The Signal, 1930-1-16, Page 5Special prices on many left -over gifts AT Campbell's Drug Store Phone 90 Renew your subscription to The Signal and receive one of the beauti- ful calendars. - rl ' \:t ' t)10) Ilaa•wOte /lOOrrNG l.1 t l f on satin finished - GET ()l: R I'KICI:� You are under no obligation R. STANDISH 1 I'ORT ALBERT 1'Illt'I' ALBERT Jan. 15.-A amine her of people from herr !Menthe, the play guru at Ktu;;sbrldge on Tuesday night. Mr. :uul Mrs. T.' !!ogle moved hr Goderich hist week. • The W. M.S. fuel at the Inane of Mrs. John McKenzie . on Thursday .niter - noon - Mire Edna Crawford, who has been ill. ons now returned to Goderich to resume her studies at the Collegiate Institute. Ott Thursday evening of last week 1 uututs•r ..f friends gathered at the home of Mr. T. Itostle. A pleasant •vening Wait Spent In dancing. East Street Phone 369 Goderich we are morel 111 report that Mrs.,charge , 0 THE SIGNAL, week, in honor of their brother, W Orr. Mrs. T. Mallett, of London, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. K. Davison. Miss Jean Woods, who has been teaching at Galt for the past year and a half, arrived ou Wednesday to speed several weeks with her par- ents. library Meeting. -The annual meet- ing of the members of. the Ii: r'eM public Maury will he bold ou Mus adt), Juivary 2001, at 2 o'clock, to the library norm. GODERICH, ONT. Presentation Made. -A pleasant ev• kuru;; wus spent fu the hr++etueut of St. Andrew's: church on Momlay, even- ing. whets at a special Howling of the Y. P. 14. a pageant wits put e0. 'Portals oI the New Year." At the close 0 prrsmtutlou %%lei made to p member of OW 14 M•�rty, Murray Gralu;;• er, us recognition by the Society of his success fu - the oratorlcul contest conducted' throughout tire Presbytery• of Mumu lust Fall. The gift was a Cuuu l.111 ('Il Mill the pre ntatloil was made b) iter. R. M. Gale. Mr. u. A. Kalbfleiseti L Mr. Brown Stew ve iia i he .e et X nt / ", remainder an. 11e 1 elft•. r reel w i trainee and r t wag M• I t 11 I In U wit n 1 R 1 served. were Meeting of 11►e A.1'.P.A.-Thr reg- , to - ulur meeting of the A.Y.I'.A. o [ 1 ) Geld parish. Including St. .tomes' church, Middleton, St. John's, %'aruu. mad Trinity. hayfield, was held at the rectory um W'e.l((esala) eveulug of last week. The meeting was opouel by the president. 'Stewart Middleton. after the -reading of the minutes of the tae meeting by the Seeretary, Miss Norma 1Vrlsh, uud business die- county at Holyrood, at the home of I the brideds her, her HAAKUN OF NORWAY marriage was Margaret J. McMullen.' Mr. Elliott 1s a uuttve of Huron county. ' Mr. Elliott's son. William 11. Elliott. HAS REVIVED MANY OI" WEB - has followed in his father's footstep., TRY' ul.D TRADITIONS. nod is principal of the continuation w•hool at Wellington. Both he and Mrs. Elliott were present yesterday to celebrate the occlusion. Miss Ida El- liott, who is ut home, also was pres- ent. OBITUARY lids Ahmed Unknown Person, With His English Wife, /'all Thai He Wad, Veale +t king b) 10'1lular Kite: H,takon ot. Norway, who re- crtilly bestow,•d upor the p''caldent • of the Ghwadlan National Rallwesya the order of kll ht commander off I Thee passed away In Guolrrlch Wn the first clads ul S1. Olaf. in merit; - I nitf u of whet r Henry 'Thornton. Tuesday morning, January 1-Ih, Is•! fwd soot In tl iutct4'sts of Nur I °brelle 1'Iltt, widow of the bee 'I'Iclut weglun lwmlgra:.14* to what might bo am McEwen. 