The Signal, 1930-7-17, Page 4Think It Over
Wouldn't it be a good ideal. even if you do not
giants Absolutely Free
-BUY A -
Fashion Craft Made -to -Measure Suit
at the regular price and you get the extra Pants
without any further charge..
Order Now - The Sale Closes Soon
"The Store with the Stock" Telephone 57
Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario.
Capital Cafe
- " urd& of the `square)
Cadencies Newest Cafe
A la carte service at al!
"Best Place to Eat in Testi "---
P.0. Box 321 Telephotos 272
Cl i mom -__Bug
The Perfect Dusting
A Boon to Potato Growers
No sprayer necessary
No water to carry
No mixing
All ready for
Alf. Tebtsi t
C i
WESTFIELD, July 18.- -Mr. IW.
McDowell. of Toronto, spent last week
with Mr. and Mn.. J. L. Stonebuure
and other friends, and la at .present
visiting Goderlcti Mends.
Mrs. D- Gordon, of Detroit. it t'Isll
Ing her slater, Mix w'. H. Campbell
Mrs. It Tyeruw
lass. of Wtheiyaw _ -Wed-
jsseiit ---t►iw._tualr.-mttaloa..---lir. And
Mrs. Itert Taylor. and other friends.
Mr Alfred Cook, of Toronto, to vis-
iting hie father, Mr. David Cook, and
other frleude.
Slr tohu Rodger had tlw misfortune
.. hlle eatching a sheep ou Monday t0
hate hjs arm, broken Just above the
The many frleuds of Mr.
W. A. Campbell are sorry to herr that
he is I11. He has been under the do•-
tor'a care for the pest taw clays. We
wish him a tpardy recovery.
Lott week Ise.-. W. R. and Mrs. Alp,
of Oltawa,'were renewing old acqualn-
taite• in this vicinity. On Sunday Mr.
Alp preached anniversary services at
Donnybrook. .1 large number of West- i
G eld people attended the +erview.
LI'('KNIW. July 14. -Mr. Walter
Horne. of Kingsville, is visiting his
torr; Mr. Leroy Hoeete,•Ibie week.
Former U. F. 0.
Leader Endorses
W. H. Robertson
SWAPS. M 11Lice, Meter Maris Terve,
dieter Did81rla, Stater Demise, Sister
Legere.. red Sister Kar/Nrtte, are
traps the Sacred Heart Oenveat, Lda-
doa, with tate exception of Shur Dyos-
isle who has Just returued to tier na-
tive *ed. after spending the last eight
yarn at the St Joseph's Convent, Ed -
Mouton, Alta. We express oar genuine
pleasure auk grabede in having the
Litter(wi iiufhiliedlf.L r - saienget a; aoua:anorn. rad we
$ooII thei s • will hope
el that
ha tin u enneartfutur
V. J. 0. , hood agatn. -- -
r..tu p . st .
Kilpatrick to Loador'ftrs. Malek
bas spent the last few weeks w rel-
atives la Saskatchewan, Edmouten.
Calgary and Minneapolis.
Mr. John U. Ross and little eau,
who have been herr with her parents,
Yr and Mrs. David Farrier, returned
luau, on Tuesday.
Mr. aid Mrs. Hebert lions. of
Inure, spent a day last week with h
Z'A kFrJ $ala
n as. O i4 i:GliRotti:
Vitt, at the house t.►- .'. L«« +
Mrs. laxed Jewett and Noel, o:
Lucknow. epeut the past tew weeks
with Mr... Bert '
Mfrs Helen Slerrl , of Hamilton,
Is visiting at the home of her uncle,
Mr. W. 14."rarrler. ``
Messrs. Dean Scott. Andy Thompaod
and Malcolm Rocs are camping this
week at Rayfield.
Mr. Frank Thompson shipped a car-
load of rattle h. Toruutu from here on
\Rev and Mrs. U. Stewart. of Guelph.
are holidaying this week at their eot-
tage at }trues. Ile.clf kind called on
old friends In this district.
The following in this district were
tuects.fui in posting their F trance
examinations: Elroy and Kenneth
Laidlaw. Orton Grain, Cheerer Coulter,
Lehi Leggatt. Teddy McClenagban.
Janet Craig, Stanley Moore. We con-
gratulate them.
