The Signal, 1930-5-8, Page 1#ignal
goes every week into more than
One thousand homes in Goderich
and vicinity.
Mr. Merchant. does it carry your
Look over your. supPly of Vika
Stationery and let us fill your order for
Letterheads, 'Unbends, 'envelopes ' or
other requirements. A good job at •
reasonable price.
11111It YEAR, Nei .22
MAY 8. 1930
THE StONA 1. PRINTING CO . 11M ITICD, Publisher&
M v. C. F. Clarke Preaches on the
Good Sanutritaa
Hamm Lodge, No. MI, 1.0.0.F., cele-
brated the Illth anniversury of Odd- Iluffulo from paralysie of the throat
fellowebit• by attending divine worship ghee an maws of a few dao. Beaton
on Sundey morning at North street the husitand, three young Will• survive.
United church. The minleter, Rev. C. Deceased Witlf bent hi Buffalo, but had
F. Clarke, welcomed the members on. heed In Bridgebtirg from earty child- Tyronto for a few weeks.
SOU, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
MRS. GE0/111(24", H. STItArlON
George .111. Strwttou, of Bridgeburg,
formerly (if Coderich. bah been bereav-
ed IV the death of hie wife Marguret
(Xenia-, alibi. oreurred in hospital at
The News of the Town
The marriegvo took place in St. Ben
edke'm elstirch. Detroit, on Saturda).
Mey 3rd of Elizabeth Ilea.' ltimblie
ItEt 1.111 ION TO MR. AND
.tt" the Satiation Army hall. Vater -
hi. street. liett Sundt** a
Mother's Day service will 'be held at r
7 ion. l'upt. 1. !Wanes ePeak.1
takiim her isubjeet. Mary. the'
Mother's Day Seniee
Next Stindey nfternoon at 4 o'clock
the animal Mother's lety serilte will
Mk. Norimie Dunlop is land". from, t* held ut St. Patrick's Perk •ed -
dresses will he given by. rept...mita-
tli•ee of the varieus t•hurcliee ef the
toan anti there will ht. u Tirol:rem of
nitisie. An levitation b. ve-
ld' this ...tomtit! serriee•in boiler of
tended to the citlzene to preseut
ler In Florida.
• •
• • •
31r. Reg. Fkher. of,411 of Mr. anti.
Mrs. Horsier .1. Fisher. was taken ser-
iously ill Iasi week and cenditien"
behalf ef the officiate and the emigre- hood Iffir hualiand tt prominent itobtawnt (eaterhat, 10 etirmau J. • • •
gation the chureb. For his text he In1.1 !less man of BtidgeOurg, being leNell, 1•011 of Ilr. and Mrs. J. (2. , Mr. Term.* Kidd, .1 Terme., Ansi
tuudif, awry .4 the Good manager of the Menthelatum Company itt
The young map whose queetion and treasurer of the Prate l*troit. Rev. Father Ifoey ofdcb, been "•11eurlillit several duYs town
drew the story from Jesus was remit- Bridge Ian'. Miss • INtellit Harney. of Gude- this e•eek.
Arena. • • • -
rklt was bridesmaid, and the. groom .1
h Imo said the preacher,
r with t , Was slipported 1) brother. Robert
uot ette•hunillar with its applien-
ItOGEllt 'IONE J. O'Neil. of laetroit. The yeting
to lafe• Ile "uld quette tUe law Itoger ltone, a well-kuown resitieut eouple, veho will make their houie In
f II 1 1 see it, (limit
_ _ no in on 14t. 4.;eorge's Crescent on Friday. It od I
bIli be a et 41 .
of Godericb. passed uway at ids home Detroit. a a
1 t; orkiint part •.f their how 1.
Feetillow•le of jeonstu af ;me uryffea men. April 2501. in his tifty-setentit year.
.ueil in the story are to be fouud in 141 l'•""41 beet) ill 111-heallli for the The
Mali Years. 'loving suffered from ' ireiPPled Childeen's Benefit
ele wh., prey upon utbcfs. who have a rheumatic fever vihich affected Ids
tweutieth centbry. There are Pam four
ti..„t. Tia, init. mi.. 11„oe wai. bons hi. Iloormaii." written esperially for thei
The. 4.41114.1y eket.41. The New
tided. Clill.lreas Brew% te be elven '
•es. Chrietianity alma to redress limit
regard for otlwrs' rights or others'
(i.hilitough Ilioniethire. England. abd I 4:ri
.11 Use olli to 4:11 nada in Julie, IMO., 1.31 the Lion/. Club Manumffli Minstrels'
rollata. • with his family', inking Up re.ijlenee ill! 2t 112. '11/"1"1 Tim"' "Hi"' 1741I''
Thee their are the ludifferent
Getlerich, where he litel reel ed ever, "UK. 17111 ..f May. with •11 children's
41.. teu..binr, of the scripture. tante. He is survived by his widow i matinee. oll SaturdaY. 174h. by Mr.,
Menkhis. +solvents the trouble. (if ,
, thew e•hr, are quite famtitar
al two br ti -
t think they are not intent to be
erse lire Allan. (lift Folkeeteue Kent,i l'.ninit'r r"ru.".1" hew
d l• b
of flee door -
It disturbed by ifie sorrows or 131111"1"1; J""' li"e aud Ain"; Rene,4ntan in the Provincial illonse in Tor- I
of Hartley, Whitney. Hampshire, Eng -I onto. It he a riproiring fane.
fled out. Three people de not whih
anti the!
