The Signal, 1930-1-30, Page 8$.-Thursday, Japasey 30. 1930.
St. Valentine's
February 14th
Secure your Valentines
We have a Targe stock.
Priced at lc to 50c
Book Store
Situation in Hockey Group Is
Interesting as the Beason
The Gmlerlch intermediates added,
another victory to their reord lust
Friday night. when they defeated the
Clinton hockey team ut the West
street rink by the score of 3-1. It was
the third foal game of the season
and Godcrich's fourth will. The match
was played before a large crowd of
fans. who were will satisfied with
the goad. cleiu, brand of hockey put
by the teams.
'The visitors came here determined
to win this. th'•ir -ev111 1,1111111. of the
ataw11. tbiy st,trtel the first l5•rb'l
auspiciously by scoring :t gout and
holding Goderl••h Kennedy got
Clinton's only glut( of the night after
nine minutes ...f play The lice -up of.
the G-oderk•h. teem was change) t1
some extent for this geese and this
uoduubtelly accounted for their
p1,whe-e hi vowing to 11le. Murul•y. and
Lemieux took their positions on the
-Lt_etueharh,g 111 former game, .
pinyel ,ou the tomer.' line. George
Allison, liaeing 15.11 grunted a play-
ing itrtlfl'ateby the (.ILA. Just the.
day before, mite 117s debut of the
season. George k nue of last year's,
junior phiyers. Ile_ subbed
Sturdy lit centre uud when le made
bk appearance utl the Ice shortly af-
ter the game guI tinder way he was
given o splendid hu til by the al5e•tut-
ors. Don. McKay reeteel a nest)
runt above the eye ellen he was 814. -
(Mentally struck by a ('layer's stork.
Iwo. left the Ice to have his Injury
attended to, but was track for the sec-
ond and third frauds and turned Inn 1
• gmel game. 'there was only nuC ile•u-
alty in the Initial peHal, Neliger of
Clinton being the first toe take, a trip
to the initially box. Clinton had a
slight elgi-'on the Goderiell bops In
tits frame. wldch ended with the
ceatint 1-) lu favor of the visitors.
The second period saw • the teams
playing faster hnr•key. Jack Woods
scored the )ocals' first goal 011 a nice
individual effort. Jack grabbed the
puck in his own territory nod skated
the length of the Ire to tally. ikon. Mc-
Kay was right on the job and batted
In the rebound. Tbis goal was dte-
putel by the Clinton goalie, who
claimed the disc 14 the outside of
the goal oat the first time, when
the referee vu led the hell. Referee
Lightfoot settled the argument by
yelling It a goof and ordering the goal
umpire replayed by another is•rsuu.
The new gu:ll umpire was no sumer
on the job than tluther dispute arose
4.VIcn play was called this time the
t 1*, k was found perched on top of the
'I:1tuu net and Referee Llghtfot
ruled that the disc ...mid not hate
entered the Inside of the goal. "laud"
Sturdy ut centre played a 1.0.041 Vane
1,all evening and was credited with
, I:,alerleh's second goal after seventeen
natnuu•s of piny. The incrust ended
w1111 l:ieleric•h leading 2 to 1.
The 'day in the final frame wus
pretty evenly divided, both tealus
pressing hard to score. Suttle oke
comGluatlon work by the local sextet
was In evidence. Near the close of the
game Stoddart took a perfect Paas
from Don. McKay.5nd scored 4:edder-
1.11's third 'and final goal.
Charlie ,Lightfoot, of Stratford.
was the referee and handled the game
in first-class manner. lie had the game
under control at all times and did
not ',Pruitt any rough play. Nine one -
minute penalties for minor offences
were handed out, Clinton players
serving six of these. Those serving
penalties for Gnderlch were 1). Mc-
Kay, G. Allison. 11. Murney, and for
Clinton J. Ned(ger C.D. J. Elliott (31.'
