The Signal, 1930-4-24, Page 5Springtime is Changeable Time ! Coughs and colds are prevalent. Get Campbell's Cold and Grippe Capsules to break up the cold. Fortify the system with a tonic- - Wampole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Preparation or, Penslar Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Preparation. GET IT AT Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Goderich THE SIGNAL, - GODERICH, ONT. Rummage Sale -OPENS Friday, 1 p. m. to 6 p. m., and continues Saturday all day. May 2nd and 3rd, w the ...inlay stone on Wra Start ,ppoeue the Strr littler, under the au,epue•n ,.f The Maple Leaf Chapter, I 0 D E Bargains in good clothiog' shses, books, etc. f Telephone your next order for GROCERIES to PRICES GROCERY' Choice line of fresh Groceries and Fruits in season. \t 1- 1•FI.1\ 1 I. Geo. Price & Son Tekphone 248 Corner 4 -Tian. en.l \ ,n Radio-Lectric Co. ' East Street Radios, Accessories and all Electrical Appliances Try our repair department Featuring famous ROTAREX WASHERS $98 Cash t -t t, rola arrat,g•,i THE COCKSHUTT UNPLEMENT SHOP has . removed to new quarters on Kingston street. Implements and Repairs. Genera, Expert Service on all Cockshatt Machinery. Allis-Chalmers and Unit. V Trac tors.' Baer & Strighan TELEPHONE 598 Just Received A shipment of men's WORK PANTS 5 dozen men's cotton- ade work Pants, well made, dark pattern. Special $1.39 Sizes 32 to 44. Men's Tweed Pants Goodevery-day serviceable Pants in Tight or dark shades of brown or grey. Sizes 32 to 44. Special $2.45 M. ROBINS PHONE 384 Arent for Tip Top Tailors Clothes made to your measure. Suit or Topcoat ... $24 Tbur. day. AprU $4th, MOG'-'6 t children, of Mulcts., spent Sunday hods: at Mildmay, and Mina S. Johns - with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan tots, assistant, at Sheppardton. Martin. Miss Mina Proctor. of Toronto, spent Friday with Mr.:uld Olrx. O. LUCKYOW, April 22. -Miss Flora Andrew, of London, and Mr. Robt. Andrew, of Toronto, are spending the• week. at their home here. Mrs. ,McLean Johnston and daugh- ter Helen are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Todd. Some of the easter home -comers were: MINN Mabel McClure, Toronto; Mr. W. F. Thompson. Toronto; Mr. Edwin Smith, Stratford; Mr. James Little, Bowmanville; Md -4 Mary Doug- las. Stratford: Miss Tena Carrick. Owen Sound; Miss Margaret Geddes.'. Toronto; Miss Dean Geddes, Wing 1111 III, and Mr. Cameron Geddes, Tor- otlo. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Millson and 'family, of Milton, are visiting at the 1101114• of Mr. and Mrs. John Joynt. The blaster tlutukoffi•ring of the Victoria Mission Band was held in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday night. A splendid program was given I by the ute•tnb•rs of the land. ,A new grocery store, under the man- agement of Mssrs. Donald and Potcher McCharles. was Opened tat Saturday. • WHITECHURCH • Mr. harry McClenaghan and child- Good F ay hF. ren, of Belgrave, spent 9uuduy to the King. home of Mr. und Mr.. Wm. Barbour. Mr. and Mrs. Lord lull Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Alec Middleton, of Edinburgh, 'Mallett. of London, spent the Easter Scotland, has been helping Mr. J. D. week -end with Mr.