The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-05-11, Page 10.01P 410 AP Lucknow Presbyterian Church LUCKNOW CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. L. Van Staalduinen Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 15TH Services at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Listen to the Back to God Hour Message of Today CHOK Sarnia, 8:30 a.m. Radio dial 1070 CFOS Owen Sound, 1:30 p.m. Radio dial 560 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 19' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 p4 Presbyterian W.M.S. The Women's Missionary Soci, ety of the Lucknow Presbyterian Church met on Wednesday after- noon "for the regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Morgan Henderson presided and opened the meeting reading a springtime poem. The Aim arid Purpose of the W.M.S. was repeated in unison, and after the singing of a hymn, Mrs. Noble Johnston gave the bible study, giving an appropriate read- ing on Mothers. She also read excerpts from, a letter received from Mrs. Noble, telling of their trip to Swift current, and their new surroundings. Mme„161—A_ Porteous led in prayer, followed by a hymn. The presbyterial will meet in White- church on May 16th, afternoon and evening sessions. A letter regard- ing the offensive things seen on TV was read and 1 after some discus- sion, the secretary asked to write a letter expressing our disapproval of these programs. Twenty-two ladies answered the roll call. Following the offering, it was decided to send an additional $50.00 'to the Camp Kintail fund. Mrs. Omar. Brooks gave the Glad Tidings review.. Mrs. Philip Stewart read three short poems appropriate to the season. ,Mrs. George Kennedy gave 'a very extensive and interesting study from the study book, Justice Not Charity. Following hymn 606, Mrs. Robt. MacDonald closed the meeting with prayer. INTERIM MODERATOR Rev. Robert Armstrong Phone Wingham 357-2072 SUNDAY, MAY 15TH 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship EVERYONE WELCOME AP AP 41, 44 4P 4P. AIP APP LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. Doug Kaufman Minister MAY 15TH 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Morning Worship Nursery provided for pre-school children Jr. Congregation for 5 - 8 year old children DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (MENNONITE) Doug Zehr, Student Pastor Phone 529.7751 SERVICES SUNDAY, MAY 15 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. "Morning Worship" EVERYONE WELCOME South Kinloss W.M.S. The South Kinloss Women's Missionary Society was held Wed- nesday evening, May 4th at the home of Mrs. Herb Buckton with 20 members and 1 visitor present. The president, Mrs. Philip Steer wel- comed all and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unision. The hymn, "When Mother's of Salem" was sung. Business was dealt with as follows: The Presbyterial of. the W.M.S. to be held in Whitechurch May 16th, sessions 2 'p.m. and 7 p.m.; voted to give a donation toward a gift from Irene Reitnick, graduating from C.G.I.T:; a way of raising a donation of money for the "Dock" project was unanimous. Nk-s-,----14,a,rold.-Howald__ Mrs.. Don Bell and Mrs. Allan MacDougall were appointed as a committee for this project. The Bible Study on Harinah, The Prayer Mother, The Mother of Samual, The Ideal Mother, was by Mrs. Allan MacDougall who gave an interesting paper of the life of Hannah. Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Mrs. Alvin Schmidt and Mrs. 'Wm. Dickie took part in the Prayer Circle. The roll call v'as answered with a verse containing the word Pray. The offertory prayer was by Mrs. Olive Needham. Mrs. Ted Collyer gave an excellent paper on ,the Study Book topic for the month. Mrs. Don Bell gave, the reading from the Glad Tidings, "What is a Grandinoth- er". A report of the Synodical held at Stratford, was: given by Mrs. Philip Steer, who attended as a delegate from Maitland Presbyter- ial. Courtesies were by Mrs. Allan MacDougall. 