The Signal, 1930-7-10, Page 2•
!--Thersday, Jody 1itA. 11M
00061110e : CANADA
ifawiar el Otiaaiewadew f) mews Assee- ed* Now
'Wetly in advance
Telephone U : Roderick. OM.
A. 1i1: Robertson, *dltor and Manger
everywhere you eo people reads*
that there newt be. e. moth prosper:
mus rectal In any part of the world
that we clod W our own Province of
What has happened In the Interval!.
The stoeek market crash. N
Prot -Metal nor •lees -.*ceders! Govern-
ment Is re eponslble for that : but if
r :*
* Special Session to Raise Tariffs
..•••=wr e
(B7 U. J. I)ett„chman )
Speaking at licleabntoo, en June t6,
0. it. B. Beunett mid :e
"I will esti Parliament together at
hnrsda7 *cera agthe Provtnclal vernment, the earliest possible eaemeet to provkle
eltaiwymalfirT.Gothe (lot.I al onto a reor4F• employment for 111
', July 10th. 1900
a great %Oleg
IR over Huron � a spleadi eiep
e[ bey Is beast .pelMassti'�L
- $.640 /1 will e4 as Well
emptiest !6 -adatbeest OW. 'Tb decl-
Mos of the lector of the riding not
Ye rims a taltdtdate M a wipe one.
• • •
The victory of Jaen Oast at Hen -
had dime Its duty thousands, perhap l'arllameut h to be rolled it Mr. Bea -
millions. of dollars of lots to the nett i•omes to unser. Herr that gaffe-
woad.- of 11144 Province might have maul Iotes oarllaments! Ile wanted the
becu *remelt 1101~ to alt In continuous session
• • . runt% retaliatory legislation
The imperial erpert of tlte,eleetkm' it alar Americans ranted feet tariff.
Find thet- leen dote Parliament would
issuer le vomica:' lours ittni-1101a.-k`,:yoot,eat:"twugh last summer, sat all
the gaff ae the campaigli prongs**. !mit' winte , kept on sitting while the
Tbe-clunuing batiste, with its radical Western grain. resp was going In. sat
tigtaislah of the British preference, as tee tartness watched the winds slow
alala to bung together ale vactoga
and the nine come. and finally the
florae would have done something or
}trt d Ib. bowoom E "Plre as a cum- other to regard to the tariff. the
moult, Of mutual interests trade weary watclwra on the HUI sot thee
and emematce. From etirej..-.gsrte ut bare departed for their borteelo the
the Empire has already rope a cordial early da71 of Jose, 1900. Illfrw-OIr.
Bennett baring .Halved one aseltal
rtapoise to the invitation held out by wants another: u pants the heat
the Owning budget, and a great for cooling streams. so marchetb Mr.
wave of gratitude has swept over the Bennett for sessions of the Howe of
Mather Country us ber people realise Cummtona
the vast puaalbilities of the wove- Speelal 8es•Isa tK ,aria IalwM*Ow
�A special session 10 whet!
`To provi•W remedy for unemploy-
ment," .ay► Bennett.
is that tree!
Let us ee1L
On Hard' flet. 1ISS, A.- A. ' it Ilia.
Into the epthss t
a reeolutbn that "ii to *its of
the House the Government IltlruId take
immetdiate action to deal w(�j nn.-
ploTment." The debate on the question
continued with minor laterruptio•s wa-
di April 8th. Ke mbe,. flea nearly
every Prortsce In Cambia spoke upon
the question. Nest the .ihe.hsdkee,11
probably occupied the Moll important
position of any debate during tie sees
Moa A nom1er of Conservatives epobe
on it-el1r. Bennett dM not speak. The
value of unewployatent as eked*.
propaganda badstoet yet fully dowsed
upon ham. There wen la style stapes -
lion. purporting to laar-issstrastlrr,
made by a Cosssrvattw.Aare the time
worn shibboleth -rake the tariff -
keep out foreign Goo. *od thus ears
nnestploymest The epeeist wages, It
Whet by 11r. , to deal with nes
emplaya•st. would he a stowten to
raise the tacit[. That 1. why he pro-
poses to oat! 1t
p �AWss sites _
The flew. -shall he the _ Meme
ilio. eshsete for i.Mer sg
stmt. he said:
*Mew important still : Inslp.d of
providing week the Oanadtias he t as-
eda we have bees baring la ether
countries that wMsb.•*e M1euld make
_la other saes tariffi --Zan*
ode as nearly prohibitive as possible.