J. Twyford.
The line-up:
(Tinton -Goal. l:. Elliott; defence,
.1. Nellger, J. Elliott ; centre. J. Twy-
ford ; wings, W. flew, 1). Kennedy:
subs., F. MrEwan, W. McClluuhey, G.
It nth.
Gok'rich- Goal, II. Doak; defence,
IL Murrey, J. Lemieux ; centre, "Bud"
Sturdy ;.wings. D. McKay, It. Stoddart;
subs., W. MacDonald, J: Woods, Geo.
ltefere--Charlie Lightfoot, of
Thirty Minutes' Overtire Falls ts'
Give Decision
The hockey match at Seaforth on
Tuesday evening 111•(WWNI (:alerieb
uud SLafurth 1nl'rmellale frank re
-u11eI In a tie, the score beam one
alt. Thirty minute.' overtime WasJ
played. but the teams could not break
nh.• d4111Lw•k, Whlrle .x•vurrel 1n the'
third p'riod. '111,1s aas vasthe -1.,411111
Kann. 111C 1.5-4114' hadplayed a1 Nes- ,
forth. the fir -t match several weeks
ago. when Seaford won by the -cure
of 2-1. tering ordered replayed by the
(1 i1.-\. exe•idive. A crowd of over
nue hundred hockey enthusiasts fre111
Cuderieh look in the mune, waklles the
trip -1•r 1'truf'•r(4 'Ja the .gh'.Ial t' \ It
.train which left lure at 7.80 o'clock
and returning on the regular Delhi.
This hard-fought h.ekey game got
Ruiter way at 4.30 ,$dick, shortly al-
ter the train from l:,derlrh arrived •
Silfurtlt sennet the first goal ale.ut
1.,Irthe lira Jern.I.
Willis getting this counter. There-
weri' six le'tualties Minded out by lief
en* George )(urges In this stanza.
which ended will Seaforth !teeth g.
1-0. "
There was no scoring 'in tin• see -
and frame, although n goal Iho5t
to be in for GoderIrh ens disaJllrri•edi
by the referee. The goal umpire
claimed the 'dirk slut by Woods, de
fence man of the Guaerlch line-up
entered the Seaforth goal mouth. -\
dispute arose, tine Scaforth goalie
claiming the pork did net enter. Tb•'
referee, who tins at to great disttune
from the play at the time, overruled,
the goaI umpire'' decision. Five p'n
antes were handed out to this part
of the game. Seaforth drawing two
and Godertc•h three. •
faithful service during the last
'loved by Messrs. Black and Ritch-
ie, that council advertise fur a road
,uperluteldcut, uppliealt11os 10 be in
clers'e looms by next ou'''ting.
IIylaw NO. 1, appointing the utfh
ers for 11151, was duly passel uu wo-
tlon of M,.rs. Swan end Anderson.
111Iawt No. 2, borrowing money for
ru11.yny leterist. w'as duly passed, on
motion of Messrs. Audersuu and
uu woliuu of Messrs. Black and
.$.en❑ the following bills were order -
yd pull :.1)r. Slurp-. u, M.O.IL, sal-
ary. attd expeusea for 1929, $112;
,clerk, fur supplies. $13.30; registering
births, marriages and deaths, $12.23;
A. E. Wilson Co.. payroll audit,
$19.20; Juo. Kilpatrick, salary, $4.30;
Jacob hunter, patrol, $S; C. W.
Ritchie, $9.50; Herb Curran, patrol,
Council adjourned on meilluu of
Messrs. Swan and ltitc•hie to meet
February 10th at usual hour and place.
C. E. MttMlNAGlI.
1. W. C. Solloway (left), president of Solloway, Mills & Company, well-known Canadian ficin of stock brokers, uud
Harvey Mills leentre), vin -president of the saute company, who Lace trial at Calgary, Alberta. on alleged charges
of censplring to defraud. W. 1t. Farris (right), Vaucourer, 1$.('., has been engaged by Mr. Solloway to acct as one of
his ....nose'.
thirds of the time. Near the end of the
stanza Stoddart evened the count for
Gaderleb on u Wee effort shortly
lifter a face-off near the Seaforth
goal. There seas no more acoNug•
which meant overtlane play. Seafortli
drew four penalties to Galerlch's
Dirk, In the third period.
