The Signal, 1930-1-30, Page 1( Advertising is the life of busineses if business is good!, advertising will make it better. 1f it is poor, advertising will stimulate it. Al- tuost invariably the merchant princes 1 ve found their tray to success through advertising • inft Renewal Time Renewal subscriptions to The Signal tire. coining in fast, and the. 1930 laden - ! Bars are going out fast. As t`he supply I of calendars is limited, we would ask those who desire one to send in their renewal promptly. �4 1:14:11TI '1'llll(Ir 1l:Alt, NO. 5. GODEI{ICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1930 'PDF std;\:%1. PRINTING CO, LIMITED, 1'twusttera HURON'S COUNTY PARLIAMENT IS IN SESSION THIS WEEK Work of the Year Commenced with All the Members - in Attendance The county vouiwll couveued at the court house on Tuesday atteruoou for Its first meeting of liit30, and Is still In serslou. As was expected, the wardeuship for this yeur fell to Reeve A. C. Backer of Brussels. It 1s under- stood that Mr. Meeker's game was the only one proposed In the Conserve attire caucus whit% this year had the nomination of the Warden, and 1t Is said this is the first time in the history of the council that the elec- tion of the Warden has been by ac- clamation both In caucus and in munch. Fluauces formed the keynote of the new Warden's Inaugural address and hair bcvu prominent In the deliberations of the council during the week. TI.e members for 19.10, with their postoffl.e addresses, ■re: Ashfield -John A. Mackenzie, 11. It. 1, Dungahuon ; 'Thus. .J. Anderson, R. It. 7, l.nckuuw. Colborne--.tllo•rt J. Goldthorpe, R. It. 4, G,slarich. L;tnlerlch township-Juhn R. Middle- ton, flintun, 4.re!y—I11. .t. Keys, It. It. 3, Brus- sels ; J. F. Tonins, Ethel. Heys -Louis I1. 1(udcr, Dashw,aal. IhewIck- -Thus. Ir;II., B. R. 1, Cllf• T ford; J. W. (;amble, turtle. Mullett-- M. Armstrong, Lundesbrro, McKillop --J01,.. Dodds, Walton. Morris -W. J. Henderson. Wiiighanl.' Stephen- It. A. Goetz. 11.I'hwocsh : I W111 11. ilweltzer, Dakhwoud. Tackersmlth—Wai. 1'. 'l'hnmpwn.! R. It. 3, i.eaturth. 1'untberry---lana. ,1. Wright, Mini - haat. ,1''tn.rne--.Jas. Itnllanty ue, li. K. 1. Heusnit. i.t Wee weneesh--Robert Tbompsien West Wigwams., - -Will lluk. R. It. 2. Auburn. Clinton --N. W. Trewartha, Clinton. Goderllb- It. E. Turner, J. W. Cruttie, Galerich. $eaforth-- J. W. Beattie, Seatnrth. Wingham—J. Walton M'Ktbtsrn, Wlregham. Blyth—Jas. 11. Cult, Blyth. [JOHN A. MANSON PASSES SUDDENLY Former Member of the Huroq County Council for Stanley Township The death of John A. Menson, former Reeve orf Stanley township, occurred suddenly on Friday last. Mr. Manson was apparently in his usual health and was going about bis dut• ler whet' he suddenly fell over and expired. He war the eldest son of the late John Manson and was born In 11.113 on the Goshen line, where all his life was spent. Ile was twice married, his first wife parsing away about twenty-five years ago and leav- ing a family of four: Mia Isabel, R.V., of Detroit; Gordon, of Dundas; Wil- liam, of Penetung, and Lorne, at home. Hist second wife survives, with three child -rep, Russel, Donald and Beatrice, all at home. Mr. Manson was a gentleman of fine Christian character. He was au elder of Blake church and took an active part In Sunday school and other church work. He was a member of the township touncll for several years, represented his township ou the county council as Reeve, and was a director of the Hay Towuship Fire insuru it -e Coinpany. He was one of the best farmers of the township of Stanley. The funeral took place on Monday to Bayfield cemetery, - the service befog in charge of Itev. J. W. Penrose. was difficult to estimate the test 01 an MIR. as it depended to a ,great ex- tent 1111 the e (blink of flee n eetunts Ind 4r,-,, r.1 1"ill'.+ le ex •eltluual cases, be .11.1 not advise an audit hyer longer. pens) than five years, awl if the IA•rial #4.1.14 lee shortened to one syr twee. Mars It Was even Inure 'saris- faahery ani the .-,-t ns,.,It not be ex' (eseiv,•. 'The main purpeees of An e►ue111." said* the 1'ro%ha•inl officer, "are to discover, errors and to pr vent •tiwlr rt••urrerw'e. 1 have' Awn *divested 1harc.ngetent amlitnrs appointed by munlelpnrntiev, and Ibis were done Ito' nes esslty for illa•- clap nudlts would practically 411snp p'a r." • The clerk stated atse that be h: Infurmattoe In the effect that n sl Hal ninth held 'reessitly by a e 'ertl nrunlelluallty In Huron e ly hu 111,1 ever $2.1110, IS), With refeSsne'e to this matter M Ileud.'rsen said he Under-teawL tl ilea 11114 •noi rb 1111 to a ,15.