The Signal, 1930-5-29, Page 1lt
1 •_1, ,
ial r signal
,very week into more than
ne thousand homes in Goderich
d vicinity.
Mr. Merchant. doss it carry your
. H. Robertson of Goderich the will be nose
Serial of Sp'elal Services • at St.
Gcsrge'a (burelt
The fiftieth anniversary of the of erre- i
tion the present St. George's chureb
reed on Sunday, June lkt
Choice of an Enthusiastic Rev. ('anon Allan P. Sbatrord, M,A..
Convention D.C.L, O.B.E., rector of St. James
the Apostle, Montreal, will be the
Infant elle•rallem was strongly In I sCanon Stafpecial preh
faced1a er forlooked thupmcr-sase oalon.
enter at Mecham on Tuesday at- of the outstanding preachers In the
oou, when the auuusl meeting of. Ihnminlon of Canada, and It Is u rare
riding association for North Hur- I privilege to bate a man .f bis ability
was ►noon au the numitwtinu of a
for each nn otcaslon In Grelrrlch.
date ftW the I•'ederul election communion at s a.m., holy ionamnu- ,
plum it was the largest awl tun and strmuu at i1 in., choral t•cen-
t .•nthuitaslic convention ever held eons and sermon at 7'p.m. • A
The News of
he Town
Frew warm to Cool
The temperature readings In God-
s reset for the past week were as fol -
j lows:
Max. Min.
' Thursday, May 2e 711 64
Friday, May 23 Sl Illi
saturduy. May 24 55 45
iunnday, May 25 4e. SO
Monday, May 26 fin 1111
tete flay, May 27 53 36
11..rinewlay, May 711 t 30 40
The ruinfell was .46 Inch.
u•re '8111 he o etiebratton or holy
the Liberals since the North Huron
In the afternoon at 3 o'rla k ration
g ars Enema!, the large auditor- Stratford will aiklress the Masonic
bretart a of MHltlanl Lodge. No. 33.
in the town hall seeing filled l' A.F. & A.M., G.R.C., and district. he
doors and all parts of the riding being a past grand plaster of the Prov-
ugorrseutel. Iuee of Quebec. All visiting Masons'
Air. H. 1t. Elliott of Wingham, pros- .arrive.
are nmliully Inildrl to Join In this
Baker's Birds First Horne
The pige.11 flight Ia•t w,•t•k-end
under the uusple•s of the Goderich
!isms_ Pigeon Chub was fr Brit-
b'u. Mlrh.,• n distance of it Hatt 11:0
smiles from here. The bink were re-
leased at i a.m. and the first five
t of the North Duron Association. On Monday the'-) anery of Huron`ren• reported Lome as follows
ded, and the business of the an- w111 meet in St. George's,'church, the 11w lar loom No Time
mcr•Ung enmment4n with h a e•Irbrn• 'm. Baler 1163'i 2.35
Ill meeting was first disposed of. Ifni 1
Italrr 111635 Sat
tion of holy eommantou nt 10 a.m., "I' Mat -Vicar 570-43 2.3i
h a few chaises the toffken of la,
ter which (here '8•111 be a meeting ..f
year were re-elected, the list for the Deanery and the Deanery W. A. •ht'. %fiieVi,ar tlttilkl. 2.57
tl helot as follows: In•MaeKay stall. in the afternoon, n J. Hoggurth 13Sst-:dl a.l1t
Son. presidents -Morgan Dalton. combined meeting of the glen and the
The next flight nill take plae•,fntrll•
Mentpe•ller, Indiana, this week -end,
,�tleld; Gurdon Young, Gotlerlch. %omen will he held In Mn.•Kay Hall.-
ull, • -
rresldeat-I1. B. Elliott, Wlughaln when +t irernw, will be given by Her. • -
)}lest yke•president-Huth HIM Col C. Stewart of Toronto. W.V. T. G. 1
11ecoud vkt president -+Miss 1'. Pow-
Irt1 vice-prosldent-Mrs. Robe.
SpeItlw,n, Dungannon.
,'lleeretary-J. J. Robertson, • Col
• 'jiensurer-A. B. Carr, Blyth.
''Judltor-'Wm. !.Mater, Windham.
i oalnw•n and associate chairmen of
*abfleld-Murdoch Matheson, Mrs.
litIn Dalton. •
onte-Itoss Fisher, Miss ID.
Ost Wnwanosb-Wm. Watson, Miss
Jp l$cAl lister.
anal Wawabosh--Geo. Cunningham,
OWL J. J. McGee.
likarris---Wm. Elston, Mgrs. David
y -Stuart McQwrrie, •Mea. A.
itherry-4loward Wiley. Mrs. J.
wick -Thos. 'McCiemont, Miss D.
erieb-Dr. A. C. Hunter, Mrs, J.
Alitoghnm-Maier II. C. McLean.
MIA J. J. ElUotL
'neseia-Wm. Gillespie, Mrs, N.
Ill)gtletlton. -,
ilytb-Jam(. Curt, Mrs. Puplestont.
The Nomination
When the conveutton proceeded to
a. selection of •Candidate for the el-
etirbn to the House of Compton., W.
`Robertson of Goderich was proposed
Ogre. Richard McWbinney and
n Dalton; Hugh HW of
me township by John Hons-
anti Wm. Watson; Areltl-
Hyslop of Grey township by
Ji.°Qatt and (leo. Powell; Richard Van-
ot Windham by Abner Cost -ns
W. 31. Sluclnlr; Thos. Inglis, !reeve
Womack, by Johu Ileum-berg
Edgar; C. A. iRobertson,o
Alex. Porterfield. and A. •Smith :
('useus of Wingham by 11. C.
n anti S. Ikeouett.