1)4'.eeised "14. h, her c..fled nee uukhowu king. tor 11 is Mweetly-fifth year and hail Iron ill very acid nu that he finds his way on only about two weeks. She was lora' the trout tete... Yet twenty-five lento In the Orkney Islands and came out ago he was, 'for a -while, the Most ` to Canada with her purwNs when talked off, n:au ut the _day. Ito to a ;lull» young. 1 Iic resides) for a ills» j reigning ut„vary who eau buat ttrat et •$t Mare, Out.. Inter *liming 4",' he was raid •d to lits royal dust by 1 are four sone: J. J. McEwen. of (:o1•, erlch ; T. M. and \,'• 1'•, r.( Kindersley• tktsk., and Bert, of Calgary. flue hrott.er, Juhri Putt. of Go,lericl., and la sister, Mrs. Coombe-, of She I Brook Sask., alto survive. The fun - Jamestown, Ilrey township, 'In 1141 -popular vote of the people uud by wamty 1 wl ere she 11%1.1 fur thirty- au vrwh, Ituiu .,.aJ.utty as well, eight years. For !Le pest fifteen .jenrs l deck of his iIsetton to. the Viking • s . Gudrrleis. eat r of ro- Her been a re I l f e u e rs she had e - i theme Ile huudt da t) 4 twelve! her w l chad rr •, erasr.l h titself 1u � It husband t'he throne mantic1 1 e our her loissl ears )aur. Surviving t mourn stood vacant tor nee hundred y end wi11 take puce (row the resi- t deuce of Mr. J. J. McEwen, Motif rent 11reet. on Nunday' afternoon to Mali - land cemetery. Mr. and Mr. Bert M't: 1•:w'eu, of Calgary. Mull Mr. T. M. Me - while alien linea ruled. over the old and plcturesgne land of the Norse folk. It was In 1905 that Norway finally won the right 4o .deparata berself from Sweden and to qct up a sove- reignty tie her town. She bad to begin all °vee again• dpe had cathedral for the corooattm and a throne, but of -king, court' and ceremonial she was entirely- bereft_ Thursday. January 1d, 19110- 5. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL COLBORNE . The Inaugural meeting, of • 1930 council wet us per statute 1P January 13th., Reeve A. J. Gokltbor{r• and Councillors Wel. Thom, Geo. Fea- gau, John I'itbladu 1414.1 Meivyn 'eye. loll were preeent'and each signed the tJecluratlon of office. After , brief ad- dre,rs .b�' the Reeve Atli; 114(U cuuuell Vele organized mid proceeded wilt. the 11111,1 111.,,i um hand. Mlmutes of closing wetting of, 1U2n were adopted, 011 *4404(01. of Win Ti and . Geo. Fcugau. l'orrcyreud- euce read and ills 110114 uf, Ityl:lw No. h ateltorizlug th4'•!tc •• and treasurer to borrow money 11 iwe to time for current exi1.1141 11 wam pas.cd on uh,lluu .,f ,U. '1'cu.i . vel Gies Feugan. Bylaw NO. 2 was Iwsse.1 ell mo •, of Ni. 1')uilull and Jnu. 1"-Uilndu. us lug ell tl,c salaries the same at 1921. . 11)111w No. K lues iwssevl,. ap;o1ut- in;; officer" lie fulluws: (»arse»-viewers-,-Ed.lt' Lowe: J. J1 ` ltubctfsnrl.. tt • , ` John Long. 4:11'r1d Mwo.,• :.nil 1 Musket!. Puulidkee{rrs- :Yly'k' Wuteou: uthlw Fisher, '1►td1u.A11h1 aud''1'}nyuls v Iamb. - • See•y► •valuators -Jas. ,McManus, ,\ M. Suaughatt, Nelson Mcletrty tine Wet. (IMOD. ' . $auiutn inepectmre--Glee), Fowler. Win. Slrnughau, 1. 1t• Famish !Ind Jarvis M!eBmlde. Meuuoer• of board 147 health --Allan WIlsou. 1 Sehol ,alleudance ,otfic•er-J. J.1 ftghertsion. - Mr. J. 