The Citizen, 1987-09-30, Page 10PAGE 10. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1987. As if the midway doesnt provide enough thrills of its own, these two Wednesday at the Brussels Fall Fair. One grabbed the foot of the other boys added a little extra fun as they whirled around the swings as they spun through the air. Huron East Wl executive meet at Listowel Students demonstrate baking skills The District Directors of the Huron East District Women’s Institutes met at the home of Mrs. Peter Dekker, in Listowel for an executive meeting on Monday, September 14. The President, Mrs. Ted Klaassen, presided for the meeting. It was announced that the County Rally will be held in Londesboro on Monday, October 5. The Area Convention for Guelph Area Women’s Institutes will be held in Atwood on October 29 and 30. Each branch will donate items for the craft table, the value of $7 - $10. Plans for the District Annual, which will be held in Moncrief on May 10,1988, were discussed. The theme chosen for this meeting is “Speaking Out For Women”. Mrs. Ruth Galbraith, of Brus­ sels, reported that those members who attended the 90th Anniversary of F.W.I.O. at North Bay, in July, 1987, enjoyed a very busy, and informative schedule of work­ shops, speakers, and fellowship with members of W.I. branches from all over Ontario. The branch- Continued from Page 9 Dana Gibbons, Sibylle Menzies. Notebook, "Geography” - Boys - Jason Koetsier, Scott Patterson, Greg Mulvey. Girls - Sibylle Menzie, Latsamy Larprom, Dana Gibbons. Workbook, "Spelling" - Boys Chris Bridge, David Smith, Greg Mulvey. Girls - Dana Gibbons, Melanie Vermeer, Sandy Earl. Workbook, "Math”-Boys - Jason Koetsier, Greg Mulvey, David Smith. Girls - Sibylle Menzie, Ann Morton, Patty Knight Project Book, "A Prominent Cana­ dian” - Boys - no entries. Girls - Ann Morton, SibylleMenzie, Mary Wall. Poster, "Advertising a Book" - Boys - no entries. Girls - Madeline Ryan, Shelley Duskocy. Art, "An Antique” - Boys - Shawn Jacklin, DAvid Smith, David John­ ston. Girls - Janis Cardiff, Madeline Ryan, Shelley Duskocy. Craft, "Layered Tissue” - Boys - Chris Bridge, Steve McCutcheon, Greg Mulvey. Girls - Janis Cardiff, Donna Gordon, Michelle Freeman. Collection, "Open" - Boys - no entries. Girls - no entries. French, "Maintenant j' habite” - Boys - Chris Bridge, Scott Patterson, J asor. Koetsier. Girls - Ann Morton, Sibylle Menzie, Melanie Vermeer HOME & SCHOOL Kindergarten - A booklet of "My House" (min. 3 pages) - Sarah Exel, Mandy Sellers. Grade 1 - Picture made from buttons (9 x 12) - Cynthia Dewit, Heather Douma, Christina Dewit. Grade 2 - A toy made of carboard rolls - Jamie Thomas, Kirk Baillie, John Lowe. Grade 3 - Party hat for a birthday - Sharon Brubacher, Sara McArter, Kelly Hayden Grade 4 - A wall hanging for your room using assorted fabrics (12 x 15) - Amy Thomas, Shawn Stewart. Grade 5 - A best witch made of any material - Stacey Hunter. Grade 6 - Any article made using a paper doily - Ann (Jhler. Grade 7 - Fridge magnet (felt) - no entries. Crade8-clothespinarticle-no entries. BAKING Kindergarten & Beginners - Open Face Sandwich - Trevor Wilson, Mandy Sellers, Sarah Exel. Decorate 1 cookie (not exceeding 6") for Valentine's Day - Trevor Wilson, Darlene Hemingway, Sarah Exel Grades 1 & 2 - My favourite after school snack (2 articles) - Cynthia De Wit, Krista Hunter, Christina De Wit. An Apple Head (edible) - Christina De Wit, Jamie Thomas, Cynthia De Wit. Grades 3 & 4 - 3 cupcakes decorated for Easter - Amy Rush, Shane Wilson, Natasha Beirnes. 3 ways to serve eggs - Jennifer Machan, Sarah McArter, Laura Douma. Grades 5 & 6 - 3 ways to serve your favouritefruit- Kent Bray, Becky McArter, Kara Kerr. 5 peanut butter cookies - Ryan Finch, Danny Mitchell, Sandra Bridge. Grades 7 & 8 - a banana & nut loaf - Nicki Gropp. A vegetable & dip tray - no entries. VEGETABLES Kindergarten, Beginners & Gradesl & 2- thelargest potato - John A Lowe, Jeff Finch, Heather Dobson. 3 table cucumbers - Matthew Cox, Cheryl Kerr, Adam Crawford. Grades 3 &4-3cobsofcornona plate - Natasha Beirnes, Amy Rush, Shawn Nicholson. A vegetable toy - Shawn Nichol­ son, Wanda Martin, Amy Rush. Grades 5 & 6 - A cartoon character made of vegetables - Ann Uhler, Kim Foxton, Dale Wernham. 