The Signal, 1930-1-16, Page 3Save a Little Money by taking advantage of the Signal's clubbing offers. We can procure for you almost any paper or magazine published in the continent. t' HAVE YOU SEEN The Signal Calendar? One for each paid -in -advance nubNeri- be-r Renew your eubecriplton now and snake sure of one of these beautiful Calen- dars. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. LIMITED, Publishers. H. CLEMENTS Painter and Decorator Estimates for painting, wall pap•r- ing, etc., cheerfully given on re- quest. Residence, No. 4. Barfield Road Telploa s 289J W. J. Powell Stocks, Bonds, Insurance and Real Estate Car, Life and Firs la•uraaoe Nelson Street, Goderich Phone 292 P. 0. Box 438 Geo. Williams ihealer in D(PML"IION, PROVINCIAL, 1411.'NiCIPAL AND CORPO- RATiON BONDS Fire, Accident. Automoblle, sod General Insurance Agent Office, next to Hank of Commerce l'hone 53, tioderich GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1930 F:le;H1'1''P11IRI1 YEAR NO 3. NEURALGIA? Neuritis? Rheumatism? T-R-c.rslis Neuralgia ouleklp and aately. No harmful drugs. Mr. S. P. Charlton, Springfield, Ont., vouches for this. He not only got relief him- self from T-RC'e, but says: "When my wife was nearly crazy with Neu- ralgia I gave her a data of T -It -C's and she got relief m 20 minutes." T -R -C's aro ssydpy for , &ia - s, Rhea - ma. 51.00 at your drugpst'a boo tss T it -0 C car'atlaJrs J. W. Craigie Real Estate aai Lanrsac. "One truth dominates all history - It is easler to make war than peace."- C'ugltelmeo Ferrero. 0. F. CAREY & SON Li Indeed INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE Tdepheoe 230 Masonic Temple Bonding GODERICH -- ONTARIO PREe3BYTERIAN W.M.S. MEEZING AT CLINTON Encouraging Reports Read at Annual (lathering The animal bw•iuess meeting of the Huron Presbyterial Society was held Iu the Presbyterian church. Clinton, on Tuesday, January 140:1, at 11 a.w.. There was a good attendance. Mrs. J. C. Greig, of Seaforth, president of the Huron Presbyterial, presided, and offered the olemlug prayer. Miss Tay- lor of Blyth gave a few helpful thoughts from the Book of Nehemiah. The presldeut, In a brief address. paid a tribute to the enthusiasm uau- Ifeeted by the women of the Presby- terial In the work and then read a graphic and very interesting letter from Mrs. Graham, formerly of Exeter, wife of the uew ndssluuary to Formuap, ou their trip and impres- sions of that country. This was fol- lowed by the reports of the Presby• terlal secretaries and treasurer, all of which were most encouraging and gratifying. The supply secretary reported a hale valued at $146.38 sent to Saskatoon. 312 copies of Glad Tidings had beau subscribed for, an increase of forty copies over the previous year. Five boxes of literature bad been sent to the lumber camps. The reports of the various auxlllarles, C.G.I.T. groups and mission bands Indicated a year of activity and progress In which the tot- al receipts amounted to $3,337.74, au advance over the Presbyterial's alloca- tion of $312.74, which was dedicated - In prayer by Mrs. It. C. McDerwld of Goderich. Mr.. ,Herrington of Myth and Miss Jeckell of Deter were ale pointed delegates to the Provincial_ The Labor Situation meeting in Toronto. A cordial invite- Under the beading of "I.nlor and llou to bold the annual cdnfereuce in- Wagthe animal bulletin issued the the Exeter was accepted. by Department r 19:31 A delicious lunch was provided by remarks: the younger married ladles of the `Farm labor could not tee secured church, to wining a hearty vote of at any lower or, in some cases, -114 thank'~ was tendered by Miss Jeckell, low- rote of wages; as during the past of Exeter. three years. The farmer Can only nf- The election of offkera resulted as ford to pay for his help out of the follows: Honorary president. Mrs. W. looney his product% bring in. Itritish