The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-03-23, Page 13Horses "HAVE SHOES WILL TRAVEL" CONTACT John McClinchey IL R. 1, BELGRAVE, ONTARIO OR PHONE Si3-94139 ATTENTION FARMERS FLAX WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT.FLAX . AS A CASH CROP IN 1977 1. Flax Futures for 1977 continue at an attractive level. 2. Flax Plantings in our area have continued to grow. 3. Input Cost for seed, fertilizer and spray less than $20.00 per acre as of March ,31, 1977. 4. A market is available immediately for all Ontario grown flax. 5. Quick unload as compared with other cash crops. 6. Forward selling available (ask Managenfor details) 7. Storage available (ask Manager for details) 8. Contracts available (ask Manager for details) 9. Crop insurance for flax is available in 1977 (See your Agent for details) Don't delay because interest in this seed is high. To avoid disappointment call today. please contact: ANDERSON FLAX PRODUCTS Lucknow, Ontario phone 528-2026 For seed OPNOTCH or TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Milverton, Ontario phone 595-4941 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1977 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN f Lori Hackett Is Club President Trinity 1 Zippy Trinettes held their first 4-H meeting'at the home of Mrs. Charles Wilkins for the spring project "Clothes for Leis- ure". The ,members answered their roll,call. After roll call the election of officers was held. Lori Hackett was elected president, Patty Barg- er as vice president and Beverly Wilkins 'as press reporter. The .--ne xt - -meeting -i-s- -to -be -held March 19, 1.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Herb Wilkins. The general outline of the project and record book, equipping the sewing box, choosing the style, pattern, trims and fabric and getting ready to cut out the fabric was discussed at this meeting. The members took their measurements. At the end of the meeting the leaders' served refreshments. Belly Culbert Heads 4H The first meeting of Dungannon 2 4-H club was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Doris Culbert on Tuesday evening; March 15. The meeting began with the 4-H pledge after which election of officers was held. President is Betty Culbert, vice president Mrs. Barbara Snow- den; secretary-press reporter is rotated with Dorothy Culbert holding that office this week. Discussion was held on equip- ping a sewing box, choosing clothes for leisure and getting ready to cut fabric. For demonstra- tion the girls were shown how to take measurements. Some time was spent on group work and the meeting was closed. Silver Lake 4-H The Progressive Living Lassies held ,their first meeting recently when Valerie Stanley was nominat- ed as president and Susan Hedley as vice president. The fifth meeting was at the home of Mrs. Helen Stanley on March 10 at 7.00 p.m. Valerie Stanley led in the 4-H pledge. Denise King , read the , minutes of the last meeting. Roll call was "One thing I learned on the field trip". Janice Thompson is to write a thank you to the council. We discussed our covers and our skit. We then did a quiz on the danger signs. Mrs. Haldenby read us some of the statistics on poisoning. She talked about hazardous product symbols, pois- onous plants and passed around pictures of the poisonous plants. She then talked about falls and we did the quiz in the member's i pimphlet. She talked about fuses and electrical hazards. She closed 1 our meeting with some thoughts on Storage and Safety of Food. The leaders then checked notes and projects. Lounging Angels LOCHALSH Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles attended the funeral of Harold I'Anson of Oakville on Wednesda of this week. Mr. l'Anson is the father of Mrs. Allan McCharles of Beaconsfield, Quebec. KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Ken MacDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Bushell flew Sunday to California for a visit. The former's son Carl MacDonald is with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Yeandle at Kitchener and little Lisa is staying with Angela Breckles. Miss Kathy Hedley of Kitchener spent the weekend with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hedley. Her sisters, Debbie and Karen, returned with Kathy to spend the holiday in Kitchener. MrS. Lorne Eadie will be hostess for the annual meeting of the Holyrood Women's Institute on Thursday afternoon. April 7 th. The roll call is the payment of fees, with suggestions for next year's pro- gram. Annual reports and installa- tion of officers. Director, Miss Edna Boyle. Teachers and students are enjoy- ing the annual winter holiday. Visitors on Sunday and during RIPLEY DISTRICT SCHOOL SKI OUTING ' 'On Wednesday. March 9. a. busload of Level III and IV students' went 'to Talisman for a day of skiing. Thanks goes to Patti. Huber, Bob Colquhoun, Mrs. Bob O'Donohue, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brown who took the time out to make the day enjoyable for all. Unfortunately the day held one mishap. Mary Anne Coiling sprain- ed her ankle on the slopes. We' j hope her foot recovers soon. ELEMENTARY NEWS GIRLS HOCKEY On March 7th the Ripley girls defeated Brookside School 3-2 .at the Ripley complex. Scoring the goals for Ripley were Julie Farrell scoring 2 and Darlene Coiling 1. WELCOME BACK MARK!!! Students at R.D.S. are happ, to see Mark Stanley hack at s,:hM after being absent for quite some time. Mark was hurt in a car accident three weeks ago. R.I.A. BADMINTON AND . TABLE TENNIS Boys and girls at R.D.S. are bus:!, practising to make the teams for the BIA tournaments. The badmin- ton tournament will be held on April' 2. Not all the teams have been selected but the following are the players for Table Tennis. Robbie Sutton is senior single. Jamie Gallant junior single and Debbie Zipfel and Donna Huber are senior doubles. Good luck to all the teams participating. the week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Graham were Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eckenswiller of London: Richard Elliott of Pinecrest Manor. Luck- now: Mrs. Dorothy Thompson of Kincardine: Misses Edna and May Boyle from here. Friends of the Rev. George Garratt were sorry he was confined to his 'bed during the week and unable to con-duct his parish services on Sunday. We all hope he will be able to be with us again on Sunday for the service at 12 noon. PLETCH ELECTRIC WINGHAM RESIDENTIAL — FARM INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Phone Collect 357-1483 Dungannon 1 4-H club's third meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge followed by the roll call, "Give one point to remember when cutting or marking the fabric," which was answered by 13 members. The minutes of the last Meeting were read, by Elaine Stewart. Secretary - press reporter for this week is Annabelle Stewart. The members decided to —use the cover designed by Kathy Pentland and Sylke Becker and to use black duo-tang books. • Topics for discussion and demonstration were assembling the garment. darts, ' gathers and seams, which were plain, french, and flat fell seams. , For group work some of the younger members practised making the seams. The next meeting will be held at the home, of ,Mrs. Marie Stewart at 1 p. M. on March 22. Trinity 1 Trinity I held their second 4-H meeting at the home of Mrs. Herb Wilkins, March 19 at 1.30 p.m. We began the meeting by repeating the 4-H pledge. The next meeting will be held March 29, 7.00 p.m.., at the I home of Mrs. Charles Wilkins. Achievement Day will be June fourth at Brookside Public School. Mrs. Herb Wilkins discussed getting ready to cut out the pattern and Mrs. Charles Wilkins discus- sed cutting and marking. Mrs. Herb Wilkins demonstrated alter- ing the pattern. Lori Hackett and Mrs. Charles Wilkins demonstrat- ed cutting and marking. Everyone did samples of alterations of shoulders 'and pants. Before going home we checked our own patterns and made alterations where necessary. We laid out our patterns and began cutting and marking them.