The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-06-15, Page 9a FATHER'S rimuy DAY ELEBRATION a A wiggle in her hips . Larceny in her heart of gold. GOLDIE HAWN as The Duchess. a is a a a a a se a a a a a a A card UP his skew, A noose around his neck. It'. GEORGE SEGAL as The Dirt water Fox. S fccommended as 4CULT ENTERTAINMENT a a Together, they'll show you how the West was FL/N 1 1111 THE DUCHESS AND 'V DIWFWATER FO a S on AMRICAN iNIERNATIONAL roll t„P Nit NOC13 Ly7:13 L720M a a S a U a a a • 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER a a a a a a T I if SQUAW f'1 I1 ONE 1).,',1 /811 AiRcoNnITioNt 1 ' Nil SUSPENSE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE! HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 524.9981 DRIVE 'IN THEATRE Honours for completing 6 home- making clubs. Acting Home Econ- omist was Mrs. David Marshall, assisting her was Mrs. Jean Lawless of Harriston. The thirteen girls taking part'in this club were: Mary Luanne Clare, Nancy Milten- burg, Cathy VanDiepen, Shirley Scott, Diane Miltenberg, Anne Drennan, Jo Anne VanOsch, Diane, Farrish, Margaret Swan, Donna Drennan, Jackie VanOsch, Debbie Drennan and Donna VanOsch. Leaders were Mrs. Delores Van- Osch .and Mrs. Honey Scott. The leaders and assistant leaders were presented with certificates and spoons. BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:15 P.M. 7 ONE WEEK JUNE 17 - 23 / / PROGRAMS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ONE SHOWING 8:00 PM PLEASE.NOTE SHOWTIMES SUN., MON. TUES. WED., THURS., FRI. 8, SAT. 7 8 9 ONE 1118 SH ON OW! law" THE FARMER An uncompromising explosion of total vengeance. ADULT ()o f Ir,, cfroel in I.% II% in ?hi, ne)kod% , ho dream. ol beinq a ,orni,1)0ch Is • 1141 . ROBERT DE NIRO TAXI DRIVER Hr 1,111 1`. CO) .11firgleet P0671 EXTRA TORCH FLOW' WEDNESDAY JUNE 15. 1977 THE LUCKNOW I SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTTARI PAGE NINE • : p.11-00-117-0*1 • n '''1' . itt le- • • [,,..-,„+, " .. , ..i.. i, .. l t 'ir 0 ir, • 77-1 _ 41,1hk;, • • rilt:SOACI AttiSIKSh . ' '''''- el k • • ,,....4.v3 • • . .4'1 k*--\ Kingsbridge Congratulations to the Grade 7 girls of St. Joseph's School at Kingsbridge, who won 2nd prize of $50,00 for their novel skit titled "Charlie's Show Time", staged at the Lucknow and District Lions Club .Fun Night held at,. the Lucknow Arena on' Saturday, June 11th. Cast members of Charlie's Show Time included Yvonne Sin- nett, Rose Marie O'Keefe, Annie VanDiepen, Diane Miltenburg, Jackie VanOsch, Colleen Foran, Debbie Drennan, Jackie Dalton and Kathleen Foran. The play, was written by Kathleen Foran, Colleen Foran and Debbie Drennan. Phil and Marie Ryan and daughters Dorothy and Bernadette of Toronto visited on Sunday, June 12 with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare The Kingsbridge 4-H Homemak- ing club "Clothes For Leisure" took part in Achievement Day held at the Brookside School on Satur- day, June 4. They presented their skit "Sleep and Lounge in com- fort". Congratulations to Donna Tlrennsln whn received County • * , • • • 'lel • • • TAT ENTERTAINMENT • •—MICHAEL CAME HMO SUMMAND ROBERT BUN • • 000•••.***•••••••• 0 Sunday 19, Monday 20, Tuesday 21* • • • LYCEUNI• . • WM Ir. saw in 31 • • WINGHAM ONTARIO PHONE 157 '6)0 • • PLEASE NOTE SHOWTIMES : • One Showing Daily at 8 p.m. Only/ • *Wed 15, Thurs 16, Fri 17, Sat 18th 0 • In 1943, sixteen German paratroopers • • landed in England. • • • In three days they almost won the War. • • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT. •••••••••••••••• ...— it • T at—erMaiy—Luantie. BEY On your wonderful wedding day everything must be just perfect . . . from the bridal gown to the flowers. We take special pride in arranging the dramatic beauty of our corsages, bouquets, floral centerpieces. We know they'll • be perfect! 10% will be deducted from the price of wedding flowers if the order is placed thirty days before the wedding date. LEWIS: FLOWERS 135 FRANCES ST. WINGHAM 357-3880 EVENING APPOINTMENTS CAN BE ARRANGED