•1111 mud lett to appoint chn rtered nc.onulun is auditors from Year to year. From Hou, JAS. Martin, Minister .tgrlrullure. ceelosiug copy of at bl n•stetittle the transportation of tow necessitating the granting of •I 1 cense for the same. The object is t Sleek Gk. epidemic. of chlekcn steatite Frond"Ilio Minister of Eduentlu toting that the request to lode, :elderly, and %VInghlm fu di -Orlin I+o1 of lrllblic w ha,l grente would 1 onaldert.l when .the grants were le Inc adjusted. From the Salvation Army. rw11w•s ng a grant in assistence of t'1 1Vouwu's Rescue Home at London. Resolution of the county council lastlrtgee asking for legislation pia, tog the cost of removal of paowe transmission Ilne. upon the cerminlnle (nneerned rather than upon the mut ieltllltles. ' Applications for the position o county auditor from John Cemerou Ashfield: A. F+. Erwin. Itayfl'Id, au( Alex. Porterfield, Iiclgrave. Report of J. B. Reynolds, gaoler showing 122 commitments during th year 11)29. From the Institute for the Blind Stanley- .t. 1'. Keys, Varum The News of- the Town • Bert ('utt Will Sing Robert Cutt, of Galt, will be the guest artist at the mutual at-home ut the Huron Olt} !toys' Asso. iatlou of Toronto on Friday, January 31st, The program will be broadcast over the Toronto Star station OFCA, between I1 p.m. and 12 p.m. Huron county residents will have an oppor- tunity of tuning 1n. Foremen's Euchre The Goderich fire brigade beta a successful euchre and dunce in the Masonic Hall last Friday night. There was a good attendance and over $40 was cleared on the event. The prize- winners riz� winners at euchre were: Lady's first, Mrs. J. G. Sturd-y ; gentleman's first Lawrence Geromett•; lady's consola- tion, Mrs. Gilbert Plant; gentleman'.. cemeolathn, R. Govit•r. The firemen Intend having another similar event in the near future. I.C.C. Entertains There was a good attendance o members and their friends at th January at-home of the Menesetun Canoe Club, held on Tuesdiy night a the Masonic Temple. The prize -win vers ut •'500" were Mos W. E. Teb butt and Mr. Jack Johnston. Mrs. oullhur-t taking the ,onsolat.ion prize. ,after hunch dancing was eh toyed to music furnished by the Dar Je, or:he,tra. Several novelly dancers aero lueluelud In the program. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. W. C. I'attou sptert( the week -end In Toronto. Mr. and Mrs • Kenneth Stowe spent the week -end at Toronto and Streets vine. • • • Mr. Walter Heitman spent a few days at his home In Stratford this week. • • • • Mrs. J. 11. Kelly is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Anna Moore and Mb" (.'utliton, at Stratford. • • • Mr. William Fell, of Edmonton, Al- berta, 18 visiting at the home of his brother and sister -Id -law, Mr. and Mrs. John Fell, Cambria road. Mrs. H. McGovern and Mary Whttly. of Toronto, spent a few days the pest week with the former's father, Mr. f John McDonald, Cambridge street. • • • Mr. J. It. Orr was called back to Toronto this week by the acute Intoes of )urs. Orr, who is udder- treutmeet at the Toronto last general, hospital. • • • Friends In Goderieh iof Mr. Jame- , Crawford of fort Albert are slurry•to learn of the aeekleylt which 'befell - hint last week. 114' Klippel on the steps at his home std in falling broke u small bone in his h+p. Hie. will 1,,• Irbil tip for some wet'ke, but Is believed t�• awe taakI4.g ei asset fe•eeveey:. heath of Rev. J. W. Bihhert The dI'TTh ttf Rev, J. R. Hlbl•crt %Melt ,weltered suddenly at Lotel n on Wesday of last week. remise, e ':t well- kuow•u elergyinale sof the full el 41.ler.h. Mr. 1114.1.•,1 Ia,ssegl aw-u, it hts1bome after four 1 s' aloe, d a !heart attack. lkoru in I:11gbeud n t•ro%ed .4 pill, 111 Women's !institute Emigre % euchre and el:n,. a I, r the ales y.• pier•. of the eleele.•ich Women's he • etititte. nes hetet )n the O,1JfpnuwS Hall last Thursday. t.tg'it. 'rhe 1•., •r Ibl •a' .•a, .fhe re' t,,•1u_ a '•.sal alte0dnn.,. The winners a euchre were: Lady's prize. Mrs. J. cowrie: get. ttcenat,"-. ilarvey 11'eb ster. Sptendlr!• musk w:as farnisi.ed by an ',nation -It a empose,l of G. 11.111,•. Pin": 11. Ithekloue, (ante; 1t. Lieu ry, cornet: Co.. .hlm1.