The Signal, 1930-4-24, Page 2•
2- T'hurtday, April 24th. IN0
Mstabltshed 1848
Ileeober of Canadian Weekly News-
papers Association
Published every Tburaday morning.
Subscription price $2.00 per 'Mir
'Wetly iu advance.
Telephone 35 : Goderich, Ont.
W. It. Robertson, Editor and Manager
Thursday, April 24th, 11E10
.We're not miying a thing abotut the
el -either
'route, on taxation in ludia. 1n order
to ensure collection of the tax the
Government of India maker the
ntanutaeture of Nalt 8 state monopoly,
and the proceeds of the tux are
applied to the geuerul expenses of
govurntw•nt. (:hau(UM('s declaration ..f
hie lutewtluu to manufacture salt-np-
patently by the evaporation of sea
water --was therefore a deflauce of the
British rulers of India. 113 a large pro-
portion of the native people of India
,lllar,.IN1 1e regarded all 8 holy m,tu, or
ening. and iloultless he ealiadate l that
his arrest rot u lawbreaker wools
cause a great'uprlslug. Su fur, however,
the Government has carefully refrained
from molesting Gandhi, although num-
ber; of 'his followers have totem ar-
n•sted, and it remains to be seen
• • ' • whether 11x1• attempt at revolution
The big teachers cuuvention i14 on at will dwindle 10 a fares or will devel-
Toronto thia week.
• • •
Guessing the ,4eetion date Ir still the
favorite sport among politicians:
.• • •
When the preaeut vacancies are
filled, the Senate will have a Liberal
majority. *nil the country will be
looking for some announcement of
Senate reform.
• • •
The first boat pawed through the
new Welland ,'anal on Monday. but
1114• wort- on one 'section is not yet
quite finished and the formal opening
will not take plate until July 1st.
Senar..r Ilessaullee, who died the
cher day inQuebec.
w stn
hIN eight-
year when he was appointed to
the Senate. but as be lived to. the age
sof 102 his term in the upper chamber
OILS n fairly long one
• • •
rip lulu a very' dangerous disturbance.
Nap! Leak! Listen!
14:1ntrlbtad to lhttton Advance 1
1t erre the distlllera 40 cents. -
It cost lar ()uteri(' Government
It cost the young own who bought it
it newt the county of Elgin 113,000.
It cost a young man his life.
Ontarlo'a profit was 70 rents.
What was it? A bottle of whiskey. .
What does it profit a man?
Parisi[ the London Road
In addition W nor paving. top
Deceased Had Four %ears of Active
ser vied Overseas
Many friends throughout the county
of Huron learned with sincere re-
gret of the death 'of (Gordon lloward
Holman, second sou of County Clerk
Geo. W. Holwau, Goderich, welch oc-
curred iu l'rovldeuee horpltul, MWst•
Jaw, ;task., en April 12th, after a
brief Mucosa. The kilruellate cavae ut
death was heart trouble, but the
trouble wu+i of !slug stuudiug awl mus.
'(o douhl, brought on by the lung and
arduous war seri ice which deceased
experiential us a member of the Can
ail' uterat'us fortes Prow 1013 to
Diseased was !torn Murch 4th, lass,
at Ellmville, ttwuship of Uslurue, In
this ,amity, where his father tangle
.clued 'uud was else tuwndhlp clerk.
1)n the outbreak of the war he eu-
Ilstel as a volunteer from EKwuudcllle
(where (Ite family wait thou living i
lit the K Ind Ilurou Battultou uud war.
ttatne1 +tt landon. going overseas with
a detached eowpuuy of 230 of tato
but talion Iu J une. 1913. On his ar-
rival in England be was dratted Into
the let Unttuliun and went at mice
Into uetive service, under l:eneral
Macduuuell. In France, where he en-
dured all the hardships to which the
toys were subject, especially in tete
early stages of rhe war. When peace
wan declared he was sent into Ger-
many with the usury of oceup*tion
and be did not return to his home
here until the wiring of 11410.trDu ing
tae iso years he .saw very
ou•rvice and was 111 a .large number of
1'agentents, iucluding Ypres, Paasch-
aNe, the Somme, Amiens, Cambial
Vlnl g li de.
1 J
fter returning to Canada he spent
three years In Nortbern Ontario as a
fire ran
anti then
went Into
the ger
('a Atte-Teeth ay mines and spent
three paint in the active work of min-
ing In all its phast•e. A year ago last
August he went to the West and
jollied Ma brother Wilmot,
ierloversena:with the
n110th Canadian
Mounted Rifles. Together the two
line hers engaged lu farming near
Meese Jaw, and i1) was from their
Iwnu'4tead there that the dee+aned
went hitt. the I"ospital a week before
Ids death.
