The Signal, 1930-6-5, Page 4• 4--Tarsday, Jane 5, 1900 x c x xxxxx5c cc=cxxxxxxx Cx Men's and Young Men's Suits Tailored by Fashion Craft $25.00 and $27.50 In the popular shades of imported worsteds ut- cluding blue with stripe- a very dressy suit; single- breasted models. These suits are of when you consider they Fashion Craft. unusual value, especially are cut and tailored by Made to Measure $29.50 and up X W. C. PRIDHAM & SON xx efti Sq CXxxXxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXX:ix '• The Store tc 8th the St.l. h.. Telephone 57 Men's and Boys' Wear. Goderich, Ontario. SPARR'S FOR CHOICE GROCERIES FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUT- TER, EGGS. MEATS. LARD, FLOUR. ETC SiI erwood's Ice Cream FRIGIDAIRE EQUIPPED tor your protection CALL IN AND SATISFY YOURSELF vrftY000er WO.COMK Spare -Or Grocery ' T' a -dote of Satisfaction" Hamilton Street Goderich Phone 146 WE DELIVER IS TOWN ASHFIELD THE SIGNAL, GODERICH, ONT. CREWE The Arthur Radio Orchestra, of Wind- ham. furnished the mualc. Mr and Mrs. Robert Blake, of Holmeavllle, and Mr. and 'Mre. Earle Blake aid children, of Clinton, vis- ited at the home of lir. and airs. I+atid McWhinney on Sunday hast. Mrs. John S. Kilpatrick awl Niles Susie Kilpatrick left last Friday on a visit to Western Canada. Miss Sllpet• rick goes to Calgary for an indefinite %lett, Mrs. J. 8. Kilpatrick- will visit Crewe. June 3- MI -A Susie and Mrs. J. 8. Kilpatrick left Friday last on a trip to the Canadian West. Mr. Will Dumb' panned to the Great lteyond ou Monday tasgaing, June 2nd, ,tier About three west' Illness. Our yualaUhy is extended to the bereaved it. and family. --' -- - GOi)ERI('11 TO'WNSIIIY GODERICH TOWN81111-P, Jnue 4. - The W. M. 8. of Union church meets this n',dnewlay afternoon at the home of Mrs. Robt. all o t. Mwale. jr. Mr. Wm. Longmire and 'Miss Mary Cowan, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Harwood. Mr. and airs. Keith Ross, of Toron- 1 on friends In our burg this week. OUR SWEETEST SINGER JnMLToMrontn. Llazle Baird to visiting friends ••^•lltun and Irene Mr. and s. A. -- MME. ALILANl'8 VOII•K BMA'AME ' Mr went Sunday with Paramount friend*. The 1 1 tt 11 111.111;i •i4,441 c44uln) 111 µ'(►1t1.1► FAMI)l'+. 8144 cwmmuulty hall and all rip. tt a Raaket With Adeline I'nttt and "'al time. A Sendoff ter the Bridedear . pleas- ant afternoon was spent et the Noma Mr. and lira. John Jamieson when a miscellaneous shower was held In' horror of their daughter. Blanche Irene, whore marriage will take ',hive *4500. The bride-ehr•t was atelent for a ...bort time and on her arrival was greeted ht a sited' ' hrlde' awl 'Croom Stewart Jamieson, nephew of the bride•elect, and little lle•n Henderson. } ler bridal • i n t very pretty who 11N/ked 1 array --with A decorated wagon laden with gifts. Although taken by surpri7.• Miss Jamieson very feelingly thanked her frie ds. The hostess served a f dainty lunch and afterwards the Senn}L41•1-$ausg at Funeral 1er- 1111ee Of Queen Victoria - Nadr "Moine, Sweet H •" Her Own. friends iu Manitoba, Calgary and Min- Madame Albaui, lh• famous singer n.,. eons. Minn. Sincere sympathy 1s extrudes to wbo recent.)