The Signal, 1929-12-19, Page 21.
'.. 4' ".. � J ., s.. ...-.....s+^....r.•-.tee-+'mum
GODERICH, ONT. — - wA��reu
• THE SIGNAL, — - -- -----
_-__-___ WORK t11} HF:%F:1►Il'r1\•
to -Thursday. T�harw12. I90Y• -- yea t. u !�' � {�\V,, ae, wild. 1u',1 uVR dlt
-- �1 p "Fier► �"tY�i'7► � i ►��• BELEN3 `� ` i [T►Zl •`9 No°kr Patleutl> t'r�p►rd InnuorW i R (wu urru°dnx f tilt of ilei 009,
\v_r/ I,4 ` j "lu fire 1)r1'• tet lie t'r°r,la (700
`ALE of imported ENGLISH DINNERWARE rj }• IiF;LENR Det•. it.—Mr and,
N tiluKr sillyApply rt J;IGN AL ul•'FlCZ
t1• IrgaU•s lu the Wur W Congress { r -=-
Starting Saturday, field uu 71ita+,laJ atteudl,sg fisc full -' THERE CAME A WTTLZ OHILD TO EA tTFI tet l.ibrrrlunis at Rolur. includint Ai(TIO\ KAIJS
Dec. i, to Dec. 14 ---Seven Days jR Ur>. Rubillstm \Y,Wds were at liruet- many of the is
librarians of the
2U �� prices coal Mr+. Wtwdri hn,tlrei Mr. _ United Statex• saw st cue of list. urosl SA1.l1 Olt
Sets to clear at remarkably low .,ilii Jnhlrxtl,ll. Mr+. W.xxl, has ibrl - �10MINisirRATtllii+
wonderful hooka to earth when St ltrsll►F)NI'F P1N►PI'ArrY. I1o1"W
xym}al,hs (ifto hrr ss Cha Irene• airs• vlsittd ihr monastery Iounded by _ -
\'txxls' eslater, Mlxx Charlotte Johns If here Came a little Ctllld to ear* i
S eClal NO. 2 Brurdl+t 1400 years rite• F'1'ItNISHINt;`t .\Nil F:!`FEI"1't+
Special N o. 1 {) taw, rrturntd with tier and will xlwud Long ago ; During the dark Middle Ages when ,
2 oil 96 -piece Sets, 3 Only 97 Duce Sets, ! Ithe"u weturr herr. ill \liughnu, And the angels of I;od proclaimed His birth librarians were backing IlbrarMs the We are Instructed by the adminla
y 96-P $ O t Mr •\tern re. Benedictine monka of Montecassino trators of the Fotate of the Ise Mrr -
regular $39.50 re ulal 39 50 i Lurpitri, where In• uutierwell ra�r are high and low• patiently copied trumortal workspriceless J• W. Vanaller to sell by Instill" rat
qqn 50 Sale price $29.50 vratlull Cor a, s•udi,•Ill,. Itt•I"' thus preserved for to -da) V t o° at the prrmiset, Waterbw eat .
C_le Pie S/yam i that hr i, improvhrg nhrly. Out i11 the night, sU calut and still, books that would otherwise have been 1
M/ .id11 f"" !, r;. T,NhI and `well w'cr' merry Their song was heard; loaf forever. Among them are "The I G tlATI'1tI)AY, I►El'. Nth
en.vra+rul with their purebred Aber- For they knew that the child on Bethlehem's hill Golden As•' and the "MrtamorPho the property evnsixtisig of int 11141
{ Special No. 3 Special NO 4 I leen Augus cattle at tlse Toronto Way Christ, the Lord• nes" of Apulelur; the history and An- tomer of Watrrlo, uxi ljcehw tlw
nada of Tacltur, Cleero'r oration "Pro un wDlch there Ill a comfortable stun
-Piece Sets, 2 only 96 -Piece Sets, winter file, xud 11wrs week they are Cluentfo" and his rsrayb, "R..Th
3 Only 97_p ai IIx Guelph !dl oodlY land, The and half fame dwelling lu good re
!b III ; g Ilea" and "About the lyes," Ir containing m„cier¢ cunve¢I•n,ts
�!► regular $34 30 regular $32.50 I Ford sdwul is holding t Far brand blri�lt° Nature t,t the Gods" and OHI's w R etc
;2Vsl\7 I►,huW exyuyrt in At. 11e1Pns hall oe lt�Liirr Including tatlaaes, IISDtM Doth,
'Ill.wda), Deepus ter 17. 8 dlPletir Children with crowns of glory stand Was ale. large well-lk rooms ant
�(iCe �28.5� Ttie oldestrRTatedlr ft MMl(!r>r vie..