Gurdon was a general favorite and
In his younger shy+ was an en'tbue-
lustic sport. Being trained in one of
elle befit aportl•IR communities in an Ile aHlols shoo
oda - ,Seaforth-he took an active part flower and tomatoes. require at len"t I required. Amato -Mame.
In uthletic games. eapec•lally In foot- one trawsplanting b•ft&& they are setI In at once, as tads rrgul11'll must ler
in all of In their permanent position. This UMW-
with 1114 re airpalcantn are
who, !herons• and hl'tkey,
which he excelled. • lag results 111 ovrth. r planta and much empti to e,utprbe In
th.• IUoint cone
Its leaves to mourn his early death tetter brut gerw•th The transplanting tltiun.
h1" father 811.1 stepmother, Mr. and should be dune in a 'Mailed place and ( t
Wrs G. W. Holman. two brothers. the new beds well watered so that the
Ile It and two slaters, earth la strewed firmly aluuN•the
nr• • thll+oitneHr ailment
il! entt are hunilica'gwlstt
done this year uu the London rot
between Klpien add Exeter, , ° at
t f
forthe Mg
n l
are K
and a -calf miles of the rad between
i,ttlan ar141 file Middleaa•x-Ilurun bound-
ary. l'onsta
atiou of
the bridge dKr
the Aux Sable between Clamk'ye
and Lucan ale' will be In progress
toll summer. The tomplt'nve ofmthees. f
.ontract+ will leave only
road. between Exeter and Centralia.
to nnui,', She (•owne r.
to 'he pave}
Tle Globe (Mitres Mr. Justice Jef- highway from Goderich to London. The
fray for reftwing t0 mettle the venlict
.if the kitty in a civil ease at Itamilton
a few days ago. Juries sometimes
make mt8tak'•s. as The Glote Maya,
but neither are judges more that)
• • •
A matt arrested tie other day with a
quantity of whiskey had a dozen On-
tario Coutte�rnment permits. which were
Parted under 'mourned names with
Bedtime. addresses. Them seems to he
something very Loose about the admin-
istration of the 1.1quor Control Act.
• • •
The 'Saltford Sage looks back with
regret upon the days( of ale youth.
when hit appetite was good for every-
thing In sight
1•mr hc• tact, he .,wldn't get away
average• roat of Rlavemant lr said to be
alaut $21,00o a mile The county pays
the coat of twenty 1
etruetlun within the limit" of the
The spring outlook for steamship
lines is not good. In consequence
the Poustr0n S. 8. Co. Is outfitting
but thlr'y of its fleet for tie start
upon the ope'ing of navigation. The
following will open the 'season: captain. and
Ilrltoldoc. H. B. .Hunt.
S. Itarr. chief engineer; Mantadoc.
!'has. B. Kirk. captain. and W. T.
ltennle, chief engineer: Ontadoc. R.
J. Wilson, captain. and F. A. Collier,
chief engineer: 4adkadOe. M_ A. LIT.
and John Barrett
chief es
..sash. • 1110 •
Hints on Gardening
Very Light soli will be benefitted
with pleuty of strawy manure, and
the same treatment plus a email ap-
plk•ntlou of ashes for sand will loosen
up clay. Vegetable sods cost but a few
cents. I1. IN a good plan to plant u
few rows of the hardy varieties, such
as spinach, radish, lettuce1. carrots,
pleas and beets, as soon 88 porrlhle. if
frost cuts Zhou 'down, the low I.
really trivial. whereas if they cow''
through ---and three timet' out of five
they will tome through, even if omen
Just uv 801111 as tui' ground can be
worked --a oonsideruble gait has been
secure) In earlluess.
Where the grou11d 1s inclined to be
wwur, such as In low sputa or shw13
corner: of the lawn, an application of
Its Mated lltue. about nue tluur►14 to two
.quare yards, every ear or , tato. i.•
The Ontario Department of Agri-
culture Is again planning to entertain
a party of :all) farm boys at the ltoyal
Winter Fair in Toronto next Neolewber.
This party is made up of the ten high
boys In a judging ,eompetltion which
Is held lu each county In October.
Briefly the conditions of selection
lire as follows:
(11 Tu le eligible for tale competi-
tion .otatet uts must flet Submit us
statement pertaluing to the coat of pro -
timing statue farm product or perform-
ing 801114' ftlrm olreratkio.