• died, was the first Caua- Mrs. William Duruln and temp,, of dean whose voile because world -re - 1 r4w,•, In the death of Mr. Durulu. nowned, was born In 1847 In historic aro departed this life on June 2nd. little Chauubly, ou the Richelieu ri v- Funeral serviees N111 orheld to Crow,er not tar from Mt4trraIHer ' +r wan a Putted church on Wednesday atter• father, -Joseph L't • visite, noon. .111114 4411. Interment in Dungan: skilled musician, a aei4 Wulsr muu cemetery. ( A e ere. more Nete del nc: Etama C4clle, who, q rcom4 tn. 4 vomit will 4',',48, next route., eswreeyt-mNunssiiacaal tAyytnittIr,ei(rmd ahndr•; ]� RtIP begun uu to' Ild1rt ;tusk' when i gnosis departed wishing the bride -to -14 HAYFIELD, June 3.-1A I meeting In cbte Anderson u t alt the Interests of the Bible Society wax fly Herald and Wer y Star. held Sunday evening In St Andrew's mother taught her to sing, •' to. erre week -end visitors at the home from her niother4• s of Mrs. Jas. Ross. Inst Sunday the missionary service In Union ehureh was well attended. Mrs. Andrew, of Goderich. took charge of the service and Sire. C. R. Carscal- 111. n renu•n•r1 missionary, gave the ad- dress. The rekular meeting of the teen's (•11114 of Grace United church. Porter' 11111. will 11e held in the basement of the couch tet Tuesday evening. June Ile I. • LITCIiNOW BAYFI LD NIS -four years of art 'a Jean lift- every happlutws In her new home lu •itt Fain-16arkat ion Cullet church, when the Bible lesson melodies and to pick out th way read by Mr. P.-ddie of the Pres• for au accompanim••nf lin the byterias congregation and was fol Then she learned the ,first pe' lowed by a very Interestia4 mission- 01 music, and, when only ti ary address given by airl'htnoek of father took her to Plattsbur i'0r•nto, ripest Crothe Bible Suck'Is.1 where she attended Moore's, t4:,cid 1k•n: r. ,f Toruut.t. viwta the 11^_11091. a'e•k-end at his home. 't 1 During that time her lath Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix 'and Thomas,' teaching In the town, and h Phoenix, of Saginaw. Mid.., Mr. and a er)• day to give his dao, Her simple I)()N1:ANNON e noted piano. - uclples Di'NI:AV:SO june 44. al`s. and Bra' ve, her Mrs. 31rh•Ille to g. N.Y.. trier. Master Douglas aspenti,.1Mr Wm Sunday prtv'ate Spencer. of Mllrerton, at the home of Mr and Mrs. IId -' er was Eedy, e went j Dr. nod Mrs. A. H. Vokes have re hter a turned home from Toronto, where Dr d Vra ntten.leJ n medical (-onsen111w Mrs. Fred Davison, of Detroit, Mr. and music leaaon. We F.utma n, LUCKNOth June 3. -The Girl Urs 1 or I 1 ter t1•iIlett ',onion. t ,80;1, but :he used to spend faaar or Mr. and lits. Ed.1tlekle and Mrs. 1+ Guides of the let Lucknow Co. held were Sliest* of their sister. Mrs. DAs- Hy, I. ,•f ' 8'y day practicing on !tickle. of Haandilton. motored up an (heir annual field day on Saturday, icon. over the week -end. I the piano. It was at Flensburg' she spent the weekend with friends her. ff 1 d re ocJl W. who ant two ph t be au o s•ad acid to reach English, and at Lueknow. - Stay 31st. About twenty- t Mts. R. W. Bristol. pe Guides and twenty Guides from Owen 6s here at the cottage. returned to and. when only nisi her father assign- Mr. La V.Pentland., wttlaud,, of Detroit Washington tont- part lo the spores. Inst ‘‘eels nn Thursday tart. 1 ed le•r a professor of Greek. This slant the week -end at the home of 11.