The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-02-09, Page 23KEMP'S GENERAL STORE R.R. 7 Lucknow .— Lanes — Phone 529-7248 Campbell's Cheddar Cheese Soup 10 oz.... 36C Mitchells Pure Apple Juice • 48 oz.... 79c Chef Boy Beef Ravioli 15 oz... 49c SPECIALS FOR FULL INFORMATION, CLIP AND MAIL: THE REGISTRAR, GEORGIAN COLLEGE, 401 DUCKWORTH STREET, BARR 1E, L4M 3X9 11111111Mall 11111•11•91 IMMIMINIMP Name (In Full) Address Telephone No I am interested in the following: Full day program (name of program( Partial program (name of program' .... • ....... . PAGE TWENTY.THRE E the ("COOP store SWINE MEETING SPONSORED BY TEESWATER AND LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO—OPS Tuesday, February 15th [WEATHER PERMITTING] at 12 noon . Lucknow Legion TOPICS' SWINE MANAGEMENT - Richard Smelski, O.M.A.F. MEDICATIONS - David Ireland, Pfizer HIGH ENERGY FEEDS - George Klages, Lucknow Co-op SWINE DRUGS -'Murray Oliver, U.C.O., Guelph ALL WELCOME For Information Contact Girl Guides Try Winter Camping The 1st Lucknow Company of the Girl Guides braved the wind and snow, Friday, January 28, to arrive at the Lucknow Town Hall for.their first winter camp. They slept in the hall, using their sleeping bags, but did many activities outside. Marian Raynard and Lori Mc- Kim, who were the 'girls working for their Camp Leader Badge, welcomed the guides. They then, proceeded to waterproof matches. Marian closed the evening with, a campfire. Saturday's events kept all the Guides and Leaders busy. We awoke to the smell of hot porridge. After finishing we went outside on a scavenger hunt. Most of the Guides tried to walk with snow- shoes and did very well. After having hot dogs for lunch over an open fire, we made crafts. Mary Boyle, camp advisor for Maitee District, was present for the day to test Lori and Marian on their badgework. Supper was cooked outside. The Guides awaited anxiously for their guests Mr. Herb Clark and his son Doug and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Struthers, to play and teach the girls square dancing. For the evening's campfire, guests were Mrs. Carroll McKim, Mrs. Bev Thompson, Mrs. Mary Boyle, Kathryn McKim, Lorna Boyle and Nancy Thompson. Lori lead this campfire. • Sunday brought the closing of the camp with the Guides snow sculpturing, packing their suitcases and sleeping bags, and cleaning the hall. Suzanne Kirkland, Lori McKim, Brenda and Luanne McLeod, Rosalea Cameron, Kim Sanderson, Tracey McDonagh, Marian Rayn- ard, Helen McIntyre, Mrs. Diane Morrison and Mrs. Sue Bellmore, found the weekend most education- al and enjoyable. PURPLE GROVE Intended for last week Dr. and Mrs. Emerson were in Toronto on Wednesday where they attended the Ontario Veterinary Convention. , Fran and Jim managed to make 'it' back on Sunday. Glen, Marty, Sharon and Kim Bolte were Sunday dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Van Sligtenhorst and family of Kirilough. Any travel done in this area is 'strictly by snowmobile. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 9, 1977 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP 528-3024 GEORGIAN COLLEGE TEESWATER DISTRICT CO-OP 392-6862 Ten Years of Service Extension courses (state courses) Name of campus in which interested Chalmerrs Church Held Annual WHITECHURCH NEWS Chalmer's Presbyterian Church held its annual meeting on Friday, February 4 in the church Sunday School room with a small attend- ance. The meeting opened with . prayer by Mr. Bev Kay, student minister. The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by Elroy Laidlaw for the secretary, Wallace Milligan. The student minister Mr. Kay states that 1976 was an eventful year in the life of the congregation. Various organ- izations accepted the challenge placed before them, thus contribut- ing to the witness of Christ in this corner of his vineyard, giving of our time and talent and through our material gifts to the world wide work of the church. The , session report showed removal by death Mr. Jack Aitchison, and Mr. Ira Wall. Members were 103 on the roll on December 31, 1976. The C.O.C. held - 7 meetings during the year in the Sunday School room during the church service with an average attendance of 7 and a membership of 10. The leaders were Mrs. Hugh Simpson and Mrs. Archie Purdon. The W.M.S. held 12 meetings with average attendance 11. There are 13 active members and 10 Home Helpers. The meetings are held in the homes. A special Easter meeting was held at Brookhaven Nursing Home. At the August meeting Mr. Bev Kay was speCial speaker with topic purpose and work of W.M.S. The October fhankoffering meeting was held in the church with Mrs. Kay speaker on Thanksgiving, when five other societies were entertained. The leaders each month are responsible for the topic and an inspiring Bible Study. A membership fee of 50c and quarterly birthday, teas are held to add to the expense fund. There was $333.05 sent to the Presbyterial General Fund, which was exceeding the allocation set. The Ladies' Aid,, with treasurer Mrs. John de Boer, had a very active financial year making them able to pay for some redecorating and repairs at the manse. The Young Peoples Society held their meetings every other week in Langside and Whitechurch with an average attendance of 15. Mem- bers of the group attended the Fall Rally at Forest and camp at Kintail. They ' had a tobogan • party and pancake supper. The Society sponsored a child through the Christian Childrens Fund of Can- ada, costing $190. and closed with a balance of $97.82. The Sunday School superintend- ent, Walter Elliott, secretary treas- urer, Mrs. John Gaunt and seven teachers had a very successful year with a good attendance every Sunday and closed with a bank balance of $199.20. The newly elected managers are Bill Versteeg, Jim de Boer. Dawson Craig and Mrs. Bill Rintoul. The treasurer is Mrs. John Gaunt and organist, Mrs. Don Ross. The auditors re appointed are Mrs. Bill Gibson and Bill Versteeg. A vote of thanks was tendered Rev. Glenn Noble, Mr. Bev Kay and the other church officers. The meeting closed with prayer by Revs Glenn Noble. Interim Moderator. .44r-,867.0144. DOUGLAS - at Wingham and District Hospital on Wednesday, February 2nd, 1977 to Mr. and Mrs. Brian Douglas of Wingham, a daughter, Lea-ann Catherine. CLEGHORN - at Wingham and District i ,tal on Saturday, February 5th. ,0-"s' to Mr. and Mrs. Ron ('Leghorn of R. R. 2 Wingham, a son, John Richard. tot tgo Since 1967 we have been proud to offer programs geared to the educational needs of the Georgian Bay area community. We invite you to consider Georgian College for a full-time, day program in applied arts, business, technology and the health sciences. Applications are now being accepted for the Fall Semester. Information is also available on adult training programs, extension and summer school courses. 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