The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-12, Page 20Cathy Dore and Keith,
perry of Stratford visited
on Thursday with • her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Dore;
Mr. and 'Mrs, Robert
pSon spent the
'Weekend in Toronto
where they attended a
conference sponsored by
Hickson Feeds,
Joan Brooks of Fort St.
ohn, B.C„ visited on
iltursday afternoon with
Ir. and Mrs. Bob
Weekend visitors with
lr. and Mrs. Jack
arrell and Rob. were
4r. and Mrs, Courtney
'MacDonald and Mr. and
Mrs. George Miller of
i.ondon, and. Sheila
Hutton of Bluffton,
Alberta, and, on Sunday,
Donald Hutton of Ripley.
Rob. Farrell and Larry
Needham attended the
Zone Conference of Jr.
Fat e r s at Palmerston ~ I
weekend with her grandparents, ,Mr, and • McIntyre; Flelen and
Mrs. Wilfred Gamble parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jim Greenwood of Heather, and Olive
and Mrs: Denglas Francis Boyle, Hanover. Needham Kiriloss.; and
McDonald spent Thur- Mr, • and,. Mrs. Donald Andrew and Sheena Mr.• and -Mrs, Allan
sday in Kitchener.. McCosh, accompanied by MacDonald attended, .Colling of Ripley,
Mrs. Cecil Sutton and _Ceerie„CollyelLefAinlosS,_,-,With ate—Cubs
IIrs,'onald were spent a few days recently Brownies, the special held at, the home of Mrs.
in Bearraller on Saturday with Betty Colwell of Remembr an c e Day Russell Collins in
where they demonStrated SudbUry.
spinning at the Buren Mr. and Mrs, John
Tract Weavers' and Farrell are holidaying
Spinners' Guild sale._ with Mr. and Mrs,'
Mrs. George King of Stephen Elliott at Upsala,
Bervie and, Mr. and Mrs. Northern Ontario.
Wilbert _HeelAittS_
Wingliain were Sunday The November meeting
guests of Mr. and Mrs. of the U.C.W. of St,
CecilSutton. Andrew's "Church,
Mr. and Mrs. PranciS Ripley, was held on
Boyle spent a few days Tuesday at the home of
last week in Peter- Mr. and Mrs. Jiro ,
borough visiting with Mr. Needham.
and Mrs. Bryan Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Kerry Boyle of Elliott spent Saturday
McMaster University, with Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Hamilton, accompanied Greenwood of Whigham.
by friends Barbara 'Joel Greenwood was
MeQuarrie, David celebrating his third
Wenthrup and Kevin birthday and also 'en-
Maloney, ,---spent the tertained hiss other
ingsbridge CWL buy
winter footwear
for refugee family
service for all grades Was
held on Friday. afterneon 41 "
the school gymnasium. •
Get well wishes go. out: to
Minutes of , the previouS
meeting were read by the
Seeretary, Mrs.. BUrtork
COMM, and the president
then 'turned the meeting
over to—the--irogra-M-r--i-----
:Convener., Mrs. Wayne
After several enjoyable
active games . were
conducted, MrS: Rhody
introduced the guest.
,sPeaker, Nancy Quinn,
manager of the florist
shop in • Lucknow ;
gave .a-.most interesting
an•dc informati've'
demonstration on the
planting. and care, of
bulbs, Christmas.
decOrations*, Corsages
Mrs 'Howard Thom-
pson Spoke briefly a bout
the Area Convention. held ,
in Wiarton on Oct', 1 and 2
and Mrs. Donald McCosh
'reported on the. County'
Rally' held at Underwood
on Oct-10.
Courtesies were ex-.
pfessed and a deliCious
lunch,' served by the
host.ese, and the, lunch
conveners, Mrs. Donald
Forster Mrs. Victor
Gawley and Mrs,, Donald
ucknow &
Bruce Scott and
• Mary. Bradley
SA i URD-A1C,—
Steve Maize and
Cindy Laframboise
Bill and Noma
Friday 14
Friday 21
Friday 28
Friday 12
Friday 19
FrTday 26
Friday 2
Saturday 3
Friday 9
Saturday 10
Friday 16
Saturday 17
Friday 23
Saturday 24
Friday 30
Saturday 31
Now Booking For 1981
CALL 528-3532 •
on Saturday,
service at • Knox Latanow on Saturday
Presbyterian Church, evening, Attending were
Ripley, on Sunday; Margaret Robertson
Su_ visitors with Lucknow, Mrs. Goldie'
Mr. and Mrs. Norval Huston and 'Mrs.
Stanley were Mr, and Breckenridge, Ripley,
Mrs...D.onald Doune --Mrs- --Ken:
children Of Millarton,.and Robertson, ArtnoW, and
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deupe Mr. and Mrs. Donald
and Ryan of Kincardine Robertson of this .' corn-
Township, tnuntty.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Morley Care of bulbs
Scott were Sunday guests Mrs. Cecil Sutton• was
hestess for the November of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Currie at their _cottage meeting of: purple . Grove
near Durban). Women's Institute on
Mary Nicholson of Wednesday ,evening,
London visited on Sunday when guests were
with - her GranOmother, members of Holyrood
Mrs. Ben. Scott, and Mrs. .and Silver Lake
Howard . Thompson of InstituteS.'