+ trip-: 1':41lnpr, saxophntre. - , Mr. lllblo•rt cantle to Canada when %e roes nein. lie was orolutd In 1,5t)s :end amines the charges which he had n' .ince Intel were Corrie and W1ngl:nte. w• 114 (1 ,. Bounty. Pince 79' a he had been lu!'pastor of %Venlig;ton street elan h. .! London. Be IV survived by his 44 01 1114 1 44 11 datesti t,;rs. t le, Temperature Readings It The e11ldcst w.:uluw 111. past work is was on Sunday, when the temperature was the degree•., above zero, accord er!ing to the report given out by J. E. If Mishit. uftienil weather observer' for 1, I Ooderich. Below is the table of I-1 readings for the' week. The first (sa- me shows the highest temperature Bru+..els --A. C. )marker, Ilruasels. Kzeter---It. M. Francis. Exeter. Hensel!-Itobtrt Higgins, Ilcnsall. Election et Warden The first business of the council was 1 the tiles tion of the warden. Ae.ord- tog to rule, tide was the -year for the Onns•rtatives to elect the presiding 1 • offier, and they presented the name of A. C. Bader, Reeve of Brussels, the motion for his election being made by Mr. Trewartha, seconded by Mr. Mule. There being no further nomination, the clerk declared Mr. Backer elected, and he was escorted to the chair by Mr. McKlbbon and made the declare - tion of office before Ex-Wurden ingna. Atter the Warden had addressed the council, the clerk placer) a large number of communications before the compel], Including the following: From London Chamber of Commerce. . with reference to the annual meeting r of Western Ontario Boards of Trnde 0 co g during the tiny and the se,p n4 eoI- it. men the lowest. Rending- :nee taken le at s p.m. 1- Max. Min. e Tililrselay. Jauuary 23 ..1'2 11 • Friday, January 2t....18 7 Saturday, January 25 ..19 9 1- Sunday, January 26 ....12 5 o Monday-. January 27 ... 2."i 8 Tuesday, January 25 ..26 '18 if Wednesday, January 20 20 13 From a (;oderirh Old Hey ilr. .1.'7. Newell. 't'nren:es nrites. "Just :a line or tWo! to cheek you' for the calendar. it• 1. very pretty-. It leeks like Lake Ihuronto Ole uml !t 1i144jys gets as good place In our house.' Mr. Newell has noticed Mayor Mas - }:wan'. remarks. In his inaugural net dress, on the snijest of the grass In ('curt Hemet. Perk and. he udvnn'•e, the opinion that what the grass need- is a tonic In the toren of a coal of ' manure. "They can't exlw.t the grass to grow forever without a little nom. - fitment." wage Mr. Newell, who as n (;oderIch old boy- takes a great In- terest In everything pertaining to the town: Mr. Newell will Is. in town dur- ing the summer and will take note of the progress made by Deputy Reeve Cralgie's committee In improving the appearance of the grass plots In the Square. ✓ Tractor Demonstration An event of interest to farmers will 1he the tractor demonstration to he glen on Friday next, February 7th, 1 at the British Exchange hotel, God- . erlch. under the aeapkes of Murphy ► & Johnston, local agents for the Me- 4'urrnlck-ikeering tractor. There will • c • euuesting a grant, and giving a list t twenty-three cases from Huron unty In which assistance has been given hy the Institute. Resignation by Thos. laundry- of he office of county high constable• to ake effect when approved by the ;entity eou11c11. The reports of Public school In - +vectors 'Field and Beacom were pre- se,,0-d and that for East Heron was read by Inspector Field. Inspector Ilene -em not being present;- hie report for West Huron was read by the clerk. An enquiry as to the highway in- debtedness of the county lad to some further remarks by the Warden, who amplified and empha.lzed his pre- vious expreeelons as to the advisabil- ity of taking serious stets to Improve the financial condition of the county. A motion expressing appreciation of the Warden's address was a,hIopted on motion of Messrs. McKll.brn'and Henderson. The council took aympnthetic notice of the death of a former member, Ex -Reeve John A. Manion or Stanley, by timeadnptlon of tt motion of regret and o tielnlence. The clerk was in meted to forward a suitable fetter the bereaved family. Appointments On notion of Messrs. M-Kibb,n Id Itlggins the striking committee as formed of Messrs. Trewnrtna, rte, Middleton, Wright and Beattie. Reeve M'Kibbon end Comity Clerk olman were itppeeintel 1n the county ,Ord of criminal audit. C. M. itobertson wns r. afi.'lnted the 41014ert1.h ('nlleghne In -I111110 tie board. W. 11. Turnbull was .pointed to the Exeter High :stool and. Deputy Reeve Crnigle was npgolttt- a member her the Or/clerl(h hospital rd. 1)r. IL H. Ross was appointed a .mher of the SeafOrth Collegiate atItute hoard, A. F:. Erwin of Bayliss and John moron of Ashfk•lrl were appointed linty mentor*. The gond roads commie ton for 11k40 was constituted of Messrs. H. A Keys (Grey), Rader and Henderson. The Warden and clerk were author- ised uthor Ised to sign and submit to the Ontario Determent of Highways the state- ment showing that daring the year 11120 there was expended npnn the (Continued (tit page 5) on Jnne 14 and 15. (From Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto. asking for flnanial a.stst- lnee. From the Department of Highways. Toronto, re the annual eonferen.e of county and township rand engineer., su .rintendenta to he held at Tor- sosd pt' onto 'February 241b and 25th, and the annual meeting of the Ont'trlo Good Roads Association. to be held Febru- w . ary 20th, 27th and 28th. 