The Signal, 1930-7-17, Page 14'
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Goderich Scene of
Fine Liberal Rally;
Budget Big Issue
Hoa James Malcolm Delivers
Stirring Address in Support
of W. R. Robertson
Pointing to 'the Dunning budget and
particularly the Rrltiah preference
fe.turss which It coatsas the
tint pathway to Can future
'Mathew, Hon. Jaw 31s1 ` Min -
inter of Trade and C acus, in ring-
- tng tones Saturday ziWil dated a bril-
liant and convincing address to an ap-
preciative audience which filled Vjc.
torts Opera House. Again and again
Hon. Mr. Malcolm empheehed that
the budget was the big issue and the
only real taste of the enwpnlgn now to
yr e.a- oe [sem, which historians
w a1/
hilly- lhtk with the Federal
*Lech 1930.
A Fire Meeting
14 -News the first pubMc meeting the
bea msis have bel -inelederich in Ulla
(•ampatgn and one which augurs well
for Weir cause at the polls un July
28th. The cendldate. W. H. Robertson.
jilts ghets a splendid reception and
wes emloglsed by ell tepeN►ays for boa
sterling quelitlea as a citizen and for
his farces to reprseat North Huron
ts the Federal ParlhteMit.
"Yon have ■ man fh Mr Roberto=
- you can support with your whole bean
and sing. a man who believes that the
true path to C.nadsea greatness Iles
to the developneat of trade within the
Respire. It L not only your duty as
anthem of Goderkle Irrespective of
-Ipelitieel allegiance, to glue him year
41. Tose. but 1t le your duty W tab o!f
Toter, coats and give him two or three
-two or three weeks of yen? • to-
_ -'tide(( hla.- was the
t>1 ftaj of the Minister QS
Qeultt ercw • who has
frIa.4s to Gederke.
A Masud
A 'moot Pleurae surprl
at the meeting w it the a • • '
the platform of SbeWuo B
oarucce.gsful Protrertelve
the 1927 by-electdoo In e
wholehearted suppu4 to the
tandk(ate-in North Mean, MT.
er said he had no apologies
for bas stand. iia was
Roberts..n Iecauae he was
Dunning b and bad alw
• Use tPro rr..4ve party *ib
ad s.
"On the other bane -
Bricker. '•Mr. Swain h
at every opportunity ; be
Into the courts and tried to:
riding from nn. I know the
L[bewal. 9, JL-
■• 'atl'1rMserr>,ki+ - v tiller gra
and if for no other reason than
I crankier i sa Justified in '
hind him n til" campaign,
reason that I want to get
Dunning budget"
Other (speakers were
Ittbsrtoen, 11,P.F., for
and B. R Robertson. K.0
a brother of the Lhafml
whose wirolatiy suaatag ef
imam which caafronted tube
made a ={goodie( lmprv' etas(/
ter acted as ch. ,ran.
Chea. A.take ,Rei Pi'.. mid b(
•tv ,.
had spent the past two or three week"
with the Liberal candidate in differ•
out parts of the riding.
"Everywliere we have gone we have
met .rich the most optlmiaac re
said the speaker. •'Mr. 1ilb ertlon ie
adept tepnigne i' per likes" to meet
people `and t1i 'u 'I
them In him genet wax- even if they
-don't agree wtthellis views. The rEsey-
tlon everywhere has Leen universally
favorable to the caadklate /end Demon -
▪ 1 -have no douM's es ria what t]e)
Co to
► Ash
field Ikon
willw In
and surrounding towwthlps,
"Mr. Robertson hal tired In tide rid-
ing all hi" ilfe and has been a good elt-
Mea. It is an bonor to have • men of
such calibre •as out caad[date. Apart
altogether from ape begun; of the day
kia is a record wl
' sere his success a
The speaker dl
era! Immo, the
(Jooservativeu were 1ng to make of
the temporary business tsereeason and
the rash promises ar the lead r, Hon,
R. B. Beene
"14 lr .mly a11t1L a small portion of
his promisee can awe the Liberal aur-
1 as M past year. to away and
jsertlaaed taxation Inietr '.lead,"
salt Mr. Robertson.
aasid It is emnnhag to Itch the
'of bon. G. H. Fergubn," col-
linear) the'wpeaker. "He tried to mike
Mk flee -cent London speech the ker-
nel*. of hie adds comes In tea tem-
ples, but the attempt Iled; It did
cps over, an he tried her ,tack.
