The Signal, 1930-1-23, Page 1Advertising ie the life of business. If buainees is good, advertising will make it better. If it ie poor, advertising will stimulate it. Al- most invariably the nierchant princes have found their way to success through , advertising. • ional Renewal Time Renewal subsc•riptionN to The Signal are venting'in fast, and the 1980 calen- dars are going out fast. As the supply of calendars is limited, we would ask those who desire one to send in their renewal prompt le. 1411;11'1'1' THIRD YEAR. NO. 4. COUNCIL HURRIES GODERICH AND CLINTON TEAMS WIN ONE EACH THROUGH BUSINESS TO SEE HOCKEY GAME Mayor Rules that Reeve Turner Cannot Vote on Wellington Street Sidewalk Motions In order that the mculbe r. might attend the hockey match, the meeting of the town council un Friday evening was held at 7 o'clock. l'ousidenble bta►lneaa was transacted, told adjourn- ment was reached at a few minutes atter 8. All the members were present. A bit of a anag was struck in regard to the adoption of the minutes of previous meetings. The minutes of the Two Good Games of Basketball at G. C. 1. Gymnasium The drat Lome basketball games of the Huror Atbletic Association were played at the Collegiate gymnasium on Monday night last, when the Clin- ton girls' and boys' teams played here. The spectators were not disappointed If they expected real fast basketball. In the girls' game the visitors had the better of the play throughout. the final score being 47 to 20 in their favor. The Clinton players were very accurate In scoring and during the early part of the game took a long lead. The latter part of the game was more even. The G. C. I. teas was composed of Evelyn Dean, centre; Marjorie Hetherington and Madeline Acheson, forwards; Jessie MacKay, (Tete Watson and Margaret Grevee, Inaugural meeting of 18att were adopt- guards; Dorothy Allen and Madeline g R p Naftel, subetitutes. Misa Lawson, of ed, Councillor Humber voting "tiny." l'llnton, was referee. The clerk then read the minutes of The boys' game was one of the the last regular meeting of 1928 and fastest ever played totally and had of two speciet meetings of lust years some really exciting moments. The council, at one of whlth Om Demon- teams were very evenly matl•lesi and ber 28) It wets decided to enter un the winning spirit prevailed through - appeal against the det•Islon of Judge out the game, which ended with u Lewis In the Wellhtgton street side- score of 29-26 In favor of Galerirh walk ease. When ('oundllors Bailie and Wor- sen moved for the adoption of the minutes of the De-elnlx•r 7s meeting, Reeve Turner moved I. *mel luie:it that they be not adopted. ' Councillor Hallie Iminediately raised the. questioa, as to whether a {tenon Interested ha the matter .au Issue could vote on Abe motion. , -certainly riot." was the Mayor's Ken. limiter. Ambrose lu11No►pe. and pre a uu Mtss Isatx•1 Itlsset aur t 11•e t-- ]tlrs / ladss Clinton players had speed ant rveuirig [herethey reassembled It the The ix completed, us far us it had Leen de- coml.lnalluu, with Remelt at centre GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1930 'rill: SII;V-\l. l'l(INTINe; (11 I,IMIFL 1), I'ubitshera The News of the Town County Council Next Week The county council meets next Tuesday afternoon for the first ses- sion of the year. The Wurden's chair good this year to a Conaet'vative, and Reeve Baeker of Brussels, one of the veterans of the cotlneil, is the prob- able choke of the caucus. 8t1d1 Above Zero The weather man has been banding ns • steady mfdwleter weather. The temperature wits nearing zero at the week -end and a raw wind made it seem PERSONAL MENTION Heglstratlu.. of/ truths deaths and •ry 20th, In the pariah hull. At Y µw., ma r VESTRY MEETING OF ' ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH J. CONNOLLY AGAIN APPOINTED TO HEAD One of Ihr hent 1 ears in the (lister) • of the Church Resiewed FALL FAIR BOARD Mire- unwed eeugregatlonal and vestry meeting of St. Ge,rge:I church Vital Statistics was held tin Monday evening, Jxuu September 17th and 18th Chosen riages at the town hull during the the rector, Rrv. J. N• 1i• Mills. took as Datee for Two -Day Fair Thie Year Mr. J. M.Beattie spent the week- I {ai t year, as compared with 19:,'4, the chair, and _after devotional -exer- cise, at Isle LOM at tlVltagham. were us follows: cases culled a{ou the meeting of the • • • 1920 19_'8 congregation to uomlhate lay dele- BtrtIi. 