The Signal, 1930-1-23, Page 8a
8.—Thareday, January 23, 1900.
For your next parte we
kinds, and many articles
suitable For prize..
25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
Book Store
I which were hander! Out Just before the
Srsturth Taken in Friday Night; close of the first frame. As soon a.
by Score 3-2 I the teams were ut' lull strength platy,
In the &wound lucid 0.11.A. Kuwe uf' shitted to the Senforth territory. The
the season theUudericlu luterwerllute. Gilderlth lads were wow setting the
pate, leeping the ploy at the vl+hoer'
defeated the Seaforth team day the end ut the lee during practically' the
score of 3-2 at the West Greet rink elude period. After five tumutta 01
last Friday night. There was a lunge May Muruey, the Gude-Hell couch.
attrudauee of hockey enthusiasts,
scored, tieing the count at nue all. Ile
Curd w:li minutes Raney again
the north below). and the eats tied scored. Don. McKay gut the house
west ends of the rink beiuyi crowded team's third goal till u nice pass trout
eilb fails who witnessed a Ilrely los- alaclh,utld. The Seafuitia goalie ('attic
a lest throughout the.sixty minutes of • right out from his net In an effert to
play. The lee was hi splendid condi- *are• this one. Just before the close of
1ki, which enabled the players to til.• period. gnarl)(.• Seaforth's brilllunt
produce a rent "fast" game. The score centre player, scored hie team's set•-
udloatt's bow close the play was, the mai and last goal of the game. Guder-
teass being fairly evenly mat.hed. fch had 0111) five wen on the ice when
Seaforth soured the first goal utter this fully was made.
nine minutes of play lu the ...peeing' The third period opened with the
period. This tally was a bit fluky., lo,als outnumbered on the lee by six
Holmes ut the Seaforth term let got to four, Marney and McKay serving
a high shot, which Mak, the Gederich 1 penalties which were drawn lu the
goalie, stopped all right, but us hej torquer frame. Goderich played de -
was endeavoring to. clear the puck , teuslve hockey uutll the team was at
rolled inside the goal mouth. Gofer-; [till strength. The teams were yet-
i ic•h was held goalless in this atanaa,1 ty evenly matched' in this stage of
which ended with the score 1-0 Iq far-' the game, but there was no scoring and
i or of the visitors. the game ended With the count 0 to 2
The teams were not at full strength. for Goderich.
' The Goderich timekeeper called the
game two minutes tow soon, according
to the Seaforth timekeeper. Referee
Sawyer settled the dispute by having
the teams play oue minute longer.
All the local players turned In a
splendid game. Coach Muruey was the
outstanding star, scoring two of the
three+ goals for his teas. hilly Mac-
Donald made his drat appearance of
the season, playing ou the forward
L. It. Sawyer, of Mitchell, was the
referee and he handled the game in a
satisfactory manner. Twelve penalties
aur minor offences were banded out.
Those serving- penalties for Seaforth
were A. Reid (2). F. Willis, R. Holmes.
E. Gascho, and tor Go derich J. Woods
Muruey (2), J. Lemieux, D.
.McKay. It. Studdurt.
The )ane -up:
Seaton- Goal, It. McGeuct; de-
fence. Allan held, Lee O'J1ri1'u; centre,
E. ala•,•ho; wings. I. Yuuugblut. 1).
fetirtci ; subs., F. \Vallis. N..Goven-
I.a•k, R. Holmes.
G..derieh--Gon1. 11. Donk : defence.
J. Woods. P!. Westbrook; centre, 11.
Rainey; wings, Wm. Muelutuald, .1.
Lemieux; subs.. -Rail- • Stunly. Doiu.
as the second period opened, (haler!
hating tee players and Seaturth uu
In the 'avidity box serving pentane
MOST advertising is prepared
and directed to attract new
business, and new business is
always welcomed hv '1 l,r,tt'res-
sivc institution.