The Speeches
Inti of London, and Rev.
of E'teter. Meals will be
George'. parish hall.
in the evening, at 7111
will be a unite! Deanery
combined choirs of s11 t
(-Wirt-hem to the Deanery, in St.
George's church. Het'. Canon Shattord
will be the alat•lal preacher on thbl
occasion. and the general public are
most mrdinlly Invited to this sten-ice
to hear Canon Shattord.
Val- Baseball Notes
Mr. Frntn„ The baseball sub -committee of th
serve) le St. 1 Conu11uulti Athletic A.twet811uu
' iweit formed wit' the following o
n'rint-k. there inters: Chairman. J. B. Reynolds
service, with secretary, M. Sanderson; trt•asure
he .Vngliemt' N(d Side: executive, I'. Turner. W
Marlow aid 11. Murrey ; manager. i
G. Young; uftle{al scorer, W. 'Barlow
'Phe fires league game In Goderic
will take plate -on Friday afterglow
June lith. Clinton will be the TURN
j team. It has been decided to hav
1 neutral umpire.' behind the plate a
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hibben have re-
turned to town after their welding
' Mr. Percy Sbeardowu 1i home after
his first ,term at the lnicer.lty of
11r.. 1V. 1'Idshulni and daughters.
of Brantford. rusted friends lit town
over the holiday. •
• • •
Miss Catherine tale Is;Uhl.. from
Toronto, where she has been attend-
ing Trinity College.
Mr. and Mr.. D. M. t"Itriou and
family spent the week -inti At Niagara
E1a uud Stratford.
Mrs. V. Bowerman and Mr. Harry
RlcLttrdeon, of Toronto, spent May
21t1i with 'Mrs. Jack Sturdy.
• • •
Mr. Will Webster. who has been at-
tending the University of Western On-
tario, la home for the vatwtton,
Mrs. Edna Ellison and won, of Wind-
$ur, Mpent Ike Wtek•eol who Mrs. E
,e I►sou'a sister, Mrs. Jack Sturdy.
f- Mr. and Mrs. 11. McGovern, Mr
Iwo Whitey and Mary,. of Toruut
r• 'pent the week -end in town. ,
• • • •
u. 1
Miss Irene Jeffrey is spending ht
li attention ai the homes of her brother
all league games The local chth ha
porter of low tariffs. By supportlrig' affiliated with the 0. A. B. A., the en
i Oulu* ice being 'remitted this • week.
First of Five Reettab
The organ program below Is for th
first of a series of flee recitals to be
given at North stnr•t 'United c•hure
during Jutta- Mr. Douglas Campbell
the organist and musicol director o
the church, has arranged tit have an
outstanding ctteaf..Hulot assist a
etch of the recitals and the a,loiet this
week will be Mru.. itle• of Auburn
1 Amory: other soloists to her heard- wit
be Mrs. A. J. MacKay, soprano; Mrs
AIIe•rtt, contralto, of St. Marys, 'and
Mr. Charles Meakfns, baritone. The re-
citals will last for thirty minutes, be-
ginning each 'Sunday at 6.30 teelock:
"Prelude and Fugue in A minor"
"Largo" fNrw- World Symphony,
'Mrs. Riot
"March MlIitalrc" Schubert
•'Deep N,Ight" (Nitro Ap►►rltaall
Funeral of Jahn W, Sesigi
The funeral of the Irate John W
Smith, whose death was recorded In
theme trolumns Inst week, tank place
from his residents.. East street, 011
Sntnrdny Afternoon to Maitland cem-
etery. Ileo. It. 4'. Melkrmld motet -tell
the strvie'a and members .t Maitland
L4tdge, Nn. 33, A. F. & A. ,31., attend
ed In n bock The pallbearer. were
ale Meemel • hrethren : W: T. Marney-.
Dr. J. B. W'hltely..Jes. Connolly. Dr. W.
F. Clerk, Geo. MntViear and .1. J
Goldthorpe. Rilti(bit•s /Inst friends tares
int at the futu•raI frorn a di -torte In
eluded Mr. Jns. Wyatt. of Stratford-.
Mr. anti Mrs. G. Weber, of Monktnn:
Mr. and Mrs. ('1:yton Ingoltl. 11r. nn(!
Mrs. HoLockhart. Hoc Lkhart, silt- Shuyler, of
New Ilnndeurg;'Mr. Thos• Wiggins, of
Dungannon; Mr. and Mra. Gteltrrl
of Lnd•k.
. Mrs. I
11 , et
and child
re n. Mrs. Fred l'udn••l-, \tea.
Ili -len ,Straiton. of Toronto; Mr. R. J.
Smith, of Guelph, and b)1r. end Mrs, 11.
ithuyler, of Kitchener. .
In addition to the Interests men-
Ioned last week to which the late Mr.
the (`nntervativea we would never in
this wurlll'have low ltarifts, said Mr.
ifislop -
Mr. Thos. Inglis. 'Reeve of Howlck
township. stated that he deemed 1r a
great honor to be nominated at this
convention, but be was not a candid-
ate. He was one of the 'sheep that had
strayed away" and had'elme bark, and
he would tl• bis utmost to elect the
choice of the convention.
The lent of the nominees to .peak
. war Mr. Abner Orog•n., of Wingham.
While he was not himself a candidate.
he spoke In the interests of Mr. Van -
atone. bnrrlater, of Wingham. who was
abw•tit tat lief onut of his attt•ntanee
at court..
, Mr. C. A. Robertson, N.P.T., nn- ,
flounced that be was not a candtdt(le
for the nomination.