7$ gates and tbelr aubntitute: to the an- nual Synod, pointing out the. very int- Deaths •35 portant office that they were being • • • palled upon to 811. The foll.rwlug were elected as the'lay delegates to Synod: Messrs. J. S. Platt, A. F. Sturdy and E. D. Brown, while Messrs. 11. Black- etuuP, G. .L. !'arsons and T. Crawford were elected their substitutes. The cougregutioual meeting was then closed, and the aunuul )estry of the church opened. One of the beat reports that have the winter so tar was made on the several days in town the past week. Harris. The music for dancing was betel presented in wady apses :vas previous Saturday, the, ll th, 'when the guest of Miss Washington, East furnished by the Schrutu-Farrlsh or. aubmluel by tIM preY,ple's R'xtxlen, Mr. 2 degrees abu",•e was registered. street. ehestra. The Club Intends hukliug E. D. Brown. The Dlocesau mlaslon • • • souther similar event on March 17th.• apportionment was paid again in full. ' • T0bonanirgf PrtY Mr. Don. Gro) lett this week in and the congregation raised $5336.21 About forty members of St George's oom{,any with s,- tr:tl }snug meta from for lav! supper! besides reducing Bible (loos met at the parish hall on 1Maitlarld Galt Club Annuli the mortgage 41uxrhe perish hall $ KH8t 'Lnrlch on a rotor trip to Miami, The afu1ual meeting of ,the Malt - Tuesday evening last, null weut down Florl to through the work ltof the Church laud Golf Club was held Thursdn. to the Maitland Golf Cluli h1i1'for a • • • - st. 'h• tr••asur•r'r resat R'umau's Guild. The impnwemeut Miss Lillian McDonald; of Detroit, showed the Club t6 be lit a flourishing• Mr: Jos. •Lynn, of lletrolt, was a retest visitor at the home of Mrs. Jane Lynn. 78 57 30 Mr. George Beattie. of Wlughum, Is visiting his brother, Mr. J M. Matt - tie, of the C. 1'. R• office. • • • Homing Pigeon Club Vuehne The (loderich Homing Pigeon Club held a successful euchre and dunce in the Oddtellows' Hall on Tuesday night. Mr. Jack Patterson has returned There was a large attendance. The colder than It really wab. J. E. Mulch, from Brantford, where he was elelt• winners at cards were: Lady's first, the offletal observer, reports tl above. fag his sisters and other relatives, • Mrs. E. Craig; lady's consolation, Mrs. on Saturday ,Mst, the coldest dip of • • • Mamie Sutcliffe; gentleman's first, B. the past wank. The lowest record of Mr- Jack I'urves, of Sarnia. sliest Chambers; gentleman's consolation, E. l fine tobogganing party. After an enjoyable 1 1terll. cell Ill '1 l l.. t 1 and de'uratiull of the clitarr ti had INY•11 la visiting her aunt, Miss Anna B. M at • 1,1 in the f'lub's history'. Officers were lavish bath w'hrrr refreshment,' of ii: the .e year 1'r10 wits the "t cidcd to undertake it for the present, the picot and star player. For GodrS- I II cker and coffee Donald!. who is seems ly ill \1 d sin min' •. a sir ith Knetedtaw was the titer at guar • but soups ro s, era s , ands huspltal. 9, elected as follows: President. ('• them h Mr. • '� and upon this $:41011 had been spent. r, y In this work. all Dbligatious will le. Iter u k .,. , u Quigley, thief , nt roes r of IAe t le Ire » tlellt 1 It 1 ader. n tli.rlwrgt.•d ihta cuwtug yr•ur, when all el i•1• tie Inc: while Chas. Nuftel and Hie. New- had been {trepan cower divided ..•. hon• approximate') aitso left on hand 1.. - ors elan hour was c lent. Mr. G. It. 11xc- - secretary -treasurer. ( The Galerlcl team was as follows: 1 >t inR the W. T. Reed of Detroit, visit«I • dire•tor*• l' \ Reid, G. L. Parsons Chas- Nutlet. centre; John: iCtnesbatc les and Mr. R.rb•rt fleury stip{ 7 Ina sister, Mrs. ltow1••r, at the lino' 11. C. Winton'+, J. It. ltiymolds, W. A. and Fr tik Savirge, guards; neg. New- the rir. All went home after a very of Mr. J. s. lkdfunl. ward lir renovation of 'the reeler), pN.bit 'baLuor evening, 'ex ging their a. p• • • •• Coulthuret• Tale 1tt-Id l anon vi dire able! wore.• was referred for cYn)sider- eumbr and \'Ic. EIIIutt, furwarlsr hal•D)' expressing nrr dunce will be held Februnr) 21st • f non to the newly- elected and ap The annual meeting of the Gedetick Agricultural Society was held in the council chamber at the towu hall 0a Tuesday afternoon and was fairly well attended. The president. Mr. Jatnt•s Connolly, was In the chair. The flnuucfal statement prescntrd by I)r. W. 1''. Clark, secretary -tread urer, gave the following figures: It110EIl'T8 Gorerllillr/nt grant $ 206•Ir0 County grant 100.110 (;oderlch town grant 150,00 Goderlch township grant 25.00 Colborne township grant 25.08 Gate re•elpte 901.75 Grandstand receipts 78.00 Tickets sold to rural schools 27.86 Midway 2000 'Cecelpt% from water' 119.115 Iteelir(s from baths 115,59 I lona) Ions 100.30 Members' tickets 02.00 625 . s. 1 prize Its 26.00 .