+. J. 1)avl: ou. Beecroft with Iris seeding. MISS Kathleen Terriff. Mr. Mal- colm Ross, of Toronto, and Mr. Cox, of Palmerston, were visitors with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. mac Ross. Mr. Ross, we are pieced to repast, Is !m- proriu;; nicely after lila lung 111w1'1 Mr. G. Hamilton, of the hank of Commerce. 'spent Faster :et 1114 honer haute uu 'rues.lny. at Coellsle. - Mr•. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and bile. of Toronto, *pew the week-•u•i with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gentehah11rd. Doris 4;eare'll(lulyd returned with thrid liIn(xgs. I ftar a visit. Mr. 1111d `Mrs. Witmer Nicholson turd ' SI r. awl Mrs. 11. Camelot,. of Su+,I sou, of Auburn, visited on Sunday with ford. .spent Sunday Willi Mkt: M. M, her sister, Mrs. George Me('leuaghuu. Gregor. Mr. Alec Coulter, son of Mr. and Mr. liner and Miss 8. Marr. of Mrs. Frank Coulter, has been laid up a with an attack of pneumonia. He is Improving now. Mw Naiad Mow has 141141.4.l. been laid up. Mrs. JUR. E. Robinson and Frumps, of %%'Ingltaln, spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Iteeeroft. . The Young 'People's Society and Miaadou lt:(nd of the United church are holding a social evening in the oleurcle basement on Friday eveulng, RI#1t' . Everyonewehrome. C. F. MeK. 'aterson left last a Weejday to visit with his sisters In Turoutei over the holidays. turned to Kitchener on Sunday after upending the week -end with Mr. and ,Mrs 11. Westou. Mr. Fred Weston, who 1a attending the Collegiate in Clinton, is spending the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. stud Mrs. W. Weston. Mee. H. A. Stott and Mists R. Cough - 14t spent Easter In Detroit, returning 1 .udcstasro, •uud Mr. :old• Mrs. Ford Klieg and wsn IAntglns, of Toronto. went the F:aatet• holiday with Mr. and Mrs. G. King. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. F'eatherstoIIt and 1/Orbit spent Euster 111 1011 4011. .Mrs. G. Koehler. of Zurich, is s1s•ud- Inc 1111+ week with her sisters here. dwelt Elliott. Blue Water Highway. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Fraser. this week. Mr. ant Mrs. 4'. Will and futility, Mr. oval rid. Mixon Glass and dough tern. tic and Aileen. Ur. and M, Alexa inlet. Loudon. I)r :n.d. Mrs. e.. .t t- • Mrs. 'Robert S. I'urdon shirt t last Atkiuwsn111(1111 fuwllc, of Exeter, 'Pei" \Pairs Alain April _L --Mr. 1`ussllay with her larru[s. M. and, the Easter holidays at their csbtltiges.: .unl Mra. Alhtt, Mi dun, of Leat -r Mra. Archie Andersson of St. Helens. Mr.. Gnuley .bud dullt;hb•r, ..f Gal-, I also her father, MA .. week and at the Miss lierebs IH:u•Ksy and lir. Chas. Prtch, spent Eater with Mrs. D. 'Slur Ylss \ re, spent she weekend at the Judson. ''of Stratford spent Sunday'ray• I Ler Mnekav Mir awl Mrs /:onion' renee IFow•Ile, who sent l: Nene .•1 Mr. Purdon's latents, Mr. with her parents, Mr' and Sin. Slee. 1 Mfr and \Ira F. F'u9•lie nud Low•, i and Mrs. Wm. Purdon . Miss Vera Iso i t w. •u ar I 1 visiting here fur some time. meet fonee•l the {clay, -All of a iSudden." which will be presented by, •e the g people of the United church,1 I) iiiald spent Easter with her parents, I FAhelda Wooller, of Iretroit, are hal- Itlue-rale. in the Institute hall here>Ylr. and Mrs. Hod8hls of Hoyrooti. Iii:tying with Miss E. Cameron. Miss• en Friday. May 2, under the ausrpeicesMaster Totumy Lee. :if Toronto. is Erheldn Wa111er intends to remain for of the W.M.S. of the United church. spending the holidays with his uncle, a time with her aunt. Miss Marlon Slmpiasl, of W'lug'hnm. Mr. Kenneth Wearer. M•r.,aud Mrs. J. 1.. Iolxen and Miss went the week -end at the holm of iter Mr. and Mrs. Cles. Mackay, of Cnrrle Dixon, of London, were guest's! sunt. Mrs. Frank Henry. Brussels. spent ?Mutiny with. theirief their daughter. Mrs. F. H. Paull.i t Markey wet babe, elf Wllrgh , ,x111101 their home here. returned to London, Ion yiunday. spent Sunday theta. 