The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-02-09, Page 8RADNOR CHINA FLORALS COSTUME JEWELLERY ROYAL DOULTON FIGURINES WATCHES CLOSED MONDAYS FOR WINTER MONTHS •t• Agraff, -OA) SCHMID'S 'ELMNA AND OWNERS W. JOS. AND DEAN E. AGNEW PHONE 528-3532 LUCKNOW, PAO! 111010 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 1977 Midgets Win Consolation Trophy Lucknow Lions Midgets lost their first game 4-3 Saturday with 11 seconds to go against Teeswater, , but they came back to win the next two against Kincardine 4-1 and then Howick 5-2 to win the conso- lation trophy in the Ripley Lions Midget Tournament . Scoring in the first game Was WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 Mothers and Pre-School Skating 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. THURSDAY, FEBRLARY 10 4-8 p .m. Figure Skating , 8:30 p.m. Juvenile Girls 4 Wingham vs Ripley SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 8:30-12 Saturday Morumg Hoetel* . 130 - 3.30 p .m. Pubht Skate SENILAY. FEBRUAXY 13 2.11,0 p xr. St Ciettemri v-E iipet Ivaterrae.thaties TUMMY. FERRIC AX? 1! 8.30 L S' X tc Oid-t.trio--1 done by Mark Frayne from Tom Sinnett; Jas. VanOsch unassisted; and Sinnett from. Frayne and Cayley. In the second game it was Mark Frayne unassisted; Frayne from Sinhett; Frayne from Sinnett; Pat Boyle from Alex Irvin and Mike M c Donagh In the third game Scoters were Ja.S. VanOsch 3 and Ron Johnson 2. The 'Lucknow Midgets would like to thank the Ripley Lions for a very good tournament. The Chatzipc Pro%:incia] Poiice hocket team played their annua game with the Lucknow Kinsrner it the Lucknow arena-,---ias-.. Sunda% night. Anyone w hc thinks tha- trie fellows in blue. mign• be vu - u4 shape or car • strait itSf trit Kinsmer. The polite stiatI shooters. notcned 8 goats a trio; Kinsmen 2 The poilct shot- a fey, players sc twc le, CIO Mt-A members heiped oir tviembers iron con.aci. meats if 'Waist-nor, Kiteartitist. Wmgharr ant TailTfta Itsityr.o Police Prri,:evtk lion to evenitit gt it 1S.11151Tier SefPvt*.t vittel rirr it int yommunp., Tht Blue are[ , E.11/SITIrrl V•it'rtr:TO sti,001 Itr"Wilr tt. riving trartit It tn.:: cirt trlt '1 CJIibirrff.T wt-Tro.: ft a Iktrit' r Tiev. 6::14-071. a. ttet vuir wert tot :pis k tle.itl's: into-er:.:Tatirn it . ill tuout vent urtysirelet tut e.t-r.. nut. wtt•-.:. 1.e-ter -2tiratitit1T et1it Eatit., 11 ;ntruct4.-:- t:ro 11P. House League Hockey Results On Saturday, February 5th, in the first game, the Bruins drubbed the Red Wings 7 to 1. Steven Frayne, 2, Steve Errington, Chris Naylor, Ken Irwin, Steve Davidson and Mike Dennis were the marks- men for the Bruins. John Edisbury had the lone marker for the Red Wings. In the second game the Rangers doubled the score on the Black' Hawks 6 to 3. Richard Jurgens led the attack with 5 goals. Jimmy VanOsch added a single for the Rangers. Kevin Smith with 2 and David Hawkins dented the twine for the Black Hawks. In the third game the Canadiens edged the Leafs 4 to 3. Jim Foran with a pair, Hugh Burgsma and Brian Kerr potted the goals for the Canadiens. Kevin Lindsay, Ken Ritchie and Allan Sta'hley replied for the Leafs. ' Standings as of February 5th, Bruins and Canadiens (tied) with 13 points, Rangers 11, Leafs 7, Red Wings 6, Black Hawks 4. Schedule on February 12th, 10:00 - Canadiens vs Black Hawks, 11:00 - Rangers vs Red Wings, 12:00 - Bruins vs Leafs. Lucknow Arena News WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 1:30-3:30 Moms'and Tots 3:45-4:45 p.m. Brookside Boys 8:30 p.m. W.O.A.A. Grand Championship Juvenile Hockey Clinton `CC' vs Lucknow `DD' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 4 - 7:30 p.m. Figure Skating Industrial Hockey 3:45 Holyrood vs Kintail 9:15 Lucknow vs Ashfield FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11 3:45-4:45 p-m. Brookside Girls Intermediate Hockey Harriston vs Lucknow SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12 10 - 1 House League He - 31 Canadiers %s Black Hawks • 12 Rangers ‘s Red Wings :2 Br-1;in s s Leafs 2 - 4.rf, ; rt 1.• wings.an tikity_r -.. 4 SL'NLs rast'ff. Wil."10 i ? *II 14 tecstrati A A VI u'r.'"e.rt T".. 