Mr. Souter Taylor was taken to
Wingham hospital on Wednesday even-
ing to a serious condition, which ne-
eeastteted an oKe•rathun, from whk'h he
Is reecovering nicely.
Miss Margaret Rintoul, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Rintoul, of West
Wawanosh, was married on Friday,
July it. in Knox Church, Toronto. to
Mr. Harry Lee, son of Mr and Mrs.
Lee of Toronto. The -happy couple left
for a houeyrueou by motor Yu Quebec
and other eastern points. The pride
it well remembered in these parts slid
her many friends wi,sb her a lime and
happy wedded Ute.
Mr and Mrs. R. L. Taylor spent
Sunlav with Mr. 'and Mrs. Archie
Anderson. of St. Helens.
Mr aril Mrs A. E. Purdon and Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, and sons, Rel-
lison and Angus. spite Sunday with
lir. and Mra. of 8t.
Mrs. A. Fox end Miss Isobel. who
hare spent the last few w w,Lth rel-
atiret in tlw Western Provinces: re-
turned home on Saturday. Miss Lettie.
who has been in Regina ,for the past
six months. alto returned ,home with
them. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton. of.
Lucan, apeot Sunday at the Fox home.
Mr. and Mrs. MacKay Of BRrussels,
s. pent Sunda) with Mr. and a* David
f -
Although physically disabled, Mr. R. ST. HELENS
M. Young, of colborpe township, form-
er president of the North Huron U. F. ST HELENS, July 14. -Miss F:thel
O. organisation, and a man unlvereal- Robertson and niece, Miss Jessie Heu-
ly -r.apr•ted for his straightforward' demon. of Lucknow, are enjoying their
attitede on all occasions, Is takiug + vacation with Mrs. J. It. Rutherford.
Miss Laura Marfan and brother,
Donald, art. holidaying with their
grandfather. Mr. Wm. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith and daugh-
ter Margaret, of Toronto. motored
from Toronto and &peat the weekend
with their relatives, Mr. and MCP. 1).
Todd. Miss Vera Todd returned with
them to Toronto to tale a couple of
weeks vacation.
Her. D. McTavish, of Exeter, was •
The Signal 1 have been obliged [o so -
Inert with dtev. T. C. Wilkinson and
AMQ TNT alar flee xuulrtrtu y of your Mr. 11'Ilkiuson during last week-.
herded, thoughtful, analytical type of I - MIs Mit.-hell. of Mokiworth. hos'
keen interest in the North Huron elec-
tion campaign cad seudt the follow-
ing letter to The Sigurd:
Mr. W. H. Robertson,
Dear Mr. Robertson, -I was mueh
pleased to learn of your nomination at
the Literal convention. During tee
many years you have been editor et
PARAMOUNT. July 15. -Mrs. Thos.
ke,-1f Ashfield, spent the weekend
with her mother, Mrs. Jas- Web ti r.
who is not enjoying good health.
Miss Catharine Mclennan, of De-
troit, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs.
Will Kempton.
- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson and
Es1e, of Ashfield, were resent poets
Of Mr. and Mra. Jas. T. Webster.
tm r from Paramount attended
the crlebratiou at Kincardine on the
12h of July and report a large crowd.
Miss Clara McIkraald 1s s pending
her holidays with her aunt,.:- Ipck
Mr}ntnsh. ..
Miss Margaret Thom. nurse -in= - Moa- Miller is visiting with friends
training at Guelph General Hospital, In Kincardine.
has resumed ler (elts after a mouth's Mr. and Mrs. Rost. Webster, of
holiday at her home here. Varna visited with Paramount friends
last week.
Master George Joynt, of Lurknow,
was the guest of Ronald ienderson
for a few days last week -
Miss Grace Webster, who visited
friends at Bayfield, has returned to
her home.
Mr.' and Mrs. Herb Cox, Mr. and
Mrs. Ryan and Reta. and Mr. Milton
Woods, of Porter's Hill. visited friends
In Ripley, Tin nrdlne and Paramount
Mtiu Heleu Johnston. 0f I astle , re-
turned home on Moudat .and was ac-
companied by her friend. W1 Mildred
Ritchie, of town.
Mise Wtnnlfred Douglas, nurse-In-
traiuitrg In Victoria Hospital. London,
retumel her duties on Monday after
a three -weeks' vacation here.
MIs- Helen Thompson and Margar-
et MacCallum have returned home
atter spending a number of days at
summer school' in Port Elgar.
