The Signal, 1930-9-4, Page 7THE SIGNAL
County and District
Several Mee of infante. Deraiyria
are reported in Howiek township,
The third annual religious education
Crown Attortll y liolnses of (ioderh•h
eiaminel the witureses. The jury
brought In a verdie of death. from
Sheg(tludah, Ont., •\usual 2S.-Att*1
severet days iu%c1tigatIall the rxptdl-
thin looking tutu the hulk of 4 rhlp
wreck it Missiesagi Strait. off Manitou-
lin tetanal. h1 Georgian Rey. is con•
ettteeti the wreck la that of th.' explor-
er I.a1alleht ahlp Griffin. which was
lost hi this vicinity about :,ie years
Thursday, Septrmbrr 4, 1NI4
ears without
"My daughter Catherine is
fifteen years old. She was very
irregular. often sick at her
stomach and had to stay in
bed two or three days at a
time. One of your booklets was
sent to us bymail so I got her
a bottle of Vegetable Com-
pound. Catherine has been
taking it regularly and she is
gaining in weight and every
way. I told the neighbors and
four other girls are taktrtri it
with- �;r1, ."=i\tn. Clan►
Otp J�1 oma, Bole 14, Thom,
Monumental Works
Best Materials
Latest Designs
Expert Workmanship
All Work Guaranteed
R.s.l.aelts Prices
P O. Rost iii Gd.eta. Ose
rev on on ay edneaday and
Thursday of last week. Abaft 6sw
1 'rel delegates were present.
The girls' team of Wroxeter United
church won 'the girls' cbampleststlip of
the Huron County United ('hunch:
'Softball League. The final gime-Was
between Wrux.ler and l'llutun, -Lha
former winning by the score of 16 to
15. • •
at opt schoolhouse of red rug brick
Is being erected In S. N. No. 1. Stephen,
to take the 1111111x• of the Minding that
has dole duly alum 1570. The new
bulkllug brio lie ready by the middle
lid -September. Mho lteryl , Hill is the
The newly pater) rection of Provin-
cial highway No. A between Mildmay
141111 Clifford was opened for traffic
last meek. The completion of this
,trete.. of parellwut reducer the un-
paved portiuu of road lo•tw•er•n Walk-
erton and Toronto to about twelve
ml les.
Jaime. I:ilLstt. sane of _the _uidelliL r ,(-
k11•nts of Turuherry township, died
August 27t1., at the home of lila daugh-
ter, -Mrs. Allyn McTavish, (horn.,
where lie 111111 been stayttg the post
few mouths. Oe had reached the great
age of ninety -file years. He la run•Ired
by a grown -tip family.
The drat.. 1sr-urred on W edne•'dar
night Of last week. of Jubu James
I'tarsou, of Stanley township. at the
age ret arteuty-titre• years. O1. 1" sur-
.•alvel by his wife anal two daughters:
Mrs. Waller Holmes. eZ Eetmonton.
Alberta. • and Mies Myrtle. at home.
Rolwrt Pearson. of Gtalerlc•h township,
is a brother.
Haney thinden tack. a former reef-
dent of Outlet! township, diad August
Lith In Victoria hewlpital.ntntl n. •fterft
1111 ..operation for append
In his forty-seventh year. Ikavened
had resider) for the Last fourteen years
at London, where he was in the freight
and express department of the C.P.A.
ills wife predeeemeed him and he in
survived by nue daughter. Velma. TInP
body was brtwight to Clinton for luter-
Death of Hensel! War Veteran
The death of }red Simmons. of
H.nsall, °centred August 23th after
an Ulnas -of. _several leeks- Deceased
was a war --veteran. and hexer mire -
ere' fully from the wounds which he
received in the great atregn e. He
'Mrs. W. H. /'look. who resided north
Of l.w•kaow, diel August 21)111 atter au
illness of some mouths. Her Iwsband
predetentsld lu•r about two this.
She war In her seventy-fourth year
and is survived by one son, G. ('took, of
Yellow (%rase, Sask.. 111111 one daughter,
Sirs. Alex. A. Purvis. of the boundary
emit of Lucknow.