'The closing hymn, "0 Master let me walk with Thee" was sung, with the closing prayer by Mrs. Olive Needham. Grace was sung and "Mrs. Needham conducted an oral quizz. Refreshments were served by the hostess and directors Mrs. Allan MacDougall, Mrs. Ted Collyer, Mrs. Olive Needham. AP dir AP AP Ar 4r Ar ar 4r 40, THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA PARISH OF LUCKNOW SCHEDULE OF SERVICES MAY 15, 1977 ST. PAUL'S, RIPLEY; 9:00 A.M. THE ASCENSION, KINLOUGH 10:30 A.M. ST. PETER'S, LUCKNOW: 12:00 NOON • Lucknow Unit 2 Unit 2 of the „Lucknow United Church Women met in the church on Tuesday, May 3rd at 2 p.m. Mrs. Bradley opened the meeting with a poem (A Mother's Day verse). Twelve members answered the roll call telling something we remembered of our mother's hands. An invitation was received from the U.C.W. at Whitechurch to attend their Spring Thankoffering on May 4th. An invitation was also given to attend the C.G.I.T.' Graduation in Presbyterian Church on Monday, May 9th. Mrs. Bolt gave the treasurer's report. We voted by ballot regarding a fowl super which was carried. Following the business we joined Group 1 and 3 in the assembly room ; where a most enjoyable program was given by Unit 3 taking the form of a ladies' meeting of long ago.. A delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. St. Augustine C.W.L. The Catholic Women's League of St. Augustine met in the Rectory with thirteen members present. Father Dentinger opened the meeting with prayer, Mrs. Cyril Boyle, president, welcomed every- one. Mrs. Wm. Redmond gave a scripture reading, after which Father. Dentinger commented on the well chosen passage. Thank you notes were read from Mrs. Joe Finleon and Father Dentinger. A reading was given by Emma, Franken "The Village of Coldwater Parish". The First Communion class is being held this Sunday, May 8, Mary Catherine Stapleton, Dennis Foran, Angela Foran, Karen Foran. Final plans, were made for catering to the Brophy wedding on May 7. The president thanked all the ladies who assisted in'the two funerals, for Tom. O'Malley and Miss Mae Redmond. Mary Boyle read a reading from Free Press Canadian Broadcasting corpora- tion asking for , opinion on CBC programs. Father Dentinger spoke on encouraging activities which C.W.L. noted in church families. The conveners were installed for 1977-79: corresponding secretary, Mrs. Gus Redmond; church life, Mrs. John Franken; organization, Mrs. Neil Stapleton; cultural life, Mrs. R. Boyle; communications and public relations, Mrs. Wm. Redmond. A letter was read from Donny- brook U.C.W., inviting St. August- ine C.W.L. to attend a special meting May 10 at Donnybrook Church with guest speaker, Eliza- beth Wood. Plans were disCussed on buying 'dishes for the hall kitchen. A letter was read from John Gilmore and a donation of $5 and two medals and prayer card medals. The meeting closed with the \I League prayer. Lunch as served by the hostess in charge KINLOUGH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst SUNDAY, MAY 15TH 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Midweek Prayer Service Wednesday at 8 p.m. C.A. (Young People) Friday at 8:00 p.m. UCW Units Hold Joint Meeting Lucknow Unit 1 Unit 1 Lucknow United Church Women held their regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon, May 3rd in the church parlor. There were 18 members and 1 visitor present answering the roll call with "My mother's favourite hymn". Mrs. Chas. McDonald opened the meet- ing with "John Wesley's rule for living". Mrs. Andrew Ritchie gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. Ada Woods had a short report on Citizenship. Mrs. Eldon Hender- son gave a good report on community friendship and visiting. Mrs. Glen Walden for sodal functions made plans for serving a dinner at the Bruce South Annual W.I. meeting on Tuesday, May 17th. Mrs. Bill Hunter thanked all who had helped with the quilt that had been quilted. The announcements were an Six. Graduate From CGIT The graduation service for C.G.1.T. members was held Lucknow Presbyterian