1 Mra. oboe •a Gille-sl•ie and 1 Mlas Ethel 1 'dun -roil and Miss Sin+. It ' Tutton, of 1.wwit. spent dugghtrr, Mrs. Walter Lott. at the r Yon- as ,ver Faster. i the w ud with her mother. Sirs.,. Thomas I:aultt pnr,l.a sl the ler. end Mr-. A. Newton -Brady spend F'4x ('hevrolet sedan owned by the late lir. n f.•w" days iu T••rento last week. __ • -Apr. Meltillt• Bwrruft, of Western 1'rrrie. I Mrs. Ptah.' of N*' lhtwlrc•.! Setnitereity, London, visited over the .\4r. and Mrs. Thos. S1a,I4.uald, oft *Pent A few• tiny, with her parent, i holiday with his father, Mr. John Guelph, visited on Saturday with Mr.', Mr. au.1 Mac. W. lt. Jowett. A Sixty -Minute Program will be given by Judge Rutherford entitled "World Distress, Cause, A Remedy" over 51 broadcasting stations • including *WGY (Schenectady, N. Y.). \VBBR (New York), WOR,) (Chicago), \VHK (Clev'L•and CKOC (itamilton). Time Sunday, April 27th, at 9 a. m., Eastern Standard Time. Specials This Week In Women's Low -Priced Footwear Women's patent, one c'trnr.. ••xnth Cuban heels at $2.25, $2.85, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Women's kid, one strap, with low rubber heels and felt inner soles at .... .. . ....... $1.7° pair Women's kid Oxfords with !ow rubber hrels and -felt inner soles, at $2.25 pair Beginning the first Wednesday in May. nnr -tore will e1e-e at 12.3(1 o'clock for the Wednesday Half -holiday, during( May. .tune, .duly. Augutd and September. W. HERN Shoe Merchant Phone 43w Goderich lteee oft of East Wawano$b. • Miss W! 'fret Farrier. of Cedar Valley. is spending her holidays at the home or her iarent.s, Mr. and Mr„. W. 1t. Farrier. Miss Pauline Reed, of LLrtowel• *pending her holidays at the home u(i w titer a ........... visitedparent over dtir... .week -end with her neer parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mrs. Lena Woods and Miss Anna parents. Mr. and Sirs. Bert Reel. I Wiss!- arrived lust Wednesday after John+ton. earl boll Mrs. Orval Nand and Mr• Mrs. SlneGreger.spent last week withi,spending nn e•nlnyalde winter hi! ('aro Lott, of Arthur, and a Wer her dnughtet•. Mrs. Jack Hende•rs.m.4 Florida. i ley Lott, of Ar' 0? elrut the week-. of i'arana(wyu..Mir. and Mr-. Held, -r. Mr and .Mrs. Grainger :11111 Mir. tied' e 1,1 at the alter of their parrots. Mr. „ are• moving from their farm Io Sirs. 1111uilten. 'ef huudou. •lieu' the and Mn. Walter Lott. un/ 1 `Word was receistd here .011 Moa- I4' 1. and day of the death of Mr. 1.Pw Williams /,ton anti of Itlytb. who had underEone nu opera- .t( -I Iatc -r lion In IA/1Niut1 front w'hkit he did thielther n•l11s,r IMrr Mr. nod Mrs. Jetties Fer::u•en. et not renter. His wife•,'Curwetly Minnie Mr. Room Fihiell IMsd-Tin rIwr ii.hI . and SI r. and Mrs. N.• 4;.Ik -. Gulley of Morris, suet -Ives. rel one P"'"1 nw'ac at his la,nle In N'In h,un of Waterloo. wereEa.+ter attest, with daughter. Many Mends and athtivto a fine old mot. In the person of Mr. Mrs. Sl. 