The first consideration of The
Li to give its customers con--
tinuous, interested and effec-
tive service, which the Bank
will endeavor to maintain and
Indeed the service which the:
Bank renders its present
customers is the strongest
influence in 1ttrrlctin` new
-''4 11SNI I1'4 IN LAN:\it.\
Dear Mistber Eddlter,—Top o' til'
martini' to yes! 1 w•ua readin' In til'
lit•nntlller Bugle of last wake about
til' turrlbul slaughter yer clltlaeus
made wid some av tis' null council
tors ut Ih'.electlun. Shute 'twos down -
rite t•roul lit' way they lammed Clew
Runnings siwp14 Iacuse he gut mixed
up in UI' tarots uv til' :Milford 11i11
whim lie accused til' county council
uv bele' *slave at til' switch.
Au' to shore Dace Shproule off th'
ladder av hone wid his hod full av
bricks wuz turrlbul. But we .greutest
regret is tis' way yez ahwawped Geord-
ie Gould. Wasu't the duckin' he gut
whin he fell front his matrimuuyul
cuuue into til' canal at Ottawa euutf
ter oue year? An' pour Joey Wilson—
ye'd uv (hut his Scotch triads wucl
hav rewarded him fer til' lingth av
tonne he's bin Lakin' up til' penult*
In tis' l'ralsbyteriau Kirk an' elver
apiRln' wan av thin.
But now that yes hay laid thlw
away afiu 1 suppose Loyal Lin Knox
will hav tit' ould ship as, Shtate all
loaded up fer anuthur voyage. Johnny
MacEwau must be lashed to til' matt
whin be kin shtick on fer six years.
wid a mate an' sicond mute Jiat
watt -bit' tbelr chaust to push him off.
1 Jiat beerd frim me frind Dick Pousel-
white that they hue til' committees
all Rued up fer uuutler year. Bob
Truer shod be allrite 011 fivauce, fer
him wit} his height spud 1m always ou
t0' long side, un' as long, as yes hav
a "bob" yez can't be busted. An' thiel
Johnny Craigle fer cemetery au'
perks is approprlut, fer, wid wan
fuze in til' grave au til' est iv him in
real estate what more could yes ask?
Besides, wid ne youngsters at home to
wallop he kin aphid his tulme keepin'
til' kids off th' few blades tie jruxs
left in th' Square.
Maser shua he all right uo while
works, to suwebudy has to'worrk t1'
public nit' he spud be Juke for toot.
Whin hp gits Haat wobbly W'eliiugton
M. Kay. R. $t.nd.lart. wait worked wisely, whatta woe
w Ill' Wigle, Wallace and Wiggins call
to u-chertuhit game in group No. him. 1 heerd that 'Humber ain't silo m
11 of the U. 11. A. iuternesiate series tisfied wind til' market committee.
played ut Sea forth On Tuesday night- Shure it must be i, false alurrum. c
Oosts-of-.\ens Reveal the History 60
E'amlllee and '!'belt &alms
to !Looe.
Heraldry is regarc-ed by wauy peo-
ple as a quaint survival of mediaeval -
ism. As a matter of tact, lu she
crests and acts -of -arms of many of
our uuble fawillea may one ate In
t'pltptut• ales history of those families
and their chief claims to fame, says
an article In T.urout° Saturday Night.
Every year the College of Heralds,
which is the haat authority on all
such matters, has to devise new arm-
orial bcarluga for newly - created
peera. The object of the dealgner L
to -represent symbolically the claims
of the uew nobleman to honor. In the
old days undoubtedly, the armorial
device stood for some exploit on the
field, but now -a -days, when the ma-
jority of honors fall to men who are
strangers to war, the device is sym-
bolic of some less romantic calling.
Donald Smith, a Scots lad, emi-
grated to Canada. For years he work-
ed without recognition In the service
of the Hudson's Bay Company. But
he was a man of unique character,
and in time when the Canadian Pa-
cific Railway was started he took a
part in that great enterprise. In the
end he was created Lord Btrathoona.
But he came of humble stock, he had
no armorial bearings, and these had
to be devised.
