile relay -1. Clinton: 2. Sea -
forth : 3. G..lerich.
Jutdor Boy's
High jump -E. Campbell, Clinton, 4
feet Z-kaebea: R. Brock, Henson ;
H. Wilkhu, Goderk•h. • '
Hilt -mill• -R. liroc•k, Helssall, 2 min-
utes 2R%. seconds: H. 'Merritt. Hen-
sall ; J. John.ton, Goderich.
Shot .put -J. Wright, 33 feet 5
'whop; E. Gillespie, Seaforth : 'W.
Sutherland, tialrrlch.
100 -yard dash -It. Brock, Henaall, 11
2-5 Pe.'drtnd?,. _1V, t ud!44re, _ _teerort i
G[ilespte, ileeafortb.
P.i4' vAwlt-J: Wr►tdt(,' 8nsitor hr-
feeet 2 inches; P. ''age, Goderlcb ; D.
Smith, Clinton.
220 yards -R. BrMek, Henna/1,49 8-5
se•onde ; W. Cudmore, Seafortb : E.
I7111espie, Sentorth;
Hop, step and jump -K. Hockey,
Exeter; R. Brock. Hensel) ; P': -Page,
Broad jump -K. Hoikey, Exeter
Gillespie, Hestorth; Campbell, Clinton.
Half -mile relay--Seeforth, iteosall,
Neater OM's - -
Hop, step dad jump --(hive Lawson,
Exeter, 27 feet 111, inches; NOrins
Neikirk, Seaford. 1eatrlce Aberhart,
leo forth.
cMry*pt dash -1, Beryl Pfaff, Exe-
ter ; 2, olive hawaOn, (Exeter; 3, B.
tttllerf4art, Seftorth.
High jump -Dorothy Rusten, Mlt-
ht4ll i. Beatrice Aberbart, Seatorty-;. N,
!Ration. Clinton.
741 -yard dash -1, Meryl Pfaff, Exe-
ter; 12 feet 6t4 inches; 2, Beatrice
Aherharf, 14eaffrth,•R; Ruth Mnrwey,
Golertch. • • -'
IOW Girl's
High jump 11. (lnndlef, Clinton, 4
f,'rt 1i inches : Jean Plias, Exeter: R.
1'kett, Clinton. �
op, stn a u Ilea A'J11het,
Ooderich, fn-7?1ea ; AnneR!
at........800 BRANCHES. Ica, g.gAbi ,DA
. 1
the% sole survivor. in IS45 the town
boasted of (1511 sor•. five churches, dudes these four features
threw physielans. two tawyers, two
breweries, three distilleries, (me oh,
veyor. one druggist five taverns. five
, two grouse- and no leo( than
ten sho•mekerm. /(n. gunsmith did a
thriving nisl.\ -tage eted, Wed
awk. 'fit• sit House s
ShNIiC v�,�C�l�i
r✓, ��11�..� i;�►�.1i iffy
,`y-st02 K;i d M = ,al . e.,
in ':,11111104100111 , mI 1lultll �iI?llllll t
-- A Fourfold Organize- _
for Efficient Banking Service
HE organization of the Bank of Montreal in-
Ioetwlen here and •..It and tete single'
tare WHP $4.40.
lu 1w47 the 1ig11'Louae was built by
Mr, James' Ma(•t'Icar. Will living, and
the same gentivtnn.r later superin-
tended the st,11r.w..7k en the present
111rt-tltltfae. - _ .
In 1850 (;odcrter had over one thou-
sand populetlon 1'. county hl►ti4tllg
was eree'tet and irl 1/457 11s
town and Iintfnlo •4.•re linked by roil-
way. . Lord F;Igj11 1'Islte1 herr to
open the court h„' •- There WWI 1
(isle r'ee'ptlon mid .• lawillet wen 1101(1
in a specially con.'r'•ted hnlicting on
the Square lark.
The hlstortr'HI . - mmlttte Is ertm{'pi1-'
`ilia x .wmplet.' 6i•tory of flit. town
from Its very lastit Sing and when fln-
t41464 5 t'np7 is. -•4.. 4s: blvd at Queen's
Park, the Governtm•111 seat ten Toronto,
a lung will* 11.0+.• of ether R'on11'n's
111011 Utes through„ur the Trost's*.
The .r(mmlltee kw- Bound very few
references M tIw part women played
In the pioneer Ili.• ..f thin town, al-
though their role war undoubtedly an
important and mU•. ewaential one. It
M rerrrrded, howe%v'r that hr. 1 lop
and his brother, to.+(d (mina to deter-
mine whk•h womb' ',eery their hmme-.
Tint. cnnv,hor tet /41}' Patrk-k's wand
committee r'pnrt'••I keying held n
baking sale end nft'•r•aer.q tea In aid
of the cemetery fend Another convenor
baa planned a -ISM - and tea for the
same f I to he 1.. id 10 Mackay Ball'
Ser vw•hMrer lath. +Mier*_. -.Maw ws(.1
twilight ly.a clan• wet ng of
p1-�• Their s..�" r1 a.
411h(1 the National Antnennem4 r
1. The local Branch and Manager
2. Provincial Headquarters and Supervision.
• -3. A !V anion -wide Institution with over Ego Branches.
4. An International Bank with' oi'io $ in the world's
leading financial centres aril -wdeg
Each individual customer enjoys the full benefit of this well-
rounded 9rganisatiof• Notwithstanding its great size and scope,
the Bank of Montreal wekomes assail accounts as well as large,
and extends to all the same 'high quality' of service.
Estate sed I$17 *--
(..•,I.ri. ft Braila;: R. (,` : Vl'H/�TF.LEY. Mnnak rt