In the rankles of
w. I
ad e rai>m
pn p
. s rivpJ.
challenged ieremb'r'ot th2
au the the Cement -
'state his tele quer-
and w Pub'
nd he saki a fw the
' tatenrt to lmbne Macrae it. A
few 'morltihs later he dregs this goen-
t he to‘the a Ioet 1 Igtf trio to
the bort of tallest tree to
labs. ji* leabe nt Ills now
all plater what his ogee.
he wan t ve It as Ai• tr td
!r this els The* are the
setae an bo, ,.wt e It•teemsa
a ly poalltb baa
r. Robertson 1 hronght .apple
him agdIMaee when he Mr.'
rem oatepsaned 1 larg-
w a
er •res of T polder
"Hoy with the pfetty
he a .J0 put **ma la
la cam - t ' the electors *re-
ties 3 4 hl'. traetMa The
bre M win lints eleetton.
le els It henna. at
f The wore of the King
woe tisk efts program which k
ear -,E► We alley et .IIs
y . on too : )
alone should (M-
ahe palls.••
rased briefly Fed-
petal which tits
.., . ••rr•
A feature of .Saturday n is
I.iberal rally in 'Vittoria ra
Hawse was tee- presence of
the Liberal and Progressive
(* atul candidates In be 1927 sye-
election, Arbble Hislop of Brussels
and Sheldon Bricker of Fordwtch.
Thea, Mr. Bricker said. was evi-
dence of the united front whteb
Liberals and Progressives were
presenting In this campaign.
Others uu the platform to addl-
tlou to the retaken' were Hugh
Hill of Colborne township. Morgan
Dalton of Ashfield, J. C. Stoltz of
East Wawanosb, Bert McCrehth
of Toronto. H. B. Meet. of Wiagt
ham, presdlent of Nott Huron
Liberal .lntas•latlon ; Dr. A: C.
Hunter, president of Goderich Lib-
eral Assxiatton ; Dr. W. le Cal-
low,Q. L. Parona, manager of the
Goderlcb Elevator and Tfansit
_Cu ; -Feank Bleeders, of the trod-
erich Organ Co.; Thomas Mitchell,
manager of the Dominion Road
Machinery Co.; J. E. Baec•hler,
manager of the Goderlch Manufac-
turing Co.; T. G. Conon, ('.I'.R.
agent; S. D. Croft. C.N.R. agent;
L. E. pansy. barrister, incl Coun-
cillors -Z. J. Moevr god_ William
Bail ie.
Signature on -Tem
PropaaQda Not
W. J. Hendersm Mia He Did Not
Sign Letter tt $as Never
ailf- H TER -..-i
'l • e L+ltetesa.d North Huron:
London Advertiser of Moe -
July 14th, carrier this bead-
"•Progreawiver Supporting
71 . Rotwrtaon. Liberal Candi-
tares Sheldon Bricker."
down in the paper Mr.
quoted as saying: "The
Are Behind the M-
use of the Budget
for 'Our' Support
1p, ` s 1. the Dunning
t► b. ve of the I:ait..1
mention of 'North
Nt rotted the-ender-
Jt *Modestly cleat
the . on Bricker has not
tins tittle or authority to speak for
+ the farmer moo t In North
Huron and he knows that. 4011
well• and larthermgurreyigwee are the
is When Mr. Bricker speak• at any
peIItleal 'meting in North Huron,
In the campaign. he has no right
to rap the prsoonos "we," "us"
and "our" tet should use the sing-
ular "i" and "me," for he speaks
only for himself
The p'alte•d Farmer, of North
Heron, in convention awwmbled.
derided to pet no candidate to the
acid Ibis election. and to leave
seek member of our organization
fns to vote lndependeotly emerge
Ing to the dictates of his or ber
own eonnrienee. The United Farm-
er" as an organization are behind
neither of the candidates. and we
take this brans to let the electors
of North Huron know, that when
Mr. Bricker pretends that the Pro -
'revelers of North Huron are be-
hind the Liberal candidate he li
ptaang something- which laathsv
lately false_ As an organisation
tie are mtrklly neutral and with
to be elearrenderlttlb(1 as sortf___.
..y'iiis •ttrd- s►h -parlinriP' - u ie
"igned by J. Henderson, Presi-
dent" and m. Rutherford, Secre-
was in at The Signal
on W o a man from
ingliam (netthereMr. Henderson nor
Mr. Itntherford ).