'tom the Ontario Municipal Assocla- tion, regarding the memlwship fee tit From the Provincial Department of ib Highways, with reference to the eotmty's Indebtedness on Provincial higbwaya. An reported at the Decem- her meeting, this amounted to $117,- ..- 117.18; Interest accrued was ;906.44, u 1J Awaking a total of $115.0 462. T5 'em- - Iyer Slat there WAR paid by the county • $4.000, leaving a present Indebtedness "of 374,083.62. itiamiere of Pensions Board set Disqualified • A letter from the 1)eprirtment of st it 4 Attorney-Ghnernl of Ontnrio as to to a eligibility of member!' o old age se i1 y :r„ (}lemon iearls to sit as members of county council. 'Cho view at the tit rlmeut w -as that members M pen- 4' en hoards els not become officials' of Me 1!4 municipality and they lire elite to he elected members of the II (i1 to sit enol vole therein. 1 Is VI had heen relsed In ver -1 plena In the Province and her -I M 001. be the attention of the Gov t t the above was given as the al .elf the Attorney-(lenerni's Ile- ht end It wee4 further stated this view he disputed they e..1 Nott w0n141 Intro du a legimbe twat ng the situation end would rilf'oaet.Ive. et the meeting of the man- 'dNnty hones In taw Province. at Femme In June. ('s Ontario School Trunteea' ems, ere' Association, re an- on to he Meld at Toronto Meek. m in of Special Audit with regard en the a special audit The from the Provin- ISMter stating that It be morning and afternoon gemstone, eommeuciug in the morning at 10 o'clock antl 113 the afternoon at 1.30. There will also he an exhibition of moving pietures depicting power farming. A series of lectures by com- petent speakers w111 deal with veer - 10115 aapects of the use of tractors. Everybody interested is Invited to at- tend at this demonstration, which wi11 be conducted In the Legion rooms at the rear of the hotel. C. O. F. Officers; Court (ioderlch, No. 32, Canadian (artier of 'Foresters, met Tuesday evening, January 7th, with a good at- tendance Dud Reveral members of the Belindller Court present After the regular beelines. had been eondnctpll. the Installation of officer• for 1930 took place, Bro. Wilmot Haacke of Benmlller Court being the !metalline offieer and Bro. Geo. Ginn of lienm0- ler Court acting as Nigh Marshal. The following are the officers: P.C.B., J. W. Bell; (7.1t., W. F. H. Price; V.C.R., Ernest Craig; F.S., A. J. Wil- kens; R.R., A. E. Barker; treasurer. W. (1. Wilson; chaplain, W. M. Knight; R.W., Ernest Breckenridge: J.W.• Nerve! Scrimgeour; SM., A. Mn -I5,nald ; J.R. Robt. 119. After the lodge lord been closed In due form all present adjourned to the as. senility hall, where n fine lunch wns enjoyed ley all and the brethren to seised in 4 few glint's. all %..flog 1t a very pleasant -timing. A Real Western ('ample Sir. amu Mrs. 1Vitbnr Church, of '54 • -0-1-Inc (1.11- .lbbertn. who lire +tending the winter with Mr. Church's 'Mee sisters here, went ant last Fri- day to ('runty '1'rensln•er 1;ordon Voiles( farm nenr ,\mhnru, to hrenk In six Western horses Mr. Thong aur chased Inst September and which had run loose since. Mrs. Church Is a Irent c..wgtrt, ns her Mishima 1s a cow- ia,y. Ana .vuu ride a broncho, hors°, throw. ale and busk any t'(lel hors(, Just the same as Mr. ('hunch, who Is an expert at the business. Mr. nod Mrs. Church were married on horse- back two years Ago. In regular cow - toy esetumes. Thi. le Mrs. Church', first elait to Kasten' l'enneln, and she Is enjoying herself very match. She Is abet an artl.t of note with the brash. Mr. and Mrs. Church have a hematite! baby girl six menthe ohm. Mr. Church 1s a non of the late Mr. and Mee. George Chnreh, of the ltny- fiekI road, and bar followed ranching for a good many year. installation of 1.0.0.F. Officers on Monday evening the installation of the officers of Iluron Lodge, No. 62. 1.O.O.F., took place at the (Aldfel- lows' 11a11. Past District Menai Grand Master A. F. Sturdy installed the of- ficers and was assisted by fast Grandee H. 