Mr. Maids ifecinmek of 1etreit..
im ependtl
Mr. Campbell Thompson --
weekend with friends in Iludph.
Miss Annie MacMnrchie has return-
ed to her home here after an extended
'Gongs:mu unman,
A number from around here took in
Una twelfth of July at Hayfield on Sat-
trip to Toronto and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Longmire, of
Mr. and Mrs. Lane Treleaven and Niagara Fails. N.Y., were visitors at
Patricia are holidaying at Bruce the home of Mr. .ttnd_Mes G. W. Ilar-
Beach.' roost last eedpv.,.
Mr. and Mn. R H. Thompaon and Mrs. lteg. Needham, of Toronto, and
family &retreading a month at Point her two some. Bobble and Jackie, arts
Clark. visiting at the bone of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. 1{ Ltttletair. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harwood.
Mellrtfie efair and Miss Jones.; Mita Marion Colwell has reterned
of Toronto, were weekend visitor at 1 home from Inndon. where she vleite.l
the home of Mr. and Mr. N. D. Man- Mr. and Mrs. Turner.
CPrtate Mr. and Mr. Wm. Doyle and chil-
A intedu r . of guldt c of the last o tiren, of Buffalo, are visiting at the
Lacknow company attended camp held
at Inverhuron Beach •the first week
d Jul,.
C L 1 - -
Miss M. R. MacVicar
home ut the lady'.. parents.. Mr. end
)lr. John Blair.
The Jaiy meeting of the W.M.S. of
11aioe'ehureh was held at the home rat
Mr.. Forest Mi -Clare Hayfield road. on
the afternoon of July nth. with etgh-
.G: .+a:t6:7. There was Bose
work done on the autograph- 'quilt.
The devotional excn'tses;were taken by
Mrs. Geo. Falconer, who opened the
meeting with t e hymn "Standing by
a Purpose Titre." The errtpture lesson
was the first twenty-one verses of the
twtond chapter of .tete. Mrs. Thoma
Johnston read the prayer from The
Messenger. The roll call wan respond-
s.1 to with the text word "work." The
mer etary read the minutes of the Juste
uhectingi The hymn "Blest be the The
that Bind.." was sung. Mn,. Falconer
then gave a delightful review• of the
addr•esn which Dr. Mrtrga t McKellar
deliveral in North street and Vlrtorla
churches. The lender then led in a
short prayer. The hymn "t) Spirit of
,,the Living God" was sung and the
meeting cloyed with the Darrd's Prayer-
Mr. and Mrs. Currie. of Farm?. N.
'II.. motored here and are visiting with
n lenses.
w"emirs. ", Obirritowerbi- tient "MO week!
}end with relatives at Brampton.
editorials. They have stood for neon owns engaged as prluelpwl and Suss
any and morality of tlw highest type. jli striae McQuillan as tesrlwr of tlw
As paint prealdeut of the Nortel junior rearm le St. Helens teIiood.
Huron 1'. F. O. organisation I tzar- Miss Tena Hackett, Ashfield. has
always observed your sympathetic at I teen engaged as teacher ht S. S. No. 3.
tltude towards the 1'. F. O. met'.- Congratulations to Dorothy M. MU
meut from its first inception. Th.1 ter anal Flurries. Me4Jntllen who
scholarly, broadminded way to which s paas•.1 tits4r Prttraiew with 1M and tad
you have treated policies and la+utr drat honors r, Its tlrely.
as they erose from time to time make Mrs. dtathw-ell, of Stanley town-
aae cenfidest that North Huron wit. ;hip, Is the intent Ajar sister, Mrs.
be most splendidly and efficiently rep
resented If you are a successful caodl
The 1'. F. O. are not contenting [N-
ettling this time. Reflecting' on this'
add oe your pest adsatrable record
when you had no axe to grind, 1 can
not but endorse your candidatures_ 1
sincerely hope you may be successfo.l
and have an opportunity to give Now..
Huron that class of service that u r `talkelI I:oierh•le.
vitally needed at Ottawt. We regret to report that Mr Seer
Your truly.'-' ter Ta-ytor was rwRhed to 11'tngham
R. M. YOUNG hospital, where be under -
R. R. No. 5. Goderlcb went a .carious operation. Reports an.
T.S. thought It only fair of nr 0 that he ie progn+wing favorably.
sire yo a word of encourag••m.•ut u Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Audenuoti and
your fight. bale motored to Stratford Friday even-
- lug and were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Hiller. tlw lady's parents.