The conventional emblems rind not
appeal to him, and the heraldic ex-
pert had to devise an armorial device
which would tell In epitome the rise
and achievement of this sturdy Scot.
In this way in olden days armorta
devices were designed, and so, Donal
Smith, Baron Strathcona and Moun
Royal took under royal patent arm
ortal bearings which told the story u
his arduous lite.
These arms show four men in
canoe, a hammer and nail, surmount
ed by a crest showing a beaver chew
Ing at a tree. The supporters of till
device showed a trooper of Strath
cone's Horse on the one side and
common railway construction works
on the other.
Toa remote generation, whe
hen t
genesis of the family of Strathcona 1
lost 111 the meats ct time this arntoria
tttGG AItT1I.---In Goderich, 011 Mon-
day, Juuuary 20th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred iloggyyth, a sou (Raymond
SAUNDERS.—At Ale:Andra Marine
and General hospital, (luderich, on
Wednesday, January 22nd, to Mr.
and Mrs. Charles K. Saunders, u
PDX (Ji1E'E'1N.—ln St. 1'eter''
church, t:taterlch, on Tuesday morn -
Ing, January 21st, by Rev.. L. P.
Lowry, Emily L. ("Babe"), young-
er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas.
Griffin of Goderich, to llarry Jos-
eph Fox of Montreal, sol of Mrs.
Mary Fox and the late James Fox
of Cleveland, Ohio,
CHAD(;.— In Goderich. on Tuesday.
January 21st, Lillie Chambers, wid-
ow of the late William Craig, In
her 75th year.
11111. ).—in sad but loving memory of
William 11. Bird, who passed away
two years ago—January 2:., 19214
The midnight stars are gleaming
On a lone and silent grave;
Beneath Iles one w'' truly loved •
But one we could not save.
We milts his kind and ipving baud,
His fond and tender care,
We miss him every day and hour,
We miss him everywhere.
—.Ever remembered by his loving
sister, Mrs. Albert Stevenson.
1% etch. Reward. Finder kindly
leare tit SIGNAL OFFICE.
-' 1 the lute Mrs. Robert Roberton
, wish to thank .all the friend« and
neighbors for sympathy and kindness
a :Lown theta at the -time of their re-
,. ,cut bereavement and alts, for the
t.e.sutiful floral tributes. •
s ` c WANTED
Complete dispersion of the Earls -
ton herd of Registered Ayrshires —
26 head—to be sold by auction 0n
Tuesday, Jan. r%sth, 1900, et 2
p.m., at Earlaton Farm (1 mile month -
west of C.N.H. station), Seaford),
Ont. Apply for catalogues. J. A. Mc-
; KENZIE, Prop.
of Read Superiuteudent for the
township of Ashfield will be r'ec'eived
by the uudersigutd clerk up uutil
uuon of Monday, February 10(5. Ap-
plicant to use his own ear. State
price per hour. Lowest applicatluu
not necessarily accepted. C. E. Mc-
1'.)ONAGII, Clerk of Ashfield.
The annual meeting of the Colborne
Municipal Telephone System will be
held at the township fall, Carlow, on
Thursday, January itch, at 1.30 p.m.
A11 .utelbt•rs are requested to •[-
The Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet In the
County Council Chamber. Goderielt,
at 2 Welted( in the afternoon of Tuee-
day, the lith day 0f January, 1930.
All accounts -agaiust the eounty
and applications for old -age pensions
should be in the hands ut the Clerk
on or before the 25th Inst. to ensure
action of the County Council and
the !lid Age I'e .ion. Committee. at
this meeting.
Appik•ants for old -age pencilpna
should ate that all questions are prop-
erly and plainly answered. and all
forms properly executed, also that
their post office and -the municipal-
ity in which they lite are plainly
,nand properly stated.
Municipal clerks clerks are requested to
mull eertlficates of election as coos
device may seem as strange Es are as psychic before the lith Inst.many of the old devices to us, But WL1TE;D.—MAID FOR GENERAI. GEO. W. HOLMMAN.