'Mort. , of GuJerlch, rlsitcd i eussjems, the Bus field group took Ewen, of Kindersley, are set route to nt 1'urt Albert em 'M"nday• ) Over in Denmark was a charming Atidilu(s--John Voting and L. Kent. 4 e f the program Mies Plus attend the funeral. i Selo' ipctld Is not Improving In health. c.nw:,.,e- ,.,,., second son of Ute king. Ho had mar- Th6- appointingof teoeaer 1(11(1 piano 'duet. -Les11e Elliott rend a I;F\'. J..J. FEIIGllliON clad a tale -hal red Eugllsh girl, lhs road :superintendent wee left 1 payer on St. Aiden. The mrwbers (f` Jew. Joseph J. Ferguson, -D.D., a Youngest knd favorite daughter of ratzt Meeting. ('1 )I IU)1tNE 'lO YNSIIIP the string quartette -lir. A NewtopI M. t...-.". , r .nom n..to..,t i iire•h Klag k,dward, and of the prluce'e ori motion of Cts.. F.411.1u unit J. SPECIAL 40 and 60 -watt GUARANTEED Electric Light BULBS 5 for $1.00 Alf. Tebbutt & Son WEST STREET We (Deliver I'I,nne 4116 WE extend to all our customers and friends our wishes fora bright and prosperous New Year W. C. Snazel Haberdasher and Dry Cleaner WEST STREET Phone 339 young man named Prince Charles. , Cameo -Wm.-Weteou. •eon of G. Feitgan 11 MI J. Pit- er children and grandchtldmu �atle cll.,'at her home to celebrate her •ighryfutirth birthday. The evening was spent in pll)I.g Rums., and just before lunch on. served Mrs. Malt- 1 land .Olen rend an address express - ng the pleasure of those! present Int wing Mrs. Walters In 1411.11 hh ageed en1lnd mplr(ts, while Mr-. liar -1 old Arlin and Mrs. Irvine oke brought! in n lovely 1'1)0.111g -chair and renter' the grandmother In It, it gift from her children a�1�}• randchlld- rrn '.For She's a Jolly JirSq�Fellow", was heartily 51111C. and (1rundmothcr Walters replied in her, pleasing can- ner. expreaelne her great pleasure to t!einit thus remembered. Short &perch - ea. were given by several of those pms•nt and then lunch 14115 served. The parts broke up in the small hour' of the morning, and as they went to their different homes they Lek with r rictu r of . h them the mental I Grandmother mated In her new rock- ing -chair. Empire," and Arthur I'Pck ue(yc((uxs, to; had retired front net ive sehe the gathering with aeon solo. Susie Weeflake theft took charge .aN•lu1 prrrtoil, which w•as greatly Euchre and Dance I NI)Elt AUSPICES OF Goderich Women's {Institute IN Oddfellows' Hall 11\ Thursday, Jan. 23rd Cards at 815 p m. sharp. Admission 50 cents Good Music Lunch C A Free Slip Cover with each Marshall Mattress sold during January. Buy now BLACKSTONE'S Furniture Exchange -01 the Mutinyd beams.. Surprise Party. -Mrs. William Wu It• 1 laltrallilievM. Uri 1.1."111'iniikli -Apriathkuesirwil:teik,t 1 of Goderich. died Tueiday night al more celebrated wunts, one the Em- Pitbiado, Mr. Novkolits uiei re -ap- pointed weighmsster at Mellow. - aunt. Queen klexatudra. He had two 'era, iif Colhorne tOWIIShili. nit, tak011; splendid selections. Misa Lucy press of Russia. the other Queen of Messrs. 1,loyd Walters a 1111 *Jim. AI- .% surprise when her neighbors and rend 11 very interesting paper on -Our; bi' bun"' " Meuduwville, Ont.. elle! an Dimwit -of mime mend's. Dr -Fergus , Preece. lin waited cm the ^mall re exetute King Edward looked at the empty . eon of ttiseg on their noodiots, three )cors ago, his las[ charge beleg adequate uate setting for his daughter the .,.__.-- .... ave elinr•.b in To- qbiline. Mr. Walters WWI exempted to a sot and- for her much -beloved husband. the eaiout of eeacro 1 6e1, 1 on Ionto. f e also had peen aster u[ ..