In the absence at the editor the man
p char of the o1 tl warn - to a
position say whet t
would published or not. • several
times y play card bfa morning the
Wingba man ' the office t ea-
g11jl+ l whether the letter was ae-
Wh u the letter was drawn tl$•
(Thurwrtay t morning to the attention
of the editor it Inked ■ ht queer to
him, especially as the 1'. F. P. ifecera
of North Huron had failed tn,take a14,
similar action to cbeek.-the misrepre-
se nations of The London Free* Press.
when that paper attempted to give the
Impr•salon int the 1'. F. O. were anp-
porting Mr. Spot( i. , The sitter called
up Mr. Mendelson and irate informed
by tett RentleMtn first .1w had never
signed the Tetter kleel, had never moven
It. Mr. Henderson further in-
formed The Remit that after the 1'.
F. O. garden party pn Tuesday night
members of the executive tie
were peewee, had agreed that a fetter
should he sent to the prem simply
resting that the t'nited Farmers am an
t►rgaalzatkm wPre not snpporting elt'h-
er of the candidates In this election.
No name w•PM to he mentioael In the
ennouneemeut, and Mr. Henderson sp-
peered to tie genuinely snrpHned that
Mr. Rrtck.r'a name had hemn•nlentlon-
M. lin It is In the letter atrhmltted fo
Bvld.•uuy aoneebody ham Men trying
over" ir-
so hl
n n The c
M "tett rmPt R
enmatsnee; apeak for themwlVest.
Mr. !tricker, of more, made no
atstemewt involving the 1''. 1' (l. organ-'
inn. if ha naw.( the word "us" he
\. no doNuht ap•nktng •'t the Iarge
sf Progressives le .very part
of - Ming who are openly support-
Inttg)e (.diesel eesdNete.
Master Teo aad Mina Elisabeth
Hamm, *1 iteris rket, are speeding
blldaia hell Heir hats. tee pff.1*
-• A meeting of the,guarapSurr of Gni- , •
trick Chautauqua. • for, the' emir IMO `' il't im of Accident
Ill II • town hall wt Tuenday,
h.Npwes of the Town
hr( a 1. uw r
tenting, when offkenr xrre appcdnte.l ; •
! and plans made for this year's pro- on Bayfield Road
. I gram, w111eh will be preeentud.nt_Nk-
(('rill Park train Auggst retli to 0th. -
Iw,ae ekuya due nI.[re. klryo"r H. J. A. Seventeen -Year -Old -Bon, Driving
Mat lhvan wean in the chair and u4 !
1 tic ' ts sue committees were named as Car, Said to Have Fallen
fol wia : President, S. D. C tote. vire. { Asleep "
i. oresIdent, Douglas Brown:- secretary- {
reauurer. D. D. Mooney; , grmttebt
committee -Mem,. MacEwen, G. 1.., Froud hujuri.•s rc-..•1' ,1 in :t !rotor
I I'arl:.ltui W. t;..\. Natter? advertising rae4denf early Sunday afternoon four
(committee --1 . L. Knox. Ole& (Mertes. , miles Nouse of Gutteru-h, uu the Bay-
' -W. E. A.Mattel, J. W. More. T. T. II field road. Mrs. William McEwen. 215
11)epne,l, Ji, Reynolds: t1v v1 roe,.wit' }Mediate' esteem., 111gh1.4n' Park, Mild(..
be Long a P Croft. T1:T: died early Mont e utorning-i -The
((tip 4aNeball team defaulted j There were two steamer arrivals at
their game tth Goderich scheduled I •--- I Goderich port this week. The ()teedre,
al Park last F'rlday Mr. J. M. (lo ealock, of Se forth l from the head of the lakes) discharged
for Agricull
night. The .
late O.B.A.A. schedule in tier'. d(a(elect I
is now corn eted, with Hensel( and
Exeter tied.
half of the interned- was a visltpr fu tow•(' this week.
Mrs. Angus McKey, of Detroit, is.
N laitiug friends in town this week,
Mr. -and Mrs. B. E. Smith and Mrs.
T. H. Mitchell spent the week-eud at
Miss Ida Hodgson has - returned to
Toronto atter• It visit with relatives, -
in town. ..( .
Mrs. Jas. ]ales has returned- from
R{dgetown to spend the returner to
The Menesetung Canoe £l b Intends.
bolding a picnic at Meuesetung Park
on Wednesday, July 31Ith, followede
by a dance in the evening. Special.
features, Members are requested. to,
reserve this date for themselves and
tenon. Partkvlars-later.-
$4,(llal bushels of wheat and 175,Otkl
bushels of oats lit the Goderich elevet_e
or on Tuesday. The 'octane, from
Sarnia, unloaded 13,000,barrets of gas-
oline at the InljiPrMe1 Oil Co.'s tanks
stone day.
ltev. J. N. 11. Mills, rector of St.