Mrs. James Webster. all odd resident
of the district. who for snue time had
made her 1 • with her sou James..
west of Lurki.w, la1sr1 away August
18(11 in ber eighty-sixth year.
Alex, McCarron has g • to Mitchell
to take ehargu of Anderson's flax.. mill
for another medium.
Word has been re.•irel of the death
at (Hirer, I'll'. 011 August 'lath, of
Hugh Kenneth MacKenzie. third son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter 11. Mac-
Keltle. )!eaeuitd some weeks ago suf-
fered a paralytic stroke from the ef-
firnr-ohwlitett-li' d1d-mef'verover. He
is survived by his wife and .four thil-
drew. R. V. MacKenale, of Lnknow, is
brother, anal W. O. Mae1lC le,
another brother, lives on -t- is
hi Knauss.
Allan Turner ha" dimwitted of 111/
1100* and shoe b1sin 8811 to S. Itathwell
Id W. P. lewd, the change to take
place at the beginning of September.
Mr. Rathwell is retufuing to Luck -
now from Waterford. where lie has
beeu in bushiest. for some time.
gave him only temporary relief. He } whoa' has the same staff a last
left last
had reached the age of fortyalx years. Mr. 111111 Mrs. E. H. Epp
Al the old Wesley parsonage. on Au-
gust %Sr*. VidPt Elaine. daughter" of
Mr. and Mrs. T. Fairservke, London -
lion). was united in marriage to Clif-
ford C. Cooper, moo of Mr. and Mn.
Cecil Cooper. south of town. Rev. A.
A. Holmes officiated. The young couple
will reside at the home of the bride-
groom's {emit,. until spring. when
they Intend to Commence housekeep-
. Lal rMOTu
In Untamed Ontario
Who wouldn't 1116 in unspoiled country like this? The scene is at Virgin Falls
on the Nipigoa Aver. les charm keeps folks reurning every year. John Sea of
In dcnce, Kans.. hu fished the NIpigon hat 33 years now,
never missing a roar
Mow do you deal with headaches?
Do you just take something to deeds
the pain without getting rid of the
trouble which cause. the Win/
Thousands do, despite the medical
Too Little Blood the Trouble
Mrs. Jas. A. Hauglan, Bridgewater,
N.S., writes :-"1 wa' bathe rum down
and very weak. f4. 18111 1 -o 1 101114
scarcely do my bOUa'.•work My nerves
were affected: me Ilsllal•lll ptsoor 1
had continual head: he. mid toted not
get a restful night's 1811»•1 Different
remedies failed to tK• of I.•nefit and i
waa growing dlscouraz•sl erne day.
howevenv T-Jiw an nlrertise•meht `of a
trio similar to Wm. w111(b had been
relieved by Dr. William,' )'ink fills
so i decided to try tlleui -\ fear totals'
use of the Pills fully restored myDe-
health and now my haus hold dutle•s Home Economics In the Federal T1P rrcof of the t-e•sse•I'x identity had Twee
are a pleasure Instead of a torture." pertinent of Agriculture ,reports pests that' l
Mrs- Haughn's whole trouble was4in voWitry distrk•ts and in (Mies of less
that she had teal little ilial. lir. Wil• than popetattou women work in 1111RATHON PHIiAR IIY-
Ilaws Prink Pills were of aid to leer Irv`
eel. the rami tiers 1
ir)n(1U,tlon. from the tlatnre of con-
,tructlun the ext•11'11e• 1118.11 traditions
and flue hl.turleal facts of the LaSalle
esploriltlwl$, that the wreck Is actual:
ly titbit of tlw adsenturer;a'pioneer
T'la• er/MPnt cigarliltou"ds composed of
!toy F. Fleming of 4I11aws. (. 11, Bate-
man. Kilsyth, tint.. 111111 T..1. Itatnlrn
of Sheguiudah• 1'eru[sstun to tuukt;.
the Iuyestlgatll!n.1;sas ;granted. to the
Fl•!tilue ;arty by the ()Mario lhgart
went of Public Works after the lie-
{alrtme'nt hod deeliutsf to permit au ex-
_melltion from Wyandotte. Jlieh., to
survey and waiver. the wreck.