1 ta�hool 0.111 give IIx ruurtalnment In Robed in white,- 0x1garage. a nlce
the Dell on the 10th. also preserved intact by the Brnrdle- basement end ha x t,e•u kept a [,,,x
The auuuxl mtvtiug of the Harris tines. Tbls was Varronr'e "lalln repair. Tbrd itsgood
with a ¢nm[rer
Po Language." Montecasl¢o kept tea- lawn, a good [
2 only 96 -piece Sets, ;G6.SO all -I.. 1{and will be held Saturday. In white more pure than the spotless snow; n of choice fruit [teen, berries, etc At
Special No. 5e J fwd at And their tongllea Unite kis all the only Original copy. Eu the rata• Wtte all cite toatenn of the
regular (31.50• Special price to clear. t►re 14th. 1n the ibunb. A i o this all grammar, down to the 6nL
tendantc is asked for. In the psalm which the angels sang long tag Ibis grammar taught to schoob, have biose will be cold: llvtag•toom.
.a8 , �� py�en-Crior to tie d4.- On that still night. in part been based. dlnfng•room, bedroom nerd kitchen
8 only 94 -piece Sets. a7 H G. Whitfield for The work of the Ben•dlctln• moats I Bell piano, Brun a walnut "aide
Special NO 6 Y"p $14.95 p.rture or Bea. Mich.,
regular =17.95• Special price to clear at his new charge at the c llle, They sing how the Lord Of that world so fair In Dreaming prte even
crook■ of tk• Issli piano,wick
nograph (1
a axial evening of the congtv[ation A Child was born; church Du been even more remark- perfect walnat
A 15 01
d jt yeaefte Jltt� flat lohl Qllitl>oas of nearly
Ileknx fatted cnw�rs of the ably. gusOrigi°t1 works of 8t and
St, tables ♦ t1. z hat davenport,
rrs,ent Mr. it'll• And that they might His crown of 610ry share at. Augusllt•, 8L Cy9rfan ands in- Kand books,otr4- hes,°aleatiteer
congregation being P mlleical and Wore a crown of thorn; Ambrose; the moat ancient pa Da
We cordially invite you to visit Our storedea real pleiseuilstmr� rote braised
gift suggestions that make the holidayshopping non Woods presided. A but
the text that o[ Joist VIII.; tis• oldest crated r«kers. chins,
trite ladies
Gift Shop Illtenry program was given, desk, iDfna etbinel
Cole's Book asad
nd PPe was the And in mortal weakness, in want and p•�, text
of laws, na•G Great
o�•°d I b°its ferneries, a nearly new 9 e
main feature of the evening Whit- Came forth to die, --- electric rase, Hower
TMs Cl4R1sTa4Af trrows"
presentation to Mr. and Mrs• from the depredations of tlm• til the Clary all
PHOtiS 9l I field of two rock ng-b&irs, a fernery That the children of earth might in glory reign Benedictine brethren. vacuum denser, noir polisher,
and s picture. They were accompanied With Him on high. bedroom furniture including 9 ligan,
s,a��Oa,.B�t7saar�� �I by an address ezpresriag appreciation ARp. Wlluww, blankets. etc., btrarser
7fat.7f+i VIDtt• DBA t)1 -DEALING C[Ji!'BO New Perfet tion °II atoms, Carden
of the work of Mr. and Mrs apparel
swdeot, Is to He has put on His kinglya argil now, Muse Piece of Old Italian tlsntltsee tools• bone, la%+n Dower' Ce
"My adelve to art field In tie church and tvmmu°ftJ' that goodly land: most culler, sewlsg machine, holt,
car -
California has sot as Jet been shun ,vrt4gee."-James Montgomery The recipients made suitablelere eo Is for bale. china, glassware, cutlery. rugs, car-