We should awake the same effort. as
Australia is giddier. We should cola
the 1' P -
ley *fain brisehbltaism•nd Scalia. meet. Great Britain has always been
9th ada'r best customer, and tt k only
emblem of 111* wall' chamtrinnshtp, tial*g that any trade 1s -
to Canada. Torooii has a proud seceerl-r -tbhl mutter has t0 give should
m the home 114 lU muter..
Lord W llltngdsa.- Gorernurl,enaral. _Md w he jelel� to thea- lama - At
sate that Masada is at the present e!ommunit7 oTLa maaL7wEedtiplhhas6t
,, serially the
��And lila lDzcelloeelq
• • o• p to fttallR: Rah zs Woo frisedl,
t the beat mai* la aha world ld of trade with Great Britain meas ea
t-ultlranom of the Brl1lrb
his Make for P•rlameat. either market for Canadian wheat and other
• �. them products. and consequent pros-
.1110000. Sod l■ plow TaSc State tat �lonrtt and diem Lra'at
( RKIM. l• ee)r
Canada are excellent Yet -etre people .=Heal. B. B. plMawW. vativp
would, have Canada_ imitate United Mader in Canada-, _Is trying to aalle
=ix the Teens *snot moose-
• he a1. or at afiee l and tor Canada
eattarW at
100.000. hi cosparlaone-11 4tio8s
States flans! policy. unemployment a political issue. He
"9W10 caused that noaipploytlteatl
Why. the TIonaWben °oversewn when
it elmawd the Britt schedule's,' ,
1t lar. 0nths1� cane to Mr. Meg.
nett•s special aMtioa, sou( he *pt bet
aptaMt lscrsmmd tariffs 1a the craw
aatiNala his ewe ladadgl
It tan$ do sot lameata unless.
why 1* it t we give a>tastttactaseee
a rebate the 4*IJ psM »ass the
taw we lmp1tted wheat the pea
duets mad' there raw materials
are attiewartle- esport•d.
The teat le tariffs do Increase prices
and that bolls as • general rule nave
up the plea this lad y, and ' It ul the gees . zt1! - ms's
LhtN ••hsx23C. la�e"La oto litlwe to rxport�
At�CM�`1!!� 'e'rfct6 gaper+ ..
wild_ - -Qa,T• tarwef)e Now it every cation rakes tariffs
rhe primary producers. the mummers or adopts at, ezclaatte"po11t7 of "bay
of (-abode would have to foot the hill. sr home" w1Wt followit! Patine go up --
The -i,urdeu would fall on thew consumption declines There are teas,
Where elands Yr. 8teveue? product* ode througbnut the oatlre
Ills whole Ute dace 1011 aaa'been a world. There arefewer men employed.
pnwe poem In favor of blather tariffs. L,ea. clouds are ezchanged. bnaloeu, de•
He tesgbt n etemmotw ng4t aptnet cmele.. We have unewploferent sad
the reduttlou le the duties on *,rtes!- cul session. of Parttament-cadet!,
tura} Implosion's and autumobiea. •• if -lar. Bennett k in power. to !Decease
lla power wore hi* he wo.M restore tariffs and incr.sre unemployment.
these duties. 11 be would not do so, Where Winds the West In tela gun -
he would be untrue to els promisee. 1lOn!
Let anyone wee doubts fhb search the where sands the agrleultural pope -
pages of Haapied and read the emu- tattoo of Canada?
meals of Mr. 7teteus. In every ase .4 tariff of that kind b suicide -yet
en increase fret imports seeauv nothing that 1, precisely what we will set 1f
to, him ramie a lucrerse of unemploy-
ment. He fails to saw that in every
tear In Canadian history and In the
history of other mations, Increased im-
ports and increased uneatplo went go
And the Others
Follow the unemployment debate.
trona ataPt to Mash. it was the same
throughout. TlrEre. wee Mr. Church
that industries
r m* ny
from the U.& M (leron7. and IdT
J. ti. Harris. the gedlenaan from Tt o
rynto-- Scarbnm, who plated on
record the figures of imports, other
than agr enitural products. showing
that Imports almost doubled between
1622 and 112k, knurls/ the feet that
enaployment increased is that era more
rapidly than la aids ether period la
(;*salon b1:
Or -Wort gess-M er than tirle
statement from Ott. Ryerson:
'While there are unemployment
problem,' and trade depreeatn through-
out the world the rendition/in Canada
are. In opinion. canoed by the poll -
cies of t I Ooveraai nt In lowering the
tariff ,seyiemla_certaio linea of is-
dscry. . , - ,
Swim- Ube dear old Mr.