12) The competition is opaen to all
farmers or farmer.; eons in•twcen the'
hoer of elxteeu and 1weuty invluNlve
on Nslveuller. mist. lino, who (01141)1)
with regulation 1.
I 3 lbutertntute .hall Jhdge five
(imam of live stunk, (111e clam lt`
poultry, and five classes of crops, ;ucli
as grain, small weals, INdato•8 nisi
To, Howe "elected unda•r the (ou.11
!lt**s outlined above flu• Department
n.Ivisl,l. LIMP 1N ptrtirttlnrly espentiak colli provide tree of (hash,: 1
where one la del InlIIi on e,nu "rdnt Il provide rero ? charge:
genie aUtiou
fertilizers. . to Torun,' Sud return. �
Zionier 2. !orals and lodging for four nights'
A great tunny of to will be teeth's', in Toronto..Meals
for an easily -grown flower which due•1 7t. A program do fm Jule a knur of
not require very aptwial treatment or i the cid rod vlslto to the Na(o)I r of
soil. In this moama:lion, the zinnia can I floe
II rs awl isituroe, as t, '1, un n
be relowmendel. It comes In a grout I stud of Ilw *eat I4.8. sWinterwell as
variety of colors and one sun also, The major 1•hangr to (hest rt•Kulu
bare dwelt or dN•urf types. medium'
moths. as well as regular giants. The time.. is (outlined In No. 1' under colt
zinnln is an annual awl It does Inrti.-- .11(410 of rd41lon. The statement •t'•
ularly well In the nes' garden and also he 1ubwltlel will be qu to elementary
filling in the rather large seams In the iand still sin the
ly ,Carle•i f a field
of agrain'
perennial border twtore chi' regular
flowers bave developed to their fullest ford or ,,f each operation.
st ,f 114l of
extc(t. This flower blooms early auJ pt`
ettinuously from early .ummer until manure er fertilizer applied
(Hutt. 'For very molly bloom. it 'is ad- nitinol[ of well sown, suet ahs nutotn•r
e N'hela
taxable to start the :well indoors aul • of bushels ,esUd us pre
(nulsldaat outside after all danger "f J,vt+tl 111 )011 which lloeIng re statements may i"'
1. Cleat of producing Ing any grain crop
:. Coat of feeding a poultry flock for
• 1 1
sunt-:. nt
ler, or startedp
frost IN 1 y ,
purehnaed. For big. Individual [towers.
It is well to pinch off halt the side
shoots and ataut the sane number of
buds, having *Mout three flowers nom- I, thre4 month feadUlg rather a /all or a
Ing 4144 at she same time. (Seers range' for three rcit
from cream, mauve and pink, to scar -1 litter of ptµ` for it ho hreh months.trelies th.
kt, dark brown and yellow. tither',forito al a mpa•tititt next 1wtoter should
flowers that are also rue,mmemk'd I y r licrtion at °n/e to the
mos. tarigns of vulture Include std sen'1 h`rot Department of Agriculture at
v,s abler projects• wish to keep cos
Thi t tine
- Practically all those
floe. rs and! w111 r+w1(1 tonus on which to lane
v las itiWea started iteloore. like {"•run- cost rt'e,r(fa and will also Bite any
and slunlaa, or cabbages. .vu., I additional information whleh may h1e
mors marlgcdd-. caIllopr+ts,"x• M9d I Clinton stating on which one of the
song f L4 b e they t
Transplanting and stung e,yrr.l. Tb• aIcrlcultumt ref sewn a
N loot an
Mrs W. J. Jones of Toronto anti Miss and there Is u(o wilting. ,law d,
Sadie liolwun of Kitchener. beelike' a valuable plans. it Is a good I for u
barge number ot, eouslnn a111 °titer shade
tsar.1(11unlit t the e,w*d�wtf a
The retuning ata were brought to the! ►Nrxrsoff rhe e�n forsome rtwenth-twrlhours
On Fatter Sunday thin ingsronr captain, home of his parents byre, being aceom-1 keeps pinch of seem quiet.
