The Signal, 1930-2-27, Page 3San a Little Money
by taking advantage of the Signal's
clubbing offers. We can procure for
you almost any paper or magazine
published in the continent.
The Signal Calendar?
One for each paid -in -advance subscri-
ber. Renew your subscription now and
make sure of one of there beautiful Calen-
EH; !ITN `1.111111. \I:.
\I(. XU U
Ia Your Automobile with WE' ICBED 163 LBS. WORK O 1929 AT NORTH
il�0'il 140 LBS. µ
I,10e/a Zoe
Painter and Decorator
Estimate. for painting, wa11-papsr-
lug, etc., cheerfully given on re-
Residence, No. 4, Bayfield Road
Telephone 259J
The Armstrong Real Estate
and insurance Agency
Houses and Lots in Goderich and Farms
for Sale
Large number listed to choose from.
Just • few of the many listed.
A good 1 1-2 awry bowie, lately re-
tie *feted, $$00.00.
Very neat cottatre, tine condition, close
to Victoria school. Lights, toilet and
garage. $1000.00.
Oood 1 1-2 story lionise, hardwood Hexon
• and interior finishing, (nll modern
equipped, arranged for steam beat-
' ing, $1200.00.
Two-story tenure, fine condition. good
appearance. Lights, toilet, prow,
1 1.2 story veneered cement block bows.,
line condition goal location full•modern
egsifflped, easy terms for payment.
Prier $21011.
Two -apartment 1 1-2 story house, modern
equipped. good location, handy to Big
Mill Price 1150o, 1-3 cash.
Modern stucco house, complete, $3200.00.
Number tine brick 11(4014.14, modern equip-
ped. Ask to see them. i'ricee fnon
/2500.00 to $4510.00.
Heated apartment to rent.
Panty -large number listed for sale.
Special -100 acres choice land, with 40
acres valryable timber. Good buildings.
Clime to village of Varna, Huron
County, 4 miles to R. R. station, clots
to gond ntrrketa. Price 1.4500.00, $1000
cash. ---
2410 acre. clay kern soil, 70 acres tim-
ber, 1-2 tnik• to school, close to good
village, 12 miles' to- Goderich. Price
141000.(4'. F:sy N•nns.
100 -acct- tarot, 5 1.2 miles' frons Goderich,
moil buildings, will exchange fur tows
pr:or rrll, easy terms. Price
i�OU See or write
Real Eatate
Box an Getlarldl
Pow one woman lest fat ' Reports Presented Show Sus
and gained health tainted Activity in Various
Departments of Work
Many loinrile who are fully ieware of the
heit11-giving prepertie. of Krum -ben, have tea vet Heard of the wielder -
fed ettcts 11.c* Salts have iu redwing
unhealthy, execs fat. Hy their Broth.
141; ion on the liver, kidneys and bowels
they urge 111(1• tirgauIN b4 thn,w off the
ItnIVboats wrote mat ttrio. which, if
allowed to m•4. L•te, form fatty
4 •1.sits in the INely. Read how this
wo.+uul 1..11 fat and gain health:-
" 1 have txknl Kno every
day for aearh ,i year, and 1 have not
i telt 1'4 well for many years. My weight
hos rirupixd front lo:1 Ihs. to 1411 lbs.
All )uv o(.puuntanorr say how much
'. ger and letter 1 kook. 1 feel bright
and well, whrn•as Siefert! 1 was always
her%ots 114l tired." Mrs', B.
Try taking Ilrusclwn Salts every morn -
Mg In a class of hot water before
bn•akfast. Little by little the unhealthy
wrumulatiaw of fat will slowly but
surely disappear. A new feeling of
health and vitality will follow -the
years will fall away as your form takes
on the slender lines of youth.
11 YOU I*.s ur44414 triad \ru.rt,e*--try It now
at our expense wee base distributed a grant
many spacial " MAST" perhaas which sake
n ens lar you to pore our claim kw
AM, yo. drama* for the weir '' t1lA NT ' 75..
This rosslis of our regular 75e. tw4Ue.toeutaat
with • separate trial bottle- sogirtrot kx about
oar test.
4 Open the bottle asst. put a 1
CruaeMs 5 do.o-rvthlag we Las it so ar. Sloe
regular boor, is ,sen as good as new. Tuba It
barn Your dn.ggat Y aut5xlyd 144 stars
your 75,' 1mm.dlater) and without setaldam.
