The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-03-23, Page 1The LUCKNOW SENTINEL 08.00 A Year In Advance WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1977 Single . Copy 20c 2111 Pages P01011O1011.•••••••••••• Has Become A Family Sport Peter Steer Wins Ontario Men's Archery Championship Fast becoming known as one of Canada's top barebow archers, 'Peter Steer of London last week won the Ontario Men's Barebow Division at Galt, Ontario. The week previous Peter and his wife Elaine both placed fourth for all of Canada in their respectiie divisions at the Canadian National Championships. The former. Lucknow couple, Members of both The Ontario Archers Association and The Federation , of Canadian Archers, competed in some thirty-five tourn- aments during the past twelve months across Ontario and North- ern U.S.A. Peter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer of Kinloss By Marian Zinn More than $20,000 worth of books were missing from the libraries of our five secondary schools last year. Broken down, they are as 'follows: Clinton's Central Huron - $6,240; Exeter's South Huron District High School - $5,264;'Goderich District Colleg- iate Institute - $2,080; Seaforth High School - $1,408; F. E. Madill Secondary School - $5,482. The F. E. Madill S.S. losses in 1974-75 were $4,750 and the ratio would be the same at the other 4 schools. Based on its enrolment, F. E. Madill S.S. will receive $5,100 for new library books in 1977-78. This amount will not even replace the books which have not been returned for one year. Many times students take home books and forget about them; sometimes they are misplaced only to turn up later but are not returned to the school. Some students are under the impression the board has lots of money - so what's the difference, but actually it is not only the taxpayer who is being robbed, but if a single copy of a $20.00 to $30.00 specialized book is missing, other students do not have the chance to do research or read the book because it is no longer in the Nobles Honoured Prior To Leaving For Swift Current SOUTH KINLOSS NEWS A farewell luncheon was held on Sunday after church for Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Noble and Leslie, who are leaving for Swift Current. The address was read by Donald Maclntyre and Ira Dickie presented them with a beautiful living room clock. Both Rev. and Mrs. Noble replied expressing their thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Noble will be missed in our community as both were ready to help out at any time and were friends to each and every one of us. We wish them all the best in their work in Swift Current. 'and Elaine is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook of Lucknow. Peter became interested in archery for bowhunting reasons, but soon switched to target archery. In his first year of competitive shooting he is one of only a handful of barebow archers to reach the Expert A category. Not to be outdone, Elaine has won many honours in the female division. Recently the couple helped form a new archery club in London, named Broken Arrow Archers. Peter, along with team mates Ken and Carol Adams and Carl DeWilde, have become known as the No. 1 team in Canada, both library. Spring is just around the corner, we hope, and with that spring housecleaning. I am making an earnest plea to all mothers who have children, and who have had children in. our secondary schools for the past eight years, to ,please go through closets, draWers, corn- ers, etc. for these books. There will be no questions asked, no fines levied. Put the books in paper bags, leave them at school bus depots or take them back to the schools. If books keep disappear- ing at the same rate, the Board will have to install scanners at each library at a cost of $6,000 to $8,000 each. Dorothy Williams, Clinton and I attended •a conference on Commun- ity Education in Niagara Falls rec- ently, in which principals and co- ordinators spoke of the programs they had initiated in both element- ary and secondary schools in large cities and rural areas. The North- ern Ontario Boards have a great deal to offer as far as ideas for community use of schools. The evenings spent in making crafts, CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 59 Killyman Road, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland. January 24th, 1977. The Editor, Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario, Canada. Dear Sir, My warmest greetings go to you, your newspaper, your staff and your readers in 1977. May happiness and prosperity be with you all through a bright New Year. I have a very special letter for you this time. With each day that barebow and free-style. Carol won the Gold for the ladies at both the Canadian and Ontario Champion- ships. Carl and Ken were silver and bronze medal winners at the Nationals. Carl has been both Canadian and Ontario Champion several times. For those of you who may' not know, free-style archers use a mechanical sight, while barebow use no sighting device. Peter and Elaine's two daughters, Tracy 7 and Heather 4, both compete in the Junior Olympic Archery program. Archery is Canada's fastest growing sport and a sport for young and old. To Provide Lunch Room At Township Garage A special meeting of Kinloss Council was held on February 28th with the reeve and all council present. The application of Violet Thomp- son was accepted for caretaker at the Township Hall. Council accepted the resignation of Fraser MacKinnon as clerk= treasurer-collector, effectiye March 31st, 1977. /1 Bill's Construction of Ripley was engaged to construct a lunch room for employees and road superinten- dent at the Township garage. Council were in agreement with the appointment of Jack Elliott and Howard Chesney to the Land Division Committee for a period of 3 years. A. motion was made to, advertise for applications for the position' of clerk-treasurer-collector. By-law 16-4 was passed being an amendment to Zoning by-law 16 permitting a second dwelling or mobile home on a 'minimum of 180 acres in Al and A2 zones. A notice was to be published in local paper requesting applications for tile drainage in 1977 to be CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 passes, I become more and more involved with your community, less and less a stranger. In September '76, during a short quick jaunt to London,, England, I was lucky enough to arrange a meeting with Mrs. Orma Murdoch, 52 Edgemore Drive, Toronto, over on tour from your country with her friend, Mrs. Muriel Ramsey. 