The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-05-18, Page 10Support the RED • - SHIELD • APPEAL LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister MAY 22ND 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery provided for pre-school children Jr. Congregation for 5 - 8 year old children DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Doug Zehr, Student Pastor Phone 529.7751 SERVICES SUNDAY,SUNDAY, MAY 22 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. "Morning Worship" EVERYONE WELCOME YOU'RE WHISTLING IN THE DARK... tr 4 J,r5J J tri IF YOU • THINK THAT HEART ATTACK AND STROKE HIT ONLY THE OTHER FELLOW'S FAMILY. Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst SUNDAY, MAY 22ND 10 a.m. Sunday School • 11 .a.m: Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday at 8 p.m. C.A. (Young People) Friday at 8:00 p.m. WAR ADS FOR OUT OF THIS WORLD RESuLTS • WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1977 WE] PAGE TEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW; ONTARIO Speaks On Work In Cos1a Rica The May meeting of Donnybrook United Church Women was held in the church on Tuesday evening, May 10th with Auburn, White- church, Trinity, St. Helens and St. Augustine :ladies invited. Mrs. John Hildebrand. opened the meeting. Hymn 302, Lord speak to me, was sung followed by prayer. Mrs. Ray Hanna read the scripture and followed with the meditation and hymn 124, Jesus is the man 'who cares for others: Mrs. Edward•Robinson introduc- ed the guest speaker, Miss Elizabeth Wood from Toronto, who told of her work with abandoned children from Pueblito in Costa Rica and showed slides as she talked. The children are abandon- ed, sometimes whole families, because-the-pace-nts - are-unable to provide for them. The children fend for themselves till caught for stealing, then put in a form of jail. If they are fortunate they are put in the home where they get schooling and care. The home only holds 100 children. A question and answer period followed. Mrs. Murray Wilson thanked the speaker, and presented her with a gift. Offering was taken by Mrs. S. Chamney and Mrs. Wm. Hardy. Mrs. Hildebrand gave the prayer.. Mrs. T. Armstrong and Mrs. Roy Taylor sang a duet. Prayer was given by Mrs. Hildebrand and closed • the meeting by singing hymn 303. A social hour followed in the Sunday School room. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA PARISH OF - LUCKNOW SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MAY 22, 1977 ST. PAUL'S, RIPLEY: 9:00 A.M. THE ASCENSION, KINLOUGH 10.30 A.M. ST. JOHN'S, BERVIE: 12:00 NOON Lucknow Presbyterian Church INTERIM MODERATOR Rev. Robert Armstrong Phone Wingham 357-2072 SUNDAY, MAY 22ND 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship GUEST MINISTER Rev. Charles MacDonald of Glencoe EVERYONE WELCOME 4d1, AP 411P IP ' 40' 400° Chalmer's Women's Missionary Society held their May meeting on Thursday afternoon, May 12 at the home of Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. The president Mrs. John de Boer welcomed all present. The theme song with Mrs. Andrew Gaunt pianist was sung. Mrs. de Boer gave the call -to worship and all sang Come Holy Spirit. Mrs. Dawson Craig gave a, reading, Spring Time Gratitude.' An invita- tion was received from Calvin-Brick to attend their meeting May 30 at 8.15 p.m. The Presbyterial meal is at 5 p.m., cost $2.50. MrS. V. Emerson gave the financial statement for treasurer, Mrs. Wallace Milligan. All sang There is a better world. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt read scripture, Acts 1: 9-12 and Rev. 7: 9-17. The title of the meditation was Heaven. The next meeting Ifiruli-Te-Wittb held at the home of Mrs. Don Ross. The offering was received and dedicated by Mrs. Bill Evans. The closing hymn was There is a happy land.. Mrs. de Boer closed the meeting with prayer. The Ladies' Aid meeting was held. 