}r 4Jrlftln sees tic beat_ with which
ileus Robert, :deur de ie Issas;"_ et,
pei•tuxi to open! a wry to the newly -
foetid Mt..dnslppl Inver. It was list
first. however. as thrr first elmnwn•ial,
ship 1111 the (::+Pat Laken. The view!
OAp - built it l'tyugs Creek. Dear the
`averrgl' college boy Niagara River. In iIITN. and after sail-
*�pel Huron, took a
of today 'tsntt s ui rt' had of furs at Wauhigtlin ialana, lane
herr..ehlde. the {dg..klu, the csniskln.
Michigan, and started bock for Nle-
aal (lushly the shlrpack._4 t)wr frttler r*. The Griffin was elnuaaudeat'by
(lel _ ltdli!- .irH�.�i(itw-lllte.Il" _ at ihlideri s, r'�1hulsh jitlot natliivT fmcatr
manned by five seamen. LaSalle and
some of its company in the meantime
' STILL WORK IN HOMES evutintnrl. their any it cAnte�s to t
'Verb -him been veld In reeent year* Numb itppl.
about the alleged destructive effect Ilnlians re•portwl s'!•tng thr'N*1
of laborsaving IIIYMutlisns oat the ..1d• I eking ,drirlan thnoigh fir Htraks Ot
fashioned home. By shute Persona MaeklMat. by seesnnrl gales. Th though
re tetra supposed I
Bovet of the necessttt of d.dtut any l sup was f 1 sate s01ue K II bits of
phydcaL wnrk. E cousin. feminine lu- wrwkrgr
dulgente in amusements la aawassd to
Iso the sorry result. .
AyatemStle In cl shows a rP�r lt- state of things. The Bureau nfi
h makeahif methods. s -.
super,.-. the symj/Iomr oof liradaeheia. •
They merely uwiih the nerves and ' -'-
Irate the underlying crus' to look
after itself. .\red it only obtains a
limier grip. I1cu4arhes ran genelally
Is• trruwd to u disordered aotluil h and
to the uu.uspe•led retention in the
system of stagnating waste maternal
which ,o)Iron. the Mast. Remove
these poisons prevent them Ai -rains
again ala VOU'11 never have to worry
,my in •r•. fnd that is just how
Knewhcn Salts bring swift and lasting
relief from -headaches. ches. Kruxchen Salts
aid Nature to cleanse your toady
(.on1pk'Irty of all clogging wr itt
matter. ..
For many- years i suffered boat
severe heiminehes ainbwt da117. t •
started taking taw sire 111 doge (ed
Krnwhunl a matter of f..1r years aga,
and 1 1,111 bone•.tly say 1 have never
hail u Headache sine." (Mrs. M. W.)
,}rploee ktmTrF,dge eE-.housesrlvr" t" Iia- the Iasi "cru 0f the vessel.
Ited-)boat_ important . ggem..ers it• Srlle'rrmeu later Made a ,ompietel
re iso to hays been � ,•tn•ult of I,ikr Huron bio tree.• of the,
urnring the last tow' years several Px-1
peditIonl have sear•hi d for the wreck
of the Griffin. A Iwr of ancient
s'ou'k- have been examined. last until
pnwrnt occasion no -eMvincing
'n they reuewerl rut. xuriflwd her
The ('lintm Cc11lt•glrtr institute baa nal' L
an almost completely new staff tide 'blood and that �d blond promoted
term, Principal Fines and F. C. goal health. for *-herr gotol b100d
('ogml.s, classical master. being the aMe11ts1$ diw•are Qlau„t toast-
two who were tel the staff last YOU can get tit' w 1'llls from any
perm -Ants tlrpe,w is the new tea(•ller dtRler 1n mellelnr ..r lc mall at 1)()
In moderns: Mr. Allen, in English aft ems 1 101 rem The tit•:
history : Mimi? Ricker, selene•.'. and MPdirine Cu. Broekri a
t several opera which I Miss Itryd. neo Jonlor. The public
His wife and it young sun Kursive.