ded by the Mediterranean fruit fly. and later brief speet'hes A. Miller, And He leads to where fountains of eaten flow
which 4 bringing distress to Florida. 'Flagg. til Meears. J. Webster, W Lucretia, Bor[1a'a Wfw° cupboard pets, curtains and nomertruw other
]• Ramage and a Wim• That chosen band. to being advertised for sale by a Reis- articles
It possible the West orae wl ••It'x a great world we live in; noth stan Royalist In Berlin. TERMS -41's
i,ruD�7 and piss^
have no Insects appeal. The N lag la issil wiible--nothing."-hod Bir- This cupboard. In which rvatlYLucrella will be announced at sols Os e,titrsr
Yorker. I tenhead And forevermore, in their robes so fair rrttiy a
y �� .This (Thursday) morning was the And undefiled, � poisoned her lovers, is aDW rurolabinp and i•Qei'0/, olsmL
Coldest of the season so far, the pre piece of old Italian furniture, and Tfit►A. I►EANtl wM. 11'BANB,
si t war ]Oa can Ire killed tori out'.; nclal reading feeing 8 dtgrees Those ransomed children ills praise declare was given to her by her brother! Administrators
tlmes. Winstmr
i Unit In polities, as zero. _ Who was once a Child. Caesar. With diabolical cunning. Lu-' T i;t NIr IJ A . So Auorluseer
lir Notice aat�1L eretia would entice h, -
victims to }I\1' t ! }I.\1'tl, Bollcitors.
d Suddenly a pols-
$X -
sandy use open the cup -Ar .
list was arrested for being intoziea- I ::urs
would xprinK ,but and a few
All taxes and road. oil WANTED ltd. on being brought before the I AS JOSEPH WAS.A-WALBINO _ tours later they would be dead. I AUCTIONfiINiG
id not Judge be was ached by the Court what ar¢ce l,had air death the cup ICH.
charges tTlUst bo± pa board has had a remarkable history. rgttMA6 OI)WRT, GODCH
later than December 14th, Successful young farmer, prefer- he was there for. At the end of the eighteenth centurl 1 t-� g fIT(XY AND Ol�tftMAl
ably O A C graduate to sell Put: 'Tour Ihinnr, i was arrested' Joseph was a -walking, alTl'T1ONE6R
in order to avoid the pen- well-r,tal,bshed lone of Fertilizers fur heing intoxicated.' ft was acquired by Cardinal Frrdl-
Pa,t, where did cru buy the He heard an angel sing: nand of Medici and placed in the' Telephone No It9.
ally• donna winter months Jude: ' This night shall be born Villa Medici, near Rome. The Rus- I haling attended to anywhere and every
liquor?" plan who U sallag It. dot fared It was lye satisfaction.
J. H. ROBERTSON, Appl v Box No. 50, Pet : "Ytnrr Ilonrx. i did not buy it. Our heavenly Ding. ceRort to sde w g
\ Wotchman gave 1t to me. h, n given b, the cardinal to Thar I Farmer%' mak notes discnontoed
Collector. Goderich Signal Judge: "Thirty days f„r perjury.” I Nicholas I. as an raprr%sien of gnti-;
-Judge: He neither shall be born tude for th,• protection of Catholics : gsF.tlI.ET W, rislitR.
— In housen nor to hall, in Russia it remained at Tsar%koye n Auctlnntier,
Nor in the place of paradise, Selo. n,•ar P.•trotirad, until 1917. Ras- will conduct ..lee anywhere. My
I Putin was specially attracted by It>'I terms are n•awnxble ■lld i will es-
-it in 8n Ox'8 stall. \Veen the revolution broke out, the denvur to give aatlemilon. Phone
cupboard was taken across the Run-: (,arrow 1314, or sd,l,em it. R. 4. God-
hF..�iijlle�l III neither shall be Clothed Iso-FintrL D Irontt. r in aha)' cert. rrtck.