George's church, has issued a special
Invitation to summer visitors to nett
Y,nd.•riclt. the church during their stay here.
Qu.'e a manlier have 'dread
Mrs: I.1e(yd itstghtr 4l Yttrt.itur have greatly admired -
r Mr. Alex
Itrow n, J. :\. 1'nwplitit .J, it. Itey- !Alexandre (general and Martha bos-
noldrl.- Miss 11. Truwott, rl.weenting!vital, td'whull Itttatuthm she was
}l'auaellan Chuutaugnaa, Toruuto. -was taken fuUu*iug the -accident. tier hee-
done pr•w•ut and a,, twt..I In (be organize- band, William M -Kw.ut, received
.tion work. She expluln.d various mat- severe hind to, .1•n1Ions. but wowed
o-lite cotton -Mem. Meitner. repre- nn leaving tteelesltnal Tn1OW1Ug'"rher
mutative of ('hauteuqua hradquartere. de tt of ills wife. lies head n'.s
Mr. 0, N. Tucker;, was atwo In town swathed in bandages. Tbeeirlver of the
this week dietrlhuting pro(Ts&te, pet- ear.- .\Ifo.[ -McEwen, 17yurr-old-son
erre, etc. of the "'newest est lady. escaped with
Mich., in visiting her fathr . wr,tions executed last year and
DEATH OF ROBERT COLLINSON 1 (Jhryst*l. 1 'hlch they viewed for the flet
were haw twin remised a the' Mr. and Mrs. element Salmi, of time. The church is open for use at
death- of Ruhert ('ullinane, of Chilli- Chicago, 111., are flan guests of, Mr,. any time and former residents, the
ware RC which occurred on June C 1 Marr rector states are particularly wet•
27th: Mr. ('ollinstn was A brother nett- Mr. sad Mrs. Minter cud son. of (•roe.
Men. -. Leafless -said -Mrs. .
M incl of
ani t of anrouver.
Mrs. VI
and son endeceaswl hintnia.,. .
the month. The Culposo(' family hedl•r" "Ped two weeks"tac•rtlbg7t
resided In Ooderieh before moving to_i Kawrrtha Laken.
C tillwack about eleven ygare aau. iiiii MM. Chas. Hawkins, of WIolro is
IChutham, spent/Sunday` with Mr. and
barer itfi(t Martine. Hu.sey
On Tuesday of last week the God-
ertch nine took a 12-5 trouncing at
Exeter in an O.B.A.A. tutee. Exe-
ter scored six nuns in the first two
innings, adding one more in each of
the third, fourth and ilxth, and three
more in the chapter. Goderiek
broke into the score column in the,
fourth with a brace of rune. Shear -
down bit for two bate" with two on.
Tbey added another in the last inn-
ing.- Marcy -started pltehieg for Ged-
erich. but gave way to Fritaley in the
tl4e4_l_ej1 . Duadaa pitched fine ball
for Exeter, bar oa£..(blrteen t
GaderIth -M. Bakeg '.b, Fleetly of
H. Mersey p t e, G. Tenney 1f. C.
Sbeardown 1b C. Archer as, A. Mal -
lough rf, M. Fritdey p, N. WIIs on c,
1L Matheson 3b.
Exeter -Medd cd, ft .;Tleman as,
Creech lf, Dundee p' Gettler 2b,
Fletcher lb, Fiche c, M. Tiernan 3b,
Stokes ff. _......
Al Sarnia races ea Saturday, July
I2. Ooderichow weer first
acid wetted In tills T elem. Sid Hal.
owned by Dr. WI1 y, in a special
heat lowered the .tract reeord from
2.10% to 2.09 flat. Dr. Whitely was in
ibe stand and was given a great
hand by the large crowd present. His -:
alao of Ooderdcb. Tbe % ood time
these horsea seored they rare.] to a
dead heat, but in the remafieng three
were one-two, with Remo(transit
oat 1n f root.
Goderlch horses are making a great
nano for themselves on tete Ontario
circuit tide year and are claased"a hong
beet at in the Province. They will be
here on August 4 for the civic holiday th
meet, along withe beat trotter, and
pacers hi the Province. Goderich horses
participated last night and again to -
eight (Thursday 1 in the night meet at
An interesting visitor to (loder!ck
this week 1'. Thomas McGillicuddy. or
Toronto, who a half a century ago
wan ass11
associated with the late Dan Mc-
Gillicuddy in pubIishing The Signal. -throe yearn epi aboaaa 1Me•t244.
