The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-19, Page 16e 167-tuelmoW. Sentinel, Wednesday, November A9i *98,.0 gWorkers successf Mrs. Helen Todd closed the worship with prayer. The topic was given by Miss Peggy Gordon who Mrs. Janet McPherson led the Lord's Prayer in unison and Mrs. Laura McNeil served a lovely lunch: and the treasurer's revert. The 4-H. nchievemont day will be, held at BrOnkside School Deeeniber .9. • The crewel course. leaders, .Mr$, Donna Young, Mrs, Ttuby McWhinney and Mrs, Alvin 'kerr, will hold their . fiat ‘lass-Noventer 12. Mrs, `Alma Black and Mrs, Hugh McWhinney had the hard covered books on diS' play, The report a the fall rally.was given by Mrs: Alma Black for the 'morning Ses.: slow, and by Mrs..Jean Er-' rington for the' afternoon. AP~ full :and • Iriterestiiik report Of the area cOnven-, don; taking place in St. Mary's:was given by the delegate Mrs. Illa Crozier. Mrs. Hugh McWhinney thanked Mrs. Crozier for her report. Mrs. Alvin Kerr introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mrs. Harvey Freeland.of Delhi. MrS. Freeland told of the life of the Cree Indians of "Moose. Factory she came to knoW as her daughter Karen . had taught school with 'the Indi- ans for six yearS. In 'Moose Factory there are 1,000 Ind- ians; 250 white people, Coun- ting the nurses and teachers. Mrs. Freeland had •numerous BROOKSIDE BROADCAST By Rhonda mallehael And Janice Cook, On Monday, November, 10th our schoOl held a Remembrance Day Assem- bly. We really enjoyed Rev. Scott and thank him for coming..Zorelee Howes and Wilma Vandervelde read passages to the• students of our school. Paul Hackett and Kevin Beattie raised the flag to the Last Post, . We are sorry td say that ' Mrs. Graham ,is in, the hos- pital. • , . Mrs. Bere ,is at a confer- ence foreiceptional, children in Windsor. Indian, crafts on display, She stated that the Indian people do not get the. Credit due themas they are really smart people and hard workers. Mrs', Peggy Purdon thanked MrS, Freeland for her fine display and r presented he The tDecember meeting will take the form of a Christmas party at a neon luncheon With the ..exchange 'of gift. - ;A lovely lunch was served . by Mrs. Rose Travis,, Mrs. Donna Young and Mrs. Alvin ..Kerr:I" with a gift. • r vler '191 r ir.• • 111 IF" IP-41 ft • ,• • • • BY MA E PARK Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs', Ken Girvin (nee Cheryl Jefferson) who were Married on Saturday in Wes- ley Willis United Chinch, Clinton. Avery—sliccessfulZbake sale_and bazaar wa$ held in the' United Church basement on Saturday afternoon by the Willing Workers. Tea and desserts were served to the people who patronized* this worthwhile project Mary Ann Brindley was,the winner the.afghan when .her. ticket,. was drawn by Toni Webster. , We welcome to our com- BY KATHRYN TODD Isobel Miller and Helen Todd returned home today after spending a week visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIntyre of Rich- mond Hill. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cranston were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Irwin and family of Belgrave and Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Hunt and family of Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Aitchi- - son and. Beverley returned home, after a fun filled week- end in Wheeling, West Vir- ginia. Beverley won two tickets for the trip in a draw sponsored by CKNX radio last summer. Mrs. Wayne Todd, Chris- St. lielens muxiity Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Lizzie, who will be 82 yearS' Him, was followed by the Cook and. family;They have 'young on Sunday Junior Choir singing Jesus purchasedIne home formerly Mr, and Mrs.'-Tom LAW- •Loves Me, ' en/AS by Ron, )Hamilton or rence , will• celebrate their The Dungannon United those who' reMember fOrther • 40th 'anniversary on. Sunday, _Church extends an invitation back, the, late Jack CbishOlin November 23, at , Carlow to anyone in the community home. Hall, Their family are treat- to come and jOin with us at. We also welcome to the ing. their parents to this Open our, Sunday Services, .Every, soMmunityMr—Roger_Me, ; finnse congratulations. , one-is-welcome. — Knight. Roger is residing in' , Mr. and Mrs. Kerwin . The Dungannon United ,the trailer On CraWford . Rourke of Clinton visited Church' .Women Will assist enue, recently. vacated by with Debbie's parents,. Mr, the formation of, a CGIT Paul and Elaine O'Donnell. and Mrs. Gordon Sehultz on grOup if enough girls are Congratulations to Mr.? Sunday,. . 'interested. Annabelle ;Stew- and' Mrs. Bill Petrie• of DUNGANNON art and Betty Errington haVe goderich and formerly of the'UNITED CHURCH indicated they would lead. a 6th ,concession of Ashfield, Mr. Cowan's Sermon was Bungannon CGIT gronp miff: -30..(1,1011. celebrate their The-Church,An..,SoCiety,-;-.-Dorothy Clementsisinterest;.. Wedding anniversary on Fri. part . one. The children's ed in forthing a Nile group. day: Also, 'happy birthday to story, Would .you Praise DUNGANNON W.1: The November meeting of girl teturn the Dungannon. W.I. Was held in the baSeinent of the Nile United Chtirch, Novem-. ber. 6 with Mrs. Hugh Mc- Whinney, the president, in charge. The _Meeting oPeried with the new version , of 0 tina aid' Amanda, along With •gave a very interesting pres- Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Verdun, entation on, the early work of The roll call, Name some- DuCharme enjoyed a dinner Dr. Robt. McClure. Excerpts thing in use in our heMe, at the Blue Fountain Rest- from, The. China Years, a 'made in another country; aurant in Clinton. Christina biography by Munroe Scott,. was answered by 20 mem- and Amanda's grandparents were. read. . bers, nine visitors, and three were celebrating their 35th Mrs, Janet MacPherson children. \ wedding anniversary. was in charge. of the busi- Mrs. Graham McNee, sec , ness. Minutes prepared by retary-treasurer, 'read the ST. HELENS U.C.W. Mrs. Laurine McQuillin were minutes of the-.last meeting • read by Mrs. Margaret Cam The St. Helens,., eron. met at Miss Isobel, Miller's The treasurer's report was home on November 11, 1980: read. Correspondence was Mrs. Helen Todd had the dealt with , and there was a call to worship. The scrip, brief discussion of the work- ture was read by Miss Isobel ship in Blyth on November 3e Miller. The theme, Time 1980, attended by Miss Isob- Out, by Amy Balding, was el Miller and Mrs. Helen read by Mrs. Helen Todd. Todd. from trip to Virginia • • MICRO WAVE OVEN • --. • -Order the model to suit, you and be sure of delivery for christmas Greer TV & Electric Lucknow Phone 5284112 NIF Nle NV NIP V' vor lir v 440 v vir NIP NY 1, 1•V` . . •0 0041•004,1.000 **01.11 1.04 0 0 000 0 4.01011.1r