TI e home of Mr. atilt Mtg. H. R. Hallett towmshlp, was the wane
of a pretty welding on q•ed11ew1ae. I Epps we. holidaying In the vicinity
August 271h. when their only daughter. j(pr some weeks.
Flooring Allwrta. became the bride of Freder- t :tetor t'. French. Isdrllsher of The
Hardwood week
Flooring Ick Armstrong. mon of Reese Matthew tWetaskielnspeTimes
mes tit Wetaskwlth Al-
-GET MY PRICES --r Armstrong and ceremony
Ha Armstrong
Tia a.rnllir !ver performed of Italic Mrs. Y. past of town, while
tr! tiler, JohII Johnston of Londeshoro,
week on their return to ('uta. Mrs.
EppKittle the summer with her
mother. Mrs. Argent of towq. and other
friends in the neighborhood, and Mr.
•�--. r -STAND./River -tile wedding dinner was
0 �!
yserved to about misty guests._ The
young couple left jcu Toronte, Niagara
Falls and eater hta as dootr beery-
otemeeu. Thee will) amide at Oslmsby.
his wife visited her people at Exeter.
They tame seat to attend the annual._
tonrenttun of the Canadian Weekly
New pets Association at Halifax.
Mir Ruth Higgins. R.A.. who re-
cently finished a (.Duns• at the Clinton
tit -boot of Commerce. has accepted a
position as sigeratawcpat..,t,i•+,ye±tweipt y.,.._
Ladles' College. Whitt .
their hpmesi eoildderably over forty•
two lour* a week. while the average
arson* Theinnihitn - - 01 women fines-
tkmed hs aft7•one hours a week.
Plainly, vacuum cleaners, .bete:.
Life le an endura►ae teat. a clergy-
man gays,, Welt It kerhena1a 1111 up -In tb.
air a good deal. i 411t its -moi
Owning problem: (Albany Eakin,-
akk -
washing machines, telephones. canned 1e..-ker Perla 1.
Node. delivery srn•ice -and ■l1 the rest
Handy and Jeannie mere not us yet
recognized an swewlhearr-, brit they
had been in the habit el g ..ttlg about
together for some time.
Every Saturday evening Sandy took
the girl t0 the movies. He was dread-
fully dry, but one evening plu('ke11 up
sufficient• 'Courage to say :
"Dae ye love ine?"
The girl blushed 111111 .trmmerel :
"I've telt ye before•, Sandy, that 1
dlana ken." .
• 'weer, I IPP."�air8>$ young mini.
"ye- nleht - teaat o that ye
lore me. an'
Er at
no' hike me always buy -
Ing ye picture tickets."
Ma's Stere --,-. Jtriatneih. teacher_ ef *. So.
2, Hay ,township, ter a. nuiTtrr of
yeses. has reeignwl. and has taken a
p4r11tion In the canning factory as
Owing to the Khortage of water for
• h •.
gowytkug Oka es nae'
in Min'sWear !, fire 1protw•tlot Exeter thcitizens hate
Hand Tailoring and
Special Order to Your
• • •
Thad? Chas. J l ack
Phone 219 Goderich
coal and wood
•Gsls Hard Stove Coal
Chestnut Cita!
Pea Coal
Pocohontas (2 by 4 egg).
1 can supply your wants in
any of the above fuel. Prompt
service and reasonable prices.
Telephony 178j Oodeticlr
ol'OSkt1 10 husband
dlHnoe using It for lawns,esupply and
t4Paforth has nucrulelbd to the m1n-
tatute golf craze. a course having
been tpwnvil on the North Ma1n street
by R. F:. Bright. The official opening
took pines on Friday nigh) last.
Setifortll Collegiate Institute has
two new teachers on the staff this
term. Ai. ,V Rallautyn1. M.A.. late of
SL 4'atharin(a IK the new principal and
head of the department of nlatbPmat-
Ins. 1. 11. \Weedniark, II.A., late of the
Tx7a11of.•- lllit!T" t► �.
supervisor of boys sports.
-Stns. AlhArt Rivers ani
engage•uwut of her yomige'r daughter.