D. Falr, Clinton; president, Mrs. J. C. Greig. Seaforth: vice-president3, Mrs. R. C. Me'llermid, Goderich; Mrs. Riddell, Auburn; Miss Tay'sr, Myth: Mrs. F. R. Redditt, Uoderich ; secre- tary, Mrs. George McDonald, 1 Leh; treasurer, Mrs. T. Swan Smith. )(eafort!' ; home Hedper., Mrs. J. Fraser, Bay field ; young w'ugg►►en's secretary, Mrs. 11. Dunlop. l:vdftith : )4ie.,lon )lands, Mrs. 11. J. Gibson. Goderich; literature and libray. Miss Isabel McEwen, 1 ;Oder 1 ll : wele one and welfare. Mrs. H. Arnold, Ilengall; supply, Miss A. McDonald. Goale.rlth ; life membership. Miss McFarlane, Clinton; press, Mies H. Isabel Gra- hank. Seaforth ; Glad Tidings, Mfrs Jeckell. Exeter; !e minating commit• tee. Mrs. W. 1). Pair. Clinton, Mrs. 11. Arnold, Heiman, Mrs. G. Atkin- son, Exeter. The treasurer's report was ns fol- lows : Auburn Aux. 'Bayfield Aux. Blyth Clinton Exeter Goderich Hens• II Seaforth Goderich, Y.W. Barbara Kirkman. Sea - forth Goderich Mission Rand Clinton Mission Vend Fseter Mission Band Hewett Mission Band !Seaforth Mission Rand Seaforth Of Interest to the Busy Farmer Furnished by the Ontario Department of Agricwture British Apple Market A recent cable from the overseas representative of the O / Fruit - Growers' Association states that the apple market In Great Britain is still dull, with a possibility of fairly good prospects later in January. A rumor that Virginia still baa quantities of unclassified Yorks which will soon have to be disposed of points to a de- preeston in price until the early part of February. Ontario apples of good quality, however, will command a good market, providing high prices are not obtainable on the domestic market. These apples should bring front six to seven dollars per barrel. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada A TOWER OF STRENGTH Assurance in Force 51.896,915,000 Assets - - $488,958,000 Dividends to Policyholders increased for the ninth successive jeer in addition to a special maturity dividend bonus PHONFI< : 91666116 Reviewer 049 H. R. LONG, District Agent THE HURON CAFE has reopened after being closed for a week, when improvements were made to the premises. IT Is JUST A REAL. ('HARMING PLACE Its Service and Quality of Food are of highest oder and will satisfy those who exact perfection in both Canadian and Chinese 1)iehes Breakfast 7 to 10 a. m. Business Men's Luncheon : 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. Dinner • - S to 8 p. m. Special Sunday Dinner : 12 to 3 and 5 to 8 p. m. A is mere erne .,r tau.. ••ty g as n. w. to is e. t•gar . We draw special attention to our Rugines Men's Luncheon. You will find that our Moderate Prices, Prompt Service and Quality Food will please you! WE OORDIALLY INVITE YOUR PATRONAGE FOR RESERVATION PHONE 162 HUGH WONG British Exchange Building Goderich, Ontario next to the skin by means of employ Ing the thumb and finger. Oue pinch on the head, one on the neck, two al the batt, one on the breast, oue just below the vent, one on the tall, one on each thigh yud one w:attered on the underside of each wing should be sufficient. This work could also be done with a dolt shaker. Another and newer method 1s to put the required amount of Black Leaf 40 In an ordin- ary rnacbine oil can with a fairly large spout and run a continuous line of the liquid along each roost. This should be applied about half an hour before the birds go to roost. A second application is necessary In ten days. Feed for Breed Sows Alfalfa or clover• hay fed bond Many Meetings in February J. Iseide Winson, secretary of the Agricultural and Horticultural Societ- ies Ktrauch, furnishes the following list of annual csmventlons at the King Edward hotel, Toronto, during Febru- • ry : Ontario Field Crop and erit Assn, Feb. 4th. Outerlo Plowmen's Feb. 5th. Ontario Ass'n of 'Fairs Dons, Feb. 6th and 7th. Ontario Vegetable Growers As - either by sods or a suitable mluerull 'iodation. Feb 