t e t ea lain. QI•ed R A Cam
cent. .•niaatn. and n. Munrn, chief puttied T'y ala another Wilmot. and' is ala., advised. A'pl
.feuwith mom Than right mita for hi- engineer: Vnnd.N. Jas. N. Forte. the fr.terlul (look pltiee on Wednesday. ailing nitrogen fertilizer at the tint,
Lremkln+t and they tyen•u't oxtra big 1 captain IHMNoc, it. 1). Simpson. igrUhi rgc of the eeniyte. Theilinter qua lily established. Beginneoving will hell. the rs sastow ell
as many old-timers. are lnellold to
allow their plants to crowd miu1c ter
closely together. Vesaetablw. and
flowers too. require plenty of room
for Rill development. Ev. n the bets,
tarots and lettuce %bleb are first
used when very small require *oma
(1111intug. The lethu'e will glow much
inter, quk•Lly and to more lender If it
1t thinned to an Ineb *past in int• case
td lett le'ture, and six to ten Mabee
apart lit the /•*se of head. ('smuts re-
qulre an imfi and a -half between:
beet* and marmite two Incbe': onions
one trot and esinsch finer to rix inches
onus. either, he gays.
• • •
Somebody played a belated "April
fool" joke on Jack Hunter, of The
Klncnnllne Review -Reporter, last week.
seeding him an advertiaine plate with
the wording In French. Our French
Is rather rusty, but from the pictures
of .everal people with telephones at
their ears, and the phrase "longue Ma-
umee " we value' that tho nd hat
captain; Ctataadoc. K. I.aRush. exll► meati stag to R:etR cemetery, beside
fain, and O. 'Tlrrlaon, eb of engin-
eer: Cartlertioc. A.. Slmpell, captain, hl, mother. who preeleteased him in
and A. R. IMCLean, chief engineer: 1914. There was a large attendance at
(toteattdoc, chief engineer: Ferran- .tow funeral. those present Including
.,a many old friends and relatives from
F,xeter nn4 elsewhere. Warden A. C•
Revoker and other members of the
county council. A touching tribute to
do . Walter Mellott'. captain. a
L. 'Bottler. chief engineer; talo, a d R.
dote E. W. Baker. 1 Il
•hp e
F. ilbekn. / 1 f •ntdne r • Handl-
am . his tuemory was tax attendance o
da•. GeorgeLbullN. (-stearin, and A. hie
Plant. chief engineer; King,ln(•, W. frienforth, in
cluding boding yMayorounger
years II'a r.
f e gine. captain. and V. 'nape, IIm. ex -Mayor W. i1. Golding, Postmaeter
�hleB ellglueer; p.achinetoc. C
Nl thief Chas. Alibi. Earl VanF:emund. Thomas lrhn
Jackstn . and It+'y M('(%en('h. all of
Some reference to the telephone bust- erg, ('a'ptaln. ami C. nark.
v Ido'.
rt(111. r • la n napes
neer. It would he n good tudenae fain. and F:. Featherstone, chief en• whom were his intimate companions
and fell c.worke'rs and who acted as apart.
Radiry als
pcown lling mit tatterwharvls.
fur Kincnnllrn•': High School student S.. Ritter: irdrnndo, .las. Ranger. r.IHwareel
• • 1 captain. and W. Sr,:d. .thief engin- t Tar floral nfferfnga were numerous 4)ften b"r many ki+ri i'.'
'. "1'1
f torn or
eY r: Monitor, W. Meaty, captain. anti and' bloratul. jnrhu8et these of ls ..f melons and .v_ trmb•r+ an• loth
At ! pllldlr dates- lipid recently In Frwrett. (•hies tiglneer:
I'P. Nr• Ilur°n' 4'Mmty Council. Court Hent+, to a hill. Time to five plants Is quite
the town of Kinc*rv1lnr= a man who Keatrtmdc�cz R. F;. Chap►mnn. cnP 0ffdclnls, (`auadlRn Legion °f'ltN[torih; rl11fflcienr. but these 4MmM not be
• ' k • let until ell Winger from oat -
esu maktog hlmaetf .duoxNius won
ejected by two citizees. one of whom
WWI Editor .1. J. blunter. Evidently
118 a piece of spite wort nttl0(1 wait
taken aRaltrA Mr Bunter stud ills fel-
tela. and A. 11ttrNL chl•f engineer. )I r. said Mira.. (;, S. IMrle. evf 1 aslpun.