•v ,•ujoyeil. Before dispersing refresh- p I wt whom the King delighted to uu,tir,u or W. Thom and, J.' I'lthlado mime, were served. The next meeting'erltl ithu Toronto rhurche•, aud•kid term Anel shoot: Trina•::. Maud did served oleo et Millie. Allhtnn, 'Itnu•e, D , Mr. ,Ill • R'us'•Pxrmptel 'Ja ' (IHccn will be held at Middleton's on Wesi- , Ittn(1f"rd and Weston. I1. not agree with her father but he won acres: mwlry. January Lr1nJ, when the •,s'-�1T1r� her over to his point of view. He I Mr. Wm. 44e vlr• was aplerfntee, and group of St. Jamar' mewl»•.. will "as +' former president of the 'L'o also suggested o the Norwegian pe0 rustle Coufueiiee 'awl a member o• t rxn•tnker of the tuwnship•liull, hue take charge of the meeting the delete of Victoria University. Ile Yl that the -good will of the British lug re,Med certatin moms therein. Annual Meeting of St. Andrew's, Is survhett In' hip wife. formerly 11I navy would he an areal to a Young '1'lw• c1erl w'as instructed to notify l Chureti.-'1'hc :uunu.l meeting of St,i kingdom with • an enormously long for .rushes of .' S. Ni'. 5 and No. 41,1 Andrew's I'nitwl ('hercl'. wee Neill, Piers. i of MPaduwvale, and three, coact line. I aieo f,4'gector Ite,tctuu an1l the•pulrtlet' on Wednesday aftenl,N,u• .Iuuuxryltl,►gs. Itoy IL 1'.. •.f Me.tdow•ralt'. Meantime Kion Edward's nephew. lurn•susl, of a uHs•tlpR to le••pe•til iur nth. an tlw• baw•meut of the „unit,'Gnnlwl Mcb., of _Toronto, and J. t .e township hall. February 11th, at Kaiser Wilhelm of GrrmanY, also wish a gold attendance ,, of mrm. Douglas. of Montreal. 'There also urcl J Icast hls•eye upon the empty throne 0 p w., q, consider ehpny^iutt the four brothers. :Samuel W., of Gordis, Ile\'. It. M. Chile oesupiwl the dialer tygr.: John J., of -Seeramrnto, Calif.: and Murray Grainger was eliested 1 secretary for the meeting Report it were heart from the various organ- internsf the regatta n mud all and thought It a proper plane for a 1 1 dories of said sections or other- nice young Gerhtan princeling of his wise dlspmAlnR of n•gnest of two • minister of the United chant_ at as to call upon the fling of Denmark The clerk was Met rusted is-�+nk Leamington. Ont. : and two staters. and remark that 1t was not the place Illi• usual supplies for oftfei is and! oe M cont o Mrs. Sarah Evans, of Guelph. 11 WI Mrs. for his Hort, Prince Charles. wen; eery' good. The misslonory' and aunie lilrvin. of Goderich. The fun However, the Intereeis of the Nor- "i'ie� of The Municipal \VnEld for nlnlntennt„e fend ea. the only one end taken place.at Mea4owvele t"- .• it aml..offleers. • which failed to reach hs financial oh-' friendweglaand w lawhen with their British 1'lu• rand t ii,rint4'ndrnfs;way sheets s Ive1 surd having r 'e • vin hAvn r of rr Vt er do ' U 1r R tcast a nrnsur o theya end t }»rite» of f4(1l1 coil that only r) Wnllll• trt9.b6 and she , wen• et,sl -1 uud Bew•ve a of her brother'+• serious condition 2'9,663 In favor of the prince 1 iustrnettd 4o elm% tate payment ncelnpeil It'ft on Moo c to web . , tn. aplaat 59,264 dissenting, the vote, %embers eta reeelved, ' 'William ('..9f litowmnnvtllP. and H. T. own choosing. He even went so far rut,•in)era in S. S. • 1 y.. - d35. This the emigregatlon hope. to be t 1 hem raise at anew and sl'e'pnl ' was quite as much for an English BAYFIELD I iur the purpose have been issued.