\ I 11 t L 1 Memberships for 11110 nl►.f>b 13.00 80411 hes Rule entries . 1 tl D1 those ■ charge: ,e-ix-tnafning pifnt,f select sestry. SeG•rli gifts r8.. M. A. li. pre, , n •-�tt tlemera 1 n1ing 15111 Barrios, -ft rout Reeve Turner heti that he wua ell' Finer, of Clinton, was the referee. Shore, social convener, and Mt•s+rs. a few Jays at the hotnr of her lmrrnts, sera '' r " • 1s ti titled to vote. not -being financially In- 1'hr ue1<t gases in GattpgieIt will be Fred and F'nank Bowrn, In cluargr off Mr. and Mrs. Charles !fisc! (lit \\'tvlue-d,l) worullt .l the ruri.ol• trt' ,IIs, including. tic terestwl In for mutter. on Monde). .February when the,tolsrgmau+. i • • • :. u'eleo•:, 1 h fire Aerie suwnuontvf the landing of fife jelurneel anti s:au••ne- ,:1__ j' brigade to the harbor, Where :1 • fir.• The Mayo. said he ii a 1 , illtehrll learns w111 he hero. n -p 1 - 'C` ti' uy iu.pu.rtrreuJ oak dry• the, 1a.P..\. ob ala allele•, ou tv0 be to std sett Collrmiat. ('onlrslants te►r N. ('. famernn IRize wcr•k itttrudltny; 'tl:e ine•tlum of San t rI bl It l' rli uo ata ry nu 1 l I It pat For sea•ia ei s Life Assnran)e Ctatil•4uy ro rrc+r11l.c p ori also. 1 Katd, was +tgaunst tlt� rompx•t1Hnu fe r the JI. tum 1 engd.gres had Pude:Ivnrer. Lt._ put t'lul', rh:un-.•1 ,:Ip e•u !into tee sun. 1� SlandinR tires heli! at • the Ilusal York hate!- - Iltrt•e � vuting'lu ttxr exi-tins ric.. 1 BOTS. titteli.• •prize at 1)neett's I"nlarniti• ttM'flre uut. bat frnting ,t w•riuu, dn) s,•had. cha{!t•1 Arurrs farm )Ic stances. given by the late Hon• M• 1'. Cauucnon . outhn•ak /lh')' snuuuoncY{ for lawn Iles•kin. null weworful buplistry iu k -that .he was WItt lwrsl!,,f Goderfeh, students 0f'the 1'niver, \Iasotuc Trmltlr Aasoriation) Officers brigade,: uu urrrii• :.I :i the •cone ti.,• weu,en•of the late,!). 11 l':.r.y and -'fire Rrtare Aetd t.► c , t hiss Galerleh l'. 1 ..... .........- It ity s.vruiuml)' hat ing little interest lit 'Fli.• an111 11 meeting of the 4 tlerie•ll I•ireulru lnfil n�liue ; .( lox• end axoli his I tie' tciA•, w'hh Iry 5re Darr aro; nutvol drbal-trtl. alt.! ,In•i t«I Int (•l tttaM-.e. 1. 1 1 Maseuk• Tem rle As•+tx•lation was' h.•td ,•„afro!. Not mm41 t • ordtd when a vole i the ancient lant;aa;e- Thi 1 Jule; tN,g- I h+ul the ftre m,d•'r alsrSt tI a Imprml•ueeuis n.adr hy' the vote aken. x ret itebell' H b• H mil+ ukrm. • i Ilrp ty Itt•eve Cralgie said he. Wend 1 3eafurtli ('- 1. move the amendment I. place tit they Rteve. Tlw Ma ,r, however. ruled' tis• amendmennt rrut of order. ,.('llhWu ('. 1. The motion to adopt the mlintesi G.alericlt t'• 1• 1 1 1 ken tae TI s u r Mr H It L.ue• 0115 a1 �ro�h. 1 trouble to he.,an B k 1N !:.'I hroceu nut ire 1111' call hopper 11 h•.'II'1'Ir se:uul from thr.I'bun•h N'om se s•ru n - a ;. , ,w (heir r u ru.: 'Y. I ) tie there w t� u0 1• a C 1' It caul+• The C.. 1': It" ,.,•. I:1111.1 1.1111011 steps froth the Mee lilt g act lc111 y C earl ,•ver there are two rnudidntes for the in Obi• Marunie ltaige ro«iuf +6 ytondttt ,}:twuge mos done, .nilly x fiew• hoard- •uugr ;mien- After r,- 'it it,g the re I. 1• was tbetl'p►►t and wit, declared ear-! Mitchell H. ti t 1 Th • Reeve. •$eaf rtb C. 1 prize, \iiss'-`Katherine Mc1Aod and "toting. Offlcc•rs for t 1 cep ' -$7,-11111.1t1 :11M.46 • $2529 77 EX 'I Nlll'I'i1 ES lona). or'Pe.f-raft .. • • w 119.:12 Inc.:intoniey paid 770.15 l•riz.•s for • raves •2.33.Iln. \le•n,hershlp fern retained CAM° Attra•iion.. :t86A0 Band . • • 1(7•tl0 Printing awl :I.1scrtishttt ~... :?5..10 Water anti light lomtni<+pun . • IWIN1 4 1pw•rti IIon..• 2tiaIK1 111 end ing ex p•nw•s 144.:0 Ilid .aevou�tts paid 210. s2 interest can overdraft A stump. - 7.29 Se•r.gnry•trealarer. salary 1W.110 1 Ice, ensu n, riilont tlw l'.ilw•r 1. -inn h rued• porta of the ve rion>'. erg:nil r-rt(lens of GIBEIli-- Fault Fergieton' Both of the )r,tr erre elected ad 10110µ1,1; Ibe church. a 101 were 1111 found 10 W011 b.-1 young ladles cutter' from 'Muxvllle dent, A: 1-• ('Dir: vk•e•presidlttt, 01. 11.E The New "Ilii Mill" lit int- be in at lased 1.Yfltliy • tonal! ion. lie. it i;len torr) ruoritc, wt. -rt- the Gaclp,. IricnIan; serretary, Get. 1'. I;uald• \a prt•viunJy reported in those e11 t.le,ti.•mtesrkl,lt4e. I 1 , jurgfn.