\recasts.. F. is. nous. "stain. and Snsk, ; Inirar'b,r 1'UIn4 MvJiIry, Tor- worms and bird+ is over. Flown should
W. E. LaLonde, Pules engineer: „oto: Mice 11'owau. \i r. and 3lrs. ie sewn from two to tesla Inches squirt
P. I.nm•. SL.' Legendre,,hin"lptnij and Kuet•htel, ills Wen -art and Glide for the ordinary varletbr•, and {ren.
h are
O. L04'. 1. 4" chief engineer:
ate 1t8iti. Y.W./'.:1.. iCit.�hennr ; Miss M. RnrR,•iw, about the sato,. Broad sod are stern
Soreldo, R. F Slm.....r I (:1811111: Mr. Jas. Handford and firm- becomingmore
iriiotretout *art.
low•'citisen ou thy charge or disorder) A Chalmers,flu chief
elm'•! . it Exeter:111 C. 4: I1'IhN•k London: : ,rely nal lir
London !4r tats Hes
y and t•, Mishit
TorvaNlo•, v A. it ' .11rs.•G:rabens: .
"luQUCI. bol in the trial before
They can't tell a parrot to go g.
teeth pulled.-Mrt=ou Telegraph
the W L• F;dwnrda. chief eu)tlnrrr: Itrndf:ml. e:.Nlerich: qtr+. .I. It_ ih'tf� -to, frillier 1s now being highly
magistrate they were trhtmphanUJ Trolsdaa•, W. Cunningham. (:11i tin. recommended by I►0mIolon F.xtwrimen-
and family, dr. -n.01: Nr. arNl Hr. i cal Farm authorities for use In the
caldltultra amt matelot in their ef• and n. S. Crawford. chief englney r : M. Stewart. Hamilton : nemler of the rvN n. This is slm'.e the
order When the chief of Wellandies b'. T. Hnymond. ealdnin. stmt). and nonny others. Ne sanRt4 1d holm Ra
fort w keep {e hlnrk paries especially ply prpinred to
tom ,leu., were nw,tyel from mune wltlishnid went! i R It tomes In
police (steno loot since n•nlgacd) and and 1'. :\Inktle, chief englhie'r. t tar dee•tl+el nn!
Exile! in him duly. Only a shat thee; ;;\u man coat tell the truth n1110^R
before this Editor Macdonald of. They another's soul. and no man dnn•s Itt goes wire staples between Mit to the hen•uvep father and other cc gPu110'' rttura 3• ot r atwillrtos
,:haslet' Enterprise Istel out a Mtmp ' Irll a .If his gyltl."- `lir Arthnr Quitter.' ed f of deep oche Weed ptics. and therat '
Mous vi"Itor who was th Brucetng•atm Cootie!).
it Th Bruce county
ler n .
Mend.. "
of the fan113. ,w•idths. and In raekel down
with w n the rows of
The• nit hi .f for rOtmmun 11 this prPvent4
relntlnw in their
rhe ann'4 rays and sr heats up tie
.what is nn '."Id ground. Water, .to,, 1
, 0f
044 the paper
r his cdfh+. These 1 _ Is erlleetec! ab(1
We Legs e t . Noww the rc r►'
editor+ npgmmr to 'bre stalwart and
Two miners 'who had been
Irrmn¢h( ram• ars
longi nn(o1N'r'!" yh1e will an reRetn erm where tt i t most oma o.
naohnte fellows. up In tar Name vRlage, snit and 1bier Ikoy (prcnorplly1 growth' •
• • • atace drifted npwirt, met the other; petit number (etch ride u[ it, dr:" 'mater a athishastened inch Is peed. Roy
The perfonnane• of Mala Una Ghoul- day.
which •h 14 an inl-
Hello. Tom! Lr 'N 'live n 'Minis- airs. Newel Ito her hu•"land 1 : "1 p,Mant Ant with 1I new c.g+etables 1
dal and his Sollow•ers In lltdia i4I Nu id nor. I cook tats cook end tort for you, and Imhlarsthhigw- ,:n fetters 'Iota' nod I
purr.iiug' until we Irnrn the NiRtdti' ••No, .lack.'' n'{dlel its, other. wh.' 1 what do I get! Nothing•.,
and nsently carr lr the Intlueellcr1 Mr. Newel. "Yen's, 11.cky: 1 nit'n3-, to rover nt least a portion •of their
of n revival 'Mashes "1 ace been l get Indignation.- • while' Ile In Iontsh n NIltlon t totitheri'*4above01 i.1 .
rat nKalu." t
'•What!" rxl•laimel Jack, NNrkrR
I _____-- -
ll vieitage• nlao eliminate.. prat/fenny
down at the other's !windy legs. "Horn Did
again. ti ' still bowlegged?"