- weds of others. They -pass by on the
aer- ide" Like Gailte. they - I.-salt...est liad (.114. daughter.. Outnicters will he 'played by Mr. 6. L.
1 Petreens as the Premier. Mr. Ilarehl
tyre, land. 'fhe ,
who died in infancy. The late Mr.
In ilwrcasitia autuhere, ou the othek li011e Was tin ilinellean and the fin,...rd Illawkinene as the coloreet 41..erman.
dar none of Owe*. things. -
took place from St. 4;eorge'. etturah on elw ether one taken by Mr. Ilielbeet.
land. there are Dec* why. "by love
Saturdey afteneem to Maitland tem .
Mr. Isarroe HS Mil. of the ,t.,41,awara.a.
inn l• 11111. Illi.1111er." This attitude ' of
etery. The ree...e. Rev. .1. N. II Millsi, while Mr. Belcher will lend him hams
vefrot .The nerdy of eifth,a chluireu lutd charge of the chureti serve* and
Illevlsa• 1. found today to 11 WOhlterfIli Vele(' tr. a tough ••gg exaltiornian %vied
W* assisted by Rev. canon 11111. The %till not allow his eue.•••seers te keep
c ale thought and help and levlug core
, pallheurere were G. I, Parsons. IL, the jol. very long. Mr.. Jenner idayel,
MRS. JOS. V. THOMPSON j_Lyilia Spankiiiirst. Ile is a ...ream.
fwbile Mr. -Clark is the Wololler-worler
the' militant suffragette lender, Mts.
sucietice_ The mare a Hen who; Brown, J. S. Platt Slid JAS. Cumen.
Indicidnals. from Institutione,
Ebe not to be irtinteterist unto, but toi - .
Wet," 10 shown hy the inotelfbeef
t relieve Puttering. th curer The death .occurred in 1:siderite ur "t the pawl -rending. w..rld. the man
•e. to aid the unfortunate. to lielp Monday. ferre 2,0h. ,4, st.try 1otroo.,'. bottling has ever bafflel.
15 fulk.„ The only eure for i•rueity. wife•of Ntr .111; ILTyhompeen, in her Ctoute • a fa 1 see till. funny 11•1111edj.
slaws. and indifference Is to re•-• seeventy-finet y eased had been
y tay ye•its t'brIst mid to in for !fipple tithe. 1.01 her last
4" serious ilinessearas only of three Week.'
24si 14 lard Ilis %Orli.
etwir. under the directieu of •Iiirntlen. The late In 'Momper-el
outflow'', neutered lb.. enthral. was born In (*.abort).- township. where
1 I lit Fternal." with J.
The dollar will help -.well. the hind
for the erlimitel ehildren ef.the eetinty.
Sports Committees Appointed
, The tiro ewetiug .1 the officers of
tohe spent the greater oaxt or her life, the neely-eryrinized nthletic asesia-
•ler ae oit4t. and 11 mixed quar renioviatkaierich about three piaci timi Wa. 4.14 in the t•.e hu on nes
•'God Will Take Cure of ago, es tor husband. two fille• treadaj eveuing The •-hief Im•1111,111
'o ittand four daughters anrvive: Wm. f•Itawaseled v,•e• the algsoutillit.1 ...eV.
- -
May '4. -Mr. 21141 Mrs -
1 MOvre and two cmitiren,
of the 4t1i ..eincessium and
Moore's father, Mr. Jackson, of
' d wan Mr. aud
on, spen
Harvey Fisher. Mr. and Mrs.
Fisher also spent the day with
SOO, Harvey.
s Dorothy Robertson returned
her home un Sunda,/ alter spend -
tour month* at Toronto finishing
bar eonintervill COUrse.
Mr. and Mrs': Allen Wilson, of Bide -
"Mee, returned to their home ou
lialturday after spending the late
Milegtftn and winter with their sons
Med daughters and other relatives
Parry y,ound, Cochrane, Woodstock,
Termite and Flint, Mich. They are
looking hale and hearty after their
laag; holiday. The community wel-
togged thein back to their pretty home
cia the hth concession. Christine Robertson and
horine Weir spent the week -end
Torontoitt visiting their aunt, Mrs.
George Paterson.
Mr. and Milt. D. Crawford, of Flint,
Mid., motored here with Mrs. Craw.
farts parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Mikan, on Saturday, returning to
' their home on Sunday.
WIrs, W. Mcliwain, with Rev. R. B.
eM Mrs. Cumming, called on all the
fustities of Smith's Hill church who
Wm little children, to get their names
fav tbe cradle roll, with the result
I fifteen new names were added to
L and Old Lady.. -.:Several mem-
of the Young family were in
m on Saturday to attend the
party of their aunt, Mrs.
Young, who celebrated her
ourth birthday on that day.
om Colborne were Mr. and
W. Young,.Mr. and Mrs. Vic -
ng, Mr. Alex. Young, Mrs,
wson and Mrs. Tait Clark ;
lerich, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
and son Howard, Mrs. A. Mc -
and Miss Margaret Glen,
teletiveS and friends of Wing -
vicinity called to wish Mrs.
many happy returns of the
to congratulate her, upon her
alth. Mrs. Young has all her
her eyesight is now failing
otherwise she is quiti smart.