• is dill! heard. Miss. NIel.e•s1 i. The rrelori w presented showed that nein•. t'ast Imt..rtrelli••�ts ere Ia•lt2 llr E D. moan was tle•ted people's! I 1 the dnuelder of the pats► Bev. 4:Li to the year'1fr,t had been it very sw,r0''•• Made at the plant of the Nesterar'Cirn•' warden. null for rector appolntvl Mr. • n 2 Mei4',sl, 0 ' graduate' id E,linburah fol one. ndn Flunr Mills at the barber. Thi• G. t.: 1'ar-ou- as rectors warden The Med on a show of hands. • ti work .fit. iu,Itllie;t the n,•tv power e, -try -'•Il' tai 11, itlack'toor, J R 1 I' m dllerl - University and to minister of the I 4 44 i•r and' • • g 'v"w.ktin lit'• ite,r''Fnih 1 On 1r11^ w1 1 the Deputy .wee nn, a is ft iql Wilson-flew/sr • laint•1, well :Durno -ed. 1:. Leonard A Moser asked that "th••Ir votes he re -1, kriedi•0 Q jeer, 4ego til l'rerb terlaq Church in `amadu, nod 1 l'la1- lt' C. '!lays, "jr.4 .I. A. t;rubnw, +• o r11nt Bamberrout o s•rm:u.eut el. A grief wcrldiu totik p.a.e at ...n.a London, phD have 1ticcontract•`A. F'• sturdy and T. er,nvfor,t• ID tort• p,rded nal." t 11n 1 The appoint 1 { the. , dominion elections t'i,ther int the hotme. Miss Primus,.- North street Ill._,. ... 1-h p:u•su''1.1 triere erected the• 114+4 Uf the 1' 11 s,•Icct ve-try, and the refer xp.ot,s., sold that as he ens not ',restart -ata tion offerers for I he would not -rom, Ottawa. Alex, I'urt- else learns deal [ Gaelic' 0t' Tuesday afternon Iauunn "1+f bril.•r, and the first Itfllls and Mtir- 1 for. M rill Messes C F Chapman me'lheg • in yuesto a . Is 'announced ke the older when Evelyn .lean. •.or/1y dnuglier o. canna eumine, \D, sl.N, has been lit n e;rocrs, C. 1 . Loy,. (.. Ntllhanr, th • f [Wren. and people. mid, liking the langnnce, tins Mr. and Mrs. l;es rge 4'uwlei tit Salt- stalled and Is In 'opseratiou. The plant .1,1,1 .1. 4.. Carie a' his appdnt1011 1-; S u good ea D y .v as 1• - .. . • - I vP is t'uuoed as r' item hearing It spoken by vote . rfleld of Ik-lgra This little nwttrr ,,It of t Inrnlrg uffGrr for North u he council got dawn to business.: h. F. Mc-;rrgir, of. heaforth, for no id a.:;tndy of it. ford. was unittYl In nrtrrLlge to yds lin' 1s•.•u .1,ept In up•r 111. with eery to the vesiet., Mr, I. Ir. Estrum was' way, t of Maitland iemrtery1 south Huron. These appointments du ------ --- \Ilfin Thomas Wilson. ...II lir. and little 1.•-t time since Ib,, work ."mf apis•inesi treasurer. Messrs. F. The sexton r -.toren bit.•rmc•#t i In they Cant weiau that 1111 ele-tI n la in immel- Victoria Home and School (lob Il,n Joules A. Wilson of IJi-tl1 14 meuo el Inst . ramme•r. There i a W. ' •'Ie ltIil 11 aur It. C. Wlutt.•ttry rep reed December, making 11 1410x1 bate •cos set, but ore made fu atYonl. The regular meeting u[ \irtorna Sec. C. F. Clarke 'perfuruxvl the amount of work art to be done and were eletepl auditors for the coming, Month . f Ilene .I I -. interments for the year. IIINY` with legislation enacted at the Idolua• and• Since! I duh was held In ceremony. The young caapi were alt- it will tw• some time before the tom- year. Mr. R. 1.'. Gays was elected of defy 1x circular of tic• untariro Gcxxi! last tna•sslon of the (Ottawa Hatsr.• the kindergarten room of Yleturha attended. After the eeremoary Owl plate . installation of machleen told cerlry' clerk, tnul )1 r. If. I;. IG•ynohb. A schuul Du Thursday last, the president. left o0 0 • h.neeyneem trio of the Roads Aans•lation, requesting pay { ether Improvements tire efferteL thnirmnu of sklrstm•n, •with Mtwsra. went of the membership fee of $15.1 New S. A. Officers )urs- Polities in the chair. Se'retary's 1'. N. 1t. to Toronto. Buffalo :and Milt lustpol 1Irophey and E. A. 1'ideoi UC and inviting delegates to attend the Capt. Billings has •nrrlcer{ h. take and Ir•easur••r's reports were rend and er points. On their return, they will Cutting let at the Harbor assfetnuta. annual meeting at e'4 1' February char 41f the Is n1 Snle'ntfur. Ar ttiern•crd by the menvb.•rs. Mach (Ted- reside in Guderk•la. doe cutting operations- rntttnrs xtrre crm- eistt•s „f thank+ ser.• pas -rd Ii all y it teas given Mrs. Shore and Mr Dear. uu•ncrd at the harbor nn 'fursday Ii ge orgaulztatluus Cor their assistance dur- 26, 27 and 28,. ens referred to the, „reps. Though her home 1. aF Kings- p for their splendid welfare work dnr- CHURLS NOTES preparation for the moving of the Mg the yeaar• maid to Mr. Moog.. Wil- ublbe works committee. tun, l'rpf. Billings has spent the last Thc circular of the Oniorin llunlcl Iwo years In Army work in Nota Ing the {Suet acne. Jin+. Itedditt, the grain freighter- In order thus the, hams and Mr. F. N. Noolitomb• for sscclatlon, whose membership f•e' ant, Mar Scott is cxprected' first presidint of fthe Club, W11. au . 