The Signal, 1930-6-5, Page 1June Weddings
Wedding Stationery in correct fume
earl be had from The Signal at rea-
Honable privet.
Cali and see santplr”.
• Look over your supply of Office
Stationery and let as fill your order for
Letterheads, Billheads, L1'nrtelopea or
other requirements. A good job at a
reaHonable prier.
ople of St. George's Observe an
Important Anniversary in
Their Church Life
ltix,•IuI "artier+ of great Interest
rked the ,d,Heryauer, on Noonday
t of the fiftieth anniversary of St.
Oeorge's chareh hirge eongregntiops
tended In the beautiful edlrlre, many
of other de•noutluatldus joining with
llse people of St. George's in doing
r to the too nasion. The rector. Tier.
N. H. Mills, bad charge of the ser-
afd the epeeist speaker sm.
. Canon Allan P. Shatford, M.A.,
C.L. O.It.E..'of Montreal. whose ser-
a. strong, thoughtful. prac•tle•al
inspiring, wore heard with intens•
On Monday the meeting of the ileari
of Hnrun %114 followed toy a publtt
lee at which ('anon Shetford again
k.'. and the singing waw led by the
mht,cd Omits Of the Anglkmn
urehea of the Ikanery.
,'anon Rhetford took his text from
uteronomy 32: 11.12:
'As nn eagle stirreth ap her nest
teretb over Der young. apreadetl•
road her wings, taketh them, beareth
M.A.,' D.C.L., O.B.E.
on her wings, so the Lord alone
lend him. and there otos no strange
With him."
The speaker Bald:
One of the noblest addresses in all
literature will be discovered in the
Mid and 33rd chapters of Deuteron -
silty. I have selected from them Lila
aOe striking and sugg••atice figure of
the eagle and her freedom, became
k seems to me to contain s'me very
%aloft' snggewtlons for such n gather-
ing as we have here toalght. 1t if a
very strong and yet a very tender
re, and It illustrates the methods
+ dealings with Ills children.
There - eminent ot'crnelty fu th.
figure, yet there Is a broad tenderness;
lis it, and we are given to understand
Ilat lore must combine both severity
tenderness if It is to fulfil Its put.
From an e•wle•nwd Nu111rrjbrr
at Lethbridge, Alberta, The Sig-
nal receives a cheque for a3.
with the following comiueut :
"A recent copy of your publi-
cation states that your editor is
euterlug the political field. and
realizing that It costs n:o•ry to
Tun an election t talk note ut
the date shown on label •end find
1 am away In arrears. 1 do not
remember your rates, bot the ale
abed ebeque will perhaps bring
me up to date.
"Your editor le no doubt a
good politician, but a poor collec-
if other" of our anhatalbers
who are In to re es will follow
this good exam{ie, " the money
will tame in "handy."
The News of the Town
Matron of Children's Shelter
Mrs. Tigert has tendered her reslg-
aalion as matron of the Children's Sh l-
,tr owing to ill health. airs. Oliver, of
Port Albert, has been appointed to
succeed Mrs. Tigert, and the change
will take place about the mildlle of
• June. Mr. and Mrs. Tigert will return
to their former home at Port Albert.
Enjoyed Visit teLGoderieh
Mrs. Clara T. Trimblle. of Norwich,
o ho sono a delegate to the rect•nt Lon-
' don Conference Branch W.M.S. eon-
•ehtion in (:.Medich. ,writes• The Sit;
nal expressing appreciation .of the
"excellent rc1R)rts' of the convention
4, given In The Signal. She adds: "You
I have a beautiful roves. Some of U" llv-
Ing inland were a little diaapp ointel
at not being able to eec more of the
i lake and yowr Rlorione sunsets., How-
. ever, we enjoyed our vislt very much."
PERSONAL MENTION Nha Were PrrNeot W 11196?
Mr. G. \\'. Itluck won1.1 like to ha••
the 0:nn.•• of any persons who w,;•
Miss Evelyn Clark was home from present at the fiftieth auu2tersar
:ntralla for the week -end. George'. church who ahoo atteu.l,,i
)lir: John F'. Robertson, of Toronto. iI •the opening of the .hurch i,. ts„o
made a brief visit to relatives 16 tow1,
The information Is d, 1r44t f`r I.
111 Tuesday. I and hist„ri vol puriNtses.- \fill any }„
1114. M. C. t$w onset* has reiunu,I sotto. • • eco }.: c-. to oa both ."res
111a911 \1'niken•Iile, where she spent the1 slons kindly heave their name, with'
past six smooths. ; Mr. Itluck at the Isstoffiee, or .411,1
at• 11 .i. \ineFle, of Detroit. spent him 'cord lu wmw other manner'•
taw cue,. -end with his bnoihrr, Mr. .\.
Maei'i•. \-1 -torte street.