Play was pretty evenly divide) in
the three overtime periods, the teams
struggling hard to break the dead-
lock. Roth goalkeepers were kept
busy turning aside allots, W1111-11 came
from all angles. Throughout the game
the goalkeepers played well, stooping
ninny shot, which looked like sure
G. Knrgee. of Kit/teller, handle) the
game 1411.1• meted out many penalties.
He was mu strict that at times tete
players did not know themselves what
they were twlug seut add for. ena-
mor*, of the SelforttCdetence was one
of the worst offenders. LI the ftyst
part of the game he nude tour alters- under corer of darktw•.- h lug
sire trips to the penalty box and was practl. about Is. tulle- out o1
off freptently during the rest of De. 101reen. Nei (1001.1 that a,•,•ounts for
game. loll' MpietldIra \%..
ld e 1Id• " deli$$ •k
The line-up: - pklyal.
(4eafarth-=Goal, 11. Me 1ellel; 4114 -t very small er.wd saw these two
fence. Allan Reid, 4'udmnre'; ee'tltr.' : games, hill uo doubt tate rehillve. 111,1
ise 4yltrien; slug... 1- Ynttgblut, Len- ut:u,y friend-- erf.ttv'se hays will lie on
"I. 4)11reu; silt's., 1t. Ilnlme's, F. Wil- hand to cheer their fa%orite• whet.
Id htIlt.. tiny attain. -
Fnllnw-ing Is The schedule for 11.s
boot league. -11 the weather permit •
111 games slit Is 1,111) 141 011 Well,erll1.
t•rcllings at 7 p.m. Admission 25.•.
vs. Plant. Elliott vs. R. New.ombe.
Wednesday, Feb. 12-- Efln. 1-
Plant. W. NeweemIe vs. R. Neweandee,
Wednesday, Feb. la R, New• ,'nil .•
r 'Plan. N'. Newcombe vs. Elliott.
t\'elnestlay, Yeti. 21( --Plant .s. W.
\ew,•utnhe. It. Ncw.•oml.e es. Elliott.
Wednesday Niche's Ganges
Two more games in the junior
Four Keenly Contested Game Played
at Weal ti(ncrt Kink
Plant's "Doughboys" met Elliott's
"('ounterhupperi Wednesday night,
January 22nd. In •the first
game of the town hockey league,
w•hleh resulted In a :3 to 1 victory for
Elliott's team. The only alibi Teddy
Plant had to offer for the defeat of
Ids pets was apparently stint some of
his boys were nut n.Ing Imperial gas
oline and oils and therefore Jua
couldn't get going.•
iteg. NP54ou11o•'s •' ten taIs" lural
Ns brooder Walter'.
"WIaxII•II111-ks" met In the s4K'md game.
and the result was a win for Iteg -
team. 11.3. II hn- 1.--.-11 rumored •1' . -
Reg. heir Iwcli•galhering his bowed un-
der ills wing oo moonlight nights and
11s, J. Hart.
Golerleh-(lnal, iL ikmk': defence
J. Wood. E. Westhre,ok: centre. '•laud"
Sturdy; wings. It. Stoddart, 1). Mc-
Kay.; Buhr.., W. MLnolwuald, J. Len,
Marney, ,
Referee G. Karees. of Kitchener.
s • . •
/:roup 4tatdklg
won Lost Tic
(loderieh 4 - 0 1
Sea fort I. 3 1 1.
4'linton 2 • 2 0
•Mitehell 0 0 1)
•MRrhell 4151, defaulted the remntn-
ing pones in the schedule after iota)
Ing two IIIatehP4 with Goeriel, and
each of the other teems. Seaforth an -I
C'Btttol, 1s credited with two wins.