10 was a bower of beauty with
y bouquets and flowers pre.
her. A delicious ltmch was
her nieces. She feels very
times, for of a large family
e onlY.survivor of those who
Orkney Islands many years
ake their homes near Wing -
East Wawanosh. The late
rew Johnstoee, of Carlow,
st cousin i* her generatioe.
oiling of the C011eptinte In-
istee Mord on Friday boa
wler appointed janitor
11, to interred Robert Toting.
n reongnition of Me long and
clop the board voted Mr%
honerarthm nt nee month' -
r. Bowler took Meer his
dvertlartng entarlin. of thlt
te Wenn] nppeart fin lit-
ho Denim Them-. ,4 tam-
e the ne* font- eytttolee
thin ttt,e Iiit, planel
ket. Three new enr. are of
4.41 alf.dafi Ann conWrIle-
nvone intenested Mir Re!
lei now nn Alstplity he the
Mr. Peter Graf, Nelson
Themp.on, itt Itrussels: James Thom,. „era ciournitti. Ir.•rSartrIg
IWO, of Oshawa; Mina Dlizabeth Thomis Hoes of von Ti,- subaoninattere
ann, of GOdafieb ; mrs. Wm. Cook, Mr, . need ware le. fel I.. . Aqua t i.• si • .rt
I W. Frisch, lied Mee George Horsley. -C. C. flee. *mimeo.. It 1.. lVaison.
of Pontiac. Web. one Ante!. and Bee Wan Alen. Hart 1.as4eill
I brotlwre aleo eureive: 'Mrs. Geo. Drew. Ite3nold•. P Turner.
111. 3.111111 1 with fewer to name
ti1P1Crleh, Wm. Cemeins. of Sault tete.
Marie, sint, Richard Cunene and Ja. other-. II It. Lone.
I cob ("mishit., of Aithneld towt..111;.: 1thairmat. it It 1.
Thomas Cousine, 4.f the Weet, an.I IiI. Bert Sauder...i.. ihrie .tretier.
Tor heekey rhe 19•1144144 officer. leer,
IIIITIN44 1 to 11 a for the present.
The hasehall bey. onrinsetwed pries
timing ..n Monday evening at .4,gricul.'
tuna l'ark niol•from till refiorts Giste-
rich .1....ild have a !strong team to put
in the tield this eeft.t.n. An effort ie
tweine made by fleorge 14. Martin. pu-t
pre.ident .1 the Ontario Amatenr
ito.,4,1411 .e......saationto organize an in-
termediate B grouts. consieting 44 St.
'Mee. W Drew. Of Is.n.lon: Mr. aud Mrs. Marys, Mitete.11. thelerieb, Clinton taital
: N. rt. Melloleman, of' lietrolt ; Mrs. W. Eiteser or Ilerisall. The majority of
I J. Ceuein.. of Sault tee. Mettle. Ont., the 104011 epertsmen (lever the, move
Mr. Ernest of Ituffalo; Mrand and are very numb in taia.r of linking
Mr.. .1 T. lien, of Sarnia ; Mr and up with the 0.A.11 A. if sni.11 it suitable
Mr.. Arahie Cowley, and em Oliver, greeting/ (...i141 be secured.
Mr Wm. Prieeti, 1 l'ontlac. Mich.. - - -
1/oInso at die Harbor
find al., tive. grand.bildren of the de- ,
...mend Many imantlful floral tributes phi, at the harbor
testifh.1 to the esteem in which the were marked Use arrival of the first
late Mrs Thompson Wag held. grain awe..., for ttw eetison 1f100.
l'he Anna C. Mlneh arrived on Sun.
Af4r a long .tieriod of failing
Mrs. Strang. 'Most' of Dr. H.
I. Strang, passed away early Tumidity
morning at her home in Britannin
road. She was in her 'seventy-eighth
-awl fur ever fifty-eight yeara
had hewn a reeddent of lloderich.Ikarii
at lteekwith, Ont., neer Brockville,
the daughter of Rey. Duilean Mort'.
loll. Ellenbeth llortieon mowed in
her early girlhood, with her parents. for the Western Canada Fleur Mills
to Owen /towel. On December 311s1, and this esigo is being discharged .
le72. ibe was marriell there to the. todaY IThureleYl. ThiS veseel 11so1
tate thigh Innis ,Strang, who In the Waif from the head of the Lakes.
preview. year had cob* to iioderich Several iteanieri4 ore expected. The
from 4m -en Seinet to take the head. (Valhaven iat flue tonight with it enrgo
ma-et•rship of the illjh Seb001 here.
Duthie Dr. Strang'a long and emin-
ently .iieeeterful term as prinelpal of
Goderich Institnte Mrs.
Straug teas it true helpmeet of her
distinguished hintband. and pteeirhel
over their home with the quiet dignity
circle of her ilifluenee. A dfinghter of A new fluorine was placed on Mel
the manse. sly' wito throughout her i'.P.R. bridge Nt the f(N.t 14 the her.'
life ebeelv Identified with the church. her hill In frontof the Western Can -
She we. 11 •barter rret•intier of the ads Fleur Mills .this week. Along eaeli •
\Veneta. Illesionary Seciety of" Knox : Ade of the brklge the plithk have
r•Iiiie•li and for mnity years, wit s honor- heel) mired about .11 invites tat /MTV..
arv president of the Soefety. but her a. a Walk for prelemtriane. ,
interest eeviwrel every department The C.S. Boone Dredging reumnity
ertivity it the church. 1fer !wetland 1.1‘)P1.1 Ill commence drudging opera-
itrealeetteel her eleven veers. and Mir- tiono fhb' (Thuredtiv afteltuoon. tit
living are six daughters and one -MI : I the island in the tinnier. The dredge
MIS' .110.0 Strniat. Kingtwille llighkIsithel will the -engem' in thi• work.