Warming Up
1)r. lt. C. 11pact•, P
ant of the The went her In Goderi,h and. district
Ctolversily of F.elmontou. Is vis tg hi, hos leen quite warm this week. :1c-'
brother. Mr. Win. Wallace. cording to the lova) weather observer
Mr. Morrison MacKay has returned the highest temperntnre was 011 Wed
to "1'.•rold° after spending two. week' nesdny. when the thermometer reRis-
,1aentiun at his home herr. tercel SC, degrees. headings for tli.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. •Mei.:ntghlin. of week were as follows:
London. vI-Ite1 ih.• latt.'r's m.•1lar.
11rs. J. -t.'. Melnt,-1,. at the %e.,, -end. Thursday. May 4.2s9th
Miss Isabelle 7aelop and afis.y Fran Frldny, May -Both
Max. Min
T,o 39
50 40
60 El
To 4.s
77 Xi
8. Kl
R5 07
t'n-in ihr ,,.,:••+o•n,liui; secre-
tary of the Loudon Coufereuec
Branch Wonan''. allsslousry So-
,i,ty. United Church of Canada :
Editor Signal,
Goltrich. (int.
Dear telt,--Nye desire to ex-
press our thanks for the remark-
ably full and i•uucise reports and
the space given to the work of
London Branch convention lately
held lu behnttful ttosleriry.
Neer have we, hud the slur).
told more delightfully Un:w
through the i,dtnu,s of your
-•idrudi l Isiper.
Sinal rely,
1t. Ni HEARD.
.. _._..L' Cor. Si'. y.
2Iiawath'S" St..
�t. Thomu<. flay 544:-11430.
Popular Student from Goderich
Baosives High Honor from
Fellow -Students
Miss i'ueline McEwen. of Galericb,
otos crooned Quern of the May at
picturesque festivities held at the
Normal School, Stratford, on Friday
nfte•rua.n. Several from (
elnding Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEwen.
the May Queen's parents, were present
to witness the interesting "pr«•eertiugs.
Thr erownt,g of the Quenu of the'
May is ml old Eugiish rustou, which
h,IN been tplluw'•.t nt the Stratford
Normal School for the In,teight years,
the students selecting by cute the one
whom they *1 h to honor for her
Itout Hiie. of ability• character and
} i1r..�e In Agrienittltal Reoresess[atiw• F'nrr. of lktrnit, clNitel at the S,yttnlay, MAy 31st Miss McEwen is the second Golerie•h
IN GREAT STRENGTH Mr. G. A. McCague, who for the tome ..t Mr. It. Kay the' past week Sunda). .1,11, let ON LAKE HURON
past year has filled the postilion wf MpaN Margaret Fnts1•r. Itrit:uml'1 Menden. tome :hid -_ Collegiate Institute girl in sumlalon
I And Hear ►ddres,. by Krt. ('arson • ..4,'ult dal representative for the , rend. fell at her home this (Thursdny, Tuesday. Jane Bn� Muer C.erkrfrl► Fishrrnten 1{e•.euw) to win this distinction. MIs, i;ttnlcr
� county o Huron, has rodents! Past , a(tr nus n and
Sl+atford sinal the st . , d fractured her right tVeduesdny, June 4th from Pei -limos Plight Lung having been the May Queen of
• tion to take over the mnnngement of •t dist. — - . \. n io ,if G.Nlerich fiaern,eu. ,foie l 1f121►•
true of the Largest Masonic gather -1 the Clinton branch of the Gunn. Lang' Mr. and Mrs. titre(' Clodrnua,t• of improvements at g'ang's Cafe
Ingo ever held In this district took i Iola Company. He Is succeeded 111 RofL•do, N.Y.. visited Capt. and, Mr- and►41n MneKxy and Jrftery' ; The fall-. from
report of Friday's
Place on gambit' a[trnuse., when ni'- a of the agricultural orrice 11y choir/tooth Lighthouse 52re•r, over the As announced In the ndcerCafe, col- •'*neap. had 11u "I""'" "Perm"''' festivities 1. from The Beacon-Herald:841144
charge mm�5 of this issue \\nail• Cafe, core lea week -cud tchi"h tine will G•ng n•
wards of de Iinndre.l members of dire Ilse. Ian Md avid, who has been egoist. week -end. • nor of Montrenl street and the &more, \Itbongh the tmu{enthun• was *
order paraded in n tidy om •the Mas ant to 'Yr McCagtle the part ear nail un,•t11M•r. They avec nwkiug bur Gofer
3 air and Mrs. George Alderson, of Ill n n onFriday of this week w 1 f ft art
trifle low to be real comfortable. old
The eagle builds Its neat on the
of some high cliff, far above the
ants of men, and there she raises
young. When the time comes that
young are to fend for them•,'Ie s.
turns them out of the nest. Whet
hook out from their lenge on the
its, they.arawt"l5svk Into the se.