12th. 1Prltederl by mixture containing charcoal, ashes.) annual 'meeting on •Association.eb. lith at Par - bone meal, etc. Ontario Horticultural Association. Feb. lath and 14th. Farmers and Where. interested should clip these dates for refer- ence. racks forms au excellent roughage tor brood sows. Roots also are good, but may not always be available. The meal ration may vary consider- ably, but should not be too strong. Bran, aborts, ground oats and ground barley in equal parts, if fed judicious- ly at from two to sir pounds daily, depending on the size and condition of the sow as well as the period of Pregnancy, has been found to give al good food results. Mineral feeds are usually ewsentlal and ntav be Nupplied Seed Grow - Association, Sud Exblbl- Every Dell Telephone is a Long Distance Statfon Lower rates for Long Distance Calls now in effect New reduced rates for long dis- tance telephone service in Onta- rio and Quebec have been in effect since January 1. The new lower rates affect chief ly calls to points from 75 to 800 miles distant, the reductions be- ing from $.05 to $.20 per call. These mean an annual saving of $200,000 for telephone users. Loftg distance telephone service is constantly improving in speed, reliability and scope. Every Bell .telephone is a long distance sta- tion from which one may talk with greater satisfaction - and at lower rates -than ever before. -.5 Arthur Circle 118.75 130.00 170.00 134.00 201.24 348.92 :e16.00 - 1170.7t4 741.50 258011 190.00 47.00 12.24 48.01 80.70 60.00 Immigration dues not flow by choke to the farms and more relief might' Improvements: clime from Immigration it other races "Iu the western counties drainage' rxlxerlenced on the laud were en• i R lex un allure. act•. In Essex, close U110111 tourageet. Not much change in condi-1,9110 were *untended. The wet tions generally was reported in 1929, spring helped the underdraluage although more lnlorlamwured to have movement and the season wltnesstrl leen releneed front the cities to the increased activity. In Kent alae there Forma. A cut iu the tobaee', acreagei wan u tut of , lerdrahmge of tile. In wade • the situation easier in 1hat iElgin there was t,meentratloi upon dire -thin. Tobae•,r growing in thedrainage of the new tobacco land. western crountles++ helps to set thel Tbruugh all the wedeln counties re - local., wage level during the busy 1 placement and renovating of barns. season. The outlook is fur wage levels building of poultry houses nod fenc- to remain as they are or to fall al ing have mode all-round whence. The little p•rhuply Domestic servants are Niagara Peninsula reported but a mo- no' known on Ontario farms, accord-Ilted amount of improvement to farm Ing to all rep>rtd.'received from for-; buildings and tem -es. Through the respondents west, east and north." 1 Province as u whsle more banding would be it the toot did The Dual Pannone Cow ' not often forbid 1t. Galvanized roof- Alt1 gh some have questiomsl the' lug 4+ being resorted to very genet.- existe•uer of such un animal us (bel ally •and many farmers ,are puttiug water systems in their barns." dual purpose caw•, the fact remains Farm Improvements Jn a resent bulletin ieeeued by the Department Itt ' whleh were summar- ized all the outstanding event* of the agricultural life of the )'equine dur lug the year .19'29, the folowiug re- marks came under the head of Farm hest Colds Need Direct Treatment IT Is an ob- stinate cold indeed that can resist the direct double action of Vicks. Rubbed on the chest, it acts 2 ways at MCC: (1) Direct to air pas- sages with its healing va- pors released by body heat; (2) Direct, like a poul- tice, it "draws out" the IIorcncss. ors•Om _ ICKS ?, V A P O R UB OYER 1,01/LL/ONJ.4PSUsti) 1t.4.W Total (1.3337.74 ST. HELENS ST. 111)1116NS, Jan. 13.-.