5:14) rek/Aitt *AI J 4:e Lt rT 45.7 :'1, ti 1:0,7" ,7 t#41 '-1( Atoms lost In Exhibition Lucknow Atoms lost 3.1 in an exhibition game with Mildmay at Lucknow on Monday, February 7th. Lawrence Clark scored the only Lucknow goal, with the assist going to Alex West and Ross Pickard. This ends the Atoms scheduled games. February 14th sees the start of the playoffs, Lucknow versus Milverton in the best two-out-of three games. For exciting playoff entertain- ment, plan to attend the Lucknow arena February 14th. Baniams Lose, Tie and Win The past week the Lucknow Bantams had 1 win, 1 tie and 1 loss. Saturday, January 22 they lost to the Howick team 2-0. Monday, January 24 the Bant- ams travelled to Mildtnay and came home with a tie 4-4. Scoring for Lucknow were Steve. MacPherson 2, Larry MacPherson 1, Steve Simpson 1. Assists went to Paul Hamilton 2, Doug Dorscht 1, Steve Simpson 1. On Thursday, January 26 Tees- water had to play their home game here at the Lucknow Arena. Lucknow was the winner at this game by a score of 3-2. Scoring for Lucknow were Paul Hamilton 1, Steve Simpson 1, Steve MacPher- son 1 with assists going to Steve Simpson 2 and Paul Hamilton 1. Minor Teams Start Playoffs ' The Lucknow Minor Hockey system starts playoffs this week with all teams from Atom to Midget going directly into the WOAA finals against Milverton. Due to reclassification of teams in respect to population, Lucknow has been classed as a "DD" team instead of the usual "D" category they've had for a number of years. , Midgets play the first game 'on the 8th of February at home. The Pee Wees go to Milverton on February 10. Bantams go to Milverton on Saturday, February 12 and the Atoms are at home on February 14. Watch for future home games and support your local 'teams 'in pursuit of the WOAA -..i-larnpion ship trophies. 141c,e-niles are the only "DD" :n the WOAA and await the 1,-rn.F:-.rs of the' south in the OMHA :-.;,egiri March 13. In the -nean-r.rne the-v start into the 'AirJA s and championship games r..lintrm in the Lucknow ell:hey-lay night. Smile if you think you're in shape. 4119C-(:7 pa/mama/on Vi742-1'1, in .-Aiur heart fttA knou it's right. Town and Country Bowling Thelma Brown had high single for the 'ladies with 218.. The double went to Anna Dexter with 325. High single for' the men went to Jim McNaughton with 190. W. F. McDonald had high double of 336. Team-scores: Reds 2, Oranges 3,, Yellows 0, Greens 2, Blues 5, Violets 3. Team standings: Blues 49, Yellows 48, Greens 45, Violets 43, Oranges 41, Reds 30. Ladies 9 p.m. (for bowling missed Jan. 10) High single, Vicki Park 265; high triple, Barb Tyler 590. Games over 200: Vicki Park 265, Dianne Carter 222, Grace Hopf 233, 211, Barb Tyler 226, Ann Anderson 207, Kay Crawford 214., Susan Stevenson 203, Anne Wisser 236. Omitted January 24th Olive Chisholm 224. Team points: Anna Johnstone's Daisies 4, Tena Gardner's Asters 3; Linda Sticklend's Roses 7, Barb Helm's Daffodils 0; Grace Hopi's Tulips 4, Merle Rhody's Violets 3. Team standings: Asters 72, Roses, 67, Daffodils 64, Daisies 61, Violets 60, Tulips 51. (February 7 bowling) High single, Gail Mackie 270; high triple, Merle Rhody 648. Games over 200: Merle Rhody 205, 248, Gail Mackie 270, Grace Hopf 213, Ann Anderson 247, Marjorie Thompson 236, Marg Hackett 216, Anna Johnstone 241, Anne Wisser 210, Susan Stevenson 201, Dianne Carter 262, Marie Hoffman 245, Lynn Wall .214, Helen Chisholm 218, Linda Stick- lend 205. . Team points: Merle Rhody's Violets 2, Grace Hogs Tulips 5; Barb Helm's Daffodils 5, Linda Sticklend'S Roses 2; Tena Gard- ner's Asters 0, Anna Johnstone's Daisies 7. Team standings: Asters 72,, Roses 69, Daffodils 69, Daisies 68, Violets 62, Tulips 55. Ladies 6:30 p.m. Mary Cleland was the high bowler with a single of 253 and a triple of 642. Games of 200 and over: Mary Cleland 203, 253, Fern MacDonald 203, Pat Livingston 230, Ena Henderson 242, Irene Markham 235, Lois McIntosh 219, Marion MacKinnon 208, Mildred Cameron 235, Ruth Thompson 202. Team points: Ruth Thompson's Deuces 7, Belle Mole's Jokers 0; Grace Elliott's Queens 5, Anne Riegling's Aces 2; Kathleen Mac- Donald's Jacks 5, Gladys Moffat's Kings 2. Team standings: JackS 69, Dueces 67, Queens 66, Kings 55, Aces 54, Jokers 46. Ripley-Huron Boys In Blue Arena Schedule Win Game 8-2