The Signal, 1930-1-30, Page 3Save a Little Money by taking advantage of the Signal's clubbing offers. We can procure for you almost any paper or magazine plbllbhed in the continent. • THE vlcNAl. I'ifrNTING CO, LIMITED. Publisher's. ��111�1j HAVE YOU SEEN The S ignal Calendar? One for •each• paid -in -advance subecri- bi r. Renew vour ruhscription now and slake sure of one of thew beautiful Calen- Mars. GUUERICH, UN,1'ARIU, 'I'HUhSUAY. JANUAHI '0. 19)0 alt:lees'P111110 11,:A11. NO. 5. Geo. Williams Oran r lit INPMINION, PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL AND (X)RPO- RATION I1ONUtt F1rem Aeeldeot, Automobile, and General Insurance Agent Office, next te Bank of Comnterce Phone 53 Goderich W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, insurance and Real Estate Car, Life and Fire Insurance Nelson Street, Goderich Phone 292 1'. O. Box 438 PHONS 206 F. WOOLLCOMBE FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE OFFICE: HAMILTON STREET THE SEVEN C's- -A PAPER u.sYYd sur must leas ii t., .b, nolo , together, to act in -unison. BY x MRS. WASHINGTON To co -opera tion truer.• int01 li. faith, toler:11itt, and g'xnl fellowshtl, i Read Si the hist Mrcling of the all working for a cou.wun iy;ood, Auburn Wuuwo's tnatitute The opportunity of the Institute 1. Ata recent ateetiug of the weweu's to link up the home, the school and the community. The Armstrong Real Estate] and Insurance Agency Houser and Lot. in r.oderich and F.russl for Sale Large number listed to choose from Just a few of the many luted. A rend 1 1.2 . story house;" Intel/ r, m, Arks'. 5✓1 M 1. U). Very neat cottage, fire condition, rl' to Victoria school. Lights, toilet suit • uarage{ Shaun IA. l3u.d. i.1•2 story house. hitnlw,, ,d floors and edema. titminug, Tull an darn -!quipped. arranged tor strain. teat - Tao story house, tine corditiou, rod apo•aranee. Lighu, timet, garage —Vann 00 - J. W. Craigie Real Estate and Insurance 0. F. CAREY & SON Li:nited INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Telephone 230 Masonic Temple Building GODERICN -- ONTARIO Cleaning and Pressing Expert service on ladies' and men's clothing. W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and DIY Cleaner WEST STR ET Phone 339 Very line n.r brick hour.. everything np-t•.-dao•, full moiler!' Isplygad. Stearn braced. t'anlw.sd ps,Itslied &sirs, prier $4400"0. Misiern oiu.•e11 toms% complete. fa_'U tl00. Natpta•r titw brw•k isdts•s, modern egaip- ea. Ask 1.. e thew. 1'ritrw from $ :I 2:dhr,tl0 to $4.il') (11. Heated apartment to rent. Enna—larytr Iter listed for role. t4preial list acnes choice lanai, with 40 acnes valuable timber. t:.ssl Mukhnga. 1'w w• t.. %Maze of Vanua. Ilun,n County, 4 miles to K. It station, cl•e.e 4o good markets. Price 114500.00, 111001 east'. 200 acnes el.iv loam soil, 70 acne tim- ber, 1-2 mile to who'd, clew to Food village, 12 marls 4, l «tench. Prk', piuoo.i8' Easy terns. See or write J. W. ARMSTRONI: Real Fatale Godrrieh Hes iH Special Values I\ All Winter Footwear Mens, women's and children's Goloshes. reit &tots. Men's and boys' heavy laced Rubbers. Ali at clearing prices W. Hero's Shoe Store Phone 43w Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Assurance in Force — 51,896,915,000 Assets - — — 5488,958,000 Dividends to Policyholders increased for the ninth successive year in addition to a special maturity dividend bonus PHONES (/trim 115 Re.'idence 54n H. R. LONG, District Agent Wh?CanF W5ave? -Ill- HOW often 3, ,1 ty this as you tint hat your expenses eat up all your salary ? Other people, with no larger incomes then yours, buy many things you cannot 'afford. is it because. you have no definite plan of allotting your money? :Mk Royal Bank Budget Book will help you ,to planyour expenta with something to spare. ASK POR A COPY The Royal Bank ow of Canada Goderich Branch - L I). Eastman. Manager Institute of Auburu, the following paper was given by Mrs. Washington' SEVEN C'S TO SEEK OR SHUN 1. TIo• Christmas Spirit.