\ fine ev- ening favored the St. Helen school convert on 'Friday and brought ort a full house. At the young peoples meeting on Sunday evening a set of lantern slides was shown depicting a mis- sionary student's trip through ho Western Province.. It was very in- teresting. The Women's institute met at the home of Mina McKenzie on Thursday, with a fair attendance for a cold day. Roll call on "Music" was well re- I aponded to. Selections on the rictrola were much en ioyed. Excellent papers were read, by Mei. W. I. Miller on days for Winter Reading." by Mrs. Stuart on "New Year Resolution," and by Mlk% Murray on "Study Trains of Thought." Lunch was served by the hoste%tees, Mrs. D. Todd and Mrs. Jas. i)nrnin. Publle Library's -The annual meet- Ing of the piddle library was held on and there dons op1114' n Int?.' in n par- Monday. Tuc.das evening, with a fair atter- Iltlnrt where the htrnae-pipe went Born--tinMontt. January 13. to loo„. Thr following otfkers were through and which had not been Mr. and Mrs. 'Phomas .la•mie•son, of ehs•t,•tl: 1'reddont. Rev, T. 4'. Wilkin- properly w•rappcl with nslw•xtos. The Fordyce, a won. sou: tire-ptnsldent. iMc1d Told; ser• fire wtla ixlln5.tuislsrl In' the pnpfps. Miss Geertrude Martin. of Winghrnn. retsr), Wilson Woods; treasurer. ('lift \f,,•r i1,• re:alar wakes meeting of spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. Murrny: 1N,rarinn. Helen Miller: the Teens people's Society In the and Mr. Chnrks llnrtln. dltertntM. Mr%. l:ardon, lllsa M• 1 uitc,l . �uuv' hist work. nu oyster Miss ,\nnie henry returned to her 34nrray, Mb. A. MtK+vtzle. T. R. supper was enjt/,nt,1 through the gen- position In New York on -Thar+lay Taylor. Stanley Tvsld. The finances ero,ity of Mr. Robert Thompson(. .5.f• loaf. en. 1n good shape. A number of now ter the supper over eighty very pretty. Mr. Ned Ferguson, of Tara. Snsk.. books a,s being ordered 111'. w•e'4'k 911,1 Intero•sthttt Linter?' slides were is visiting at the home of his sister. nod. will ls• randy for new memters. .t '011 ,f oil boot tore, 'In Wester, itelnw, lin,. Jahn J"httston. and with `, The library' will be open every Tae.,- C'nuad4t, Mr. and Mrs. George clew -more, w•more, of l dot eveuing S.A. Nn. N. West. Wttwnnosh, held Tnrtthcrry. their postponed Christmas concert on Tuesday last, when a great &lumber gathered to enjoy the program pre- pored I Miss Leila lln+•kett end her pul.11s. . Lie one Sunday night. that ninny Shorthorns+ of beef conformation produce sufficient milt: to return a profit to their owners aside from the valve of their calves. which make good feeders. The Short - hunt herd at the Ihtmluion Experi- mental Farm in Stott. Sask., was starter) 1n 1021 with no outstanding profiteers. During the eight sue•ceed- ing years two cows bare made records approximating 8000 pounds: six cows have over 0000 pounds to their credit. and eleven bane made records of over Crop Produetfon The following statistics of some of the principal field crops of Ontario for 1929 show the uumlwr of bushels produced( this year as (simpered with 191,8 : 1929 17�)4:11).ra9 1,929,982 74,64/1,478 18,002,1111 873,23311 6018) p.tuud-. Incidentally no person has questioned the suitability of these Nix• grains 29,18Ki,838 animals for 'lore( and welting list% Husking corn 6,1174,942 ure continually on file for breeding Beans 1,118.310 stuck. Buckwheat 5.5162,01:( Fodder corn 2,221.467 Killing Poultry Lite *Tons. Eggs are worth hlg money thele days and the busy ben Is the one that pays. Redo that are continually irritated by external parasites van - not give their full energy to egg production. Poultry lice will contin- ually irritate the birds and interfere with their rest. thus reducing their egg -production value. To combat this, a good plan lit to dust every bird with esmal parts of sodium fluoride and corn starch mixed together. The dust can be placed among the feathers 1958 Fall wheat.' 16.766,40* 5. wheat 2,181.855 Oats . 43,481,068 Barley 19,0-141133 Ry,. 