In purple nor {p pall, 1 putt fntm tired Island.
But all in fair title", I On.. of tete altaet valuable birds In _ Dltl'tillSFl p�('1'ITIONRR
for 1930 As Hero babies all. tie o bi to Dr+ol+ably fisc 1h•rnvlauCalendarsguano blvd. It eztat„ in countless r1IIR(N'RA tit THERAPIST
Ile neither shall be rocked sallI in the uninhabited islands on Gederfch Phone N1
in silver nor its gold, the Coast of 1't n anli,it k slated that r. with setectro-mnrlsetic
somo hundred mililons dullarr' worth tie { 1
19 BUt III a woodelt Cradle of a fertilizer. thirty times ax sire¢[ bathes FIPra"fle. hronlPlettlc t anis sun
are here and they are dandies That r -wk, of, the mould. as barnyard manure. have born oD and ,n.-fildi e:10P4. IA,1y c organic nod
taincd from one station alone. The �nPrroua d►.ra.e+. fatly In attendeu y.
lie neither shall be christened , deposits there are some two feat n;n,. hire. 2 in s, and 7 to s pn.
thick. and extend over grist areas. excepting
I n�J ■ted Thursday and
in white wine nor in red, 1 Why Ill., birds should he more nulu- by •ISA. N. ATKINSON
But with the fair spring water I erowl there than in•other parts of the
With which. we were christened.' world b not easy to iia>. It has been RP*Identy and nflkt-Corner r'
One for ever} paid -in -advance subscriber —oId Carol• explained that a current flows along �n'uh %trPet •nA itrlrannl, road.
the wg coral of South America . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT
keeDinR. that so•dCH
:on "oil and hence -
--- suited to the habitat Of shyriads of FRANK R GiBBS, 11HARTFROD
the birds congregate here, and the \rrountant. itt. Ontprio resect,
(1��rtBtllta ja1�ii and (�IUMItl�B ' Dare islands In the vicinity form sen- ,tvslfurd. Phone I. -Mt. Ren 1:CMA1.
CALENDAR THAT WILL BE BOTH CONVENIENT AND HANDSOME tris where the Invaluable fertiliser is
deposited In vast it cel tract!,
%�� n. L. McCartney whence it may 1x' dtig out and trans MEDICAL
The Signal from now to January 1st, 1931, for $2 00 ported _ - pit. F. J. K. FY)RSTFR
- ��" Fi'F•, FAR. N(vt;F. THROAT.
The thought of Christmas cousi¢R pit only the people frau tit (hes t-1. TO RFN1 (.ale House Surcatn New York Opk-
_ I-6ghtens the gloomy day, of late, miss. for i)liein o of grain are humbplac-ele
thxlmic And Anral flo%pltal, maeistAmt
- - fall. And what grown=up has not wit- on the toots In order char the hnmhtit at Moorefield Fye Iln%petal and Goblets
TU RENT.--BTOAE el'IT.\RLIC FOIL i,utrP Tttro•,t H,xgritAL l tendon, Frig•
f i �t gc �� L � � �q a s'eady Improvement In file birds of the Nr may also phare n ` s, ' -
v hlldrpn of ht+ nr,pinlntisnce? The the bounties of nature. roviis est grovery or offltw• Immediate he �( W-itertnn Ar !t.. Stratford. Tel-
threat, "Baotit won't bring yon any r In Brittany, the P r ,.ession given. Apply to CRAB. K. r hoop 287.