When the result of the ballot was
',mounted. giving Mr. Robertson a me-
tority over the other two nominees.
Mr, 11111 moved that the nomination
Itt made nnanlmoua, and this was car-
ried amidst applause. (Mr. Robertson
thanked the convention, stating that
be eronsldt'red the nomination not only
it great honor but it great reeporndhll
Ity, ,nod he asked for the co-operation
of all in the campaign that was be-
fore them,
Having been appointee retaining -of-
ficer for the coming election. Alex.
Porterfield resigner) the post of wee-
re•tnry of the Assci•iiation, which he had
11eI.1 for mereral years. A hearty rote
Sr . ltiLefltwoh, addressing the con- of thank.. was tendered tee him by the
eliWgion. which 11' described as the convention in recognition of the
erre held by the Liberals of fn.tbful fond very rtth•lent terrlce he ,
h Iluron, expnessel the belief that had given throoghont bit term of of-
ceant the election of the nominee, fire.
r}ei,ve•r he might tit. Ile was enewr- it assn great day for the Robert-
i h1 this belief by the presence son-. Charles A. "Robertson is the pro- ,
many 1'rogien4vee who were now rine lel member: W. H. Robertson Is 1
iterating with the liberals. North the Federal _nominee. and .7. .1 Role
ron should have a member repro- ertson we. itNtointed imeretery of the'
tint: the majority of the elector., A.:satiation. None of the three is r%1
Over than a minority repretenta- lilted to either of the other two.
c such an the present member. The • .address by Akar. MacGregor
ng Government hod nrinrd twin -
lion. Jas. Malcolm, who had been
land in other respects is ted on th
expected to address the eonvetttton,'
hole given i' pito tion in line with the naps! not able to be resent. Alex. Ms
1t1 V c
le of
w of P
ti DenGregor, K '..of1e
nGl taro brief
waver the Dunning Midget nulRht be address and commenting upon the
inial, it had certainly tart the large attendance and the enthusiasm
nscnntivee to cnntwmlon, oust they shown he maid it augured well for Lib -
not know what to may abut it. era! .nevem. In this riding. ',I/Tiring t
Jobs and Entree at Kingston.
• • •
Mr. Reg. Sowerby motoretl to Ham-
liton and. Niagara .Valls last week and
spent the week -end
with friends r torn•.
Rector's Son His Broken Elbow -
An unfurluuate ae•itkot tscurrtd
011 the Central s•batl grugnda during
the 1.1,0,10 or, Friday a(teri000. Bev-
erly Mills, the nine-year-old soh of
Rev. J. N. 11. Mills, was c1imblug .n
pule beld upright by. two 'other I...y.
..Len i! was overbalanced and he fell
to the ground and rite bone of sots
right elbow wit: broken. The break 1s
au outemal one, and the lust was takes
to L•nn.1oi o11 Wilda)*Wilda)*fur exawi11ntiou
by a apretillst, who en••uurt..:el the
hope that the Ineire•d arm n0.11.1, be
.:ell tight ho time.
Jlore �'emmPls l caving -
'1'I r1 a nese steamer, .. hit It 44'11,
...r...1...r...1here intro steam up and tiro pre -
Wiring to leave for the hexad of the
lakes. ('reel+ ere aboard the ('nnadoe
i-h'roft and Inn: trty° T1s. first moue!
tesla! expi..-(s to clear leeel:i /'fluor,.
day) ad the other two to, Monday
next.wenbe captains and chief ••uglu/rrs
of !beet. o
• boat. :is follow: • Ctn nolo•'
rapt. It..1. \Vileon and ('filet Engineer
L Rattler. beth of Midland: As4hhcr•.
Capt. Peter AliKay of 4 even 50111.1
anti Chief Engineer .1. W. Volute; .t
Torous..: Hagerty. ('nm. .11ex. McLen-
nan of Midland and chief Engineer -
Hermon Jack of Lefroy.
Only three of the vessels of the
winter fleet now remain Lt port : Mar-
attian. ltencoyle and Vnliartier. •
Tie• steamer 11ome Smith 1. due 111
the (Innerly!,(Innerly!,h
elern'r totter with n
intro of 122.1(() bushels of oat -ealjt
111,0(8) bushel* of wheat' and Et,-
• • •
Messrs. Dann end Joe Itinn return(d
to Detroit thht week atter 'mender
'the whiter with their parents. Mr. an
, Mrs. P. Finn.
el' • • •
1 Mr. awl Mrs. Jam. Spain retorncd t
b i Detroit lasMonday after visiting a
the homte of the farmer's parents fo
f the {stawtrk '
I Mt•sars. Irwin Gantry. Ruemell Striek
ler and Clarence Arnatrong, of Wteil
stock, spent the week -end with Mr. and
! i Mrm. Wm. Genie}.
m • •
Missies Maud ane Vine Layton
I Mrs. Stewart and son Bill. of Detroit
' spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs
, Wm. Tait, Keays street.
'Basket of IGewes'•
fn a Wild hos"
Soprano 6 l
As to his personal attitude on public
Gone. Mr. Itobertson .airs he has
tied to grandios• scheme. for fermi -
R isublic • money -schemes usually
nt•.e•ttel by city- people to be paid
r by the people of the country. In
in ,'nnneetiun be naked that the rep -
the past eerernl weeks." he mold, "1
have intended several liberal meet- t
Ings and I am certain that Liberal- l
isnl will more than come into its f
own at the election. The imrposc• of t
any government le to make life more
ole "est trete broad-mtndel pc•runn
Smith gate fuht time and attention, It
Monti be listattoned that he always
,sok n great interest In municipall af-
eRe sad some years a+o he served
Hr w.rd4 time on the town council,
entath-r should be allowed tome de '8111 mRrer that the Ring Government
• of Instep nderse, The reprtmentn- lues dun. this; Its pk111f'y le head, 11
it should keep In et/se touch with Is nnttonal in spirit. and it has Mitsui,
people of the riding, end he ehnnld w
•orkal fn the interests of all clammee
!• kr• his odes from hit elnstituentm her the br(ho (it the pot 8!) of ies
(her than from anytsily at'O'biwa. ,,,,wintry nit a whole."
e was not. sure (lint the hest way to lie briefly reviewed the many •leni•-
nsnit the ' prop. opt.• ane by
11 kith ricinl meaanrt•a whleh the liberal Gov -
Ile dan/rt- it wpm the heads rind .•rnment hail been Inafn(mrnfel In
arts of the loeclrle, totter then tilrlr sassing, Including ret+iu'tion of taxes.
rte, flint shndld be coneultel. Con- 1
'Weren't, in Income tax, reatnrntlon of
«ding, Mr. Robertson pin expresser! tninny th1 ostngt' reduction to tnrlff.,
a confidence that withh united action I
rth 'Huron could he recaptured for
grtaMhr iAberallem.
Mr. Hogb41111, ex-Iteeve of Colhorte
wttrhip, followed Mr. itoleertson ler
net of nominees. He expneesd ler
amore in poring percent at ao large
gathering. He had attended a great
any conventloae, but perhaps not at
ny am Mr. Robertson. Times were
t tdo proaperona as they were a few
re ago, but the cense eonid not be
tributed to the King Government.
r, am Liberals, sbnnld endeavor to
me our farmer friends as mncb
IwIlisIbleSaid Mr. Hill, and in
Ins mid be would do fila• (lest
fAfest the primmest member, If 'elms-
l sc-am a eandid te.
r, Areblhakl HIsbop, who wag the
al standard-bearer to .the 11141
election, stated at the outset 4hat
was not a candidate this time. He
wed the record of the Mend
ernuwat and wild he was a sap
nbolitlnn of the rer•ipt tax. rte. "it 1s
grntlfying to note," he stated, "wise(
!tans«y .Mot -Donald has to Say regard-
ing Ihr budget brought down by the
King Government. lee daeared it we.
n budget whirl' ehohld he lin ontstnntl-
Ing example to the teat of the Mater
'intorno of (ht' Empire. It wax with the
urentrat confident' that the I iheral
party nppeaktl to the elnntry w3tls it.
•'1 feel sure that thi. riding will
stint] by the Empire. We certainly tau •
•xpleef the continuity of the many Acnt'
fire from t ot.r trade with the Moth-
erland. tint) the entbIt im whlrh you
nre.sho'eing in North 'Huron will he a
shining star thrirtlRbent ill the West-
ern (ntarin ridings."
laudtte"s and IlnBdini
The Erle 011 •napany, Limlret, of f
,London, ilontueD(rel work title wtrk,,
on the eilnetrutfkm of their new gm!-
' Wine mervie notion at the carrier of
Vktnrtt 111111 Hatnilton strteta. % ttnm•
her of men are at work lin the niew
gas motion, %olein will be a mei-ern
atm pi every Metall, with all eoneen-
pence•s fon moforlats. It to stated tbat
the bn0dhng wife be ready jn slant
one .alone tet time.
Mr. harry Mitchell, of Galerirh,
teemed m
peew new lora mrd h•r Ire eta -
'Ion at hie property at (bit corner of
Itnyfltld anti Britannia roads. this
week, Mr. MIlehell eonstroeted n new
frame battling Hale vowing and ni-
l/died two gitioline tanks of latest
aryl- lit Mint of :the premiere. A*
*noontime] hi 'the advertising artimni
of this. Imine he.4rarrlem a fol line of,
groterlea; cinfedalonerr. eat (trinket
and le• crcnm, ani it In a poelttnn to
serve the moterIng public with gaso-
line nnd`n11
• • •
Rev. C. F. Clarke and fondly wen -
to Windsor on 'Wednesday tat
1 amount of the denth of Mrs. J. W.
I Barnes. sister-in-law of Mr. Clarke.
• • •
Mr. oust Mrs Frank Riley and Flor-
enee are spending holidays nt Brant -
I ford. Mr. I1. Itob•rtrion, of Drayton, is
' relieving Mr. Riley at the C. N. it.
{ • • •
Rev. Father Hall, of Mt- Carmel, vis-
ited his uncle, Mr. J. J. Hall, last week.
Mr. Hall to merit improved anti hop's
' ter. he able to lenve the hompltal In a
few days.
• • •
Mrs. C. A. Nairn and Mr. Douglas
Nairn nrrlvcd from Toronto last w/ek
end are ngaln ternl,ying the family
reshh•nee on Keel's mtr.ce Mr. Thuglee
'Nome e111 stern) the mummer in the
legnl offie• of flay. & plays.
Miss Viola 4tsbnldeston attendee the
B.Y.P.T'. e.nv.•tah'n of Ontario :Intl
Quebec, held nt itranttord the pea'
week, its tile delegate from tot• Weal
Union. Mr. W. t:riff and Stewart Criff
111,.o were at the come!!Uen.
• • •
11r. and Mrs. •!tarry Murtht nntl
Miss Greta Martin. of Ternito. rpe•nt
% .
n mos. r..
h. week rn 1 with .i Tl
Elgin arc•nne Miss Mnrfln intend-
.alling for England nn Joh- Pell and
will remain there for n year nt an .x-
.•hnuge teacher.
11r. and Mra. Wesley Walker mel
Mr. itolenl Walker were nt 111%th oil
Tuesday offending the funeral of Mrs.,
Erie Jones of Tnrnnto, who died 1/11
1ra11111y of pncutnotda, niter a week's
illness. Deceased was formerly Miss
Verne ik'nnett de.ghfer of the bate
Mr. and Mrs John Rrnnett e.f Rllth.
and titer of Mrs. R. it. Sloan of
Porter's 11111. Slue wns employed for
.ratan! years «r buyer for n whole
:nite bons.• in Toronto and visite! Paris
twin n yinr in the Interests of the
firm. '' -
Eight I'riree ('ome to (horns'
In the rternt temperance •shucation
contest tw Ontario. richt 1'rovbti iti1
, prizes were won by contestant% from
the connty of Huron. William Sweet --
Inn! of Coilerich. %no -Inst veer won
not only the maul nal 1'rnvincinl ,
prizes in the senior Iety"' clots int the
notional at well. has Again won first
prise in the senior boys' cines. Mat -gar- - 1
t Dos!' of Clinton hi• won the flied
Mize in the cantor giro rinse the
Tier In eat•h rase feeing a. ten -dollar
-geld coin. Andrey Onrtec def (llfMln V
won a very eioae atmnd in the %unlet
Itnyli cisme, hie prize being a camera 1
of exceptlnnal quality. Mergnret Wet -
son of ltrneefiild to the intermediate
girl': ewes won for proficiency n
le•nutitnlly illustrated vnlnme ent-
tilled '•!ttorlees from the Poets." in
the Punier Ririe' clow ('arollne Well-
wont! of W inrham. Aside and MUTT '1
1'Mremen Henwi11. nnel in the Junior
bei•%' elan. .lack 'Snyder nt Clinton
emelt won for proficiency a handsotwe- .
ly-lonnd Cambridge Ride.
William etutheriand and Margaret
Darn are elle?' In the race for a nation- 1 K
aI . Ig, Thr Minna' prise 11.1 will I
Look over your supply of Otli.
Statipnery and let u« fill your order for, Billheads, F.nvelopee or
Other rlequirentents. A good job at a
reasonable prier•
Empire Day Obier ed by Oul•of-Moors BE CELEBRATED BY
The ground} u[ Central "Weed gate•
w•ut.41 n guy appearance on the a.ter-
!soon of Empire lona. MaY •=led. ()II ;
the playground ut the back of the
!Committees Struck and plans
sets..! field -buy sIoorts were lit pens- Under Way for Big Da•y
tens, uudt•r the di re.tiuu of the trach
IT.. Inspector Iteucint. J1r. Ernest
- in Goderich July Lit
1'ridham and other willing helpers. 1 •\ public meeting' was held -ln the
Under a spreading tet. oto Uu• front was the kr-cream stand. well ut I on Muuday'
Imuroulzcd by rhlldren oust adult, Purpose of orgaulzlug and making
t nest tui It uu 21 hi. h w rt dl•- f 1ondultou Day in Goderich on Tuesday,
played fur sole all Loads .f '.i,Ii i ri .l 11 1•t 4( i r Mucl•:wan preside/
rhiblrs, while u11 the nth, r side 21'er1•
tables daintily sprt•ud for the plea i oyer tot► m,4Uar, and Mr. �. h. i ruff
Un tont' i 1
evening fur tba
alit.•. (►u sue side ut the front walk preplratI ono for the celebration a
w:1M 1 I
ore ut those who .'lshcd afteruoru acted its at't•rc'try
ecu. the Naked goods -ale and twit Mr. ('tuft,ec
who war secretary tf last
ea rubies stere In- i
••nal tomelett. of the Iion* ;+1111 School year's 4rlcLrullou ao)attultte•. read the
Club, under the able nt:utagtmeltt of name* t,f last yeur'e tolls -ere and the
%Ir., 1V- C. MHcE4:nt uud Mrs. N. (' meeting then. Kw -tested with the ye,.
.t painful «trident to the yetu,g sou
,•f Rev. J. N. 11. 11111. wa• a recrct•
mole Incident of the attenot.o which
otherwise prated delightful to all con-
' vented. •
The niters of winner. In the .arleus
.•tent.. are as follow.:
!'lass 1. ---Girls- -I'nulh.a Ma\wetf. 1:.
1V. -t to„o 1; y• ---Frank Young, It.
1 lel y tiers.
('lass 11. -(!iris ---11. Euktman. M.
East snail. ' Itoys-s11. llolmaq, Walter
Westbrook. -
C'lass 111.-431ris-.M:toy A.beson.
Jean Luutloy, 1Suy-t-M. Mcl►onnld,
' Worthy Ryan.
('In•. 11'.•--;brie-•Peggy 1'nrs,ns,
nes Thurit'lno. Boys -Fred Sandy-.
n uCr t
a g.
Ing of this }ear's (When and commit-
tees as follows: •
liouoruly chains:ill---Wm. 4'ampbell-
t'balrmail -May or 11. J. A. Mao-
Secretary --S. 1). Croft.....
Treasurer-lt. C. Whateley, with .11..
Porteras 'resistant.
Children's games--lt. Stonehouse
(chairman), 11. 7'. }Awards.
• Parade --(1. 1.. 1'arnous (cbairmagl•
11. O. Sturdy, S. D. ('raft. •
itaw•bull--'I. It. Reynolds (chair-
man), who ons lk,w-t•r to Dante others.