It puts on record for all, time the' housework. Apply at SIGNAL OF-
aeeultanta- may- point with pride to ('lark.
great t4chievement of a man of iron 1`i('E• ,Gotiericb, Jan. 1001, 1930.
so that the student, and hie own de
lite patent and its device which set
the seal of worth on the achlteve
ents of a man who did great things
HI many of the coats -of -arms o
famous fatuities may be obtained
due to their origins. Tb:,..for exam
le Lord Cunliffe, a banker, took a
upporters the two figures which
support" armorial bearings two
auk of England porters. Lord Ash
end, ehatrman of the Underground
as two electri'lans as supporters.
Lord Aakwtth, once famous as a
ttier of strikes, has chosen for sup-
-carters two doves. Lord Vfwborne
hose forebears were commoner, en
aged In the prosaic trade of build
ng. Inas embodied that circumstance
n his supporters -by making them a
tonemason and a carpenter.
It is customary when a K.C. 1s
made a master of the Bench of his
nn and Treasurer or Reader of It, to
ye his armorial bearings inscribed
n the panels of the Hall of the Inn
ut sometimes It so happens that till
12 NI owsj ,for fishing. 110.01) daily. •
- 0.1,1 E'ISIL C0.. i'urt Muton, Mich. T11031.1,5 GI'NDIIY, Gui)ElticH,
i. t 1 4.1'i leit►t:K ANI) OHNIL1tA1
WANTEL.—A 1'1.1N1►. MUST ltE IN AUtTIOt-F,1!R
Stuft,rth defeated Clltihal by the Ife'a tic only. mon ter til' 1,0
,Itlot. p
.erre of 4-0 .\ number of Goerich'-Hasn't he bila , weighiti' karats :and •
fiat -class condition. .State insect Telephone S 1 I In '
ash price. Apply Box 2.i, $IGNAt.OF- sales, attended to. anywhere- and
• i ICE. effort made to gite •astisfaetloa
Farmers' 'Sale notes dus-eunteil.
nus key hots to re at the gave. „
• • • ?ac•alin' rings all his lode are pantie'
Cliutun will play the locals in a ti' avoirdupois under his clst2 O1• B
scheduled O. 11. A. game at the West ,icy, put lis .u, watch au' chain him h
street rink o11 Friday evening of Oil- t+, th' jab, . .thin whin anywan troi-
to beat him hell be there to clean K'
• v •
The Goderich intermediates have their clack. Shure Chesil to allriglrt
two out -of -teem group games to Play wh;n he gets wound up. Where cud g
yet: On Tuesday night next they wi11'Ihcy •mat. n cLeeric•r-Itwkht' 011111 fer 1
viae Sotforth to replay a guwe that
acus thrown out b) the O. IL A. The.spee'` than S. 11; Croft':
-late for thepost{.nsd game at ('lin- Faith an' don't his initials 'fait' fer
,,,u bas out yet leen set. Spesiurt- Itelitery un' Square Deal'
IHe may be small frum th' ground. up, . 1
Loa' but lie's wohle emit sotlewuya from ha
0 ! 111' vial back. died hav btu lu til' B
I) itENT.—STORE St'iTABI:E FOR ' Au*tie't • will
conduct sales anywhere. My
grocery or 'ace. Immediate pos terms are reasonable and 1 w111 eri-
-rsslm given. Apply to !'ELAS. K deinor to give saskillet ion. Pluses
'1'.l NLE:It5. Glolerlth• -C
or address It R. 4. tied-
Fa 1t4.ST.- eoMI':\t`P MODERN each.