'tichtorne, Ceo. Schaefer, J. W. Moore and T. R. Wallies The officers duly Installed were: J.Y.S., Rod Johnston; N.G., D. 1). McMillan: 1'.G., II. Rivera; recording sesretnry, Beauty Parlor to lie Reopened The beauty parlor on .Vest street knQRA as the Goderlch Beauty Shop will be reopened on Meeday, Febru- ary 3rd, by Miss Edna Campbell, who will specialize in all kinds of beauty culture. For appointments tele- phone 536. lespeeting New Ladder Trude Several members or the town tomidl went to Mitchell ou Wednesday to in- spect the new fire ladder truck'wIdcli 1. being made to the order of the cor- poration by the Lorne Fire Engine Co. It is expected that the truck will Ile -completed In about u week's time. On the Why back In the evening the Gotlerleh men stayed over at Clinton to hear the address of Hon. R. B. Bennett. Camila'. Big Suit Narcissi. Cantle, well known In !)uron county. 1s plalnlff is an action for ;2,000.0(MI against R. O. Swter:,r, a Montreal financier. The action is for :11Iegetl hostel) of coot ract and con- spiracy to defraud In (onaet•tIon with the Power and Trat,slortatloa Cum -I p:w•v. The plulutiff einiuls he hod t eoutrolling Interest It' the-Cunttutny w ooh $.1,1 teem and that this was depressed to R:1.emmteMM1 by Ir1ty111. of eoespir:u-y and detelt. • tile. 1 u -knot -to (It* 1'he 1"n-kum-ho 41101 has been hdd- log a series of curd warms at the (:uuldbu, J Awl' 14 "aw/a 1.1 .. , Wcdwes- I day evening,, tin Weeleeselay e,en;nag d this utek prizes were hwardeel tot the snc.e.+fol one.. The laelh-s' prize,: ,s•:11atlful quilt eluUttteti by tl(1'. Me-L.ale was__wxoit_i,y Mr,�-t;.' M4+aiae.�- Tb,• 21 til10111,•1,''1 I.rive. a -five-dollar' 111.1.1 pie.:e, went to Mr. I'er, a Raines.; Vic•%• N'..lup.day another series .of. -:nn(- .till get under way. Iles Eujeyed The Signal re Signal appree:at••s the f11114.w in;; received Lunn a 'ri, r„,Iter ,u:l•, ril•.•a 'Loam en••tosing 1113 '1hs.•rl-'111n f„ the ,rear 11rtet and regret thni 1 hot. hot fnrw'ard..1 it before this. I w..n1d like to -see that 1 leve enjoyed your papier this Islsr year very nni,•b. 1',ler' • otnnne•Int. nu 18,• 1s,Iiric:ul s411111100 1111%e Iacn Indeed tefrt•.Ilug, anti til-, iheeugh Is.ss1Lly- I may lee chs -(d t- h( the opposite camp -or of tilt. otberl -Mend of thought, 1 tti-h to :1,sure you that your "Altortals hn'e been fair. interesting tool oft high calibre. 1' chose your pnls•r Ia.-2111.1. 1 wantevl to hear the other side of the story from 'that ,district %%here 1 feel 1 have at *real many friends.” --- ll) Ior1lu.• 1 MtII. 1 Tiniest of .ta1111 Ory Sth: . Citizens of IN•lontlnr at111 distrd ore tdity mourning the loss of nisei other la•luc,.l pioneer In the person ut Theenl:ls 111,r,•lny Perry, oh, t osw.1 quietly nway tit 1lelurnInc Memorial1 hospital on .Monday evening, Jenuar; 6. within :, to,. days of 1,1s eighty r THE SUN IS SHINING I COUNTY FINANCES IN THE SOUTHLANDI Mrs. E. p'. Carrie Sends u Letter from St. I'eterteburg, Florida The fullowiug letter from Mrs. E. 17. Carrie, who Is spending the winte lu Florida, Is dated et St. Petersburg January 20th: We left Buffalo In 11 bowliug bliz zard, with mountains of snow, but by the time we reached Washlugton all traces of winter were lett far behind. We found travelling through Georgia, Virginia and the northern part of Florida very- tknlnteresting._not th the least like our lovely Ontario country, but growing mostly corn, palmettos and cactus. But when we reaches} St. Petersburg we were de- lighted. It is, 1 think, the prettiest city 1 ever saw, except Montreux In Italy. Not grand, nor with hbstory dating buck thousands of years. and no marble statues of long dead kings; but simply beautiful. Palms and blooming flowers+, lsntgalnvilla, Turk's caps, magnolia, vlgerola, and the .terns that we try so hard to keep alive, grvwlug wild all over the hedges. The honaes are beautiful, the churches are simply magnificent, and crowded to the doors. 'There are 40,0(M) visitors registered here. it la very properly called tbe,,$uushinc -(City. They have a lovely pork, and a splendid baud gives concerts twice a day, and the churches are having. concerts and entertainments contluually. There used nut be a dull moment. You meet at the coueerts and restaurants— pimple from t'@$lora.l.o, Maine, Mas- len tchewau, '4lnu1pa•g 111111 Turputo. F:Very,nle 11 geed humor; we have yet to heir flu unkind, uncivil or angry word. %Ve hale -o far sen only one policeman. ' an Irishman, ll.s.ne•sy, sod tt he Is a true son of Erin he must finrl it dull --no sago of a s•rim- mace ally hurt.. The .Ircct+ nets won- derfully paved .mud the Motoring very ;pool. There are paved roods to a titxeet-*stns)-.