sof the nest. Then She does n very
thing; she deliberately tears the'
to o1,4•es. rips 1t 'launder and casts
fragments far away. Then the
ng eagle" sit upon the ledge Shiver
How well that Illustrates the
(Continued ,m page 8t
o111e Ten Ir 011 Wes street vin for w re -open , hh on , atury uc afternoon after
K1 j 1Ir. A. M. lime. a 1 01 graduate of the Iktrnit. spent the vterLrnd at tl .n+ring Gra lanes two n,rk• the 'trends- thief nets 411 Lake Huron off 1'dlut mol 411,111141 to shine upon the fe+i-
&luarn and North slant to Nt 2ctiorgr's� Ontario Agricultural Co11eRe, will b'' 1{oma o[ Mrs. Ald••rstlu'a father, 'Mr• ,s !rive 1""•n rni IrIlel 11 1141 the idler- Coork 8441,•11 their forty Got motor : iyillr. attending )the crowning of
church. Members of the craft wcrn' I�e McLeod's asstaant. The change �pns. Pages for now looks bright and nttruetl8,. the May Queen. at the Normal School `
present from all 'Arts of the Produce.! took effect nt the beginning of this Mr. D. 11. Aitken, ef. Burbank, l`:il� inlet stalled. 9'h,•r drlftrl r11N,nt belt' ,,--t•rtluc nfrern•Nm and the tide
sN well 1. n large number from the month. forma, arrived in town on TursLiy to
inalro4'. Int. have linen made• les,ty until late Sunday u1014 841u•n
ideal Lodge end Morning ';tar Lodge.I Ito-M.11w rt,hastratin11, itstallntlon 'of tier avec rew.",4 hr the cmc of the �` __ _,... were present
spend • month with relatives and 1 I 1 fl t dining- Carlow. Every available seat In thef
, pe new ,• nerd a light a arra. new , i - tug W. I.. Forrest.
Sunday Evening 1ReeftaJ friends Dere. tables addel, rte. in front of the hall l•
The MacKay. bnlNlrrsvtn,l Prachcp,l 1'rompUy :,t 2 r,,'elo'k the Ntud„nta
church was «,tpie) and It sea.found The program of the seond of the' Mr. ,111.1 \ors. J. l:. Morrison 1111'1
the n toren neyf.rtcrtric sign has been who 'have INrn opernUng out elf tlne•Itethered lu the corridors and to, fie
ne,•ssrir• to trine in extra ehnirri series of five organ recitala,to bei two children..of Kincardine. spent the
erected with over two minded lights. ;port of Kh,enrlin,• this spring. left, trails of "Clayton's (;ru11d aL,reh"
from fpr pnNsh hall to wear everyone.I played at the North street F'niteed week.'ud with Mrs. Morrison's mother.. ape. G,irdnn R'ong is the Inn rieh•r nMf I ts'rformwi n ~rand march whhh ended
Th• senior we. a very Im ressh•e f P that Wort .' Saturday morning at i
P hoar, h t-• _lien below. Those recitals) \1 r: .lean lifomiltr'n ' he Idler •s In ked ping abreast of the b� forming nn ncrnnr tit• stndenM.
one A. the M,Iw11144 nss•nlblei in the ' Lieut. J. Semple of the local Rnlvu• t { e'claek. Two gangs of acts were ,•'t thrvm•h which Ihe tell • of the May
begin at 11.4,5 and continue till 7.15 and) time,. off Point Clark a11d then they pen- k
ehin•h the choir Mang "Onward. Chris til• remainder of the musical service is tion Army core, was called to )ser Queen pas -ed lip the -purple nal Rnld-
; iboroaghty enjoyed the program.
r,•taled towards 4 .Nlerlah, where they
lion Soldiers." 1 strnng'sdrmnn (hooting abbreviated that theserrlrn is over; b t Dundas.Ont thisweek owing
nr n o ore'etn pp • oma a . The Weekly Pigeon night expected to addled Saturday e•rrul11g.I Issfe•I:ed throne wideh hand been ern. -
with the salient {stints of Ma,�1nn ens by 8 o'e1oc:. I,Atb• death o[ her fath,'r, tel at one end of the beautiful gr'n ere s
delivered' by Her. ninon Shntford. of "Concert- Overture in C Minor" 1 )Ir. ttnd Mn". 1,,n Hohn. of 1►e•tnoit. Another pigeon flight of • old Lints i .tTrr11t .i -i ,. k in the afh•rnoml wxne-
MmNrn„I. n pilot grand mn•ter of btu• Tricker t-t..irel at the home of Mrs, Van 11.e- tinder the auspices of the Go.l,rfeh thing went wrong with the n1w inn-� 1” the east of the .chaol bulleling.
Q "Spring Song Mendelssnbn lieu's pnrmtts, \I r. and Mrs. \. H1.nd,,r- Homing Pigeon Club took place Inst i ism of tin font and u11 aloe• exumintrl gttHtn,Ninntte1N byds'N conen from, each 1 rovi,ce of arise
'"Midsommi•r 'Coprtrr Jghnetnn ...n. Cambrhi rand. shill q'e•k.
week -end from MoD1lNlirr, Olde, a die tion It was found that the pngelirr luno. IatluMu11 Crnettt Jewell,
Assisting n flu
Mills• .r were the ,n,''n one T. N. fl.
\[filaVen Arhdero„m Jones-Itnfemnn te(:rend Mare1i' (.tidal Verdi 11 r. Mnithew F'nirla, afro nttd Mra trance of 213 Jolles by air frurn Gaper- shaft lead brok,•u, locking the propel.0118..
