The Lucknow Sentinel, 1980-11-12, Page 13„Imelgooly,5enthiell e#114ty? 19807.,ge 13 The theme for the 2,2rid Grey-Etrnce Area Convention Was "What is our Imagein the Women's Institute", when it was held in Winton October 1 'and ------'--Mrs:KennetlySpence op. ened. the convention with the. Ode and Mary Stewart Col .lect in' unison. • • Mrs. Clarence piamond, Provincial President of Fed- erated :Women Institute of Ontario, andMrs. Austin Zoeller, Past President, and editor-of Home atitt Cetitittr- Were special, guests at the convention. Guests were also present from Sinicoe, Guelph, and London areas. Mrs. Spence talked on the theme, She , noted the organ- ization ' has.' stood for 83 years, "So: .we ,must have something going for us," she commented.,`; The Cheese Festiyal which is, being sponsored by Feed City for the month of Octob er, was outlined by the pres- ident. It open to individ- uals .and;. 'groups, Mrs. Spence hoped the ladies as W.I. representatives- would take part.. MIS. Donnell Nixon and Mrs. Lloyd Oliphant, was pianist and song leader throughout' the convention: Mrs. Diamond congratu- lated Grey-Bruce area for the outstanding work that has been done,over the years: She mentioed a survey 'that is being *done this year including Institute members and nen-members on Where the institute, 'is Going. Mrs: Diamond made., men,. tion of the Mel:hi:maid awards available M. girlS entering McDonald 'Institute. The' Hazel Stile Scholarship is given to enable an Institute member to up-date her eduea- don at a community college. It has been in existence for — two-years MrsJHerb a1 .ski; Chesley-won--this awards-7- this year. Hazel Stile, a New. Brunswick 'resident, deft a bequest for a cultural pro- ject,I Mrs: Morris Rennie, Pub- lic Relations Officer, in her report compared the activit- ies of the Women's Institute 1974-75 with her latest report .of 1980. The organization has been more active in nearly all phases of public relations in 1979-80.. A' skit on Food Poisoning and their preventatives was presented. by Home Econom- ists Barbara. De Visscher, for Bruce County and Mary Ellen Norty for Grey County. Mrs. Herb Maluske an- nounced $10,000 had been raised from the quilt auetion held at Fleshertim, for Parti- caption Lodge. Next year, - bazaar articles Will be accept.1 ed as well as quilts, proceeds for Particaption Lodge. The banquet was held Wednesday evening, Mayor W. Ferguson, Mac Bolton, Bruce County representative for Ministry of Agricalture and Food brought greetings. Solos by Mrs. Jim Lee, Bonnie Jean Davidson and Mrs. W. Ritchie were thor- oughly enjoyed. Mrs. Donna Clark, Provin- cial President for the Junior Institute, told of the activities of their organization. There are three junior institutes in Grey-Bruce County. They also work for home and country. MrS, Austin Zoeller, editor of. Home and Country report- ed in the absence of Miss Molly McGee. Mrs. Zoeller was at the very- tirSt Grey-- Bruce area convention, She congratulated the area for being so suCcessfUl There were 29,000 young people who took 4-H training this year. The Provincial Board Din,' ectors 'reported bn a histeri- ealleuir-eirthe beginning of the W.I. Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless started the Organ- ization for the betterment of the women and health of our faMilies, Thursday In Memoriam was conducted by Mrs. -Ad- 'am McGregor. of Grey West. District. ' The ,standing committee conveners gave short report on the "theme, Rev, Peter Gordon Ander- of first United. Chtirch, Owen. Sound, was the Thursday afternoan speaker.' He gave his. aucl; fence a glimpse of . the Scotland he, left one year ago to come to Canada and Canada through the eyes of a.. new comer, "We see Cinadian men and women as haying a wonderful, country ..,. and wonderful' opportunities, ' he said, "We are living in Paradise as far as Fiona and I are concerned." To the Women's Institute • in partictilar be said: "Can-' ads is a great country, With, your motto, your aim', sense of vision, taleht and image, sure Canada will remain • the • re-at countr . to-day:" The attendance award went to Bruce North, The gaval of office was presented to Mrs..McArthur the in-corning president. Grey South District will host the 1981 eenvention.Octoher P411„,,„9,11- October 7. previncial Board Directors include Sub Division 15,. Mrs, Wm. Anderson, R. R. 1 Durham; alternate Mrs, C, 0. Sutcliffe, Desboro; Sub Divison 16, Mrs. James Coin, R. R. 6 Wiarton; alternate Mrs, Thomas Curi- ninghatn, R. 6 Wiarton; Sub. Division,17, Mrs. Harold Biasing, R. R. t Neustadt; alternate Mrs. StanleyEarri- A....44itham.- ' Election of officers was conducted by M. Diamond. The new. executive of .Grey Bruce area are past. presid., ent, -Mrs. Kenneth Spence, Leith, Ontario; president, Mrs. Harold McArthur, R. 1 Dobbingtbit; list vice presid- pt, Mrs. E. G. Lirstadt,,,R. 5 Owen Sound; 2nd vice pres- ident, Mrs, James Coin, R. 6. Wiarton; 3rd vice president; Mrs. Norman Wyville, R. 2 Markdale; secretary, Mrs. Grant Grieve, Port Elgin; assistant secretary, Mrs. James Them, Meaford; trea- surer; Mrs. Orland Mag- wood, Hanover; public rela- don officer, Mrs..Johti Whit- ney, R. R. 2 t Holiapd Centre and assistant PRO, Mrs. Standing committee con, veners are _Agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Wm. MiSke, Chesley; Citiz- enship and World Affairs, Mrs. George Arthur, Thorn- bury; Education and Cultural Activities, Mrs. Carl Klages, -Desboro;: Resolutions, -Mrs,- -- Richard, Fenton, Port Elgin; Tweedsmuir Curator, Mrs. Fred Friar, R. 3 Chesley; As- sistant Curator, Mts. Herb Maluske, Chesley; Aud- itors, Mrs. James Milligan, gurham and Mrs. I. 8. Sharpe, Durham. ,1 4,041111 "Srf MVOs 0.11 Ill 11111.1111.11•,1) HWY. NO. 21 ...PORT ALBERT IPHONE .,5294135 • ALL OVOUR FAcill..111ES ARE TO SERVE -YOU-BETTER'