You has tried krveim free. at our rspsaa.
What could be fairer • atanlrtarawed by
E. unmu. Hees, 1.14., Haorieser, lit,
(Haabi w.'rtss Yaltlarny gess,,
;I' Q "
Daffodils and
now appearing in abundance.
This is a sure sign of Spring.
Procure a few for the home or
sick room. They will certain-
ly drive away the thoughts of
the severe winter just passing.
GEO. STEWART N4 x'11 11'r1tEiT 1'N1TFT► ('114-RCH
Ther, 1.1:1. u !orgy :117cn.huce ut
the annual meeting of the cottgrega-
tuu of North xire•t 1'nited church.
1114141 tin We1t104e121y evening of last
w• «k: The minister, Rev, C. F. Clarke.
;.r.•ddesl, and Mr it. 9ton(hlmte met -
/144 secretary.
After devotional exercise. the 'taw
inter presented hi. ,.tatistl••al report.
rhe mentle•r+hip of the church Is 460
resident and 12 non-resident members.
The needier of f411L41114y 21111. hap -
Osiris 3. weddings 0, funerals 20. Four
Isomluntlio11 services were held during
the year. The number added, to the
ehun'h roll by letter- and by confes-
sion of faith was 27. removal.. were
1w 10 by druth, *aid S by letter.
The report for 1114• Kautlay 'school.
read .Ay Mr. t:o:• Tehln,tt. s1144W1t1
t118t there Were 4/11 the roll te•11ch-
enl. 6 offl(1'rg and 216 n•holars. a
total of 2410. The highest atteudance
ea. 1s14, the average attendance 140.
011144.1 1011,44 w44rr 44:642. ofw'hk•h =175
w*s laid to the missionary in
the church. $14 to the religious edit -
(•m11(111 fund, Dud $25. to the Mirk
Children's H0e{oltal.•.
Mr. Walter Hern, superintendent of
the school, ••hike of the work done.
roller camp•tent assistants . there Is
opecfal missionary and temperance ln-
Fashion Fancies
Grey Township %Ian Fitted in Listowel
l'utic1' ( curt
1.Istowel,"Feb. 19. "There In nu law
foe hurtle trading" war the theory
which brought l'olwell Slwlrau. a grey
towluthlp farw,r, tutu I'ulhr l'ourt
herr, together with hl. hired man,
Stanley Thome-..lulrgel with 41ttnling
a horse from the shalde of John Thlbi-
Ileelu6 tit 11.1,. 1.'(111, the tither party 'to
the trade.
•Above week. tilt. Sita -Iran. w•1(o M a
young 1111111, 114141 uuolt• hl. fir -t hurt e
trade. liy wntunl agreement he had
met Thibidt•lau at tie• tillage• of Atw1)011'
awl Ind th.'re tradel•s 14n *11
811'11 dt•all .10 far a,4 exchemp- of money 1 y
we, con ernsl. 1.141 aptaareully- very I,a
much• to SIN•inw'. lois. ay hr sults... I
qu811tlr rsllixwl, in n•yos t t.. the 4141- 1
partitive merits of the h44 ere•..
lk•Iiev►ig, as lits father admitted he
had tnn4tlt 111- Bohn, that he (vnper
f(ctly within t11e law ha going to the
-.table. of 'rllibldean :11141 rrfe,.seNa11c
Id111a•If of 1111' bor.', lie had parted
*911. 118 41141 • I tit i(l ,,it 4.:141 tin the
intoning of Jn,it cry is. III hired
attain acts,pi{uuietl and atw.i.tei hitt' 114
the• enterprlse.
\l'hilr ilupresslI.g ck•urly the exact
st a 1les of 1111. 114.1 a. 44111 of theft. iseow•u
Geo. Williams
Dealer Io
Fire. Accident, Automobile, and
General Insurance Agent
Office, next to Irani of Commerce
Phone :43 a iodericl'
Capes Get the Right 'Use
It taken the cape to get thy right
line en snoring moiled.. They're 410-
1ng It so well that they're already
w•1111ug 1(1 'rhouldrr the style respons-
ibility of costumes of every type and
dr.e•r11R1uu. III their current {*.pular-I
1(3 tape. fall to tlhcirlwhtate between
sport. informal or formal wodlels, but
simply atla1h tham•iha.- to everything.