"Autumn” Johnston' r „rr and dr,ugiM.•r \G,rgHr.t, of 11d• Ich. The birds were reiease4l at & a.m.' Ler. S.. inr Is the engine n -as enne•rnc.d� Baia \Vnikrr. \Tlnpnree'err11ifollowwl
Mod Her. R. r Molormi' Divine
A. e'-;•• a follow'''.hefirstthey were betide•.. There was nn sail
Mae/Or Maga anon. ' (1 iNcinr Rn pterion'• Solo "The fared Is sly Light" I unit. sem t Libor. this week at the! by Leona - M,•c'Inrly, atom/lbw. lesr-
and the fire tome ,roc replete'
dee/floor,- Ina delightful manner. I A1111sp- on their IoM and they s.•t to work
n ,., m•• ,.f the M{ss•g Parrish. Waterloo
Owner ISutul No. Time to rig Up al sall'f►onl old • bugs and cute I lug tl„• beautiful ernw'n of purply nh+l
�streat. W. Baker T145 ]0,:.3 They did not make lane{, prngnaal Raid ftow•rr not 11 cnshlon decked with
• 1• II
Paraded to the hall on WrR start noel "The Lost Chord" Snllt"11 .Mr. and Mrs. Fr -Weston and their
reske" Dvnral- , Nu•r msm. M trnit.
motored lop' After the chnr•rh service the \Glenna I Mr. -Chas, Iieakini
Istn aua rs also of•ptrpr and god.
I' i i,,,•ton 11s• --t': 11.20' alit) tis' tetnp.orery Rall, s1 they 1411'
n rr'•rpflnn was held in the '.,slRr Several; flume 1 1 rn Rc , i the .ehor. colors. Dr. Sllety In pdn
of Maitland Lodge. No. 't3. r ,. \Iatt'Icnr (:'4 -rt 11.25 bored to keep from drifting.
Rrcrrnl . Ion !)1,„ration Hoy nn,l elslfrd their' ' I Mitt slop and gown e.cortel the May
rotes 0f thnnk. were p1aar,l. Inelnding 1 Lawn Bowlers Are Busy ' onrnnt4, ,kir. and firs. J. \\'.sial, ihe•u- I Jas• Mn.'Vlcar 4(t -i•271. 11._1. When 1)1, men olid not torn up In 1
one to nae. Canon •ahnfford, the rector,I The Goderleh )Awn TN,airrs n nod P. Johnston 28('. cc 11. 11 r,.Nlrrich !tntnrdny evening their Gem Q"'c'n. Pauline McEwen. rhlwn for long
chair And nffl-tnlu of St. George'.I the season with n tournament opened
111Mr¢tn l ales. Unrtin l'rie• nn,1 hen! The tinier. for the frights is Mn. Ilies naturally iNrnnu• nnvtnns for their dery of shulrnr+ to her plane on the
thnr•h. and another to the nfVlo'r. and Plcton street Sween. last Friday nleh-hlldr,n and Mr. and Mn'. Harald
Chris. Johnston. Tido week -end the safety and 011 Snndnc n .eamh watt be -
endtllntr'ltwc.IrLAI Bon. Dr.
rne•mlNer• of Maitland brake for ecnrt-I The prize -winners were Frei llnnt and Currie. all of Detroit. spent the 1l4 -k- night will he from Pen' .-lndlnna. 11,ml in which several %tufa from Kir
awe. "attended t'. the visitor+ Ninny Jos Bowman. slid at the bean of Mr. and Mrs. St. distance of 319 miles from GoderIch. •ardtw and Southampton co.oIterat d 1 who honored the ach,xll by perforating
k by
tint Important ceremony.-..
