The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-12, Page 27' PRE-FINISHED 'WALL PANELS • 'BURLED BIRCH OVERLAY PANELS ALSO COLOURED NAILS AND MATCHING VINYL MOULDING • r t • i \ 4 r =7. r * la *lb ry Lueltuow Sentinel,. WednoodoY, Nove,Mbet 12, 198Q—rattO .27 an you for freed. m REMEMBRANCE DAY tions,'cOuld live a life without • fear and in peace. Remem- brance day is more meaning- fill when you carry on the ' optimism and selflessness that was exhibited by so many during the two great World Wars. Remembrance Day to me; is not only a time to rem- ember the past but also a CLINTON - All system's are go for the: Clinton. Klurnpen Feest (Dutch for wooden shoe festival) to be held on the weekend Of May 22-24;1081. The idea for the Dutch themed celebration originated last February by ,Clinton businessmen Bob Ca/hi:obeli and Clarence Dendmthe. Since then, the .idea has gained the support' of Dutch Canadians and others in the' area,' 'The weekend is set to begin , on Friday with .a local entertainment- _.• program. Saturday Will see parade;: gfant barbecue and an evening street dance.- Throughont, the weekend concession bOOths, crafts and 'sales displays be set-lip , around town and the ' Feest will wind up on Sunday with • an in- t e r'd e n rninational meeting, 5. OLDTIMER 6. HERITAGE 7. CARMOR 8. DROLET 9. NORDIC 10. FAWCETT 11.. SELEIRK On November 1.1,1980, we said a small thank you to those who invested their in PO liMlom. irris • inaportant to remember those Who died during the wars;ve should not forget the pain and suffering that many went through for us. When. you think.of those Who did go tO war, you, realize they went not for, themselves, but for -flitgenerationS'WECiineT-For people they, didn't, even :know, they gave their'liVes so that we, the fUture genera- 12. RYDER 13. 'We also carry a wide variety of energy conserving products for home, office, farm or industry. country is worth your while. 14. We have rental chimney brushes and rods. Tuesday to Friday LAN SIDE SUPPLY it°21:13:3, 9 to 4t30 3 Miles East af 1.1400w on Ilighway 86 Closed Monday Then 394 Miles North on Kinloss Sideroad 25 Phone 3924118 Jog Once upon a time, . Many years ago There, lived a little peanut . and his.name was Joe. He lived with thirty others, underneath the ground.. Some were big, some had bumps,. ,:_and. some-•of them -were, round. Joe was always happy. He had a constant grin and those of those Who tnew him wished they were. his kin. He patted on the shoulder those who were in tears. He was always:there to hug 'whoe'er. was plagued with •fears. But then one day it happened, he met the .dreadful fate. He .was pulled up from the ground and thrown into a crate. _ The crate was t hrown into; a truck • which, quickly drove'away, Joe felt deep within him that this was his last day. Right next to NM in the crate was a peanut that he knew. She was sobbing wrenchingly. -She felt very , bine. Joe reached out a frietidly hand' • ., and wiped away her tears. He whispered to her comfortingly to rid her of her Tears; The truck stopped at the .fietory; A man pulled out the .crate, :I:le threw the peanuts on the belt to see, how :each would rate., :When Joe Saw .what was happeningi he pushed• hero to the floor. He didn't -want this fate-for- her; She could endure no more. Joe10,-,:dcefi_up ahead of him He-was entering that place.. . It would be the end of him, 'but...there was a smile on his face, He could die contentedly. He could die in joy. For even,at the end of life he'd been a giving boy. Alice 14 GOOD REASONS EXPERIENCE 1 We heat our own homes and store with wood. QUALITY'. 2 We carry only the best quality Canadian made prod- uct. n• '. • , REPUTATION 3 Ours is a good one, and we intend to keep it. It's your guarantee of fast friendly service. PRICE. 4 Due to the !Location our over- head Is low. So a drivein the time to' look into the future. After all, the only way to make° the future and our, present better is to look into the past, We must learn from past—mistakes and we ,mus learn before its too late. Fortunately, at the end of W.W. II the allies chose• to fOrgive; but, unfortunately,• many people, in the process, began to forget. Many ex- perts 'are , saying we .are The fitst month 6r so of school tends to be a . little hectic and confusing for everyone. but even more so for the first year students. But; thanks tO Mrs. MacDon- ald, an English; teacher: here at Madill,, worries 'are slight.: ly lifted. She has devised 4 Plan called "The trade Nine Buddy SYstem", along with the help. of Larry O'Malley, our school_ president and Kathy Underwood, the' vice- president. : Approximately, eighteen, grade 'thirteen' students act headed for °a third' world war, a prospeet that does, by no means, sound good, in retro, sped of the dim' consequen- ces of such an event:Thus, it - I. we, '110W, more than any other time, choose to rem- ember and :take action. We too, as people in' the past have done, must make a conscious effort ,to create an even, better world for others,' However, ' according, to. Miss Underwood, the systein is not working as well as it should. Some of the "bud- dies" do not want thejob and So do not take -their job seriously. "It was rushed," said Miss. Underwood. Many of the' grade nine students don't know, what the. Buddy System,' is, This is an excel- lent idea but unfortunately, was not:planned enough. Despite this, some of the grade'nines seem to like the idea, as several of them both for the present and for ...To' you from failing hands we throw . The torch; be yours to hold it higlir— If ye briak faith with us „who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow • In Flanders fields. Passchler Bonnie Burchill 9A "It's pretty decent,': Peter George 9C "They should keep it up." Anne Proctor 9F "It's alright." • BrodShobbroOk 9F So, to all the grade thir- teen "buddies", Mrs.:Mac- . Donald, Kathy Underwood and Larry O'Malley`, thanks for making Madill a: better and friendler school.. Elizabeth BrYtifies 11.4 estival • as buddies" to the grade nine classes, explaining pro- cedures of different activities such as elections for ••class repreientatives, grade itine,;, night, dances and try-outs for team sporti. . TWO "buddies" are aSx., signed to each room to answer any 'questions the grade nine students 'may have and generally get' to: know some of the grade nines.. dy sys e commented: "It's fine and dandy.'' Pick-am-Panel our6*If!: PRIG PER 4' N 8' PANEL $ 9.89 PER PANEL See The Selection Of Weather - Stripping . Door Sets Thresholds - Caulking, Etc. Sn.W...flendersonlitimbertul: ikonecare **biota''. • Phone $2041.18. lecknovi,