The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-01-05, Page 19wish you joy and serenity, happy hearts te and happy homes all through the coming year... GERRIE GLENN INC. GERRIE AND BERNICE ANGELA, ARLETTA, ANDREW, AMY JO Would You Believe by RENA THE HUMAN EAR IS. EVOLUTIONALLY BECOMING ORE AND MORE USELESS.. Yes; in fact our hearing range is already quite small compared to most animals. WOULD YOU ALSO BELIEVE ...that we have been continually evolving our sales, service and pric— ing policies to offer you more . and more value. Make us prove.i • 11.4NDICRAFT .4 ,\ FLOWER SHOPPE 306 'Josephine Street Wingho no dir Allir diP INGLIS FARM DRAINAG QUALITY INSTALLATIONS CLAY OR PLASTIC Free Estimates PHONE 392-6700 R.R. 3 WALKERTON .or illP Air AP /k wooden soldiers helped to make this an enjoyable performance. The choir sang, Away in a Manger, and the concert closed with 0 Canada. ,R BUCK. • You Can Have 1/10th Of A Share In (A - LoTp ANADA .TICKET DRAW IS MARCH 13th 0 Mir /Mr 0 IMF 4=1, AI I AMP' I AI 0 AM./ ./ AM' .0" 4W all. Ar .our AMIr . Over 33 Million In Prizes Including 12 One Million Dollar First Prizes Join One Or .More Of Our "Group Buys" WE'D LIKE TO COUNT YOU IN . AMY 0 All. .dr Mr Air 411W' AIIII Al/ Alr Allr ar Air ar AEI sr ear AI 411MIr alEIP 47 41, All" .1 AMY 41, ar Ir AMP .1 2 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1977 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINETEEN WHITECHURCH CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18, Sleightholm of St. Thomas,, Mr. and Mrs. David Sleightholm of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Noels of Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones of Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Janet and Kimberley spent the holiday week at Holmstead, Flor- ida, where they had an enjoyable Christmas. Holiday visitors with Mrs. Tom Inglis, Betty and 'Tom were Mr. and. Mrs. Roddy Inglis and Christine of EarIton and Bonnie Inglis of Toronto. Visitois during the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond DesRoches, Bobby, Joe, Stephen and Jerry of Ancaster from Thursday to Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norris of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geiger of Kitchener, Tuesday- and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Fair visited New Years with her father, P. J. Crawley of Guelph. Chalmers Presbyterian Church have planned their annual meeting for Friday, January 28 at 2 p.m. in the Sunday School room. All those responsible for sending in reports are to have them sent to Mrs. Bev Kay by January 12. The Y.P.S. will meet Sunday evening, January 9 at Langside Church. New Years guests with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and family were Mr. and Mrs: Paul Laidlaw of Windsor, Paul Elliott who now lives at Brussels, Mrs. Agnes Elliott and Mrs. Laura Galbraith of Wingham, Lisa Campbell of London and Kathy Blake of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Purdon and Raymond of Strathroy, Athol Purdon of Port Colborne attended the funeral of the late Miss Agnes MacKay on Saturday at Wingham and visited with, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mowbray. On Sunday to celebrate Robert Mowbray's birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mowbray, Mr. and „ Mrs. Don Seddon of Brantford and Connie Fry took Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray out for dinner and later returned to Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson's where Bob opened his many gifts. DUNGANNON Intended for last week Rev. H. G. Dobson spoke on the topic,' "Xmas", during worship for Christmas Sunday , at Dungannon United Church. He said the X is like the unknown quantity in algebra, there are unknowns in individual interpretation and ways of celebrating Christmas. The choir, accompanied by Shelley Rivett at the organ, contributed to the service. Nile Sunday School presented a Christmas concert at Nile United Church at 8 p.m. on Sunday evening. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be celebrat- ed on January 9. Mr. Tom McFarlan of Kinlough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shelton on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pentland held a pre Christmas get-together on Friday evening for Nellie's father, Peter Bilstra and her brother and his wife, Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Bilstra and two sons of Thamesford. Peter Bilstra leaves on Tuesday to spend Christmas and New Years in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson and family of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. David Dawson and family visited on Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. K. K. Dawson. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson on the death of his. brother, Bert Thompson, whose funeral took place in Brantford on Saturday. Mrs. Cecil Blake and Mrs. Lorne Ivers visited with Mr. and Mrs. _Wilbur Brown in Lucknow on Sunday. Our sympathy to the family of Adrien Van Dongen whose funeral took place on Saturday. The Young PiOple of 'Christian Fellowship Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Martin on Saturday for an evening of fellow- You'll never feel better in your life. 40 POR7ICIPaL71017 1) Fitness. In your heart you know it's right. ship. On Sunday morning student Pastor Doug Zehr spoke on "Why Emmanuel?" based on Isaiah, chapter 7. The fourth Advent candle for hope was lit. James and Marilyn Wagler. are home on holidays . from their Volunteer Service Work in United States. BROOKSIDE SCHOOL HAPPENINGS Brookside School staged their annual Christmas concert in the school auditorium on Thursday evening, December 16, before a capacity , audience. Mr. Cameron conducted a choir of grade .8 girls as they sang several numbers. Mrs.' Louise Wilson's grade 1 class presented a selection of songs and drills, On the "Train" theme' with James Menary as conductor and Donna Raynard taking a solo part. Grades 3 and 4 under the direction of their teacher Mrs. Dorothy Chisholm presented a dialogue called "The Official Visit" in which three members of the school board paid a visit to the schoolroom. Lorelee Howes acted as teacher and Wayne Bos, Paul Strong, and , Steven Dow repres- ented the school board. Mr. Liddle's grade 7 boys put on a "Backwards Drill" which left the KETCH ELECTRIC WINGHAM RESIDENTIAL —.FARM — INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL Phone Collect 357-1583 audience holding their sides with laughter. Kay and Karl Morrison played duets very capably between numbers. . The two grade 6 classes, taught by Mrs. D. Graham and Mr. Greg Hazlitt, presented a play called "Santa's Spectacles" in which Santa's specs were lost, found and used to change a grouchy woman's outlook on. Christmas and finally returned to Santa so he could make his appointed round on time. Paul Martin as •Santa, Brenda Bos as Mrs. Cruikshank, Jeff Filmore and Gordon Jamieson as elves, Duane Rivett as jack-in-the-box, Kathy Little as rag doll, Karen Purdon as the cat, Cathy England as elf Twinky and several' elves and