Miee Ilelen, 14 New- 'fork ; , W. •,14, ',Orme'tt dredge and drill
Mit, % 'NinroRret. ref Torrmto: Miss erect are ernelliming uperetions in tile
Grace. of Guelph 1.%ollertiate Institute:eastern mixt of the harbor.
Miss Mabel. of town: Mr" F. 11. Hew., W. 1,. Ferresit's alerriek glenW W$14114.-
.igat, of Newmarket. and Mr. 11. Pres -1 moved this week to the ricer, where!
tan Strang, of Termite. Two sistere.Jit itt reported to 1* engaged in liftitire
Mrs. John Maelitterson af Kineerdine gravel ear testing fer Mr.
and Mfrs. James Megrim. of 'Toren/0,1 yhening.
lito survive The foneral teok Have' The Forreet trig tetanal from Port .
Colborne this. week and brought with '
It it small 'boat for Mr. Bert MacTem-
Archie CriusIns. of Flint. Mich. The
funeral took phew from the fetidly
home 18 -gent street. on Wednerdel
afternoon to Colborne eemetery. Rev.
Cordite. term eombiettel ttie Perrier% and
the palliwarr•rs were Meagre. Archie.
.13...e. and RI. hard rollairli and John
Ti. The won. ona (laughter,'
Iwere all Mime for tbe funeral. Other
n•lativers and friepda from at (Bitternea.
whowere here for the fnneral lochelerl
day form the bead of the linke. with
a verge of 115,000 bushels of (me.,
65.000 besehels of wheat anal 1059.0(11
bushebs of barley. Of this cargo all
of tbe whom barley and 65,000
bushels of oattt vrere di...barged at the
Goderich elevator, while 301(111 imattel(
of oafs. were ttaloaded iit the IVestern
Canada Flour 'Mille elevator. The
Oollingwond arrived 1111 W4P11411.4111y
evening with :Stlatesi biediele wheat
of eoal from Toledo for the Western
unmade riour 'Mills. The Brie/pith* is
en rote* from Fort William with
15.ixei tals411eIS of wheat. 01.000 birth- '
el. of oat, and *9,01111 bushel.. of bar-
ley for the Goderh•h els/Tenor. ,
The repenter Preaeott. one of the'
aiol .weet grmiroastiose whieh elinemed neoeln which wintered here cleared 1
and conquered all who f•time within the light. on Monday for 1.411,41111.
this 4Tbaralayi afternoon. Rev. 11. C,
iMettermill emidueting tlie •erciece at
the brume and the graveside 11, matt.
land emnetery. The pallirenrer. Were
Miroolro. .1. 1'. lielme. Tom. R. G.
IReynokle. Pr. Field. A. Nl. Robertson
and r. .1. MiteEwan. All rhe members
of the fsmlly were myna* and others
from a distance wore Mr. F. TT. MOW -
ion and Woofer Goole newoos. , of
Nowmartet. Mr. sod Mro.Mitknkn
Mnellerson sod Mr. °horn. Maerher•
atm of Ithwardists, . and Dr. Neereuin
AMIIIPMM, of Toronto
Mr: anti Mrs. W. J. Powell hare fres
Dirtied 1 • after spending the ,win.
Mr. James Walleye is home front
Termite. where Ile IIU, heeli attending
the Unlveralty.
• • •
Miele M. It. Mar•Vieur wee at Tor-
onto tido week attending the uli41.
summer millluery tmeninge •
• • •
Mrs. Thre...Swarts tuts returnes1 Mane
after a ;anemia' tilt 4,th-tee weeks
with her sm. lir. J. E. Swart*. '
e`• ••• ••
At Wyeliwomi Presbyterian churele
Termite. ,.ti Thursday. May hill. the
ma mines. of Adele ide t btliarine. (laugh-
ter .4 •Mre Nairn and the late Cherie.
• A. Nairn of (ioderiels. t.1 Henry Keith
Retell. rem 1.1 it..bert IL Retell of
Gederieli. toe. solemnised. the cereue.ny
being perforweel Rm. II. S. law. ILA
The. bride, wl,.• se- unattended. was
it 'y by her bretlier•iwitie, Mr.
1 Athol MeQuarrie. Immediately 'after
the :enema Mr. ah.1 Mr..- Retell left
on it Motor trip 14. M1.11111.111 Mal ether
1411.terts points. A lioto of friends In
theirisono. 1,111, and elsewhere wish
them the fullest 1111.1.11re s dr hal ppines!
111111 prosperity in tlwir Wedded life.
I Collegiate Athletes' Aid the Cease
ha* been giving sexiety. • :
• • • . •
r. ant . . . Munn logs and.
Mita Theresa MultiMate. lueve returned
home from Oklahoma ilty. min.. after
a delightful ti -it sritit relatives atiR
fries& tbere.
I( • •
Mr. anol Mrs. E. Fairbairn mei Mr..
Reed. of Itetnilt. were., weels-en.1
orn at the Iallne of •Mr.. Faiiteirn's*
• •
Glidden returued with them pi 1 let roll.
• • •
Mire. Genet -Web Starr returned to
London this week, after a two week,'
visit at the home of her perAnts. Mr.
and Mrs. J. 1.1parr. Mies Starr. is on
the nureing state of St. iteeph s hos-
• • •
Mr 4:onion Wong retarres1 to town
yesterdsy after ti six nienth.' trip to
China aria ha. agnin taken eharge of
The teN11 of 111011iliell 11W(11, a greut
tribute to Mr. D. 11.2 11111, the athletic
pluatrueter of the' Colleginte inetitine,
for the vp•nderful pr..greerr he Itzss
i made the Arniultut .1 the young
• athletes under hi. charge. , Mere Is
nothlpg develeie the young 111 Ill 1 ill
• the right dlreetien physieul anal
reptilian training. and IIr. Hill 111144 been
eminently eueceseftil with the youth of
• Goderich. It Is with pleasure that we
! eau 1111 e the appearance of the
• c..11eglata Institute boy. lit the Mam-
moth Mineola Ittliefit to Ise glien at
the Al I I TI t M • -
I 701. vtith a wheel Matinee en
aia' 17t1i. This te aid Hw Crippled
IUD 41 of the reinitv and
should•appeal to every person in tlw
, County. _Attend the performance and
help this great eause.
Ibis cafe on the Soputr... .tekeri if 1111.
haft a gond, time in hihome eountry,
he gate a ,miline affirmiitive.
• • •
mratid steott, MeNally. of De -
tree, visited at thelliome of Mr. and
Mire. A. L. rOle eder the weekamd.
Mr. MeNally'a_neatier Mr-. *Nally
of town, returned with them to De
neat fee a visit.
• • •
Mr. and Mre. Allnn Wilsen retern•
ed thl. We4 lk afte4r an abseil,of
wven monthfrom their bottle in ent-
hrone town.hip. during, whir+ they
visited member. of their family met
oeber relative. tit widely eeparated
pointe *They visited tWo,.....Hinghters
st itessmatii. aliiskoka. and eentInulng
north event several months with their
sons Pi Cochrane. .tfter hrk•fer
at Toronto and W4 44.11Wnek they
went te ,alleh. where two daugh-
ters and a .en reelde. and patient Pf.n•
end mattia there. They report a
bea i 1 winter at Cechinne. with
plenty of feet lett alenelanee min-
orhlne. and etatt• that thnt part of New
Ontario is going alien.] rnpielle and
ha" a ProsPeot of a ruttier. of saneetrin-
Gal prosperity. At Flint ineeines..
conditi.m. were 411114.1. heeslise of Ike!
preedon in the Hutomobile otiluet ry. 1
but were .hoaing signof improve.'
.Goderieb Elevator Co: -Meeting
The thirty -ling annul.' meeting of
tie. eliarelielder. el the Gotlerit It El-.
ecuior e l'nekit Comminy'. Limited,
wit. held ,u lineliay Mall on Wedtle.-
day 'at. noson. A eatiefweery theme
Hut -:atetienit for tli.• year wu- prt-
sewed, .1...wing the earnings to he rin
-41 parity With theeo of the lure five
)•ears. Mr. D. 11. 'Weldon of Midlatel
Severities Limittel,• London, was elec•
, teat to the hoard of direeters to Kiw-
i reed the late John I. Hunt.' The dir-
, Octets now are It. 1.. Parrous. of Gude-
' rite ; M. MeLnughlin. Chas. It. Watts.
Chas. it. Rand. of Termer.: el. It.
, etuart. ef Mitchell; Charles R. Hunt
, and IL It. Weldon. 4.f lAindon. At •
Ieubsequent meeting 01 the, director. G.
L. Parson.. wn. re-eleetlell pre-Mbeij.
treekurer find nmnager of the Coin;
puny : M. Mt -Laughlin vicepresident :
mud !Bert Satiderein weretary.
Get ',Mir Mother% 1 111;t earel-, gift..
•.r (•liersdatee at t'auittliell'r Drug
• • •
The regular meeting of the 1%.4 .T.I
will be held in MaeKay Hall on Mon.,
day. Mat 1911., at 3 p.m.
• • •
The Arthur Clrel•. player+ are to'
preeent Grit. play "Ton's of M4.1147" in
the ,,,,, minify hall at Blyth on mon;
day. May 19th.
• • •
'.Mr. !lorry Mitchell Ismimetteed
work this week ort the ',reef Ion n
new inn.. iservirs..eition sit the renter}
of Muriel.' and Britannia elifIll..
Winnerb in 'Misting League
The Stuart Parker debating shield.
given 1.y tiw minister *of new St. An-
drew's 4.111 Irell, Torolins. s it trophy!
ler the whining tenni iu a write of
debates anemic the Preisiryterbill
Toillif; People'. Seseieiies of the iIty.
Into been awarded to Miss Dorothy
Alison and Mn. Winton Weir. mire -
*bring the 1" w eopies sasdety IIf
chureli."Mr, Weir 14 the oat of
Mr. and Mr.. Fred G. Weir .4 'Iowa
Mite. .tlison and Mt. Weir teek purl
in four elelnitee and them nli, 'the,
eubj. - it ..r.• : -That 11 t he
hiss interosts a,f etety we
should dit.asoirnge 111e. empleyment
if innrrieti w en In the. trikl••••-s
111111 induetrial world" ltakitig the
negative side ; "that -Ow adeption
the fiveolay week of work tumid not
he ...min. iv,' 1.. the best 'Merest of
Canada" tuffirmotivel ; -that ihe
.1•••••th.riti alevernment sheaa ia! levti• find
eperate nil bronden,sting 0181 101.
in .4."111 1 11" taffirtriativet. mid "that I
pre.ent rithadian wheat
have - jitelifled their existence" .1 Mee
atieet. The snbjects were ntreigneel tol
the debaters find ale. the .1.1.1. 10.1
firinative. or •negatir... pitch 1.11 nit
si 1.1 take. •
• • •
The. arlvanwe tieke.ts for the
Lions mitetrea *hew Mit, 15. 10 end 17.
aseire. 4.1114110•11y 4110.4.1., 1411.11 night. Ite,
•aire make y.inr•reserantien eerly.
