The Citizen, 1987-09-09, Page 27THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1987. PAGE 27.
Four y oung cy clists from West Germany made a stop in Brussels on Saturday, part of an inter-continental
tour the\ began August 11 in Toronto. The group were actually on their way back to Toronto at the time,
where the two girls, will return to their secretarial jobs in Bocholt after a three-week holiday, but the men
will proceed across Canada to Vancouver, then down to California for Christmas. In January, they hope to
proceed down the west coast to Mexico, and on to South America, along the Andes Mountains. The men
have previously toured extensively in both England and Europe, and said they found our Brussels “a little
bit different” from Brussels, Belgium. From left, the cyclists are Waitrand Arping, Felix Schlattmann,
Martin Schmidz and Ulla Tidden.
East Wawanosh pioneer
marks 1OOth birthday
An East WAwanosh pioneer
turned 100 years of age on
September 1, celebrating the day
with family and friends from many
parts of Ontario.
A party for Margaret Carter was
held on August 30 at Brookhaven
Nursing Home in Wingham, where
she has resided for the past few
years. Five generatidtrs of her
family were present for the
Mrs. Carter also received a
telegram from Queen Elizabeth, as
well as congratulatory messages
from Prime Minister Brian Mul
roney, Governor General Jeanne
Sauve, and Ontario Premier David
The secret to a long life is to stay
happy, contented, and to do the
bestyoucan, Mrs. Cartersays. She
enjoys reasonably good health,
and is a formidable euchre player.
Born September 1, 1887 in East
Wawanosh Township, she was the
daughter of Scots immigrant farm
er Andrew McDougall and his
wife, Catherine Linklater. As her
brother was already attending
school, she was allowed to start
school when she was only four
years old, in 1891.
Although she says she always
wanted to be a teacher, circum
stances were such that she had to
quit school after Grade 8, to stay
home and help on the farm, where
she lived until she married her
husband, the late Charles Carter,
in 1910. The couple farmed in East
Wawanosh for many years before
retiring to Wingham.
Mrs. Carter has one son, George
Carter of Belgrave; one daughter,
Alba Mundell of Bluevale; three
grandchildren, six great-grand
children, and three great-great-