- year a shield was ',,serrated to the d Mrs. L. M. Day. Jles nod early traiuing In languages was a parents, lir. and Mrs. A. B Pentland {58411:1.1) TOWNSHIP, June 3- Guides of Brute and Grey counties Jean Day and M1a. Morley, Dettolt. Mr. and great asset in her later lite. Mr. Marvel Dunton. win Ila+ M•en Mr Malcolm alaoLennan, Jamestown. for annual patrol competition. This Mr. and Mrs. Milliken and deughter, When ah.i was seven her mcnitS*' seriously 1l1 at Cornwall for the parr ♦ea fork, visited at the home of his shield was won by the Eagle Patrol of f.QYd1•n, were rat their cottage over the, died and her lather left the l'alted six month,. is visiting his anal. FIi+- parents, Mr. and Mrs Duncan Mac- the Luckuow Co. this year. week -end. States and brought his 111(1. family L Dreaay. Lennon. alias Jenu Stuart, of Toronto. *pent Mrs. Slathers, of London, spent a1 to alonUe:tl. Mre. R. F.. Willis, of Detroit. i i ri. Mk- sot and Mrs. with RoberteScott, of WMre. the work at the home other parents few any* at her euttage this week. At fifteen Emma LaJeuneaae went itiuo' her i.ure„td. '1r 1,1,1 tor- II J ear, visited her mother, Mex for and Mrs. A. P. Stuart \Ir. and Mrs. Percy Dymeut, Betty I with her family to live at Saratoca Crawford. I 6Me.an Maori and- overnthe 111 Wilfred s Me wof h Luck- told Eileen. of Detroit, were guests of spring -1i. SI:Y.. and there, for three 31r Lorns'MeKenzie made a btlslneesi Mesio. Rod and -Sandy -MacLennan theweek- spent a few drays til. week with Lack• urs. Dyment's parents. Mr. and Mrs. years she was engaged as organist. (trip to Toronto this week 1 1 exalted I a'halsh friends at the week- noM friends. J. Tippet. over the holiday. by the Grand Vicar Conroy. later Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shackleton, of end. 1 Iter. Itoht. llh friends it upending Mrs. 'Holley. of Detroit. 1s occu y- Bishop of Albapy. At the mane time Detroit, motored tip and spent 81w )des. Brown, of Detroit, and daagb• this week with friend' fiI Detroit. Iiig IIP, e•ttage. •"Holley Liodgr-" p she taught music In the Sacred Heart Werk -end at the hnmr of the furmer'r ter Alit*, and Mr. and motored Dick Haw- Foch. Stewart Robinson, of Myth. has tak- convent at Kellwood. With her say- mother, Mre. Wm. Sha*kleton. *,..kof Detroit, up for the Misses Gladys and Caroline Wrtrb, oh,•u n e/sitfo11 in F. .t. Esiw'•r,ls' -tore ings during that period. and wltb the it., 4' t' Kahle had returned home we.Riley, Fort Zing the were in town this week for the htmmer. help of friends. site was enabled- to from Wroshrowk. where he attended 4L. Mrs. to:trenor Detroit, .!sited with Geo. ins the funeral of their father, Mine trona Elliott. of Toronto. wee 50 to Parts to study. If rhumb ('anference. her 1ld. ata. Mr. and "Mrs Nell Mac- G. Webb. the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Fraser. fur From Paris she- went to Milan. j Nrs. Stable, of Seaforth. and Fir lanuald. at the week -end. Mrs. Reid. the home spent a the week-end.:Mrs. PreRlce, who wns where she studied upder the gr.•at Rohr. McMath, of Detroit. are 1)01.140. - The May meeting of the U.F.O. was few days at home of her dnuglt- , kiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs teacher. (�mpertl. 11 was while there an auction sale of the hone• sad 1144-. held at the home of Mrs. John )[ac- ter. Mn. (Dr.} Balfour. Stinson, returned to Toronto with her that she accepted a flattering offer to bold eff,+•ts of their late sister. MI•- Crae on Wednesday, May '.S. The Mr. and Yrs. Norvel Rogers and on Sande dug at Messina, and atter a sing le Annie M.Oisth. nn Saturday. June 4th meeting wee opened with the pr 1- daughter Jewell, of Flint, Mich., vie- Mlss Maud Stetting.whotrial her su eras was assured Al 1111* Anniversary services will be herd u• 1 f her the PresRn trrlan , 4urch 1 of uron (Life Special Business Men's Luck daily at 60 cents TURKEY DINNER Sunday oil Our Specialty Ju y 1 From 12 to 3 p. m. 60c. A Is carte ,ervice at all hours