( MILS. E. T. 1•FItIMMFat queen am for a Danish king. the eolleslor t time for relenting - S' 1 reached its allelic p,. the tax roll to treasurer was extend - cel w February The W M • hail The death occurred ut Rt uwll e n , n Princ • Charles told Norway frank Feb 11th meet of $2210. The ladtee Aid Society Tuesday evening. January 7th. of ItAI-YIFI,U. Jan 14 -Mr and Mrs.had Id the caretaker's salary and ly that he could not afford royal The ,followingWorld, Mils Rarepgild: 1114 Mnle1 llohrinR, beloved Wife of Mr.1 honors He was a oomparkuvetyfor el,vtttou est Geo Kivu[. who had been visiting) els„ for some repairs for the person- F. T. Kammer. Deceased bad beenYuuicilrel V�'urld, their son. A 'F' Klug, in Toronto, reage, and had on lend 1L'•115. The Door man and oven the simplest of plies, tw.91:' Herbert Morrks, rlectlult good report. ort 111 for eeveral months, brut had made' royal dlgnftfee are Costly. But Nor- rz{e•ue:es, 1SU; Arthurn plank. cnm- 1 1 eu • oo hod ¢ i . ,ort w' 1 w•I• a as e � Sch c• c nn1 .d Toned home a, M ndry. Sundry a {Ali t l recovery II way wanted a charming king at Mr Willutm Orr, who bail spent a with $31.RO nn hand to begin the new ly ism the road to good health when wilting to pay for one, so they as -I misalou on tares oollecleJ, >I_.05: ' couple of wes•ks with his father and veer. and the Mission 'Band. the a relap.e Lok a. e. Her death was collected. .tank, commission on loons sisters. returned on Monday to Port oungest organization of the church. [t surae Friona Charles not only of ode- (,,Ihrtel 11 .90. Dunganny entirely unexpected and was • great I quare support un the throne but I \IertlrlR xJJourntsl -to Febnw.ry i Austin. Mich. with only ten months of existence, had ahoek to the family. Mrs. I'frlmmer promised him a,%quate pension It J (several of tate young men of the 'shot twenty-five meridiem and had they changed thele minde after 11141 lith at p.m * was born 411 Colborne township forty- G. J. IiFTH'ERINGTIIV. 4 village Race 11 dunce 111 the town hall rsl;$el almost i^_n. The choir had ilea yenrs ago uud restt3rd practically, had been with then. for a while, ads. Tawh+hip 1'Icr1. 1 on Friday evening which was much don e1 $i.r to the T.P.S. for a pay - all her Ilfe in hill Ww'uship, with decided to abolish kingahlp. __ Pnjnyed h)• ell present I men on the piano and had still On the ec.rptiwl of a abort time ut The new king found himself with. - Mra W. Westlake and Mn. A. hand Some $r4(. after perehasing new 101 trh entertained a number of tbeItl LurkMew'. She Is survived • b)• her an area of a hundred and twenty anthem books lest spring. The Y.P.S. I,Il,band and Nem, chlldrvm . Russ. ave thousand square miles and a 1 frlends to a very enjoyable dance tat hod raised about 1170. and during4Itns+rll. JI)rtle. Elwyn. Grn(s•: lh,Ii population of about two and Ctree-I • the town hall on Wednesdnf of last , the year had purchased n new pfano'1 old t Gilford quarters ,nlllf Slippers All the latest designs in Slipp,•r are to be found Cleo. MacVicar'r Shoe Store There is no doubt .that Slippers prrciatt•d by the ladies: men and ch when a comfortable pair of house them at Christmas time !'hey are here in all the new style Juliets are most popular. - Rubbers and 1;4110'41(. ar.- lien. prices for the best quoits GEO. MacVICAR THE: PKAC TICAL SHOP. MAN NORTH SIDE SQUARF. are always a gift ap- ildren also are pleatted shoes ore prewilt•NI tO -. leather« :Intl fabrics. at the io,v.-st possible_ (,ODI.RI( It i Exceptional Values All -wool Yard Goods at very special prices for one week only All -wool Serge. 54 inches wide, green, grey, 98C garnet. per yard _-.. --- -✓V All -wool Armure, 50 inches wide, in a nice (IQ range of dark shades, per yard - ✓ V All -wool Crepe, 38 inches wide, brown, QQC grey, fawn, blue, per yard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ -- Silk and wool Crepe. 