' - -
The fiermanent greens at the Mnit- •
land atoif riot. cour.t. nitl 14. retoly,
for tosi• Stitiirdny 1111. week. Ntr
John Friewr, who lin* been re-ehgac...I
AR "pre" for the renting nr.
rived in town from IlnWtherne, inlif
the pelt 'week te take irVer hi.' 4 1 O-
HM,. ,
In the noose of Comnion. on Theo.,
day the Prime _Minist.4r annontrcc.1
the Intention of the 110reeflInellt to
have a vonerat elottion this yeer. N4.
ripprox 'mate date ern* in•liented. but ,
aid. Mr. Maelhonald eeenred this boat
from the t'enada Steamship tertmetny -
in- columniation for damage" done to !
his latineh "item." last fail by one of
the C. S. 1, Nesimerfi. f
A new wnotleh erane wen placed on
flte Boone t'otapeny's dredge Omelet
Meade this week. Thie crane woe Wilt
nt the berbor this spring.
Teeifiell I 11.4ple have holight the lot
Itt 1.114. wolthen.t certier ..f West aMI
t it assumed thet tlie 'vett. of the,
...pie %kill be prelled 'hiring tile ennel
tier. erobady In Angnet. TherlInmeht!
la, 0111 a zest ,fleal et lousing.** ter:
ranmetmid the l'rime „Minister lie
fiteaterl thot diratiltition of the illeneel
wheld rod tnke'plarr nista the int-
pnetant miners of lepristntion were
dena with 4,
The Liberols of Nerth Hamm will
Waterier, *envie and propeee to erect
11* CyaltelliSte to deledeoy girelindhogs. n 'Inners trivilion ntol nmiewnwet hall. 111411 at Wintrhaln T"'""/"Y• MR):
rate $ad gutgamok cagvpbewa Irma The frame dwelling on the property 27th. 17 ehoose 8 ennelidate for tbe
has leen removed te the ndjeining 1,1
Mother of Jtetis."
• • •
' *The sertlees at Kilos- church- 'lett
Suntlity will be held as mead at 11
a.m.. and 7 p.m The mini.ter, flee R. •
t'. Mel Ileriniti. e ill take es his eennen
..ul•jeete; •Moniing. -The Highway of
Life:" etell '4,,iialking 4.r Galilee"'
Sebbath settee! anti .•lis we. U. 3
P.m. 4
• • •
N rig h hers Preeent Them With West-
minster Chime Clock
On Nlentiay evening last a, large'
number of friends and neighbors
gathered at the home of Mr. Tait
Clark;- (arlow,' to wish him and his
bride (formerly Misr Jeau Young of
Toronto; daughter of Dr. Colin
1 oung) the heartiest congratulations.
A happy social time was spent in
visiting, then the Rev.' IL B. Cumming
called Mr. and Mrs. Clark to the front
room where an addrers was present-'
ed by Mr. John Young ef Loyal, and
a magnificent Westminster chime
Serviiss lit North etree; Culled:clock was presented by the company,
church eext Stability as'folloes: lea iu.,1 which was st•t up by Fordyce Clark
missioh Baud. Men's Clat. and William Marsh. 'Taken by cam-
auts•tleg. Midi,. worship at 11 a ' ;lite surprise Mr. Tait Clark made
am! 7 pie.. The sermon subject very suitable reply. A number of
the tnoreing ••A Tribute others els.. eprike, including Mr. Ales.
It' His Mother." Sinalay ..1.001 at Young. Mr. tVilliatn Young. Mr. Alf.
IL Frringten. and Mr. Kent and Mr.
• • • Melvin Tyndall. •Mrs. 'Tait Clark
A 410441 Mother's 11/10 sent,. eel very fittingly 'exiiressed her thanks
le. held In Nitlerite •stnet Chiled for the kind ri•ception which had been
.•hureli SII114 1 lly ni..ruing A ehll- • gpen to heras strangerin the cum -
&ear taiptismal service and retelsian, munity. and hoped that it would not
of new 111Whe 11 of by .the liot 0,.(10*ion upon which they
this menden: sertlee. III the, c'el'illigi-might all nwet together A period
st men s dud!. will give epteaul twist!.
a ksilelithe pa.tor will speak eleviaity the inevitable midnight lunch. and •
of community singing followed, then
to Dia fathers and neat. nductant good-hight and National
• • • .
1 Antheni.
tIrs. Nielittonel. Mrs, 4i,... -M1"" ', Thc address is as•followS :
I 14/111114 I. Mr.. liedditt. Mr-. Itich Wal .
.. May 5th, 1990.
Carlow, Ont..
one. hie week oftending the Pro% ii../.11 Arr. Tait eialr.b.
ter 11 114 1 WI. Alex. Smith were at Tor -
Dear Tait. -Your .friends and
Zti."rils,"141tisPintliit'tf twitt'it,i'r1:1":114.1.1reriftll'HW11‘11191si: ;neighbor" have. met together tonight
bet of the Provincial executive ti.
marriage. - Born and, raised in •this
to pay you honor. and to congratulate
set•retary .1 the generid iatere.ds 'le- on the . happy occasion of yoitr
• • • .
tunity 04 wetehing your progress.
