The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-05-11, Page 15SAVES SS ON YOUR NEW * HOUSE * DRIVE-IN SHED • * ADDITION * TRUSSES ROYAL HOMES HAS ADDED A NEW LINE TO THEIR HOME PRODUCTS CALLED COMPONENTS This means prefabricating the entire building in sections; delivering these to your site; and all you do is nail it together: just bring in your plan or ideas, the price. We can build anything - and we will quote you THE HOUSE Everything is pre- engineered to help you ----•:-----fs-iurrkic.faster- and-better-- ti Ideal for the farmer, home- owner and home-builder, for additions and new buildings. TRUSSES 19111111111111111111 THE DRIVE-IN SHED Inquire today for your summer building and save ,$$$ Call 357-2606 or write to ROYAL HOMES LIMITED P.O. BOX 370 - WINGHAM ONTARIO, CANADA "GREAT OR SMALL, WE BUILD THEM ALL" . 4 .. ."•:,••• .04 :4+1+; •••• ••4••••1 Ontario will help employers pay the salaries of youth hired for the summer months. Here's how the program works. If you operate a business or farm and create a new position for the summer, the Ontario Youth Employment Program will give you a grant of $1 per hour toward the wages of an unemployed youth you hire for the job. As a matter of fact, grants are available for up to six new positions per tNsiness or farm-for each operational site, and you may hire any unemployed youth between the ages of 15 and 24 who lives in Ontario and is eligible to work here. The program will be in effect from May 30th to September 16th, 1977, but the full 16 week commitment is not required. Employer application forms for the Ontario Youth Employment Program are available through your local Canada Manpower Centres and, because grant funds'are limited, should be submitted as soon as possible. For more information, contact your local Canada Manpower Centre or: dntario Youth Secretariat Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1A3 Phone (416) 965-5627 Ontario Youth Secretariat Margaret Birch, Provincial Secretary for Social Development Province of Ontario William Davis, Premier WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1977 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN KINGSBRIDGE FIRST HOLY COMMUNION St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church at Kingsbridge was filled to capacity on Sunday morning, May 8, when 17 Grade Two children of St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge and area, made their First Holy Communion in a group under the guidance of their religious instruct- or Mrs. Barbara Eedy and Principal David Zyluk. Reverend Father Ed Dentinger, C.R. officiated. Certifi- cates and rosaries were presented to the children by the Catholic Women's League Church Life Conyers Mrs. Emma Franken of St. Augustine and Mrs. Ann Berry of Kingsbridge. Gifts from the school were presented by Principal David Zyluk. Mrs. Nancy Park provided special music while pupils of. Grades 1 to 8 sang. The following is a list of the children making their --Firt---Holy---Conrimmicrrr with tire father'k name in brackets: Steven Doherty (Frank), Darrell Durnin (Ronald), Dennis Foran (Gordon), Angela Foran (Mike), Karen Foran (Ron), Kevin Hanl (Reinhold), Arnold Knoop (Anthony), Todd Riegling (Frank), Andrea Smith (Stuart), Mary Katherine Stapleton (Neil), Agnes VanOsch (Joe), Paul VanRooy (John), Christine Turcott Michael), Peter VanDiepen {Theo), Jeff Helesic (Robert), ichard Lamb (William), Jeffery urray (Leo). Following the Mass la light lunch was served in the Parish Hall by the members of the :Catholic Women's League to the ;;:;children, Father Dentinger, Mrs. Eedy, the parents, God parents and ' immediate members of their' famil- ies. Sincere sympathy is extended to ,The Murray Family on the death of Alphonse Murray in Wingham and -District Hospital on Sunday, May flih in his 82nd year. Resting at the acKenzie Memorial Chapel, acknow until Wednesday morn- g, May 11, thence to St. Ann's man Catholic Church, Rivers- ale for Mass at 10.30: Interment ill be in St. Ann's Roman Catholic emetery, Riversdale. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ax Riegling (nee Helen Courtney) Ili the arrival of a baby boy on ursday evening, May 5th at the Ingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Hackett and n Aaron spent Friday' evening -with his brother Joe in Kitchener, nd on Saturday, May 7th they all eft for a three week vacation 'Visiting with Mrs. Hackett's family nd relatives in the Western ovinces. Enumerators for the Ontario Provincial Election to be held on ursday, June 4th attended a Araining session held at the incardine Town Hall on Friday vening, May 6th. Mrs. Irene alton and Harold Adams will be isiting the homes in this immedi- te area beginning at 9 a.m. onday, May 9th. Your name must e on the Voter's List to be able to ave a vote in this election. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neill, eter and Peggy of Jackson, ichigan spent the weekend at heir cottage here. Jim Sinnett, Chief' Engineer of e "Paul H. Townsend" is pending two weeks holidays with is family here, arriving home on nday, May 8th. Frank Riegling and Clem Steffler r., of Donnybrook left by car on aturday, May 7th for Brownvale, Iberta. Mr. Steffler plans to visit ith his son, Mr. and Mrs. Clem teffler and family in Whitelaw, Iberta and Frank will be planting is spring crop in Brownvale, eturning home sometime around he end of May. Eddie Sinnett left on Saturday, ay 7th for employment on the oat the "S.S. Gulf Canada". Mr. and Mrs. Colin Crawford nd family of Aurora spent the cekend with Mr. and Mrs. John oward and the Hogan families. LIONS SPEAKING CONTEST Mary Luanne Clare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare of Kingsbridge, District A-9 winner in the Lions Club Effective Speaking contest, represented and sponsor- ed by the Lucknow and District Lions Club, gave her speech on the topic "Drugs" in the Lions Effective Speaking Contest held' at the Peterborough College and Vocational School in Peterborough on Saturday, May 7th. Mr. Guy Gibbons of Owen Sound was the chairman for the program begin- ning at 12 o'clock noon. There were 42 contestants 20 years of age and under in the following four, groups: English girls and English boys, French girls and French boys representing 18 Lions Club Districts in Ontario as well as from Quebec and Labrador. Three winners were picked from each group to compete against each other for first, seconsLmst third prizes making twelve contestants to speak again in, the evening following the banquet. The ban- quet was held in the Lions Club Hall and was enjoyed by over 300 people. Alderman Ed Curtin, represent- ing Mayor Cameron Wasson, brought greetings from Peterbor- ough. Winners in the English girls competition were first prize, Ingrid MacDonald of Toronto, a grade 13 student speaking on 'Separatism'. Her prize was $500. Second prize winner was Marianne Payne of Guelph with $200. speaking on "The Sixties". Third prize of $100. went to Janice Knapp of Brighton speaking on "Being Distinct and Determined". - All other contestants received a gift of $25 cash and a certificate. Dancing to the wee hours of the morning was enjoyed by all. • Stu Reavie, president of the Lucknow Lions Club and Mrs. Mrs. Nancy Park, Grade three and four teacher has been named secretary to the Huron-Perth Music Teachers Executive. Mrs. Park and Mrs. Lillian Simpson have done extremely well this year in the Stratford Music Festival with their students and it is to be hoped that they will participate next year. On Monday, May 2nd, St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge Sen- ior Boys entertained Brookside School to a game of soccer. Tom Foran opened the scoring for the Kingsbridge team but Brookside equalized the score on a penalty shot. The game was close and ended in a 1-1 tie. To break the tie each' school took penalty shots, five for each school. Brookside hit the bar three times but Michael Frayne and Brian Drennan scored for ,Kingsbridge to make the score 3-1. This game was part of the preparation for the Goderich Tour- nament to be played in Goderich on CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 . Reavie, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie and .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare attended the speaking competition, spending the weekend at the Holiday Inn, Peterborough. Senior Handball is the major event at the inter mural level at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge. First round winners in the boys' competitions are: Ronnie Austin, Brian Drennan, Tom Franken, Floyd Courtney, Tom Foran, Mich- ael Frayne, Dean Doherty, Rae Forgett, Steven Frayne. In the girls' competitions first round winners are: Joanne Craw- ford, Donna VanOsch, Jean Vogt, Sharon Doherty, Astrid Plass- chaert, Cathy VanDiepen Betty Knoop, Frances VanRooy, Darlene Austin. Second round winners so far are Brian Drennan, Steven Frayne and Michael Frayne in the boy's division and Jackie VanOsch in the