a -.p_. -r of
Nova Seeds mob Sttet ice aught
to be. His dlrla Out industry
knows no 'cels metier the
simple as�that Canada was
for tb.rra,7tf�"
Canada b all right. The 0147 ttOsbie tries to -tis' : 44e putty o
b that some of Canada's customers Ret. eralla tuitional* that 1f
are herd up and cannot boy what she viorled' tj ld ;la0$dlatel7
hes to sell. The King Gorerneseot an- (real • witspeh 114 on Paellet pe to
tical wire roe akiMtba. inlet people
sot be blamed for depression a Other are aaskise Is the' : 1f Mr. Bearer has
countries that reacts unfavorably apes a aolatba toe w0apb700at 0147 did
rode a. Ito - Weir- la whoa went
$ i
•T- '41 •
Sea a Wiese WWS f of HIS war how heli tit Mist
.-daatv0agsa • itis fust
POagesalve* he tar . >M. ( .
tart;; hal Idler nit. p1 kenwto assist day akar 4ay 1 net-
candidates tai'- .the Federal tor .was -
would t' lin to Mese ex -
House. The' leaders mat lx',,4y a inti piirlkment 1•
realise that the hope of flute .p.tijt •edslon. it b animated that
tadnOW - each a seaeloo. with the partial or per -
fdee it the/King Oaverstaoat-- h together
• • • pale the member. together with Me
e•tder expensee of the se ido.. would
Oi'lleiaf Aintree- iihew t1 Tstatpto7- the country not fir short of two
- , .. punt in Canada..b eat_ ma severe asrck
million ,llara We laagise the un
jay bare been The state-
tak m of mist tee thew tar wvretaa" o[Jtatistics to •
- - dt t a-" Inning-vtt--
Nadal the make, of Mas ahtp
- Sorther_,_prononoc d menta front Huron county totalled
\ Sfx11 according to •report Just leaned
vont -1a a stege favorable by the Itepartmrmt ut Auric
itlrere. Of
_ egaga st than as Jima i of all other these ' 1735 were 'select ba 4m. 2908 ba-
empties of 1133." Conditions In this
eouotry are aggravated, no doubt, by
the return of many Caaadans from
the Fatted States. where there are
Wiliam -of unemployed. It is maid
there are -mare eopde overt of work In
the city 0t twit alone than in the
whole of Canaehi. - ' :oe.•�
I • • •
What was the ams- .4 -.the alumtf
last year in tbe Cacho wheat trade!
The queatkm 4aa_ chit been gnde
_ pot Wait.
sobbed frost iar-
f, to Tavel -0 aft
the answer Iles- 1n
bang thrown oh
000rsest. A.
today Nlrht
the bargain reenter. prices of Argett-
-.o,- ..4•tilrtj4.:00,4he410ideCIW*Tnn
- •.•-----§+•a E�aasHetl-_es-ie
1 ___T__. len wheat pmts wheit illtbalS
*tit Aeeil4t`lfll ttR[Cf.. of
ere. Returns of shipments tnrleft
from Goderl•h,-222 from Mei)
from Auburn and 2121 Hones toasty
loon Is.
leskally as able earplug.
with kin arse
were being rut
wade for Brill*. Illaplre Stool Osspor-
ti•a. and faitEs 'should be
The Edmonton Joan& ighting the
hlgllighte of Mr. speech
sl.gitik att`this tt�� - tIMI�i-etro
Prehreling proelfe• ' daayd these mem ltf will i* a weataO��aWsd
b dation. of-H*0.**- tt h1,
allate.ed throughout the volute of
IM.,year'e aeawbn It runs Omagh the.
QIN*Os onenaployment from page
1.11111 to 1425: It's a plan for drltt-
tbr protertbs-for more protection -
for extreme protection --for excludes
-or as sear ezehul.a as It Is peaIbfa
ismelha.traew, to -
That note war sounded not 1017 Wee.
delete on unemployment but
out the whsle eoatrwe.sBl..
get. His regnant in every'
party's lith
It Mr. Bewett'o special tealaa o[
dotwll�cai mansIt wW iciepenie
Ian "products." That tamest meats 1.ot the osteualble W.111 -l? 11lgiae
the annum., of.the Triti % preference. -� unemploymrst- It:wBI is s.asMMn
1tae 01mast Price illteletor of stir ast to�iac tesse Ihe tariff.