►ic•trddy left Goderieh to take a gov-
ernment,,Job --at tereeto,-Five gears
ago he was peudorted and being freed
from political ramekin' he Again took
to t6e hnst1ng and bas sinceRp
in the Liberal cause in twenty-elx oon-
rtifu.•udes. Mr. McGillicuddy 1n help-
ing the editor of this {raper in his
campaign and Is putting all his old-
time fire and humor tatty his address -
ea. He ha known throughout Canada
and United State, as a capable teeter-
er and entertainer, having made a
550110 -mile Chautauqua trip. 'Mr. Mc-
Gillicuddy came around to The Signal
offiee to get a miff of printera ink
and then departed for the township",
feeling and looking real fit despite
his aevaety-five years.
iftTug relatives laid 'menu - ...
cb and district. (expenses. A meeting of the eminen-
t/1i"Edra "art', of Toronto, is held last Friday I 1 t when
all hills were peened and ordered paid.
The citizens committee which bad
charge of the Dominion Day program
in Goderich this year certainly made a
fine showing financially, recording a
plusofover 41000, -after paying all
orf ,IPP WAN e r r ay a g e w
vitdting her uncle and aunt, Mr, and It wax l•Id
ned to give- sail la the
line'Thos. Swede. athletic nenoelatlon and $10 to the
Mr. and Mrs. C. Gibbons, Of De- fire brigade. Something over $.'IOO will
trete, are visiting at the home of Mr. go to the town •treasury. The special
and Vim. D. Brennan. bleachers proved a money -making
Miss Certherine -O'Neill has re- proposition. netting f244 ,pover and
turner) to Detroit. Mich., after spend- above the cost of their erection and
ing a vacation at her tome here. ring down. A 4s -tali d statement of
Miss Beatrice Henry, of Detroit, the day's receipts 1'. to 1* prepared
and pthtiwhed. Tbe committee tele
Apert the week -end with bet* father,
mt.ev. R. Seery itaheia Sued: year spent mor•- tame tetra! ---on adver-
Yr. and Mra i. } l1e t(rich, Of flora- asing, but they c sever,
Ir, Eine,rore- viAltlag at the home. fold. It peva to rdrertlae.
their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Macvicar.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 'E. Taylor. of To -
mato, were webk-end visitor at the
Tlw fund fn! tete care of negleyte(}
graves in Maitland cemetery,•
lame of Mr. and ]ars. J. W. Taylor. xt"ti►
Mies Alberta Yates of Chicago. in
"('red toy Goderieb Women's institute,
spending the Rummer at the borne of 1i steadily growing, having now reach
her mother. Mrs. Jas. Tates, West ted • total of -$144. Among recent con-
rtreet tributluns is one from /Ion. kir, Jus -
Mrs. J. E. T.orenston And son :of'Te. tive Gar•row, who described the fund
irate. are visiting at -the bowed Mrs. An- .wu
iia verk rihy objectmy 'Min-
In in-
Lorenston's parents, Mr. and Mra J. loo.' J. 1. l VanFvery, of Chicago. also
W. Taylor. 1 makes a handsome (meribution on be -
Mr. Leslie Er „ion the bait of his -sister. Mrs. T. R. Bothwell.
'tett et Sties tid *toren has of T.rtonto, cud himwlf.
bs -Uaa0areed _-*15 Vie -Lefler atMttnm .fu oontrlhntlons pre
I Elevators
Showing the Way
Oftemetatial Pats
&Pk losdpls for Month
of June .
11r John A. • larrinon has returned
team Port Hopp. where tot visited his
eouafhs, - Messrs. Arthur and Roger
!Miss Anna Dalton returner) to De-
s'-n..S_ of
past three weeks.
Mr. and Mr. A. J. Ituggle and son
Frank. of Floradale, Ont., were week-
end visitor, at the home of Mr. and
Mra. Geo. _MacViear.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Price and daugh-
ter Florence have returned fres a
week's motor trip to Toronto, Coboerg
and other eastern points. - --
Messrs. Harvey Burgess and
The July meeting -of Knox church
*raillery W. M. S. was held at the
home a Ore. Samuel Bisset, '•italtfonl
Heights" on Tueeiay afternoon. 1t was
very largely attended and was a very
Interesting am) enjoyable 1,gg. The
deve fo a1 exari•loree-were niton by
Miss -Maters-.-and Mrs. Oliver bark.
