The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-05-11, Page 8DAZZLE HER. WITH A Give Your Loved One A Romance Diamond Engagament Ring For Private Evening Appointments Call 528-3532 or Residence 528-3940 Greens, Top Playoff Series Town and Country Bowling Final bowling for the season resulted in high for the ladies going to Anna Johnstone with single of 179 and double of 342. Harry Lavis had high score for the men with single of 338 and double of 494, this being the highest double of the season. Gooc1, bowling Harry! Games over 200: Harry Lavis 338, Jim McNaughton 264, Walter Dexter 203. Team points: Reds 0, Oranges 5,' Yellows 5, Greens 5, Blues , 0, Violets 0. Playoff standings: Qreens 20. Yellows 16, Oranges 15, Violets 10, Blues 9, Reds 8. Congratulations to Walter Dext- er's Greens on winning the playoffs. and Clark and James Montgomery looked after the PeeWee team. Andy Whitby presented the Pee- Wees with the Goderich Young Canada consolation trophy. The W.O.A.A. Bantam DD championship trophy was present- ed to Steve Simpson who also received the O.M.H.A. finalist trophy. Jean Elliott is the Bantam manager and Greg Hamilton was the coach. Paddy ' Murray accepted the W.O.A.A. Midget DD champion- ship trophy and the Ripley Lions tournament trophy. Al Hamilton ;was manager and Bob Gilchrist ' k. CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 Kinloss Team Held Banquet On April 29th Kinloss Mixed Bowling League held their annual banquet in the Parish Hall with Dorothy Farrish in the chair. After singing grace 49 people sat down to a delicious turkey dinner. Nancy Swan had made fitting place cards for each team, decorated with different kinds of apples. Russel Swan thanked the Angli- can ladies for the wonderful meal and one of the ladies replied. While the tables were cleared Agnes Farrier led in a sing song very capably directed by Lawrence Welk 'the second, Jack Henderson. A short business meeting was held. The same officers from last _Lear were nominated to stay in for another year, and all accepted':` president, Dorothy Farrish; vice president, Nancy Swan; secretary treasurer, 'Gerda de Jong. The treasurer's report was given.' We decided to try and get a few more bowlers for next fall so we can put 4 couples on each team. We will again start bowling on the first Friday in October and hope to be through in the last week of April, starting time'8 p.m.,, Then we came to the most important ,part of the evening, the presentation of the trophies and gifts.. The season's winning team was the Spys with members, Russel and Nancy Swan, Mike and Betty Lou Dalton, Harold Campbell and Jack Henderson. Linda Stanley present- ed the trophies to them. They also will have the name of their team engraved on the big ,trophy, donated by Teeswater' Creamery, when the league started. Harry Lavis presented the seas- on's high average to Gerald Rhody, high, triple to Jelle de Jong and high single to Murray MacKinnon. ' Ladies' season high average was won by Janet Barger, high triple by Gerda de Jong and high single by Beryl Hunter.. Ann MacDougall HIGH SCORER. Eldon Mann presented the Stewart Mann Memorial Trophy to . Randy Alton of the Lucknow Juvenile Hockey Team. The award presented these gifts. Playoff team winners were the Wealthys with members Lloyd and Ann MacDougall, Ralph and Phern- ia Cameron, Hank and Hanna Hartemink, Marj Farrish and Jim Lavis. Evan Keith presented these trophies donated by Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Webb. 'Winning men in 'the, playoffs were high average Harry Lavis, high triple Evan Keith and high" single Fraser MacKinnon. Prizes presented by Gerald Rhody. Janet Barger presented the gifts to the winning ladies in the playoffs with Doris MacKinnon high aver- age, high triple Betty Lou Dalton and high single Gladys Moffat. All winners fittingly replied when receiving their gifts. Our only 300 or over bowler this .year was Murray MacKinnon and goes to the highest 'scorer in Lucknow Minor Hockey system was presented at the hoc banquet Friday evening. Rand' the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ron A of Lucknow. •••••••••••••• he was presented with a pin at gift. Most improved lady of year was .Ruth Conley and n improved man was Russel 'S Both received a pin and a gift. prizes were won by Dorothy Far and Jim Lavis. All league members receive mug with a lot of bowling advice it for next year. Last but not Linda Stanley was presented wi gift for all the help she has give in the past year. As Linda trouble getting the right size every piece of clothing she b we went to a "fits all sizes" g Harry Lavis thanked everyone making it such a nice evenii4 After a game of cards with D MacKinnon and Harry Lavis 1 and Nancy Swan and Jelle de J low, an enjoyable evening cam an end. See you all next fall, ft OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK -.MONDAY TO SATURDAY SCHMID'S EJ WEI= AND OWNERS — W. JOS. AND DEAN E. AGNEW PHONE 528-3532 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PrIritTI OW AIR WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE EIGHT Hockey. Banquet Is Season Windup Event The Lucknow Minor Hockey banquet was staged in the Lucknow Legion Hall on Friday evening and the hall was filled to capaCity for the meal arranged by a committee of team mothers. with assistance from the Recreation Committee. Bill Hunter, chairman of the Recreation Committee. was master of ceremonies for the evening. Following the playing of "God Save The Queen" by Mrs. Tom Pritch- ard. Tony Johnstone led in Grace. Dave Neilson of Gorrie, presid- ent of the Western Ontario Athletic Association, and Mrs. Neilson, attended the banquet and he presented a number of trophies to award winning Lucknow teams. Also present was Andy Whitby of Lucknow, who played professional hockey thiS year with Utica, New York, in the North American Hockey League. Andy assisted in presenting the awards. The W .0. A . A DD Atom champ- ionship trophy was presented to Donnie Peterson. Wayne Jerome and Charlie Murray were manager and coach of the Atoms. The PeeWee runner-up trophy for W.O.A.A. was presented to David Pritchard. Henry and Leon- FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 396-3133 OR 524-8361 KINCARDINE NR SERVICES LIM .11