38 inches wide, fancy 0Qc checks, good shades, per yard - _ V All -wool Coatings, 58 inches wide, in grey QQC and'brown tweeds, neat checks, per yard .7�7 These are very exceptional values. Former prices were from $1.50 to $2.75 a yard I'm" GEO. W. SCHAEFER V, oe PHONE 56 Paid • fin' rd Ernrat. s hoe ylst»r ons lees than a third half which t+ already more than ca pn r i nod feu( brothers also sursi%e: the Mrs fear There is a tnemhershitthin. .! thele et Canada's population. Oeln, I i ff thirtc entertaining and helpful evenings: The ring of Red i),rr. Alta.: u a 4'n• Mohring, of Goderfeh. Tile funeral,, rights and during the war another xl-,, :[�I► of a Nieuwe In the parsou•I look It. luck. of Killeen': F)mrner'om )tc'h-1 the largest city, has only about two ..nil the Sielety has Ku"' el man), ring. of Seattle. Wash. ; William Muh-1 hundred and 'sixty thousand popula- I ('amerblt tion. Two years after his arrival the' lurch tr,vlsnrer reportedreportedall ubllgx lt, bring.of W Ik Iibr. anti Roy state granted women equal franchise • ions met and the sum of 123 on hand, place on 'Friday afternoon. Jen -1. yaw• was passed giving them also 1h'• nge hoard account. Altogether nna m'fr. seem to be 11 x healthy eon - IL It. Cumming. pastor of ISeulollier, .Hogever, none of them has claimed Altlon and the congregation orf in a United church. of which dev:tsd'' that privilege so tat. good start for the new year. '(h,• was x mender. ,nuductel the such,-' The Lutheran Church Is the »tat-• L,rlucrchurch offleers were re-electd: 1m(1 lune n14si•twl by Rev. F. A. 1'"1411 church of Norway. and all but era- Roerd of stewards. David 4k-war.1 1 tmty thousand people belong to the Hubert Scse.lrmer. John Scotellmer,lrr. id Mull, Ont.. Who .rex.hel Ike I f,neral sermon. The presence or s tlrtg's church. Scans. Hubner, Pens Cleave. ' Brown.large numlw•r "f trieuls ,.t .h4' toner - 1 1'nder this quiet, sport -loving out- StPwuff. Don.llrixenzle. R. 1:. Itr)d:1111 testified to the ,•ate•111 in %%hid door kit11 of thAlr choice Norway has erg:.nlsl- Miss laulys GAIT: assiaxnt.1 the dMensel ons held. The 181►be114' revived many .•f Its old Norse trade Mns. le',libeler 1 14111"18Y Schad "lb- ,•rs were Juhu Emig. "Pk(;1s•dhill. titans •Thr eine those the name of nary 1tnh, to Colhornr cemetery. Rer. i right to alt in- the Ktng'e Council 4'rint•nd4'nt. A. E. Erwin; ssslstnnt.IGv Moon• I' ('amp'4'Il: pecretery-treu .urer, Mere - HillI "um"' W'nito•rs, fiugtl . ;:jr last gna. king, Haak nn as Ida and Jos. Stewart. The eyed» illy official name In place of his own. and rno (1rainger; church srcrc•tars-treas of IIID cetnnHnn.15 so Urge Is extend- this has helped in locus the attention rarer. Robert lNsithuner; misstounr)iwtti, the tr•rea*',sI Mishima and fnm- of the 'people en t'oOr glamorou-a Anil Itlnintenenee f I tren•urer. IL, Inc Ilrehmann : auditors, lou. McKenzie, - I Harold :(,otehmer. The coneregatiou t(( their sudden los of •,4 living past. There 11 MR been a national de - lull'.• and mother. sire to preserve the !piety old Norse ,..4 fortunate In having as Its laude: buildings whleh date beck for many cul end enixlble as Sir. Gale. wile by 1 1 hrlstlanity I WVVILLF T MILL: It csnturiea, to rev We old crafts and to spiritual things dew who is s,i fettle r N,•w'r Millar. which occurred tit N•tn,lt o(( Stiwled Vikings. • his everyday life eslehits the kindly Int wn qt the death 41 W?'