'Ferguson. in this district extend sympathy to Robert Shiell. in his eighty-third Mr. and .Mn. 1.. M. ihry. Jeal and the bereaved M s.. family. Ilett ('amerou asd f rar Iht teas a' pleneer of East t Jim aKPity '.lent the holiday at tlwir fumllc of Ashfield visited on Sunday AAraw'al4bstl and ' cut most of d llf 1I fano now oti,. t be Ms, Mrs. A. S. Atkinern. Casey Atkinom. 'wl uud Mrs. Malcolm Itoss. Sir. and Mrs. e . 1 hurt :wd two sits. Master ltillie Tiffin is visiting with! of Detroit. spent Easter with Mr. and bis uncle, Mr. Dan M.u•J)onald 'of! Mrs. W. .1. McLeol. l.ueknow. !Sl r.:end Mrs. Itnrch arrived int their 'Mist Mabel Johnston, of Elora, 1•I eithags List week after spending the 1 1 ,a•s..ea.ts ee•ar:amoaut. eeek11.1 at their cottage. Ars. Jack SlaeGregur of Mr. James 4'n'lilia. of Sr. Thomas, here ter the fultent1 of tisited hi, gtandpalrent-. Sir .11.1. Mr- •hlell :old visit,sl to Ih Jas. Nn:rge,o% over.theweek-nd. a• tel: his with Mr. 'end Mrs. err Petrart "reg.on els• 10th ....nese•+-hal HeyI'atty and Stewart._Atkins.in. of Ike" Mr. and Mrs. Robert BteKnrt an( NURSE GAINS 7 LBS. IN 2 WEEKS WITH 1 Ipr11 .i was always a min of his Nord. up.. trrlL are holidaying at their ,+•nage•. •+ ;l its est and t W 1 remembered n splendid!Jens Intim motored to Mt. Cb'urus • 1 1 t I all his dealings and will Mrs W. Elliott. L. lie F N'114• Easter' !tittle class teacher. as be hid a' on :(aitnnlny and spent st h•rfid memory morel with splen -' wrek•end. did -gent- of thought.. 11.. wn• t•akrt Mr- St,•lh,tulol :end 4.•11. Mr. 1: letdown 4.•fore 4'hri-t mos atel leis shire; fleinous l I. o1 martin. 0slt.,1 over the. YEAST AND IRON' leen Is'nelneel to his beef. Hleaves. aves' vreek-end with the forwer'a dluighter. ; his wife Mill 1 w.. ams. Andrew and l Mi .t`\ Newton -Brady, ' wton-Br n't diners, Nonunt "1 rut a 11une at the hospital," i'Mael regor. told 0115 sister, Mrs: .A1 and - Te swot the holiday y Ill ertn. Water - want Miss Martha Burns. ..and 1 I.ert gtIntonl. who belles! tot. unrst• him, ane. want to let )00 know 1 am glad too load .ne bristite '3„1111. of East \\'awn- Sl r. anti Mrs. E. IL John- awl fain recommend your Ironlzed Tealt. I nosh. Ile w14 burled on Friday', hi. ily spent the F'.. i -.r 1. John - 1 \\'our 'lt gate me a good appetite. I gilt I pastor. Her. S. Davisonof the United 1.a1, pentretthe home of Monday. atrtmg and rained 7 pounds in 21 nbtlrch. taking the -orders at the' S. r. and Mrs. Erie York and labs. weeks. 1 could write all day about howi(turh and cemetery. This commun. Toronto, sprat FYorr with Sic mu, h good Denims!. Yeast dirt me. You'Its extends ,.y'tnps 11) to the 1.1511vo., 'enol Mrs. }'. U. Baker. would ebe surprised at the otrenath i: faullly' i Mr. F. (edurdnhard and seen Charlie! People everywhere are :amazed at the gnhlwl is. :; or 4 days." - -'---- -- motored to Toronto un Friday. return - 1 t BAY FIELD Ing home rets Satunlny evening. woude•rtul 1p•urflts of Irouizwl 1'rn-t. Slr Mint write (hey term detiraltt %then n P. II"' w.rk-e•td ul the tonne of Mr. and ;Ilbrtt Mr. :uud i Mrs Ethe•rlugton end „ells !