It will to a direct t*taterpert of
' .
Jct'. Goad, ea* *}peak- of farm relief. and which develyuriMlb
ept into
unemployMent debate bee hermK deb*eeb,.
cited a tate where ' a factory was gwanetp'sf polity is the American
cloned la h1s own city, then mid: of tariff exclusion. He copies
tb0 niGrt Skate. even to- the retest
ot.htslag a special arsdon. called for
our purpose---derotrd to another.
The tpet•al seeelun In the Ualted
States was called to deal with farm
relief : 1t was devoted to tariff exploi-
The special pension In Clnada would
ba milisd_to dial wd$h its empkaasept
In taaaaMz•M 41...L&1.raising
MAY ..
heart eft bsRao.armed. The
Mate Aow sup
Weekly Press tll.eeat R
p>/ gots bate *ewe
spaatfbb, as well 1t nisi. is *Maw
Albert Cloglia Of
Atwood with thI*g. In genera follow -
lug • motor creak near London, one
day lata week test be Gold lnf• damaged
sir. a coupe. toe 01U at the scene of
the an•Msut, but 1t ls' not stated
whether or not he vowed then sad
there to newir Will drive an automo-
bile. Coglie was climbing • steep 4111
whys a doctor from $ebringvtlle at-
tempted to past his the. On trying bo
avoid a tolldlon Rhe doetorjr 017
toned ('oeln into the ditch and after
clewing the wreck Coglla decided to
wash 41s kends of the chariot. "(Hee
me tea dollars for 14e 'meek," shouted
.l,tlaert, throwing up his kande. The
offer was accepted by the garage men
soul Albert called 1t it days
Mr. Bennett carries out his promises. Tina Barrie Eztnal�r baa a word
No Fhng-wstt�g flute !elan 8f prslre for Stmoree county edsnell
(Brockville Itexoa.Mr sad Ther) in Its action 1n reAutu>♦ the Warden
No ore ...founding •peetsde h11. an is91 whet bosorarlum this year, an
attetde whtei► was t by toe
been presented In the roues warden maim. I1psa les h its .regi•
present compalgu than that of port ow councilor argued for the %-
like lir, elssnrtt and Mr. Cal*, *Ghee mean betsllate of t60 hears earwigs
need to make the ratters ring urltb *bleb fell to tbA Wardens lot fog
their pro e.tat*ous of unalterable do- entertainment during eassioaa. "11.•'
mottos to Great $ringln and who were
woat to wrap thaatwlvea 1s the Union
task • irkinilelar time rolled
a tariff pro-
w7--emtie to the relief
of the British tm autacturer asd the
usempis1ed Bret* worklagmen, not
• t the espem•e M" °toadies a saafac•
Mere and srtltess but t• ea WOO
tat the Aa.rlan prwiaeemli feels
spode wW now ester 0elmiR; da11 a
severe- OaadMp.
One does not have` to 1�ervitey
tar In tbe polltie.l blether , 0-f_l the
laminas to remember the,�' !alt o1
Coorervative orators 10 aass�sy
that party a monopoly o! ittectlod
and veleratils for Great Britain a
Delilah connection and r breeding as
dlnnle7•l +kawe-eke bed --the
to disagree with them. Their Inteineer-
!ty b deHaltel7 proved In the attl-
tede wiieh the seine individuate have
n ow taken towards the Blithe prefer -
wee pmpod.l of alts King liberal ad-
ministration. •
'Sit k the tadt.I4ssI sed trot the
crime that timid be kedged and sew-
tweed."� ____ tl=� s••••'•
their oopeelipr wb•at;it the
lug para rot mach interior ArRnurtt"
. wheat. The British m}Metre, aeemriing
to tela writer, made enormous profits
from the u.. of cheap Argentine
wheat, no corresponding reduction be-
im made to ter enlnnsrl*s public In
the price of the loaf. it Oelliambe time
for the 'British people / to• riel}ne Hi*
troth, hot 1t has bola 4iatorersd at
last. and the restart 0t iikrodirtU given
in the Donning h dgr't bas.beea me
Additional teeter IT illnumselnet Oto
Country @sentiment In tient ot`fasiladd,
Now.. the "Empire (oaf" la thing mold in
*rest !attain. end ('+Iasdiee "Wheat la
noels, acmes the ocean In Increasing
Nothing the Matter with Canada
it Dominion' 'Day Stock -taking by Frank Yekh, in
Toronto Saturday Night. _
-• It Is a good thing sometimes to look
k sod see what proems wr`iave
made over n period of year*. This is
what Frank Teish does for Canada
s-0* -ell lgW1= r _
SPIN ��a--
are almew►tWrl1 In
Ir 111pa1 31r_lt yaw affty-
t betw trf'Dbmi%ion
Dal. 1100: i . `.the. Qwlida of the
nailer Years : et, Mort. Here
iris Mein nit ieettr:
'kitty nide -• Yea will provide
many eeitikageo of Me degree
of daieleiltleat dears -lbs little more
than half- eltnry AWL The data of
'01 and Setweee.ting�sa�a tri that period
appear extremely -ad low wheu
compared with tut today. The.