Hugh Wong Vasa twangs lamest Ttleperss 162 ornnto. ` on Sunda, dent, Mrs. Nett J. MacKenzie, In the Ited this week at the home 411 Mr. and CMOS on Saturday to cls t her *sister that time she chime Alban or i w of ma Jour rdli ut :: and 711, o'cl el It,•t chair The roll call was answered by It•a W. W. Ht11. exhibiting aD heirloom belonging to .,Mrs. John Murchlson. of Toronto. Ow grandparents of the members. Aj:e,pn•nt this week with ,her daughter. story about pioneer life accompanied ' 8ifis. F. T. Armstrong of town. each heirloom. The meeting closed s - with community singing and lunch. . I NO LONGER SUFFER • here. h•ft nn Tup+day to visit her sister et Port Elgin. also to attend the nurture' graduation et Owen Sound. where she was superintendent for some time. Mr and Mrs S Klpfer end won. who stage name. it nes the ran old Italian family. nit C. M••Dermld. of God.•rI.h, will to At Messina. she was called teems.: the preacher for the day. the curtatn fifteen ttmes, and, it psi Mr. Melbourne Keine. of $'uront. said that atter she tetlred, two bun- University. is spending hi. holidays h n with his parent. Rev and Mrs C t ASHFIELD h Radio-Lectric Co. East Street ROTAREX WASHERS Regular 5110 00 Value Our price $98 cash We offer for this week only to introduce the new APEX WASHER Regular 51 SO 00 for $135 cash Apex Vacuum Cleaner All Attachmeais $67 cash d:.a v I nI s ,rr:u0K.1l Beautify Your Home by planting a bed of Geraniums, or some of our Giant Snapdragons. or our Immense Asters with their long, wavy twisted petal., or Giant Fluffy Ruffle Petunias, or Salvia or Pansies These or any of the other fine Annuals or Bedding Plant• w• have would •dd grratly to the attractivenes• of your home this summer. You may make your selection at the Nursery, or ask your grocer or feed *tors for our Ylant• Most of them carry our stock STEWART BROS. BENMILLER NURSERIES R R. No. 4, Goderich, Ont. Phone Carlow 21S siroo•'s•••4401,ss e been ill I....: ' for some time, deed bouquets and wreaths were - nrnei to the vi11nR•' beat week. the cleared off the *tutee. Keine. MODEL THEATRE ter has •npwncrJ a Levier shop In 111, Of English songs Madame Albans Mrs Everett Finnigan and Da14a i mad, ".Hum, Sweet Home," para. u- herr returned home atter sptending • ac- • retnrned June 3. -Mr. Clifton • Austin and sons Raymond and leek ' and Mr. Will Meyers scatted In itiv- eredale on Sunday last. the guests of " lir and Mrs. Peter Meyers. Mr. and Mre. Will Hawkins. Miss E Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray. of Port Albert, attended the Jubilee serv- ices at St. George's Anglican church. Goderich, on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Will Alton, mncessIon 11, and Mr. Bert )f.'WhInney visited In Toronto over the week -end. Mr. Orton Durnln returned to N% hint - 1`..1: ea. Frl.lat Inst. having lawn called to the bedside of his father, Mr. Wil- liam Durnln, who has alnee passed away. Mrs. Linfield Anderson and little son Alien, of Detroit, are guests of the lady's grandmother, Mrs. John Menary. Messrs. David and WIII Scott, of I Klnlough, Mtge Ida and Mr. George lfeQuol&„• \Chltef hureh, were g1IP'ta• of Mr. Richard M.'Whlnn.y, come -aim 6, on Sunday last. .. The young ptkople of this district en- joyed a very pleasant time to Kings- , bridge parish hall on Friday evening. SPORT FOOTWEAR TENNIS SHOES, GOLF SHOES. BOWLING SHOES, SCHOOL SHOES IN 1111;11 I l•T', OXFORDS AND -TRAi A LARGE RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM AT W. HERN'S SHOE STORE Phone 43w Goderich Agent for the Fleet Foot brand ,�tttllx ■ ■ /XXX ■ ■ to XXX to to elf XXX • • Special Values for Early June in ■■xxrr✓1.