Brae of the private mauufncture 0
,:ale In India and other Eastern lands,
.alt. su reodlly procured In this coun-
try, i, a precious commodity. and for
.-,•nt iri.•s, we are told, it ham been a
You Ever Stop to Think? ,• •11 tlltiltuioq an ImhnrtM point
1 n
n whore one g•e4 away (during part of
ty s._ t l '• r
ANO YO% 51P -
15 -VIE
EI)St►N R. WAIT}: •-K'heu the emotional alas.' of arty
.V1tuwrn•e. 4)klnhotnn problem tomes first, then the
That grafts to g1" Me people's money of denting with that problem
-ming t14l dally. and many- of them greatest." 411Prtert 1100ver.
are'nper•iterl with grant •uee•44.
•- fine of the greet troubles Is (hilt j MIagiotrilte: f "And what 41.1 tete
too many people take too 11'.t1e trouble. prisoner k. k like, When ire was es.
In find but what they are gett118 for p; �p(stnble: "He had a sort of pinrhtsl
their money.
Pe0pk; nn a rule. are not Inellned 1 look, your worship •
to ,•ompinitih where they con see.
what they nn•'ge.ting for fle•ir m0ne7.1. The emblem at l.nrtdnn, it stems le
lot they 4Ne get eriti••nl when they to Mllatw•e novo, ntfv',Rth
know that nolle ndcantll71 Iw Io 1pRof
i winningat ,li the
ton mail he eertein w r, of lnn•d(re
' taken of them.
' Through cen4e4sness and hack of , llernlol.-
nerve too to "tick tap for what In sigh',
many people stand for being grafted', \dd 1'i'. t sttttIatles: During the year
awl meow to help in putting a sthp to' Mete were teo.notnWWWe jMTme-tax re -
'1 duet ion., 4In. "tngld . by roftget In.
IL our money 1 the other b Wall fltre(tt.--0RxaMttg
To get the hest calor for p 3'
1 you 4lw,opd first 'know your require-' (•mnnercial. t
mens. otter whN41 yMl 4hOidd 'hide i •.Itepresentntl"n by diatrh is enable'.
themthe .con ens v* fi yoino pm will', the rural !action to emtrol the e((y."
he -d cow esti' a to 1111ly
treat know where t0 ?111 yens needs. I alayla• lilac'' tow faPmvor set rich nt
tear In mind the 94'.1 •e'1 the „pent* of big-tOw-n mnnnfne•
fact that Only the beat qualify ern lure.,.." +RM1lesfer Tiniest Cation
stns& the Ilgit' of continuous adveitl4 The man who dog+ nt the hot. of
riTP intent
Q,pnw(ite busifPe' 401Me1'1 I111v voice for an hoar n Any w111 not
fhornet.,wrnnmeafant be troubled try Owe? cotirfllatnt• 1n
„capac3lteur „flat Fanner;
ed', ho old au..
1 read. The netRhlwlrs
and they always endeavor 10 to just, I will snake sire of that. The i'awaln*
honest. fair and courteous to yen. I !show,"-
olio SORES
i. NEAL IN QUICKEST TIME KNOWN. Semi •• 1.1{. •Ic•r••,, for w(fa Doctors
tailed aL Two ,•
5 S 11.8••' Mated
O•ela(.' 8.1•-"1•t••tifTH0101 AS &I/NW 1
W, einairYob
"I suffered years of agony
through blind itching piles,
says Mrs. W. Ho h eeat. of'
iiochelaga St.,
"Paln, loss of strength,
complete misery, was my
daily lot until I cAme across
Zam-Buk. I know now that
there is nothing on earth
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healer. Since it
from misery my
is to.make Zam-Buk known
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Moves Pain Like Maglo
Be Consistent
Estimates cheerfully
John Pinder
Phone 127. Box No. 131
Dean Sinclair Laird's
Seventh Annual
All Expense Tour
Lrarv. \I(1\ 1 REAL - 11 Ll 20-22 Days
Lease, TORONTO )LL1 21-21 Days
AY Ripener Rats
From MONTREAL - - 1371.00
From TORONTO - $,340.00
Oial ••'•u 1.048 •• •pM"aee••
yoe will travel by rail, steamer and motor ...
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through the Rockies with their crowning jewels,
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Over Canada's Scenic Route
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e u i,• •d 1•411.n•1 ,w' •pPI'a•"u'r r•
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J )1. ItEAr1'IK. Town Agent
04 PI WitIt'H, 410NTAIt14I
ASK any one of the thousands of enthusiastic Olds-
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Visit our showrooms and examine Oldsmobile's new
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