Maimaret. to lmer 'limn of
Meet -Pere e►4 .Mrs: $1P1i anti t11.'nlate
i1umphrey Snell of i.ondes11or0, the
marriage, to tante place .arty In Seth:
Dr. 1;. D. Kilpatrick, of St. Thorns.,
has taken over the practice of I)r. .1
f'. 11(18418. who will -ail in n few weeks
for ('1111114.
Through the efforts of Jas. SIms.
,several thoIsln1 trout have been
I by official. of the tinter:°
(lame and Flsb•rles 1k•psrtmett h, hr {asslwl
the spring creeks of this district. They home away. with Tom."
are of g11.4 size and .110110 in course YOIIB VOICE I8 YOU iinM1►re is R. *,ofd that Mr. .hewer pk.tlor, Ikneor (wr01)O__yll14bi.• pro.
of time Make exe.•Ilent fishing. (1 Ihheks might ver well be banished {n 4-41 Ion: whined 1(k.'.:nor_'1. of the
-,aytng arm rar,en•+ew►rw.
defiles have not reduced the bonne -
Wife to deulorattling ;Menem. Site le
net ret threatened/with. enauL Th.
Is no great danger of her gulling too
mud91 Iei'nre on her hands. Warr,
over her mental -mitt moral e.bislt'
in her .tipp.,Wr1 state of freedom fromI
toil is, is to say the least, premature.
In the larger titles, perhaps, . the
average housewife put.. In fewer
hour a day than .lues hog hater -la •'
stila•rlls and small towns. Further_lp-
ventigatton Is extsrlad t.' throw 145181
on this quvstlo!1. Meantime cvm 1
....tow and ea"naV ulwervatl'int 1.11
to- ilatiarty Oise -not- addicted- to lttatlz
ge,leralLI 1jl m SMt the hetllS3ite still
bas plenty to do In her home and even
in her kitchen.
- - - - MINANAM - - -
Al St. Peel's church. on Monday
morning. August 2:rth, the marriage of
Miss Harriet Ann Roderus, daughter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Rod -
en's, to lieorge R. McMillen of To-
rapntOmyrpr •oleuaalawllay .Rey. F. Sc•haf-
(ter Afterwards the happy couple left
on a nlrl nT
trip to Weaags Reach and
Tip, marriage of Mies Mary nine.
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. t1e urge
Skim. of \Vilgham. to Jack Walne.
son of Jour. and Mrs. William Henry
Waite.. of Et151111141. took place on Au-
gust 211th it. Sacred Heart church.
\WInghlm• Rear. Father McHugh of>'
tech tl ng.
?Mlle two young girls. Betty and
Kai'..'.ewt. daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. *Pint. were -Mitring at the tip-
per dam otw day last week. Itetty. the
dlap Juat
Notice to Water
T{p. Nater and Light Iroise
.miesien is pleased to announce
a reduction 'ot one dollar per
annum on houee water rates
row. J*HMasy-list. Owing to
the large number of takers'
this redtrwtinh means eon-
siderable leis 'rerepue, and
consumers are asked to co-
operate in -the--+oopomi4al
operation of the plant by see-
ing that the water is not
wasted and that all leaky taps
or services are tired at once.
I.. L. Knox, W. T Turney,
&alada Ormise-Pekeelass
by far the finest flares
T 4 A
Wrisla Irmo the gardeaso
''.,ease: -t
The Latest on _Pronunciation
_ -
The latest list et words dlw•ussel by uuuul*rs, alto caund he exp.etel to
British Brides -ting ()tympany Adria rememlwr them all by the help 01' such
ory Commttte' le, Spoken English, se- limericks ns the one wId1•h r4aten to
cording to A. Lipp' James in the Radio the young womnu of Cirenee.ter gnu
Times of Londom. ,toes not contain any haring rimed uipnl ice.-wiilr•nera er,
very remarkahte native words. bat -ft -tefnse'd--fir---liar-a^tPe-rnt rim ammo
will probat.hy esIl'C many reader to
that Ate had 114418ly looked in as *
ask : "When Is a word a foreigntireneester. Less known perhaps la: •-•
wont?" If pidgin. is an English word.