apartment. Pospeasfon may be had
immediately. For further mirth -War.' - DRUGLESS I''TITIONER
' apply to HAYS & HAYS. Goderich. Ont
i WESLEY W. FisliER:
(:roup Standing
�oafonh 1
1 . Mayor's chair this year it it had bin 13
one morning last week i ttglneerl a bincb. iu
J. W. Taylor met with an accident at; An' so toy ould (rind 11111 Itailey H
the Western Canada Flour Mills' le In tillage av ti' water, lofght au' In
plant. He was proceeding with Bial harbor committee. Just til' man fer B
work when n plank fell from over -I it
head, striking him on the head. Med t1' Job. Tall enuf to wade out to th' t
intoe It 1 snide enuf a4 it Is he hats to sit f
teacher is a self - made man whose
amity has no , armorial bearings.
metlmmt, In such cases, the legal
minary applies to the College of
eraids for a "grant of arms." But
at least one case — that of Dr.
lake Odgers, the celebrated author-
uthor), on the law of libel and slander,
he newly -elected Bencher refused to
apply for a grant of arms. He was,
however, allotted a shield on the old
oak panels of the Halls of his Inn,
the Middle Temple, but the shield
was left blank. Perhaps more than
any other shield in this ancient Hall,
that of the learned doctor who scorn-
ed official recognition of his worth
stands out. It is a curit.sity that 1a
always pointed out to visitors -the
blank shield without armorial device.,
support,. es or crest.
In this way history 1s made. Arm -
fetal bearings are meant to give us
the clue to the origin and achieve -
teal aid was summoned and several intake will t wettln' Ills chin au'
stitches were required to close thel thin enuf to crawl hack thru t5'
would. Mr. Tailor was off work for wipe.
only u day. \n' whin th' flltherlu' basin
plugs 'up wId mud he kin bail it out.��•$$$�$ $U111111101111)♦111Na•u.111111$.SINN UUN
)♦ ■
i For years The Signal has had a reputation for issuing
• handsome calendars, but we cannot remember a year IN
in when so many complimentary remarks upon our Calendars i
▪ reached us as has been the case this year. When we•
IN ordered them we had a notion they would be popular and II
▪ accordingly we ordered several hundred more than usual. al
a They have been going out fast, however. and this is in- ni
• ▪ tended as a notice to any subscriber who has not already
■ received his Calendar that he should make sure of it by ni
i handing in or mailing his subscription AT ONCE.
Every paid -in -advance subscriber is entitled to one
i of the handsome 1930 Calendars.
■ ▪ If you have not got yours yet, do not delay much
i longer. The supply will not last indefinitely.
Thin there's Alderman Worsell in
clutrge av til' Court av Revision. As
40 expert plumber it's a lend polpe
cinch bell make a folne Judge, fer
hasn't he bin revising stove polpes
ter years? An' anywlan a. kbt put them
things together widout shwettrin' is
certainly qualified to be revisin til'
assessment. They'll be' worse 'ell fer m
th' assessor this
An' thin last cuuts, tit' foire brigade
wid Alderman McLean on til' ltd el
agln. i'll bet a tell av hay to a bushel fi
av oats that
eats of the posseesor—and If that
ossessnr blandly proclaims his edg-
es without knightly significance.
Is blank coat of arms speaks more
oquently of his worth than many
ne. but meaningles• heraidie
whin he gats that new
book un' ladder wnggtn he'll be takin'
all fle whmtnen, as voted fer Lim,
nut ter a drive an' buyln' thim new
hose. Shure. wid til' experience he
lilts veld th' chemical x-tinguishers
ye'll folnd Mac alayin' fer th' Gov-
ernment Control shop whin it opens
up; If it ever do.
Orli hen to shtup now, as nae plu
fa anotia' dn. tlopdn' yes are t)'
an me.
W'id regards,
All Victor seventy-five cent records
reduced to 0.1 (ruts. Ten cents allowed
00 each old Victor' record when pur-
chasing a uew one. Campbell's Urn':
▪ Tilt regmlar. monthly meeting of lice
LIPeVomen'. llospltnl .\uxllfary will tit:
• cell - in the InIbllc libritty Mmnl
■ ru,rm all Moll(lal {', Jaitiiiry 27, alt
4 o'clock. .\ full nttend,tnce is
A "Hello" Census.