■■■xxX■■■ Kip post office veterans angst. The war veterans alll hold their an. early her own. She Bang it w 'lulat; we•k kiting Firs. 1'IntHaaos sister,. I,^.1 et. eh. here ou .l i;i. ':•nl miners of the diamonds' at KI twr. hire Mirth'. irrla at Stratford. and Mitt.* Phyllis noncom. of London. nr- ley; in London. at a benefit concert Mrs c 31 Wickens. at Toronto. Week of Jake 9 to Julie 14 wh.•reI School Report -Following Is the 4* r day and Tuesday - Carl Laemmle presents "The Charlatan" -N 1111- Helmes Herbert, Rockcliffa Fellowes, e Violet Errington �7. Alma Anderson M•sg•tree lwmgatow• and Dorothy the great events In the prima donna'* Geoid. career came wben she was 'eom- R5. Tr'rfne E.edy 711, ltlll(� Cr1+:+r 71 mandeX, to go to Russia to sine at Madeline Cense, 72, Richard Park n7. Froth the fatuous reystrry piny by the wedding of Queen 'Victoria's son Feriae .%!tnn 02. Doris Swan no. •)tai Ernre't Pavel and Lrnrinr.1 Praa- the Duke of Edinburgh. The bride eolm Mackenzie 57. Billie McClure ;wt. kill+. Ser was the only daughter of the exit. •,,kits Recd 40, •.Utwrt Rivett "THE CHARLATAN" and the royal couple be'•ante the par , Jr 11. ;Donald R4... 1142 Iwr e•nt encs of the beautttul Marie, Queen 01 P4IOr,1' Colbert rt►. •.tlls•rt•s Cnrrlr .7 "Asbwayai." "Fo• News" Rmltnania. - T.-Anette Stewart IIs per cent . Jim -- t Incurables. ,Ilei herr last week to +'wild 8114• sum- for the Hume or ncura o rd. mer with her. 'deter. Mrs. Hall one lady was so touched that sh•, port of the Junior room of Dtingannea The piny. "The Tiger Earl." given donated a thousand pounds; she sang pobllc school (PACS. M, A,hnrhl, for - w'n under the atreplSes at the Bayfield, It on many occasions for Quern V1, - the mouth of May: tort*, Jr.III -(total 100 tier 41.11. hut- I Middleton and Varna A.Y 1'.A. Friday and t to Lord Kitchener to India; e " I 0 her own people in Montreal on, .75 per .rnt.I-•Ted+ Tr•Iraven 32 evening. was well attended and proved to be very Inter.etiug. all the player+ taking their parts exceptionally well VWrESTFIELD \V'M$llI'II, I,D. Juke 2. --%Ira. .t. E Cohn -'von. of West {Vaw:rnn"h. and ler gn,11d,!ettghter, Catherine J,lne-ion. with Lucknoo. visited last Friday the former's daughter. Mrs .1 11 Campbell. - Mr. and Mrs Albert Winds and hale Errin nn 110, Raymond Currie g,. spent a ,•ouple of days with Mrs. When Queen Victoria died it was-. ftp ►V,,lsh's sister, Mr. titer .I tVtn. Tay- Madame Alban! whorl Kinn Edward VIola Nlvins 714. Gladys Ntrins 77. sur. of Rockwood: VII. asked to sing at the service at Clayton Anderson 73. Wlnnlfred Rwsn 8eternl from this vicinity atter, • I"d Windsor Chapel. The songs a14' chuss 57. Elwin Finnigan (l2. Vera Rivett 54: b funeral M lar of the late were "Come unto Him," and "I Know B Primer. -Franklin Forty. Nell In a personal friend of Queen Victoria. Truing 72. Bertha inc.oft7. Harold singing for her Majesty at Balmoral Finnigan 4,) as well as at Windsor Castle One of Sr. IT.