flitter* were in Me hundred thousand
cline then: now it is Ilse billies, and
the billion plum. *that tell, the story
of Nineteen -Thirty. Column', would b1'
Mgntor! to tell It from this angle 1n
full: only a few• spcimenm need be
went toned.
The population growth -slow as 41
1$ to some ---has nearly trebled: the
foreign trade has leeward twenty-
fold. aqd trade per capita baa tinea
from $40 to $2(IO. The score of mnn-
trim with whk'h Canada did inialtnttlta
In the IateI 'slate's now excy'ed,; a
headrest. The per meta wealth ham
mote then doubles) in the past thirty
yam. Mining proelacttoo has Jumped
free. to AIM) mtlllonm. Manufaetur-
tnk os "another startling In-
c •m 2110 millhmm 10 three and
make the 1:1 unlllon of 1)87.11 dwindle
W very anuli proportions. Lira otea•k
-hail %creased nve-fold fir member
with ^.a) million now and represents,.
together with poultry. • value of a
round b1Woa
Ito the story might be .iteended
cotimnarrrE-e- er7 dt mrirt-t
preduetIOu Increasing .tuts -fold: pulp
amt piper exports from nothing to
nearly 'YIN Wilkins in value. water
110esw01 development from nothing to
itetween five and Glx million hone
pewee._ with an invented capital near-
ing the ?Animndoilar mark: tad reli-
eved mules." increwed twenty tame.
NCotwithataudlag the temporary hum-
ane re ewdon there mewl t. be •
cones erahle gqpntlty of arse? is
,lrealetloe,,m toned on undertattap
wily gay
under wTaw tier tee
stare methoan oriiiiWiteveraments
-federal a*d.pewrlmeft}-prdnee well
over • half a blflIon atonally. and
prsetlafly all of it is ripest and there-
by re in•ntated. In public works. cost
of governments and through other
('baanele. Our natlote! credit mato-
tains ata relatively high poaltlm*,111d
(road notations continue to *lid A
ready market, white the ('anadan
defier maintains Its premium ptmitlon
-althmtgh One wo•n4d like to have Its
purchasing power greater.
The railways keep on ,*'+ding nail -
Hone. many- on Pztenalnta. Improye-
Ments. new IRatitua and hate le. and
cquipArnt. .The Bell Telephone Coot.
pony la in the daldat M • big outlay.
Skyscrapers to many cites advettbe
the Pact thin building ron*truetinn hen'
billion. or eighteen -fold. with not lessened. In tact the figure* than
(nrested capital moving up frog 711 far for 1180 are uweenring up well
millions to four and a halt b•,i�llow�, or with the high menden, of lion year. A
a sixty -fold lacre•ae, with a 7050 mewed new bridge to being completed
trebleel. every once 1n a while. and immoral
Not • bed showing for 1191111110 tor- new ones are projected.
erd! An equally Menthol develop All the water transportation ILn
mart Is 'Mown In Conti ng with depots- ere adding to their /net. sad the pro -
It. climbing from 33 II04. to over emotion M nate,' 'Comte liners that
two billions : W 1d419 capital from' go now steely out of our eastern and oast -
Willow to wen dyer'uhelliTMfd lilt Wen points would make the feta of
Ems, fad twee% or 'terve and a -heft the Sixties end '$evratl.o look like
Milton. 'Pertly Canada. Is .now it 811- terries In ornnpirloo0. And. 11y the
Icon-Volar-('ortntry same t*M. extrenalve enlargements'
The Mx billbas of life iWarance poi- and improvement's are ander way 1n
h•im In form' overwhelms the mere 15 every one of our deep -met porto. all of
millions et Conferleratlna-with t per !bleb nre,eheerful algna of prosperity.