h>? Street
@S tuyV if yoti re not n g'xs1 tiny -ter Jteq..ta-Cartilt. a very nisi And q)verl SAVNIWAS. 60dPrich• hAt Hotel Tiedfnrd- G«terlPh, TuoMt-
West Hardware giri"-hAs made a sliltlterl saint orf i el'tom iA %till nb%r•nwl. Fhery �_dity. NnvPmber pith. from 10 a. m. to
` � Vbrlstma.. midnight misx% b cel -
R;: w:uiy n child after ill other methal•' } 1,. m,
�# I,aec fxiltrl. Kest It would he a herd• ,.brntwl In thPtprri.h churches. Ever J (ioUtlFTr)RI:NT.-Nt11tTt1 �rllF:l:'r•
hearted Santa t'lau, stint cou:d te- man bring% a litntern with him to R flr•f block. Bry juild rn hrb•k
y� along the village Single Donee with all :u«fern rnnsited. 1,F•G�i.
t Ilse isp1eA1 tet a Rifle writing light his wap rice•, new rnrnaco• newly ar:ize a d.
44f �! a,,, �fuyc hung before the ire uu sfleet. i;Pfnre the church xennd the , l -------- ,
Christmas Suggestions " la r e for den. is stove. a is piss
and ItNi:ST M. LFI'.
sten- r Eve, or the sight of a poor and needy of the parlxh and to g xa+%"Ion.
there tiw lanterns are handed. When amen. Immediate i r'
nit ,uu-led hNail, filled w•,th dreams of! tenant g own. Aptly to ail t' Iprrrlster and 6nlirknr
In,pi,y .an'iclpation. pillow•ed agalnst',masa is over, the men come but of leaving t or Sun Life hnliding• Adelaide and
PHLLI. Victnri i elrerl v, Toronto 2:
the white counterpane. `tide etllrch asking, "He% anyone ° air. J.-• next (north side), Teh-pbogs Elgin 6WI-
SOMETHING USEFUL The custom of hanging tip the [Ain• lantern to aPll.' and each Dula DI% _=
lly stnr•kings befOre the fire ill', own lantern back again. ---
ChristmN% Eve originated 1s AmeriPA, Perhaps this peconnta for the m«lern P1mWC NOTICE 1 DI:DIagT F. 1101,ME
FLASHLIGHTS rti � hitt not until atter the sturdy Dntc-l" hat-i•hevictng syr,tem in our hotels to 1;arri%ter, Eft.
settler% hall brought to Amt.ricq.'frum day,_hnt a kindlier motive lie% bPhinfl MAKF HOR10 M`f)NFY•-AF•fd,iNG 1 . Olhte Hamlitun streeR' e;r,dePlca.'
the homeland, the custom of setting' 1hr. i°nterti-ebeeking %,stem In Ttrit nor fruit tree%, berry hll%hpa, her- 1, Phone 27.
all the wooden "llons'of the family, tally. dy flowering %hrnb%. 1rPtiRe►whaAe nv#q. i
before the fire Ins the good Ann Nich- }:ngingtl ha% A% herlthero St. C,er,rRt': ro%P%, etc. Every home-rn►ncr a p" I IC R. DARROW, RARWi6MR, 14TC. '
tlas to till on bin annual trip arottntl ircladd hall Saint Patrick, and the f We pal liberal roAmiaainn%, rlo,,raa°r to J V. Ktla,ran
the world In quest of gtwtl little
ZOO { land of the heather boast% the deeds of [>e
SLEIGHS Beautifully finished. 1«,ya and girl•. patron saint of C•%h ever, week. i P. SSIITIi ! I plronP Ai -
59� �T0 $ � At, Andrew; while the Pa R(hNA, T.iMiT'ED, WlnotM, Onttirin. off I,
Btt11aM. ntMvrtcs,.
Strang and fast. Stockings hAv'e n grenMr ellipticity I the Ruistas t% Saint NlcholanwW Who i°� i--
hnck�y *Sticks I1'l Il (1 to 9(le ttinn wooden shoi•x nod„ Rlrnd•nan,recIIstowel hls moat prizedCLUB-
lietrtrpS d �A
discCO1.BOR�1� rARMf�RB'
WAGONS. Rubber tire,, as (ante f must I,NiP receivod' three g,R hrr%, ro ttha t4alntrNkho- y
CtCATHOCKEY SKATES ; quitil A jolt, hilt if to PUbx'AntiAtP in RIIMIA, pkwr, 1hAl df f _.I Colbornethe RA ARIiTIA F:1 t'.