Al wishes to thank her many friends
uud Madness uelghbura fur and sym-
pathy shown her at the time of her
reent bereavement.
TS housework. Apply at SIGNAL OFOF-
f(rat•class se•urlty. Gaol interest
suet part principal If desired, papa)*quarterly. Apply to BOX 41, 'PLIC
SIGNAL, (loderk•h.
swell farm near 1 -notion. Exper-
leuetrl with horses ,and cattle- Year-
ly engagement. State nationality, ex-
pertelwe, age, wages expected. Educa-
tional privileges' if desired- Box 99,
1'I fl.lren .tinder 12' •t: . '- , .
Wednesday, an. 21.11'I:n.• . F'-
I'efi, It. New•comlu' es- W. N.,r7-'hnhr
Wednesday, Jan. 211. --Plaut vs. It.
Newcombe. F:Ilie.(t vs, W. Newcotnl e.
W.slu stay, Feb. 5. IV. Xew.r.mb,•
town hockey league were played at
Notes • i the West street rink on W4dneeday
Goderich will play a postponed evenittg. In the first game Teddy
game at Clhton next Monday Plant's "Doughboys' fell an easy
night If satisfactory arrangements
C11/1 le made.
• • •
The tie game tet ween Sea fort h and
(joderich will have to be replayed it:
Seaforth if It has a bearing on the
group ehamplonshlp.
. • •
Seaforth will play a s•hedled
Tic Godkrk•h boys went Into the genie ut Clinton on Friday night of
third period determined to win. They this week- o
played tour men up on the forward
line nod kept Senfurth bottled lip
their own territory practically two- seriously." -Albert A. Mlcheleon. by the score of 2.1. The '•l' ter -i Palmer the sum of $7,196. Mr. Helmer'
hoiers" were Just a little too fast was sell known around Southern On -
In "Ke•p amu ,
sed • don't take life tar
prey to Req. Nrweumt5'. .
workidg 'Molars," the score being
51 Is favor of Newcombe"+ tenni. Tle•
winning team had things pretty well
their own way 1a the first period,
heat not so In the last half of the
game, when the "Doughboys' bombard
ed the "Dentate' " citadel time after
time. It seemed Impossible to get the
puck past Newcombe's net guardian.
The second game of the night was
a zeal hockey match. Elliott's team
defeated Walter Newcombe's sextet,
Goderlch friends learned with re-
gret of the death of Mrs, L. G. P.
Montlxambert, wlte of the manager of
the Ilcspeler branch of the Yank of
Montreal, which occurred at her
home In Hespeler on Tuesday morning.
Some years ago deceased and her
hu.baud were residents of Gtelerieh.
Mr. Montixambert being aeeountant In
the local branch of the Bank- of
Montreal. Mrs. Moutlzambert wa-
Morn In England and re.elvel her
el•ucatiun iu 111111111. where s1t.• spent
her early 11fe. She had Io' -u 11 reel -
dent of Ilesps•ler about fifteen months.
going to that place from New Toronto.
The funeral takes 'date this after-.
1.501 111 111•sp•er.
\11(14. r_ W. JONES
The death of Mrs- C. W. J,• t..
urns' a, the hone of ber dau.h;er.
Mrs. A. Rougvi.•, higlak•u-efen Sunday, Suttnlay, Jelin:ay 'Leith. I'e`ra-.d,
woo was 1n Ler e:ghty;feurt( year.
111111 horn 111 for only a short time.
?t.' tus ..'r 1 it, Ciraiufa and tired Lir
A go•dt many yea)•- .at Ph. tact ;pbta
o the death of her. husband rine
year. ago she la-la,t•e.ldel w-i:r. :-n
awl:bier it. Gob•rieb. A f,.nerai sere
Ice was held at the liewe ua Monde,
lir 1 11i1.51 cad the r. -mains sea,'
taken to !'h:1a,'.•I .iia jd.t eras:.'