Telephone pbpulartty In Great Bri-
tain is definitely on the increase. The
number of telephones In use to the
Old Country at the end of haat May
was 1,776,870, an increase of 13,246
over the previous month.
At the end of 1998 the numbers
of telephones in use In the Ave larg-
est telephone -using countries were as
follows: United States, 19.341,000;
Germany, 2,960,430; Great Britain,
1,769,686; Canada, 1,341,119;
France, 966,619.
Musk Oz Protected.
The Thelon game sanctuary, east
of Great Slave Lake in the Northwest
Territories, which contains the last
known herd of musk ox on the Can-
adian mainland, hart been closed so as
to preserve this herd, which has
dwindle animate d to about 260 a al No
persons, Including tl.e native Indiana,
will be permitted to enter this 15,-
000 -mile preeerw4 without special
permission from the Department of
the interior.
%fora has been reoeivo,I ht al. hanks Find on Pacific_
thirry Wellsof the death .Of Mr. According to figures (obtained by '
• Ihlndd Robinwnt, in Unna ,arena.• th Canadian Pacific Steamships Lim-
im- -
■ Imspital, 'intuit!,,, un Januar. 121 h. lied, the port of Vanenuver now
Rublustm tic
reh-ed serious Whir- ranks fins of Pae4f' Cnaet ports, out-
first block. Seven -roomed brick.
Single house with all ,,(stern conveni-
ences. new furnace, newly decorated,
wired for electric stove, a garage and
large garden. Immediate paoseelon,
tenaut leaving town. Apply to MISS
' I'OLLEY, next house (north side), or
Mr. J. W. Cralgie.
rIL1itOPRACT( 01 A. 0 IIKC(L11:8Y
THERAPIST (;o4erlch. !'hone :t11
Equipped with elect roe ma'netk
bathe. Electronic electric treatment
and chiropractic. Chronic orkanie and .
nervous dloetwes. Lady In attendance.
Office hours 2 to S, and 7 to 9 pa..
est -eating Monday and Thursday as0
by appointment_
Residence and o0)ee--Corner of .
South street and Britannia road.
Holstein hull, two years old. Moot
of breeding, quiet.{ guaranteed. W. M.
HENRY, R. R. No. 1, Belgrave, Ont.
■ offers for sale his property. part
lot 22, cones .ion 4, East Wewanosh,
(smtalning twelve acres more or hem,
on which is erected a good frame
house of seven rooms. with kitchen
and woodshed; furnace installed. The
outbuildings comprise Karn 3S x 44.
cow stable 16 x 22. roothmase 12 x 16.
*talkie for three berme.. (one bee -ta11),
stone pigpen 22 x 26, henhouse 16 x
2ft, and silo. The holdings are In a
good state of repair, with lightning
rode. The property is situate on a
good road, three miles north of Aub-
urn, on a rural route. Cone acre of gooeyd
hearing. orchard; tiro eta*. soil; all
seeded but one-half acre; 21,4 acres
pure 81111119 ; well fenced; two good
wells. This property is considered a
good buy for someone. as it Is In n
goral section, one mile from w•hool
and two miles from church. Terms
reasonable. I'ossecaion given any time
after Fehrnnry 1st, 1080. JAMES
WOODS, 'Box 33, Auburn, Ont.
Irl F.RTY.
-Muter and by virtue of the powers
1 or wale eontain.vl in a eertaln regist-
ered mortgage made by Arthur Jones
nod Edward Jones, to the vendor,
then• will he offered. for Male by public
lonetion at the Bed ford ihotel. Goder-
tch. on Thursday. February 13th,
1930. at one o'clock In the afternoon,
the freehold farm property known an:
Lot Number Fire. In the Eleventh
Concession of the Township of Col
Lorne 1n the ('county of Huron. West-
ern Division. emitai ig 1(N► acres
more or less.