(Vestments an Canada tmrp fluted -
ere are ,tnlforeily encouraging and
nattering. and It may not lie mom -
wry to disown( then too severely. A
recent League of Nations bulletin
*aye fhtat the rate atgewtltb of wealth
per capita int the }sop *Wt 4 Canada
during the pest (weals year• bee
sever Moen achieved by any a titer
Hos..ilo!wfrd molt line• Prowler of
Ontario, % oih -Abd-111111"retkistlb-
maklnj bale rule helm eGei the an s'tl
iiipt fa detest. the Mai llovernment.
at 16111 '(Aunts iIflths • worn -the Anton
11191ntlama*Inn hilneelf appealing to
*hr peeps 'ter a renewal of cvwfloi-
ence b_.k Qu7i1'haeltt. and this 1s
"whet he. said+ at, fine flaw:
"If you COI tern luck to 1923 you
win nor that the value of the farm
pr.ilkie _In the Prove, a was about
tsar hundred millions of dollar). in
"76104 ft extwdrl (MM1 milling of
*Mttarp. That im dee. Mr. Chairman,
to sitBcMn0T In method and more in -
j lftpenre In earrying-on the Itainetry.
Iseo id the teeming' tali leas beep
1p*ligkt *bent by our - mtheational
icedieds with mom, to t great
isdantr7. Why, the agrienittrlalwe•lth
of the Province of (Mario In the
Mae period has Inrresatd one han-
and Mtj mutton dollar.. Will
illieb.d7 my that than tin In not mak- eseilit flgteree laereaaing ftlit fo
tw M etrldes. if 7nfr'w'flt hour PIM fader. The 10 tone serer under
nor p enittvttlon In MO have Inermaed to
the record, pmt will find that to,
million today. -with a 'allies aerie
bring elided annually. No Wader cls
wain yield haw Moen It properties
and that the grow ■grk'%lteral week
ham locomen Tito -toll, in kesplse
with Mese I)ia figtirwk agFt('*Itsrel
prow of well over ■ halts • hlllhm
del -elopement in the n 1111 Pi month's
,of oto year OM) there was invad-
ed la °stark a record mum of NIP,
boa The mosey mod he available
Orr propte Met litraakIng program
It on1A be. aNNea r aake a latah
Iolliay for Were% Aspflsl. �s/thalan
nal other prominent / manafeetewore
vibe bevy been ernes -so the femme of
expectation for yearn looking for the
glortona type of haalwt while woe
coops -40 them _Er! 'rut*rjf built
lines -of the Anerfeon tariff w
r-e41r&llIctolmaiy pr'o4weemPoa it
da.ot d to the task et Raskin* the
rich, rieher, the poor. poorer- a tariff
for mllliosaln.' new!
Tariffs and l:aemp47meed
As a deflate and epeettle fact.
which time w111 peeve and eeo.eale
research verify. the preiner7 Canoe of
unemployment today is all its world-
wide remaketfaa0 is world Welk
it li 110* the rely Gena. bet It is one
of the most potent. deep met. powerftd
of all the fortes operating to creed.
the mealtime which wow exist.
Let us •.suns that tariffs are.
retied mat only IDT*0n14M but to other
Perla of the were. Then it follows, as
the night the day. that prince will in-
e•rvuae. for tate tendea•y of tariff, at
all awe le .to increame pekoe. in the
.words of Lord Bnlfnwr: "if they fell
to tnpeease prime they NB 11.-4004111-
ldkh the pnrpome for whit* thief
were med.."