George Beittle, 04 Wingham, were
very fine paper on (1e liven of romp
week -end visitor, with Mr. Beattie'a "[ the nntetaudheg acne(' ,.,issiouwr-
brother, Mr. J. M. Beattie. les of the Chnn•h were given h7 Mitaa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kelly and two (Jordon.
eMrs. A. G. McDonald rend • Meter
ons, Ted and Jack, of Lexington,(
)(Pntucky. were recent vtsitore at the from Sten. Booth In whbis air '.ilei
hems of Mr. and Mr,. E. C. Belcher.'
after a hot journey.` they [fere
Mina Audrey Stuart has returned'permanently nettled in Titian, where
to her hone at Toronto after spend- ithry were sotre.Th atter an
lug two weeks' vacation with ber wereNw of four yea re. The children
w• M
were (11.1 old had 1 will them
uncle. and aunt.Mr. and Mrs. Rffi:
been s
M or ('hrie.tmaN •11(1 IN now at rn•hnd
• fiiil!"Hr'M: J'r"frf -aterltr'rtlrl atee nth ss .........,a
loon Jack, also M1es Begley, all of memories of her life in Goderich.
J{ Three; Iitlle grand-daughtera of dire._;
" Port Draw=leitea"*lit the home-etRis.'4'g-•ung sweetly- Tear will. 'served
-Mr. lige 1411.9.' A. C. Jackson, over the in the holes• soul in the verandah by
- •l1td, tier'•-Irgmt.-es - Mse .5h'ewgs Melt/01C-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Million and tis• president. expressed. Ileihanka of
1 Muna of Booabmn .1
tlN[u fpr ass.
gill the•nxl o
a Ilarv t .\
Iltammt. Mra.
were visitors- this. week at the homy Ar•hte Horton'. invitation. to hold the
NPtt•meeting at her home In tf.eburn
V/115 Nel't.•plteel.
Topples Fifty Feet
Down Embankment
James Steel Had Miraculous
Escape From Death Satur-
An strident. which might easily
have resulted to a fatality. new•nrred
about 10 o'clock Saturdaynl 1t.
a car driven by Jame'. Steel. of salt-
fort went over the lake hank at the
Routh -wont end 0 the town neer the
danet ng patvllIon . The ear toppled
down the embankment, w distance of
about fifty feet marl is a eompletee
wreck. Mr. Sleet the only oesepatt
of the ear. was thrown dear of the
wreckage. and Rustain.d a broken eat -
lar bona. --
`Steel had in some manner driven a
eonelderahle digitate* pant the end of
the regelarly need roadway on Wright
street. Persons nearby noticed the ear
peeeeediag over the rough field rimae
to floe bask. OA teeing the car dl.ap-
peer Ind besting the eramb they tooth-
ed to Um resets Tbe Injured man wait
removed to Alexandra Marine Nail
enteral hostels!' and on Reeday use
wa.t permuted to go to his holm. .
est first it was Ntstlght Mr. steals
1tt41e dstighter was Is the tar at the
time of the ereidmnt and a diligent
wartsmade for her This report
termed ee A► ht (slow se ship was Io-
catsd et the family bares. la 24litenni
of the uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. Mew.
Mra. J. C. Sutherland and M1.'.
Rena Sutherland have retuned .to
Toronto after spending . • few [lays Goderich Men are .
in town am the guests of Mra. Jatnetlf-
'araeqq, Arthur '.trOet.
Dr. J. E. end Mrs. Swarts and two
children and Miss Soltfe have returned
fn Pyrites, N.Y.. aecoapenled by Mr.
Kneed, Aware', Atter visiting their par-
ents, Mr. and Mra. Thor. i4wart'..
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fahr and two
Pons. IMrk and Francis, of Newark,
N.J.. Mr. Edward (iatzka and Mhos
Hetzka. of Platteville. Ont.. were weeek-
end visitors at the tions of Mr. Albert
Cox. East street.
Employed at Dock
This is Policy of the Contractors
-Present •Work Will Take
Months to Complete
On Tus.elay, et this week pliedrlv'
hag commendvst" iT the harbor for' the
Mem. 'Thomas (Soiree, t at.•nslon which I. -being built by
O'Brien end Mies irene• McPhee. ('f l the• - federal goverttuent to the` north
London,, spent Sunday at Mr, James I pier at (iadPHah harbor. Thin pier.