1.131,172 Flax 41p.tr'7 67,441 Peas 1,2pt,(ksr 1,892.588 33,891.418 6,1)21,850 873.428 5,962.376 2,085,727 Tons Alfalfa 1,5483.212 Akgke 89,58(1 5. clover Hay, clover Tons 1,730.13!1 23538 5 8/03.576 9,.4.008 4,601,660 4,455.615 Bushels 7lushels Potatoes 14,140,088 19,791,851 Turnips 222,846.691 34,323,412 Mengel% 0,728.003 14,738443 Sugar beets 12,146,130 15,215.10No t'arrnts 2'23,110(3 317,0014 l'odnda Pounds Tobacco 21,093.776 35.5145,848 W H ITECHURCH Dungannon, became the bride of Mn. Edward Jones, from Cardiff, So'rth Wales. This community extends to them eery best wishes for a Long and happy wedded life. Mrs. Kerr, who has been 111. in holding n private sale of her property In the village and her household ef- fects on IF;riday. .Mrs. Spackman. who has been vis- iting( her %liter, Mrs. Peter Leaver, returned to her home in London last 11IIITnCHURCH. Jan. 13. -Mr. and Mrs. 'William Robinson spent a few da s last week at the home of their daughter, -Mrs, John Kilpatrick, of Crewe. 'What might hawk turned out to be a serious conflagration occurred in rho new w•Ino1 at Fordyce one day lost w-n•k. When smoke was smelled the caretaker was sent to the basement. Many Houses aad Lots in Goderich and Farms for Sale at very low prices. • • • SPECIAL -A fine Cottage House. Lights, toilet and water in house and garage. Price 51000. The Vanatter Home, full inodern equipped, good con- dition, choice location. Price including 5100 worth of coal, 51900. Many others. Ask about them. • • • J. W. Armstrong Real Estate Agent Box 89 Square Goderich HONOUR WITH PROFIT CANADA is proud of the grain and livestock records established by her farmers In the face of international competition. Success in any branch of farming comes with a knowledge of the best methods. "Feeding and Better Livestock" is a booklet issued by this Bank to help the Canadian farmer increase his profits. Ask for a copy. The Royal Bank of Canada Goderich Branch - L D. Eastman, Manager Lan A Signal Calendar for Every Paid -in -Advance Subscriber Annus! Conk'regatinnai Meeting. - The nn11u„1 meeting of the United church WAS hill o❑ T,iewlny evening. January 7, when, considering the con- dfitlon of the weather end reads, the attendance WOO good. The reports of the vnriotls organize' ions of the church were moat satisfactory. that of the W.M.S. being worthy of spe- cial mention. Although the member- ship la MAIL the ladies reported hav- ing reached their RIP:ration of 5150 with a balance over. The church treasurer also reported a handsome l,nlnnec on the right aide of the Looks. After the basinetta had been all transa4•ted a pleasant social hour ens enfeyecl Mr. Walkup Conn bell n tarty on Frklby night in the Clow house on the fourth. Everyone repwrrfe a good time. The Women's institute are holding an "nt home" on Friday night In the Not so very long ago, • hall for the members and their fam- lott the fourth of Kinloss ties. IAttlfern, moved to and fro. A marriage of interest wns snlem- Wito took the cutters? "I nixed at the home of Mrs Hart, In No one will ten- 'But la+ls and lassies llnd to hint for a spwell. A marriage of Interest in this mm- mnnlry was solemnised at the rectory, Wingham, on T'hurieday. January 11. when Miss Dorothy Morph), daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Michael Mnrpihy o• Lower W Ingham, on Wednesday, Jan- uary Ath, when she te4ame the bride of Mr. Bert Taylor, of Zetland. This eommunity otters eongrstulatinrtw to the happy couple. "Hello, Renton. How's yo' hawrpa?" "i)ey's all right. )low's yo' folks," IEI I1MJIIO The Ongina4BATTERYLESS 91w DW41Joy $258fot tee home of dum tiaon. Walnut cabinet with beautifully - matched double doors. Geasine Fleutro - Dynamic Speaker with 11-iech coos. COMPLETE WITH GUARANTEED TUBES .44 Ask us to demonstrate O. JOHANN, Dealer H. O. Sturdy, L. H. Zinn, Salesmen Goderich, Ont. West Side of Square Phone SM