nt•.•.ent from rho following 1414'.: test was for two nets of prizes, the • •;ue•5t ofMelt. 1V. F. Gnllow. Her stride. The regular monthly meeting of the redder wAs nt his fano near Reaforlh
Paisley. KInr1rv11ne. Clinton. Tiverton winners being as tollown' First, T •vas held on Mon•` 84011. 1 he bents] of the Missing men.' o1 the rh„s•n queen. d,v•laring her to
HIN. T.nufe Hilinr. a,r/nnttanlvd her public school board 'ler "Qu,vu of the \lay.” T1r. Rtlew.x
Rrafnrih. Hnrristnn. T.enmingtnn. Tnr- (:IAzler 4111,1 W. J. Symonds: 2nd. -H. '„ town and lifter a brief visit here , day enduing with ': rust.•. N1,r. N1,1-� 111141 he at earn returned to town and. Hien. errs nf..l her with n g• Id in
tetoek, Stratford. Fornat. Wroxeter. McNee and .lo.. Bowman. E. J. t'rtd-I f,.ft for Sarnia. where she is .tnpin11 hr,•..1..C. eat!. .1. 1'. Cori -1". A. Rote Orders for the tag Forret to jot, 1 p
ltlyth. Aenasll. Winghamt ilrtssrls• ham and Dr. J. A. Graham won the; 'or the Present with her brother 1111,1 Na12.•t fond 1;. 1.. 1'or,.o. present, The, In the genr,•l, and ,rtny with It until the ,1islong h roll me ntiti 2oe•I nI. 111111
Monktnn. Palmerston. Fnniw'ie h. Mit- prlaes ii. Wednesday aftrrno nes con -1 1.'.•r -In -Intro pr,neinal of VlctorlA school reported mein were f 1. in the meantime 411
rhe)1. Exeter. Walkerton. Ter. water. test and In the evening A. Taylor and I Passes.' Ge1rRe O. Pltllfp And Jas for May' as follows: Number 011 roll,' had food nml other the me nents gat! her top Ise t0 ntlr11d floe e•rrmnny
Calla ill. \fllcrrfou, Toronto And T. D. Eastman headed the lint Taylor, nt Kitchener, were in Taal ,117; ayere'ge attendance 308. or 91 per' in randiness at him hops• at the hoe-' next pear mo pin m1 nest year's Mat
Callow. It b the• intention of the Club Io this week nn hnalness. The former. •mho , cent.; Penny Bank depoelts $108.77. boor for the relief of the nova when they I ' 01''''11 o similar pin.
hold tonrnnmentn far the gentlemen I was known to the pnblie as "PO;.' For Central school the report shnwal yl 1.1 la. brnnghCln. .1. already .011
The slayptle /hear.• was then
MAIl'LAND CEMETERY iT\D howlers weekly throughout the .,nonan' 1'h111p. LAs memories of Gn,Mrieh bit ihr nnmht'r on roll in May to 1,e 203 ed. It ens the erre' of the F'orr. -.t who 111884, by the girl:. of form IV . w'lo
-- on Monday and Friday evening". acorn- Ing bark !0 the times when he was a "ted the` average attendance 741. or' pinked lip the 1IIsn1,1e1 limit_ 1111 w11i-.b '1110"1�about the pole and infidel
The Goderieb branch of the IVomen's, mewing. nt '4 o'rl'N•k, and on 1Veln''. member of a thentri1.A1 company whi•'h 'x1.0 per cent The Penna frank d. is*- light. had liner, rigged Iii\ h) 111.• r1'I'1 ',,•., nil'.,u,. 1, g....4 old
"Gathering,1I Pettis -
played le undertaking to raise a day after -noon'. At 2.50 o'r•1.o,•k. 1,[nyrd in this town. - • Ita amounted to $63.80. Letters were and hungry men to nttrn,l 1,1tentio., 1
fund for the carr of graves in Mait•) The lady liowiers will rnmm.•nr" \f r. Tl,o-•. l'rit.11nrl. who 1s taking received from Mrs. Tiwstsi„e and Miss' 't was ',bout Inidnlcht when 141+• too: '-o.15," wn5 done by four form• and
Land cemetery and is asking Gwlerlch • their season', activities next TnrslaY .•,.,,tna•nt 1t Westminster \fllltnrc Edna Hornet' applying for pst(Ion5 viii the fl+hinff-teat In tow. arrived wan won by form 1, who were ask,.)
olds boy. and Sieh for their gy ace. evening, June 10th. All ladies fi•t•rn•1• .t,..pitrrl. ie,tnlnn, anent n few days in on the teaching staff next term and .11 The the mem pori care lith to rat „1 to nyN•nl It After the nnwnuprnwnr,
Thur are so many neglected graves !(1 fn the game arc requested to 1.• ores- ,.8411 -••t ihr week -end. Anal hi- friend these were )Aid on the table, The sec.' The. Jldgrs aero• Mr'. J. it. attinfelih,
i,: rine •-enured; that n fond inr ier{N•t- rut at ihr Rn,•ns nt 7 o'clock. Tnrwley vet.. Id,•n..41 to note that ie is making retary was Instructed to write to Miss 'b.• two days. 1111411111 provided them \Ik. Dotal of the V.11'1'..1. and fir.