The model sket.iiel here i. 'willing
to adapt Itself to the requirements of
the •w(11rer as well :1. the dictate- of
time *lwrnxoraeter. Is•lug 4r•ig11411 with
a detachable cape. The Impurtane• of
its 1...1111111 4411 thl. .vlt of navy 'due
basket aeaVI. (•01411'1, 11111 flared
pleats on jacket and *kirl., is ublious-
ty right.
the year : Mn. Muruey. Mr.. Shielair,
Mrs. )lair and lar•. Va natter.
Mrs. W. J. Andrew r,1N.rted that
North street Auxiliary headed the
Ilat Oils year for Huron I're.lytt•ry,;
with \\'1 ug11atn clow behind. and Sen -
forth third. Mrs. Ilamlhuu 441141 that
the W. M. S. of 1Furon Presbytery
stood tint for givings 111 the 1.4,ndou
I'onference, -
Miss lieaeuu, for the Mission Circle.
reported 26 annual and :, life mem-
bers, *252 sent to the Presbyterial
treasurer, and a dale valued at 173
sett to the. Elul street Mission, Tor -
masse Street nen* 104 Godesitionto.
stru(tlon. Wpet•Ial ult•utiou ear made Verna Barbour reported fur
of the work of Mrs. Fell and Mn. •111• Mission Mini! 33 at1111oil and 1S
(:ray In the Cradle Roll department, tilt• members, a total of *134 raised.
Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada
1929 - Prosperous and Progressive - 1929
New Assurances paid for in 1929 _ .� $ 654,451,000
Total AI•euraneei in force, Dec. 31, 1929.... -2,401,287,000
Assets at december 3lst, 1929 - . 568,197,000
A safe and profitable company in which to insure.
hJz :
Office 115
Residence 549
District Agent
Every 8x1/ Telephone is a Long Diatomite Sgotton
Service -
and cheaper
than ever before
Long distance telephone service
is constantly improving. Seventy
per cent of long distance connec-
sre now completed while the
callini" piety holds the line.
In 1927 it took an average of 5.8
minutes to complete connection.
In 1929 the average was 3.5 min-
utes per call and many calls, of
course, are put through on the
And with this greater speed there
have been two reductions in long
distance rates within the last
year. Every Bell telephone is a
long distance station today, mak-
ing speech possible across the
province or the world - more
quickly - and at lower rates -
than ever before.
and the memory work done In the
prlinnry department was particularly of which $127 was Brut t0 the PreJoy
t.'rl r .r.
i. Hers urged the par- Yr. .\.. m. R.rte•rtwm gnc14 the n• -
e41. to do their part by .fleeing that port of the mhadonary and malnten-
atteution 441 given at home to the pre- sure fund. The allocation of $300)0
partition of leeeons.
for the congregation
'For the Gulden Links Ilible class
congregation had been fully
Mise Annie De idwbn reverted nn
average attendance of 11. total amount
rained $117.304, of which' was,
for the missionary work of the school l
and $1s.fur the lever mission, while
the claw emoperetel with the Excel -1
.Inc lt9de class In Christmas remem-
brances for the sbut-ins.
The Excelsior Bible class rn{artt-1
22 members. a total o1 $52 raleed and
a bot valued at $130 sent to Miss Fwlna
Hnrney's school at fans' i.ake.
The C. G. I. T. record wits given try
Mie. Bailie. The 16 members of the
groop had had a course In home.'
n, had ;metered missionary
tingeant, and had sent gifts at ('hriat-I
mat to a C. G. I. T. Krohn in the Elm
-trees Mission In Toronto.
\Ir. A. M. Robertson gave the re -1
;ort for the choir, mpeakhlg of 41114 kt-,I
tendance, the Interest taken, the num-
her of hew members and the healthy I
shoe of the finances, a balnne of
t:41.10 being on (land at present.
met, and 11811 was given In the Ape•
caul Victory offering. The amort e,n-
tributed through envelopes was n
substantial Increase over Last year.
Mrs. II. T. FAI-warels and Mr. J. R.
Wheeler reported for the Woman's
Association, which numbers 43 mem-
bers and had a very successful year.
They had spent 5124.5.70 011 the church
' and 1'.rronagr during . the year and
hale a l,alence• on hand of $2:1...31.