` wheels, natural finish, �LrUll,; and %mAil fQik%' belief In hiA Ix,w'cr, lit' Jtl
serviceable, $?-75 to $7•C- • rose to the occasion And has been inks or e Cigna. afoancetl hl% team . nrmee n sea Hall,
gild la the R.C.HAY+-RC.IIAYh s%.. K
f ; J [)WAI.1� SI%F� est reindeer. Daher, i)pr, n Prancer
doing two ever %Ince, until- tisiw Billy I and Vixen, CnPiA, I)rrrider Arai ISlitz'1*' TemlMl2 p, 106HalfO f the election elect on of of- Hamilton rit., Or,rlPricn —
Electric Washing Ma�hilICS q Bo, 1.+ likely to find a map,
ora by name. AercCnP"Aing to 1At"tyrl kelt IR' !t R P
SUNNY DAY $t2q.SO. f=; tuckfnol-hor%e t,tandhsg bewlde a well I from the North Pole, It seem,t and business.NAI614IGNAN, _
filled stocking oil Chr1% ma% morn I thAl Banta Clang will take t° the air _ _ iNSURANC& LOANS. ETC•
\VURLI,'- 1IN1'.rT A\1, \FF:rT R'AS11lI:
log. and small -inter I% lust ms likely this year, and make his mitsit% by aero- I President. Secretary.
Olympia ExtlA : $5.00
to find a doll carriage ere or A %lo!epinR plane.
Cutlery VFv1.VF'r !�I('hFa, hPAnty doll be+ids nPM. Even the gift -giving system Is Ming 1'(1R SALF. �ch1LLOP M(JTI1A1. FIitF. IN,
a y Chrt%tmglf tree% hate long «lernl%PA• The Ant Chrand girt%, �___.- I AI'R.\each CO
.-F'Arm and I%n
Olympia Extra $4.00 popular In Cana .111
in Italy t tilllY, P
and were Rold, frankincense And myrrh. f�(llt SALF).-BRi1Nt(WiUK CABIN -hated town prop! t,
AI,IiMINirM FIN ILII SpNin, hrI htly dec„rnted tree", each) the MaRt a% Rifts fo the 1 I flffl,ch 1 . 0.; a Corrin,, PrP.... (red'
rrieA b, x phonograph with sixty Vlctnr eNrh 1'. O.; Jas IilcAns, \'1eP-PrM..
�j Cyco Tubes X2.75. Nemo rubes $2.00 I toppe,l b)' n great xllver star, an I Artatt•hlld. The 111aRf, it �1° . Reit dot. May tet seen at FRANK Me- I ItePchn•nod P. o.; 1). F• veoregor•
placel In the streets and great crowds tnaslled Dl camel• SAnta Clens la ter
Model "D" $5.50. I-Adtea' Auto $3.50 took over the job est %Il pt Se,-TrPas., Beaforp a O• A.
gather Around them %ingiug ChHwtmts ,lylbit the ARTHUR'S B'PORE, West street.
tis And ------- Dfre"tora--A. RrnaAfoet„ R.
Yukon Nickel Skates 51.00 Pan,IR AnA making merry Ina truly ears his reindeer ITUA FOR SAiX-FOUR T'i1RE• No 4, AeafortA; John G. nHe.e, No.
ll lK Knives Y•',c to l;.Ui, Ftn:)c to R rive% f1tr t" for several hnndrPA 7
,M. i,ciivep lar,p_ variety, 2iCa, lY.ts,. ('xnery tAtin fa%hton. it IA unfortunate that forchilsev of the world with BRAD Polled Angus Aberdeen Bulls. L Wetton• Willi Rlnn. R. R. No.