-lo_r.4y .place., and boat ;rips: In fart, the tourist ..sur In le the prin.•ipal "Ind ti'd'y"' here. lex- ^ept, of count., 11raul:e, :mil grape- fruit. We niittured nut to "Newey oti 1 O Mill,,' where' :t sputlenlnn teem -ell Mowry lens 12,4,10 more of oranges ane[ griprfrult. Just ripe awl being wonderful sight. %en t'1 I.nv the beat erns¢,• here for 2t'.• :I dozen awl 5r:tp'flseit ,i% fat . aril the rates al the hems+, :sol re•0:Iternntle at'.' not 'at all exnrbdt.uu. , '.nslk•rhng the crowds of penile. 1t Seen/.) s, strange to hear trout Ismelot,. Toronto and 41.alerb h alsntl ,1111W anti sleet stoats. You ('1111 sear.'.- y believe there 1s winter nuywher.• THE KEYNOTE OF NEW WARDEN'S ADDRESS Warden Backer Urges Steps to Place County on Pay - as -You -Go Basis Immediately after his election on Tuesday afternoon ' as presiding of- ficer f facer of the county council, Ward Backer gave his inaugural address. The newly -elected Warden thanked the council for the great honor las: ferret} upon him lu selecting him fir so Important a place. as the warder- ship of so Important a county. Tie honor carried also Its responsibilitf� which he would endeavor to Meehan* lu mach a manner as to meet the a prove! of the people of the county. The problems confronting tisa orunty count4l were becconing greater year by year, said the Warden_ la lira. when he first came into the cotucll, the expenditures on educa- tion were $k1',000. They now amounted to $13:S.IN10. The expense+ under the Mothers' Allowance Act had grown from *2'.100 a year at the Inception of the scheme to $11,000 at the present lime. Last year there was 1 new ez- pendlture, that for old age pe184o114, which would add very materially to Ila• anneal c ty levy. It had bees supposed by some *Met there would be little luer•u-e tinder this head ai ler the first year of the .act, but es terieu,r show• se• cuing+ utq out grow• 14ss with the years but, etre the'' 40tltraYrye, delated to increase 1etl•V• u• w-re_twysm.1 4114 d cuuti',1 of the enmity coniic ir, and fa fact+ of the uhllgatlnnwhich had to 'be met, the rotted! st 14 make a aer ious effort, by the practice of scot • omy and by 1laehlg the levy suffIrlent- ly High• to meet the expenditures. of the year. "I have always wattled to poesy as we g4.." sold the Warden. mid he re - 1 ferrel to his experience in his owe village of Brussels, where. eight .yearn ago he found a 4:. nii11 rale with % ern ylderable Itdebtedneet+, and In Itr_'9 they 11.111 paid off their dehetilur,s, re 1 dude,! the rule to thirty milt,-, and bad *40,000 I1 the Rank. fie hoped '1 y wulkl le' able to do +onethhig lir '!'s "41110 kill.' 1n the (entity (seme 1. and If they rot stetted rtett th.•r.• w .+ is doubt 111e•y reedit in ii tem .Cents hoist nx other et/entlee did ot'anee!- ingetheir obligations from yeer W ;ye'Ir t• every loudness should. It had Leen n mistake its the past t.. issue ck'beninres, stitch with the letterset load now to be 'slid at the suds• Yee that slew expwenditure+ were making thea enmity rate burdens • Ile sone ge'std that n conitnitte0 he apgowtd to devise trays and means ley whirl the finances of the minify ...odd he fait on n more Allt1..factory basis. The Warden also referr.} mho county some and sold that a mots sllNable place .shoal! be preivl,kd fir 111,- burin of tie..easd inmate'. who through nn fault elf their own were forted upon the charity of lid county. Ile Laked forward to the UM when the old nee iension lwainl would be able to do 14 4403 with any respons- ibility for the inmates 01 the county Ileums In cnneliede n the \%'nrden asked) for the co eperntlon of all the members Ira the work of the council, and ester/des, a hearty welcome to the neem rneynlrra on behalf of the Older winners and of the county officials. Henrty app lnus• greeted the ward- en as he concluded his atklo's' OBITUARY • 'I'11011.1s 11. I't;:1t1t1- Tho follow ng, referrl, '(u•a-ferns. resi.te'nt ..f 4,alrrieh, 1, (nun ii'lu•I Christmas at Paso lake' The tellmvine Ilett from 1'a,. l.nk,'. Port Arthur district, will le of Inter- I,.CAt to scores of persons In O(olerl,h and elletriet, where the trencher is well known. being a daughter of Mr. :Ind lir.. Edwin It. Hnrney. .