'community we have had ample oppor-
eptviol 'Mether's Dirc servitrs iti i
At the Itatekt claire!' neat Sylln1111.,..y
and of learning something of the
belt!. 'The weer** eernion sobjects
will be: 11 ilia'..."A Mother's (intends
It:quest ..." 7 p.m.. "The Motherhomt of
Cod."' 'I'lle Bible school will 1* IL.ild
at 2.3u VIII, itr.teutli of nt to a w.. mid
there will be a eperial %Owe.. Day
proem°. for the. yl.fIllit people.
The sixteenth atheist meeting of
Mlitilltid Preehyterial W)M.S. of the
Presbyterian Church will be held at
Whiteelioreh on Turewlay. May t .
with -.....i.iiis at it 1.30 and 7.311
o'eleek. Mrs H. McKellar of tile Dem -
Won Presbyterial Kocher will ati-
&me the enthering at the afterneon
and. evening, .P.siols., At Lan 10.4141W4E
a wevio• *ill he held ill Ilielnory a
the lat. i•re.i.lept 4 'Maitland Press
serviee all the w -ii are Invited.
hy Gelid. Mr- tint 111 Perth, To Hite
• • • .
Tlw Eureka Bible Claes of V141(4111
illInpt United 'torch held st stiree,es-
fill .4 id a 1 1.Vellina ill the tentelay wheel
sterling worth and value of your char-
acter., This gathering tonight is a
testimony of the high est,eem in which
you are held in the community. AN
a neighbor you have ever been kind,
iienerous and courteouli. In your
home you have shown that integrity
of purpose and sincerity of motive
characteristic of a worthy and obed-
ient ton. Your faithftilness to the
church. and to its teaching has been
shown by your loyalty during twenty-
one years as secretary in the Sunday
echre.l, and having been honored with.
the responsibility of manager on the
litirch board, and by your diligepce in
other departments Of church vrtirk.
NOW thrit you .have reached years
f discretion, and have shown your
wisdom id the choice of a helpmate,
it is our delight and pleasure to wish
you well, and to extend to you our
warmest congratulations and happiest
4.Ur regard for you find for your good
felicitations. As a slight token of
neen .1 the ••barel. last Thursday
were pretend The first
evening. Ulm -ants 44 fifty ersons wife we would 1
a••you to do us the
of lee. honer of accepting this Westminster
evening's entertai nit eonsiseleil of a
program .4 musia . the in-
ehiditig tpiano eeletelon I.y F.Imer
Butt, n plan.) duet 1.7 Mi., '10eliglit
Mutch mei Mr. E. C11'1141111. a whist-
ling willo by Mre. Jae Jehneton. a
trimithorgan wile by Ite.:„ MeMiehael.
vocal, 541104 by Mrs Arlame Mr.. 5,11-
a'lltfr fitill Hope Muteh. and 11 recite..
tkin be 111117 Joe Johneten. Al the
eine. refreshment. were eerved.
• ---• ----
. sin by ledi
.1 (luring it cleletit stream,
John Helmer ettiellet teenahip, ens in-
stantly' killed • yesterday afternoon.
lie was struck while working in a
field on his arm 0 I' •
three miles north of Blake. Hohner,
who is a well-known farmer of this
district, having lived here all his life,
was driving a seeder in his field when
he was struck by the lightning The
eketrit•al storm, whi.r. as 1.1 or
ly a short t'ree, came suddenly, but
lt•ft. a grea• deal of damage. Neither
of the horse. Whirl+ the farmer was
driving was injured by the holt..which
seemed to strike Hubner directly. Ile
was dead when relatives rushed t.#
the field after they. saw him lying
near the seeder. Physicians believe
that he was instantly killed. Ile is
survived by a wife and' family.
• ••Wier *errs?". 1.01111E 141.11i•• 1:1114i-1
church on _Frith"). meaning. May Pith,
i--• , - -
‘1..::"!li:i i:111"':41:1:(1911.1:..
linMie *hoot n' '1111:'::11iih'lrf111"11711.‘i
.tt the renslar nweeing of he leil.,11).;"rii•
lb. school 'semi on Mentrany Men ihe
• .ince hen September, erns re- AstiFilmit, may 6, Mr. Duncan
resitmetion .4 Mims Vern 'Tully. 'who
lies been et. the staff of Vir•hiriti ,
the end 4, the lenti ,.r. .
"H" "‘"."1"1. I" tai".."rxr71 :IC 11. 34:1 vert„n. siwnt tiw week-.
rid at his home nem Lochalsh.
11. i'4i"r..'' ""i4""11" " 3"1"1111"n-4 Tie 110n. !herald MacKenzie. Mrs.
MacKenzie anti +Rile diteghter, Lorna.
of' Winn4,..g. vekited at th,e 41i)me of
Mrs. M. C. MileKenzie the' week. ,
Mrs. Colquimon and Mrs. A. A. J.
Simpson attended the Provincial W.
M. S.,mteting at Toronto last week.
HeV. I'. M. Colquhoun ettended the
meeting of the Presbyterian Spool
nt St. Themns last week. •
Tht regular monthly meeting of the
)(Intuit Women's Institute wits held
at• the home of Mr.. A. Reckett The
roll call was responded to by the pay•
ing of memberships fees for.the com-
ing year.. This being . the annual
fitPotifilf, the officers were re-elected
for the coming year. Paperswere
read by Mee Robert Hibbon and Mrs.