Mies Annie !'lark, of Saskatoon. Is
home with her wither to spend her
- The annual summer meeting of the
M's. Mies
lea_g•Cq_, -ot tie
nitt. l rhun-h war bid Ia}__iin church
en Wednesday afternoonlast. The
Wits were to have as their
{ tww.s.M a large number of the ladies of
Whitechur.h' we•Iety. Musical numbers
by Rte. Sperling and by the Massa
Terrier. of Whiteehurrh, were much
enjoyed. The ladles were delighted to
bare as their speaker. Dr. Helen Crew.
Dr. ('raw w110. is at little girl, wg/,11
tr,klrnt "f tier SL Helens nnaaae tied'
et few year, leaves In Sepflsrsr u
M, mri
lenttary-tor_C'hina, cattlN With
her .oe heat wlithiest tslttsi tiiswhit ef.
att. Helene.
R. J. Word*
Mrs. Ed I's.iii 'wee the gueest of
her brother, Qr.Jir' Ramage, this
)- Miss Amite- !'lark. of (inelph, spent
.-pert-+.t-her vw•stime. with her tuustatr,-
tlw Mvours. Mt -Remit«.
Mr. and Mee. Wallace Miller and
children. Laura and Allan, were visit-
ors recently at tlw home of Mr. J. W.
NILE. July 111. --Mr. and Mrs. Erut
est Grainger. of Lomita.. were guests
at the home of Ke";ilida Rob&,
Echlin last week..
Mr. and Mrs. Jack ianitel and two
children, Florence and Gunton, of To-
ronto, tidied at tlw home of Mr. Date
IPt's brother. Mr. Telford Nixon, for
a few days thlrweek.
Mies Colleen Thompson. of Gader}eh,
le risking her grandmother.. Mrs. E.
elegem, tate week.
Mrs. Lilian Sheppard sed daughter.
Alice, ■re visiting relatives at Harris -
ton for a sew Alfa this week.
Mr. and ark Frank (lark. of Fllrrt.
Mich., add Mr. Clark's mother. of To-
ronto, spent Tuesday of title week at
the hose of Mr. sad Mrs. itobt. Es'h-
A goodly nnmhes Ikea Ilia lenity
took In the 1 h•atyb'eeldeetife at .Kia-
cardine on Sat>isltey.'- The farmer aar Irl eery busy thio
week with the hay.
Mr. Stanler.idgroleppsed wssuebter.
Beth, of Goderlt•Tt, 1>O tars. „Cine
Polten. of iretroit, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. James McIntyre this
The regular meeting of•tle
Guild Society WW1 held ou Tuesday of
this week at the home of Mns. Telford
Nixon. The prwoklent. Mini Mary
Bogie, was In the.ehalr, and the meet-,
Ing opened with a hymn followed by
the Lord'.. Prayer in unison. The scrip-
ture reading was taken by Mr. Stan-
ley Hayden. After tie minutes of last
meeting and the roll call a very-leter-
erting chapter in the ..hrdy hok Ase
taken icy Mrs. Wilbert Johnson. The
business pert followed and it number
of matters were dls•uwwd. It was de-
cided to (told an lee cream social at
the- home of Mr Henry Matthews ren
the evening of .lnly 31st. The annual
pteenie of the sre•tety was frranged to
be hold at Herber Park, Goderlet,. ole
,4th. -- Tie -imeetiegeewae them
brought to it clow• by singing hymn
No. PO, Wowed 1y the Mlzpah IJe•n-
wlir•ttoh A PO 14.1111 hour was then spent
and refreshments were eert•el by the
hoateases, Mrs. Telford Nixon and
Sire. Herb Pentland.
;the Month of July laths Month for Vacations E KINGSBRIDGE
Up to date we have not had very many really hot days. but look out for the
next month. You will enjoy your vacation if yo•t are fitted out in up-to-date pummer
wear, purchased at Cornfield's, where prices are reasonable and quality and style are
always right.' We are offering some very special values in summer weal' of all sorts.