•otn1%o,14 emelery Den Tu .1
ltct..1. N. 11- M,11s had charge of t
funeral ser41 a here and tar pa,.
hearers were 11. C Dunlop fancy
tel I'hilip-d`aruy fund N,.rmen I.rwf•
• Amm�tn"ememt -1? made of the in-
tended .retirement this spring of Rev:
Dr. Donald M.,c;.11i.rav from ' the
ud+sion work jtl l'11iva to whi. b he
ha, devoted hi- life.
JOHNSTO.\.-In Galerk•h. on Thurs-
day, January 23n), to Mr. and Mrs.
Edward L. Johuston, a daughter.
JONES. -In Godeerrtt''h. on Sunday,
January 24th, Mrs. C. W. Jones, lu
her 84th year.
of Road Supertuteudrut fur the
township of Ashfield will be rtaviveel
uy the under'e&gusd clerk up maul
neem of Monday. February lath. Ale
plkant :o use his own car. :tate
price per hoar. Luweet applkadun
not be rss,ar i) a.errpteeI C. E. Yc-
DONAt:Ii. Clete ut Asbtield.
as rest: also a asra,r. Ap1'II_te' l' t)
tp•N 41:• e;udererh.
a 4
grocery or utter. Immedia:e ons
+s.101,C 5. ten Apy:y to ('HAS- K
<_\t NI)EKte. (.alien. -a.
y F
r ,r:hL .er ' 1 rt
pp:y to HAYS & .HAYS. Godericb.
cage'. sows and little pigs, at lot
tlllt Jtayflekl line, Guderich township,m
uu Tuesday. Feb. 4. The usual ters
urn ) Wt)T1'. NELSON CRCRICKue•
tttuueer 'Proprietor.
TI.' RE.
MR- WAlti) ,4LI.IN
will sell by public auction at Lot 4.
eon. 4. E. 1). Colborne, On
at 1 eldest* sbarp:
One grey L'ereheron gelding rising
3 prim; 1 fresh calf and cow, 1 yooeg
calf. 1 rubber -tire) buggy, 1 cutter,
L set of harness, 1 set of Iron har-
rows, 1 seed drill, 1 dreamer, 3 rocking
chairs. 2 wash ,lauds, 2 Iron bed's,
2 stove,, 1 luungc and lutneroua oth-
er articles.
TERMS --_\11 sums of $10 and under
cash; over that amount, 4 months'
c•red:t will be given on furnishing
appy ovel joint notes. A dls.o11it al-
lowed for cash on credit aceeunls.
apartment. 1'eeeaisloa may tie and
s ve►..tucr' .
THOWV8 -(;4 N1011%-oe'•LKFeEIk
1.1'.1. S7'Oc'K AND t)sI:skit t
-�� Telephute. Nu. 115. •
• MOI1GAG •• •s• r'. ettendrd td an) where and :'very
c ,IT -'rt wade to gine •tlefactloo
teftTt;A4:E $-\T.E 0)',FARM 1'Re11'- F..rtners' sate notes iliwnuetted.
1 ...ier and by virtue of the Ismer-
•:•.t sale, cont.,ln.d ir. a ceruin rfgist-
t're.J m'.r-:age made by Arthur Jones
-.and Edward Jones. to the vendor.
there will he offered for male by public
socelon at the Bedford hotel. Go'ler-
le•h- on Tlorrsday. Fetcruary 13th..
'Arae, at "ale o'cle k In the •fterno.m,
rine freeLelel farm property known as:
Cost Nnmber Five. in the Eleventh
Coater'eI„n of the Township of ('o.-
t»one In the County of Huron, West-
ern Division. containing 100 erre. 1
more or leas.
This M said to he a de-irable farm
of ay loam soil, stout 112 acres bay-'
lug .been ealtirated and the Galante.
being In pasture. There Is said to be
a good rock well and two small
creeks,. The buildings include a
storey frame bonne and a large frame
barn with cement foundation.