why Is hroehure net as English word? There, wear se phi person of Consent-
orse t-
!t 88.0111(1 he Inte•n•+ting to know when ' biN . r�
mi./prelim wont 1.,lisle« to fora fore
kr�t•�spa-and ;Jong,
woruT'tiluf'fit Able- hilly naturalized. rewhury
'1'le word allkst la troublesome.. 1.� --'J'1w best ►wnnw•I•hlut
('ruse In ..0 h sentence Ra '•Tic . Is (um ltritlsh-mmw•um, --�
reigning were allied by taw' lig 111 go and take 1.irlgingw-iw.,)lfmt) .
marriage of tie prince." the word ruiner'"
usually- hits the :'"dent on its second 1111s Is hnnurr of s r ullerly sF:ng-
svllxhle, while 111 a phrase like "thepe
lei ulJ{pld ve•ry- subtle to nuttyre.
a 1-tnittrt-_-fR rttea.YrM
i t -r r rtlsu
I'h.' 1 ataTl
mu:elation n
.i thee- lines tut-•EItgtiflM:- llWhteritille.
It 1•omtnhis the only known English 1
worn that rhynaaa with "walrus." with*
is Alrewas. ---
How RrWaIu :lntlounePrs 1'ronotlnre
• lteuom llurhtttnntr tendo 117 fie. I t 14f -s
Ise • ilrondrnsting ,Company Advisory
Committee on Spoken kb. at
their meeting on Thnrwlny. July 10.
:Kitt. Include.:_ --
Word and Prnnunrialion
.t menti 1411•- -.f mi ennhh •.
Unejt l l r•r1 .\ eie•D l l*..
J 1elsolf. •Re'ti'e..
('omrndr. Filet "sylialle r4ywen
allied rtsgeet L 'ralMliy_MM
le4od^ aHdPs. (Immo, 'Moir.. alto--eelit oil the prat
_opened to be ttalling at tete spot. Tlie• word fant:are ranted
went to the 'fest•nr. and with const- - aIle anxiety w•h1•n fanfares ..y modern
ernble difficulty managed to get the English•r- were performed and
('11114 up on fir dam. rwwntl, The people who half'
A 11111x1 w-erlding tack plates at the written them 1w16.1 them "fanfairs' in
personage of 11 -Ingham United chord. the F:ngllet, was. int the speakers who
on tlaturtlsy morning laid. when iter, referred to them pronounced the wore!
R. Davison performed the t•eretnont ht the French wn,
Molting Alrtha Peer!. daughter of Mr. la It "Elakaid" sr "Playtid!'
and Sirs. J. H. Hopper. and David Pitteeld Is rrminineent Jrspelling
.\Ikhl Itaun. won of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. soul tions. No dictionary given any-
Raul, Wroxeter. Afterwards the? young hPt: 7
couple left on a motor trip to Chicago. thing lint "flaksi,l as its pronum(fa•
After a hang
tibias William E. Fin- Ilan, tined yet-ih4• „ort Is no unfamiliar
ley. of Turitherry tow-nshlp, died An- that ninny M tin fire in doubt when we
gust 27th In hits sixty-ae•ond year. ilTP nre s,nldeily called upon to prollounre
IA survived by- one daughter. Mrs. G. It. iluly many threes has It been milled
Rolle. and one stat, 1Wllllam, at whore "flbi11id 1
Pithnc I" alw:.y18 a shock to lIi0
who ere unfamiliar with It, and gllee-
• awn and
.. at-
TAR tO-�-
_� O�1a ton - a Pretties! Business Training that has made It possible
for ear seep* of etutients to obtain and hold positions de•nlnmling
a blgb Standard of efficiency
CO(JRSES:-Sten.graphie• (oasMMteW. SfitlS(arIM. Demers! Ohre,
- - Comet
- Service. Coansereld'I' - ------
aRTa Youu raanot attend a better school. Why not attend (Mat , r
Write for Information or 'phone 1115.
