The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-19, Page 32BY KEN HOUSTON The Lucknow Midgets op- en their schedule with a 7 -3' win over Mildmay. The locals led throughout the game and also led in penalties 8 to 7. Top scorers were Art Clark 3 goals and 2 assists; David Edisbury 2 goals, 2 assists; Dave Gibson 1 goal and. Kent Alton 3 assists. Lucknow went to. Tiverton on Thursday, November 20. The game was not, as easy as the score indicated. The locals took two .periods to adjust to a small ice surface, trailing 3 ,- 1 early 'in the period when they struck for seven straight goals for a 10 - 4 victory.' With each team taking 14 penalties, it looked like a war zone on the ice at times, The referees did a very capable job under the circumstances. Leading scor- ers were Glenn. Raynard 3 goals, 2 assists; 'Kent Alton 2 goals; 1 assist; Al Eadie and Art Clark 2 goals; Gerald Cook 1 goal and Don Greer litik...11111§11kkt Yage 8''—lollekliQW Sentinel, Wednesday, November 26, 1980 ,, Juvenile goalie inj es h rid The Lucknow ,Inveniles who for the past two years a row have been plagued by injured goaltenders were once again dealt a fateful hand in Mildmay Friday night. Lucknow goalie Don Dorscht held off the well organized Mildmay squad for ten minutes of the. OM period before the host team finally slipped one between the posts. It was another five minutes before the Lucknow bo rallied to score two goals just 24 seconds apart. At the 'end of . the first period it was discovered that Dorscht had injured his, hand as a result of a collision with - vrtb t back-up a Mildmay player just mom- tender it appeared Lucknow ents before, Despite his would have to forfeit the desire td continue:'with the game but centerman Brad ___.ga,me.--he.-Avas- --sent--to---the-----Rus ufirey--dtre-e-a-d to • hospital where x-rays discov- put on the pads,and after a ered a broken Tinger which brief break, the game con- will keep him out of action for , tinned, at least two weeks. • Lucknow played good de- fensive hockey, but couldn't stop -Mni all as, Mildmay scored five more.goals before the final buzzer. The score at the end of three periods was Mildmay 6, Lucknow Scoring for $ame were Steve MacPher- Lucknow were Steve 'Situp- son with four, Steve %nip:. 1,0anuian4inKieltVol:, .gClattlrn)g with 'Brad . LaaruryropMhteePyhevorstoun v ando assist. = and Paul Hamilton, Mike On. Sunday afternoon Ray Dennis and Barry Elphick • • Guay guarded' -the net as one apiece, Lucknow: breezed by a much The next game will be on weaker Listowel :team, Win- Sunday afternoon, Novethber -riipit-yW. hen-Luck scorers forsc9r e-Di Lucknow" ' Goal --311°OW4 hosts Bantams open on losiwnote coach is Leonard Clarke and Wayne Jerome is manager. Goalie and player trainers are Ray Guay and Pat Murray, Games this week are Thur- sday, November 27 when Licknow is at Tiverton for a 7 p.m. game and Teeswater meets Lucknow, on home ice Friday night, November 28, assisting and% Ripley coming This season's Bantam at 8.30. Imn. Midgets take three wins Friday night-the-Lancers- went to Wingharri and rost by an 8 to 4 score to the Royals, The Lancers came out of the first period tied at two each on goals by MacKinnon, and Murray. The second period belong- ed to Wingham as they scored four goals to Luck- now's two which were scored by Stanley and Blair. Wing- ham added two, more' in the third to, walk away with the win. ----Sunday7night -Mount-For- est was in town and' the ,Lancers again proved grac- ious as they started the game quickly by scoring two goals by Blair and Alton, and then allowed. Mount Forest to conic back and Score four straight:goals before the end of the peridd,-LucknoW .scor- ed Once:more near the end of the first period on a goal by Montgomery to make the Score 4 - 3 for Mount•Forest at the end of one. Both tearris scored three goals,: in-the second---period, -Lucknow's goals camp from BurroWs„ Murray ' and Ron. Wilson. The Lancers scored three more, in the third period as = Brian 'Blair completed the hat, trick by netting two and the final goal coming froth Randy Alton. Final score. Lucknow 9, Mount Forest 8. This Sunday night the Goderich Sapors come to town to take the Lancers on at 7.30 p.m. Lucknow Bantam team be- gan their 1980 ' schedule November 20 at Ripley, losing 3 - 4, At the end of the first period Ripley Was lead- ing 3 - 0. Into the second period, Lyn Murray scored, assisted by Tommy Gilmore and. Grant Murray Scored, assisted by Mark Londry. The third period saw Steve Alton score, Grant Murray back to make 'it a 4 - 3 game. November 21 Mildmay met Lucknow in a hard hit- ting game: Of the seven goals acquired by Lucknow, three were scored by Lyn Murray with Grant Murray and Jamie Bere filling in with the rest. Assists went to Jamie Bere, Mark Londry, Ross Pickard, Lyn Murray and Gordon Farrish. Quinn's Flowers and Gifts TUESDAY AND. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2 and 3 ONLY cliee Ito coos bone 528-2033 and Troy Ritchie 2 assists. On Noveniber 24 Ripley Midgets came to town with the locals winning 6 - 4. It was a good two way game with the lead changing hands twice before Lucknow scored two quick goals in the third. Scoring for Lucknow were Al Eadie and Art Clark 2 goals; Paul Pickard and Dave Edis-' bury 1 goal; Mike Humphrey 2 assists and Glen Raynard, Kent. Alton, Gerald Cook 1 assist. Make. This Christmas One 0-Remember,,, With a family tree ring or neck chain for Mother The birthstones of mother's dear ones on precious 10K gold chain The Family Chain ;1 by Colurnbi t. It sym bolizes f,,tfec tion. Grandmothe's and mothers will delight in a neckchain , featuring stones that represent the months of their loved ones birthdays, or corn- -memorate the month of a graduation, or wedding. It's a piece of jewellery that will be cherished foreyer. Each ring or neck chain custom made for you, using the birthstones of your loved ones LAST CALL - Don't be disappointed... 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