The Lucknow Sentinel, 1977-01-05, Page 9REMAINING STOCK OF CHRISTMAS CARDS, BOWS SERVIETTES and TABLECLOTHS 2 ar dr dr dr dI dr dr dr AP dr AP .69.• dr I dr dr dr dr dr I' .40r dr LUCKNOW SENTINEL LYEEUI Wednes ay-T urs ay-Fri ay-Satur JANUARY 5-6-7-8th Wed.-Thurs. 8:00 P.M. ONLY! Fri.-Sat. 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. ZING CB"°14" CB • • • feast on it! • Ru TO PERSONS II YEARS Of AM OR OVER 00000000000000000 SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY JANUARY 9-10-11th Sunday 7 - 9 P.M. Mon.-Tues. 8 P.M. The Fastest Gun In The West Joins With The Most Brutal Hands In The East! MIRAN AND THE . VATFIGOOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ON WITH THE NEW •The Amberley-Huron Snowmo- bile Club helped bring in the New . Year with their annual New Years Eve Party at Reid's Corner's Hall. Disc Jockey, Brian Elsmlie was --unable to come but Doug Blewett and Bill Baxter saved the night with his tapes, records and amplifier system. Everyone see ied to have had a fairly good ti e, there was a surprisingly goo turn out. Lunch and hats were ade -by the lady executives along with Mary Baxter. Also a run was held on the 29th of December with a soup pot at the end of the trail. Bob Lyell and George Dunseith attended the fire while Doug Blewett headed the run. NO MORE WASHBOARD TRAILS We have purchased a machine ' this year for grooming the trails. It does a super job as most trails would be unusable due to the heavy traffic and heavy snow fall. Signs were also erected by the club. Wishing you all a happy and safe snowmobile year from the execu- tive. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1977 ti PAGE NINE. THE LUCKNOIN SENTINEL, LIACKNOW, ONTARIO P•••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••44.N. LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES WITH MARGARET THOMPSON. ••••••••••••••••+•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••- Whitechurch United Church Christmas concert was held in the church Friday evening, December 17. The opening recitation was given by Richard Moore. All sang the carol "0 come all ye faithful". The youth choir sang Go tell 'it on the mountain and Shepherd -s in the field abiding. Recitations were given, Merry Christmas by Kim Laidlaw and Baa Baa Black Sheep by Lisa Chapman. A play Candles was given by Nancy Quipp, Karen Quipp, Linda Moore, Cindy Moore, Kim and Janet Laidlaw and all sang Joy to - the world. Jack Whytock played a violin solo accompanied by pianist Mrs. Garnet Farrier, who was the pianist for the evening. Janet Laidlaw gave a reading. Bells was played by Kenny and Calvin Quipp, Jack , Whytock, Nancy and Karen Quipp and Linda and Cindy Moore. The Quipp* family sang Up on the house top. The choir sang Home for the holidays and Jingle bell rock. The offering was received and dedicated by Rev. Wilena Brown. The Sunday School is sponsoring a little girl in Brazil and this was to support her. Jack Whytock gave a reading. A skit, Jack in the Box, was given by Cindy and Linda Moore,. Nancy and Karen Quipp. Murray Gibb, Richard Moore, Kenny' and 'Calvin Quipp. Janet Laidlaw played Star of the East on the clarinet. Cindy Moore sang a solo. Jack Whytock followed with violin .solos. The Nativity PI4Y, The Greatest Gift of All, was played by Linda Moore, Cindy Moore, Janet Laid- law, Nancy and Karen Quipp and all sang Joy to the World. The choir sang Here Comes Santa Claus and the jolly old fellow arrived at the close of the song. With the help of the Sunday School, Santa went to work and- quickly distributed the gifts to old and young and left as quickly as he had arrived. • 10 YEARS AGO JANUARY 1967 Lucknow police were investigat- ing a New Year's Eve accident which shifted the west wall of the Lucknow District High School as much as 4 inches, in one place. It appeared that some New Year's revelry included the wheeling of a car into the west side of the school building. The law firm of Crawford, Shepherd and Mill of . Wingham purchased the legal portion of the Ripley business of Ross Marty-n. Mr. Martyn retained and continued to operate the general insurance, bonds and investment portion of the business with the Wingham firm handling the estate and real estate Vart. Gas and oil "fever" had again hit this area, with drilling being carried out in the St. Helens area of West Wawanosh. 30 YEARS AGO JANUARY 1947 Service badges were presented to Mrs. A. E. McKim and Mrs. Wm. Hornell for long and faithful service to the Red Cross Society. Fire destroyed the farm home, and most of the contents, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laidlaw of second concession, Kinloss. Muriel Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Ernest Blake ofAshfield, passed awayin her 27th year. Nine years 'preirously, September 1937 at the age of 17 years, Muriel contracted poliomyelitis, that dread disease that had reached epidemic proportions in the Province but which was the first case in this community. W. J. Little, Lucknow, observed his 95th birthday. Official weather observations listed the 'December '1946 low at 4 above zero and the high at 59. dettees. Rainfall .measured 1.29 inches and snowfall 29 inches, and only one complete day of sunshine in, the thirty-one. 50 YEARS AGO JANUARY 192'7 The large "snowy" 'or Arctic owls, which in this part were • considered a rarity, were reported quite plentiful. These beautiful winged creatures 'were reported to have been seen in many parts of Western Ontario and many in this Former Lucknow Resident Passes MRS. DOUGLAS GRAHAM Mrs. Douglas Graham of Bramp- ton, the former Mary • Ellen Hamilton, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hamilton of Lucknow, passed away in Bramp- ton on January 1st.,, 1977. She was in her 64th year. ' The late Mrs. Graham is survived by five sons, Ben, Donald, Bill, Carl and Murray, all of Brampton; two sisters, Catherine (Mrs. Sam Emerson of Ripley), Florence (Mrs. Fred Bridle of Dresden) and one brother Archie of Hamilton of Goderich. She was predeceased by her husband a few years ago. 4 immediate section. Robert Johnston completed his term as Reeve of Lucknow, after representing the town for fourteen years, four in council, and ten years as Reeve. He was succeeded as Reeve by D. M. Johnstone. Christmas Concert At Whitechurch WHITECHURCH NEWS For Farm, Town and Country Home Owners! Can You Use $1,600 to $20,000 ? • If you can afford monthly payments of ... $19.99 you may borrow $1,600.00 •$37.49 you may borrow $3,000.00 $62.47 you may borrow $5,000.00 $87.46 you may borrow $7,000.00 The above loahs based on 141/2 % per annum 5 year term — 20 year amortization Borrow for any worthwhile purpose: To consolidate your debts, fix the car, buy cattle, or a cottage! FAST — COURTEOUS SERVICE — PLEASE CALL Gerald H. Wolfe PALMERSTON 343-3632 Representing, Arnold Highman Realty Ltd. Kitchener, 1-519-744-6251 Member of Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association,