Ripley was also a visitor APprexiinately:40 ladies
with Mrs, ScOtt. attended and were
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Welcomed by • the
Howard Thompson On President, Mrs. Morley
Monday were Mr: and , Scott:. Scripture was read
Mrs, Bert . Nicholson and by Mrs. Jim Scott and the
Mrs. Burton. Collins, and, Roll Call answered by
on Thursday, they en- ''An':old-fashioned
tertained Mrs: Allan • remedy".
The Kingsbridge CWL
meeting • was held in the
Parish Hall on Monday even-
ing November 3 with Mrs.
Clarice Dalton presiding.
Father Dentinger opened the
meeting with prayers.
In old business, buying
floor covering for the kitchen
was discuSsed. The covering
will, be purchased soon and
installed by volunteer work
The leftover—erafts- wele--
ciaussed:11- was suggested
to hold a ticket draw on
larger articles and a penny
,ale on the smaller ones.
Correspondence was read.
The' financial statement was
given by Mrs. Mary Clare.
Mrs. Rita HOward and
Mrs. Marie Miltenburg re-
ported buying winter foot
wear for the refugee family
and there are still other
necessities to buy.
Mrs. Bernardine Kinney
gave a report on the Kings-
bridge Area Seniors. She
,also reported on calling on
former residents at Huron-
view and Maitland Manor
and visiting sick and shut-
ins and bereaved families in
the parish. Mrs. Irene Gil-
more reported several birth-
day cards sent to seniors in
the area.
Mrs. Tena Van Diepen,
cultural life convenor, report-
ed that this week is education
week at the school. Three
speakers will be coming to
speak to the students on
careers. The school will hold
their Remembrance Day ser-
vice on Friday afternoon.
The annual C.W.L. Christ-
mas dinner will be held on
Monday , ,evening, December
1 in the parish hall. It will be
in the form of pot luck with
_the _C,W,L—purchasing- -the--
turkeys. The Youth Club will
come and serve and clean up.
In place of gift exchange, it
was suggested that each lady
bring a small gift marked
either for a lady or man, to be
given at area nursing homes
;or Christmas.
A report 'on the recent
Deanery meeting held in.
Goderich was' given by Mrs,
aviary Clare. Mrs, Grace Austin and Mrs.
It was moved by Tena Van Bernice Drennan who were -
Diepen, seconded by. Ann both admitted to St. Joseph's
-lerry to donate to .the pl4y-., 'Hospital; London---this- past
hound financial_ committee week.
'r St. Joseph's Community Little Jonas Dalton, son of
Clete and :Mary
-Looking "after -Christmas ton, returned home from the
rn Lifts for the sick and shutins Wingha and District Hos-
._ Mrs,A3elty—Dobe ist--vveek:-
old Mrs. Mary O'Keefe. Congratulations` to two ar- Following a spiritual mes-
sage from Father Dentinger,
a short film, Where have all
the children gone?, was
presented. The C.W.L. will
iold a Respect for Life Day
,m . Friday, December 5th
,vith Adoration, followed by
the Rosary, Mass, and Bene- Mrs. Leinhardt of St.
diction. Clements visited this past
KINGSBRIDGE AREA week with her daughter, Ann
SENIORS and Terry Dalton and family.
The cash bingo held in the Visitors with Joe and Mary
Parish Hall on Thursday ev- O'Keefe on the weekend and
ening, NoveMber 6 was well attending the wedding of
attended. The jackpot of $60 their son, Tom were, their
was split between Mrs. Ste- son Joe and wife, Toni of
phanie Vogt and Mrs._ js4.,.. Calgary, Alberta; _daughter._
belle, Doherty. Door. prizes Marianne and John Gallant—
were won by Mrs. Harry and Joey of London: Mary's,
Girvin and Mrs. Robert How- sister and husband, Mr. and
ard. A card party and musi- Mrs. Cole Lazzara of Mis-
cal entertainment is planoed sissauga; Joe's brother, Eug-
for Monday, November 24 at one and Mary O'Keefe of
8 p m Hamilton; his sister, Sister .,
KINGSBRIDGE Mary Phatornene of Belle
KURRICULUM River and their daughter,
Kathy O'Keefe of. London,
tion week at the 'school. On
This past week was educa-
arid son, John of Sarnia.
Tuesday, Joanne Agnew of Mrs. Mary Frayne spent
Kincardine, spoke to grades the weekend at her honie
five to eight on being a here and attended the wed-
Travel Agent. On Wednes- ding of Jim Frayne and Mary
day, Dale Dolson of the Sut- MacKinnon. •Weekend visit-
ton Park Inn, Kincardine ors with her were Doug
spoke on Hotel Manage- Frayne of Brantford, Mrs.
merit. Mrs. Marguerite Pal- Gladys Redfern and son,
toner spoke on Thursday on David, of Royal Oak, Michi-
-beinga-Public-Health •Nurse,- gam •
The Yellow Houseleague Dan and Linda Frayne of
team (Edmonton.) won the Cambridge, spent the week-
volleyball championship, end with his parents, Mr.
They will be travelling to and Mrs. Eugene Prone and
Stratford to play iii the finals. family and attended his
The Remembrance Day brother, Jim's wedding.
ea young men who were
married on. Saturday. Torn
O'Keefe and Nora Donnelly
were married in Goclerich
and Jim Frayne and Mary
MacKinnon were married at
South Kinloss.