Ladies' Tricoshene Dresses
Ladies' Voile Dresses
.. s.4
Ladies' Crepe Dresoes
Ladies' Flowered Chiffon Dresses
Ladies' Plain Crepe Dresses
Ladies' Summer Millinery at Reduced Prices
Be sure and see our range first and you will be delighted. '_
For Your Vacation You Will Need Al -Aberley Bathing Suit
The rorrert thing in style and prices are reasonable.
- - DUNGAN1- -;
Lit-LAGAN,\ON. my t3. -Mr. anti
Mrs. J. Pattton. of Wingbam, err vis-
tttnlf at the'home of Mr. and Mrs. 11.
A. McKenzie.
't0" reeeoreeeo of Stratioi
visiting her cousin. 1.nctrle F.edy.
Mica 'Wlnnlfted I4.-gt.ry, pf LPamlepp,
ton, 1s vlalting her cousin. Beth Park.
Mrs. J. J. Hien and Mims Alma
Fret, R. N.. lett lest Thursday for
London. where Mrs. Ryan is mdergo-
ing medical treatment.
Quite a nnmirer from herr attentlM
the Orange e-lebratir»i at Kincardine
last Saturday.
Rev. J. S. Shortt. of Barrie, oc•eu-
pled the pulpit of the Presbyterian
church last Sunday. The pastor. Rev.
X. H. McDonald. will preach next
We are sorry to report that Mrs.'
Abe Culbert Is 111 with pneumonia.
Nurse Johnstone of Ashfield, is nurs-
Ing ler. We hope for a sp esly r.•-
Mr. and Maw. Fred Seek end Master
Donald were in Clinton -on Trn•wlay.
Mr. J. J. Hyatt cud dao inter. ThMar-
garet. 111
gtiret. St '."Rtn. ompnm end ilio
Cora Staley, visited at the hone of
Mr. end Mrs. ('frost. Thompson at lone
don en-ibewtday•
Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Stewart ar•
rived home last week from their wed•
ding trip and are now -settled .on their
The regular monthly meeting of the
W.M.S. of Erskhw Presbyterian
rhumb, Dungannon, was held at the
. KINGSBRID GE. July 18.- -Mr. and home of Mrs. George Anderson on
Mrs. Jerk O'Malley and halve and Thursday. July lath, with it goad et-
a Miss • Irene Me('arthy visited at the teendanee. Atter the singing of a hymh,
. home of Win. McCarthy this week. Mrs. G. 11. McKenzie led In prayer.
■Moa Elaine tt'Connor is visiting her The secretary read the minutes, of the
sister, Mrs. Gun Kinaban. previous .meeting arab called the roll.
Mr. Tim Quigley. of Detroit. Is vie- 1,11 hill. ruling was taken bey ?tire.
R. R. Rothera. Mrs, (4, 11. McKenzie
a Icing at his home here.
Mr. Jack Shannon and his sheer, reported the pxrgnert of tin. trade,
• Bernlee, of Toronto, are visting with'' arrangements were nude for gtdlt-
■Mrs. .1. e)'Connor and Mrs. M. Austin shut a guilt. Sire. Il. Dwvlde.rn reed
for tar summer holldapa. an inh•r.sting I•eper of Manchuria.
Mr. and Mrs- C. t)'Rrilly and fain The• meeting r•l.etrl with the ,Inglag
11111 ily, from Detroit. and Mr and Mn. eft a hymn and prayer by the press-
- Mirllhhs. from Dublin, vlelhd rat Mr. dent, Mrs. R Met
cney. They nerved
•Tim Griffin's nn
Sunday. Irefng. rnu•nts at the rises of the meet
Ill VB.* Marguerite Snlllvnn, from }'env• ng. Mrs. Cha rive Thompson, of Landon.
▪ Iden•,• HoeplteL Detroit. Is spending netted Iningannon relatives for a
▪ holidays et her home here. few days, toeing ae'ompanlel by her
111 Mr. }terry i.ennoh. who inn. 14IPI1 ,laughter and. granddaughter.
vl..ltlug friend,* In this burg. returned Congrahiletlone are extended to
Im 11n Detroit this week neeompaniel by Belie Swan. Mildred Ant-rsen, Anna
X his grandchild. Sllse Betty Floss. who Sproul. Jams+. Reid, Bemire Rotel',
Intends to spend her vacation in that ('ora Tlhnnitw.t, and Jame, Phillips',
city. all of whom were snawwsful In Pans -
M▪ I Nt - Vivian ('onrtnet,_who bat apetit (hg the teeent entrance examinetiona,
■ the 1•eat elsht months i D etroIt. re• Mns. ('harlot.• Reid mud member&
turned bone Inst week. of the fatuity were vleitors recently.