--t'hristmus 1s nut a day ouly. It is a swam"' of kind deeds, a time when people are in- clined to tbluk leas harshly of their enemies and more kindly of their friends. It la the great event of every year and to he its best ahould be kept is a home and family festival -11 time of eft -giving and good -will. True joy comets to those who have brought some cheer into the houses of the, needy, made sickness easier to bear. Through kind words and gifts we perpetuate that spirit gigs nearly twenty centuries ago. As Institute 'needier' we could nut do better titan give sane thought to the needs of our cowmuuity, some thought to the upbulldlug of a happy, clean, industrious country. Let us seek to foster this spirit, carrying it into the work of }lldU. 2. Character,—The peculiar qualities the sr girls nae smoking''' They ale Impressed by nature or habit which tattles aid verandas of fine city homes distinguish nue frow swatter we cull smelting, and thick it swam :wd they rouaiw•. , We Iii- t' 10 1 111111 or till- hr,hit as an evil that is getting hull ut our ttivo and girls. or we have to take 1t • lightly. f do not thick Ne can lie neutral. In our fiction today the xomeu characters' 111' swukers. Ill flu• tuuvt.•s oral and seen to smoke. At a party 1 heard of 4eeentiy the lath- „quake,et would nut allow young people lit' The young wen 11e4 -test, 1n11 and u Incl nut the girls. crimean war the true mute that - - lit the nes• hospital in T.,r,amu oat” w the (rout was that of Floe-, there is a sluoking"doom fur the carr N11,1111.1111.1.1It:. I ItzI that clue, nurses aunt, smoking r.,tus are in uu.paul s)su•nua of all utUiuux Iwc.• htrae hotels flow, cltttnggo th".t y.wl Ntittk+ chi' o'''nus itu• A good character to Is a priceless-.1rodowatfall of the girls'! "1 think it dues." mus.. 11'hdt difference, year,. Iran' a} -s Mr-. Harrison. "isles 1 My now. what Ne ince -e i•e, compared •Mese girls who haste never bud a ill suint We hove Iw•ctrittr'.' 1•hau1V 111,11 lark at those other girl - t. ('out'sge.--Cuarage 1s that apishly who have hod every M 1:ueu' in til.• "1 wool "-Mall ynnWys our to face world, 1 sometimes wonder what the We can succeed by noting our fall- ures and the failures of others. 7.Cigarettes.—This l' we will shuts, not Just passing It by, but denouuc- Ing it, and very strongly too. For this 1 will quote from two W. C. T. U. workers. Mrs. Gordon Wright says: ...Who would have thought ten years age that we would have to protest against cigarette smoklug amuug t'auadlau girls? Yet such is the case. When we learn from medical science that cig- arette smoklug lesaeus the Idtyalcal vitplity, and from muralists that there is n lack of moral tour amuug smokers, we would be cowards not to protest. 1 went time to ser two or three girls in jail. 1 asked them if I vould bring them anything. Each asked for ,•Igarettes. (Inc girl said she craved them bight and day. Then Mrs. Garrison says: "1 have yet to find a girl goue. trona the path, of virtue who doesn't smoke or drink." The question is asked, "Where do 1 chars. ter. Character is what we are- nut what f111k,thittk of us. Actions help to form rhuru.-ter. Just du)' by day du- ' tug what we know to Ice right will waist' gaud character. l3uljdiug char- , deter is a noble task. Discipline, edit - eat and experience are ewe of nee helps. 'l'Le two furt'most uatues in phtlan- ihropy are those of Joint Howard d F9 t \ightingale After the SAFETY versus HIGH RETURNS Many a man has lost his hard-earned savings because of the fatal lure of high returns. A safe general rule to remember is --the greater the prospective return. the great-er the risk PUT YOUR SAVINGS INTO A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in the BANK OF MONTREAL Lstabli.hed Itlt7 There they will earn a reasonable interest and be safe Goderich Branch: R. C. WHATELEY. Manai .'r danger w' amenity wttuuut fear.. „Iteuwe w•111 be.., )'psr„e t:u) su)s: "Mon should dare: What Is there about this hatilt tin: "People who ore much alone tee- (Inc _ 1(1 of .11111 can Re made 10 all t}tiuss that be know.; to be right j makes it so desirable? Wh tt a waste, come clear-sighted: they cunt the Yield ten Tlwtisiti.d eublc feet of gas• and tear 1' do twilling save what Is; ,of health and money .for a little cow-, pugea of life slowly land • read every 'thirteen hundredweight Of .yoke, and to he like others. word.- Alive Otter 'Miller. ten gallons of tar. wn." i fort or Itmgloge' courage to standavant i 0'1.e11 others 1011%. 