nal upkeep seems to be the only means; r ' 't"•••••sd•••- evening• are M foe tee- :,tl.ho•tory improvement, Mesar.. Ern-, Vera Elliott to ancertaln 1f she desires -.Tres „n Sfotnrdny with mrr,Is enough 1'•Idt,-ren•tarc of the IN.ar4 of e1108
of making and maintaining the desired alar bowling nights for the Inds , Nw-irts roof RnNe Ti,•hboruc err tolls...1i a.•t. 1.r11,,'2'b•,t .1,.•2,1.1 for two 1 'b•.. Their rations on Nim rton, and lir. EMI presented the prize
fol lrocement. :Wy cottributi0n. to the' memlNrg. to adopt the new Penny i'Jaab-Ayetem dap were one snitlwtc). far three men. to Cenettu .11.81411 on behalf of the
i nh.•r Golrrb It yrternns echo are;- - -- -`- - , form. Formes 1. And 11. then danced
fated will to gratefully remittal by the •n•ler treatment nt Westminster. i In the local schools, the estimated
the sailors' hornpipe mil form iii. Intl
institute. Remittances may he sent to Mrs: •
Carweallen'n Address ,1„ Wcnln.'"lac evening of ins? week ,lerfe,I , being tis. A diw•us- Clinton \. l:aderirh
Mr.. .1. 11. Marshall. .•rr1•tr.n'-teen.- The .rrckr in North street,i'hltei . eT;ss al. X. M11kfns, ns.}ard by lir'..l.i .law's• 1', 11.10211a the The first s,hwtih•d glow lu the t"'psl Site,• n Qenaonarnflon of porn•
neer of the Gdodrrich \VOmen'e Nati. I church on Sunday morning 6u5 In sows miller •,:''t \1r.'. J. 11. Uarshnl1 t.' h r' envie, , _ ••„11 lot first Homo. 1'ountt ita.rbnll L,algne will' add., I)11 ueconnt ..f the cool weather
tote. rtaarge .d the 1Vonra, - Ulsiouan' w' rrmugel n.-r4rc' rbnrminR turn and Ali to prevent drowning
fatalities and Ink,• qdn: a nt .lgrlenituntl Park horn on :III thea nd}onrn„I t.. ihr ,tss.•mhly
The following rinnntinne have been •Irby .d the .eine 1+..the pn for. Rey, C . , Ilow kit hen shna'rr honoring al{sa ,the lased decided to ask the town !- ridny evening of this week. ihr eon loll). whom 1►r. aiontelth nildr..w•41
rvrelvel: W. D. Cox, LenminRtnn, 810 I+'. Clarke, iNdug l,).., 111 nt Ctonh•rnn••' hiu'• ilrvmnn*1 in mlticl ,tion of counrtl t0 take the matter In band at Ielag .eiw ,'ti Clinton and .,o.11'r the Rnlh1.ri,IC giving from his,nw,, r
\. C. Mnc1'lonr, Tnrnntn, 110: Gaper -'Thr prnad.•nt of the Soclery. Mrs, \1' r marriage. ,1 miniature .bride nml and hare the•work Carried out In con- t,h. Ganes 1. tailed for' 5.13 .\'1 experience .nme ,'xc.4G•nt words of
'.I. .111drew. anohxtrd the s,•r%2'''. rive +„ nMtton with d*e bandit( w.•...._e...tt_ ...,..-.,.... .., ._._... a,IvI,e to the pontiff t'i').n'. who %111
l Women's Institute. #DG: amount dial dw•orntion� of the same
h harbor.
of the 1lrrthr•11 re111st.rel anti It was Severn) leu-** tournaments were holdI ,tv,rge l'ri,'.•. T. the energ.•tl.• i neon•. taken
noticed that member. of the croft were this week. On Monday evening the con_1 Miss PAM h Millar. of Detroit. is then • Public School hoard \fr. W. It Forrest the r...ate.,.., Is dor. Mr. 111 u-Jeo happy %owls: Dr Mon-
' t"iNl olne'd the e•mwn ngN,n the head
Scripture sees road and prayer offered ,,,hes made atrra•ticr the fen -faille.. hies et the � the m'xt htU Normal
�� .••�•••�•
bore ' w Mni a Rntlle, and the nd c►•Ick the gifts were rreeevel.:\f great Baseball Fixture for July In i TIw Klee Chnh then sang "Petty
Mon -
drew' sees given by Nra. C. i2.1`c+ra ihr Rifts had horn nv,dcal and Piano Rental• \it...1 It. Reynolds. chairman of the
Callon• of Whitby. formerly of Weld ,,/ably acknowledged. n buffet hon- An Interesting re ltnl by a number bns.A.3M .' Itte.• for Gwlrrl/tt's 111-I i'"Ily
Oliver" nod Hunt. Kirsfinc. the
China. Mrs. Corsen1km%, whimsy &tilt a.,,r, w'og serval. of Mr. Douglas ('nm ohell's nano pupils cnlelirtorhrn f ihr• year. goer MR
R I 1 1 P minion line e•lebn,tlon. nnnonnee't, valedleton
i ort luusly acknowledged. 115 --total
• Miss
s7'. thO*O1'S CHUIICH -
tclth the position of women In the - ------- •
Orient, and she spoke pnrtieulnrly of CHURCH NOTES
the wonderful change the Mat two or
three dee'ndes had wrought itr the Taal - t
tion of Chines' women. Quoting from 81 Knov chart next Snndnc morn-,'
:•n r••"8'• bt 11r a1nth11•soon sb.. .lI'I inn Iter. L Kahle.•of Senforth, will'
that there are three stages In the life preach and bt ihe evening the minis -I
of girl anti woman: the primitive stage, ;,,r. Iter. 21. t, Mefh•rndd. will hove
when she 1. guided and eontrolled by ,.h.,,.,•„ ,•r 141,• 'o rriee. SAhhnth who.)
tithed; the stage of self-conaelou.nesa. 1 Ilihlc .•t:i-• nt in n.m.
when she begins M meters her Indirfdn-, Rerricls nit the Rni'tist rfilrnh next
nifty, and the stage of voluntary self-
denial. For long (enthrten the women
of China dwelt in the primitive 'doge.