•"idem. Mr- o t an. r. Neil Etheringtots Is spending fel 1•Itr nn Alnn Int. + 1'..ttot. -.loon and 1tint :lu.l It\A'FIEt1► April 22 t:urs'• oc,•r'fn-Iend4 front London are spending n Malty started. to1 Ent aftor t•Len. it they week, It their 1 'tag Misled tun e1 Jur ugly Mr. t V. Smiler Ritz hotel were Mit ti. M. t stent L,rlsr a! gttlued .i to 13 pounds. Cgly hollows' F'lll t I babe r'-t11rIo- tlll uud. , Rllrnr limbs s,n-oar grace- ' • • p•nP,n 11 1 telly roundel. Blemished skin gets, Russell eltwl Nell, of 51rntford Al t bear and beautiful. us er the Ems. Mr. andMrs. Percy \\•,•-ern, re u I when Yeast 4s lmndred is It !ter holidays with his Aunt, Mrs. T. 1' --- - - -- - or satin finished -GET OUR PRICES You are under no obligation R. STANDISH East Street Phone 369 Goderich --BRED - TO - LAY - Barred Rocks !BABY CHICKS -18c each; $17 per hundred Express prepaid. 100 live arrival guaranteed. Special low prices to those who can call for them. EGGS FOR HATCHING -75c per 15; $4 00 per hundred. CUSTOM HATCHING - We can take in a limited number of eggs at 4c per egg. KHAKI -CAMPBELL DUCKS lay more and larger eggs than hens One of these ducla• recent- ly rade • record of 357 eggs in 365 days at the Harper -Adams laying test in England Eggs $1.50 per 12. $5.00 per 50. C. A. BAXTER R R No. 5 - Goderich Phone Carlow 1704 Let your boy learn to play Buy a Piano The Easy Way Whether you want • new Masan & R,oh or • new Henry Herbert Pian or Player Piano --or a use! pwo of standard make-- you' can seen ane by making a small down payment and having the balance 4,4.1 into cony w t instal- ments. USED PIANOS PS sap USED PLAYERS $175 up We take es many used instru- ments as part payment on new p,ano• that we alw.y• have a .. i4. .hosts. Eae► used puma or piye' 90.5 b 4thoroughly re- t dauwed in our own factory. Mail the coupon today. Neeibrilltrat .I• ii ''r i` I r ti 1i111't' •-•• •ve' '-- I ,il CCCC Please send me th• catalogue of Mason k Ri.ch Pianos. I have indicated the type in which I am interested. Name Grand ❑ Address Upright 0 Province Player ❑ Used ❑ MASON, .,RISCH ' 97 ONTAKIII .TKF:F;T. STRtTPORD n v Mine out the weight-bulldlng and Mise .Iran Kiesehaw. of /laferieh, I 1 111 1 1/ / 1 / ■ 1 l 111■ ■ 1 ■ / ■ ■ 1 1 1 10 •1 11 • 1 1 / • ■ / 1 1 w ■ more effective -for Iron le needed ed to Inn Iles. sln•ugthettingt•unes o 1 f Yeast. 1'len+• spending n conp!P of week' with het 1.1 a handy bottle. Nicer graudnwther. Mrs. A. McLeod. ■ blu,atlu Safe -----no harm Miss Ruth Houston retnriei `t, b 1111 tablet, itLondon on Monday, spent G.....1Friday mill Easter with her parentsMr. 11r111 Mrs. S. Ifouston.Mr. and Mrs. Vietor Bert and fain IIIMr. met Mrs. II K. King 11 1111 11:irold Alt flood. of Sarnia. left ott Sittelesafter spending the holiday with Mr RI • awl Sirs. Chas. Parker. cause gas or g fill druls. Go to any druggist today and get a full size treatment of ironized Yeast. If after this generous - trial you are not delighted, your money back instant- ly tenni manufacturer: ■ ■1■■11■-a/■■■1r■I1■■ /1111/111■■1■■■■■1= ■ W . MacDonald, Electrician ■ ■ ANNOUNCES ANOTHER GREAT Washing Machine Sale ■ ■ In order to introduce our new Easy Gyrator • Washers to the public we are going to sell a • limited number only at a $1 • $120.°° wt...._ On 12 months' time with no interest COMPARE THIS MACHINE IWIIH OUR HIGH-PRICED COMPETITORS 11 AND SEE ITS STRIKING ADVANTAGES. ■ OUR EASY VACUUM CUP WASHER IS' STiLL THE MOST POPULAR j Sys spent several days :11 1lo1eywts,.1 1 hest Week. 1,W1 114 111 th1.