� fi7isesciss 0 to ll ,:. ter few rourista ever wlrnena tis seroM h►wl well. it's a tar Pry from P
Covered Roast PBnS never-tn Ise -forgotten etr9et I the cerrlel M the eeIt"%sne, but a child'% Ted fit for %Prvlrn. J. R. VAR('OF, R. 2. Sets forth; john RPnnewie%, prod-
shopper` Ronnd And rival. MAck granite Nnll Ahsrninum- of the old world. OI,r}atma henrt
Is the %Ante tis°ugh em lol•PitIP ong R' N R (InAerlch. '1`PlepbnnP Tian- hngfn, Gorr• McCartney. % R. N g•
Nese old r 19srni,e nays Pan hare mine and g Bannon 1d t B SPafnrtti: Aubert Ferris Harh,ck:
Heavily tlnutrl, v r) Ant to C„arae cutting. $1.35 t0 $1.00. clot than in France, y Murray Glbmon, BnIceBPld ; Ja dttaea
$1.50, 442.50 and $3.00. tree% most Dnlw nwn before S-er or fire ethl Mme to rest over a trans. BPPchwood; Jamtw Conon
'c i Plate . ti5c I although the were ink° manger in Bethlehem, PentnrlP% ARD' �,•OR BALi4.-FiXTi1RF,S AND R1'S1
Child Cup, Saucer and the war of 110. ly
when the iceman ( nd"lith.
w rPlPhretel NFSS for 11srher Shop,-ItontM on Agent". W. Yeo. (inruNPb;
Pyrex �� are Chtlt,'s 3 -piece St,,m es, Knife, larmy orcliDleA P•ria aid h erect Lord MscdnR, the younger son of %tritet. in the town of Q,xlPrich AIP=. Ie1tPti, R. R No. I. Clinton;
r,,and Sp ,,n 85c as they wm11A have At bbwlthllightred I I'rfnelt Anti PriorP%% Arthur of (en' R¢ltatik terser. For for her p%rt.cttlar Jnhn Narnl, SPsforth; 1t. illnrhlr,,
A Jarrett rtnteet. SI'F.('lAl.. mg fir free dPcnratPA sn Im nangh', AAA just learned the worth of %pply fn HAYIt ! IIAYRt Hamlitos
SMALL BROOM 151' Milli 25 ear,rllr•. The French were stilet, GodtriPh. Ont. ttesmert 1'nd got dei Pan mst:e s11
Round Casser -le with Cover $1,50• prP%srd til the night est the Slowing the National Anthem and iia told tiU -' I,,,lmente And Rat their r%Ma receipt'
had nnrsP he wanted fn see "nor noble
tree, that ever ainty FeRnrP M at K. J. MnrrisIt* Cb,rhlns yrnts,
her ohri%tors.% trees, introduced King." 1]Of.BTRL!f Ri'i.f,9 FYL^. AA1.lE.- Clinton: Colvin Colt's (3rnrory. Klsf
the, were by the PnPmy. Onr day when the R1nr whit walk Il nom type yPorling hu'I• from •mMdh aton street. Goderich, or J H. Held •
Tebbutt Son thrurgt r P part In Ing in the ground% et KaAshot with roPrtPrsl Itfara At711HA '-
Alf• � LlghtM cenAlws pial A 1. R °t•PaPry (bP ihikP of Cnnneught, 1,nro1 a/acAuR ofralRbf-flip mea with AIR milk rPrr,rA -
the chrialmns, deenratl°es flgurts eta Aid hl hie nnr%e, 'i nr,k, then anA v em
tintter tAt -eat. Also two
land. hilt nnwirerP An they PhMPe PA1aM. All rPaannehl, prltyA nno in wbieh
WQ�i C���� more prominently than to the APar la the King, with grandfather.* wtrb
C. L aJ dais are Oh• ".4 amid little i ord Used°R, Hord fail" s rrPAIt0d. W. Ht'MF. the payroll an be , MneternA
Phone �� A1n•v1•a leads, who" +a wwry she" at Christmas do*. "fhtt M not the King. Tkat ,. sal CLifTPON. R. R. F. 13ederlek. >'�'� out as armored Pmr.-Arnekl,n T1mssm-
ricin "that l7eorge" 1410 •
11Lta.ds ,