The mnjorlty of them are now In the
op('ond stage. loot, tacking trnining,
they often do not know haw to nae
'•i•.•24 'trate new found. freo,lom : after
eentnrles of nnnatnrel repression the
pendulum sometimes• swhams ton far Ili
the. other direetlon, A few- Easter
'women hnre entered neon the third
stage. We eahnnt wonder. said the
speaker, that there are as jet only n
Yew, for, with all one. i1 .'kgrown, of
Chet:atan eivlllxnttnn, not nil of no
hare yet. Learned that the third stage At the /vine meeting of the W.M.S
is higher thnn the second. of North Street T'nited chnrrh, ' nn
Tn hid 'In missionary work sees not Monday afternoon, the 'president. airs
Only a dnty that women owed to their .4,nlreo, o,•npl4,1 Nu• chair for the,
less forttinate haters, 1t wig also 11 ntening devotions and the hnsineas
privtleltr• said the speaker. ,They got meeting. 511/1 Mrs. \\'m. lt'nrno,k had
more than they gave, in the broaden• charge of the ednentinnal pert of the
Ing of their lives, in elle development of prngrnm. A leaflet on Pcnt1•,0s1 wens
character, and the Joy M twining to recd by Mr.. Wm. Strnchnn,'ljr. C. M.
twins Atwell the mining of the Kingdom itolertrnn rend the Seri prune lesson.
of And neon earth. mal Mrs. Warnn.•k offered prayer. A
Mrs. Cars!allen Spoke In the after• very timely" and enrneat folk nn the
noon at TTnIon rhnnrjl, loelerleh town tehtperanee situation aim given by
Ship, and hi the evening at Victoria Mrs. Geo. Johnston. The treamirer,
Mort 1Tntte4 rbnreb. • Mn. J. It. Graham. reported rvarfpts
The pnlplt Of North street Minrch for May an follow*: From envelopes,
Was Oeenpled in the eventog by Rrv. $13.90,' feet $J.50. collection for snpply:
J. R. lord. who gave an able ansl,d . wend $11111, offering nn Conference
h Interesting 111pnallivin of the prnph- Rand -1y $AT3T, net pro('r•.la from the
cey of (Tadlab, ' llraneh meeting $24.5.fA.
Sunday w111 1* In charge of the pastor.
Rev. W. T. Bunt. Sermon snhjeeta:
Morning, 'Tim Deepening of the Splr-
(foal Life;" evening, "Guilty noel Sl,).
Silenee." Mihir class at 111 n m.
' T)r. Mnrgnret McK.11nr. veteran
mlosloniry from Todin. will steak o1,
Sundny morning In Victortn street
11111141 church. and In the evening 11t
-' rth .Ireet ,hnreh. tin Monday even-
ing 1)r. ,(,Kellar «111 speak at Holmes -
"1 . on 'I'nes'Iat ;jilnloon at 't
to 2 at Carlow iflul nn Wedneslny
141' radon nt 3 .i eloell at :luhnrn.
wets given in the Ieetnre room of
North street United (-Meet' on \Vodnev►
day afternoon. Mr. Franklin Moire,
tenor soloist, of Mitchell. eontrihuted
several songs to the program, which
was Si follows:
tie:, 'I:I•... .-• PI'- Umller
Maitland Polls/ 'Doi-) r'hnh,s” Sinter
1Inrgurs•t a1' Nichols -,, "r' matins Ih II"
Beet hot en
'reser Tole, ••.in -t n Cottage swot-.
N91hur Fell shoal;•, rhea iron•',"
. • 1%1101111111111
Ilot arrangements have Tern mal• "nnu•nr• orm teen
.ervei I.3' t), girl. and 1h,• ninth
with the famous Douse 1.f 1)1,8'1.1 rain, crowning of the Nifty Queen wits
find the t'etlonel American Ghat'.' brh
rought to a os'. Miss F M Cotyle
of Detroit to obi) too game' herr oil was inr charge of all 111,' donning and
the nftenno n of .1,113- 14 for a pnrs•�„utdo,r 11,118iries: \fr. Rothwell nal
of *11451. This will IN' the 1.tu eel b11s• 111e May Day song on the loon ,Irving "-
ba11 ultraction pet hronght to 1;o1•'r t.• pnlN,•.•)'' I ami nc.r,mpnniel ihr
b'h, and the event 84111 attn.'t ntt,•n ,,;len 4 111-1,, 1111,1 \lis. 1'. M F: -arson had
Non all over 11','-t•r?I Ontario.. iso:D;,.hnrgr of tin ttrfre•lunrnts.
1,11111. lire togsnub4,.•r. and .to bring.
Nom together in (;.Nleri-h is ori 'RRiFI'
n •hiecement that itt itse•If assort., .n•
r,•s. for the ,.,delorptlon of .11113 2., -
Between the h,iw•bnll 11nmee n three .111in1.ek Chapter. LO.i1.E., will hold
1tMert:, Johnston •'\I toterBoo, mile toot aur, „pep t.. 11111,,,, r•nnntp. 1 ante of homomade inking 111 J. C.