O'Neill's. On their return they were11((dish is 4214 feet long.' ' and will
acromnhrl by MIN, 1'.,rri.• M1.t',inn a' hconstrueted. must deet be tern
Willi w111 upend ROMP time in the city. du tirF:Tow the wader Tint. and built
miss Lucy Harrison, daughter of np with ('!Intoned rottenly five feet
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Harrison, of alwrve the !Wirer line. Thin la a foot
town. IINN sitee.etfully passed ti.e:ttethisr than the present concrete dock
jnntor piano examinations held're(ent;, built Inst year. A two -foot parapet b
hat(Ilnt m by the Tern Cunsre also heing built on
the north hseda the
story of Mune. Musk Harrlaon is a full length to break the wash of heavy
pupil mf Professor A. A niertott. ; seas, on the south . side of •the harbor
Mr and Mrs. Ed. R. Smith of Win- the pier will also be res gnatr cted
after the present undertaking la eom-
nipeg, their stn, Mr. (lordon Smith,
of Toronto, and their inviter -inn -
law, lire. Errol Nmlth, of f'hfcaRo,
formed a mntoriug parts who *visit-
ed Goderich on Friday last. Mr.
E. B. fimlth la a native ofkwlerlc
Aa (
e nd was ranch intermitted in looking
tip old haunt' the au(umilhtendent in ( harm At the
Mr. and Mrs Wallace Meaty end
daughter, Miss iksrnthy• of Toronto, present time a conalderahle member of
UaMNch men are at work and mor
were •limes herethe fore part of or.., , to he eanpluyedMr Angell A taffy
tide Weak, ading (poMrla the o1lt„ Tolley, of the contractor* tic td
Itinerary off a motor trIpp. TIM employ Levi (nen an much na prasdMe.
Only perm nerd '•key" tern from out -
pined. It la N. he of siallernature to
that on the nmeth.
TAI. work. which is of the great-
est importerwe to (lederleh, will take
several morttho to r•osplete and in be-
ing done by the Mende Ririe Cwm-
alrrurtIrth Co. of Windom. 1'. C. Angell
*bile grain shipments have been
comparatively light in recent mouth&
receipts at Goderich elevator during
June, amounting to 2400,447 bashels,
far exceed thecae at competitive do-
mestic points. The following state-
ment ehowa the amount of grain body was taken Noelay afternoon for
shlppeet_through tete Lake Shipper burial: She was forty-eight year of
(Immure A1oelatIon from Fort Wil-
[lata 7iitf Part A -ether -by, caster dC,d- ' -was einpraell.4 meatus__
bruise. :and :1 shaking alp The tour-
ists sire -en their way to Inverhuron,
wear i. IIN•y . pisannnt to •-amp with
:bicep M Wheel!
'1'he a.--ident-.xeurr.l at a culvert
over Dunlopis Creek, near the old Naf-
tel farm. The bridge le narrower than
the road and it Is said young McEwarn
in otarily drowning, failed to allow
for the IteeePaa change In his course
and plunged into the concrete railing
with terrific force. The car careened
and overturned o0 11 eoad-Mr*._ M
Ewan sustained fatal ,internal *AM
Deceased was Canadian -bora. daugh- Mr. _rad Mrs. Isaac Patterson
oi Woodateek, to which place the
ing the month of Jesse.
Port 1vi516ornd .
Montreal _.2,Ob7,T49
.... ...
Gsdatit h- . , , , . , .. • - 99e,447
Sarnia 59(1.093
Midland 240.779
Owen remind
Depot Harbor
Port ](cNirol
Buffett' e
few dry. Irrn t►etw of parllrnlar
intm-nnt to 342*.'•IMrothy Maaa,.j,,1e eel. -emelt here Keene 1t was het' asst visit here Ei.arat da work for 217 fee/ has
and beaua. ohm la a gr*nddaughter been dome and ew,nafAel ct(• for the fosR-
plPer villeins of Goderich, whose wools. it 1 'ea -tet) Tbe prrwpnt con
death occurred tele Mtract runarmedarod 148,000 and practic
Mane la now a Collegiate teeeher In ally All taw abeh la Mine rand In
Toronto 11 M films years ms air. addenda ad district in unit and
lines Platted Oode Ich - =steel*1 •
of the late Andrew Gesell, rine of .tel! 1
ng- -bl«s4y III comp.P
Elginvie ed the (wady and ndjourned until
Friday afternoon at :: o'clock, when .
all -particulars surrounding the acct.__
dent will to brought mit. lir. A. C.
Hunter will preside. The jury is com-
pled uof C. H. )lumber, W. McLean.
John Jobnt(toh, George Johnston,
110,194 Charles. Robertson, George McEwan
82,878 and George McVtear.
...., g$251 -- -
Nil The {rites offered annually by J.