3 varieties of squash - Ann Uhler, Robbie Cowing, Johnny Miners. Grades 7 & 8 - a wrestler made from vegetables - no entries. 5 tomatoes - Darren Johnston. FLOWERS Kindergarten & Beginners -1 rose in a container - Trevor Wilson, Ainsley Wilson, Timothy Van Veen. 5 petunias in a mug - Darlene Hemingway, Chad Fisher, Sarah Exel. Grades 1 & 2 - an arrangement of flowers in a pop can - Heather Douman, Jamie Thomas, Christine Rutherfod. 5 blooms of French Marigolds - John A Lowe, Heather Douma, Andrew Exel. Crades 3 & 4 - an arrangement for a coffee table - Darrell Uhler, Amy Rush, Jennifer Machan. 3 Dahlias - Shawn Stewart, Shawn Nicholson, Jennifer Machan. Crades 5 & 6 - "It's a Girl" arrangement for a baby - Karie Rutherfod, Stacey Hunter, Becky Earl. 5 wild flowers in a container - Ann Uhler, Stacey Hunter, Danny Mit­ chell. Grades 7 & 8 - A Thanksgiving table arrangement - no entries. A bouquet of mums in an unusual container - Krista Hastings, Darren Johnston. SEWING Kindergarten, Beginners, Grades 1 & 2-apictureof a house using scrap material on bristol board (9x12)- Krista Hunter, Heather Douma, Sarah Exel. Crades 3, 4, & 5 - A place mat for Christmas - Amy Thomas, Amy Rush, Kelly Hayden. Grades 6, 7 & 8 - A handmade stuffed toy - Jay Hahn SCHOOLWORK Grades7 & 8 "Family Studies - Quilted Pincushion - Boys - no entries. Girls - Krista Hastings. Apron - Boys - Darren Johnston. Girls - no entries. INDUSTRIAL ARTS Key Rack - Boys - Darren Johnston. Girls - Tammy Rose. Acrylic Key Tag - Boys - Darren Johnston. Girls - Krista Hastings, second, Tammy Rose, third. SPECIAL#2 Legion Ladies Auxiliary Crades 1 to 4 - A homemade coin bank - Darrell Uhler, Amy Thomas. Crades 5 to 6 - A Christmas door decoration - Ann Uhler, Karie Rutherford. SPECIAL #2 Majestic Women's Institute Open to all Crades (Boys and girls) -Col lection of 8 coloured snapshots of activities at Brussels 115th - John A. Lowe, Amy Thomas. SPECIAL#4 Nella Blake's Beginners to Cr . 4 - Any vehicle using a shoe box - John A. Lowe, Marco Marchitto. Crades 5 to 8 - A poster depicting what people would be wearing year 2000 - Lisa Marchitto. SPECIAL #5 Lois McCall Beginners, Kindergarten to Grade 4 - Decorate a bar of soap - Kim Wernham, Jamie Thomas, Jennifer Machan. Crades 5 tp 8 - Decorate a large straw hat for door hanging- Hope Jacobs, Ann Uhler, Stacey Hunter SPECIAL #6 Morningtonstar Rebekah Lodge Boys - Paul Kitchen, Dennis Terpstra. Girls - Ann Uhler, Lisa Marchitto. SPECIAL#7 Huron County Historical Society Grades 1 to5 - "Pioneers at work or play" - Laurat Douma; Teresa Bridge. Crades 6 to 8 - Kent Bray, Sandra Bridge. $ HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO LA FONDATION DE LONTARIO DES MALADIES DU COEUR es were reminded to donate the value of a loaf of bread per member to Pennies for Friendship. The money will be used for bursaries to educate womentowork with the underprivileged in the Third World. Following adjournment and the singing of thelnstitute Grace, a delicious pot luck lunch was enjoyed by all present. 1987 Chev Pick-up, heavy duty 1986 GMC y2 ton 1986 Pontiac Bonneville, 4 door [2 to choose from! 1985 Pontiac Bonneville L.E., 4 door 1985 Dodge Aires wagon with air 1985 Chevette, 4 dr. 1984 Olds Delta 88 Bi ougham, 4 door 1984 Pontiac, 4 door station wagon 1983 Cougar L.S. 2 dr., air 1981 Plymouth Reliant, 4 dr. HAMM’S CAR SALES Blyth 523-4342 •Gas Pumps ’Repairs to most makes and models CLOTHING & FOOTWEAR ’BULK FOODS ’DISCOUNT GROCERIES ’ANTIQUES ’SPORTING GOODS' LU Ct < Australian Sultana RAISINS Also available by the case 33 lbs. I19 lb. 3595 FALL BAKING SEASON WALNUT PIECES 088 £. lb. Glazed MIXED FRUIT ’f 291 lb. Mixed 4 29 Assorted PINEAPPLE 189PEEL1 lb.WEDGES I V o1 Ib. SALES ARENA Daltons Red or Green CHERRIES J ib CURRANTS ■129I lb. no95 1695 CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Lined Western SHIRTS by Kodiak Canadian Made RUBBER BOOTS sizes (6-121 Open Monday - Saturday 9-6 p.m.; Just North of Wingham on Hwy. No. 4 - 357-1730 Fri. nights tin 9 p.m. 0 • BULKTOQDS •DISCOUNT GROCERIES •ANTIQUES •AMMUNITION •GIFTWARE r •SAFtPET J , • -I O O i“ cn o “U m