*Ill• 7'. tell again the heroic sagas of the Friday x s rectivel with gen- Rn quietly and soberly, King Ban - and generous stileto .' 1 r era! r. -gree In Goderich, the deceased ton and his English wife have been and ever seeks to lend hi, people t4) hnring leen a former -well-known' devoting themiselvea to the interests higher plane of living. act 'popular resident of this t"w•n. of their adopted kingdom. and It i:• norm in ''Iasgow, Scotland. fork -sic by such all act as the Mretewal of the GOLDEN WEDDING OF mss ago• he come ti GewleNch in' honor upon Sir Henry Thornton that MR. AND MRS. JOHN ELLIOTT +he ,yi•nr i3O.1 end was ambulated we glimpse something of the kingly with his father. the late David Mil ' affection for his people, even when lar, in the dowse!. hu'tness. Atter they rove his flee and go ehrnad to 111. f,1t111•1"'s ,Iva114 the htslneee was better their fortunes Is a land that .old and h, lt'22 he removed with his may in many ways remind them of mother and -ist•r. to Detroit. w-tu•n' their own picturesque Norway. he heti eine.. livesd must of the time. with 144 Interval at Tormuto. 111 4:oti•.. Ta1kIhR 1'Irtntes. Mr. F;Ilintt's Name etell-Known to Readers of The Signal Mr. John Elliott, referred to in the following from n resent number of The endon Advertl.Or. Is well known in .aderleit and hie. friends jolt in fel. 'edifies aloin the halm) event whiehl twirl' he elle it member of the )4••((4'14. 1 • chronicles. Readers of T11P SignAl et ung Canoe1'lith and \lair h1, ? alas l 'There arc two 11''iiod.s of (( cord ,14.n spee1a1 hntere•st from the fact tarter. and •cases-I:,!Oil hinc+el4 'Ing sound and dtalogl;e In moving Mr. Elliott le the settlor of vat•i with tnovements for cot umrntitj nil- pictures. •One h1'to record the sound ions delightful hietorl(all and r.min-! va1c»m4'n1 :11,11 was a giewral f.rcor• waves directly ronel tarn f w st small I re nm 1 1 t lltfl the flint. Drip of e, levet articles that tare tip{m•ensl from time to time 1n this paper. Sir. and! Mrs. John Elliott. William • %treed, this illy. ,elebralel their golden wedding nnniversery on Monday. when many of their friends called, t.. offer o their ismer..taletlone. I Alberta, ■nd the Mlaw•4* Edith .old an ingenious ins(ntinu c They were married on lhsr,uber hoot», of Detroit. The holly wits photoeseeetrtc cell, cause td e mound 3181 . 1$711. by Rev. A. M'llikmt, and brought to materiel] on Monday'. the t:,at originally a. P ak- have since lived In nanny Ontario ,uneral taking teem from the C.1'.14 Ing of the film to be reproduced. The towns end cities. Mr. Elliott retiree elation on the arrival of the moot) moat widely used method, however, nine years ago from the nctive life of traits ,The interment ons In. Malt is to record the sound on diem. AIM' urIni set- y school teacher. Ile taught M,w.,lfrhiere! vleed ansietery. where the conduct•d by Re•v.lrIt. 4'. Me- err to than the kindnused (ndhomebut gram- year et the Bre el and he ars the fleet principal of they Permit! In the presence of friend.- nphonne. The film and the racer are la•smington High School. After their) and relatives of Illi deceased•. The vv s ync tablhn (zed disc samechanically. A to a - to marriagP, "r. and Mrs. Elliott were 1 first twitted at Caledonia and Inter went te. Brockville end then to Walk- erton. A deputation from the United lobo rd rd of Ml)strnP called at their hone to present a gold -headed cane to Mr. F.Illott and a silver cake basket to Mn.. Elliott. The '•rwen11tion «a. mndo by J. Intellectual lang•lge."