Twv, veined members bad pa.werl away
during the year, Mrs. W. T. ,Marney
111111 Mn. .1. W. Vanatter.
The ,hur,h treasurer, Mr. W. C.
1'I-idhatn. presently! the financial re -
..rt of the congregation. The rselies
were #:4139.62, of which 86224.412 was
for the general fund. 124410 for the'
evangelist, Mr. Whitrelde. land- $7.1:.
for the balance dor on the org.ul. The
:^e•nerel fund wee larger by over #2(44)
than the year before, but there were
extra expenses. suet' a. repairs to the
rerof, which increased the exp•ndi
'J'he Men's Sunday Club reported a. turns #2'21.10 over thy receipt -
prss-+Iser. Ma y8/11 with goal attendance,' Thr Iswh.r nnnnuneel that he
profitable dlse•uwlona and Incr'asingi r,ceh el word from the official tnl.-
Miss Emilie Buchanan $rad the re-
port of the W. M. S. She reported 69
ilf.' members and 31 annual menthe's
'PP nt 'Toronto (flat a bequest of 121N1
had been made the congregation un-
der the will of the late W. B. Graham.
The amount ',attributed by the con -
h. the Society, with *1)2 .(4 r11fsal,_ grt'gatlon to the 1411.9' S,*I.'ty Was
by voluntary giving. The nom #iflll, to the Lord's Des .\Illmne $S1. '4.
of $907 was sent to the Presbyterial
treasurer. Me spoke of the four mem-
Ieers w110 had (Duel away during
hest Colds
Need Direct
IT Is an ob-
stinate cold
indeed that
can resist the direct double
action of Vicks. Rubbed on
the chest, it acts 2 ways at
(1) Direct to air pas-
sages with its healing va-
pors released by body heat;
(2) Direct, tike a poul-
tice, it "draws out" the
Amy ArMauomdtesGaEDYt4fLY
.\ttorta•y 11. ']t. Murphy "dated that
there were many such erroneous. Im-
pression.' abroad, 4411411 us t11144 and the
signing of notes with a lend Isen•11. Ile
felt that the yeutlg sten In ynwtllon
were not exactly young men of erito-
'nal type and the (4*4144 w•as 01144 where
leniency .Binh' well lie t4\e•r,'1re441 by the
1s111r1. TIM' defendants 11/14 1141 e1111SO
to plead in their behalf. and therefore
he felt it only fair to state that be
w•(a11d not press *111 4.1111rge• against
Attanley Thome.. the hired maul who
IIeompeirllel Fp•in,n.
Magistrate '1'. 1.. Hamilton 4. •timed
In this. and, while Impr.'wlig the
young 1114.11 with the real ...barmier of
the cringe, stael that h( had no feel -
big that he is as dealing with criminals.
The tea•,' .tgtliii.t :[tanley Thetua, was
dismissed and a fine of #140 and 1..11
was iuq..sel upon 5(wlran, who wa.
instructed. together with the father,
*Me, present. ttlat (heir Ideas of there
being no law for hors.' trading required
a 1.'ry ladl,n1 amendment.
WK,$T W,t,W,(Ne1511
The nunlk•IIml cumuli met Felrunry•
3rd. with all the misusers present.
The minute. of last meeting %efe
rend and aer.'pt111. The clerk was In -
1 ecru •tel to order a loose-leaf Index
I tad libeler for filing record. of vital
etatlsties. A grant of 810) war ataele
to the Salvation Army. betters from
the Goal Roads Association. Ontario
Monielpal Association and the Town -
1 ship Roads Association were ordered
flied. The Collector of taxes' was pres-
ent and the roll wan accepted with all
arrears Ilotl'l.. Messrs. Isaac Miller
and Thos. R. Taylor presented the
auditor's' report for the year 1929.
1(evera1 neutttmwidal1ou" were made
by the auditor as to the keeping of
road accounts, etc. The .council ad-
Jont'ted to meet Mar141i 3rd at 1.1 p.m.
DI'RNIN I'HiLLii'S, Clerk.
To cover meat with a mixture of
larger and oil and allow 11 to stand
few hours bcfure einikiog will help
nake It tender.