There is said to be a school at the
dlatance of about one mile and the
distance to Guderkh 'Is about eight
Terms and Conditions: One-tenth
of the purchase money to be paid In
-ashash or by marked ebequc at the time
of sale and the balance to he paid
within thirty days thereafter; or on
such other terms as may be satis-
factory to the vendor.
Further particulars may to had on
application to:
Solicitors for the Vendor,
7 Market Truk, London, Ontario.
!toys Who Made (seed •
• .1 phetogral.h of the Kar, -as petal
(rutiary. of which Franc (1,miltur'
and Stewart 41)4.--.
-, sent to pI,5, n'
form this county, ars- niemheh.. has
merited been •rited by Sheriff 4,e.,rgo
IltMrog from .Ryes.. Ilamiltet. per-
fon1. tin Ila. leihjo while 11yes plays
11.• t, uds,ue. 'The two are 51.1, mine
t5•r. of the penitentiary bill -For.l
..-eti Tinder.
Dashwood Woman Claims SLIMSt. Thomas, Jan. G4 -A unique
claim le now bring btwrl In Surrogate
4'ourt by Judge 1). r_ 'Gose of the Pity.
1 The claimant ie Mrs. Carrie $tebbine
1 of Dashwood. Ont.. who u claiming
from toe estate- of the late Alonzo
for the "Woodchucks" and they man- tarlo as carnival operator, earl died
aged totally twee, while "Wool-' to Northern Ontallo Orn may 29 of last
▪ 11111 ■ ■ ■ ■ A ■ ■ ■ at ■ 11 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w iR chucks" had to be mantled with on'•your. Mrs. Mlebbin.e dp•nted eemces-
a lots counter.•Ions In connertkon with tine Palmer
r ■Harold Marney, coach of the God-, shows, and claims that from time to!
erich intermediate. team, refereedtime she adrift/eel gnaw of money to�
1 The siGNAI., cALENDARs ■ both matches to the entire satisfaction; Mr. Palmer to operate his shows. As
■ a of all teams.agoing con.rrn the property Auld be
Won Lost I worth 215,000 to $20,000, It la said.
i For years The Signal has had a reputation for issuing
• handsome calendars, but we cannot remember a year
• when so many complimentary remarks upon our Calendars
▪ reached us as has been the case this year. When we
IN ordered them we had a notion they would be popular and
• accordingly we ordered several hundred more than usual.
IN ▪ They have been going out fast, however. and this is in-
• ▪ tended as a notice to any subscriber who has not already
i received his Calendar that he should make sure of it by
• handing in or mailing his subscription AT ONCE.
• of the handsome 19,30 Calendars.
■ If you have not got yours yet, do not delay much
air longer. The supply will not last indefinitely.
1 •
• ■
stamonav•m]>.masa ■■■■■■ ■■$soar■■■■■■■■■
Every paid -in -advance subscriber is entitled to one
V. Elliott 2 0: The property,- whkh has been In
R. Newcombe 2 0, steerage in the city all winter. is op -
T. Plant 0 2' era ted by Frank McAuley of this
W. Newcombe 0 2 j city, a .former aesoeiate of Mr. Palm-
OLD MATRIMONIAL ADVT. E. C. Sanders of Sanders &Ingram
_Is appearing for Mrs.Mtebhme, end
Advt. waw Published in SwedlaY C. 11' McClurg for the Palmer estate.
The hearing will continue on Wed -
Newspaper In 1771. n•sday morning.