Nil . _ Tone of Goderich, former rntblt!viougdy acknowledged, totalling $61, e_.-----' ---
- - - -• tratira were -win -1h= Year by rte. fole--- ---
the fellowing have been received: Mr. -rile regular monthly meeting of eh-- lowing: Gode'eleft vntit" - null, ''''''''r.reedie $5, Mrs. Harripoe sa, wa.a. J. meek Chapter. 1.0.D.E., wUl be held in Rtraughen. of S. M. No. It5, thin Wa-
Roblnwm el. Mrs. H. I. Strang $5, .1, the- ;public library on ;Monday. July WICUOPh. Who Obtained MIX Markt, , Ex -
Mr. Justin. Oarrow ;Ie. Mrs. H.J. VanEvery $25, W. J. Pammore se 21st. at 4 p.m. All members are re- eter centrete-Norepu Borland, of S. Stweeted tn he present. • - ' No. 2, Colborne. who had 578 marks'.
vgi.135 one-rocen rural schools obtaining the-- --
°1•000 hIgbent marks et the Entrance exam*.
To the ne=ot o Duron
Ladies and Glentlemen:- ,
I should like to address my remarks iia: this lett.'(perticularly to
those who, in this riding, have beeniidentified with the;United Farm-
ers or Progressives: I have never di ,,jiised tie Tact that I am in sym-
pathy with the bailie views Of the •'organized farmers' movement.
I have before me the declaration of principles of the Canadian Coun-
cil of Agrieultiire, ethieh sets forth in a series of fifteen paragraphs
the views of organized agricnitiire, and with thiu'declsreti(m N7 own
views coincide in almost every partieular. I'tnay say, too, that these
views are not of recent adoption: I have been advancing them in my
uewapaper and otherwise for many years.
The document setting forth the principles of the Canedian,Coun
eiI'of Agriculture is too lengthy- to1. be>d a fnlT, _snT' '
acmflf t.. ('rag ik"1""Lwit,it._1LSL • . , . (, ..
e tour) with regard to which there is no controversv. On the esu ,
pigs whin-areofimmeif Nle inTereit t alteksiil .I6it,'\'hetrras (rein-
eisely as possible:
(Condemnation' of Atvprinefpte -33•+•..r.•'
1 advocate a tariff as low as is consistent with the requirements
of the public revenue and the security of our producers. I favor
prngresttive . increases in the British- preference and eecipetrcal
treaties with eountries that will trade with. Mt on friendly terns.
"Rigid economy in pulilie finance; expenditures to be kept
within the limits Of Federal,revenue and provision made for the
ermine mpti7in -af"the national debt." _ - .
The Ring Government, which I support, has a splendid financial
record and has made large redactions in the national deer(. This pre -
gram of debt .reduCiion mutet-be,eontinned,.an4 extravagant: schemes .
for 'the spending of public money, such. as tine OppositioiF lender is -
proposin throughout the country, must be rejected.
"Collection of public revenue as far as possible by direct tat -
e n imposed with due regard t0_Bbi1_ tJ. to parend to the benefits
eived by the taxpayer.":
r . 1 favor the retention of the income tax as, one.,of '-the main -
sources of Pederatrevenue. The matter dealt with in this paragraph_
(silt. be of, iir reasing-importance as timelpeil. On',and the cnuiilrr •
develops."Tt is altogether too large a subject to 'be set forth in a
te'11"1hki tenses : I shall only say that I am in einem agreement with
tt ani d
views" ' know arebel byre retie of >w
the I d . p gMt1Tf ._ _ 4*R ,
agriculture and by many clear-sighted men who are not eonnee4eat
with ageiculture.,.- "
•"Reform'of tare Senate hued on the principle of elective dreg
er -
berehlp ,
1 should prefer abolition of the Senate if it could be broatin.-
about ; but failing that. I am in favor of doing away with its pow*ie
to 1eutttrate.the will of'the people ae expressed by the elected mesa -
tiers of Parliatlient. ,
• "Revision of the VeturalisatiOli'Act to provide for the persoad
naturalization of marAed women."
At resent a married woman is debarred p d f11T'ed
adios it' llitlf-
ship if her hlwhatld is not a Canadian citizen. I believe that a "minas
should have independent rights in tit ta-rea'pget,---that she should not
United- pnnsidelrt>!d for instance) a i rated- States eiti>ten simply because
leer husband it one,
"Election of Parliamentary representatives, wherever feasible,
under jhe system of proportional. -representation, Where single
member constituencies are retained election to be by means of the
preferential ballot."
This is a reform which I hive advoeated for years.
_ Itt Y ga/ e"lactrd, i'hall be glad to stand beside Liberals, United
Farmers, Prnaressivea, Conervetives or anybody else who will sup-
o}port the vievee here set forth.