►Ilert street : A pleasant evening was spent by the settlers, Desemler Si. in school section No. 1, Sibley township. The school oats prettily decorated le Christ ma. colors. .1n entertaining program was elven by the pupils nn - ,ler the Ienderethlp of the teacher, Miss Minn M. 4Iorney-, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The children are all of Danish nntinnillty and part of the program was ,gl•en It' 11a111414 for the benefit of talose who (mild not understand English. at the close of 4 the program each child received e Christman gift. The gifts were sent by the ladlea of the Hume and School • duh of Goderleh Central Reboot. On- artn. The hearty- thanks given by the eople showed their appreciation of the thoughtfulness of the Goelerich people. A henrty (herr was given the. tenter by 011 premed for the mngnif- ever enlertnlnrnent. After lunch w'n- erred. to children Joined hands and neonate] around the lighted Christmas ewe singing both English and 1)an- sh hymns. Thos is bliss Horney's end year as listener 1n this Danish thir.i birthday. Until very recently th deeetise.l• wits in apparent g,aal h,'altl and aide 1e. enjoy the associations u hl• matey friends. 1111,1 '(0 Thristmee tray joined with hie family and few relatives fu celebrating the ('host ens Benson, .l week ng,•. huw,'w'r. la tole seriously ill and was taken t the besplml. after which he never re gainer! ,vnseionsness. Mr. ferry wens born In It1•nh•Im )xforel county, Ontario, on Januar 23. 15H7, and in his early drys dos Eastwas In the employ of the Amer! '1111Express ('o. In 15(43 he married M1sseflnrrle•tt E. Andrews and cam West with hie family In 1)402 ane (armed for a number of years south feast of Ik'Iornlne. About the year 1IM11 he mewed pull ieteralne and l)1 19112 was appointee! as customs of - leer In charge of this port. which osition he retained until 1917. Ile was a Inver of sport and far molly' years was t', active hnembe't of the Delornl11' curling elute, of which N. Ness alma s'eretnry-treasurer. and to later years an honorary member. ile was n member of the Deloralee Masonic !wedge, and a few yens ago life-member.was made a life -member. Few there were in the district whet did not know 'Tom" Perry In his ate- b (lye years, and all who dl)! prized le Id. friendship :114enjny(41 his cheer- i fol 4'o ',-tatkm at all (ccs -4 Although the passing years left behind them the et 1(1 10,' of tnercnsing age, yet he retalne,l until neer the last a keen Interest. In every -slay nffaIr'. and. n love for the humpy enuipllnionship tit hist friends of m sty year-' standing. Ills ninny year, of labor are ended. and he has Inlet down his working tools In order (0alt he Inas enjoy the resttold hid Sappiness1 f :4 life ,-terl:a+ting. Ile len.es 10,tn111nm his leaf), his snrroectn* wl,httl tine danght.•r. ilr M. 11. F. Ihs,n. Of Prime .\1's'r' Sask . :o1d tw, •only."Keith of Deter 1 nine, and Wilfr1..l. or Vanc4..tie1, 11.4.. 1. iesides- one brother... 11'm.' ferry. D.d. a y' mid one ,I+ler, Ml. f�tbel o Perry', '3Vrn.d-fork, (hit , to all of , whom The Times Joins with n Bost "f friends In textpn !-mg sincerest syn. pithy. The funeral spr%i.•a was had 4* the United ,hnreh thl. afternoon, a11.1 wits attended 0% n large number of people who wished to pay their last respects to a ta'hnve,l friend who hied 1 loosed heyon.! the 11.11 The -w'►vice was et/elected by the Rev. -:t. W. (MI141 interment took peace In Del - online cemetery, where his breither ( Masons. who Md attended In n teens performedperfored the last funeral rites. I t A number from Gnderich were- prem - enc at the banquet in ('llnttn on Wed- nesday night In honor of the (bnaerv- • J. W. Newcombe; financial secretary, J. ('. Carrie; trellstirer, Wm. Abel; I warden. if. Sproule; conductor, ,Vex. 1 Stratton; chaplain, Wesley Farrow; R.R.S., C. Vldean; L.B.S., M. Robins; R.N. R O , F. Dunn; L.R. V.(i., Itnbt. Wilson; It.S.V.(:., Wm. Barlow; I L.S.V.G., A. Higginson; I.G., Geo. e Mathiesou ; USA.. C. Stokes,. At the 1 dose lunch wig served. The annual t at-home will be held on Friday, Feb- 1 rnary •7th. colony. The competition for the nearest score to 173 at Drennan's bowling alleys is creating a great deal of in- terest. Many bowlers have tallied this score and the play-off for the tivedollar gold piece will take place text Monday night at 9 o'clock. The following plesonss, in addltton to those previously reported, have made the emus eeore: C. McManus, W. Gotham, A. Murray, 1.. N. ['rooter, J. held, (ilhson, Bruce McDougall, D. Groh!' 11. McGuire, 1'. Elliott, J. Pull] and Jos. Fisher. CHURCH NOTES thee 'semi, cs tit Kline climb