The art of matrimonial advertising
seems to be of old standing. judging
from an Insertion In the Swedlah
provinotel newspaper, the Carlskrona
Veckoblad, of 1771, recently unearth-
ed and reproduced In • Stockholm
dally. it Is as follows:
"The honorable public will not too
ad ly note the following well -
meant advertisement. As It some-
times happens that a pretty and well-
to-do girl long passes unnoticed just
because of the tact that honorable
suitors do not know her fortune, or
how ranch her parents will bestow
on her as a wedding gift, It Is here-
with announced that, now, an honor-
able girl, 21 yearn of age, rather pret-
ty, mannerly, a la mode and well-
bred, who, b.-aldes, understands cook-
ing, washing, baking, etc., which, no
doubt, will be further Improved
through her Intelligence when she,.
through marrying. gets more practice)
It. houaehod things. possesses In pro-
perty, real and movable, about 15,-
0(10 sliver Delors, beatdr•s whit h she
expects In a leg;ecy from her old
grandmother. If some decelllt b:icbe-
The municipal council of West
Waw•noeh met January 13th. The
minutes of last meeting were read and
eceeptel. The following officials were
appointed: Clerk, D. Phillips; treas-
urer, Wm. WeOlter; asaeseor, R.
Murray; eollector, C. Alton; auditors,
Thole. 11. Taylor and Isaac Miller;
caretaker, J. Foran. Poandkeepert--
Afbert Brown, R. Taylor, H. Reid,
Jas. Nic•ho lsm, J. Welsh, Kluahan,
141,1 Humphrey, W. er, D.
Alton. F'eneevewers- .35 . ;Illott, R.
Johnson, II. King, J. Durtilti (em. 11),
\\'m. Armstrong. P. Watson and G. A.
Greer. Sheep yahlators--lseuls Grant,
A. Anderson, W. Thompson, Jas.
The Collector's time , for making
edirctlnus .ens 15teddel to February
The cont ell deeldel that personal
chewier Hurst be Issn.'l for the
arneunts on the posy sheet.
tor, preferably a noble. clergyman or-,.-- 11 11 •II ndonreed I,o tarot Feb -
otherwise somehow well -situated 'fairy 3r41. 111 1 p.m
man, should speculate, a somewhat DI'i(NIN PHILLIPS.
in more precise address of the girl's Clerk,
• guardian can be had at the printing \811Fv1J;1 U
omee of this paper. But 1t is sHpu- 1 'un,met Jao,u,1) 13111 All
El later as a condition that none but uu•u,11 4 11 resent uud sn 1311 ed to
I♦ gallant cavalfera, well-built and of 1'
good carriage. take the troubles of de-,larat ion of office. Mllutcs of
offering their names; In the opposite IM ember meeting were read and ep
case no further particulars will bs rproresl. on motion ..f Meesre. Itlerk
given." end Swan.
Moved by Messrs Swan and ,\ndrr-
son, and reeolred, Mit eonSCil do
insure' with the Bank of Commerce,
The rood ettp'rIiitcatlellt handed In
his resignation, whkh . was necepted
nn motion of Measra. Meek and
Moved by Messrs. Anderson and
Swan, that (sonnetl peas a vote of
thanks to Mr. ICllpatriek for his
World Oram Exhibition.
Regina 1n 1 r 11I w111 be the sects
es( a world grain exhibition whkh will
be of bleerie Ittaportance, and in
TW0A sixty sonatrtes will take part.
TM azesetave committee now work -
tog eat the plans look for an atlas&
Sass Si 100.000 pools
Machine. Apply to P. O. BOX 415,
von RALE CHEAP --TWO Vi('-
▪ TROI.AS, good as new. One Battery
Radio, console model, in perfect eon-
■■ Holstein bull, two years old, bent
of breeding, quiet, guaranteed. W N
HENRY, R. R. No. 1, ilelgrave, Ont.
Huron road three miles mat of
Goderirh ; good barn 70 by 50, red
brick Moyle, running water, hot and
cold: three -pier bathroom. C. E.
GROVES, Goderlch R.R. 1. Phone 33
on 001.
M ll conduct ante* anywhere. My
tcrams are reasonable and 1 will eD-
draItr to g+rt' sati.fartl,n. Pion•
Carlow 1314. or ■tits•' R.11. 4, God-
rilIROI'RAI'Tttlt .t. D DRUGLr.14y
Goderleh, Phone 341
Equipped with electro -magnets
ha the. Elect ronIc electric tree tmen tr.
and chiropracticChronic nrgen4• and
nervous diereses. Lady in stten,lan.e.