1 t u till uflotlt hail I I 1 A Scotia. LI y to arrive shortly from to - - Taylor, another lwtst president.relt• th partial cle- - winter storage cargoes s • the lssl-tnuee they ur. r.•ue ere . ar- o t re ntbnwl mretiu • - err unloaded at the elevators s a : s nudHor In nest o the meeting. Mrs. be *notal c n R B t, ma) T }1 125. was sent to t he finance tem - to Thetford Interest g g fug 1 1 t uL of Knox church will be held Wed •\loot twenty men under the tu{s•r- ,and a 4eV i tr•nsaa ye r:t* ntivel• • ' $2.129.77 '.is was pointed ort by the •erre• fttr)'•tteasnrer, these figurer, ;honed that. eliminating IM. uverdeifl ,,ti,..1 forward' fr the invasion- y••nr, $l:rfl-:{2. find the old amounts 'some of which had run for eventl yeari•5 paid. nmiunting to $9111.1,2, the 11P({cit on 111e. gn-rtati,.fiw of if _,1 -wit- only 5.4.32. Iii view of 11o• cult weather which hail all unfavorable effect upon the tatttrnhan.r, ibis was i-nir alter/YI it 6tirl' saf:fnctury showbiz 1t war State) Ilat • all the outstanding rnunts had uuw Iwi•li .141tltd and that the , debit balance of $394.46 etwer.s1 all the• liabilities of the Society. Anong the eimanunlcatlon' present- ed to the meeting wes one from the Gtalerich branch of the Women's In- stlttte. offering to ■!vest the Society in any way poaslhle during the com- ing year. The offer was acknowledged by a hearty vote of thanks. A cute of thanks! was als., !onset 10 the mentor,. Meesrc, 11. It Long and G. W. Hultnnu, for their services. n the torn past years" i Mr. 1'.!pnnlly th:ufkel the members , aailtee. astiht her. Owing to e 1 t' 'of the Ionto uud tethers who bail The tax notice of the towrmblp 01 strucliou hr fire et the .\rmy dtadc•I, de - 0110 was present and gave many help- ncsday. February 12th. vision of ('apt. Ilaarold. Itudson, of - frons which oilier•, they are now re- I on the ll. \\'. rut -suggestions. Principal Stonehonsc The seeker et \'ktuda etre•t Midland. are engaged tinting tit' given thele n.isfxncr and. cr+gN•ra 8. It rue, levying $10.98 the officers are making their head• tiring- Every liability smelt's, tbe op- flan In eirry big on the work of the Railway property, was referral hr' s Mrs• J• Snxzel's home. preside! for the election 0f officers, 1'uftet Church next 8unduy' will be Ire, which la dao• mostly with .toss- ,.anion of the rlrnrh had horn dIs- K Iia 7 Pr PP !quarters at mew._ during the {oast year, and the council by Thos. Stothers, trusts•. \ewgate street, where they will bold and was referred by the council to the mitotic meetings each Tuesday' and finance committee. Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Sunday A rommuel,'stPnn from the Donnie stings will be held In the rear prr- lob Rand Machinery (tr. notified the tion of the citadel on Waterloo street, council of the •maturing of a bond the Salida)• school at 2 o'clock p.m. for $3075.06 which the Company was awl evening service ■t 7 p -m• unable to pay in full at the present time. The town was asked to take up the bond, repayment with Interest tired tin $2,400 that load already been given to Mr • Campbell and 1M said there were other men who had served the town for many years who did not get n pension. Councillor Bailie took up the cud- gels In defence of the rteommenda- tlon• which he said was only dealing fairly with a man who had given good service to the town for many years and was now In his ninety- sixth year. Mr. Balite read a clause in the Municipal Act as amended In 1920 ander which a man who had served the town for twenty years was entitled to an allowance on retiring. Councillor Humber pointed ort that the word!' In the Municipal Aet relating t0 the pn)ing of an allow- Wore w'as "may," not "shall." A vote wax taken and resulted in fi tie: For the report-t'rnft, It Me. • being pronrlaed by the Company as follows: $1,075.05 when bond 1+ pre- sented; $1,000 June 15th, and $1,000 with interest September lat. On motion of Councillor Humber, seconded by Councillor Moser, the Company's request was granted. The 'Dominion Sugar Co., Limited. of Chatham, Submitted au agreement for tbe storing of sugar in the town freight she!, it 3c per cwt- Thla was referred to the water, light and har- bor committee. A communication from the Ontario ltnnielpel Board notified the council that bylaw No. 30 of 1929, authoriz- ing the inane of debentir•s for 020,- 000 for addltinne to the town's power plant, had been approved by the Ioard• The finance committee was empow- ered to I h bonds Which resulted as follows: Hon• pres- conducted by the pastor. Rev. G. Butt. int saws. A channel has keen eat h,trged• sad 0 balance left In the ident, Mrs. Palmer; president, Mrs. sermon aubj.s•ts: morning, The Two In the Ire from the sontb Ode it ,the bunk of "$4:0.3:., and asset,. 