next Sunday will lee In chnrge of (le min- ister. Sermon snbjc'ts : morning. "The '1') rl.tim1 Ministry:" evening: 'What 1s Min'!" Sabbath school and 1411r1P elnssea at 3 pm. The Yolmg People '. Ko.let) of North street United ,her•h wit, hold their regular meeting on M. ,4:,4 e%enh,g The topic is to he taken by Miss T. Cheer and Mr. It. Pentland. !t uring 1 the evening Mr. R. Fisher will render n "oral solo, , Last }'rtdny night Knox chnreh i 11101r, held its amnia! election of 0t - (leers, the result ba'tng as feellown:l Honornry- president, P. Weir; serest I dent, Mrs. A. Taylor; vice-president V. R. Miller; seeretary, Mimi E. Snm- ervllle; trewsnrer, Sydney Pelner. At the morning nerviest In Victoria street T'nited ehnrch next P,nnlay the pastor will Ie assisted by key. Dr. J. 1. Smith, of Toronto. In the even - Ing the .errant. snhJect will he "The Master and Money." This la the sen end of a merles a? Mrmows on Chris- tian 9tewsMa►Ip, Address by Mr. R. C. Hays. Jr, At the meeting of Central (Home and School ('lub on ,Tuesday evening Mr. It. Cockburn Hays gave an ad- .in•w on "The Relation of Edu(ntiun and Low." i'ointing otic that almost all statutory law enure from the Insistent demand of the people, he traced the prognt.s of bows minting to 1.1,u.-a1io44 from 111.-ir beginning in England to the present day, lolyfng special ottenti..u. of course. to the .itmetion In Ontario. After reference 411 vitriol'. laws re luting to sur )o'Inu11•e. :11,,) s,.,m.1.,ry- s•neees .nod to the universities, be spoke of the^ waork in reforuh,torls. whleh, he said. are n1w, gotenrn•nt 1.h11'3G,nm1) tut 11111i'ms. Ile .!(alt also 01(h the nlhtler of old age tew sloes, met Iters' aflown tees let .1 tin•' I leteisl.mt'•' Helier .l.•!. .111 ;hes, loos. he said, !hough- ns yet not per fent. are the re+tilt of thought ..n he peri Of 111114.11• an114ei4s ins the wellnre of the lobus. Ile 0-li,- .,I Ilrrt in remade we heel mere .•trefnl ,•n. ;esteem then 1n frost conntrie+, DgHng the evening there nese piano solos ley Mr. G. R. Taches. and Jewel solos by Miss Margaret Wilson and M. itliph 4(en,er,n, lilt or, which were mleth Appreciated. ' 1 On motion of MIs. 1. E. Sharman mot Mrs. aches n vole ..f tl►ank+ was tendered. to thou.' who hod taker port in the program, I Letters were read st the meeting I from i11s•< Homey At 1'ass bake. sod from the se.•retaty of the Fred. Vie,' tor Mission In Toronto, thanking the! C1ta1, for the homes 0f warm clothing sent at Christmas time. Tire chair was .wenplp,l by the pried- daet; 11rn, G. L. Persians Miers Mabel • n 1 e 1 1 BRIEFS The .lrtbnr ('iret, play. "Tons a/ Money," will be presented nn Thurs- day and Friday. F.•hrhnry 27th ani 28th. I''le11 n)rticnlar, later The remitter messing of the Salt ford ihespital Auxiliary will be held at tb• home• of Mrs. .Jaunts .ldaasa on Thur -day. Febrn.,ry I5h >t 2.30 p.m. Speed the evening :I1 \IacKny HsR next Tuesday, February 4th, ami hear the Kingl.hridg,' Dramatic Cllr In the merry may 'The hutch I)e- tsctive." Admission only 351'. The regular monthly meeting 41 Goderleh 1Vnmen'. Institute will be eld In MacKay ilall on Thursday. 'ehrnnry 6th, Al 3 o'clock. Viae Mary tobert,on will ad,Ir.ss the mooting Mr. ,1. M. Meintn'h of Rtratfor1l, dietrk•t manager of the Dell Telephone (Amplify, is 111 towel today ,,a ftrwt-visit t, the loyal nffi,e• sinee his appointment to this district. Ile wail formerly at Windsor. The London peters publish .. veep good likeness of Mrs. W. E. K.•lly a that city, formerly of 4:oderieb, will was named hnnnrnry prr•,l1en1 of the ,ondor, 1'rnsbyle'rint W M.S. obeli • see1.11..,,,ortlal mewing at St. 'Thome' mly .t St. Velenthne'+ tmehre and,da*i oder the nnspdees of the Tanadlp egion %%III he hell; In the 0M494 ams' )roll on Fridley cr. nine, Fehra- ry Nth. 'rle•ket. ,s/ cents. Thi' halite I the In, I,y aetmlwlnn th'ket wu1 .S vivo.'a .teta-dollar 4141% Of, 0tuaoletem whl,h, Is new em display et i)nnb),y r.lg ..tore (tl'1:('i.11. OPTICA NOTICS Ilnae your eyes examined hy far well-known and painstaking special. +r, \Ir Iinghson. formerly cptfcal ees- p'rt for henta. Toronto, and MEW Morgan A ('n., Montreal. Thirty year, esp•rlenee, nineteen yearn coming 1 kalerleh. Yon are a•surv.I of the 4e4 •; Ucul work to he obtained and ne •cry arnolpratp y0at. We fnrnMb $R he late .t t le of tnonntinga. the Mint make et the hest makers and dmf prices lire from $4(5) tip. isms ?rider. Febrnery 13. 14 RTgi .l RT 'Te rpt E. ';o oder 'eh • 4 secretary pro tem utive loader, lion R. R. Bennett. w •