Merriam. and fam11i-. from Merkdnle, WHI'l'1JL11Lljtl✓11
anal Mr. and Mrs Jc.lrw P RulUrnn ..
ono} family. front Alban. . oro vislrl, a 11'iTtTpf'TDT RCi.Trip ti.• -!Sid."
at P. M. Snlllran's homestead Iola and M. Perry Vincent, at Weetneld,
week. mother, Mrs. McRrleu,
Mr. Ell M. Nsmnrn. of Drtro}t. In Grandetother'e IMT Is being oh -
visiting friend. herr serval In the Women's institute pto
Mr. and Mrs MA. Foley, Mr. Mika gram this week et the home of
Albert M.Quiilan. or Friday:
Mine Alberta Shields, of Maitreie.
I, vlsIting Mix week wltb ►
iii► Wtsver
Quite a hnmher from here attend.4
'iiia 12th of July celebration to Kln-
Joe e
ewe Will Kelly, of M. AngttxttnP.
spasm Smedley at the horse of tlsir
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jansen
(`ornel brit
Mort Lanni Robinson and her hr"
then In-law, Mr John Kilpatrick. af,
many relatives end frteada Slater ('rPw.. left nn Annday ro meet Mira
▪ Mr. nal Mrs .1 1'. SoUiviin and
• femlly. Detroit and Mr. and MIs. J.
iited to ►p., _ ■
Shop w ere you are nv
oat laic of Spare
tr <fn•n•R•tfarn1 si sn1R1UIISan••■
Pine 4f8
epee( Sunday at the home of her
Foley. the Mlssae Helena and 011.
role., motored en London on Onnd.y.
MIs.. Della Gilmore vlalted friend•
In Kineahrldge•laat week.
Mr and Mrs J Mitrtaen and fam-
ily. Mr. VA. McCaAW' and Mien Dor-
othy Mnrpte_v1/ted et the home of
kr. atnira . 1t. Adlttvan'x on Linn
may... ._ ... We WPM, oar he,prtle.t welters*.
O. di of oaf former i ingtlprid$s girls
who are here at prresni it M. Ina-
ep1A', ('noawnt They err visiting their
Wmelpes y ree
r 41 POP
1 -Li al:;h1 It 1
ll'(t11L t'I -\I
"My daughter Catherine is
fifteen years old. She was very
irregular, often sick at her
stomach and had to stay in
bed two or three days at a
time. One of your booklets was
sent to us by mail so 1 got her
a bottle of Vegetable Com-
pound. Catherine' has been
takingit regularly and she is
gaitti.4 in weight and every
way. 1 told the neighbors and
four other Otis etre taking it
with tesula."-MrsThorn-
.r Clar-
(rtcs JotkMso 1r Box 14, i hoflb
lot, Ontario.
Ice Cream: Soft Drinks
and Confectionery'
and Eggs
GAMOt,161RAND on.
ID1Ctl1 our motto
*anted • ht e
would notot take the
Laruesaker, • etas
bring your feet to enc who het
1rtaE or fallen sretwes and bo ies
r Ip&vs Imes Dr. fichoU's
eves arra.-.rneMvrani& TO sappy
and Arch Supports.
'Phone 43w -
B&ital i. and Bayfield
liver Phone 611
itch to draw 'leas/ bawds, !es.
would take the Torte to tiw
T :7' L,E
aurora ter
l T
ittlNf' 1 1 1 \
i se Ifie!
With dor
Cotwt sinnig
Le Toe Perfume
value >t1.410
Aimed Cream _ .60
Pace Powder - 1.00
Cold Create .50
J QriWaatlee .60
Gamma Oil
Total value --K.00
All for
Nevis Pres
v, •
_--1? ;r '. r •,..r`` pa
7i'I alt
♦ ►f •.
r1 `' • r .
♦'.- 'L'Iti
• r i•
♦ , -,-t•.
A Most Amazing Special
-July 18th to July 26th
J. H. LAUD _ ,*
4, • ,
` 1
i 4
yr. +t.iypxx Drtfgglet,v!!
-; .1 "e GOD 2ICH, ONT.
Mail Order* add 1 ¶c Postage
"+1 tt-