• .t•1'luli. 11! •1 tress of N1rs..1. Itta,t. dnnghter of Mr ■ and Mrs. Gale. Mr. Gale and Miss Gladys returned home on Friday but 1 ■ were again snwnwted an,) left fop ■ ▪ hhou.yw•.s-d on 'salon) our Ding lir 1'nlln 4'nmplell tuck charge of Mc■ / ,,, ruing s/rtie• in M. Andrelt'- ■ / I aurid e• lrrlt and lite .0,'lIIng veered'. 1 10:1• e71nee led. / Mrs. .Agnes Currie left on TInlrsthiy '■ / hest. to spent Easter with Ler d:ingh ■ il+r lit 1lamilten. Miss Alma McKay. of Toronto•'. ■ spent Easter with her parents. Mr. and ■ ■ '1: -. H. R. McKay. Miss Helen Beatty. of Wingham. 1 ■ ys•11t 1 1e0N1' Friday with ,Beer aunt. ix . Mr-. A. E. Erwin., Mr. 1111/1 Mrs. J. Stewart, of Hamil- a' lnmil-■' tun. spent Easter tv111 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollock. , ■ Miss Catherine Barton, of Goderich ■ Is vislthag her aunt. Mrs. W. Weston 1 ■ Mr. Sam Widcombe returned 1 ' / Windsor urd Muu,Lly, after spending ■ ' Euster nt his hotuP. ■ Miss Nina Heard Is 'spending the ■ Easter holiday with her mother. Mr. Fred Heard. of Clinton. else was hon. for Enetter. ■ Mbeses Elva and Ann Dewar and David Dewar, er Toronto. .vent the Easter era. allon with their parents.I ■ Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar. ■ Misses. Rubie Fisher and. V. Schultz MACHINE PRODUCED IN CANADA. TRY ONF AND YOU 1 %t' Fronk Erwin.T. ofoKitchener. Itehen r.(ta•it a e WILL BE CONVINCED. / whaler week -out with Mlrr. F. a EII- w ■ PHONE YOUR ORDER TO SUPERIOR STORES WARNING ! ' The ",•nstatit pr4rtiCe of sjwutding your looney it is being 1.. ..nl of your censu,noilt will,tnteas. 1nt- ('Iddamage to 1111• pewees-. L'roetlt end lrlmperay Irl your .district. I .''t• are over ,Ix If lllhlnrl hi Nlt.•-nN 11/',1 Superior Chain Sts,n•.• in 1Inturi'-operstel by experienced slower.. and oherti.e• t- nether-..tfcriug solo the highest quality'at trice. n,:ode'sesible'sy their tremendous 444ilI ' to ❑hired 1/11)ite. support these local n'•r.tuttlts upon trhon, tia• :nnvth of vont. community depend.. anl le•Itatit your -elf. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKES 2 pkgs. 15c Challenge Prepared per pkg CORN STARCH 8c SEEDED RAISINS 2 pkgs. 25c Lealand Sweet Mixed I arge 30 oz. bottle PICKLES • 44c Regular Standard Quality per ib. Arrowroot Biscuits 29c PURE 40 oz jar APPLE JELLY 33c Purity Quick Oats with China .. 37c Vi- ons .. . 8 oz. 33c Babo Palmolive Soap . Chateau Cheese . . Gillex Kara Coffee Royal York Tea Beehive Corn .yrup Snappy Snack Cheese Ginger Snaps Minute Tapioca Van Camp's Tuna Fish I_•s Libby's Size Canadian White Beans Fancy Blue Rose Rice. Pilchard's, l's Blue Ribbon Matches Red Cohoe Salmon $1.00 Asparagus . 16 oz. 55c per tin 14c 3 cakes 23c ' .'s 21c ■ 1 ■ • 1 ■ a ■ 1 each 12c 11132c I's 63c 's 33c 5 Ib. tin 35c .2 pkgs. 15c 2 lbs. 25c 2 pkgs. 25c 12's 31c Tips, Picnic per tin 23c 3 lbs. 19c 2 lbs. 19c per tin 19c 3 boxes 25c I'a 35c 3 tins Phone 235 and we will send down a special. representative to give you further particulars on our different machines ■ ■■■1$■ ■11■■■ ■■//RI■ ■11•■■111 11■■ ■11■■■ 11■ 41(15. Miss Grace Jowett, of London, spent .1• J. McEwen, Goderich. the Easter vaerltlon with her parent.. : Manal Sl r•. W. lt. J""P't' PHONE 46 PHONE. 116 Krsi Charles T left on Monday WE DELIVER ' to visit al Wort ritanl4•y. . Mr. 11. KaLMtelw•h. principaal of the ■ tnlhllo'school. sprat Easter at Ms ili111.1111111111■11.10.1•1111111■•■■1111■1■il■1♦■1111■■■■11■//■■■■ J. Calvin Cutt, Goderich •