Rinaldo Mete "Elegte” Dupont x_111 Is. ran. refill.... store .m Ilea !tgnlrr ,m site
'1'cuo• Solo. ••f)1nldp 1G•hrem! --_- ti,,, •Ifternoon. June 141 h.
-'11,,' bilin Tree" Cortland IG,:ird of lienIth 0„meetlnc of tin Children** .11d So-
l'Ilgo ('his. Pupil. lone pupil only) The local board of health .bell i,- elety w111 ie held nt the A2rltt4;on
from.4nl•h• s,411„1 plan, .•tlss1. I' regular meeting In the loan Iota .a, Tnua,lny. June 10th. nt 4.1:. p.m. The
t,rtilor.s t.lac„1 s -.•re folk-tnne. t4• t milay afternoon. Three ru*d'cr-•snpt'rintendl•nt. Mr. 11. T. F,dwnrda,
mooed by Hots• Kammerer. ; I1r„ '. F (tallow. 1)r..\. C Hunter 111141 will glen nn neenunt of the meeting of
•Mary•TbornIoe, Junior Class Oi tm Mr. G",. 11'. •S,•hnefer, were present.. the As.oeintion of Chtldren'i .4141 So-
liNeh,Nd. Ib.• h.t ha mel loving V,t it to the eietlre held 112 Toronto receittlr. -
trold Young. Senior Ch, 4'Irtori•1 e•h:,in. Arlo, resort of. the sanitary In i lira .I .Ieffrey etertnlnel nt n dr-
S.•hsd. spettor sed that there wen. Iwo ''xhtfnllc amongst mfamllnnenns
3r.•tu IG,nnaa...lnllor ('lir. Vhtorla e:lww pf stomp. and two of mrn•lesi ''otter en Thnradny evening In e0mP11-
1ci,wd. 'Indio, the• month of \toy and rhe ns. I went of Miss Jottephine Rr•nnnn, bride-
r;,'..rte• Parona, %lllnr t'hi-s' (*ntril I mil t.rr. iriltim. bad 14,•11 taken The, elect of tills month. The room. were
S,•h,Nt►. report'niso .tah•d that a nnml,-r of tsatefnlly demented In n color, when).
Teunr Nofo "Tin' Little 11111 1;:ir'IMI" eotnphtitna regarding the cleaning n; of tteaeh and hone :Ind goring flowers.
►Iewht'Of premise. had b,•11 141141(1.11 atter. .\p-; Dainty r'feeshm,'nts were served
Oinks.1tkbesot "2'2,,I r of the 1141 11" 1 l lit-oils/4.roe• permit. to ,Leap pigs In the drrell.nt.• nil, tion bridge
• line, tai. No 22I- T.rhnikoi t!' .,.•ikrtelved from lir Wm. 1'rindl.•.. ' •t''nnment held on Wedn1'Iday ems
};Inner '!Tutt "1,'.\wino.-he" firth ll,'ii •treef. and 11r \, i1I ret•,' tic. ' ..f this w,�ek the the G.Nlerich
•F'r11nk "The I'm lotto '8?SFv' Boron rand, nn.) these were hi1.1 on the '.11.I1te (•1"I' rhea 8400411 18e1e as foist
Heller lobi.• for further ettl.iderntion, A' 1,ws • North nn41 .dull• e. M e:aim,
Tenor Rnlos "Macnshla" MacMorrnugh . mete- inlonleil rep'•rt from the la1,or-1 and T.' e"-Iri 2,'nt,Th, 1.t : ND • .lir.)
-.tittle another t1: Mine" itnrilith, ntorle•a of the Ontario Department of ; Tat for and Mia (:1-41y aunt,. 2nd;
Ruth Bunt "Country Gardens'n !lean 11;• Toronto, In e1nn•%•tion with NI' - \t' 1. Bort on and Mr.. 11,
1;,,,ina,-•'i4. In+t.rllon of the,.l`rdnkip2 wIter Holmes. at.. 'hd: Fn"t And ads' Mr.
Thelma 4he•r''Scherzo Rr1111Ante nt t;wleriih nn April 101th last. 0:01,1i "'IA Urs. 8. C. h"nenm 14:.lrehdrnr•
,,r ,_3, thohc''2ip 'heee'te.4. showed t1..• w-nt•r rn--'I,Jan".-Itnt►•mnn and R. G. R.•rnolds
.111vrn stone "ililoneel1s" . -Wadi* b• 1;0'.1 'tnn111t, th,• t•vnmtnnllol• ''.'' 70' 1. C. )tont.! and 11 T. 19t1-
Ittiph tienle'n,am :'t;avntfe ler "at -'1 fns ,e to .ho% the profanity of colon ,"nw15 3el. T11r•,netr'twnennwtent will
hander ',aeilli !•, nil portions. tented. l '..• held on Wt41neidsy. June 11th.
ra ,
—c a'ya rya