--iaorothy ltobb tva 1"•' the , London Madame Albaai became per tent., nonaldn Jones IM). viola nm•r w1 - • Mr+. George Breeden. who Iso ds sl that my Redeemer Iivrtb." "It -w;u Haloes, Bernldlne Rivett. M •4N -a) 31 the 1)410,.' of her daughter. at i.evPrne Culhrrt irh Rtvrtt t� 1 Mrs David floody. of Blrth. /tr/tlrlti air. and Mrs. William Tluublyn 4.1 t■ Toronto and Mrs. James 1:1,1••) and Ladies' and Misses' Dresses • • • • • • • from $4.95 up, sizes 14 to 44. For the June Bnde, Bridesmaid and others We have just received a new shipment of georgette Dresses with lace trimminu; also georgette and lace ensembles. Other ensembles of silk, flat crepe and figured crepes for travelling. The new basket weave Flannel Coats are sure to appeal to you. They come in shades of white. green, maize and blue. Millinery For lice week -end we offer a special in Ladies' and Misses' Hats. This is our very latest stock in mohair, bakinette and lacy braid straw materials. Regular prices $4.50 to $5.50. Selling at $2.95 Raincoats We have a complete stock of Raincoats in the very latest materials. Ladies' and Misses' Raincoats in French style leatherettes. Shades of blue, fawn, green, red, black and brown. Children's Raincoats - The new Al- ligator kind, and others. Sizes from 6 years up . Men's Reversible Raincoats. BATHING SUITS A new shipment of the well-known Aberley line of Bathing Suits for ladies and girls, men and boys. A. CORNFIELD a terribly hard task," said the singer, A Primer. -Tom Young, Pealrel .•h - "but the memory of the dear Queen. Iters �Le'•.n nt„h C4nrt.r. ,:4rah1 Cur• and all her goodness to me, gave me courage." vie, Mildred Anderson. •.thse•Dt for examinations Mrs .1 TatubIcn or'Ininlrsbor.. tIsittd She dieing at the Guildhall on the ▪ 011 Friday with the latter'- sister. Mrs. occasion of the ceremonies -in 'nnnee- / 1. N 1'amplelp. tion with the coronation of King Ed' The-i)ramutie 8'1,11, :ire presenting ward VII. and Queer Alexandra, and tbelr play, "Smile, Rodney, Smile." at became a favorite ,r.urt singer of stir Crew.; Rnrd+en party on June 11th awl other European sovereigns. in 1926 t.8 1...1114 letr.. s.l.i 44 1•:Irt) ou .11ine Madame Albans was. appointed • 01h.• -"Dante of the Ord.•r of the British 5I.ssrs. \1'm Melo teen. Alva 311•• Empire" to the King's Birthday hou- \t,•IM,ar11, Fiat cin Molt •aril eu.l 11.,1.4. or list.- A few years ago Canadlau \f,ill.welt' left o0 Satni,ln)' for \tick- friends seised the opportunity to con- ic n. to att•a01 the funeral of Mr, B•.h8. tribute to a -testimonial. tl'll,well'a brother -In-law. Mr. Duman Dr. W. H. Drummond depleted her t14KelI,r. Tlu• ...Mouthy of the ,1•m- power to [nave a French - Canadlan wittily Is ,xtended to .the bereaved audience when he wrote, "When Al- baDl Sang." A Chambly farmer has come to Montreal to hear her sing. After listening, entranced, h)• says: - x / ,x friends.. / 3fr. Geo. Snell. +r.. returned hone frons the hu'pit11 111, \1'eIt0•sd,I) 1:1•:1 1 Ad I+ 11,1 well a• /1111 to rxpe•te1, / Fir' end airs. 11'. F. l'nntlds•11. 3!r X, Isaigho. and Feiss \1'inntfrd Cnnr.- hell visited last 4tnnd:ty with the form , is rnaan, Mr. Everett ll.v,c.r of I',rowels. 'flit• rood 101 the 4th and 3t11 ...nee.- ▪ ions a of East 11'na,.uo-I, is toter con am -8mei hal. 1t 1s being t,-ih',i.rl from - al ,:. • boundary line between Morris and 9 I::t-t 1V:ncnnosh to the boundary- line between Fast and "Vest 11-aw11uo411 and gravelled wllh rrnshel 'tont•. The clone .rusher is at work on Tay!tir's Dill. • . Ford. ( .11111 ('amphell ,•tram, 1 home 1 ,lon Toronto 'net week. III F1 r. and Mrs. Russel Carter 11141 son la we i' W,•+efl.1.1 visitors on Z1u,day. 3fr. Thomas BandTnrt *Howlett the 1'nited Church Conference Invt week a4 Dat'.' bus' on de way fret. me, e'en \V.LsM,nek. i Madam Ail -ha -nee sing' Mn. and Firs. ({Pq..T4nnlnRs ami Mr.; "An' ager de 110011111 81111111•11. an crowd Jennings. sr.. of Windsor. spent 811!' a mak noise wit lis ban , • t8e•k-end 441,1. the lady', parents. 