PH!'tleg mai advertising -1•. l•
Knox tihnlruane E. L. Dean, J. le -
Mutcb, 11'. H. Robertson, W. F. Neftel.
ltar'orn'tious--G. 1.. 1'armena Ichalt-
man 1, J. W. Fraser, 1'. E. Ilibta•rt.
sp..{a1 fel tonl•et-•I)J.
IMO but, •els of barley. - ('1ass V.--(:trim--nide ion. e. Isla a is A. (Yurner.
lchalrmau), 11. Alc('reath, 1'. Turner,
1-2lto(1. R;•ys-!!illy Robinson. Me1.111c' Ge'. J,• •r:
In (ler Msglatrnte's ('turf
The first oiler In Huron under the
('ant Borers •\et wns before' Mngis
!rote Reid this week, n Stephen hiw•u-
ship man tering charged with refusal
to tarry out the !warm/ions of the
' pin-pr•tnr. He pakl a fine of 1Io and
i costs and agreed. int future to fulfill
the requirements of the Aet.
ire n CROW from Hay township for
having liquor in -n public place, the
utfender was assessed 14100 and tvosts.
Over it drown muses from W'Inghmn
under the l.itplur Control .tet were
dealt with. The principals were fared
slot► and costs tach. while the others
wore mows -red) each $10 :Ind •rests.
With 'the of«•n111G of the automo-
bile season the \Ing! -treat- Is agate
eallel upon frtgnentiv to tient with
iitracthins of the Highwnc Traffic ,11'1,
end tine. have !Weil lulpkt•mcl for speed
itis. reckless driving, ,irlving 44 4Ito•et
permit. rnit. drlvtnR While Intox{entwl, rc
fusing to turn'nut to allow another
ear to /visit, and other otfeuere.
On a charge of allowing tittle to
run nlarge a tine .4 $ and ,costs
was imposd.
But Spectator« See Series of Keen
Th. Goclrrich I'ral{n_ anti facing
Atwwlttion Meld a spring rare meet nt '
Agrhvltural -'ark on Wednesday after-'
«.sou. owing to the cool %rather there
was not a very large nitr'rgtetA •e and
the meet w•nm.not a .serene fhulnclnlly ,
11.we4 er, the bark 44ee In 4plrnd ld
' onlition and the rte•x were numbs
the le•xt ever 'itnessrl Isere, nil lb -
!WHIN being keenly conks:eel. 1111•
e•hehtlel 2:111 trot .r Ince pas
0111111g1.11 t. a '-!ossified roar In ord.
that to 'another of horses on the ground.
not eligible for the 2.:0) might ester
This rue.• wn. won 1'y (;"Idle• Peter<.
.wt1el ley N. Ne•Iv of Sarah;. The I tg
ar• ....,, n t• ... 2.1 t Inn
', :111,1 (11 was . e I,l sit. to
•114.1. pr"I.•t1y of 14. S. Iit(. of
1' • .IeN•,':
tor I1' h i p • •ly'. w,I I -k oo,, It
• ry, It -'reser r;rattan. came third !u'
t The 220 t or puce wWnl
f 1 rl
and .. n- cn ptund I,r It•ruc
r r n. ow reel ley It. 'French "f T. .s
111,1ueen lr•n'. the r:tdtrfyh
b;nul pgayirl exeelleut musk.. -
The results:
Classified Rare_-Ihlrae $3300
,.'ralgle. l'wl.ileges and Ione•:slum-1.. L
Polars Race • Knot (ehufnuaul.
1 nINY•--
1'-�' a-. S. I. a II Rleye
h1s4 11 sirs i a t lap. I lttoirt. Turner lelulr-
1 \IwItl Ik,ys--Walter Westbrook. `m;ull. C. 11. plumber, It. t'. Meuniniggla
Class 111. -(!iris -Madeline Bi•hop. 11 Im loropoaetl to have a street par
Jlive Sheardown IWys---B Itnrlow, ode uud- the usual program of ebia-
Pewe.4'Itws IV.-tall*--ARt11•s Thoroelot-. drtn's games In the masse g. In the
erwat4. ituys--Etat! !randy, i afrtnes.h tl the muhl feature will 11kNy
. 1tnuuld° Wigle. ; lie n doublrbeuder ►aselall match rte
Class V ---I:Iris--Lnhl 111•11.w.Porde tw•irn taressl•,uaamafl
limos. hays -Bert Campbell.cultural Idnlrpk.uf)br the etevenings'st entet-
lhish arseuddisc Block tahunent Mr. 11. )lorl'nnth MopootwtelAg
('-Murrtt' M;•Ihoudd. hilly a -o, display, Wilb•n
tVeillns'brtwk.111.tLoniflrihtt a rkbund tatt.o shoulhd bee sottageL
Class IV. --Fns! Sandy. Rlewldo Mr..J. R. lteynolde. 4110 pmmo(N
Wigle. , the prufrtsit 1 baa4all game•. Late
,'In•s 1--MO%ille - lintel••. Bert , 1•tuu Ik,minion hay hwas !
Campbell. - lt null Mtn(e-d (11111est ilyenre 1i84 hrewn•res la
Three-legged Rare t •h it nth severe] teams for a game
Class 11.- Girls •M. -Eastman and' here on July lat and It was still pm-
ee' 1t. Shelton It Ensign/III nod W. thrift •ibde 11ant he militia severe two good
Nos 11..It Parc} 311.1 Itllly $alfa•, team• for liths's-e•lebralits
IV Barlow:std .1 Tuffor,l On merlon of ('�mtNlllor HunItey
1'1/.s 111 -.girls V %t••..r•• :ot,l 1; 1111.I itet•1,• Turner the meting went
1'ullum( Icor, - All. Mcl4nu.l.1 :uud 14 .0 reeor.I 11, farming turning t.t.t
Snlger. t;etrg•• Breen uud h. Masoh. 111,- ....rola... it :no, from 111. year's
ten... le, -Girls -Iris Warnock and edebnutil. 4'ommtnuty etic
: Leah tariff. Peggy Parsons sod Mary Atso•inton.