Tilts 1. Meld to be a desirtlhle florin
ot'elay IMtm cull, shat 92 sores hey.
trig heen cultivated and tire balance
being In pasture. These 1s raid to he
n road rock well and 150 small
r its k.. 'rhe huildings Indio!" a Ila'
sorer frame house and n /ergs, frame
born with eement foundation
There M said to he a school nt the
distanee of atom one mile and the
distance to Goderich Is about eight
miles. t
Terma and 1'ondittons: One-tenth
of the psurchese money to be pall in
each nr by marked cheque nt the time
of Male and the !Masse to be paid
within thirty (lets tbereefter: nr ou
such other terms es mat he With,
of or net !dent In 1!02S• from stripping .os An -
San Francisco and i
-- '.
■ whish he never recovered. The de- genes -in volume of outward and In-
c eased was n sun of Mr. and Mrs. Eft ward shipping traffic and tonnage of
• Robinson, former residents of exports and import
.eale•rlch. Ile leaves to mourn his
11185 n yorfng wife and a little (laugh Alaska and Aviatktn.
ter. besides his parents, also of Alaska has 66 alrporta and is sale
Toronto. to be devoting approximately t100,-
800 a year to the extension bt 185
avfatlou system,
■ eatent farm near London F:xper-
nIeeeed with harass and cattle Year-
ly engagement. State nationality. ex-
perlenr•e. age. wigs, eclw•ted. PAnee -
(lone1 privltege. 11 desired. Boy M.
■� 1/11111/A't/INIMIVI •1 �1<�•1•/t�1•11�•[•1.1 BiGNAI. (W?1Cr
it take. a IAighty tactful phyei len fartnry to the vslt/ttr.
to carr a wcZ. she has nothing the' Further petMul
earw may he had on
matter with itsg.
*indication to:
stem* 11 is Is.. Important for the MOORROltS11s
market to he on the nip -grade than *elicitor* for the Vendor.
on the leve.—Virginian L'llot. 7 Market Lane, 7Mwloght
la Oaring
FRANK 1'. (1111115, GHARTERRIs
Accountant. 11x2 Ontario street.
Stratford. !'hone 1560. Rea 1330J.
Late House Surgeon New York Oph-
thalmic and Aural Hospital, aselataat
at Moorefield Eye Iln.pital and Goldeng.
Square Throat Hospital. London, En
:1:1 Waterloo St S. Stratford. Tel-
ephone 267. e
At Hotel Belford, Goderich, en th
evening of third Monday of each
month 1111 the following day. Tuesday,
Barrister and Solicitor
Sun Life Building, Adelaide and
Victoria street., Toronto 2
Telephone Elgin 5801.
Barrister, Etc.
Offiete—Hamilton street, Goderleb.
Phone 27.
L' It DARROW, BARRISTER, ETC.Successor to J. L. Kinoraa.
Phone 97.
Office—The Square. Oodeeht.
'daps & }Laps
R1`.HA1'S—R.CHATS ,n.. R.
i1anriltowSt., (inderien
SURANCE CO.—Farm and las
hiltedtown property inaneed.
(Mk'eris—Jae. Connolly, PrP.., fled
erich P. 0.: Jae. Inane, Vice -Pres.
iteet•hwnod P. 0.; D. F. McGregor.
IRee.-Tows., Seaforth P. O.
Direetots—A. Rrn dfoot. R. R.
�No. 3, 1leaforth ; John (L. Grieve. No
4, Walton; Wllllam Rlnn, R. R Ns
2. Sfortb ; John lennewtee. Brod
UPCOso. McCartney, R. R. No. 3,
Seafortb; Robert Ferris. LlaHoek
Murray Oils,, Bruer-field; James
Itvsne, 1leschwood: Jame* Connolly.
Agents --J. W. Yen, °oderkis :
Alex. each, R. R No. 1, ten:
John Mnrrsy. Seaford; E. WIllehlay.
flesforth. Polley -holders call ineke *19
payments and get their earths ineeipt-
ed at R. J. Merrlab'a Clothing SIsre.
Cllatoe ; (MIsia Oatt'e (3rne.rg,
stet *trove_ Gedert-5, ar f n.
Oarat Stern, Bartlett.