• } .w
v r'a T'w'ee a
sail[ �.elfa-illq -Th.- pro=}
t some fifteen hundred. I to -more them a
i41' ll,lie !i.e. x1111 the•'1111ss nM rerepp�[g__� F:s tlrethon F:xpyrnshon,
awl lib. Ml• (,W1411 11nve visit nell (Imeaf ofRthe tIntim!' cnkvlmoif ithrti, -so per- 'wry.'r'Then- is ,noliibMreasliig 1tentlen 11 F:el1tmslvd•send-"--
F u ufara
after n tw•1. Europe, feet.
u • ,•
it fw•t. that one klenti(les R distant roti the {sort of twiny F,ngllsh s{w•11kers
-_- -. F'anfulr
retain and••ile: 1
Tile boxing and w•{•elltldng ton re- friend at oma Over thP'telPpttOnp.t1`tia( To wish. this -norm •
by telephone aro no IItM1er{sil-"e" 's e18 In "iso"�
fw•onl tgr14mn- }'lace:-FIaks11. .
melt held reeentty the the 1)ril ing N why gee times+ ep1t hl f I 1 1 g
lark grounds was not very 11'11 pat- well• so sallef74u:. Why not neral i i ILw dlabl e-Areellt MI first sellable.
your greeting.. Iu Long I)lstanee? a merit l l f 1 I JattQ--Jow•st ("1.t u ns to "tam - 1.
rollizwl. h
S. .\. 1'np11•shnl(`, who is nn11erR••InR A PO
phone..s{s' 1111g, fir Motor...al1 sonnet
d44)I • :Moiling or .. or ca sound
Ilk!• "tread ' an• a si,gg.ete (lint
the t''ttoajboni-the or this. In ntl
eget•, showy... Is ntponslhie. It i at
similar not to cretonnee thin form, lint,
to Rite the coach 0 the sweetish my
-table its full value
0 words. eePP
Ill' the so-rellerl f Mlgll wt rl 1
14 simple: It is no .M0rF foreign than Killion° is proti m eel "ktlb-
Ili o" hr some an t» ,
Live mg-- Lls4nng-
hOrllrnl trerlment rel London. Is re-
i'C1.AIPI.PASTIME Krw•lehte Nrardeftce.'
ported to 1e• IniprM'Ing satldaetin•IIy• The 1'nitel Stall's Department of t 1 orr'Potosi.
Thieves eulerel tit*' 'nadir ldnls 0f l'ummrflr its -onto that there Fs now I'ntr+ni. Isltt+nrn+s-f•x9tron. Ixnytrun•
Rllla-rt Wiglrtman nee. 11111113 teemtly g12S.IN1O.INat invested In 'Tom Thumb- ^*•
mitt stole a number of fowl. ,Y..l golf (minas. In that indica• I•
1'nlrminRr- IJsltf0flI '.
of loo* tt,J1 tioTet I(1alr! haw• Ip-_ 1'nlriilll1 1 seironlre. '..
. , -._ �K'•n►snu c+..r•'rT'r'.tiull cull - , /
ZrRICH ntlr sty dp 11 Tory few' t r1d.s of 1 rotorrd.`
' treelrrl In {sot d kI 1 y ,r -
years. in h�14a than two yhrk . these tI n s : abet the .1:'panew do with the ih)I1Tie-l1ars\
I llMsliunnnire hwr?tloneylre.-.,7e...
91rrh.$tI18fr,'the urs prinrltsttOf Ow teTira4 (etre tenure p ltl�t t 0f enterer m In
rtthtiword Is of llttlr h. Ip to rex. for Jal!rn• _ R sod tmstnr-fHe+tet T 1' t4-fj
1{ ,tt��ipptttillatttm tnMnnF. ° ' 5(15 OW rhythm and ne(ltlt ire different-
(. rel Nanitoulin Inst w•e•k etrompan• enlpidiyme itis• rntl "In -s. A went tit this hand timid , itw.oni (verb, 1,,,01,
fed hr his rather. who will reside here. th(w,,duds of people In nlmnst a (leges' eke Itself AI•Pln Into a!�,,rcitiyeolent 1te•nrl(tr. Rrrnh8 45 • - t\
9.11e annual picnic of St. I'nter's *noes. English rhythmical patter►(, anti ettlow Tran.fe'1ml' Aernt lib. III
church. Drys11a1P. ),sok pinto on Labor ''1111+. Inhibitor., golf ronrs•s lite of the• Iwo f, ft4 snggewfrd Ix th0r• a .