7 Arborell Road. Apt. 10, Rexdale, Toronto. We lunched together at their London hotel and you can imagine the excitement, the pleas- ure, the chat-chat-chatting, nine- teen to the dozen, such a glorious time, we hardly knew how to part, and I can tell you they're very lovely ladies. We had already been Lucknow Lions Representatives Are Winners At Regional Speaking KINGSBRIDGE NEWS Congratulations to Mary Luanne Clare,. daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare of Kingsbridge who wonfirst prize in the girls' division in the Lions Club Region 3 Public Speaking Contest held at. the Howick Central School on Friday evening, March 18. Mr. Howard Henderson of Owen Sound, Region 3 Lions, opened the contest. He is the Effective Speaking Chairman for the district. He welcomed all the contestants who were sponsor- ed by Lions Clubs from Lucknow, Wingham, Teeswater, Ripley and Palmerston. Mr. Ted Heimpel, Lions Public Speaking Chairman from Mitchell, conducted the contest. Each contestant spoke his or her prepared speech and later each had to give an improMptu speech of '2 . to 3 minutes. Contestants were students of Grades 9 to Grade 13. Mary Luanne spoke on "Drugs" and is a grade 9 student at F. E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham. She was sponsored by the Lucknow Lions Club. Second place winner was Barbara Ryan, who was sponsored by the Wingham Lions Club. Her topic was ."Individuals". Congratulations'to Ken de Boer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill de Boer of Lucknow. who placed first in the boys' division speaking on "Land Use". He, too was sponsored by the Lucknow Lions Club. Second place winner was Brian McGuire sponsored by the Ripley Lions Club speaking on "Difference Between Man and Woman". The winners received a trophy and all received cash prizes. The •winners will now adVance to the District Level to be held in Palmerston on Saturday evening, April 2. Passes Music Christine Stapleton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stapleton of R. R. 2 Auburn, received 78 marks in her grade 4 piano exams. She is a pupil of Darryl Kloeze of R. R. Goderich. in correspondence through the Lucknow Sentinel and I've had several more letters since they went back. They send me most pressing invitations to ,visit Ontar- io. Wouldn't that be wonderful? I think of that trip as a dream that could come true, if not this year, then maybe later on. How I'd enjoy meeting you all, all my new friends! Then I want you to know that you're all becoming famous in Ulster! Recently, the B.B.C. asked me for material for short broad- casts on topics of my own choice. Never one to dodge a challenge, I submitted various suggestions and one completed script under the title "Letters To Your Friends", telling of the joy that' letter writing has brought to me through all the \y/ 14. in if vf v Lions Rooster Is Uninvited Rose Si. ,.Guest When Jde Agnew, 1st vice president of Lucknow and District Lions Club, filled in for president Stu Reavie who was vacationing during the last meeting of Lucknow Lions, he went 'home with more than he'd bargained on. Stu hadn't told Joe of the extras that went with the president's job and that he'd be eligible to take a' certain chick home with him after the meeting. Visiting members from, the Zurich Lions Club, attended the Lucknow meeting and had with them the well covered chick for vice president Joe. The surprise package, when unveiled, proved to be the notor- ious Lions rooster who greeted his arrival in Lucknow with a loud crow and immediately formed an attach- ment to Joe. The rooster surprise package had its beginning at the Ilderton club and has made its home with a dozen or more clubs in the zone since the beginning. Joe Agnew made the rooster welcome on Rose Street for a time, but this rooster is a rambling man and it wasn't long before he was anxious to make his next official Lions visitation. yVylnyVVVVVy Sells Farm Missing Books Are Costly Item, Suggest Check Of Homes During Spring Housecleaning Letter To The Editor Walter "Perky" Arnold has sold his farm wn the 9th concession of West Wawanosh and will move to Lucknow. Walter, his wife Lorraine and family Brian 17, Brenda 16 and Debra 13 will, move to their newly purchased home on Elgin Street in Lucknow, the home having been purchased from Gerrie Glenn. Arnolds will hold a sale on March 26th. Walter has been ,farming for 18 years, also doing carpenter work. He will now concentrate full time on the carpentry work. New owners of the Arnold farm will be Ron and Irma O'Connor of the Dublin area. He is a fieldman with New Life Farms. They have a family of three girls ages 7, 4 and 9 months. Dungannon, Ireland, Now Has Close Ties With Area Through Pens Of Residents, Makes B.B.C. News years, ever since I was ,a small child. I finished with the fascinating story of how I came in contact 'with the Lucknow Sentinel and through its columns, with so many of your readers. The B.B.C. approved at once, inviting me dowli for the recording, and the broad- cast went out over the' air on January 3rd, most successfully, I'm glad to say, with audiences still showing their appreciation by post and telephone even yet. I would really like to do much more of this sort of work, if only I had more time. But I'm writing a book. Did I tell you? It's such bliss to do that I . have to ration myself so not to be neglectful of my other tasks. Letters still come pouring in from CONTINUED ON PAGE 19