0u hand, Chas. Robertson; Ist 'vice-I•residerit, suns;" evenlug, -Stewardship of Llfe•" harbor to the north side, where the sono, its fuel, etc., aurounting to Mrs. C. l't'tt; 2nd'cke-prtxident, Mr-. The services at Knox church next' fee will to .nrrled' over the river //043.11,5. There were between eighty D. Sproul; secretary, Mrs. Duckworth; Sunday will be.,condux'ted by the' breakwater by meat's 41f It conveyor and t'fuety member' or the eongrega- asakitantsecretary, Mrs. D. M- Monday: minister, Rev. "R. C. McDermid• Ser- and dumped Into the river. It will tionand prawns The rector clow! the treasurer, Mrs• F. Miller; pianist. lir. mon sntojeo•ts: morning, "The Prove- Is• several days yet before- the vex- meeting with the ttenedktlun. 1). I)• Major; aealstant, Mies Tolley; dente of God;" evening '•Losses • and sols will be nhle to be moved about. _--_-__ convenor of refreshment committee, Gaines," Sabbath school and Bible ! It's a Dattldy Arthur Circle Banquet ;\ London, Int., snbcc•riler to The On Monday evening the Arthur sigma Circle of Knox Churl. held their regular monthly meeting• which wax preceded. by a banquet given by two' of the groups. About seventy members were present, also the presidents of he Women's Missionary and the Lad- es' Ald Societies and the pastor, Rev. ft- 1'. M 'Ikarmld. After several short addre,wes the meeting proeeeckvl as visite!, Mrs. Robert Bisset, vice-president of tie group, toeing in the chair. Paper' were read M• Mre..1. M'Mehen and Mrs. .1. Thomson,. and the musical numbers ceontfcted of a aid° by Mrs. McKay. n trio by Mrs. W. Itisoet, Mrs. N. Baker and mks M. Wlt.on, and a duet by Jnr.. t'. Dunlop and Miss Nairn. At the a-10se of the meeting, Mrs. hunl0p ens presented with a sliver panther and a bmgtiet of flowers. in recognition of her ennoble leadership and the esteem In which she Is held \tntrenl, where they will make their 11) the n1-tnbers of the'Arlhur Clrelr' home. Thr held,. la Emily 1"Itnbc'1. ,4,1,I,l,t of Mr. and llrs. Mrs. Worthy; program committee, • Inoses at 3 p.m. Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. Palmi.' . Mimi At the Baptist church next Sunday Hume and Mr. Major ; welfare ' m. the pastor, Rev• W. T. Runt, will Milt, atm [Nair and helpers. The preach, morning and evening. tier - next me.•ting of the Club will be the mon euhje'ts: 11 a.m., -The Ditty and annual "birthday party," to be held Illeesings of I'ublic Warship:" 7 p.m., February 21st, at S o'clock. Everybody "The Widow's 011 Increased." At the welcome• morning service certificates for church t91 attendance during the year 19 will 1 Large Audience Hears Fine Program be presented to the young member, .lit Monday evening n record audl- Sof the congregation. en.e attended the lecture -recital ``Iver At the morning and eceniug services In the Sunday school room of . orth street United church under the aus- pices of the Young People's Society of the church. Credit for the large attendance may be given to Mr, Frank- lin Moore, soloist'on account of the very favorable Impression he made by his singing at the Sunday ler- floes. and to Mr. Douglas Campbell. announced as the speaker of the even - at North street United church last Sunday the choir was 'violated by Mr. I Franklin Moore, of North Bay. Mr. Moore sang two delightful tenor Sotos, "The King of Love My Shepherd is," and "I See Him Everywhere." At the evening service he took the ?tole part in the anthem "Seek Ye the IAord," For this number hr Sang from the gaiter) with 'p!et'did effect• sgne the at North street l'nited A communication from the le.rne jCursell, Craig's,. ARnlnst the re rt-- Ing. • y l Fire Engine Co., with resold! 10 pine- -Turner, Moser, McLain. 'Hum! 11. Mr.Canthi e1[febegan if mt ole fewlc th lowchurch 1neptS unyde`''s � ll be as fol- ing chains on the new ladder truck, Mayor MncF;wun broke the tie y marks Chat- was referred to the fire committee. voting for the report, which was then Iutlit'Ilhlals 11114 nations. and strength. topic. "Should a man always 1M 'G- enet his remarks with quotations on lowed to learn that which hr b•li.