W. J. Powell
Stocks, Bonds, insurance
and Real Estate
Car, Life and Fere Insurance
Nelson Street, Goderich
Phone 292 P. O. Box 488
AIMED 11 Lbs. in 8 Wks '
And a Boy Friend."
writes Susan Salton. Thousands
,yy new boated Yeast adds
b I S Iba. in 3 weeks. Skis claws
like magic. Constipation, aerees,
end. Getrio: ant lro'iced roast
tablets from drugafet today.
Telephone 230
Masonic Temple Building
For good health in whiter, child-
ren's knees should lie well covered.
Thi, helps keep an even body tem-
Automobile Insurance
See our rates before placing
your Automobile Insurance.
inmure with Companies that
pay their lotus's.
J. W. Craigie
Real Estate and Insurance
In the
Heart of
the Empire
TO serve those who have business connections
overseas, this Bank maintains two branches in London.
Through either of these, your banking requirements
will he expeditiously and efficient handled.
We shall be glad at all times to obtain for you
specific data regarding markets, tariffs, etc.
Princes Street. E.G. 2 Cockspur Street. S.W.1
The goyal Bank
GtiS of Canada
Goderich Blanch 1. D. Eastman, Manager
while *3(441 had /dread, been
subscribed for the building fund of
Emmanuel College.
tier. \I r ('Inrk' expressed 11ppre-
(*tetlon of the splendid ,n-op•rm(lnn he
hod 1,10(1 f the officials' of the
chun'h and of the kindness and help
given .0 generonmly by Rev. .I. E.
The election of six member. to the
hoard of stewnnks resulted In the
choke of \ierxrs. R. Stonehouse. L. E.
itanee3, A. L. ('ole, Rot*. Johnston.
W. T. Pillow and J. E. linrnwell.
Mr. .1. F:. Tom motel. snpport1l 1.c.
Mr. W. If. Farrow. n rate of appre-
ciation to the Snndfly sa hied tenth -
els and of Seer. for the effe•ihr work
done dnring the year. Mr. (files ,len• 4 '•
klnm and Mr. Tom moral n vote of
Wanks to the c4401r. and on motion of
Mr. C. M. Robertson, seconded by Mr.
J. 1'. Ilnnx'. an expression 'of al' r,•
rintlnn was tendered Mer. 1'. F. ('larke,
entryd��ee1-�d,. with the hope flint he 10411(1
emltltllre 111 the pastorate 011' North _.
street church.
Thg ladies of the (N,ngregntton r_.
served- Tefnshment$ and 11 flux' ton'
vent .. In social intercourse.
Paas the Whisk Drnom
Betty (Just home from a holldmy In
Egypt) -"And Auntie, It n -its w( Iii•
teresting: the tombs and pyramids
amt thing. wefe all covered with
Aunt Linalse: •'oh, dear. 1 hope
pat andel get any on you, child."--•
Flverybody's Weekly.
Beauharnois Power Corporation
(to own and control Beauharnois Light, Heat and Power Company and other
subsidiary companies which are proceeding with the installation of
500,000 horse power on the St. Lawrence River)
Thirty-year 6 per cent. Collateral Trust Sinking Fund Bonds
With Stock Bonus Delivery Warrants and Stock Purchase Warrants
1'44 be dated October 1 t, 1929.'1'o he due Oetoher 1st, 195!i.
Principal gild multi -annual interest 1April 1st end 0letob'r 1st) payable at the holder'. option' in lawful
money of Canada at any branch of tine stank of .ontn•al in Omuta (Yukon Territory excepted) or in
I'nit/'I `states gold coin of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, at the agency of the
'laid bank in New York City, or in sterling at the fixed rate of 54.146 2-3 to the pound, at the chief office
of the isid bank in London, England. Redeemable at any time in whole or in part for sinking Fund or
otherwise, at the option of the Corporation, •.0 sixty days notice 3t 103•' 1.. and ineluding 4ktolrer 1.1,
1114; and thereafter, prior to maturity, at 103„, Irma one-half of one• leer cent fur each :1 ydilti+ or part
thereof elaped since October tat, 1931, and in 1', •11 cane with aerrnt•d interest to the date Of redemption.
Cottp1tn Benda registerable a. to principal only in denominati of *two, rain and app. Fnlly
Registered Hands in denominations of $l(441 and authorirld multiples thereof Trustee The k•,yn1
Tout Company, Montreal.
Price: 100 and accrued interest
Full particulars on application
Canadian Bank of Commerce Building
Phone 53 Goderich