-A 1)S(•kinann end J. le'. Colwilt. Mr. 'MI which prevented his comingat thl. Mie Pined I ?tr• Nflliott were married 114 Bruce time. 1 iemnet. • 11e. He had net leen u a for several year+. and for. the lest "frames" or .pictures wh1 h, when few months hod becu rapidly falling they are projected through the ma- tte Is survived by three brother, 11,44 chine, give the effect of a moving three ststetw: Alfred, of Sal orae. picture. in the pit -sleeting machine 1'nl,fornla ; ''rank. of Sarnia: ,lame., the snoue• rays of light which throw f Toledo; Mrs. Le. of Contention the image on .fie sereno, by means of ■ and Ilia. - Mack Lattoru Pikes 'ites abouttti4• 0' iced Yeast. Thousands say adds 5 to 15 lbs. in 3 tweets, Complexion clears like magic. Nerves, constipa- tion vam.h o.. -,night. Get Irontred Yeast tablets In' druggist today. • MEN'S Leather Vests and Windbreakers at $3.95 and $4.95 Made of sheepskin. Lea- ther Vests have knitted collars, sleeves and • bot- toms, tweedtined- with S�'� . two p`d• Sizes ..6 to 44. • $3 95 Same as above with leather collar and cuffs, wool lined. Sizes 36 to 44. $4.95 M. ROBINS Agent for Tip Top Tailors' Clothes. Suit or Overcoat $24. PHONE 384 Annear pall nmre's %se • lir. A. 4'. filmier, syr. L. M. Mabee null the pro).•clor and driven a( the same W. 11. Robertson. The desen+wl'• •peed as that al which the frojectof 1 brothers. Frank and •Inmos, and his ',14 driving the film. elslers, the Mlssr. F.41iih and Loflo were here for the funeral. .\n uncle. “What one - looks for In love lsl Nr. :ales. lata. of Ihlffnlo, el h' fro - (omit l) visited his rein tlye* when ---- they melded In Goelerlels %togld have ,.English Is the heat language t0' tre,•1) present but fur clreumstlrm'ee ilea rites• the emotion*. French M the pPERIO sTOREs QUALITY b ECONOMY ! . The modern h..(("cw ifr is quick to recognize any savings that an. 'lu Im•,'t1 :td on high gnal'ly pnstucts-Int she also knowel that it is• 111,1 (toe ,couou,y L. boy tWerier brands to save 4 few' e,•ntr. The Superior 1'hatn Store. at all tun• r offer yin die highest ,Inality at consistently Iew !,rices, burin n,• cAse dL they ma*ritiee quality for price.' Co. your ph.ne t. •er 1.-r ir.nt u' -.c • d.•hr"'. an I - WE SELL THE FiF_ST'F()R LESS • Large pkg. CHIPSO 18c (Special) Ivory (;loss Starch, 2 pkgs 25c Hawes Lem. n 1 h1. large bottle 23c Clack's ( h 1i ',rime per h- the 25c Interlake Toilet Paper. 3 rolls 23c Snowflake Ammonia, 2 pkgs 15c Flush.. per tin 23c CRISCO 1's 22c (Special) Zebra I.iquid Strive Polish, 1er bottle Kknvah Lemon Rutter, "The May )•preAd t r Bread," 40 os. jetr.49c Cardinal Fmest Hroken Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 Ib. 43c Kan Coffee, "The Secret Blend," 1-21b. 35s; 1 Ih • 6Sc French Mushrooms, small tin 19c 10 Bars P. & G.' - • 39c "the White Naptha Soap" Campbell's SOUP 25c 1 tin Vegetable and 1 em Tomato Singapore Pineapple, 2 ems 254 Aylmer Tomatoes, 2'• Squat, 2 tins :'Sc Aylmer Diced Beets. 2's, 2 t.ns 29c Aylmer Diced Carrots, 2's, 2 tins 29c Wrapped Fig.. 8 oz., plias . 3 for 25c Wheat•o•meal, per pkg 23c McLaren'a 4 pkgs. Jelly Powders 25c Ofd Colony Maple Syrup, small bottle 35c; large bottle 694 Dried Peas in pkgs, 3 for '25r Wheat Germ, 21b. 1Sc Bulk Cocoa, per Ib. 19c Lily Chicken Haddie, per tin 23c Canadian Standard PEACHES •n 2's, H. S. \1•I'; 11M:1,1\'1•.it Fi 1•:I•: Phone your order to J. J. McEVIIIEN, Goderich. CHAS. AI.TON. Dungannon J. CALVIN CUTT, Goderich. ROBT. PHILLIPS, Auburn.