A, he+on. 1'he .ranonmtthNo(1•rs ore to meet .nAthlMos
4'bi«m V'.-- (ail. -!.tris Ibl.bop anti 11. , viii} night ural(.
postop. (live Sheardown end Teimle'
C„udot. Moa s(. McKinnon, of Windsor,
Thread -the -Needle Rare 1 ep'nt the holiday at her home here
vines ill -Musket'''. Bishop and Ol-
ive S Barlow H. M tr arci I.nnawuy and ,
SI. Eastman.
('lilsx 11'. --.\Burs Tlinrbeloe and An- ! * --
n{e MnrKlnnml. Leah Grift and Iris Service 44111 be bell in the Salvino.
be Lieut. J.
licinple, anti her subne•t "The Call of
t\'nrna k. Army bail on Sunday evening at 7
1:111xs V. -- 111n Elliott and Doul/ ---':•'e"'-•- The--
Mes'n•. Jean Whiteside and Tussle Con
Klerk RtttP , S••t-the in Knox ehur•-b next Sale
Ch1.. II ISevrrll Ilii!., ludo will be In charge of the min -
Class III --4 t rgt• GnIhnnt,' 'ri rry ; Ish•r. linhJPt-tx ut wrmaua• 11 sort,
t'Is iser. . (:tt t 'Though!. to 1'swarl ;" i lr try,
b1s..1V.-,1.101 Craig, f rah Sandi. "Goin! ('hear." Sabbat)t mcha11 ane
Klanding Jump 1;{bb• ' las... nt In «'click:
Class 11. -Iters - L. w•hninhals. It. \t rho Ihlptlst chnr'1' next Sunday -
Hei•I. the pn'l•r. Itt'v. tV. T. Bunt. will ba.i
�/�'In.s 111. -/ail• bury \chis e, ''hnritt• .f IIn• ti•rehv•'. S• rmna sue
litnd.•INt• Il.h,q'. i1'.l. IS{Ily !Yes(- J A.:I M.rning. "The• )insure'. (;net$
i,r,t 1., ,lira Th.rut•I's... mor-;., ev.ulug. ".\ 1"t'bIitt3(r
4'1,.,+s 1' --I 4:Irl- - Agnc. 711.n,e1.,•; I,""dnti'uu " Itlhlc whoa nt 11) a tw
(Innie• \ftr•. 14.t- -Prod N11ndl, Johii Thr .rd{na11''t' of the Lord's Sunla•r
t'n11g. 4111 be ,tI ti.ed nl tlye clumr of TIM
Cl.0-. \' -earls Ido lilllott. Loh! in eri:hlg .,nitre:
It! -hop L',•y• •I:II1h Ipeblus.n. Melyal,,
NI r. (1. It hobos, organist nod ehoic
4raigi.• nut.b•r .f St G;rnry-o•'. chute -h. int ar-
KnnninR Hr(alel Jump ranged •pM•eit1 n1usk-t1 numbers for
('Inas 11 4:Irl- iBettl I't tmtttt. the lnnlerwlry services next Mthelay.
MnrJ.ri'• I:s Goan. lt.y- -11. Velour,,, 1t th. 1ftti1tnit• 'rice ht flue att.T
Walter Westbrook. noon Mr-. .\. �. VineKnc will alAg "Q
:.Idle 1' •1 • % V \ '; !!Ins%
III c • .}11ore .be hcen- Iota II v • llet•ct •• h • •
4r . .. .'w toy. . nrnh( 111- y .'trndNhn, one
Miss 11111 1:., N. Neck'', Sarnia 12=,' 11n11e line Itishop. Boy,. frilly West- :t ain't rntlturl "u Lord. Whet Hare
%sols W. James. 1411.1011
1 to Do 2'i19 brook. .Ion TLorn.bk, 21111-'I'h,t," ell! be sung by
('has. Wilkes. $Id lhslgitts, Cland- -'lass 11'.-- (:Ir�M-..CRnem '1'horu.ha•• I Ah. �In' Ki.y uul t S'hnrh•s ,MPa-
4$;4 o)nalre Morel•. Boy• Fre! Sand). Wil I,lus.
Gnuttan O'Leary, 1t. 1'rent'h, 'ices. isr Fell. Thsr w•riret ref No\lrth t!tart 1'u1ted
water 41uss V. -Girls --Effie Immo. Aunt,. 'torch nt•xt Snuday-w111 he ms follows
'time 3.1!It-. 2.101.. 2.201.. 221.
?Jt Trot or fart -Nurse $410
Silent (;ntttmt, G. S Litt. Cod -
II114,01 1.11.1.k111111, W. .141,1..11. •
Aylmer• 11222.1
Itiue'ti t Grattan. lir. J. ,t. 1Vidtr-
ty. G.derielt 21:13.
alio"•11 l'ou:h..1. it. 1•'rnscr. Rlder-
Nan :8Hly
niter rete, 1.. W. Goy, 14ientArth•tl-str
Thee 21111,, 211'_, touts. 2.213e.