.But Inereesed tariffs *Ill 4 bike
dlwwt n uniforms price tm• throagI-
nt the world. The pries% of iwilliort
opeeldnet* will not, he nerewe the
peke of .ec0ndary and tertiary pro -
dodo sial. The Wlatcrn wheat
grower will get no more for him
wheat. He 0111 get. tem. If we do not
boy we amok sell. In the Mme way
the rice gnome of /enon wail suffer.
as also the cotton grower. of Egypt
and the U. B., the coffee of Brasil: the
tubber planters of, Suysatra. We shalt
have a poorer world. reduced rnanlmp.
theta, n redaction In exchange of Inm-
lltodltle.. limited prndtsMbn. more mil.
theatres aid: Istie.pto - •p esecop..:-.JL
budgie with Increased tariffs 101 bed•
get to home* unemplogliMat a
poverty. '
- -
Tariffs mid
Rhode r.r'r'm 'r.
the orlon hag mire ql
the retire r'epabl1e of China.
8DiTOR'S New Dl1T1ES
To the duties of the editor of a week -
17 newspaper Slam llardipg. of The
Port Rowan News. has added that of
-warier.- se -t1400..•taMp:•.that
natrtmonla} Map although the editor
daps not state fast what Ids mselifka-
sae in this reaped. Here M what
r. Was to lay: J► lot of bvel, itirle
in the miasmal? ate pisawlee
marry 4ariag the eosaMg yea Let as
give- SAnawows edMiSC >Dreat'duarrel
autll the brldsF MSW: 11 s
threw for a peed 7oase -weals& to
quarte*( with Ser iesbe.0.a esu
st111 a beide. 1f Jew •14 -bead bM' *
*ore thumb. baby -him W -*pie►
nice this. to oat. tf M li rel ins
self. Babying and
cess that sever fall. saes are beta
babies, and a good assn is saver able
to tree himself from hie cradle exult
anew. It takes ■ well-belalitrd wire
with the sweetness of a loving woman
to balance hete1K a this pati But
beide early whoa your heart M yeast
and Your sod full d gtadweell See
never let your bund tad *ills
tier! It all tease wow. _�
way Oaarlo w.sld here so *tad for
a divorce court" . ,
sale The E awtaer. "ane tuuncdler
wet* 10 gree the Warden retie let
him motive for a redietlos in eatar-
tatsmamt. Attach of It Glatt be elimin-
ated without aa7ose mfdrg tl great-
ly. It is an lapae)tloa to expect the
Warden to spend mast of his honor-
arium nu entertaining the openly
couacors others.' That.'argo-,
at, like ay other argmasNe.
may go over I1h the readies
wet, l�tMdC
but est with the pittiebe w
Is that !t
Nat good waders MAT
be Netted Warden*. That's the
vertiseseat a town euw Men-
the Iespfr'attoo for cetera
it be said la this rerpset that
seed sot take oft its het to a0F
in Ot• and added,
1 boulevards.
As a matter
tart a visitor the utkee day' teaarka6
*bat the engineer who�GGad-
reteh moat have had 'a ion
that the motor ear wattle one day M
14e most popular sad .rntioadtid mode
of transportatiou and the tourist hme
Ines one et the Province's meat
thriving industries
. i
The traveller soca finds that Brno
mix. la Belgium. is Bruxelles ; lira*
Copenhagen it Schaller*: that VNs►
na, is Wets and (Jaoafaatlaople is
Fear OW Gesesasr
A college lnetructor Rads that not
one in ten of Ills students of Lhtdkh
speaks according to the rater of Syn-
zo-tax. The old grammar she ain't what
she used to 11e.
likststhing new and mint commend-
able In the way of jouraalistk effort
on the part of a weal,'
eras the review Is the J
ftp Hewer gardens of that
Imagine that rt. Marys, Iia*
)cit, has bees hiding its light ead•r a
bushel with mese* ee ala
flower prtisat whkh
few weeks hare been at
The Journal -Angus . is
unsightly areas haw
talo spots a hes
ar ret an old o
*lisle two lov
all kinds
eembiartiwlh tfle
Flegstese path' haat
Ott-- '
or at stalip r1aOl :aafA
ailed INA' titya fliolm fro
nosier 464pageksa-siolitdiso
_ . 6011.- Jl
I1r.11 Om= ho
The STOP signs oet streets and highways are -there,*
protection. They proteayon rid all other drivers ,olilytO die
extent that /al Obey them.
There's a -STOP sign at every
Highway and at in of mem -other
and streets. Be nee *ern-. it Yogi Will* lad*
accident reeulta you are reeponsille.
ilsesphed with the law by comingi‘a tall stop,
....0111114011.3 care in entering the traffic strew, of a
The Keystone • Safety
en The King's ilhibesi
iad oil ether reps esti *tete -