11 takes courage to weur threadbare clothes while ether' .are well dre-sed. It takes cuurlige to -a3 "No' while those around you guy Les." All the world loves courage. Louth craves it. 1 We recall the' courage of the pion - yrs of nut laird. They famd danger 1 and lordship and couqucrcd, thus making It easier for those whit fun- u,ne.l. 7Whett you get inti a tight ',lave and every thane goes amarust you till 1t seems as If you could nor hold 1111 u w:nLte lunger," said (Har- riet I3a'ceher Stowe, "never give up then. for that is just cite. place the ((dell turn." The world admires the 11/11r Nhu calmly and patiently faces difficulty. Fear keeps us from being ourselves. Fear of failure keeps us from achieving anything worth while. Shakespeare situs, "Our doubts are traitor's and wake us lose the good we oft might win. - 4. (iteerfulttesar$ome eight say if they only had plenty of moue) they mold be cheerful. Although money could get us much that would make life 81114, ith and sus)', )'et expw•rietwe has taught that it does .tut ulw'ays tiring happiness. 1,urticularly when tine has too mtx•h. Cheerfulness that 0 worth anything does not conte easily to all. There must he good, heulth and work that one like's. 'rhe better wt. like the work we are at the harder we can labor without injury to health and nerves, We do not find cheerfulness where there I: envy or grudge or where there is too great desire to have things. .Then there must be self-control, do- ing what we know to Ire right even when opposed. Learn to be a good los- er and it goad spurt If you would be cheerful. Worry Is not help. The one thing to do Is to face the facts, decide what you are going to do, and stick to it. Diseases are riot the only thing that are catching; our cheerful smile and ringing laughter are catching 'as well. 1'ompsulions are n help to cultivate " a spirit or gond-fellowship. rho not work tro, lutrd. nor lou long: take thing- quietly, 01111 don't be irlwayx hi a rush. , . Fear is at the bottom .,f much un- hiippia•-s. Faith is the airily known yore ter fear. A relfgioi, tint. adds we -t „In any' •. llapplitt r 1s Ihal will. h iiiiire , 1111e 144-141.-444-010s- a.ua._ t,: 1tytli y , the. hint • be live- Iii 1,clter. i, Cour1eit ,—t',i 'icty 1• gentle kin11- 11e-', iloV0 nl s'. ' Is. 11111141 ns .11111113 kind -11111::- to as m:1n} people a• p". slide. • The ',grcntes1 thing 11 ln,en 1+111 1111, I, ',rte kiwi to others. Professor Ilrnn11nrntd distittanishy. N.15511'11 trying 111 IN. plea -tag tai 111 1111111 411111 1011tg to give pleasrire. Ile quote. Ibe motto of n g0011 old 4Juakcr: "I .hall pass through this world tint once. Any Rand thing. therefore. that 1 can do or any kindness thnt i can show, let me do it now, not defer it or neglect It, for 1 shall not pasta thtt wily again .•' iiThis de 'rhes the gentleman full of dvnirte.y and hall) thonghtfnlneaa In little thing.. 8. Oeoperwtion--A word we are heerina.,tpu••h .hour these days. it be- long..., to Institute member., too. 'We have pomp to see bow much more a group working together can iteeompllsh than If .aeh one worted )rat as hard alone If we wish to New Reads in Britain Shine 19.20 fifty -neves minion yOonlle hare Leen anent on new roman li 1;r,•at Britain. Co -incident with the Linking of the TWO Greatest Names in Radio (Rogers and Majestic) into ONE Supreme Product WE OFFER TODAY Rogers-Maiestic Model 591 Lowboy of figured woods wifh panel deeply set-in ,giving very rich eppanance. I-{igh-I:ghted parol and two diminutive overlays. Fane y grille. Eight fully -guaranteed Veers Tube,, `..per -sensitivity, Ceoume L:ectrc•Dvnemic 5peaker. THE Outstanding Radio Values of the Year o -('E �ESTIC RADIO MODELS 591 and 592 celebrate an epocf'-m.eking occasion P-o4,ers and into til.,' n rat ar:e r lit; "t'r1q rs h. ,' ,tic you .:ire, t of them-)St rem.)rl,le r •die, r Tlu' '')I the year--.tw;, 'n'. nificent new inn sets rit',the excepttOr1dhy -low price of ti and $198 respectively, complete, with k )yers •GJaranteed. A.C. Tubes and Electro - Dynamic 5pedker. Roger -Majestic Model 594 • Lowboy with heavily carved panels at sides,with neat fiquN d overlay. Light fully - 9uarente. J Rogers Tubes. Super - sen• b.dy. Genuine Eleitro•Dynamic Soesier. Thr'se are the k, -,w -'t F riles ever estahlished Ca,riada f' f J Sr�tttr3.Jr 1, nil<.)rrmteEd; t•"v type el •ctric P1.1. , 1 f mores ,'r, ; .'.rocd in tl�e.e tr • thein with any radio sefilfy rat $1.)0 rrc r. fd<',v1. Proven f,cr1orrndnce, mighty volume, oil<,,rful tone and rick beautiful cabinets at a.price • that puts perferted radia within the reath of - everyone. -Enjoy the thrilling entertainment of the Rogers-Maiest c in your home immediately ,while paying for it on the easrterms of the budget plan. Ask us for a demonstration today. - rt. s O. JOHANN, Dealer 1 H. 0. STURDY, L. H. ZINN, Salesmen Goderich, Ont. West Side of Square Phone 586