RCA MacKenzie. A musical selec-
tion wan given hp/Mrs. W. .1. Joh,.-
'ton, a bolo by Mts. D. McIntyre, and
a mouthorgari selection Ity• Miss Dal-
ton:wad 'Miss Pearl MacIntyve. At
the Otto of ttg meeting lutech was
'reeved and a social hour was spent.
The molt meeting swill be held at the
%rune. of Mrs. W. A. Johnston. the
roll call to be answered by a potato
e intetor t t k • •f
. . .
woe aceepted. An Inerealle of SION in
the satnry ef NI1.4 lantten. NelSon, rit •
lilt, tireorin eelhoehetaff,. wa. voted.,
Makiipr ifie enme. mount
wits "lireciteisfy pied to the teonticr, .if
this eln'a,s. dettulatien frotn the'
tenr•hing staff it. Navel with regent'
eminriee, mid it Nal. PlIfIgN.111.111 that
1110 bottrti report it selteditte silsoW
mitdmiiiii ond mnstmom
and animal Inertonsett. This mntter
was referred to enmtnittee of the
whole boon! te he dish alth tit the
'feet meeting. Th.': ',titter • of Hie,
elsoater. 'Miss Itnrtweit. 'owIng• to'
t., ‚ loam,, wnleft in flip
hands of the ehairman"ef the- echool
ll ;in Ave' rage
attettshinoe of 31101 fid . end
fienhy 'tank ifernati• for the. month',
ef 12. Fier ("mare] wheel 111e.11
April report showed. An 'attPlutlitive
171: Penny .1illittk .11elierit S4S fs, I
1 The Mittce furnishippg raniting
;pews and pude retorill tichnol add
trs'Istottos on the orhavol's %ports
de,. wn% loft. with' the slimily cum.
Mittel". .
toniing r•leetleti.
chtme clock as a life-long memento
Of our best althea and high regard
for you both. May it chime mit for
you many. many happy hours of
usefulness anal nervice at home and
abroad. And even when the clouds
of difficulty And ;distress pas. over
you, may it be but a slight reminder
of the constancy and unceasing
watchielnese and care of our lociag
Heavenly Father, who can help us in
every circums'ance in life. May
your happy union now begun his but
a foretaste of that eternal union in
Heaven where no clouds shall come,
where time shall be no more, and
*11 sal he eternal happiness
in the nreeenee of nur God.
Mr. Wyn Shernmn.-itt rfamiltrm. 1
vl.ltine In the ••141 Immo Invrts
re` .-- --- ----
.1 WA 1.I..ier VIVIAN
W ling leeelled "..rd
nf 11 e.1 1. it lii• h meurred hen wank
hp ''Pla-iig or his ....mho. .1 Wiatinse
th hot. n Tooke ..r Gasferich The
een.ret ern. the eilde.1 gam of 'hi. tate
Ifr nml Ifte• Janie. %Item ,4 Oda
to at • II I
1,1 .41flee. of The iStelimProlilltahr":41 w"vlbend°
"tilt Intro ahrytir fort, year%
neat he 11.,nt l'hkitc". had
1.el I . nst Illne wog In
t:,..tortott we+ :dwelt thirty -11,.• years'
11;e1 r ‘4•‘1•4*S11111,•1:11711 tar I ftlY•ti-f'ef 'aP111.17r7a; •
foot -Ister. teal rtase-l.roflier.
• Slam.' ivtd. stv.%Pr11)1.1)
. ..r r•sidente,
in tte. ts rsott Mairearet ekelton,
web.w ..f Tote Wm S‘t
tet_ ab :a ,,%n% olt tisitorsdav; Mo Y 1.l. tif-
1.14:irri:It111.41;.11Inh"."ea;arl hi."4.7.nhlf;;14147:
Chtel year .She wa•.jsorts •Threlkebl,
tat. rnberbind,.evalatel. arid .11 alt, oet to
. aid, her parent," %teat nhent
tete:. of ere. .i.the rosided at
Ivasat.e.sq, molt hor Mig filar.... when
-Ise and her. litinhand. else Into Wil -
float Seatffield. -earverl. to God...rite,.
Inter triking 11 p farmine on 'Ile liar-
fahl road. ,tlreleri terrnshle. For
Ijr,r1.1.:1•11::n';' oft bt1171..r H4e:r"htlitfiell '141,11P'sa pretr,5
aedeff.,.01 her...emote wenn. ttIrrivIns
%Its. 0 if. "Kit11:71`off7,1,ntow.,,,ft
'1.1timat. •.f fleibrdires t,otrnoMP:
MI. I . if and .1r., .1 R.
, G,w1ori4•11. awl Mr, IV. A.
war field. 44 1.7•411t1. ltielk rot' late
Mrs sw.iffield woos n t'reetiverlan In
religlon. The f'elerid took 014.1 fret*
to.r hen*. Itritantila rose., On et rtreige
nfterneop to Maitland refrietory Pet.
Me1)ermi.t tind P•aartre •he
aervice.4 . rind wag Wilkl,O141 ht Rev.
ttoralon ftntt. The milltwerer• were
Low gientlsoes .of the derenmel: W.
r rivinht wn.a.tfick T R T/111 tt
, of Lembo.. F.41gor ewsffiplil .if Cleve.
1, Mort time' Mitten of Ordboete
townohip. ‚1.1 the monsts,ra of the fam-
ily ittitsfts here for the tonere'. rst-
rept .Mr Will Swiiffhlt 4; 1'A W,.:
• '