The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-19, Page 35wort curs t
Leelpoit., Sentleel, Wednesday, November 261 4,980,—Page
The Kinloss-Kairshea
Women's Institute held their' •
Citizenship and World Af-
, fairs meeting on Thursday
afternoon, November 20 at
the home of Mrs. Leonard
Clarke. The president, Mrs,
Allan MacDougall, opened
the meeting with a Poem, For
days so richly,blessed.
Mrs. Gib. Hamilton read'
the scripture. The secretary
treasurer,.Mrs, Donald Mac-
Intyre, read the correspond-
ence. There are quite a
St: Mary'e CWL Ian Bruce County
stitute rally
home of the chairman, Mrs.
David Ireland, Of Teeswater.
Eight members and two
board members attended the
noon "luncheon.
Mrs. Alex McLaggan read
executive meeting • and the
treasurer's report. Plans for
the program at the 1981' rally
were discussed as well • as
changes to be made in the
scholarship awards for citiz-
enship and agriculture. The
Bruce Tartan Committee
gave their report.
- - -The-Bruce County--Wonr,---the--miniites• of-• the -- last-
en's Institute Rally executive
met November 19 at the
For Your Interior
Ripley Paint
& Wallpaper
'Rev. Bert Slofstra
10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Listen to the
Backto God Hour
10:30 a.m. CKNX
Rev. Wm. Miu:Shaw
D.A. M. Div.
11 a.m.
Combined Services
Church and Sunday .
Nursery Provided
Everyone Welcome
10 a.m. SundaySchool
11:00 a.m.
Morning Worship
Pastor Donald Darrell
Subject, "Focussing atten-
tion on the real meaning
of Christmas"
Nursery Provided for
Pre-School Children
Everyone Welcome
learn about China
assistance in the .Parish as"
well as their donations 'to
various charitable, organiza-
tions throughout the wnrid,
Secretary Betty O'Donnell
then introduced the guest
speaker, Mrs. Lorne Sparks'
who gave an excellent re-
sume ofher life as Mission--
number of Bruce Rally, 25th Mrs., Donald. MacKinnon
anniversary plates and 1961 :thanked Mr, Davies for in co-
Calendar's 'still not ,sold. ing to speaft"ta us.
These axe still available from Mrs. 'Donald MacKinnon
the secretary, it was decided reverted on the-Y-Crewel em-
$1 per member would be sent broidery course an 'handed
to the Adelaide Hoodless ottt fabric and yarn for the
Fund.: • pictures. Mrs, Harold How-
-Mr-stet-Of; Roots Eon ilte+1-{ Achieve -
duced the guest speaker, merit Day held in Lucknow on
.Charles, Davies, prineipal of ..November • 15. Three Kair-
Luckaow Public 'School. He shea club girls received
spike on World Affairs and:, awards; Molly McBride,
commented on the shortage CountY Honours, Mary Ann'
.0f,f004 and oit sc„,ina ny, Ritchie, Provincial HonoUrs
• countries, He said that Our and Mrs. Jack Mali, Ad-
vanced Honours,
Mrs.- Donald MacKinnon
was chairlady for the pro-
gram. She gave a. reading
from the Home and Country.
Mrs. Philip Steer gave the
current events. The roll call,
A'Short Item of Werld Int-
erest, was answered. Stand-
ing committee reports were
given. Mrs. Donald Mackin-
non conducted a contest, Mrs, Clarence Ritchie and
Make as many words as Mrs, Harold }Iowald With a
possible with the letters of lovely bouquet of • flowers.
WOrld Affairs. Mrs, Donald MacKinnan
The 4-H girls presented gave the courtesies. A delic-
their slat, 'Take the Ho-Hum ious lunch was served by the
out of Party Food, for the 4-H girls, the hostess and
ladies. The girls then pres- directors, Mrs. Ted Collyer
ented each of their leaders an rs o at •
President Joan Ross open-
ed the meeting-Of -St Mary's
CWL readin.The Value
of a Chrisian Home. Respect
for Life. pay will be observed
December 8 ,With a Holy
Hour at St. 'Mary's Church;at •
2,30 p.m. A Mass in honour
of our -Patroness, Our Lady of
Good,Counsel will take plade
at Pinecrest. Manor Decerri-
ber ,16 at 2.30 p.m. so
interested residents may at-
tend. .
Alnelda Murray, . Corn-.
rn unity Life Co-ordinator,
gaVe an insight into the lives
of the Lau familY, the Laotian
refugee' .family the Murray
faMilies are sponsoring. She
also' read - an inspiring, poem,
A Cross 'in my Pocket.
In his'message, Father Fd.
Dentinger Praised the CWL's 7 main resources ;are our child:.
',ken and:that We-inlhis"area-
canhe proud of Oilk children.
He spoke on the' nbrals value
in the school curriculumin
Bruce. In tucknow area the
children, are taught to do
theirvery best. The teacher's
aim is to, make each child feel
intelligent by emphasizing
the subject they are best in. ary in China. She assisted
the CWL members to learn
how to count to .ten in
Chinese and showed some
lovely Chinese dishes as well
as a Chinese Bible which she
bad brought home with her.
She was thanked by . Joan,.
Ross who presented her with
a. gift of, appreciation,
• A social period"'anti lunch -
closed the meeting.
'On November .18. Trinity
U.C.W. held their annual fall
supper, with 46 ladjea aitting:
down to a delicioPs srnOrgas
bord meal. The
Mrs. Donald Hackett, called
everyone ro-,okicler and Rev.
Arthur Scott Said Grace.
A short-.4eVOtional-----pro-
grain 'waS alarge of Mrs.
Charles Wilkins, Mrs, Alex
Doug .Ray
the thenie- being,
Are The WitnesSes, GoT
Mrs. Scott read a poem.
short sing song follOwed a
the draw was held ''for t
sunshine pals for the comi
The outgoing president„
Mrs. Donald HaCkett,.'.inade
a , few appropriate remarks •
atittRev. Scott conductedthe
Installation of Officers for the -
coming year. The new pres-
ident will be Mrs. Ken Alton.
Mrs. Bill Andrew", introdue-,,
ed the guest speaker, Rev.
Scott. and he gave a very
inspirational talk. Mrs: Torn
d M
e m an e r. Scot t.
ell. A skit was presented by
A severai'of the'ladies. It was
nd amusing, but also thought
he provoking. The evening con
Tim eluded with the exchange of
gifts among sunshine pals.
Your energy is valuable, but it's easy
to save. Here, are some tips to help
all drivers stop wasting our valuable
1. Don't speed. Staying below 90 kph
uses about 20 per cent less fuel
than speeding at110 kph.
2. Accelerate smoothly and steadily.
Sudden starts force too much
fuel into the engine, fuel that just
gets wasted instead of being
burned efficiently.
3. Brake slowly and evenly. Antici-
pate stops and ease up on the
accelerator earlier.
4. Using the recommended octane
grade for your car, avoiding un-
necessary idling and using an
automatically timed block heater
in winter are other easy ways
to cut down on energy use...
and cost.
For more information on energy
conservation in the home or in the
car, write to: Ministry of Energy,
GMS Box 37, Queen's Park, Toronto,
Ontario M7A 2B7.
Life is good, Ontario.
Preserve it. Conserve it.
Robert Welch,
Minister of
Ontario William Davis, Premier Energy