Day at Corrivean !tench. 1)1711lale. 5088 hulking their inrx"lon ..f tntarlo 1:11,",."'
117 F:uglirh . d int fir eommIittx-_YMI .,,,.ps. y(:. ,r
.l. w- Meaner 11x18 114,141 his prlgs!rty null there Is 11111(18 1otJe•ture ns 1(1 (ire's Its volt. In toi.81 of "kimono" *1 ik.amehas trmiliyrhnn
whethe• .rr.not they will Ile flyfnr(e a+•exile IA tier eRIIPr. It Isr•nme _
k No R'. A. Heath. who Intends le or lust n fad. To drat they have p•
nshlouehlr rum. •yMrs ago to pro • ,ipna4mro. .m.0 htrte.
b (181 Ming the first m.o. trial will move i yrry powder. in the Southern States, nr.e the wo. li. r.•m, wbl.,h rhyMRF t,>rrFipN, K1lMA1ia.= y r
s(•.•0nd floor' where the game w -ns or. lusted 117 a w111, "barna, .c1,,,,,it as "seem,." be.
ilerem H_lrP, , -„-
n Mill m11.1r`t, kllnwtl no the \1 e 1 re novel 1rr f Fon•Igtl t\enT+
Asa bakery Into it. The
1 for a srtn0•nt" ' hote•lkmis•r, an attempt' I" being (1114dP totem It .MIAy f' .'a an Anhl wont
will Ire arrengle( p • 1i lmlmo - Klnli/me•
holo Incl to ma ake It year-ro°nl Kporrt. The tux- Ilial wna.�h+.'b°nn I d to tills was. rib
.101rtront 'of11ey, 1.11. 4 11,1sK fp.y,ap
the 611(4 7tf tilers fingers -of Hie right the pr01ueers err expected to benefit faskhlm L. dying 4,‘,1.'�1. •i,Pwt�,
sr »nen+:
�„ Hand recently while working nit.. n materially throng. the demnnd for cot- 1/Kliah 1'IaPe Norma _ Hrrnlmrks--AAtilivNMarks.
...•.•r - }emu duck and (14nemd\ (nclesurea to r
threshing nearhlne.
death of .tt the tiny Ilnks during inclement The complete Ir'+ of wrmis Is smnllPr Altinnhl -luta sins wer.i
Ph 3t 8811 Ree 3libw
Aw titenry ora sw.lve a4riPn c ant 1 1 t►r. Pe•
Slow. henry M.nM'btnehvc. et "AI*wlai weswtilr'r.'lfifmtfartrtrrr's re'"►•sevlr- thaw n111.4 the i.. • F
1 sea receiving htrartn�►arMw--+rhehkFr
hones. Doer
got Street C.Jet(tk. lo. wax ' ail.. .Ilei bit' t n nth.lint' I fate corer Ilia
150, 8.1411 held In the 7lirk•h town hall of Iep11lries concerning ninterinl 11111- !Tfiuii {rns�l's of (f RItalles,k nn F:AR'v 1(P'd�"-" • -�
nn Ang11Kt 2111 1. Coroner 1)r. 1', J. able for long use tinder a(Irer1e londt- t1a 1►If'place
rl ac • nomnr/lu., � l of anxslieh dtpine •wli •, Ir.•r -Yswlt'mmlty (D'a' 115 1ii'
1 rn1Syer of yndch preslddW, art time .t• . •s. C ♦ :..., , - - -
r 141 lit•• same meeting 11M
Ler Cmdlae PM�
N en, foe
frig. ref:leo-tell in the
following iinwolicited letter
from a well -k11014,1 asnarlian
"Some time ago 1 vorehased
"I thought it would he •
holier loot it iv nn ninaqiire
and trill anon pnv fur itaelf
in the Raving nf Janda:.
"the Cerieral Electric
en n se il not only nareginirdis
health.... hot it also safe-
guerds the flintily litedget.,
11 well utlIww 11.• a•erage Ilona,