•t•ew from such to trodneed Engineering k Equipment Co., ('tt' ,\ motion for toe opisoltttttl)uw111,t musk.sat d• notiosleetnbranditNaprlein He W.bl'.timer-to :b.\Iilnsi..ii 1t ml•y met Mr. $ Cast- rom$aBtee to wait upon the bier. and the Clinton.wino referents, fer nee a Commission with regard to' then l's"ed on to (,lie music of var- class me•tiag. 3 p•m., church shad: prlag Co., 911re , with mnehener! to the 0,n ly 'hese 0f mnehlnery from a rvntdwny to the north side of the inns antlers, pointing out, ns the pro• W•rmot topd 7 ics- mural u�ub!ic Fnu rooAneh the 'tow! pnngram proceeded. the distinellve fent n p p i'n 'town. weer sent t0 the slNr1111 harbor mus referee! to the puhllc works commlttce. new of the carionv ty{rt•s of mush, in ort:" evening. "The F`rlert(Iship of committer. Mee reorinelmindcvl The twitter of placing public MOW Assisting IIn tett Ir o rrgtln� re Miss Ila The annualild soul ,rmtetlig of the F:xeelslur The rtnnne• tnmm that J. if. 1(5 collector le re-nppolntwl ftp Insurance on the ;vminittteetk was Hume with a strprnm, olo. Ian 1:ray.' Bible class of North street I oiled Ibee'vor and collector of taxes. at referred to the fir value salary a4 11141 year, and that councillors Bank, and Humber i*1te annrtPttn instrumental sola appro,o Tiurh was Patem ntJtthe porshkh, (et, the t2m. f ami hl Il IM rP-ap{Nllntel edvlg- nova! that a dPpntntlm b• w 1 Ilttaw•a to interview the 11otPrtlmeut r1*te sPletions were she rendered .,o fivers for the year 1930 were rier'ted. regnr.Hng farther harbor Iml•rnvP• an excellent vletrola, Its follows; Ilonntnry president. Mrs. ' The prinel}reI •ssiating artlet wits W. Hort': presldt•nt. Mrs. R. Stone - Bent Tits ens carried, the me;nlwnof the deputation to he Hamel loiter.Mr• Franklin Moore, tenor soloist of house: vice-president, Mrs. S. Cade; A communication from W. T. King North Bey, who tl.•1lgbbtid its andtem'e w'eretary, Mrs: H. J. lk.ward; tree.: intllnating his reel/nation from the with the ease of. its singing. his rarer, L Flick; librarian, T..\ndef-'on: fire brigade was sent to the fire naturally benntlfnl 4yrlc terror voice. teacher, Rer. C. F. Clarke; aw•lsfent elslhmtttee. and his plensing texpreaeton and ton- teacher, E. Stonehouse: convenor of net. Perhaps bls most popular ma- tters were "Smllln' Thrn," "Waters Of Minnetonka," and /"Cele Moon,"' al- though his Minting throughcmt was received with saclWpproeSatlnn that be was called on t add two numbers after the conclusion of the program. Congratalata dux the Young Peopie'e Society, Mr. !Moore as sol - oust and td Mr. atgpbell for a 7te- gram M ,norma ,of melt cry assessor and colleeor 0f tate', aloe, at the same silery asMat year. The committee reported p Rrex arrangements with the Rank of Mon- treal for handling the town acenant. Meting that the matter of 11 '.tetter tate than the present one e of 51,1h pter was beteg token heed office. The committee recommend- ed the passhlg of • bylaw providing POW • credit of M0.001 for current a - Weak K Ooaeelllor Humber as conalder•d elan** by elms.• oppealtloe developed to 1M re-appn{ntawat bf Mr. Campbell advtaary ••wiser. Qaesettlnr Maher suggsatod that •n.nly to the old The sante committee was usktd 10 arrange for tbe Inspection of the new motor ladder truck before delivery from the factory. 24taw No. 8e, authorising the bor- mwtng of runny to met enrrent es- penaPt; Nn 7• sippointing inting Wm. Camp 1re11 , IHaory assiewor and tnlle'tor 01' No. 8, appointing J. }low act assessor and col for of tax wow ted and adopted. - vacated the chair. intimating his de- sire o-sire t0 retire from the office Dr pres- olent. The meeting. however, made It plain that hit retention of the ',resident•. was strongly desired, and, a motion tuns patiel unanimously re- electing him. Mr. Connolly res.ume. the ,'hair amidst applause and the election of eMeers and directors was procedel with, the results being an follows "1 want to thank you for the cal- Officers and Directors ent.u'. It Is a dandy. The month be-. 1'trwld+•nt--lams•. Cohtolly, hied and the month ahead Is sit very First , t•k,-president •- Wni. Mrs. convenient." Green• a Segund Flee -president 4:ee, F., Gould• 1Mrec•turs--41. 1'. F.dwrly(I. E. Groves, 1;4.0. 4). Sturdy, I1. 