? !0 Trot or Part' --l'a'mp 1300
Irene Grafitti,, It. Trench, Te•a.
w•«ter 11201
A/111 I't•I.r, H. ieineh-r, Sarnia 32112
Billy W'Ilkes, C. 'lodging, ('land-
eboye 64121
Mac Peter, T. Vee( rixkere Strnth-
roy 11611
1'ptemie.r Morn, lir. J. It. White-
ly. Goderich 43RIx
rine Priers, L. w. Gny, Alen- •
forth • max
Time- 2.171,, 3.1'4'x 2.101j, 2.1s.
Roy Itrothere of Stratloril, nfflelee
ed as stinger. The Judges !fere J. 11.
Illatnembeitom, of •Wnikerton, And At .1.
;n1Ath,trti`:. of G eleri -11, • . wet the
!mars•(•. H. Humber and W. T. Mr•
awl. of Golhrieh.
3'ler re•gttinr meeting of the Galerleh
Vinwn'a Institute wlll4he held in Mac-
ey i1a11 on Thnruday, Jett; !nth, at 3
(lo ck.•'Mrs. F:. W. Carrie w give a
'Gordon Wong is remaelliug his;
rife nt the corner of the equare nae
\louden1 mtrttt and le putting In new
timeline% new lighting fixtures, err.
Gond pen:trees Ie being matte nn the
fonndellol of: the new theatre btdld- -
• ing on Wood. street' • '
• At'MeMsnus' new dalre building on
Hamilton Street workmen are now
putting minor; root.
A stone eft the north nide of Heat
"greet' is le•Ing fitted np for a reutattr-
TIM officer" of the Aalvatkm Army 1
are.gratiticd with the reanit. of their;
Mg day on Wednesday, which retinae('
WI. And wed% to thank all who asaided
pahllsheti early In Jona. '.
[ravel talk,.'
• Mn.•Khmnn. Boy
KWitlt Bartter.
cite-, II! hilly
4'1.x. IV. -Feel
Poise V. Carl
1' ehgi..
class 111 '-•Itllly
Cln•. 1V.--•Frt,l
! ('lass V. earl
inifty Robinson
(her Pole
11',s: bro••k. It. Mae
Sand.. Wilbur Well
St...dart, Melt Ill'
Wt-tbr.stk; 11. Ma;
Sn nt!y.
Studio! t. liar, et
Nfildnrt. • I
In to ra.. Metra S,nulny ('Ino. fellow
classes awl Mission Itaud : Det
Snnit ie •.IH'.! : 11 n m and 'i p.�N
public 21orship. let 11, 11o'rninf Ibe
11' 11 S. Mit hake charge of tin mrr-
t icor :Olin Mrs, t'. H. Cane itllen of
ti (n(( . 1,rnl'•r14- .f China, w111 speak.
Ite•v J 1•:. Pori n 111 preach at the
o enln_ -Device
Ws.'I+11 3, ran_en4•n(4 hove .
wade for the .ervlees in Vielori&
si rete' relied ch11rt-lt next tnntiny,
ahi'h will It, conference Sur.lny. with
}'pastor nhs,nt. The ft! •t part of
h. mornhl_ st•ri.e well he tnkeu by .
1h'• Young People's Iot•Irty. and there
..Pt 1..• sts•'-1 iI singing by the choir.
Lieut Semple of the Salvation Army
will get.• fit gust.• !negate.% and het
.Wile t wlI1 b,• ••.1 Tet nt punto - 1•
:1e oieu(ne airs; ('ttat•nlien will speak
the Int. rest. of the Womm.'s 111.
•louart S.i•Iey.
The s.11ltinint committee of the
Loudon C.otfertnct of the rotted
Church. meeting lois w.t•k as Wend -
'twit'. has patsy,,) eta first draft elf
rtnUong,. Inehnlhtg the following. for
the 1'r.•.hytery of Huron • 1lettrntller
oust Smith's 11111, ,i. 1► I11•Id. IFR:';
c'c•ut:111in. Selby ,liffereon: - Cllstw
toitterins treat ,. F .1 P.•riNl . Otani,,
hetet. R. Ylatthtws:•\Ile LPehnvf
and Port e.Aihrrt '1 1.. •M%tet ; Varna,
1'. I:. Ihnv m. Itn, it. 11 ('mm�nt,�iIng.
now of II.•ttmlller nal Smith's 11111, M
tntkoped • at Ceto, In Fart MOMS.
Rev ,V. C Tiffin,yrhn has been vqe-
ttovriti g Itt 1:tal•rick Rays to 21.
Golf flub Opening
'I'b- \la'tl:Oen (:.It Phil nda•ned th.
w•ntnn nn•1'S, I.nsh 'on Vlttor(a 11nv.
with fair weather and n large nom
ht•r of players on the cohere. Keerrjln
serest nits shown !n n)I the events hod
the result% were ne fnllowi:
Ladles' nnprn retiing trimp•l1lon -
lint. Mr.. W. le. ittnnl••re: 2nd. 111.•
Jose. Stinnt4ers : ;3rd. Mrs W 1. 0:,hl-t
he r -t
1•t Iltyt jeerer] competition -•)'prat,'
Met. Jot, fTnud,lsnn ; 2nd. Mrs W' 1
ewinders: ar.h. MIs n. n vannd.r-. 1
Meet's le -hole nut ht -piny eompett-
11nn-'11ral- Charles Nnftt•I: 2r'•l, Dr.
Nrwlnn-Rrm1y : aid, W F. Atntader.
11(1,-('Ier•11l•s' Welker. , I
Two -hall mixed tnnrsome First.
1I141, JON. fMnnldeon rAnil C walker
2nt1, Mire. K. le. Naftel and W. F.
Anuhden: Rr4. )Ira W. T. Pounder.
. y a a an
Andrew's (-hnryb. St Thoma:.
.....,- t -o S+wdanittll iron "Mime t n