Church Monday evening. As the gi gathered they had a sing song I by Laurie Clarke on guitar. Psh were Debra Arnold, Faye A Forster, Kendra Haldenby, a Kay Morrison. Mary Lynn Cayl accompanied on the organ for t service. President, Barbara Loree, w corned everyone and gave the c to worship. After the singing of hymn; vice president, Irene R knecht gave a reading entitl "With All My Heart". Barb' Loree read a poem "Who Wo Care" and led in prayer. Leader; Laura Lee Cayley g year end thanks to all supported the group and reminc the girls.of the Rally at Silver on Saturday. Leader Elizabl Ritchie presented atitinciat awards to Shirley Loree, Moirison and Mary Lynn Cayl Rockathon recognition was give Shirley Loree, Patti-Lou Irwin Mary Lynn Cayley and top achi er, Kay Morrison, received engraved spoon. Each girl in group received a chevron' for, year's studies. Mary Lynn Ca was given a donation for attend Cattip Council this summer. Leader Nancy Ritchie and group who have completed t first mission study told meaning of the friendship ba which each received. Highlight the C.G.I.T. Years were given Patti-Lou Irwin, Kim Halden Sandra Henderson and Bre Arnold., The C.G.I.T. girls t sang "Present Tense". Leader Shirley Colwell sr about each graduate and t presented each with a gradua pin and certificate. From women's groups of the diffe churches, each' girl received a from the Lucknow U.C.W. Patti-Lou Irwin and Sandra He erson; from Lucknow Presbyte W.M.S. to Kim Ilaldenby; f South Kinloss ,W.M.S. to Reitknecht; from Lucknow A.0 to Brenda Arnold; from List( Baptist W.M.S. to Barbara Lo Each graduate lit a candle meaningful experiences in C I.T.: camping, friendship, sere others, love, opportunity, purpose for life. The girls repo their Purpose. The service closed with the s Alleluia and a social time provided by ,the ladies of , Lucknow Presbyterian W.M.S invitation to Whitechurch on TV for a thankoffering meeting also to a service of worship foi Graduation of six C.G.I.T. girl Monday, May 9th at 7.30 p.r special collection was taken fo blanket fund. The meeting closed and UT joined units 2 to 3 in the fellov, room where Unit 2 had* char the devotional and program. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Unit 1 and 2 met with unit 3 of Lucknow United Church Women on Tuesday, May 3 for a joint program in the fellowship room. The ladies were seated around tea tables decorated with spring flowers and the head table featured a display of treasured antiques. Some of the ladies wore old fashioned dresSes. Mrs. Allan Johnston welcomed everyone to this meeting planned to take them back to an old fashioned ladies aid meeting. Mrs. Gordon Cayley presided at the piano. Mrs. Johnson ',gave , a reading, "The Women's Mission- ary Meeting". Mrs. Wilfred Drennan introduc- edMrs. Ross Shiells who gave the devotion on the theme "The Good Shepherd". All joined in singing "0 God our help in ages past". Mrs. Wightman read the 23rd l sat -ate--M is s---Lorria—CarripbelL gave prayers. A sing song was led by Mrs. Johnson of all old, favourites, "The Church in the Wildwood", "The Old Time Reli- gion" and "0 That Will be Glory". Miss Ada Webster introduced Mrs. Ronald Forster who gave an humorous reading "The New Minister's Wife". Mrs. Johnson sang . a lovely solo, "Try To Remember". My Remembrances was a collec- tion of antiques, including hooks, dishes, pictures, quilts, etc. Mrs. Kirkland asked each member to speak briefly, telling a little of the history of each article she had on display. The meeting closed with the benediction and lunch was served. Unit 3 met for a short business meeting. Eighteen members answered the roll call with a Bible verse with a flower. There were 2 visitorS. The U.C.W. General Meeting will be on May 24. There was a discussion on the fowl supper and a vote taken. Mrs. Nelson Raynard made plans for catering to a banquet on May 17. The meeting adjourned. A PLETCH ELECTRIC WINGHAM RESIDENTIAL — FARM — INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Phone Collect 357-1583 /