1_ Salkeld, thigh Iii11, Herb. Morris. C. A. Robertson, M.l'.I'., Fordyce ('lark, J. W. Cralgie, Geo. Andrews, J. J. Moser, I. I. Knox, W. 11• Robertson, G. W Schaefer, Wm. !look, Thos,' howler, J. 11. Reynolds, Wm. Rollie. S. D. Croft. ',tidy ollrec•tors-- Mrs. J. 1'. Stewart, Mrs, J. S. llowrie, Miss 14. Farrisb, Mrs. 1\'. Doak, Mrs. W. Green, Mtge M. E.• Salkeld, Mrs. Jas. Connolly, Mrs. M. Swanson, Mrs. Tremtday, Max A. 1,. Maxwell, MIs'. Noble. Honorary 41reetors--Tltc... 4:nndry, E. 11. t1'Igle, J. 11• Edward, J. W Salkeld, W: T. Murrey. .\nlitnrs- 11• It. Long and G W. lulmntt. Standing Committees F'inaue• --8. O. Croft Lien. E. 1t. Wish., .1. 11'. 4 i-slgle Printing and .Advertising- -1. 1. Knox, I:. W. Sclmefer, .I. 11. Reynnlde. Attractions and Progrnm---.W. •H. Robertson. I. l..• Knox, 51 ,., Mas. Investigating Baby's Death An Inquest i. Is1ng held' lit., the (tenth er a nee hem baby In Goderich township. •\ silting of the coroner's Jury Ins been called for next Monday night at the IDwn hall, but 1t 14 under• stud there will likely be an adjourn- ment for !mother week. hr. A. (. Hinter is the coroner. Married and Away Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox. whose welding took pater gnletl) at St• Peter's church 'on 'Fertile) morning. left the satnc morning by 1'. N. 1t• 1rein 011 n trip to ISntfnlu, New York and Cleveland Ic'fore pto.reding •to INtilrlet Orange LedR '1'honms Griffin of town. and the The nnrnnnl meeting of the l:.wlerlel , rI4. mrsin i n furra'r resident DI' 1)l iril•1 Lniltl mange 1e.dge 'a'e- „w n, bat i1.� lode emm�rrd for 'evrrni held In the ttnll of 1.11.1.. Nn, 14 yo ears tint the 4:e,rer.mt•rtt dredge Ie1•re. 4;.I.-ri••I bowmMto, oh Tnesda)'. .1.110I „r the 1,1"t few years Ice bas leen Miry 14, h• n1 2 "'Xs k..Distr. •t \In mpl0yed lit rettn.rl,on with dr •IK I t Wor. inn.. Millon 1\'o,sls a•-eph'•1 ium npw•natltius In the \Innh',:11 di ?Minot; 1 II f retrrshment enmmlttee, Mrs. F• Tar1P;l convenors of devotional committee, W.I Meir, T. .1nderson ; convenor of mem- bership conimitte, Mrs. 1:. Shear - down ; convenor of mMralonary commit- tee, Mr*, D. D• Gray'• The reports presentee showed' that 1925 had been a very snceessfnl year. The clam con - s $25 to mfu•loos, The value of a bele *eat tp Nara 9 Lake was 0130 Isaad for other puma s attaonntitl the choir. •\ ter the w nr ng lip " lrlet• The sa ineg carpi have the' the Ip rrer:rl business far the post year 0•-1 wishes of a 1'el of friends. Mr. t Ewan; -\A'. F. A- 4. 11. J. wartl- I:rlffin, ens here, Rl'I. Tests- J. 11. Edward. nim. t3:711.(1. pn•'rnt ;4.41141111144":4111114".11*: wedtlinm. ''r.eu. 1\1. F. 1'1nrk. C, A• tt0lwrtstrn, _---- - Ilugh 11111. I1. 1,. Salkeld. BRIEF'S Bre. Woods ill the chair and Past hlslr1et M.1+ler 1A'..f. lin,. John' Mc('litr• took the a hnir for the election 01 ofrltrrs for 11810. wh19i yenned as follows: District mister. Weer. ISro. Alex. 'MeNevin : elepit} distriet mast- er. Wor. lire). Wilbert ilarrison ; The next at-home of the Mencset- chapl4ln. Wur. Rri.. John M.('lnre : ung Pentre t'loth will be held nein ay. recording secretary, 110r, Bro. Jnmec .innuary 24th. Young: finnnettl-werretnrc. Wor. Bro. The town council hes had an open John W. Reil' treasurer, Wor. Bro., Thomas W. Bell; 1st lecturer, Wor. 1 Bro. Janes Adam; 2nl,lecturer, Wor. Rio. Elliott $!cation ; director of lrrentonles, Wor. Bro. E. 1'- Cleve- land. Wor, Bro. John McClure, Y.D.M.. installed the newly -elected officer*. A splendid leach was provided and dlepnaed of. A stelghload of eight members from Go derlch Lodge, No. 152, were to attendance, al ►' the rir skating rink flasleI at t u Park land large nomis'rs 0f children are to 1M s«•n on the be there Nally Two contests were bowl«I off at Lindsay's h' sling alleys the past week. In the tompetItMn for the near- est score to 175, bowled off la't Sat- urday tagurday night, Bill Johnston won the prise. a Silk mart. -On Wednesday evening a nn bses bowie} off for file as more. ' . - x of vv. Horses ---Wm. Green. 4). E. l:dwarr4. Geo. Andrew's. 1', .1. gfitn Ttoon, J. R. Reynolds. ('.title-- E. Groves, Heil). Morris, H. }. 8nikekl,-Porlyee C1ir& G«. 41. Snarly, 0, F. Edwnrl. Pig4--41. F. Edward, Herb Morrie, foflfyle I9,rk, 1;eo. I1, Sturdy. Rhee► --lits.• Ir. Sturdy. Herb. Mor- tis, 14. L. Salkeld. E. Grovel. i,adles Work .Mrs. J. C. Ilkewatt, Mrs, Connolly, Mrs. }lows,* Now a1. F:. Salkeld. Mrs. Wm. Gress. Wow Noble. ',li,wers--M. ,1 t:nikl, Mrs. How - rte. Mrs- 'Pr.mkkey, Mise Parrish, Mrs Maxwell. Mrs. Swamps. ut '. Balk 1