Office tenure 2 to 5. and r' to 9 e.m
exceating Monday and Thursday and
by appointment.
Residence and otmc'e•-Corner of
South Street and Britannia road.
Accountant, 102 Ontario street.
Rtntford. Phone 1590. Rea 18303.
DR. F. J. R. i'ORSTER.
Lite House Surgeon New York Opk-
tbalmlc and Aural Hospital, assistant
at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Oolrlea
Square Throat Hospital. London, Eng.
53 Waterloo St. S, Stratford. Tel-
ephone 267.
At hotel Bedford, Goderieh, on the
evening of third Monday of each
month t111 the following day, Tuesday.
lases, Reh-alrs, filing rnhhl,•ts, ndrl-
itng machine. typewriter,. profe•to-
grnphs, snfe, end numerous articles of
equipment In the Estate of Huron in-
FeN!n1'llte, Limited. Ofderleh.
Make offers to L. E. 1►,\NCEI•. (hal
eel• 1,, Solicitor to the Tnlstep
offers for ante his property p-trt
lot 22, ennceesiol 4, East W:*mesh.
rontnlnitlg twelve Acre% metre or less.
on whkh Is erected n good frame
Muse of seven rooms. with kitehen
an•I wondeM'd ; furnace in'tnHM. The
nnllmildings r•omprtse horn 3a x 4-1.
raw stable 10 g 22. rnothonse L2 z 16.
stake for three hones (ane twig stall).
'tone pigpen 22 x 214. bonhomie 16 i
2o, and silo. The hnhlings ate In a
good etnte of repair, with lightning
rode. The property is sifnete nn a
good mad, three miles north of Ash -
ern. on a rural rmtt'. One acre of Rawl
iwearing orehar.; first -rises eon: ell
eeedeel hnt °Behalf acre: 2% scree'
pure alfalfe : well fenced ; two good
wells. This property Is rnnaMered a
good Any for +wimanne- as it is Ln a
good. taction. one mile from school
and twn miles from rhnrrb. Terme
reevonahle. Posepeatne given any time
after Fehrnnry let, IMO -.TAMPA
WOODS. Box SA. Anhnrn, (Mt.
Barrister and Solicitor
Sun Life Building. Adelaide and
Victoria strests, Tomato 2.
Telephone Elgin 6301.
Barrlsser, Etc.
Office -Hamilton street, Godericb.
Phone 27.
Successor to J. 1. Killoran.
Phone 97.
Office -The Square. 4ioderlab.
'taps & Nape
Hamilton St., Ooderten
]rh!LTA)P-MI"P1'AL FiAN iN-
SI'RANI'E CO -Farm and dao
lated town property mored.
nfneerw-Jas- Connolly, Pres., Go&
erten P. 0.; Jas. Woos,. YlcwPree.,
Deri•hw'od 1'. 0.: I). 1. Mer;reger,
APs.-TreaS., Se'nforth i'. O.
Directors --A. Rrnndfo t, 1t. ‘11.
No. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, No.
4, Walton; William Rinn. R. R. Ns.
2 Seliforth; John Tknnewlee Bred.
hegen ; Geo- McCartney. R. R. No. 3,
Seaforth ; Robert Ferris, Harlot*:
Murray G,Mon, Hrneetleld ; Jamas
Evans, Hee' hwood : Jem.s Connolly,
Agents. -J. W. Teo, (loderlcb:
Alex. Lelteh, R. R No. 1. Clinton:
John Mnrray, Reafnrth ; E. Hlnchley,
Seaforth. Pniky-holdelie fan melte all
payment. and get tllrlr yards r'ee'etW-
M at R. J. Morrieh's Clothing Atom,
Clinton; (aalvie Cott's Grocery, KIAg-
atod Street. Godsrlch, or 3 R. Retd'a
General *toro, Baytbleld.