The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-01-12, Page 13FILING CABINETS Full legal size or popular letter size Drawers gild. _on nylon rollers. Keeps those Important papers In order for you. LUCKNOW SENTINEL ********** ********* -4( WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1977 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE THIRTEEN Langside area news Intended for last week Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young, Karen and Liane attended the community concert and dance at St. Helens on Tueday evening. Karen was amember of the quartet that played a musical number. Mrs.. Arnold Scott .attended the shower held in Whitechurch community hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. 29 for Joan Tiffin, bride-to-be. Mr. Peter Moffat; Kincardine formerly of Langside is in London hospital in serious condition. Peter underwent surgery earlier in December and returned home for a few days when his condition got worse and he returned to London. We hope he will soon improve again.. John Moffat of Teewater had a successful eye operation awhile ago in Kitchener and is now back at his apartment in Teeswater. Wesley Young of Lucknow visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young last Thursday. Karen Young spent two days last' week with her cousins, Sharen and Cindy Struthers in Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young, Marty. Jamie, Karen and Liane were New Year day_visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wynne who have a farm home here and live at Kitchener received word of the birth of their first grand- child, • a nine pound boy at Thunder Bay on Dec. 17th. Bob and Agnes Bregman and their mother Mrs. Jan Bregman, Exeter and Mrs. C. Nell of Styner are motoring to Florida for a holiday. They left on Jan 1. and expect to be away for about three weeks. If you heard singing in the air Friday night Dec. 24 it was probably carol singers who were out bringing pleasure to many people.. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Bregman and family of Goderich and Mrs.' Jan Bregman of Exeter were guests at a Christnias dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bregman ,on° Saturday Dec.. 18. The Holyrood Girl Guides held their Christmas party on Dec. 15. Each girl took a friend as her guest . Mrs. Clifford Young had the misfortune to break her left wrist in a fall Monday evening Dec. 20. She will have a cast on it for five weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Young and family held Christmas dinner on Friday, Dec. 24 with, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young, William, Ken and Russell as guests. On Dec 25 guests for Christmas dinner at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin, John and Dan of 7ingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stuthers, Sharen and Cindy of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Don Wall and Krista of Culross. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young and William were guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. VVightman of Belgrave who held their Christ- mas part in Belgrave hall on Dec. 25 with twenty-four members of4 their family present. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Young of Lucknow were also guests. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bongert- man and Lou-Ann of Teeswater, Mary Bongertman and friend Fiona McLaren of Kitchener and Joanne Bongertman of Lucknow were Christmas day visitors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bongertman. Christmas day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moffat and family were' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moffat and Alesha of second of 'Kinloss; Murray Moffat, Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McAllister of Culross; Mr. and Mrs. Don Stewart and Mrs. Robena Stewart of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Moffat London spent two days with her parents before leaving for Cuba on Dec. 25 where she is spending her holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wallace, Nancy and Susan and Mr. and Mrs. Peter' Steer, Tracy and Heather all of London spent Christmas day with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip Steer. Brucelea Haven News We wish to welcome two new residents to our home, namely, Mrs. Kathleen Jacklin from the Elmwood area and Frank O'Reilly from Walkerton. The C.W.L. of Walkerton came for their monthly euchre on Tuesday, December 2nd, Mrs. S. McTeer and Wm. Hields won the high prizes and Mrs. Schilroth and Philip Ernewein the low prizes. Mrs. Leander Weiss, convener along with several helpers served a delicious lunch. We had our bi-monthly movie on December 8th at 1.30 p.m. The name of it was "The March of the Wooden Soldiers", and our resid- ents thoroughly enjoyed it. On Tuesday, December 14th our Resident Council .met 'in the Tuck Shop area at 1,0.30 a.m. There were fourteen present and a letter was read from Rev. and Mrs.. Browne, formerly of St. Thomas Anglican Church, Walkerton, des- cribing their work with the Indians at Gleichen, Alberta. • Our monthly birthday party was held on Tuesday, December 14th at 2 p.m. Mrs. J. P. Johnstone was convener with Mrs. Inglis, Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Sparling Sr. helping. There were ten residents with birthdays during the month. The Brant school children, along with their teachers Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Hargrave, put on a lovely Christ- mas program. Afterwards cake, ice cream and tea was served by the ladies. The grade eleven pupils from Sacred. Heart Senior School came and put on a play, "Setting Santa Straight", and at the conclusion gave each resident a box of chocolates and passed trays of lovely assorted fruit-. We wish to sincerely thank these young people as they used the proceeds from a bake .sale to do this. . The Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion came on December 15th for the monthly bingo and gave lovely Christmas prizes, many of • our residents 'winning twice. Mrs. Verna Clancy and her helpers served a delicious lunch. The Sacred Heart Junior School presented several skits and Christ- mas songs on December 16th. At the conclusion they passed out treats to our residents. On Monday, December 20th we had our annual Craft Room Christmas party. The tables were all decorated beautifully and after each one was served they were given a • homemade decorated Ginger Bread man. Ministers for the month were, Rev. Lincoln,' Pentecostal Church, Walkerton; Rev. J. Dookram, Lutheran; The Salvation Army, Hanover, Capt. Ian McAllister; Rev. Ferris of St. Thomas Anglican Church, • Walkerton had 'prayer service and communion service during the month. The residents of Brucelea HaVen would like to thank all the people who brought in gifts and treats over Christmas. We would also like to thank all the organizations and groups who sponsored activities and entertainment in 1976. We will look forward to seeing you again in 1977. Much happiness and prosperity to you all in the New Year. Our sympathy is extended to the families of Mrs% Dorothy Tolton and Mr. Robert Maluske who passed away during the month of December. Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund and Marilyn spent Christmas with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Meryin Conley and family in Guelph. They motored there Friday returning home on Sun-. day. Christmas day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott were Mr . and Mrs. John Scott of Elmira and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wraith, Larry, Debbie and Scott of Chatham. Nancy Scott of FOR A BUCK r AllW. I' 41111I IW Air # . Air Aar . IMF AMP' AMY Ar You Can Have 1 /1 0th Of A Share In A LOTO CANADA TICKET DRAW IS MARCH 13th 4111111 4111111r Amir Amir r Aar. Avir mar any Anor Aar Amor ..dr AIII 411111 r ' Over 33 Million In Prizes Including 12 One Million Dollar First Prizes Join One Or More Of Our "Group Buys" WE'D ALIKE TO COUNT YOU IN !I AMY Arr. Aar Allr IVY $ eer r Asr ear INV s Ail I MI 0 Ai I Al I I AT All r dr All I Or .111, IMF AO /MI 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL