The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-01-12, Page 111st January 5 to January 15th SPECIALLY MARKED ITEMS GREATLY REDUCED DENIM VESTS Reg. $9.95 and $11.95 IP AP Ar APP 411P IP BROKEN LINES OF JEANS • Not all sizes $5.99 gm sr FLANNEL SHIRTS Sizes S, M, 15, 15%, 16 for 1 +s1,00 BUY ONE $6.95 GET SE HIRT for OD $1 •00 S 1111111111111111111111111111111•111111M CANADIAN MADE WORK PANTS - PERMA PRESS Sub-Standards OUP 20% Off ALL WINTER, UNDERWEAR JEAN JACKETS REVERSIBLE WINTER JACKETS WESTERN STYLE BELTS [Broken Sizes] dr 41P IP IP I' Air SANFORIZED COTTON SHIRTS CANADIAN MADE $4.25 as for $7.95 $6.95 411" 411. 40, 411r 4IP 417 411P 4/01. 40. 4/11, 4111P 41, IP IP JANUARY 5 TO JANUARY 15 ONLY 10% OFF REGULAR PRICE ON ALL OTHER ITEMS IN STORE 4IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP' IPP AO' 411, IP AP 41110 4dIPP .10P BOYS' 2 PIECE SNO-SUIT Reg. $26.00 $19.95 NO REFUNDS OR RETURNS ON TAGGED SALE ITEMS CHAR- MAN'S WORK CLOTHING JOYCE ADAMSON, PROP. MAIN STREET OF LUCKNOW Now $7.49 TICKLER STRIPED OVERALLS Reg. $19.95 Now 5 16.95 NYLON VESTS Small and Medium Only $6.99 TURTLENECK SHIRTS WITH POCKET Reg. $8.00 Now $6.95 I UM I LEAVE WINTER BEHIND WE CAN ASSIST YOU IN BOOKING A WINTER VACATION TO A CARIBBEAN ISLAND OR TO FLORIDA GIVE USA CALL °LIDA WORLD] WINGHAM 357-2701 40FAI/#6 1977 FORD HALF TON . 1976 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop 1976 DART CUSTOM, 4 door sedan 1975 DODGE HALF ,TON, 6 cylinder automatic 1975 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door hardtop, with air conditioning 1975 PONTIAC La MANS, 4 door 1975, OLDS CUTLASS, 2 door hardtop 1974 PONTIAC La MANS, 4 door sedan 1,974 DODGE STATIONWAGON 1974 PLYMOUTH FURY 3, 4 door hardtop 2-1974 DODGE MONACOS, 2 door hardtops with air conditioning 1973 OLDS CUTLASS 1973 LaSABRE, 2 door hardtop 1973 DODGE CORONET, 4 door 1968 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door hardtop 1965 FORD, one ton stake 1977 POLARIS ,SNOWMOBILES NOW IN STOCK •lowwwwwwww~A•wwwwwwwwwwwwwwit, HAMM'S CAR SALES LTD. MYTH PHONE 523-4342 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1977 PAGE ELEVEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Presbyterian WMS The Senior Auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church, Lucknow, met in Mrs. Noble Johnston's home on Wednesday for the January meeting. Mrs. Jas. Little presided, and opened the meeting reading a poem, followed by prayer. Mrs. Robert MacDonald read the Scripture and Mrs. Virdin Mowbray gave the Bible • . After the singing of hymn 270, Mrs. George Kennedy led in prayer. Thank you notes for Christmas cheer were read. The treasurer reported $905.00 raised for the general fund. Thirty • ladies answered the roll call. Mrs. Little made the offertory prayer. It was announced that the annual meeting of the Presbyterial will be in Wingham on January 17th. Mrs. Morgan Henderson intro- duced the Mission Study, "Justice and Charity" and explained bow the nations of the world are dependent on each other-. Canada has everything,' and we must think of the starving millions in 'other lands, and share with them. Mrs. Robert Reid read from the Record, the Moderator's Christmas Message, also from the Glad Tidings, the message of the Synodical president. Mrs. Ross gave a reading, The Old Year's Blessing. Mrs. Cumming thanked all who had taken part in the program. The meeting closed with hymn. 599 and Mrs. Wm. Porteous made the closing prayer. A social time was enjoyed by all. Whitechurch U.C.W WHITECHURCH NEWS Whitechurch United Church women held their meeting Wed- nesday, January 5 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Fred Tiffin. Mrs. Dave Gibb and Mrs. Russel Chapman were in charge of the topic, Community Friendship. Mrs. Gibb opened the meeting with the 'call to worship. The meditation, How Jesus is our friend, was given by Mrs. Chapman. All sang, What a friend we have in Jesus. Mrs. Chapman gave the poem, Start The Day with Friendship, and then led in prayer. Mrs. Gibb gave the history of the Praying Hands. All sang, Blest be the tie that binds. Mrs. Chapman read the scrip- ture. A contest to make as many words as possible from letters in word Friendship, was won by Mrs. Milian Moore. Mrs. Gibb read a poem New Years and led in prayer. Seven members answered the roll call and paid fees and answered with a wish for the New Year. The loose collection was received. A business period followed. Mrs. Lorne Durnin thanked Mrs. *fin for her home and to those taking part in the meeting and closed the meeting with prayer. Unit 3 U.C.W. Unit 3 of Lucknow United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Gordon Kirkland for their January meeting. Mrs. Bert Alton opened the -meeting with a reading "My New Year Wish". Hymn 570 was sung and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. The roll call was answered with a New Year's resolution. Mrs. Wilfred Drennan read an article on Citizenship and Social Action. Plans were made for catering to a banquet on January 21. The offering was taken up with members paying their fees. Mrs. Wightman, program con- vener, read a poem "Another Year"., Psalm 103 was read alternately. Mrs. Alton gave the Dungannon W.I. On Wednesday at 2.00 p.m. Dungannon Branch of the Wom- en's Institute met for its regular January meeting at the home of Mrs. Graham McNee. 15 members and one visitor were present. Mrs.Elmer Black, president, welcomed all and began the meeting using the Opening Ode followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Mrs. Harry Gitvin, secretary, marked the roll which was. "Name a new fabric and tell how you like it"; and she gave the treasurer's report. CorrespOn- dence and business dealt with (1) donation to Children's Aid, (2) thank you note, (3) 4-H leaders' clubs - which will be sponsored again by W.I. This course is to be "Clothes for Leisure". More leaders are needed. (4) A Senior Leaders' Training Course on Quilt- ing is to be available. Leaders to attend 2 day training are Mrs. Alvin Kerr and Mrs. Harry Girvin. (5) Discussion 'on cost of publishing the Tweedsmuir History plus community history in surrounding area has several problems re a giant which is to be equalized by local funds. The report of the Area Conven- tion in November at Tillsonburg meditation and prayer. Mrs. Wightman played two selections on her recorder by a musical group from Blyth. Mrs. Eldon Ritchie had a reading "Promise To Keep Throughout 1977". Mrs. Bert Alton gave the first chapter of the new study. book "Justice, Not Charity". Mrs. Humphrey gave a reading from the church bulletin and Mrs. Kirkland read a poem "The Log House Speaks". Hymn 304 was sung and Mrs. Wightman closed with prayer. Lunch was served. was given by the delegate, Mrs. Harry Girvin, who added several humorous incidents. Mrs. Clifford Purdon has offered to have a quilting at her home, the top and lining for which she is donating. Mrs. Gordon Finnigan offered to donate the batt. A committee to receive your written accounts or histories for the book is Mrs. Robt. Irvin, Mrs. Warren Zinn and Mrs. Cecil Blake. The motto on Quilting was given by Mrs. A. Kerr for Mrs. Wilmer Rutledge, who is in hospital with pneumonia. A discussion followed on prices for quilting projects. Following the collection the Queen and W.I. grace were sung and all enjoyed the lunch of sandwiches and relishes, plus Christmas cake. Hostesses were Mrs. G. McNee and Mrs. Russell Johnston. MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ESTABLISHED OVER SIXTY YEARS WALKERTON PHONE 881-0234 ONTARIO,