'After the collection was received, the repeating of mizpah benediction in unison, closed the meeting. Kinlough A.C.W. KINLOUGH NEWS Mrs. Ed Green was hostess 'for the May meeting of the Anglican Church Women at her home on Thursday afternoon with a good attendance. Miss May Boyle pres- ided and extended a welcome to all and opened the meeting with a poem "Mother's Love" and all joined in singing the hymn "Blest are the pure in heart". Mrs. Ronald Thacker read Psalm 121 for the scripture, which was followed by prayer. The theme Was "Mother" . and Mrs. Bert Nicholson gave a most inspiring meditation entitled "Blessed art thou among women" especially remembering our moth- ers. The secretary, Mrs. Ronald. Thacker, read the corresporidence which included an invitation to the Pentecostal W.M.C. May meeting; also the meeting of the South Saugeen Deanery to be held at Walkerton on June 7th and each lady is asked to take a complete box lunch. Plans were made for an enter- taining day at the church on June 16th with committees appointed to arrange for it. Mrs. Delbert Hedley presented a matter of business to be decided later. Happy Birthday was sung to Krista Wall on her 3rd birthday. Each member answered the roll call with an interesting article about "why a certain woman impressed me". Mrs. Art Haldenby was thanked for a lovely quilt which she made and donated and held a quilting at her. home. The convener Mrs. David Hald- enby and Mrs. Midford Wall then took over for the program, which was in the form of a Biblical Playette. Mrs. Wall began with the story of Adam and Eve and be thankful for your daily blessings followed by "The woman who was a foreigner" by Mrs. Gertrude Walsh. The woman who was a saint, was given by Mrs. Delbert Hedley; The loving mother Naomi, by Mrs. Bert Nicholson; Sarah, the mother of kindness, by Mrs. Jack Scott; Mary's acceptance, by Miss Edna Boyle; My dear mother, by Mrs. Ed Green; The mother who understands, Mrs. David Halden- by; What is a grandma, by Mrs. Midford Wall, who also closed the meeting with prayer and conducted a contest on "Mothers of the Bible". Mrs. Jack Scott thanked the hostess and the conveners for the most inspirational meeting and all who had a part in it. Grace was sung and delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and conveners. On Wednesday evening repres- entatives from Donnybrook, St. Helens, Trinity Ashfield, Lucknow U.C.W. and Chalmer's W.M.S., gathered at Whitechurch United Church to celebrate with them their Spring Thankoffering. While the folks were gathering, Mrs. Dan Tiffin played quiet piano "music. Hymn singing was enjoyed with Mrs, Wardrop as song leader and Mrs. Tiffin, pianist, Day is Dying, Saviour Breathe An Evening Bless- ing and The Day Thou Gayest Lord is Ended. Mrs. Lorne Durnin,, president, aye words of welcome and the call to worship followed by ify-11111-522':- Psalm 100 was then read in unison. Mrs. Cliff Laidlaw read the scripture. Mrs. Durnin gave , the meditation and led in prayer. I Love to Hear the Story was played on the clarinet by Janet Laidlaw and accompanied by Mrs. Tiffin on the piano. The offering was dedicated by Linda Moore. All then sang Come Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love. The speaker, Rev. W. Brown, was introduced by Mrs. Milian Moore. Miss Brown ' said a Thankoffering service, is a celebra- tion and based her address by illustrated posters. Mrs. Gibb thanked Rev. Brown and presented her with a gift. Mrs. Durnin closed with prayer and invited all to Sunday School room for lunch. Trinity U.C.W. The , May meeting of. Trinity United Church Women was held on Thursday, May 12 at the home' of Mrs. D. A. Hackett, with an attendance of 25. The meeting was called to order with the singing of hymn 142, All the way my Saviour leads me. Mrs. Charles Wilkins then opened the devotions, the topic being "Bigger Somebodies With Regards to Our Talents". Mrs. Tim Reurink read the scripture, Ezra, chapter 3. All joined in singing hymn 131, The Lord is my Shepherd. Mrs. Wilkins then continued with the meditation on our Talents. Mrs. Reurink read a poem, "Be The Best of Whatever You Are", and Mrs. Wilkins closed the devbtions with some questions and led in prayer. The president, Mrs. Chester Hackett, thanked our hostess and welcomed all the ladies, then read a poem "God Speaks". She followed with prayer, and all repeated The Lord's Prayer in unison. The roll call was answered with an item of interest from the Observer, which proved quite interesting. Mrs. Cook gave the Study Book, Mission Profiles, which was about ; Ralph and Joyce Burtt, Missionar- ies in the Philippines. Mrs. Ken Alton sang a solo, "If I Can Help Somebody As 1 Pass Along".. The next meeting will be the Grand- mother's meeting and will be held at Mrs. Cook's. Following the business, Mrs. Frank Ritchie gave a Mother's Day poem and Mrs. Doug Raynard gave a poem "What Is a Mother". Mrs. Ken Alton had a contest on Mothers of the Bible. Hymn 199, For the beauty of the earth, followed and the president closed the meeting with prayer. The committee in charge served a delicious lunch. Everyone enjoyed seeing Mr. and Mrs. Hummel. again for • a short visit. Special Mother's Day Service Christian Family Sunday was observed at the Lucknow Presby- terian Church on Sunday, May 8th with the Sunday School in charge of the service. Instrumental music "Morning Has Broken and Amaz- ing Grace" provided by Faye Forster, Suzanne Kirkland, Ruth, Tom and Robert Henderson, Mur- ray and Dale Gilchrist opened the service. Responsive readings were led. by Lynn Elphick, Jo Marie McCormick, Marion Raynard and KeAdra Elphick. Scripture readings were given by Tracy McDonagh, Marlene Murray, Suzanne Kirk- land and Charlene, Elphick. The anthem sung by the Sunday School was "What a Friend We Have In Mother". Special speaker for the occasion was Mrs. Don Bannerman, former- ly Janet Carruthers. She chose as _her topic the Story -of Samuel and gave interesting thoughts -otitli-C-7 family relationship in Christian lives, with a flannelgraph story as illustrations. Mrs. Donalda Scott was organist for the hymns and had ,the instruments join her in the music. The service was closed with "All Praise To Thee My God" played instrumentally. Pine River UCW Pine River United Church Wom- en held the May meeting in the church on Tuesday; May 10, with twenty-two ladies present. Mrs. Carrick Coiling opened the meeting with a seasonal poem. "This is my Father's world" was sung, followed by the U.C.W. Purpose. Mrs. Ernie Thompson gave the treasurer's report. The June meeting will be held one week early on Tuesday, June 7. Ross Hamilton from C.K.N.X. Wingham will be the speaker. An invitation is extended to the men of the community also. Mrs. Bob Courtney read the scripture, Matthew 25: 31-41 and gave a devotional reading. Mrs. Wayne Lowry was the convener of a Mission and. Service program, opening with prayer and the hymn, "Thou whose almighty word". Mrs. David Oldenburg read the introductory to a dedicated mis- sionary couple, Ralph and Joyce Burtt. Their work in the Phillipines was presented in drama form by Mrs. Bob Rutledge and Mrs. Brad Rotteau. A chaPter from D. Bonhoeffer's book on "Ministry of helpfulness" was read by Mrs. Lowry. Hymn 309 closed the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bill Kempton, Mrs. Howard Robb, and Mrs. Leonard Reid. S S S Chalmers'W.M.S. WHITECHURCH NEWS Rev Wilena Brown Was Speaker WHITECHURCH NEWS LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staalduinen Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 22ND Services at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. ASCENSION DAY SERVICE Thursday, May 19 at 8 p. rn. Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m. Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m. Radio dial 560 Ifs th In in B d. ai tr tr ft H el S CI It T d t; S S