'Mr. i 1 '�;.AA *ire don ondernt n ;raze• dal and Mrs. Wm. Walden. Ora I'm set on'de chair very quiet, m•- 1111 i84r. McK.lInr, 'returned mlasinnery eel ■n' Amir .I•remte, 1111 from iudla. will spank lis Khox United An' t see dat hee5 eye It was cry too. church. Auburn. on Wednesday, .lune )u' nam' way 81 so alt' me." a 1 llth. Westfield and Donnybrook From the little Chamhly girl she W.M.N. are incited to attend this meet- rose to be ranked with Adelina Pattl ing. and Jenny Lind and now her sweet Mr. find Mrs. Bert Vincent and tam- voice, tp countless thousands, Is a MI Ily, of Detersive. visited on Stands)* at happy memory. LIbanl has said her ■the home of the former's brother, Mr. ism "farewell." . R. Vincent. R Tlxe sincere sympathy of W. 'nom- including teeth, there ars 145 munity Sews rant 80 Mf.. James Prig -bones in the human body. "Dat song I will never forget me 'lean song of de leetle bird, Wen he's fly from its nen' on de tree top, 'fore res' of de wort' get ntlrred. Madam rhe wan tole un about It, den start off so quiet quiet an' low. An' slug laic de bird on de morning, de poor !vette small ol,eau. "1 'member wan tam 1 be nl.•epin' jus' onder some bees pine tree An 5,845 of de robin wok' me, but robin hr don't ere me. D.•rr's not'Ing for rcarin' dal bird der., hr's 8.rl all alone on the wort', Wall' Madam she mus' Ilasen Ink dal t•ro, ween rhe was de tthambly girl: 'Cos how e.'uld rhe sing dat nice ehan- enn. de vain' am de bird 1 was hoar, TI11 1 see it de maple an' pine tree.an'" Richelieu runnln' near, Again I'm de tootle feller, oak young colt upon de spans z hart end little son, of Blyth. 1n their •• , sudden and •oyr bereavement In the "Shop -where you are invited to shop 'Iona of a 'ovine hn4eul , rand father. Mr Brigham t•n+.ed away Ftnrulay Phone 418 • evening from n sudden Bine*.e•• which overtook Mtn on Friday afternoon. IN • West side of Squre • X• X7C■//XXX •� ►XXX •• xxx ■■■xxx/■■xxxam • PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT, June 5. -Ilona Myrtle Mrs. Brigham In her girlhood ,,aye Webster 1' spending a few days In lived la this community end we regret London this week. very mach her in•s. Mr.. 'Stanley, of Wfngham, called exam nn Iona. E. O. HICKS. Teseher "The Sky Hawk" Wednesday and Thursday - JOHN CARRICK Hek■ Chandler and Gilbert Emory In ad a great ea,•t In a thnlltllg *pie of the +kv. ' Thrilling action, daring adventures and a refreshing ro- mance feature the roaring ep••ctacle Of the air. Super Values in New Furniture We offer you the best values in Ontario. See us first. We pos- itively save you money. BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange "0s tilt /.*40,14 e4 OMealer McManus Co:'edy "Newlywed'• Visit" Evening admission Adult. 35c; Child ren 25c. Matinee admiasioa-Adults 25c, Cbi11- ren 15c.a Matinee Thursday at 4 15 p. m. Friday and Saturday - BOB PERRIN I in a talo of th.. adventurous West. A breeze -along, outdoor picture for t' lovers of fast action. There are no dull moments in "G uardians of the Wild" Episode No. 6 of "The Diamond Mester' Cartoon Comedy i Matinees Thursday at 4 15; Saturday at I111111Arl000000•• 3 a m Summer Millinery New and Original Models in assured styles for summer Showing the Vogue for Straw, Hair and Fabric, in all the latest shades. Costume Jewellery, Scarfs and Children's Hats You are cordially invited to inspect our stock Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston Street